Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel ehhh I think bisectable is often hitting broken revisions from js branch rendering plain bisection useless :S 03:57
I guess I can make a blacklist with these revisions so that they're 125-ed
c: fa77d97952a107b9680b2a258b0c4299873002b6 say 42 03:58
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦fa77d97: «42␤»
AlexDaniel uhhhh, uhh?
c: 825ffb154a0717e8745cca1015e169e480547f64 say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦825ffb1: «Cannot test this commit (Commit exists, but a perl6 executable could not be built for it)»
AlexDaniel c: ee7671649c1972f7ba6a1ea61a9758a5671c2558 say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦ee76716: «Cannot test this commit (Commit exists, but a perl6 executable could not be built for it)»
AlexDaniel actually!! Nevermind, I think there's just a bug in my code 03:59
c: 2709d73632d8873bdc071526159c66c905748bb0 say 42
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦2709d73: «Cannot test this commit (Commit exists, but a perl6 executable could not be built for it)»
lizmat Files=1257, Tests=76303, 337 wallclock secs (15.82 usr 5.50 sys + 2365.23 cusr 236.21 csys = 2622.76 CPU) 07:54
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.09-445-ge1ebffeb8 - MoarVM version 2018.09-126-gf79011cf9
csv-ip5xs0.901 - 0.936
csv-ip5xs-207.310 - 7.373
csv-parser20.707 - 21.733
csv-test-xs-200.424 - 0.435
test7.834 - 8.358
test-t1.704 - 1.738
test-t --race0.806 - 0.827
test-t-2028.916 - 29.999
test-t-20 --race9.701 - 10.689
diakopter buggable: speed 13:12
buggable diakopter, Try larger period. Could not calculate using period : Cannot convert NaN to Int:
diakopter buggable: speed 1 13:28
buggable: help 13:29
buggable diakopter, Try larger period. Could not calculate using period 1: Attempt to divide 1940200 by zero using div
diakopter, tags | tag SOMETAG | eco | eco Some search term | author github username | speed | testers CPANTesters report ID
diakopter buggable: speed 1940200
o_O 13:30
Zoffix buggable: speed 100 :4 13:46
(I don't know why it takes it ages to respond lately)
buggable Zoffix, ↑█ ▃ ↑█ ▅ ▁ ↑ ▆ ▅ ▆ dates: 2018-09-03–2018-10-16
Zoffix, ▆▃ ██▇█▄▅██▅▃█▂▁▃▁▆██ ▄ ▂▃█ ▇█ █▇▁ ▅ ▅ ▂ ▃█▇▂ ▂ █▄ ▆ range: 10.398s–9.701s
Zoffix, ██▁▄██████████████████▆ █▅███▁██▆███▂▃▅▇▆▅▃▆▃▆█▇▇█▇▆█ ▇████▇▇█ ▃ ▆▂ ▂ ▆██ ▂ █ ▂▆▇▄ speed: 19% faster (widths: 9/3)
Zoffix, ███████████████████████▇█████████████████████████████▆████████▆▁▅▆▇█▄██▃▃▇█▇▆▇████▄█▅▅▅▂▃▁█▃████▆▂▄↓
Zoffix buggable: speed 400 :4
20faster on an already-heavily optimized bench... pretty damn good 13:47
Zoffix buggable: speed 1940200 13:50
buggable Zoffix, Try larger period. Could not calculate using period 1940200: Refusing to do more than 120 last entries
Zoffix buggable: speed 120 :4 13:51
buggable Zoffix, ▂ ▆ ▁▃ ↑↑▂▅ ↑↑ ▆ ▃▂ ↑ ▁▂ █▂ ▇▁ █ dates: 2018-08-25–2018-10-16
Zoffix, ▆ █▄▅▆▃▂▁█ ▂█▄ ▁██▃█▅ ████▆▆██▆▄█▄▂▄▂▇██ ▅ ▃▄█ ██ ██▃ ▁ ▆▁▁▆ ▃ ▁▄██▃ ▁▃ █▆ ▇ ▁ range: 10.398s–9.701s
Zoffix, █▂████████▆███▅▆██████▂▄██████████████████▇ █▆███▂██▇███▂▃▆█▇▆▃▇▄▇████▇▇█ ████████ ▄ ▇▂ ▂ ▇██▁ ▃ █ ▂▇█▅ speed: 16% faster (widths: 9/3)
Zoffix, ███████████████████████████████████████████▇█████████████████████████████▆████████▆▁▆▆██▅██▃▃███▆▇████▄█▆▅▅▂▄▁█▃████▆▂▄↓
AlexDaniel releasable6: status 14:06
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in ≈4 days and ≈4 hours. 2 blockers. 28 out of 445 commits logged
AlexDaniel, Details:
timotimo Zoffix, i think the "20% faster" is mostly really because of a few timing peaks 14:43
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈3 hours. 2 blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: 15:00
Geth roast: 603fa420e6 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S02-types/WHICH.t
add missing Pod class
