Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
japhb Is there a way from the Rakudo level to know when a GC pass happens, or to know how many nursery and full GCs have occured since the last check/program start? It seems like the kind of thing Telemetry would support, but I don't see it. 01:12
Geth rakudo: 0ecd037b7d | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Kernel.pm6
[js] Use uname op for sysname and release

Uses the new uname op for sysname and release info. version and machine are not exposed in node, and thus still shell out to uname.
lizmat japhb: Telemetry could support it, if it was somehow available through nqp:: ops 09:17
timotimo someone want to bikeshed an API for this? :) 09:19
lizmat I would say, similar to nqp::getrusage, but with a type int as the first parameter 09:21
nqp::stats(type,int @array)
if the type is out of range, then simply don't touch the array
this would allow "later" versions of Telemetry to run on earlier versions of the VM 09:22
and also, it would allow other backends to gradually support it (in the beginning it could just be a stub) 09:23
Files=1254, Tests=87994, 393 wallclock secs (21.13 usr 6.60 sys + 2819.55 cusr 234.68 csys = 3081.96 CPU) 09:31
timotimo what would be passed as type for example? 09:33
lizmat an int 09:36
(constant) 09:37
timotimo ah, so there would be nqp::const:: for, for example, STATS_GC? 09:41
i can imagine stats with different "output" types, such as "how many of each type were deleted in the last gc run" (which incidentally i'm just now implementing for the profiler) 09:42
though of course having "int @array" as the second parameter isn't a thing we enforce at the nqp compiler level 09:43
and since we only need backward compat, we can just "know" which value needs what type to be passed 09:44
lizmat there's something to be said for forward compat as well, especially wrt to different backends and dual-living Telemetry 09:47
timotimo in that case, you can just pass an untyped array for whenever you don't know what type would be right, and you'd get the right data 09:48
lizmat that'd work for me. but wouldn't that be rather more work on the VM side?? Plus add unnecessary overhead on something that you want to be as lean as possible 09:49
to avoid affecting the measurements taken ?
timotimo hmm
lizmat goes afk for a few hours
timotimo mumble mumble fast path/slow path, mumble mumble branch predictor, mumble mumble
not sure, actually
but i'd hope the "put stuff into array to give to perl6 code" is either dwarfed by the work done to collect stats, or getting the stats out is so simple that it's at almost no cost in total 09:50
i'm not sure how something like "how many of each type got deleted during the last collection" would be represented in a simple telemetry output log 10:04
since it's not only one dimension more but the size in the "other" direction isn't known in advance 10:06
Geth rakudo: 3e51bd4e17 | usev6++ | t/
[JVM] Don't run tests for utf16
roast: 445062c150 | usev6++ | 9 files
[JVM] Skip a couple of dying tests
Geth roast: f4f8290cec | usev6++ | 8 files
[JVM] Fudge a couple of failing tests
bartolin hopes the next spectest run will be much cleaner 14:22
lizmat bartolin++ # keeping the JVM backend alive 14:23
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.03.1-140-g3e51bd4e1 - MoarVM version 2019.03-61-g645a70c0d
csv-ip5xs0.749 - 0.757
csv-ip5xs-206.424 - 6.475
csv-parser22.532 - 22.801
csv-test-xs-200.441 - 0.446
test7.485 - 7.638
test-t1.818 - 1.838
test-t --race0.937 - 1.016
test-t-2029.812 - 29.851
test-t-20 --race10.278 - 11.392
timotimo hey [Tux]
[Tux] o/
timotimo is something wrong with the "[ast 10 days" graph? it seems to only show one day actually
[Tux] I've been away - no internet connection whatsoever. Did not even *touch* a keyboard 16:58
timotimo ah :)
[Tux] 16:58
timotimo cool helmet 17:00
MasterDuke [Tux]: nice 17:37
AlexDaniel very nice pic :) 18:28
dang it someone please implement a deflap arg in bisectable :) 18:30
c: HEAD 18:32
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “run.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(3e51bd4): « «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel c: 6c
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “run.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/” 18:33
AlexDaniel, ¦6c (37 commits): « «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel of course…
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “run.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/” 18:34
AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(3e51bd4): «RUN 1␤RUN 2␤RUN 1␤BUG␤ in block at sandbox/r2805 line 12␤ in sub anastates at sandbox/r2805 line 7␤ in block <unit> at sandbox/r2805 line 3␤␤RUN 2␤ «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel c: 6c
committable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “run.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/”
AlexDaniel, 18:36
AlexDaniel yea that's clearly a new issue
bisect: old=2018.05
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Using file “run.p6” as a main file, other files are placed in “sandbox/” 18:37
AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2018.05 new=3e51bd4). Old exit code: 0
AlexDaniel or at least it can only be triggered now by this code…
whatever, let's see what we get
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log:
AlexDaniel, There are 3 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
AlexDaniel Geth: ver 18:40
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes:
AlexDaniel Geth: ver
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes:
Geth rakudo/master: 6 commits pushed by (Paweł Murias)++ 20:57