6.2.11-pre0 calls for test: xrl.us/jsza | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: paste.lisp.org/new/perl6 or sial.org/pbot/perl6
Set by audreyt on 31 January 2006.
bluefeet Hey, nothingmuch over on perl.org#catalyst told me that someone in here would be able to point me at some code that generates colors for nicknames. 00:00
Anyone know what/where that code would be?
obra bluefeet: I think you want to see ian langworth's cpan directory 00:01
comet^ 'generates colors for nicknames' is an impossibly vague description. 00:05
xinming1983 Juerd: ??? what does serious mean? :-S
bluefeet obra: thanks! 00:06
svnbot6 r8896 | rafl++ | r27913@ata: rafl | 2006-01-31 08:42:28 +0100 00:24
r8896 | rafl++ | util/build_pugs.pl:
r8896 | rafl++ | * only use directories as include or library dirs if they really exist.
r8896 | rafl++ | * clean up include and library dirs using canonpath.
r8897 | rafl++ | r27914@ata: rafl | 2006-01-31 08:42:41 +0100
r8897 | rafl++ | * Adjusted debian/ for 6.2.11.
Daveman :o 00:32
rafl Daveman: What's up? Did I break anything? :-) 00:37
Daveman rafl, nah ;) 00:55
rep ^_^ 00:56
jp73137 hi, I'm searching for a list of surnames and Mr. Google is not helping me too much.... some clues??.... 03:21
svnbot6 r8898 | audreyt++ | * undef.t and named_rule_capture.t: Probe for missing-rules-support 03:26
r8898 | audreyt++ | condition correctly. Reported by lwall++.
tewk Is there a perl5 version of rules floating around out there ? 04:01
jasho pugs binary for linux? 04:07
buu cpan: Perl6::Rules 04:22
buu search.cpan.org/~DCONWAY/Perl6-Rule...3/Rules.pm 04:22
jasho pugs binaries for linux? 04:33
rhesa jasho: which linux distro? 04:36
jasho suse or fedora. 04:39
putter tewk: not really. did you have a particular objective in mind? 04:44
putter good night & 04:55
dduncan hello hello 05:14
I was offline for the last 6 hours due to heavy winds bringing down my ISP's connections 05:15
but a smoke of r8895 was completed during that time, and I just uploaded it
this shows 13 failures of 11120, or 99.88% success 05:16
on darwin/haskell normal
those 13 failures were in t/pugsrun/09-dash-uppercase-c.t (6) plus t/rules/from_perl6_rules/capture.t (7) 05:20
I've pulled to 8898, which may fix some of those
audreyt not afaics. I'll look at your smokes 05:32
what's the parrot version?
<- just woke up, going to find some lunch, bbiab
dduncan I am now pushing a fix 05:33
audreyt woot
dduncan essentially, there was a test that was supposed to bow out if rules support was missing (I haven't linked PGE)
but it only printed out 65 skips, and didn't exit too 05:34
audreyt ahh.
dduncan so the output was 65 skips plus 11 failures
svnbot6 r8899 | Darren_Duncan++ | r2285@darren-duncans-power-mac-g4: darrenduncan | 2006-01-31 21:32:59 -0800
r8899 | Darren_Duncan++ | t/rules/from_perl6_rules/capture.t : made the script exit when it determines rules support is missing, rather than running those tests anyway, in addition to skipping everything
dduncan now I'll check the other file
audreyt dduncan++
dduncan audreyt, I see you're a late-to-bed-late-to-rise person, as am I 05:38
typically I go to bed at 1-3 am and get up at 11am-noon, in time for lunch 05:39
currently its 9:39pm here
as for t/pugsrun/09-dash-uppercase-c.t, I reran it directly and there were no errors 05:40
so either the errors only appear in smoke mode, or that was a transient problem which went away, or a recent checkin fixed it
I will now start another smoke, for the record 05:43
audreyt k
or you can use "prove" 05:44
dduncan what is that?
audreyt env HARNESS_PERL=./pugs prove t/pugsrun/09-dash-uppercase-c.t
will run one test using harness
very useful
see "perldoc prove" for details 05:45
dduncan and it will update the smoke.html in-place?
