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japhb How do I go about debugging zef? I have tried cloning zef into a new directory next to the one I'm trying to locally install, and done `perl6-debug-m -I ../zef/lib ../zef/bin/zef install .`, but even that dies before actually getting me anywhere I can do anything. At this point I'm reduced to inserting `dd` calls all over the place, but I feel like there's got to be some better way. 23:06
GAH, I found the problem (yes, using dd :-P ) -- I had "depends" : [ "Foo::Bar:ver('0.0.7')" ] where I needed "depends" : [ "Foo::Bar:ver<0.0.7>" ] . 23:30
Where is this documented?
And why does zef crash rather than indicating an unparsed dependency? 23:31
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