The Return of the Journal : | | | paste: or
Set by GammaRay on 31 December 2005.
dduncan I think audreyt said that there would be one this weekend, due to new work demands pushing it from 48 hours since yesterday 00:00
rafl OK, thanks. 00:01
00:02 DaGo joined
meppl guten morgen 00:09
00:19 mjl69 joined 00:25 Debolaz joined
dduncan guten abend 00:31
I think that's "afternoon"
tewk ~[6~[6~[B[6~[5~[6~
00:34 Limbic_Region joined
theorbtwo nachmittags is afternoon. Abend is evening. 00:35
dduncan oh, right 00:36
still, its 4:36pm here, and its getting dark
so both could still work
just looking at the sun, evening is very appropriate 00:37
or dusk
mlh abend is ABnormal END in mainframe talk
00:38 stevan_ joined 01:00 oylenshpeegul joined
tevan is now known as stevan 01:01
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cw is now known as scw 03:11
clkao mmm pil2js is totally broken 03:19
03:26 pdcawley_ joined
dduncan okay, large file reorg commit in a minute or three (all in 'ext') 03:32
03:33 cdxreaper joined
dduncan pushing now 03:35
done 03:37
svnbot6 r8631 | Darren_Duncan++ | r1879@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2006-01-09 19:34:56 -0800
r8631 | Darren_Duncan++ | split up /ext/Rosetta-Incubator 4 ways, into itself, /ext/Locale-KeyedText, /ext/Rosetta, /ext/Rosetta-Engine-Native; the latter 3 will be completed first, and anything left in Rosetta-Incubator is deferred indefinitely
03:37 loftcity left
dduncan now to move the remainder out of ext ... 03:37
03:38 loftcity joined
cdxreaper is there some module that allows a perl program to recieve events from the X11 server? 03:38
dduncan there is in perl 5, dunno about perl 6
in perl 5, look at the ControlX10::* modules, Device::SerialPort, and the separate "MisterHouse" program 03:41
clkao 28046 pugs 13.2% 7:09.16 1 13 1047 736M+ 608K 167M+ 1.04G+ 03:42
pus-- # compiling js prelude halts the machine
03:46 alexe_home joined
svnbot6 r8632 | Darren_Duncan++ | r1881@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2006-01-09 19:52:58 -0800 03:55
r8632 | Darren_Duncan++ | moved remainder of /ext/Rosetta-Incubator to /misc/Rosetta-Incubator ... where the same folder was in Pugs release 6.2.10
dduncan main moves done ... just file editing next 04:01
clkao audreyt: so i added 54 operators, and pugs is very unable compiling the prelude 04:09
those are assigning with curry'ed sub from an eval.
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gaal $morning 05:50
There are two open issues I won't have a chance to work on in the next ~12 hours: 05:51
1. continue r8630 and fix exportation of multi subs
2. Rule yaml deserialization: find why they're tripping a segfault when applied 05:52
3. (BEGIN { s/two/three/ above }) workaround "use_ok" in test suite 05:53
#2 is probably easiest but is lowest priority :)
06:16 nothingmuch joined
rep 06:17
svnbot6 r8633 | Darren_Duncan++ | r1887@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2006-01-09 22:39:45 -0800 06:41
r8633 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/[Loc-KT,Ros,Ros-E-N],/misc/Ros-I : updated the Makefile.PL and the t/*.t files to be correct for these split apart distros
07:02 GeJ joined
GeJ greetings all 07:03
dduncan grreetings 07:04
07:10 Odin- joined, mlh joined, Southen_ joined
buu Hello australia. 07:14
07:14 audreyt joined, mugwump joined 07:15 featherpaste joined, wolverian joined 07:16 iblechbot joined, nothingmuch joined 07:18 Medvekoma joined 07:19 leo joined, knewt joined, sri_ joined
svnbot6 r8634 | Darren_Duncan++ | r1889@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2006-01-09 23:17:10 -0800 07:21
r8634 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext|/misc : added several explicit LKT dependencies
07:30 lisppaste3 joined 07:33 kanru joined
cognominal what is TGE? 07:34
dduncan it stands for Tree Grammar Engine, apparently 08:00
svnbot6 r8635 | Darren_Duncan++ | r1893@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2006-01-09 23:57:54 -0800
r8635 | Darren_Duncan++ | updated the ChangeLog with a summary of my changes
dduncan enter "TGE perl" for a variety of related answers 08:01
into Google that is
I mean, cognominal
cognominal thx, what is the relationship with PGE? 08:20
seems to be some attribute grammar stuff on top of PGE 08:25
dduncan as I said, try entering "TGE perl" into Google ... first hits are about that relationship 08:27
svnbot6 r8636 | clkao++ | test curry'ed function with named argument invocation, which 08:48
r8636 | clkao++ | pil2js fails to recognize.