audreyt er, no, but at lesat you can simulate the harnessed confition
condition, even
dduncan okay, that's useful there for ruling out the problem
I also suggest the power brownouts I was having at the time may be related 05:46
they were during that last smoke
I don't have a UPS, just a surge protector
audreyt bbl 05:48
dduncan running env HARNESS_PERL=./pugs prove t/pugsrun/09-dash-uppercase-c.t shows all tests successful 05:51
dduncan now starting smoke of r8899 06:10
dduncan hello 07:28
I shut down and disconnected my computer temporarily since there was a lightning strike so close to our house that we could feel the house shake like a small earthquake 07:29
dduncan it came rather without warning, and there weren't more since; I decided to risk coming back on 07:29
said lightning didn't affect the power or anything, though 07:30
hachi heh 07:31
hachi good to hear that... check to make sure trees aren't on fire in your yard 07:31
dduncan actually, I didn't go out side to check
but there is a lot of wind and rain, has been all day
normally, lightning comes in groups, and we can hear ones further away before they get closer 07:32
dduncan maybe the wind drowned them out 07:32
anyway, my last smoke got through the ext/ and to builtins or so before I killed it for said shutdown; I have just restarted the smoke now 07:33
hachi damn, he's bouncing over here too 07:57
mlh_ justatheory: you're bouncing quite a bit 07:59
hachi I banned him on #perl@irc.perl.org 08:01
sent him an email saying that I just banned his nick
dduncan hachi, why would you ban justatheory? 08:08
hasn't that person been an untroublesome participant?
hachi his client is bouncing... you just ban the nickname, he can change his nick and rejoin when his client fixes itself 08:09
it's a motion to make the channel less cluttered, not to exclude them
lypanov agrees with hachi here 08:13
my logs are empty no
lypanov gets coffee before typing any more
lypanov ignores justatheory joins parts
dduncan so hachi, should we ban justatheory here too, for the reason you gave? 08:16
also, can anyone do it?
hachi sorry, no... I don't mean to advise you
beppu ? 1 + 1 08:33
lypanov hachi, dduncan: seemingly stopped anyway. banned and i missed it or? 08:38
hachi quit on the last shot 08:39
never came back
dduncan I didn't do anything
lypanov neat 08:41
dduncan my smoke of 8899 is about 2/3 done 08:56
audreyt rehi 09:42
comet^ yells at the Perl6 design team. 09:43
dduncan smoke's almost done
comet^ (I've been asked to.)
www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6....uage/24584 <---> dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S03.html 09:47
dduncan done, and uploaded 09:51
audreyt comet^: submit a S03.pod patch? 09:52
dduncan I'm pleased to say that my smoke of r8899 on haskell / darwin passed all tests and has zero failures
audreyt comet^: or rather, /demand/ one :)
dduncan: excellent
dduncan its now almost 2am here
will there be more release candidates, or are you going straight to release?
and do you have any idea when that will be? 09:53
audreyt I'm investigating parrot embedding segfaults
but it's not really showstopping
I'm happy to call the tree -pre1 at this point
I'll ask around for more testers
meanwhile writing release notes and chglog
and then push the final release out somewhere in the next 6 hours 09:54
dduncan sounds good ... should be done when I get up tomorrow, then
audreyt nod
leo_ audreyt: is by any chance interpreter->lo_var_ptr not set properly?
dduncan I have a question about ChangeLogs
audreyt leo_: I have no idea what it is
so that's possible
dduncan I notice that some ext/ have their own ChangeLog files, and others record their own changes in the Pugs master changelog 09:55
currently I am doing the latter
leo_ are you entering parrot runloop multiple times from different C stack depths?
audreyt dduncan: I'd rather each ext/ report the major changes
dduncan do you have any preference for what all/none of the ext/ do, or ...
audreyt dduncan: in the main chglog, and put more details in their own chglog if desired
dduncan: essentially what perldelta does
(as a high level, one-paragraph-per-module summary) 09:56
leo_: very likely
leo_: in fact, almost guaranteed
leo_ then you have very likely a GC bug with embedding currently
dduncan so if a module's delta can fit in a paragraph, it goes in the master pugs changelog, and if its longer, it goes in a module's own?
audreyt and the workaround is to disable GC?
leo_ you could test by turning off DOD & GC
audreyt dduncan: yeah, and leave a sentence or two in the main chglog 09:57
leo_: yow... ok, will do
leo_ Parrot_DOD_block(interp) ; Parrot_GC_block(interp);
if yes, a change in the init sequence will very likely help
audreyt k
dduncan I think the details I put in the master changelog for my ext/ are short enough, so they should stay there 09:58
audreyt dduncan: they look fine, indeed
dduncan: thanks a lot for the various releng help... it's wonderful to have you around here :)
dduncan fyi, as-of Pugs r6.2.11 (and Rosetta r0.720.0), there will be synchronized initial perl 5 and 6 versions of the Rosetta (rewritten) framework on cpan 10:00
starting there, with the versions in sync, I will be including all the change details with the perl 5 version, and only a brief summary with pugs
since the changes to each will largely be the same, the details with the perl 5 version would apply to the perl 6 one too 10:01
audreyt sounds reasonable
dduncan likewise with Locale-KeyedText, which is not part of Rosetta, but just used by it
see you tomorrow 10:02
good night
audreyt leo_: amazingly, the segfault it is
#1 0x292d20c1 in parrot_split_path_ext (interpreter=0x87be700, in=0x29705090, wo_ext=0xbfbfc548, ext=0xbfbfc544) at src/library.c:394
pos_sl = CHARSET_RINDEX(interpreter, in, slash1, len);
leo_ looks like 'in' is NULL then 10:03
dduncan p.s. I see another smoker has a rather crippled box ... taking 1605 minutes to smoke 10:04
over 20 hours
leo_ bah - not NULL, just borked
audreyt leo_: nod, it's loading a null bytecode
leo_: hmm?
