masak this channel is small enough that I might get away with spoiling what I'll be writing about in the advent calendar on Monday 18:13
(you guessed it, it's about 007 again!) 18:14
so, there's SEND + MORE = MONEY, the alphametic problem. quite famous
I blogged about it long ago.
I figured I might do it again, but from the point-of-view of my current understanding of slangs and "little languages" 18:15
I predict it'll be quite nice :)
main idea is this: start with a language that just looks like the original sum; that is, an ASCII version of the LaTeX sum at the top of 18:16
compile it to the next language: a set of equalities/inequalities describing the letter variables involved (plus the four invisible carry variables tying them together) 18:17
compile *that* to Perl 6, but with one extra feature: the `amb` operator, allowing us to specify the solution without nested loops, as just a zero-indent program 18:18
finally, compile away the `amb` and turn it into regular loops
that in itself makes for a fairly nice post, I think. I was planning to start from the final program, having written it manually, and then work backwards into the nicer and more declarative languages 18:19
lucasb there's always a butt 18:20
masak as a last point, almost an afterthought, I'm going to show how to *reason* about the second language, re-arranging the equalities/inequalities, basically *solving* the problem there instead of in the brute-force search
and then concluding with: this is the final dream Perl 6 is aiming towards. many problems can be solved more easily if you're willing to invent languages that'll support and more easily express the problems. ASTs are optimizable; in this case the "AST" just happened to be a set of simultaneous equations. 18:22
in a sense, both Lisp and Smalltalk are aiming there too; Perl 6 is just aiming there from inside the Algol family 18:23
lucasb so, no macros involved, right? this first and second declaratives languages are stand-alone, I suppose 18:32
about lisp, is that talk about "don't program from the problem down to the language, but grow the language torwards the problem" ? 18:33
masak yes, it's about that 18:48
I guess for now we'll have to settle for treating all the four "languages" as isolated islands with separate compilation processes between them
in the fullness of time, they should just be macro rewriting, possibly between different slangs, all inside the same compilation process within 007 or Perl 6 18:49
that's the goal
and that's what I want to advent blog about :)
thesis: Perl 6 hasn't fully extended its wings until *all* the tools in the language are also applicable "inwards", onto the compilation toolchain itself 18:50
somewhat hinted at here: 18:51