The Return of the Journal : | | | paste: or
Set by GammaRay on 31 December 2005.
brent is now known as brentp 01:03
teva is now known as stevan_ 02:07
stevan audreyt: ping 03:23
audreyt: I am trying to make Array a subclass of List and I am running into a problem 03:40
stevan Array is a container class, while List is a normal object 03:40
oh wait 03:41
stevan ponders messing around more with Roles
nope roles dont work correctly 03:43
the crux of the issue is this needs to return a new List instance 03:44
which for List is just
but for Array is Array`create() 03:45
I managed to overload so that I could just pass it a []
but I cannot get to work
I am not sure why
it keeps trying to use 03:47
oh,.. when I say Array, I mean ^Array
if I use it DWIM
ok, I have the ^List class working 100% now (which is not that hard) 04:01
but ^Array is still having issues 04:02
meppl guten morgen
stevan mostly the problem is that in the inherited ^ and co. I am calling $? and since ^ chokes,.. they choke 04:03
good morning meppl
audreyt: I think we might be able to fix this if we address this in .CREATE rather than `create, this should give me the level of control I need 04:04
I am going to commit what I have so you can see what I mean 04:06
I thought about making Array just do the List role,.. which I actually think makes more sense, however, we would still have the same issues re: $? 04:07
however doing that would mean I would need to remove pop/push/shift/unshift from List (which currently has immutable versions of them), otherwise it would conflict with the versions of the same methods in the Array role 04:08
svnbot6 r8580 | stevan++ | PIL/Native/Bootstrap/Container/*
r8580 | stevan++ | - attempted to make Array inherit from List, but ran into an issue with
r8580 | stevan++ | how Arrays are created as opposed to other objects (like List), see the
r8580 | stevan++ | #perl6 log for a bunch of rambling on the topic
r8580 | stevan++ | - added tests for List in list.t
stevan I don't mind that though, I could just create a ImmutableArray which provided those versions if you need them
but anyway... I am going AFK, but might be back later,.. if not I will be back in the morning ~10 hours from now 04:09
stevan &
svnbot6 r8581 | asavige++ | Add anchors to regex in to fix bug pointed out by Perl Monk ambrus 11:20
svnbot6 r8582 | asavige++ | added hask2, a monadic haskell version, based on suggestions and code from Cale Gibbard 12:35
spinclad (soo quiet) 12:39
(sure this is #perl6?)
spinclad checks (seems to be)
rafl Debolaz: ping 13:00
ingy hola 13:07
seen audreyt
jabbot ingy: audreyt was seen 21 hours 23 minutes 10 seconds ago
rafl Debolaz: I applied your freebsd patches aa and parts of ab to parrot. 13:16
Debolaz: ad isn't needed anymore. The *_shared binaries are gone.
Debolaz: I'm not sure about ac. Whys is it needed? init::hints::freebsd uses code from /usr/ports/Mk/ which should do the right thing, shouldn't it? 13:17
audreyt ingy: yo 13:45
another $job day tomorrow, and then it's sweet weekend hacking with miyagawa and gugod and ingy and clkao :D 13:46
gaal morning (or something) 13:59
audreyt yo :) 14:01
how's life?
obra audreyt: hi! 14:02
audreyt obra: hey!
obra how are things?
how was your demo?
gaal it's... startling sometimes!
audreyt demo was yesterday. today is another deployment 14:03
gaal I realized I must read more SPJ.
obra did it go ok?
(Did you see my incompatible change?)
audreyt the demo went very well. they want foldable rico livegrid, which I (for once) didn't volunteer to implement
obra heh. so it's extra $? 14:04
audreyt yeah I did, it made for amusing doc verses like "rule rules"
obra oops
audreyt nah, it's extra $people-hacking-jifty
obra oo
audreyt which I realize as being much better than extra $
obra yes
Oh. thanks to you, Why noticed jifty
audreyt yeah, I replied there :) 14:05
I'm very amused by the "I might look like a fish, but I want to be a squid." thing
obra My plan worked perfectly. the perl as ruby's quirky brother comment was intended to get ruby people to laugh
audreyt #
obra++ # evil genius
gaal: hmm, life is startling and reading more SPJ helps? 14:06
gaal: you have some very strange brain patterns.
chris2 spies
audreyt chris2: hi :) 14:07
chris2 hi audreyt ;)
ingy hi audreyt
audreyt ingy: hey. sup?