leo_ in=0x29705090
that doesn't look like a valid STRING address
audreyt it's a normal char* 10:05
load_bytecode now takes STRING?
since when?
leo_ audreyt: since 2 months or so
audreyt *sigh*
ok, that's the problem
dduncan on the other hand, if a box started the smoke, then hibernated, and then woke and finished, the timer may be dumb enough to just subtract the start from end time to get the result, which could be what happened here 10:06
audreyt changes CString to ParrotString
yay, another segfault 10:10
0x2928bea0 in real_exception (interpreter=0x87be700, ret_addr=0x0, exitcode=14, format=0x294209cc "Couldn't find file '%Ss'") at src/exceptions.c:691
691 the_exception->severity = EXCEPT_error;
hm, does it mean I have to call parrot_init_library_paths nowadays? 10:12
leo_ a sec
audreyt shouldn't Parrot_init go there anyway? 10:13
leo_ Parrot_set_config_hash();
interp = Parrot_new(NULL);
audreyt ok
audreyt leo_: can you look at this sequence and see if there's anything missing? 10:14
parrot_set_config_hash 10:15
parrot_new nullPtr
parrot_set_run_core interp PARROT_CGOTO_CORE
parrot_imcc_init interp
parrot_compreg interp pugsSTRING pugsCALLBACK
parrot_load_bytecode interp (toSTRING "PGE.pbc") 10:16
parrot_load_bytecode interp (toSTRING "PGE/Hs.pir")
...start calling pge...
leo_ looks ok so far 10:17
audreyt ponders
leo_ are you always running the whole sequence?
audreyt no, just at init
and also there's this segment after compreg that I forgot what for 10:18
pf <- parrot_packfile_new interp 0
pf_dir <- get_pf_directory pf
seg <- withCString "pugs" $ \p -> do
parrot_packfile_segment_new_seg interp pf_dir 4 p 1
set_pf_cur_cs pf seg
parrot_loadbc interp pf
(that's it)
leo_ if you have GC related segfaults, you should use Parrot_init_stacktop instead of Parrot_init 10:19
audreyt dist/build/libHSPugs-6.2.11.a(Parrot.o)(.text+0x1f45): In function `s5Fy_slow':
: undefined reference to `Parrot_set_config_hash'
leo_ the former needs the address of a local var though 10:20
audreyt hm, I need to explicitly link in _config.o, right?
leo_ yep 10:21
audreyt is parrot_config.o installed? 10:22
leo_ for installing you get another config 10:23
audreyt what's its name?
leo_ src/install_config.o
which has the correct --prefix
leo_ make src/install_config.o # part of make install 10:24
audreyt but it's not installed
just part of src/
leo_ no has to be linked into the $exe
audreyt somehow it doesn't sound right 10:25
but ok 10:26
leo_ the idea is that any parrot is able to find it's libs, therefore prefix is compiled in via the _config.o 10:27
well, _config.o has all the Config.pm inside 10:28
audreyt does a parrot-config remember its original src tree? 10:30
the location that is 10:31
leo_ if there is a config var for that yes
audreyt aha, build_dir.
leo_ yep 10:32
audreyt ok... let's hope this works
leo_ see also t/pmc/config.t how to extract items from the builtin config via PASM/PIR 10:33
audreyt ok 10:35
new segfault
0x2929787f in run_sub (interpreter=0x87c1700, sub_pmc=0x8a37a50) at src/packfile.c:267
267 CONTEXT(interpreter->ctx)->constants =
leo_ that's from the packfile init sequence you pasted - missing const_table I presume 10:37
Limbic_Region audreyt - I assume you still read Dan's journal but if you don't get a regularly feed there have been some interesting posts this month you may interesting in. You seem to be interested in weird crazy blow your mind stuff 10:39
leo_ PF_create_default_segs should do it
audreyt new_cs = PF_create_default_segs(interp, name, 0); 10:46
old_cs = Parrot_switch_to_cs(interp, new_cs, 0);
like this?
