lucasb this channel exists! I forgot. I was trying #007, and other variations 00:04
hmm, 007 install the utilities "lint" and "repl" in the system 00:05
they are very generic names. would it be possible to put a "7" or "007" in the names somewhere? :) 00:07
sorry to ask this
It's because my PATH env var is shared for everything. so these very generic names ended up in the environment 00:08
I'm just suggesting some disambiguation, like 7repl, 7lint, repl7, lint7, or maybe even repl.007 and lint.007 00:10
well, "007 --repl", "007 --lint" 00:11
masak lucasb: agreed 09:12
done. 09:15
lucasb masak: thanks! 12:46
masak thank *you* -- this had not occurred to me at all :) 13:00
while I have you on the line, and since you've read the; what would you like to see in 007 soon?
(the default assumption/null hypothesis being the order in the short-term priorities) 13:01
lucasb idk, didn't play with it yet, just wrote a hello world :) 13:03
masak did you check out the new documentation? 13:04
(still writing on the macros part. it's tough going but really useful.)
lucasb I still have to wrap my head around all the concepts. your issue queue sure looks like a treasure trove of information!
masak in a "need to mine for it" sense, yes
lucasb for example, I like how you use it as an archive, in 13:05
hehe, Self-closing issue. keep going!
masak well, that one (unexpectedly) led on to #430, which is still making me a little giddy with anticipation 13:06
lucasb just a quick design question 13:07
the syntax is very clean, no sigils, that's nice
but there's still the ";" :) have you considered automatic semicolon insertion?
so in code I could drop the semicolon from the end of the line *iff* it seems that it's a "end of statement" 13:08
sure, the rules need to be clear when this happen 13:09
masak the closest thing I've considered is having a Python "skin" to 007 13:10
changing not just the semicolons but also the block syntax
I don't believe I have an issue for that 13:11
lucasb ah, right.
CoffeeScript, do you like too?
masak ASI (as JavaScript) does it seems a bit like a cure worse than its disease
argh, ')' fail :)
ASI (as JavaScript does it) seems a bit like a cure worse than its disease
I liked what CoffeeScript was doing conceptually (being one of the first compile-to-JS languages), but I never particularly liked/used CoffeeScript :) 13:12
lucasb ah, yes, in JS I put semicolons always
ah ok, just mentioned it because of indented syntax like python, but dropped the colon ":" from the statements 13:13
masak mm. I'd probably keep the colons, trying to stick close to Python syntax 13:16