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Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
bartolin I've stumbled upon an optimizer bug on the JVM backend. 18:10
r: $_ = 'Hello'; { say $_ }
Well, this gives '(LoweredAwayLexical)' on the JVM backend.
I've described my findings at but I don't have an idea how to proceed from there. 18:11
jnthn: ^^ maybe you could take a quick look at this (whenever convenient to you)? 18:12
Geth roast: 7219a2c26e | (Christian Bartolomäus)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S17-promise/at.t
Fix strange (but working) syntax for assignments

I'm pretty sure the comma was placed there by accident (it was introduced back in 2016 during a refactoring of the test: 14d35ed5723aa8615759507a60b463d95db143a5).