Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel m: say “\r\n” 00:44
AlexDaniel alright
sortiz AlexDaniel: About the perl6 github org, I think it's safer to first create the new org and then transfer the repos one by one. See (I can't comment there) 02:41
AlexDaniel sortiz: hmm… but why is that safer? 02:42
sortiz The redirects are automatic and no risk to old be taken by others. 02:43
*the old
AlexDaniel won't transferring the whole org result in same redirects?
sortiz You mention the "API requests" problem, it don't exist in this case. 02:45
AlexDaniel hmm 02:46
sortiz And no one have to rush :-) 02:47
AlexDaniel sortiz: thanks 02:49
sortiz: there are also teams and other org level stuff, but it's not a big deal to move that 02:50
moreover it's an opportunity to clean teams and permissions :) 02:51
sortiz And may be some "historic" repos don't need to be moved.
AlexDaniel naaaaah I don't want a yet another github organization… 02:52
so I'd much rather move everything
sortiz Yep, but we don't need to burn the ships in one day. 02:55
[Tux] Rakudo version 2019.07.1-239-g579ac66e8 - MoarVM version 2019.07.1-163-gb49b5202f
csv-ip5xs0.715 - 0.717
csv-ip5xs-204.958 - 5.231
csv-parser22.686 - 22.980
csv-test-xs-200.426 - 0.433
test7.195 - 7.466
test-t1.798 - 1.807
test-t --race0.816 - 0.866
test-t-2028.917 - 29.016
test-t-20 --race9.657 - 9.761
dogbert17 m: say (-5).is-prime # returns false as expected 14:55
evalable6 False
dogbert17 m: say (-1).is-prime # WUT
evalable6 (exit code 1) Invalid number of rounds (100), valid range is 0..256

in block <unit> at /tmp/z9oeYpAETP line 1
dogbert17 could be something for AlexDaniel :) 14:57
AlexDaniel wha? 15:38
6c: say (-1).is-prime
committable6 AlexDaniel, 15:39
AlexDaniel ouch
bisect: say (-1).is-prime
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=579ac66). Old exit code: 0
AlexDaniel you didn't need to wait for me :
bisectable6 AlexDaniel, bisect log:
AlexDaniel, (2019-07-15)
AlexDaniel … what? 15:40
c: 63a4d958eec^,63a4d958eec say (-1).is-prime
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦63a4d958eec^: «False␤» ¦63a4d95: «Invalid number of rounds (100), valid range is 0..256␤␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/gkPqQaECBn line 1␤␤ «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel ah right, one of the moar commits, sure ? 15:41
c: 63a4d958eec^ say (-3).is-prime
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦63a4d958eec^: «False␤»
AlexDaniel if we return False for negative numbers then maybe it makes sense to do that in rakudo 15:42
and also… tests…
dogbert17 indeed 15:51
feels like the message is a bit off as well 15:52
t/spec/S32-num/is-prime.t has quite a few tests, not for -1 though 15:59
AlexDaniel I think it's off cuz 16:20
AlexDaniel “Let's rename Perl6 to Perl7 and fork Perl5 to Perl6” 18:48
bartolin I was hunting a very strange error on the JVM backend for the last days. I'm about to give up now, but reported my findings as R#3158. One last question, though: Does anybody have an idea, how %DEPRECATIONS from (Rakudo::Deprecations) could get populated -- apart from 'method DEPRECATED' being called? 19:54
synopsebot R#3158 [open]: [JVM] [JVM] Explosion in S11-modules/require.t because %DEPRECATIONS from Rakudo::Internals has strange content after deserialization of Set
Geth nqp: 079fd8257f | usev6++ | 2 files
[JVM] Improve some error messages

In the presence of named arguments the error could happen to be (e.g.):
  'Wrong number of arguments passed; expected 1..1, but got 1'.
timotimo jnthn: would a "add extra work" feature for Concurrent::Progress be acceptable? 22:56
timotimo ah, i see you can set-target multiple times, but i'd like a increase-target-by, too 22:59
vrurg .tell jnthn I was thinking about 'NULL.<rev>' used to distinguish currently compilng language revision. Perhaps we just need a command line switch(es) --lang-ver / --lang-rev? 23:39
tellable6 vrurg, I'll pass your message to jnthn
timotimo jnthn: :) 23:43
tbrowder on the zef website nick shot down my feature request due to possible changes in formats with raku version changes. i, blindly, have been installing new versions of raku into the same location, so maybe that has caused some hidden problems. i need some good guidance on how best to install, and upgrade, a system-wide rakudo. 23:57