leo_ PF_create_default_segs(interp, "dummy", 1); // add to directory 10:47
I'm not sure if you need the switch_to_cs, but doesn't harm I think
another solution of that PF issue could be: 10:50
pf = Parrot_readbc(interpreter, "temp.pbc");
Parrot_loadbc(interpreter, pf);
where that load PBC is the PGE loading code
i.e. your pugs_init.pir
audreyt k 11:06
bbiab 11:08
Limbic_Region gets to the mudslinging post by Dan and says ignore that one while reading the others :-( 11:09
lypanov was kind of bored by all the posts... 11:17
nothingmuch leo_: vtable question 11:21
does parrot analyze to see if there are any subsequently non virtual methods for a given object?
thus doing away with the vtable indirection if there's no possibility of method ... going to any other method? 11:22
audreyt leo_: ping 11:50
nothingmuch audreyt: www.woobling.org:3000/ 11:51
audreyt cool 11:54
leo_: I'm not sure where to put PF_create_default_segs 12:11
audreyt gives parrot embedding another try 12:20
nothingmuch audreyt: it also likes unicode 12:25
nothingmuch likes it when things like unicode with little effort
audreyt yay, it worked 12:26
audreyt "if you see this, parrot embedding has lived again" 12:26
nothingmuch (the chat thing)
audreyt ok, no showstoppers anymore 12:27
audreyt rolls preflight #1
do we have a Win32 user here?
cygwin and/or normal win32
scook0 audreyt: not sure if you've noticed, but someone posted a patch to p6c -- have you sent a ci invitation? 12:30
svnbot6 r8900 | audreyt++ | * embedded parrot lives again, thanks to leo++'s hints.
audreyt scook0: no, would you do it? :) 12:31
(though in that particular case it's already fixed)
scook0 audreyt: do I need meta-ci? (I don't have it)
audreyt you now do 12:32
but I'll send out the invitation anyway :) 12:34
scook0 audreyt: I was just about to, but I notice it's already done (I had to reset my OpenFoundry pw...) 12:37
audreyt :D
pre1: pugscode.org/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11-pre1.tar.gz | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: paste.lisp.org/new/perl6 or sial.org/pbot/perl6 12:39
audreyt preflight #1 calls for test :) 12:40
azuroth I'm quite behind in times, but just wondering... what's the `./method` syntax this week?
audreyt azuroth: self.method
azuroth cool
would that be self.:method if method were private..? 12:41
audreyt self!method
leo_ audreyt: pong 13:08
audreyt leo_: I think I've fixed it
it's a quite absurd sequence 13:09
leo_ great audreyt++
audreyt had to call loadbc twice
parrot_imcc_init interp
pf <- parrot_packfile_new interp 0
parrot_loadbc interp pf
seg <- withCString "pugs" $ \p -> do
parrot_pf_create_default_segs interp p 1
set_pf_cur_cs pf seg
parrot_loadbc interp pf
and _then_ compreg
and all worked
still not sure why two loadbcs are required 13:10
leo_ looks good
audreyt but I cargo culted it :)
Limbic_Region sticking my nose in a conversation it doesn't below with no idea what is being discussed but is the loadbc being called twice an unnecessary performance hit? 13:32
leo_ Limbic_Region: it's an one-liner and only in the init sequence 13:34
Limbic_Region thanks leo 13:36
audreyt another segv 13:39
0x293f6d0c in Parrot_ResizablePMCArray_shift_string (interpreter=0x87c2300, pmc=0x8835210) at resizablepmcarray.pmc:176
audreyt hm, seems to be PGE specific 13:39
leo_ audreyt: with GC enabled? 13:40
audreyt leo_: yeah
leo_: what was the init sequence fix you mentioned that may work around GC bugs?
leo_ use Parrot_init_stacktop() instead of Parrot_init() 13:41
putter audreyt: fyi, INSTALL and Makefile.PL both currently say "emberdded parrot is NOT recommended with this release"... something to strip if appropriate. 13:42
audreyt putter: please strip, then
it's now working happily 13:43
putter will do
audreyt (well, modulo a couple test failures, but I'm fixing them)
leo_ audreyt: the void *arg has to be the address of a local var on the stack 13:44
audreyt leo_: ok... Haskell has no stack btw
but I'll see what I can do with stable pointers
leo_ yeah - I knew that this isn't easy :-) 13:45
putter in 13:46
svnbot6 r8901 | putter++ | INSTALL, Makefile.PL: removed disrecommendation of embedded parrot.
audreyt cool 13:48
I'll reboot to win32 and do a smoke there
putter is this the right thing for pre1 make?: Current version is 0 13:56
audreyt huh? 13:58
svnbot6 r8902 | audreyt++ | * add a parrot_init() call. 14:00
r8902 | audreyt++ | * switch to -f (fast core) for portability.
