masak who knows, maybe yup will end up compiling to Perl 5 and be a good language for a first bootstrapping 007 compiler :P 02:58
I read some more about Dylan macros in the spec. they are surprisingly similar to 007 macros, but the major difference is that they don't do anything like `is parsed` -- mostly they seem to do pattern matching on the token level 03:32
masak is very happy to be implementing NFA stuff 04:09
will push a branch soon 04:48
lunch &
masak recommends as light reading 07:35
define macro unless { unless (?test:expression) ?:body end } => { if (~?test) ?body else #f end } end macro unless; 07:59
here are more examples from the manual: 08:00
it reminds me that I ought also check out SweetJS 08:02
masak ...making progress with the NFA stuff. can now do basic character classes. next up: \w, \d and friends 09:56
I'm going to do a strictly ASCII take on those for this spike. don't tell TimToady ;) 09:57
walk &
masak SmokeMachine: by the way, I searched for the phrase "entrei de gaiato!" today, to try to learn what it means. found a pretty good dictionary definition in pt-BR :) 13:52 I *think* I got the meaning. and I agree, not clear what the corresponding English idiom would be. :)
SmokeMachine masak: Do you have the link? can I see it? 13:54
masak 13:56
SmokeMachine masak: thanks... 13:57
living in the UK is making me figure out that Brazilian Portuguese has a lot of expressions about being "smarter" than the others or NOT being "smarter" than the others... 14:00
masak interesting. wonder why. 14:02
SmokeMachine masak: culture... 14:06
masak my branch, is progressing fairly well. happy to receive some code review. :) 14:09
just about to implement negative character groups 14:10