Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel releasable is happy, canary is green 01:40
timotimo heck yeah
AlexDaniel just three blockers to go 01:41
R#2721 R#2720 R#2719
synopsebot R#2721 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] “expected SetHash but got Hash” in Jupyter::Kernel (+ Crane)
R#2720 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] MoarVM panic when installing PDF::Font::Loader
R#2719 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] Change in behavior when (starts-with|ends-with|substr-eq|contains)ing a Junction
timotimo did even the CStruct in nativecall arguments thing get fixed somehow? 01:42
AlexDaniel timotimo: if I understand correctly, that fix is the cause of R#2720 01:45
or… which CStruct thing?
synopsebot R#2720 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] MoarVM panic when installing PDF::Font::Loader
timotimo Geth: ver f98a70cab406794257ab2ad02a38721436ff9d19 01:47
how does the bump thing work again?
Geth: help
Geth timotimo, Source at To add repo, add an 'application/json' webhook on GitHub pointing it to,%23perl6-dev and choose 'Send me everything' for events to send | use `ver URL to commit` to fetch version bump changes
timotimo ah
Geth: ver
Geth timotimo, version bump brought in these changes:
AlexDani` Geth: ver
Geth AlexDani`, version bump brought in these changes:
timotimo that broke something, huh? 01:48
oh my, zeroed target thread id
that doesn't sound fun
AlexDaniel weekly: 03:48
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
lizmat Files=1267, Tests=88067, 402 wallclock secs (20.84 usr 6.29 sys + 2912.69 cusr 223.64 csys = 3163.46 CPU) 07:52
Geth rakudo: 010587db50 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Revert "Add return signatures to Cool where appropriate"

This reverts commit 2ce79561d9ad9a0aea707ada4bd64b7d8fcbebc6. Fixes R#2719
synopsebot R#2719 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] Change in behavior when (starts-with|ends-with|substr-eq|contains)ing a Junction
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.12-316-g010587db5 - MoarVM version 2018.12-114-g7ca628263
csv-ip5xs0.757 - 0.804
csv-ip5xs-206.146 - 6.224
csv-parser22.229 - 22.654
csv-test-xs-200.434 - 0.435
test7.881 - 7.991
test-t1.877 - 1.915
test-t --race0.830 - 0.842
test-t-2031.946 - 32.127
test-t-20 --race10.838 - 11.282
masak if I get a "Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull)" error, is it worth reporting as a bug somewhere? 12:13
timotimo it can be 12:14
i'd say it often is
masak in this case it involves `use Test` and `done-testing`
I wanted to refactor a working thing that I have into that, and it died with that error
I can probably golf it quite a bit
`use lib` might be involved too
timotimo huh, that's interesting indeed 12:16
with just that little it shouldn't be exploding like that i don't think
masak right, exactly 12:17
I'll try to golf it and report it later
Geth rakudo: e68e38e047 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Another, more hacky, fix for R#2718

Which also appears to fix R#2721, at least for the Crane case. Basically, this reverts 616b757a461faa90d889 and restores the pre b83179f0571b23 behaviour of the hash slice if the invocant is a container **and** not concrete yet.
synopsebot R#2718 [closed]: [regression] Assigning to Hash slice with »=» no longer auto-vivifies the Hash
R#2721 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] “expected SetHash but got Hash” in Jupyter::Kernel (+ Crane)
lizmat and one more blocker down 12:21
releasable6: status
releasable6 lizmat, Next release will happen when it's ready. 4 blockers. 262 out of 316 commits logged
lizmat, Details:
Geth nqp/master: 4 commits pushed by (Paweł Murias)++ 13:30
AlexDaniel good morning :) 16:09
lizmat: hm, I wonder if we should be using R#… notation in commit messages 16:10
it's not clickable on github
AlexDaniel hmmm ok 16:27
I'm still a bit worried about R#2720 R#2665
synopsebot R#2720 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] MoarVM panic when installing PDF::Font::Loader
R#2665 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] MoarVM panic when testing Red
AlexDaniel I'll take a look later today, but if these are non-issues then we can finally have 2018.02 :) 16:28
I've been running Red tests in a loop and I see no issue
timotimo we can finally have 2018.01 and then we better add some stuff so we can have a 2018.02 too :P
AlexDaniel also it's February, so add one more thing and release 2018.03 right away xD 16:29
lucasb ok, 2019 16:30
AlexDaniel ah, 201*9*… right… yes xD 16:41
AlexDaniel weekly: reportable: 19:27
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
lizmat AlexDaniel: what should be used instead of R# notation ? 19:57
yoleaux 19:56Z <tbrowder> lizmat: josh merged my PR...back working on blog...
AlexDaniel just #123
lizmat but that won't link here... :-( 19:58
AlexDaniel #2721
well, then maybe we should fix the stupid bot :)
I remember Zoffix used to write R#123 #123 or something like that
synopsebot R#123 [closed]: For infix:<ne>, use nqp::isne_s instead of !eq
AlexDaniel so that at least one works
lizmat: I don't know what's the right thing to do then 19:59
lizmat neither 20:01
timotimo we can totally fix the bot do get that fwiw
AlexDaniel timotimo: well, which one :) 20:04
timotimo: Geth announces commits, synopsebot links
timotimo oh, you mean geth could put the right letter in front when reporting the commit message?
AlexDaniel yeah beacuse it depends on which repository the commit is from 20:05
timotimo yeah, but synopsebot also sees what repo it comes from 20:06
because every line starts with that :)
AlexDaniel yea that's also an option 20:09
nine Seems like trying to find a smaller example to test the PDF::Font::Loader issue I came across another CStruct issue. This one's definitely not caused by JIT compilation. Looks more like a GC issue 20:10
for ^20000 { is TakeAStruct($obj), 11, 'C-side values in struct'; } in t/04-nativecall/06-struct.t will start failing due to the array in the CStruct getting bogus values 20:11
The struct in question contains a pointer to a CArray 20:12
Every couple of iterations the values in the array change 20:16
nine Yes, according to valgrind the CArray's storage is freed by the GC 20:52
lizmat notable6: weekly 21:01
notable6 lizmat, 2 notes: 2019-02-25T03:48:37Z <AlexDaniel>: ; 2019-02-25T19:27:06Z <AlexDaniel>: reportable:
nine Looks like the child_objs entry for the contained CArray is set to NULL by body->child_objs[slot] = NULL; in src/core/nativecall.c:1058 21:10
Oooh...that's because cptr is not the pointer to the array, but the pointer to the struct member that holds the pointer to the array 21:19
That's why the comparison between cptr and objptr fails. It's apples to oranges
lizmat likes both 21:20
weekly: reset
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2019-02-25T21:20:32Z”
lizmat And another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 21:43
moritz: ^^ 21:46
moritz twot 21:52
lizmat moritz++ 21:54
AlexDaniel lizmat: please change the link to 22:41
lizmat: otherwise it points at the old file
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: with nine's++ latest fixes perhaps it's time for you to retry Gumbo 22:43
AlexDaniel dogbert17: haha
nine: can I bump? 22:44
lizmat AlexDaniel: done 22:56
sleep& 22:58