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audreyt yo 09:24
GeJ greetings audreyt 09:25
audreyt backlogeth
09:26 bsb joined
wolverian wow, nice YAML progress. 09:30
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audreyt Grrrr: YAML::Syck 0.15 should fix the NAN problem. thanks! 11:01
clkao whoot 11:02
audreyt it doesn't affect svk because svk is 5.8 only anyway ;)
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xinming audreyt: ping. 11:29
She is also known for internationalization and localization contributions to several Free Software programs 11:30
audreyt: Should you change She into He? :-/
audreyt xinming: no, I'm a woman now :) see 11:31
xinming audreyt: Oh, Ok, hmm, I would use she for you in the future. :-) 11:37
audreyt thanks!
nothingmuch =) 11:38
this is almost quoteworthy
Odin- 'almost'?
nothingmuch i like the way the community is so non-bigotty
people just accept things
realizing it doesn't really make a difference
audreyt *nod* 11:39
xinming hmm, The truth is, Everything is reasonable, And we just need to accept it after we know the reason. :-) 11:42
Grrrr audreyt \o/ 11:43
nothingmuch xinming: my grudge, and possibly the reason why i broke up any romantic relationships i've had up to now, is exactly people's inability to do just that 11:45
(what I meant is - it was always a barrier for me)
basically, when you are trying to get someone to accept/agree/learn/try something 11:46
and they refuse to do so
for a reason that is completely besides the point
refusing to conquer dogma, or groundless fear
it really really gets to me
and this has been very uncommon here
people genuwinely listen
GeJ if I may, the only problem I have with this is that I used to advertise autrijus as "_Teh_ Man" around me while telling my friends about pugs and parrot... now I've got to change all the badges, flyers and such and work on a new campaign...
but I'm working on it 11:47
nothingmuch and either they change your mind, or you change their mind, or you just maturely disagree
theorbtwo GeJ: Or just consider "_Teh_ Man" a gender-neutral term.
Should probably fix the WP article to actually mention not just both sets of names, but the reasoning. 11:49
(On the theory that the genders of the names might not be obvious to people for whom neither chinese nor english are native languages, and that it's better to be obvious then indirect.) 11:50
xinming nothingmuch: Things will change, Hmm, People here will also think this isn't right compare to tradition, But you can just throw it behind... It's the same as me. I was playing with computer all day. And I don't have a girl friend for now... The rumour from my neighbours are all saying that there is something wrong with me...
nothingmuch hehe 11:51
i hope you're right
xinming hmm, though, I know I am a boy. I don't care much about the rumour.
Odin-LAP suggests there most likely is ... but then again, there's something wrong with most everyone.
nothingmuch the way things are headed with russia, the us, iran and all that, it seems that everyone is going the other way though 11:52
theorbtwo I generally find it amuzing, rather then horrible, when people assume "theorbtwo" is a feminine nick.
Odin-LAP And you rarely, if ever, manage to guess what it is. ;)
nothingmuch suspects the nicest places to live will be venezuela and bolivia in ~10-15 years, if they keep it up
theorbtwo: when I was bored i used to name myself 'Natural Blond - Naturally Dumb'
people would bug me all the time 11:53
not realizing i was kidding
i would play along, and then call them icky or something when they made suggestive comments
xinming No matter what they says, Just go with your own way, I don't hurt other people, and I just wish to play with computer...that's all, So for now, I am not as nervous as before... hmm, maybe I should say angry.
nothingmuch it provided amusement in 5 minute slices
but then again, i was ~14
so i thought that stuff was much funnier
Odin-LAP nothingmuch: Dunno. The 'Bolivarian revolution' is a different authoritarian slice than bolshevism, but I understand it's no picnic disagreeing with Chavez...
nothingmuch Odin-LAP: i'll take your word for it 11:54
i only vaguely heard about it
but from what I've heard i'm at least optimistic 11:55
theorbtwo decides to skip it, on the theory that it'd involve writing large passages of sensical English.
...and that I've got enough damn projects already.
xinming is out for supper. 11:56
audreyt miyagawa++ # pushing me to merge YAML::Syck codebase to JSON::Syck
Odin-LAP nothingmuch: I do think it's something to be optimistic about. The least it does is to show that neoliberal economics aren't the only reality. :p
audreyt now we also have a damn fast JSON module ;)
11:58 pdcawley_ joined
nothingmuch audreyt++ 11:59
oreilly should publish a book called 'Toilet Hacks' 12:14
theorbtwo No, it really shouldn't. 12:15
12:16 G2 joined
nothingmuch you could learn things like 12:16
Debolaz What mascot would they use for that?
nothingmuch "coat your bowl with teflon to prevent clogs"
Debolaz: 12:17
Debolaz I suspect I shouldn't click on that.. :|
nothingmuch it's work safe
Debolaz :)
12:18 guorke joined, guorke left 12:21 mtve joined
audreyt miyagawa: 12:23
miyagawa: svn up from my tree and it should Just Work 12:24
12:26 mtve joined
audreyt goes catching bus back to taipei 12:31
miyagawa JSON::Syck 0.01 released 12:33
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Alias_ seen audreyt? 14:03
jabbot Alias_: audreyt was seen 1 hours 39 minutes 42 seconds ago
Alias_ audreyt: ping? 14:04
bsb Alias_: the last message was "audreytgoes catching bus back to taipei" 14:07
Alias_ ah, thanks
Will lurk and catch her later
Although I imagine she'll be sleeping soon anyway
bsb Shouldn't you be? 1am there no? 14:08
Alias_ My body clock is weirded out ATM
I got up at 6pm
Got into an ugly pattern of sleeping 12-14 hours every 2 days 14:09
Mainly duy to holidays PITA hacking
bsb Mmmm, sleep 14:10
Debolaz And burgers.. delicious hamburglers. 14:16
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gaal rehi 17:41
sub_chick hiya 17:42
gaal mmm JSON::Syck :) 17:47
Alias_ JSON::OnA::Styck 17:57
theorbtwo URaLL::Syck 17:59
miyagawa hwh 18:01
theorbtwo BTW, what does JSON::Syck do when it gets functions? 18:05
If the answer is anything but "cough and die", then I have an evil plan.
