12:03 lucasb joined 14:10 Ven`` joined
Ven`` masak: you understand the question clearly. The interesting distinction is not actually invoke or define, it's: is foo a macro or a function? 14:12
in one case, this kind of code makes sense, in the other case, it doesn't
masak hmmm 14:14
I'll need to run this through the analytical parts of my brain, but this sure seems related to the "`return` is lexical" vs "`return` is late-bound" discussion that we've had
Ven`` yes, for sure :) 14:15
did you push any version of the pseudo-code we wrote for the walker? 14:16
well, and we need to finish that discussion someday...
masak aye, it's in a branch
github.com/masak/007/tree/masak/succinct 14:21
Ven`` ? 14:28
I don't see the pseudo-007 code
masak oh! I believe I closed that one, but I can recreate it if you want 14:29
it was only a few lines
Ven`` (defsuccint f (a b) 14:44
(let ((tmp a))
(setq a b)
(setq b tmp)))
does that seem Good Enoughā„¢ļø to try and make work? 14:45
masak yes, that captures it, methinks 14:49
note that we still don't have locations in 007/Alma, and we can't get @succinct to be entirely correct before we do 14:50
and I still don't consider the whole theory of how @succinct interacts with data flow to be Fully Worked Out
Ven`` (installation of the name `f` here is gonna be without any regards to hygiene because I don't think it matters)
masak right 14:52
Ven`` wow, it's really interesting. as I suspected, phase separation is an issue 15:00
well, makes this non-obvious 15:02
...and once again, the ',' pattern surfaces... 15:06
well, ', is pretty much what 007 does for you 15:07
',x is "bring x to this phase level, but re-quote it because I need it quoted"
masak I did not fully understand that latter part 15:08
(and I suspect it's related to what I didn't understand when we talked about it last week) 15:13
Ven`` OK, example:
> (let ((a (list 1 2 3))) `(loop for i in ,a sum i))
(LOOP FOR I IN (1 2 3) SUM I)
the " ,a " did bring "a" from the "outer context" to " `'s context" 15:14
but now since it's not quoted anymore, the code here doesn't work: (1 2 3) is an invalid funcall
compare with: 15:15
> (let ((a (list 1 2 3))) `(loop for i in ',a sum i))
(LOOP FOR I IN '(1 2 3) SUM I)
now that's legal
masak nodnod
Ven`` but here it's *really important* that we use ' 15:17
> (let ((a (list 1 2 3))) `(loop for i in `,a sum i))
we do not have quoting in 007
`quote { {{{ a }}} };` would just generate Q::Unquote(...); 15:18
it makes sense to have unquotes inside of a quote
here, that's pretty much what I figured out since we last talked.
masak I need to come back and re-read all this when I have more brainpower 15:19
"we do not have quoting in 007" -- I need to understand this better. I take it you don't see a quote then as just a quasiquote with zero unquotes? 15:20
Ven`` ok -- no real quoting. We can't have a non-interpreted quote. 15:21
which would be the only place where an unquoted would make sense. Like here in lisp 15:22
masak we have things like `new Q.Identifier { name: "foo" }` :) 15:24
Ven`` yeah hygiene means it's more complex in 007 15:33
15:43 Ven`` left