ingy YAML-0.50 is ready to go
just sweeping my rt queue
obra audreyt: I'm _right now_ about to controllerize wifty. anything I should know?
ingy obra: probably Perl 14:08
audreyt ingy++
obra: nope, although I'd like to see if you end up wanting $m as a shorthand for $Dispatcher->{mason}.
gaal audreyt: well, revisiting awkward squad now that I know more of the elegant army helps; and syb is some seriously great stuff
audreyt obra: (and maybe $r)
obra I'd rather never, ever have to touch mason from within the dispatcher 14:09
we'll see
audreyt obra: that's my intuition too. but we'll see. also per-subclass catalyst-style dispatch may still have some merit -- see if you feel a need for it, although I doubt so 14:10
obra nod 14:11
gaal <=<: wow, you got to use an REM title in a sentence (almost).
obra I expect I'm going to want to move my controller logic into other classes and have "run" run a class and sub
gaal audreyt: I got a reply from Simon M reagarding that segfault but I'm actually not sure it helps :/ 14:12
audreyt gaal: heh, elegant army indeed. his other works tends to be a wee bit more technical (STM, lexical scoped tyvar, SMP, local type inferencing, delimited continuations) but they are all very nice reads 14:13
gaal: what did JaffaCake say?
obra: I'll still make "run" (&) and introduce a "call" form or for ($) 14:14
svnbot6 r8583 | nnunley++ | Updating test count.
obra why?
gaal audreyt: the STM slides weren't too scary first time I read them.. ETA for understanding is probably under a year
for some value of understanding (or year)
audreyt because if you prototype it as ($), you need explicit "sub" for "{}"
obra why not let run take a coderef or a package+sub name?
audreyt the "sub" is not optional everywhere... not in that perl5 language we are using anyway
obra forgets that having run ($) and run(&) won't dwim 14:15
audreyt mumbles something about the virtue of MMD
ingy: woot, looking forward to YAML050 -- I'll take a look at gaal's Haskell Syck emitter tomorrow 14:16
gaal audreyt: basically, I had thawNode nodePtr = deRefStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr nodePtr)
audreyt ingy: which will motivate me to solve the refcycle problem in YAML::Syck as well
gaal but he said,
You're attempting to deref the StablePtr, and also run it as an IO
action! I bet the original value wasn't an IO action, right?
which I'm kinda still not sure I understand 14:17
seeing as your original code had readNode which did something very similar
audreyt I see 14:19
thawNode nodePtr = return (deRefStablePtr $ castPtrToStablePtr nodePtr)
missing an return will deref it as an (IO a) not an (a)
Debolaz rafl: In theory, patch-ac shouldn't be needed, but the thing is that libc_r doesn't mix well with other threading libraries, and perl is compiled with a different library when threading is enabled (Which is also default in pkgsrc). Parrot will try to use the threading library that perl uses, and this causes some.. conflict of interest. 14:20
gaal ahh! type inference 14:22
gaal tries a fix
Debolaz rafl: It's probably local to pkgsrc, so it will probably do the Right-Thing(tm) in other situations and the patch shouldn't be neccesary. :) 14:24
rafl Debolaz: Why is it needed at all for pkgsrc? 14:26
obra audreyt: does look right? 14:30
audreyt obra: yeah 14:31
obra hm. now to figure out why it's not triggering ;) 14:32
obra was hoping you'd point out something stupid
OH. 14:33
Yeah. it totally won't work if I call it "" 14:34
gaal grr, so, still no luck. thawNode :: Ptr () -> IO YamlNode right? not -> YamlNode 14:35
so return $ deRefStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr nodePtr) is a type error
return =<< deRef... is still a segfault 14:36
should I NOINLINE this function?
Debolaz rafl: Because perl is compiled with -lpthread. 14:49
gaal argh! 14:57
castPtrToStablePtr :: Ptr () -> StablePtr a 14:58
so if I explicitly say
let (ptr :: StablePtr YamlNode) = castPtrToStablePtr nodePtr
then deRefStablePtr ptr
must have the type IO YamlNode, because
deRefStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO a
"And yet, it segfaults" 14:59
audreyt ok ok, I give up, I'll take a look instead of doing $work
gaal my gaudy code was hit by a SIGBUS :-(
audreyt I guess it's only fair :)
gaal sorry -- there aren't nearly enough other people I can distract to help me with this :/ 15:01
audreyt 'tis fine
Limbic_Region oh - pugs appears to run much faster than it did before I left for vacation btw 15:05
where appears is based off eyeball only analaysis 15:06
audreyt gaal: I replicated the segfault. fixing 15:10
gaal pads the walls in anticipation
hite is now known as whiteg_
gaal so this isn't just a redundant indirection is it? :( 15:33
svnbot6: ?check 15:37
audreyt gaal: fixed 15:43
you were misusing "new".
it should just be "return".