putter /usr/bin/perl -Iinc util/version_h.pl src/Pugs/pugs_version.h 14:01
Current version is 0
audreyt: what exactly is the cause of stuff like this: (I was never really clear on it) 14:03
Compiling Pugs.AST ( src/Pugs/AST.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/AST.o )
/tmp/ghc8652.hc: In function `PugsziAST_zdwcharInc_entry':
/tmp/ghc8652.hc:39: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
audreyt putter: 64-bit? 14:04
putter yeah... 14:05
Oh, hmm, there is also this:
Compiling Pugs.Run.Perl5 ( src/Pugs/Run/Perl5.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/Run/Perl5.o )
/tmp/ghc8652.hc: In function `__stginit_PugsziRunziPerl5_':
/tmp/ghc8652.hc:3205: warning: implicit declaration of function `getStablePtr'
audreyt I've fixed the first 14:05
putter I'm not sure I have a p5 embedded copy around any more to tell if that's a regression. 14:06
Ah, so how does one fix such a thing?
(or I can just look at your patch.:) 14:07
audreyt yup :) 14:08
svnbot6 r8903 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.AST - attempt to fix a warning on 64bit machines
r8903 | audreyt++ | for stringwise autoincrement, as reported by putter++.
audreyt putter: try r8905 14:09
svnbot6 r8904 | audreyt++ | * some failed attempts at disabling DOD/GC. 14:10
r8905 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Run.Perl5: another attempt at warning silencing.
putter fyi, there's also 14:12
Compiling Pugs.Lexer ( src/Pugs/Lexer.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/Lexer.o )
/tmp/ghc8652.hc: In function `s2OBM_ret':
/tmp/ghc8652.hc:35: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
/tmp/ghc8652.hc: In function `s2QzH_0_alt':
/tmp/ghc8652.hc:60: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
Hmm, I've also never looked into these (this from pre1): 14:13
*** Found more than one 'Syck_stub.o' -- using the first one.
*** Found more than one 'Perl5_stub.o' -- using the first one.
*** Found more than one 'Parrot_stub.o' -- using the first one.
audreyt the "more than one" is harmless 14:14
putter considers adding a note to that effect to make... punts. 14:16
audreyt it's easier to just suprress that message.
Juerd timtowtdi++ # There's very often an *easier* way tdi, if there are more than one ways tdi.
If there's exactly one way to do something, there's also not an easier way. 14:17
putter Ok, Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11-pre1 built. Oh my, a not-immediately-segfaulting embedded parrot. Woot. audreyt++ 14:18
what priority: smoke on pre1, or testing recent revs?
svnbot6 r8906 | audreyt++ | * suppress harmless messages.
putter leo++
audreyt putter: priority is to "make unoptimised" again and check that warnings has gone away 14:22
putter: then a smoke on pre1 would be helpful; there will be failures on t/rules/ due to segfaulting, but everything else should be clean
putter ok
leo_ is testing r8900 currently 14:25
audreyt cool
leo_ how much faster is make test with an optimized ougs?
pugs even
audreyt leo_: faster than the delta between make optimized and make unoptimised
putter make will take a while...
audreyt leo_: so the rule of thumb is, if you are going to run make test (or make smoke), then optimized is a better bet 14:26
also, the make time is expected to drastically reduce on the next release
leo_ ok
audreyt the current -CPugs based #include in Run.hs will be replaced by YAML
so no longer 5-minute compilation waits on Run.hs 14:27
audreyt is finishing up ChangeLog
putter drat, I overlooked a warning next to the Embed.Perl5 spew: 14:33
/tmp/ghc14529.hc: In function `PugsziEmbedziPerl5_zdwccall17_entry':
/tmp/ghc14529.hc:3567: warning: implicit declaration of function `boot_DynaLoader'
s/spew/usual warnings/ 14:34
putter goes to look how last warnings were fixed... 14:35
Sooo... the strategy for making pointer warnings go away is... "replace the haskell which is generating the warning with something equivalent which hopefully doesnt"? ;) 14:42
audreyt yup
putter oy 14:43
audreyt in particular, avoi dthe char -> int -> char roundtrip
and use the builtin "succ" function that does char->char natively
(which should've been used at the first place, but I didn't know of it) 14:44
audreyt shapr: greetings 14:45
shapr Greetings audreyt, how's code?
audreyt Pugs anniversary release coming up in ~2hrs
tewk launched smoke on darwin g5 and linux fc5, he needs a spare windows box 14:46
putter ok, on 8906, warning wise, I still have Pugs.Lexer and Pugs.Run.Perl5 warnings.
