Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
vrurg rakudobrew builds master now. Find. 00:09
lizmat Files=1262, Tests=108015, 204 wallclock secs (26.58 usr 7.87 sys + 2849.72 cusr 284.93 csys = 3169.10 CPU) 08:13
===SORRY!=== 08:35
Found /Users/liz/Github/rakudo.moar/install/bin/moar version 2019.05-11-g248e298, which is too old. Wanted at least 2019.05-36-ge865f43df
so how do I fix that now?
Guest12727 lizmat: I believe that vrurg was working on that problem 10:23
lizmat I hope so
anyways, I nuked my install dir and now I got a working perl 6 again
Guest12727 cool
lizmat con: I needed to reinstall all of the modules that I had installed :-( 10:24
patrickb lizmat: That's the commit that should fix that problem: 10:27
lizmat patrickb: good to know it will be fixed soon in rakudo :-) 10:28
lizmat will be offline for a few hours
patrickb lizmat: That commit already is in
lizmat also in rakudo?
patrickb As far as I understand it there is noting to do in rakudo. It's NQP that has a problem with moar. 10:29
lizmat afk& 10:30
jnthn I just built latest NQP/Rakudo and installed them, and the installed perl6 now seems to explode with: 13:37
Unhandled exception: Missing or wrong version of dependency '/home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/share/nqp/lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp' (from 'src/Perl6/Pod.nqp')
at <unknown>:1 (/home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/share/nqp/lib/Perl6/Pod.moarvm:<dependencies+deserialize>)
I built/installed HEAD of everything 13:38
make realclean in both did nothing to help 13:42
(and fresh builds afterwards) 13:43
vrurg --gen-*=master for both? 13:45
jnthn I don't want to generate anything 13:46
I have MoarVM/, nqp/, and rakudo/ side by side, and a script in the latter two that runs `perl --prefix=/home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install`
Which is the prefix the MoarVM build installs into 13:47
Curiously, doing `rm /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/share/nqp/lib/Perl6/*` and a re-install worked
And that folder is empty after install 13:48
Did the Perl 6 modules written in NQP start getting installed in a different place?
vrurg I'll try to reproduce. But most likely its something about yesterday's patrickb merges.
jnthn And then it picks up on the previous location ahead of the new one?
vrurg Could be. I know patrick was working on separating installation directories. Didn't know he merged it already. 13:49
patrickb I'm looking that up. Give me a moment. 13:50
That's the commit.
jnthn: Indeed, as you speculated. The libs in share/nqp/lib/Perl6 were moved to share/perl6/lib/Perl6 13:51
There was quite some discussion around that change. I didn't expect any breakage though... 13:52
jnthn Hm, curious, in that the reasoning for it being the way it was is that the Perl 6 compiler is just an NQP library
I think the breakage is because it's continuing to look in the previous location even after a new install 13:53
patrickb It does and needs to, because NQPs files are still located there.
vrurg patrickb: perhaps the order is to be changed?
patrickb Ah! I get it, the old files of the previous install that would have been overwritten are still there.
jnthn Right, but if people already have installs then...right, that. 13:54
patrickb Ugh.. :-( How do we fix that?
A Makefile bit that cleans out the old install location? I'm unsure how good an idea that is... 13:55
jnthn "because NQPs files are still located there" - yes, the logic being that Rakudo's NQP components *are* NQP files, and so should be put where NQP module loading would find them. 13:56
vrurg patrickb: A warning? Check for their existence and print a message.
jnthn I'm not quite sure what problem the change is trying to solve, or if it just misunderstood the intention of how things were
patrickb jnthn: The problem this change tries to fix is that when installing rakudo and nqp into different prefixes rakudo would need to write stuff into NQPs prefix folder. 13:57
jnthn: That's conceptually shady and makes it impossible to cleanly build rakudo on NimOS where each package is separate from each other.
Several ideas came up to solve this. Among them having a second share/nqp/lib folder in rakudos prefix and installing into there. 13:59
jnthn How does it handle packaging libraries for languages?
patrickb I think they wrote their own linker
For C that is. 14:00
I'm not that proficient in Nim though.
The idea of a second share/nqp/lib folder breaks the concept of having an NQP home folder (share/nqp) and a Perl 6 home folder (share/perl6). Because in the case of two different prefixes there are two share/nqp/lib folders. 14:02
In short the solution we came up with, was installing the Perl 6 libs (written in NQP) into the share/perl6/lib folder. That does change the semantics of the folders from "stuff written in NQP/Perl6" to "stuff that's part of NQP/Perl6". 14:03
s/nim/nix/g 14:07
I think checking for the existence of files in share/nqp/lib/Perl6 and Warning is a first step. In addition we could delete these files automatically. Hopefully we can in the long run remove that logic again as a "delete stuff in some seemingly unrelated folder somewhere" is nothing we want to keep in the long run. 14:14
Still an ugly solution. 14:15
jnthn, vrurg, nine, ugexe: I'm open for suggetions. If necessary also entirely different approaches.
ugexe *something something sha1* 14:16
vrurg patrickb: the warning is something for It must do the check as the last step right after expanding Makefile. 14:20
patrickb On a related note: I'd also really like to finish up before the next release as I'd like to limit the breakage by changing basic stuff to a single release.
vrurg ugexe: how do you propose to use hashing in this case? 14:23
ugexe vrurg: it is a bit of an inside joke where we pretend sha1 are the answer to any problem 14:26
vrurg :D :D 14:27
ugexe patrickb: it looks fine to me, but i'm not one to approve without a green build (even though the current failure isn't associated with that PR) 14:29
Geth_ rakudo: 3b4a47190a | (Vadim Belman)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP version

To activate moar rebuild fix
Geth_ rakudo/p6o-setup: 1ae406b472 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/core/Block.pm6
Don't use attrinited in Block

Going forward, we're only going to be using it with attributes that are set up to vivify on first access (and we'll be greatly reducing the number of cases where that happens also). The $!phasers attribute is not set up in such a way.
rakudo: dogbert17++ created pull request #2950:
Geth_ rakudo: bf61f597ce | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | src/vm/moar/ops/perl6_ops.c
Change the value of RAKUDO_FIRST_FLAG to avoid collision with MVM_CF_FORWARDER_VALID

Having these two flags defined with the same value (128) is not a good idea. Changed to 16384 on jnthn++ suggestion
rakudo: bd2ceefd5c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/vm/moar/ops/perl6_ops.c
Merge pull request #2950 from dogbert17/fix_RAKUDO_FIRST_FLAG

Geth_ roast: vrurg++ created pull request #547:
Modified tests to conform newly proposed subset logic.
vrurg .tell jnthn when you get a couple of minutes for I would like to ask you to share you opinion on backward compatibility issue. 21:45
yoleaux vrurg: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
Kaiepi sorry for being inactive lately, i got caught up in some irl stuff 22:01
i'll finish parallelizing feed operators soon (i still have the gist lizmat gave me)
Geth_ roast: 9fe2fa2870 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Changed release guide to reflect the latest state of things.

This version is most like incomplete and most definitely contains errors. Review is required.
roast: 1eb5bd67d3 | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Added 6.e announce paper

More edits to the release guide:
  - replaced .d with .<rev> where it's to be replaced with actual
  - added 'Starting A New Release' section
  - various corrections
roast: 0ae447ca5a | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #545 from vrurg/problem_solving_31

Changed release guide to reflect the latest state of things.