I also tidied up the emitterextra code.
commit in a bit
stevan good morning all 15:44
Debolaz Moin. 15:45
Limbic_Region salutations
gaal awwrrghh 15:46
audreyt: many thanks
gaal shower, bbiab & 15:47
hris is now known as chris2_ 15:54
svnbot6 r8584 | audreyt++ | * Fix gaal++'s excellent work at Syck emitting. 15:56
r8584 | audreyt++ | Pugs's .yaml now won't segfault anymore!
audreyt stevan: greetings. hadn't had time to check ImmutableArray (List) and ImmutableFiniteArray (Tuple) stuff 15:58
stevan audreyt: no worries 15:59
I actually think I need to ponder this a little more
I think we can fix this using $repr in CREATE 16:00
but I have to figure out the best way to do so
audreyt *nod*
`create definitely should die.
it was a hack around ::Scalar.isa('Scalar') not true
stevan we can discuss this when I have a coherent idea of what the front-end should do
audreyt but under larry's insanity logic, it's now true
audreyt okay, cool 16:00
stevan oh,.. BTW,.. what is `make_class all about? 16:01
audreyt shower, bbiab :)
stevan that I couldnt follow
audreyt oh, it's a hack to make a shadow object
stevan ok
audreyt a prototypical thing that does not have a repr
stevan gotcha
audreyt that's what ::Scalar is
stevan never liked that idea too much,..
I see
gaal audreyt: thanks for the accumulator refactoring too. Is that more efficient? does GHC generate smart allocations when ++ing strings under the assumption that they might be ++ed some more? 16:08
where are tests for .perl located? 16:11
Juerd_ It's probably better off without tests in its current state :) 16:13
gaal Juerd_: what makes you say that? 16:16
Juerd_ ?eval :foo.perl
evalbot_8584 "(\"foo\" => 1)"
Juerd_ ?eval eval(:foo.perl).perl 16:17
evalbot_8584 "\\\"perl6\""
Juerd_ Eh, not what I expected, but a good illustration nevertheless
audreyt gaal: no, it just makes life easier :) PS.append is definitely more efficient
gaal: but because you are rturning a String, it ends up being the same O() anyway 16:18
gaal Juerd_: and that means it's better off w/o tests? :)
Juerd_ gaal: It'll reduce success rate! :)
gaal audreyt: sure, but the question is who mallocs/frags more
audreyt Juerd_: tsk ;)
gaal Juerd_: that's what we have force_todo for :-p
audreyt gaal: well, FPS does memcpy, so you can't beat that 16:19
so FPS is gonna win 2:1 I think
gaal env PASS_ALL make smoke
even better: echo `grep -cr is t` "tests successful" # bogus, but at least none fail 16:20
audreyt ?eval 'foo'.yaml 16:22
evalbot_8584 "--- foo\n"
gaal audreyt: theoretically, since we construct a YamlNode tree, we can get an idea for how big the string's going to be, and hint that to the emitting code, which can prealloc
audreyt: working on undef.yaml, then 42.yaml now.
audreyt gaal: or we can make FPS's `append` prealloc 10x of needed memory
as perl's SVV does
on the vain hope that it will be concated more
brutal but works 16:23
gaal our VStr's .length is O(n), right?
audreyt yes, and it's going to be FPS in the future
so plan for it :)
gaal yeah, no way *that* wouldn't be optimized.
in the case of yaml emitting, the result probably won't be concatted very much 16:24
audreyt it would
for large docs
gaal log "I got { $result.yaml }\n" 16:25
ahh you mean during emitting? of course
I meant the VStr dumpYaml returns probably won't be concatted much.