audreyt tewk: that's okay, I'm running a win32 smoke 14:46
a cygwin smoke would be nice
shapr One year already?
audreyt shapr: yeah, time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana 14:47
putter but is a low hanging fruit?
tewk There is a surplus sale tomorrow at the unviersity, I might pick up a windows box if their cheap.
audreyt putter: you mean the warnings?
stevan good morning boys and girls 14:48
audreyt stevan: greetings
stevan hey shapr is back :)
shapr hey stevan
stevan audreyt: anything I can help with for release,.. I have some tuits this morning
shapr Yeah, I'm looking for greener pastures.
audreyt stevan: ooh, yes, definitely
putter yes, the full list of 8906 warnings is
Compiling Pugs.Embed.Perl5 ( src/Pugs/Embed/Perl5.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/Embed/Perl5.o ) 14:49
stevan shapr: I would assume there is a lot of white in your neck of the woods this time of year
audreyt stevan: write up something about what's been done for PIL^N and "make pil" and perl6-objectspace and place it in chglog
shapr stevan: Rather too much.
putter /tmp/ghc14529.hc: In function `PugsziEmbedziPerl5_zdwccall17_entry':
/tmp/ghc14529.hc:3567: warning: implicit declaration of function `boot_DynaLoader'
stevan audreyt: ok,.. :)
audreyt under "=== PIL^N backend" I think
putter Compiling Pugs.Lexer ( src/Pugs/Lexer.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/Lexer.o )
/tmp/ghc14529.hc: In function `s2OBQ_ret':
/tmp/ghc14529.hc:35: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
/tmp/ghc14529.hc: In function `s2QzL_0_alt':
/tmp/ghc14529.hc:60: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
audreyt I'm writing the parrot backend section
putter Compiling Pugs.Run.Perl5 ( src/Pugs/Run/Perl5.hs, dist/build/src/Pugs/Run/Perl5.o )
/tmp/ghc14529.hc: In function `__stginit_PugsziRunziPerl5_':
/tmp/ghc14529.hc:3206: warning: implicit declaration of function `getStablePtr'
tewk does have a cygwin box, goes hunting for haskell for win32 or cygwin 14:50
putter and I'm now set up for quick make unoptimized's if you wish to pursue warnings.
shapr I'm looking for new directions for both fun and work. Perl could be both :-)
putter hi stevan
stevan heya putter
putter ok, so thats the r8906 build. embedding still at least seems to work. so that's done. now running a pre1 smoke. test? 14:53
audreyt putter: r8907.
(make unoptimised)
?eval $?PUGS_VERSION 14:54
evalbot_8906 \"Perl6 User\'s Golfing System, version 6.2.11, February 1, 2005 (r8906)" 14:54
putter will do
audreyt tewk: just downlaod ghc .msi
svnbot6 r8907 | autrijus++ | * Lexer and Run.Perl5: Deliberately and blatantly suppresses warnings.
audreyt tewk: and test under cygwin normally
there's no cygghc, afaik
stevan audreyt: where should I chngelog the metamodel and objectspace? 14:56
audreyt stevan: in ChangeLog
stevan :)
more specifically ??
tewk audreyt: will do
audreyt i.e. create new sections where you see fit :)
stevan ok
audreyt you've done more changelogging than me :D 14:57
putter putter notes that chasing warnings by fiddling with implementation may not be the right thing. especially as warnings only seem to affect the order-1 x86_64 users, and have not been linked to failures even there. prerelease fiddling with code for cosmetics... eh
audreyt putter: "succ" is safe I think
otherwise it's just -optc-wall
which is, well, safe.
putter no warnings with make unoptimized. yay. I'll try to force a rebuild now and do a normal make. 15:00
svnbot6 r8908 | juerd++ | Adding public_html listing in feather.perl6.nl/~/
r8909 | juerd++ | Sorting
r8910 | autrijus++ | * PIL2JS: do not qualify empty variable names. 15:03
putter tewk: for after the release, if there is something in particular you wanted to do with p5 rules, let me know. while there isn't a "rules on p5", there are (several) approximations, which may or may not help you. though effort is perhaps best spent getting the haskell version spun up. or cleaning up the pugs-side of the pge one. or fleshing out the p6 one. or... ;) 15:05
audreyt ...or recode it in D 15:07
(which I still think is a sane choice, the apparent insanity notwithstanding)
putter ;) 15:08
tewk putter: I thinks rules are the coolest thing sense sliced bread. I worked on the haskell version then, got busy and couldn't connect with audreyt.
