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SmokeMachine Will it be possible some day to override && and || with a macro? 10:00
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masak SmokeMachine: it is. github.com/masak/007/issues/277 11:21
SmokeMachine: is that question about 007/Alma or about Perl 6? 11:22
SmokeMachine masak: perl6... 007/Alma && and || are macros, right? 11:23
masak in 007, it should be possible already (otherwise, please file a bug issue)
SmokeMachine masak: what about perl6?
masak in Perl 6, I'm hopeful we can get it to be shadowable one day 11:24
as of today, it's too hardcoded
the same goes for most or all "macroish" mechanisms in today's Perl 6, since they are not actually implemented on top of macros 11:25
Ven``: I pushed up github.com/masak/007/compare/masak/succinct 11:33
Ven`` nice :) 11:35
I'm not attending any talk atm (none of them are about P6 I think) so maybe I'll take a look at it again 11:36
SmokeMachine I know that it's not related to macros, but it's related to the issue I was trying to fix using macros... so... maybe its a better solution: github.com/FCO/Red/issues/175 11:45
masak Ven``: wow. check out the TravisCI failure on the branch. I thought it was spurious, but it's *really* good 11:52
past me was smarter than I am
Ven``: where you at? I can come to you
Ven`` masak: I'm near @%, in the small seated area 11:53
are you at $?
> not ok 8 - method statement:func-or-macro (line 229) has a self.finishblock for each Q::Block
masak I'm inside $ right now. talk almost over 11:55
that's the failure, yes
(we need to enter the block)
I bet there's a test we could write which exposes the fact that we don't 11:56
Ven`` ok, I'll move to $ then
masak SmokeMachine: that does sound like a macro problem, yes 11:57
I think I will want to catch jjmerelo in $ up next
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Ven`` > Defunits% uses a nested backquote—a construct notoriously difficult to understand. yada yada yada 14:15
aah, here it is: letoverlambda.com/index.cl/guest/c...html#sec_6 14:20
it's actually not the same because you mark the once-only part with `o!X` 14:21
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