audreyt nod 16:26
gaal ingy about? cd src/YAML-Syck/ ; svn up # hangs 16:27
ahh, no just very slow. 16:28
audreyt: I imagine you know this is broken, yes? perl -MYAML::Syck -le 'print Dump({a=>1})' 16:29
I can work on it a bit later, but the pugs version first :) 16:30
audreyt huh
?eval eval("---\n? a\n: 1\n", :lang<yaml>)
evalbot_8584 (no output)
audreyt heh 16:31
$ perl -MYAML -le 'print YAML::Dump(YAML::Load("---\n? a\n: 1\n"))'
a: 1
so it's not broken, just bad yaml style
gaal wha!? 16:32
gaal needs to read some spec :)
audreyt YAML to JSON is like JavaScript to IO ;)
"it may look simple, but really is not"
gaal wasn't there a shortcut for "-Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch" somewhere? 16:34
audreyt -Mblib ? 16:38
gaal yay :) 16:39
interesting: this pattern match fails on undef.yaml: toYaml VUndef = return YamlNil 16:40
show shows VType (mkType "undef") 16:41
isn't undef a value?
audreyt undef.yaml is taken as a class call. 16:42
try (undef).yaml
or undef().yaml
and yes, it is a bug.
gaal ah, I see 16:43
thanks :)
audreyt :) 16:43
gaal I'm assuming I can use Pretty's format where appropriate. (I'm assuming it is appropriate soemtimes :) 16:46
TNKS audreyt, I read that you might be working on a Haskell parser for YAML, then I saw on your blog that you might be here. Is libyaml-haskell still active?
gaal TNKS: is this useful to you? 16:48
we're working on it now.
audreyt TNKS: parser is already quite functional
once emission works, I'll cabalize it .
TNKS: but you are free to just take the D.Y.S code and pugs's src/syck/* 16:49
and use it in your project. I don't think there's code for libyaml-haskell in the past.
TNKS audreyt, cool. I'll see what I can piece together. 16:54
audreyt cool 16:55
audreyt waves and sleeps &
TNKS Actually, (forgive the Haskell talk in a Perl channel), I'd like to stay in Haskell if I can, but for me there's the issue of persistence. I've read about a few options for serialization, but YAML seems like a clean way to serialize data into a human-readable format. 16:56
PerlJam and #perl6 continues to interwingle with #haskell :)
TNKS PerlJam, you might have even been the one who mentioned YAML to me yesterday. 16:57
PerlJam TNKS: indeed I was.
TNKS I'm thinking that YAML might be the smart way for me to go, but I'm not sure. 16:58
Do you use it with Haskell?
PerlJam TNKS: If I'm sure for you will that be enough?
actually, I've never used it with haskell, but other lambacamels have.
gaal TNKS: fwiw D.Y.S is not at all coupled with Perl at least, but probably the dependency on Data.FastPackedString will stay. 16:59
PerlJam s/lamba/lambda/
SamB hmm. Is Haskell's mascot going to be the lambda? 17:00
TNKS I should probably admit that I've not picked up Perl yet.
gaal hahaha, this is what I call overRationalization: ./pugs -e 'say (123.12).yaml' => --- 3078/25 17:01
SamB I thought the mascots had to be animals
Limbic_Region gaal - great way to find approximations of pi? 17:04
?eval say (3.14).yaml 17:05
evalbot_8584 pugs: src/Pugs/Prim/Yaml.hs:(46,0)-(49,35): Non-exhaustive patterns in function toYaml
gaal Limbic_Region: the version you have doens't do numbers yet, let me check in
btw tests very very welcome
I wonder if we can steal them wholesale from somewhere 17:06
TNKS gaal, what does yaml have to do with coverting decimals to fractions? 17:07
Limbic_Region YAML::Parser::Syck ??
TNKS or is that more something that pugs is doing before spitting out the yaml.
Limbic_Region pugs I think TNKS
?eval say '1.1'.perl
evalbot_8584 OUTPUT["1.1" ] bool::true
Limbic_Region ?eval say "1.1".perl 17:08
evalbot_8584 OUTPUT["1.1" ] bool::true
Limbic_Region hmmm
gaal TNKS: yeah, it's a pugs thing. I was delegating something to pugs' pretty-printer.
?eval (123.12).perl
evalbot_8584 "3078/25"
TNKS is Pugs the only implementation of Perl 6? Or is there a comparable alternative? 17:09
gaal anyone remember how YAML represents infinity?