But audreyt is back now and I've got some time so I will dig in again. 15:09
putter notes that ghc can perhaps warp one's perception of the likely stability of unstable software. a haskell characteristic?
audreyt ooh.
putter: might be... though D does look like stable enough :)
putter re bread, oh yeah. :) 15:10
tewk I ported alot of the pge pir code to ruby, in an attempt to understand the pir, once you spend 10 hours with it it isn't that bad.
audreyt tewk: ooh. I'd like to see that ruby version.
D feels like "compiled ruby".
tewk audreyt: so how serious is your D idea,
putter re D, maybe. and this might be a high profile enough application to get direct help from it's development team, which can make all the difference in filling in the gaps.
audreyt tewk: quite serious. I want something that can be linked using FFI and perl5's Inline.pm and parrot's NCI 15:11
svnbot6 r8911 | autrijus++ | * add back past changelogs
putter tewk: re rb code, me too. note the pugs misc/ directory...
audreyt tewk: so I need something that uses exactly the same c callconv
tewk Well I'm in the middle of OpTable and Exp, probably where all the fun is and the goto magic.
audreyt tewk: can you develop it under misc/ ? 15:12
tewk the CPS style of the perl6 code looks interesting
I'll check it in, this in another one of my pick something up so I can learn a new language (ruby)
audreyt tewk: so, exactly the same motivation as me and D
tewk Well I have done a lot of c++, so maybe I can help with D 15:13
audreyt D looks like what C++ could have been, honestly :)
tewk where in misc, i'll check it in, I'm an earlly ruby guy, but I have great help. One of the 37signals guys lives here in provo. 15:14
audreyt but then, my C++ knowledge has bitrotted a lot -- the last time I used it is 8yrs ago
tewk or what c++ is trying to become.
audreyt it'd be nice to see ruby gets p6rules support
putter notes p6's try/fail is actually not that slow. so as soon as we have a regexp parse tree, (optimization is another todo item), some "directly emit p6" code might be interesting.
audreyt putter: we already do
putter C++ had different design objectives. even before it hit committee. ;) 15:15
audreyt Text.Parser.Rules can emit parse trees as Hs structures already -- hooking up a YAML dumper to it sounds sane
svnbot6 r8912 | stevan++ | adding PIL^N and ObjectSpace information to the ChangeLog
tewk yep, but the c++ committe is currently seriously considering things like garbage collection
putter *shudder*
audreyt wow.
colour me impressed :) 15:16
putter likes Stroustrup's model - C with types. and if you want real oo, get another language.
azuroth hopes perl 6 gets a super-pretty GUI api 15:17
audreyt you mean, like, Eclipse? 15:18
azuroth no, I mean a nice API to a GUI toolkit.
putter azuroth: wouldn't help to run smalltalk if it didn't, the st'ers wouldn't like it ;)
ah, never mind
but that too
stevan wanders off to deal with client issues ... oh well I guess my tuits are all used up & 15:19
putter "a GUI toolkit"? how about a nice half dozen? ;)
audreyt stevan: enjoy :)
stevan audreyt: yeah right :P
azuroth I'm trying to be as realistic as possible, though
putter having clients beats the alternative
stevan has to boot up his clunky windows machine ... there is no fun involved at all
putter ah, ok. can't argue with that. ;) 15:20
so, on both rules and piln, creating some docs seems indicated. a "conversation with audreyt". and some design discussion. there being quite a few paths through this maze between us and working rules/piln, and it would seem perhaps wasteful for folks to just scatter into it. 15:23
audreyt yup. 15:24
putter tewk: any particular things-to-do-with-rules that appeals to you? (I'm being drawn by "implement a half-dozen+ major languages". not C++ ;). C... maybe. but definitely an old backtracking grammar I have for unpreprocessed C source.) 15:28
rules are only a smallish part of that. but it's neat to take say bigloo's scheme grammar (already in a regex like form!:) and collapse it down to rules. 15:30
tewk I wrote an XQuery parser in scheme, that has multiple lexing states. PLT Scheme provides lex and yacc like tools but I had to write all the switching between lexers myself. That's when I wish I had rules. 15:32
putter neat
tewk One of the headaches of PyPy or RubyonRuby is parsing and tree generation, rules solves those problems too
putter have you seen.... oh what was it... some language that integrated XPath like stuff as firstclass language elements. 15:33
re py/rb, yeah. you currently have to fake :parsetree, but it seems almost too easy ;) 15:34
audreyt putter: XDuce?
tewk that is what i'm doing with scheme and xquery, Microsoft will introduce XML as first class in VB.NET 9.
audreyt s/will/has already/
(VB 2005 is available for download) 15:35
tewk I've heard of with XDuce, haven't used it.
