Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
MasterDuke Zoffix++ got my add_I working 00:32
what's weird now, is that i'm trying to actually handle non-native correctly for not just that one op, so i put in an if/else 00:34
MasterDuke `if nqp::objprimspec(@bounds[0]) == 1 && nqp::objprimspec(@bounds[1]) == 1 { $op.push( <all the normal stuff> } else { <*_I ops> }` 00:37
and in stage optimize of the build i get `Cannot invoke this object (REPR: P6opaque; NQPMu)` at the `} else { $op.push(` line 00:39
timotimo does the gdb trick help at all? 00:47
MasterDuke ugh, haven't tried gdb yet 01:04
timotimo debugserver might also be a possibility, though you'll have to have the breakpoint earlier than the explosion 01:05
MasterDuke running in gdb now 01:08
i find it odd that it's dying there at all
before that line ran unconditionally 01:09
timotimo it's probably something else than what it looks like 01:10
MasterDuke ok, at the nqp::asec_n i added right after the else, before that line 01:15
Geth roast: eeab93f592 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S17-procasync/nonexistent.t
[v6.d REVIEW] Fix typo
roast: a61a9f0f9b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S17-procasync/nonexistent.t
[v6.d REVIEW] Rephrase .close-stdin test

Mostly just to spec that .close-stdin [always] returns `True`
Geth rakudo: e73e3ecc42 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/Iterator.pm6
Correct R:I.IntRange.count-only after exhaustion
AlexDaniel weekly: reportable: 08:31
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
Geth rakudo: 78bebc7aea | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Str.pm6
Fix Str.comb(N).count-only

Also optimize internals for faster execution, although this will probably be hardly measurable.
lizmat commute to Frankfurt& 09:33
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.08-84-g78bebc7ae - MoarVM version 2018.08-46-gfb8976ab1
csv-ip5xs0.910 - 0.925
csv-ip5xs-207.399 - 7.518
csv-parser21.823 - 22.225
csv-test-xs-200.624 - 0.637
test8.139 - 9.038
test-t2.094 - 2.132
test-t --race0.898 - 0.932
test-t-2036.535 - 36.599
test-t-20 --race11.896 - 12.105
Geth nqp: ae3f01afb0 | (Paweł Murias)++ | 4 files
[js] Partial shiftjs support
[Coke] has this error at the end: 18:18
*** Error in `/tmp/whateverable/rakudo-moar/1905838c105851ef9e3019e4c06d5b93b32b5028/bin/moar': corrupted size vs. prev_size: 0x00007fcc1c2142d0 ***
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈23 hours. 1 blocker. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 19:00
moritz I don't know if that has been brought up already, but Azure offers free CI/CD for Open Source projects: 20:02
so if we need more computing power, we could use that 20:03
timotimo weekly: - it feels like this may have a place in the weekly 20:25
notable6 timotimo, Noted!
dogbert17 hmm, 'MoarVM oops: Malformed DU chain: reading sp_getspeshslot of 6(1) not in graph' 20:26
timotimo: can you see anything strange in this gist? 20:28
timotimo looks like something that turns getspeshslot into const_s doesn't update users/definers properly 20:35
timotimo so maybe the user of r6(1) is still in the DU-chain, but the op that's in there isn't in the graph any more 20:36
and that's where it asplodes
dinner time!
lizmat notable6: weekly 20:44
notable6 lizmat, 9 notes:
AlexDaniel [Coke]: so that's a segv in zef, right? 22:16
zef introduced some .race-iness lately, so that's the most likely cause 22:21
… maybe?
not that rakudo shouldn't be fixed, just saying that possibly that's not a new thing 22:23
[Coke] AlexDaniel: I didn't dupe it locally, just saw it in travis, sorry 23:28
timotimo now that christmas-themed food is appearing in grocery stores, maybe we should start earliest preparations for the advent calendar :) 23:57
timotimo btw [Coke], did you get my privmsg the other day? 23:58