Limbic_Region ?eval (3.14).perl 17:10
evalbot_8584 "157/50"
Limbic_Region ?eval (3.1415).perl
evalbot_8584 "6283/2000"
gaal TNKS: it's the closest one there is
Limbic_Region heh
TNKS gaal, cool,.
Limbic_Region ?eval (3.1415926535897932384626433).perl
evalbot_8584 "31415926535897932384626433/10000000000000000000000000"
Limbic_Region that's cheating
TNKS ha.
gaal TNKS: there's quite some work to do yet. the language isn't fully specced.
TNKS I see. 17:11
Is it backwards compatible? Or only partially so?
Limbic_Region TNKS - it is suspected that since p6 will have actually specification documents and not a reference implementation, there will be multiple implementations
SamB what language are the specs to be written in? 17:12
Limbic_Region it will be backwards compatible but there is only a guarantee that about 95% of programs will work 95% of the time without manual intervention
PerlJam SamB: unfortunately, english :)
integral if the synopses are anything to go by, they won't bother writing the syntax specs in perl6 rules :-(
Limbic_Region give or take a few percentages
SamB hmm. well... it'll be in good company ;-) 17:13
gaal Limbic_Region: svn up 17:14
svnbot6 r8585 | gaal++ | YAML emitting
r8585 | gaal++ | - "moose".yaml; 42.yaml; (undef).yaml work
r8585 | gaal++ | - (123.12).yaml gives funny results (because it's delegated to
r8585 | gaal++ | pugs' pretty-printer
r8585 | gaal++ | Tests very welcome!
Limbic_Region gaal - did you see my YAML::Parser::Syck comment for stealing tests wholesale? 17:15
gaal no, here? /me looks
Limbic_Region it was just a quick CPAN search so it may not be applicable at all 17:16
gaal Limbic_Region: if you can work in a patch, I'd be much obliged; I want to ci support for aggregates
Limbic_Region not today gaal 17:18
I am in another reality ATM
my face feels like it is going to jump off my head and that there are strands of anti-gravity plucking at the skin on top of my head
OTC anti-histamines in case anyone was wondering 17:19
gaal ah, you're rushing off to write a patent then? :)
(for antigrav)
Limbic_Region well, AFAIK there is no direct evidence of gravitons (though a couple indirect) so I would suspect finding anti-gravity first would make a few more headlines 17:21
ingy hangs out here right - he is the author of YAML::Parser::Syck so perhaps he might be able to shoehorn in the tests 17:22
oh nevermind, I just looked at the 1 and only test and it just checks to see if the module loaded ok 17:23
Limbic_Region audreyt ping 17:30
oh that's right $work, nevermind me
was just wondering if there was going to be a 1 year summary/journal post on Pugs bday in a few weeks 17:31
gaal yay pugs bday!! 17:32
ingy YAML? 17:52
SamB one of those s-expr thingies? 17:53
gaal ?eval "hi, ingy!".yaml 17:54
evalbot_8585 "--- hi, ingy!\n"
gaal ingy: scalars supported; working on the rest now.
avar yaml is a core method now? 17:59
gaal avar: yes, but this isn't specced.
avar it would be neat if it were;)
?eval 1..2.yaml 18:00
evalbot_8585 ()
avar ?eval [1,2].yaml
evalbot_8585 pugs: Syck.hsc:(88,4)-(98,94): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
avar ;)
gaal avar: scalars only for now. working on it
avar k 18:01
gaal but tests welcome.
avar ?eval 5.yaml
evalbot_8585 "--- 5\n"
avar ?eval "5".yaml
evalbot_8585 "--- 5\n"
avar mm
Limbic_Region ?eval (3.14159).yaml 18:02
evalbot_8585 "--- 314159/100000\n"
Limbic_Region loses its creativity after 4 places
evalbot_8585 "--- 6283/2000\n"
gaal Limbic_Region: like I said, this isn't related to YAML :) 18:03
see Pretty.hs
Limbic_Region I know - pretty printing
?eval (3.1415).perl
evalbot_8585 "6283/2000"
avar $ ruby -ryaml -e 'puts YAML::dump( [ 1/3, nil, false ] )' 18:08
- 0
- false
gaal nil is wrong. should be "~" AFAIK 18:10
s/nil/the nil case/
eh. the 1/3 case is wrong too :) 18:11
but thanks for reminding me about booleans.
