Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
Kaiepi narrator: it was more complicated than he thought 00:08
MasterDuke moritz: yeah, Cro::WebSocket is in, Cro::HTTP is in, etc. 01:50
Kaiepi ok the fix is fairly simple actually, i just got caught up in how setting the encoding of the cstr is nyi 03:05
Geth rakudo: Kaiepi++ created pull request #2634:
Refactor NativeCall explicitly-manage and CStr
timotimo i don't think that method encoding in CStr is going to work 03:28
with the state
Kaiepi how so? it worked when i tested it 04:15
timotimo 04:17
never mind, figured out what you meant timotimo 07:27
pmurias do we want to use a *deprecated* undefine in roast in tests that don't directly test it? 09:13
timotimo Kaiepi: as far as i know, classes also aren't closures, so the new version of the patch also won't do the right thing :( 12:43
Kaiepi m: my $a; do { my $b = 1; class A { method b { $b } }; $a = }; $a.b 12:46
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: my $a; do { my $b = 1; class A { method b { $b } }; $a = }; say $a.b
camelia 1
Kaiepi m: my $a; do sub { my $b = 1; class A { method b { $b } }; $a = }; say $a.b
camelia No such method 'b' for invocant of type 'Any'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: my $a; sub { my $b = 1; class A { method b { $b } }; $a = }(); say $a.b 12:47
camelia 1
timotimo m: my $a; sub make-for-type($type) { my $the-type = $type; class A { method b { $the-type } }; }; my $one = make-for-type(Str); say $one.b; my $two = make-for-type(Int); say $two.b; say $one.b 12:58
camelia (Str)
timotimo ^- see how $one.b changes from Str to Int after $two gets made?
you'll probably want to use a role with a parameter 13:00
if you can't have an actual attribute in the class itself 13:01
Kaiepi ahh 13:03
lizmat m: role A[$foo] { method foo() { $foo } }; class B does A["bar"] { {; dd
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 class B does A["bar"] { {; dd⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
statement end
statement modifier
lizmat m: role A[$foo] { method foo() { $foo } }; class B does A["bar"] { }; dd
camelia "bar"
lizmat Kaiepi: ^^
Kaiepi timotimo, updated 13:14
jdv79 where's Tux's daily take? 15:11
I look for it every morning
well, when i get the chance to backlog 15:12
AlexDaniel jnthn: have you looked at R#2623 ? I haven't checked it yet, but dogbert17++ bisected it to your commit 15:52
synopsebot R#2623 [open]: [regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] Intermittent failure when running t/spec/S04-exceptions/fail.t
Geth nqp: babdab44ff | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[MoarVM Bump] 34fac5f4e Enable optimization of […]

MoarVM bump brought:
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo: 21ae9f3e2e | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[NQP Bump] Brings 2 commits

NQP bump brought: babdab44f [MoarVM Bump] 34fac5f4e Enable optimization of […] 31a8b1385 Document cpucores/getrusage/RUSAGE constants
¦ rakudo: version bump brought these changes:
patrickb The "get the Perls into GSoC" project has started in earnest now. We are in need of project ideas and mentors. Getting up a place to collect stuff is in progress. 16:04
yoleaux 22 Jan 2019 01:31Z <mst> patrickb: I never actively organised anything, maybe talk to mdk, sorry
patrickb So now is a good time to think about whether to be a mentor and what might be a good project. 16:05
nine, AlexDaniel, samcv, brrt, timotimo,jnthn: ^ 16:07
AlexDaniel patrickb: what's the time span exactly?
patrickb Deadline for org application is the 6th february. 16:08
AlexDaniel I mean if you agree to be a mentor, which months do you have to be available?
patrickb Ah! 16:09
AlexDaniel ah, there it is
patrickb I read that as May 6th - September 2nd
pmurias for mentors being available (at least once in a while) in the student application periods would help too so they students can coordinate their proposals with what needs to be done better 16:13
samcv clicks the link 16:31
yoleaux 20 Jan 2019 18:48Z <MasterDuke> samcv: t/09-moar/Line_Break__LineBreak.t and t/09-moar/General_Category__extracted-DerivedGeneralCategory.t both have passing todos, think you could take a look?
samcv .tell MasterDuke you can just un todo those tests. that is fine
yoleaux samcv: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
samcv ok i applied 16:36
pmurias patrickb: is there somewhere you sign up to be a mentor? 18:48
patrickb pmurias: I think you don't. 18:49
ATM it's about collecting ideas (including a potential mentor) at 18:50
So if you have an idea (That' be great!), go there and put it in that repo. 18:51
pmurias I guess I could mentor somebody wanting to work on the js or truffle/graalvm (more fun) backends, I'll have to think about project details more 18:52
timotimo any reason we're using the git repo rather than the github wiki?
patrickb Don't think there's a specific reason, that's just what happened... 18:53
timotimo OK
gfldex the new wordpress editor understands `code` :) 21:04
lizmat unfortunately it doesn't understand markdown afaik :-( 21:04
petdance_ Hey Perl 6 dev. I own It expires in June. I'm not going to renew it. If someone wants it, please let me know. 21:38
petdance_ It's not clear looking at the site who's adminning it. 21:39
lizmat petdance: thanks for letting us know, I think the Perl 6 community will want to take care of that domain 21:44
lizmat petdance: should we contact you by CPAN email address with how to go on with this ? 21:46
petdance [email@hidden.address] will be more direct.
lizmat ok... cool: and thanks for taking care of it so far! 21:48
jnthn petdance: Thanks for letting us know. I (as Rakudo lead) could take it and keep it renewed etc. I'll drop you an email. 21:50
petdance You're welcome.