clkao of course it uses b::deparse 18:06
theorbtwo No, the question is when it gets javascript functions. 18:07
...on read, not on write.
Limbic_Region wonder if theorbtwo is applying for pinky's job or the brain's 18:12
theorbtwo Hm. Pinky seems to have a lot more fun.
gaal what introspection do we have now? ::Foo.package doesn't include installed subs; is there soemthing that does? 18:36
?eval package Foo; ::Foo.perl
?eval package Foo; sub xxx {} ::Foo.perl 18:37
where's evalbot? :(
where is MMD implemented? 18:53
I think the problem may be that the exporter isn't requalifting the subName field 18:54
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Alias_ WTF, spam 19:19
gaal on the *internet*? no! 19:21
Alias_ on IRC
opers promoting open source products 19:22
gaal oh, i hardly ever look at window 1 in irssi :) 19:23
Alias_ I get it in whatever the current one is
gaal arghhhh! my symbol *is* installed as a multi 19:24
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gaal but dispatch still doesn't work 19:24
hmmmm though: in the original module, the name installed to is fully qualified. trying that... 19:25
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dduncan here's a funny little vid: 22:23
22:27 xah joined
stevan dduncan: :) 22:30
dduncan I'm gonna get me one of those ... yes I am ... 22:32
stevan ponders the same
dduncan the portable specifically
or I'll wait a few months for the iBook successor having intel, which is cheaper
stevan agrees :)
dduncan: although with apple it is usually good to wait a few months after the first ones are out,.. just so they get the kinks out 22:33
dduncan sure
though I generally wanted to be among the early adopters ... first models ... barring something really awful
will watch for reports on macfixit and such places 22:34
xah i got my imac in 2005 Oct
now i felt like being ripped off 22:35
the new imac is all the same, same price, but 2 or 3 times faster.
22:35 marmic joined
stevan sees lawsuits in dduncan's future ( :P 22:39
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xah huh? 22:43
dduncan steven, I doubt there will be any lawsuits 22:46
first of all, that's a very generic word
second, I announced publically I would be using that name in jan/feb of 2003; Apple did it in june of 2005, so I was first
I have no intention to sue them, and they have no right to sue me 22:47
jan/feb 2003 is when I officially registered 'Rosetta' with the perl 5 module list, fyi
in any event, while I have considered changing the name of my module, it won't be because of Apple, but because 'Rosetta' is very generic 22:48
but if I do that, it won't be any time soon 22:49
stevan dduncan: you should call it Cocoa to get back at Steve Jobs :P 22:50
dduncan any new name has to be either descriptive of purpose, or unique to be branded 22:51
stevan iDBI :P
dduncan besides, Apple is only using "Rosetta" as an "under the hood" type name, like they used "Altivec"; they don't use it for any public brand
actually, plain "DBI" is a good name, but Tim Bunce is already using it 22:52
oh, I just put up a new smoke, following my file rearrangements
r8580, Normal runcore, darwin 22:53
all the tests of my components in ext cleanly pass 22:55
stevan dduncan: do you know if the intel version of OS X runs on vanilla Intel machine?
dduncan yes and no
stevan explain please 22:56
dduncan some enterprising third parties have gotten X 10.4.1 and 10.4.2 to work on vanilla intel, but it's not a trivially easy task
Apple has built Mac OS X to check for certain hardware signitures that would be in its own hardware, and refuse to run if not there ... 22:57
or just refuse to install
stevan yeah I would expect something like that
dduncan Apple's official policy is that Mac OS X is for their own hardware only
stevan after all Apple is a hardware company first
dduncan doubtless, third parties will get it to work on other hardware, but Apple just wants to make this difficult enough that few people will actually do it 22:58
on the other side of the coin, Apple has no problems with people running other operating systems, Windows et al, on their Mac hardware, but they also will provide no support for this
and some sites I read said that vanilla Windows did run on their Intel Mac test boxen 22:59
as for Linux, well it already runs on everything
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xinming But the problem is, If the signature is a Bios-like thing, or, It is in fact stored in Bios. then, I believe people can break this protection in at most half a year. :-) 23:26
hmm, I don't mean patch the OS.
Windows Xp is a good example. 23:27
SamB windows XP is supposed to run on everything 23:30
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xinming hmm, Yes, I mean for the OEM version of Windows Xp, Some people download the oem version of windows, and change a signature in Bios to install the OEM version. 23:31
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