avar how should 1/3 be encoded? 18:22
defenetly can't be 0.333333333..... as that would be lossy
?eval false.yaml 18:23
evalbot_8585 "--- ::false\n"
gaal ?eval (bool::false).yaml
evalbot_8585 "--- bool::false\n"
gaal needs fixing. tests welcome :)
avar ?eval ?1.yaml
evalbot_8585 bool::true
avar ?eval (?1).yaml 18:24
evalbot_8585 "--- bool::true\n"
gaal whee! arrays in. 19:03
Limbic_Region gaal - if you made a commit for arrays it hasn't shown up yet 19:23
gaal not yet, coming up. 19:24
svnbot6 r8586 | gaal++ | Data.Yaml.Syck: 19:30
r8586 | gaal++ | - emitting arrays
r8586 | gaal++ | - unbreak eval :lang<yaml>
webmind hmm, someone didn't nice his compile on feather :( 19:33
gaal webmind: I see a cc1 at pr 25 19:34
webmind fibonaci had some cc1 at 0
and ghc
gaal looks niced now.
oh but you're right
it isn't niced 19:35
it's just pr 25.
webmind uhuh
gaal luqui: ping
?eval <hello world>.yaml
evalbot_8586 "--- \n- hello\n- world\n"
gaal whee!
webmind yay yaml :) 19:36
gaal urp? is hash_fetchKeys the only way to get at a flattened hash? 19:38
Limbic_Region would think that hash_fetchKeys would return a list of keys not the flattened hash 19:52
otherwise it is a poorly named routine 19:53
gaal Limbic_Region: yes, I said get *at*
audreyt hash_fetch.
gives you back a list of pairs. 19:54
gaal whew!
Limbic_Region er um - I completely missed the at there 19:55
audreyt - planning anything special for Pugs' bday? 19:56
gaal Limbic_Region: sorry, am too terse.
audreyt Limbic_Region: finishing the migration to new shiny runtime? :) 19:58
(that'd be 6.28.0)
Limbic_Region wooo hooo
something like 3 weeks to go
audreyt yup 19:59
gaal hmm, what's wrong with this expression? return $ YamlMap =<< hash_fetch v' 20:04
audreyt fmap YamlMap (hash_fetch v') 20:05
(return . YamlMap) =<< hash_fetch v'
because of precedence
audreyt waves and goes back to sleep &
gaal night :) 20:06
gaal hopes to dream of functors one day
gaal any idea why the inferencer is expecting [(Int, Int)] when I deal with flattened hashes? 20:57
ahhhh my bad 20:59
it thought I was currying with the recursion guard
avar does p6 confess == p5 Carp::confess? 21:03
gaal There's a Carp::longmess in the Prelude. did someone add confess? 21:04
?eval confess "I don't know"
evalbot_8586 Error: No such method in class Str: "&confess"
avar I was under the impression that the whole croak/confess stuff was std & imported by default 21:05
gaal avar: everything in the prelude is str and imported by default, but I don't know whether confess there :) 21:06
longmess is.
gaal avar: just looked. no, there's only longmess defined. you're invited to add the others :) 21:08
avar ;) 21:09
what file is it?
gaal src/perl6/ 21:11
hmmm, "No instance for (HashClass Val) arising from use of `hash_fetch'" 21:36
gaal eyes Pretty
el22 is now known as anatolyv 22:27
natoly is now known as mel222
leo obra: ping 22:28
obra hey
leo hi
obra <- still in spain, a bit sick :/
What's up?
leo recent #parrotsketch logs seem to be not really enough public
obra nod. the bot failed somehow 22:29
chromatic sent me logs to post
I've been harassing tpf people to get them featured somewhere
perhaps I hsould talk to coke instead
leo put em on or - yes forward to Coke 22:30
gaal hey anatolyv, didn't notice you stepping in 22:46
openfoundry is acting up :(
anatolyv hey 22:49
svnbot6 r8587 | gaal++ | Data.Yaml.Syck: broken support for hash emitting; thinks hashes are
r8587 | gaal++ | lists of pairs.
r8587 | gaal++ | Lots of trace prints left in the code till I figure this out.
stevan obra: ping 22:58 has gone a bit wonky 22:59
(IIRC this was something you were doing, if not ignore me) 23:00
stevan &
gaal If anyone wants to give the yaml stuff a moose, please do 23:10
I'm off to bed &