japhb timotimo: That's what the "widths" are about ... trying to avoid over-emphasizing isolated spikes 15:48
Zoffix AlexDaniel: I have a risky-ish commit for MoarVM (faster Int stringification). Should I do commit to master or to post-release branch for post-release inclusion? 16:20
risky-ish: well, I understand well what it's doing and all, but Int stringification is like everywhere, so if it's messed up, then everything's messed up :) 16:21
AlexDaniel Zoffix: you can do it now, no toasting was done so far so we will see module fallout if there is any (and IMO there are enough days to spot other obvious issues)
Zoffix ok
brrt Zoffix: a branch or PR please, but I don't think we want to make postrelease a thing
Zoffix ok 16:22
I'll PRit
Geth roast: 5ef9b0c504 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-num/int.t
Cover stringification of huge Ints
brrt thank you :-) 16:46
brrt btw, I owe you a 'Howto add an operator' document :-) 16:46
Zoffix Yup
brrt I will get to it as some point 16:47
Zoffix 1.58x as fast - 1.83x as fast, starting for numbers larger than 2⁶⁰ 17:05
jnthn Nice :)
AlexDaniel m: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo { bar { return 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:08
camelia left
AlexDaniel left, identity???? left 42
Actually I was trying to golf a bug here where LEAVE doesn't fire (or so I think) 17:10
I could be wrong though
but… identity?
6c: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo { bar { return 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:11
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel hah :D
that's pretty cool 17:12
Zoffix Wonder if that's related to the blocker with the "ignature" in it
Zoffix The only "identity" I see in rakudo code is a routine named &identity 17:13
jnthn Don't think so, or at least the other cases of that only seem to have been since the last release 17:13
(that is, weren't in 2018.09) 17:14
AlexDaniel dd-ing says `ForeignCode identity =`
R#2380 17:16
synopsebot R#2380 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] `return`-ing out of a block and LEAVE phaser (“identity”‽)
AlexDaniel j: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo { bar { return 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:17
camelia left
AlexDaniel Zoffix++ that's pretty cool 17:22
jnthn m: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo { bar { return-rw my $x = 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:23
camelia left
jnthn m: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo is raw { bar { return 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:24
camelia left
jnthn m: sub bar(&some-code) { LEAVE { say ‘left’ }; some-code() }; sub foo(--> Int) { bar { return 42 } }; for ^2 { say foo } 17:25
camelia left
Type check failed for return value; expected Int but got ForeignCode (
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jnthn Hmm.
Zoffix AlexDaniel: you sent your message to "I" instead of, presumably, jmerelo: 17:30
AlexDaniel hah
AlexDaniel thanks 17:31
masak jnthn: "identity"? 18:17
leont Is there anything I can do to help move #2379 forward? 18:18
I'm kind of lacking handles to proceed ATM
I'm not even quite sure if it's a rakudo or a moarvm issue
AlexDaniel leont: I can't reproduce… first I got “Could not find foo at line 1 in:” 18:22
leont: after changing that to Foo I now see: «WARNINGS for -e:␤Useless use of constant string "" in sink context (line 1)␤»
ah ok I see something 18:24
jnthn masak: Having pondered that a bit more, my guess is that it's just taking whatever is in the return register, which isn't explicitly populated, so it gets some value that was returned from the most recent call, which is probably a spesh plugin. :) 20:41
masak oh gosh 21:15
masak .oO( The Retourn Identity )