I think it is the next VB then,
audreyt it's this VB :)
tewk LINQ is the MS project. 15:36
putter never seen that before: We're Sorry. The SourceForge.net Website is currently down for maintenance. We will be back shortly
tewk Well LINQ support is the next rev, some features did escape in the 2005 release. But the next one will see a lot more. 15:37
I'll have to go look at the new VB
audreyt right, and you can download the LINQ preview for VB2005 already
including XML integration in IDE 15:38
# msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/future/linq/
tewk Yes you can download the preview, right but what exactly shipped excluding the preview?
LINQ == lambdas in c# and vb
tewk Unfortunately C# doesn't seem to be getting XML as first class. 15:39
audreyt the XML data types, I think, and the base generics types
but there's no sugar shipped in 2005 by default
I think 15:40
tewk Ok, right.
No sugar without the preview.
audreyt yup
putter tewk: have you seen any metaruby code? the last time I looked, ripper output required a lot of postprocessing to get something usable. was hoping things would improve, rather than say requiring a rewrite in rules (though that's largely automatable: run a modified ripper on a large corpus, dedup and you have the parse grammar ;) 15:41
tewk I think we have one of the seattle rug guys coming down next month to present to the local RUG about metaruby. Most of the metaruby guys are in seattle. 15:42
bbib 15:43
putter tewk: if you folks could talk them into making their code public (my impression is it still isn't), that would be great. 15:44
ok, so the pre1 rules test are indeed showing failures, but, so far, everything else looks good.
s/test/some tests/ 15:45
obra is an OSX 10.3 preflight useful right now?
audreyt yes. 15:46
putter audreyt: since the code hasn't changed for a while, perhaps pre2?
audreyt putter: let me look at my just-finished win32 smoke first
putter k
lypanov putter: i used ruth for parsing needs. worked just fine 15:50
putter: also wrote my own scrappy one based upon pyggy (python) but a) never finished it, b) never ported it to ruby
ruth misses a few things, but at least its ast/dom based rather than sax like ripper 15:51
parsetree is in a p4 repo, anyone can access it
(parsetree is the metaruby thing){
afaiu its all in a p4 repo
audreyt win32 all passes here
I'll commit in changelog and call it pre2.
obra audreyt: should I still try building pre1? 15:52
obra I just installed GHC 6.4.1 to test. I'm seeing: 16:01
/tmp/ghc27417.s:160:Unknown pseudo-op: .subsections_via_symbols
mj41_ hello, 6.2.11-pre1 t\rules\from_perl6_rules\charset.t is neverending on win32 16:04
audreyt mj41_: do you have parrot in path?
obra: ghc 6.4.1 + gcc 4.0?
also, does GHC 6.4.1 have a 10.3 build? 16:05
mj41_ first 5 are passing
obra www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_641.html#macosx claims "10.3 and 10.4"
gcc 3.3
Do I need to up to 4.0? 16:06
not really an option this morning.
mj41_ parrot r11391
putter mj41_: parrot 0.4.1 I believe is the only compatibility claim 16:07
lypanov: liked your rubydium/ruth 0.3 slides on www.lypanov.net/xml/development/rub.../index.xml 16:08
putter re parse_tree, yeah, I'm confused (about something, not sure what;) 16:09
ok, pre1 core failures all t/rules/from_perl6_rules/. it was a make test, so ext/ tests didn't get run. I'll do that now. 16:11
s/all/are all/
lypanov: one can automagically generate much of a rules grammar for ruby just by hacking ripper and running over rubicon. that might be one way to go for a ruby-on-perl6. 16:13
(haven't looked at the pyggy vesion yet) 16:14
svnbot6 r8913 | autrijus++ | * Changelog cleanup for -pre2.
audreyt obra: aha, you need XCode 1.5.
okay, rebooting to fbsd and then rolle pre2. 16:15
obra audreyt: ah. 16:17
lypanov putter: keynote is pretty nifty :) (the slides) 16:19
putter: i'm not really too interested in ruby on perl6 if perl6 itself is sane :)
audreyt lypanov: "eval could never work" not true 16:21
if your eval can trigger gcc+dyld, of course it'd work
(re your rubydium slides)
(hs-plugins has this System.Eval primitive, as does libGHC) 16:22
integral I'd choose something like tcc over gcc though since it's faster
putter libtcc++ fabrice.bellard.free.fr/tcc/
audreyt agreed 16:23
uploading pre2
obra waits for xcode to download
lypanov audreyt: oh sure, nothings impossible, but that solution is horrible ;)
putter (for clarity: one can use libtcc to compile gcc-compatible C code, and link it, at runtime, without touching disk. performance of the emitted code isnt great, but still...) 16:24
audreyt lypanov: what putter said. not sure how horrible it would be, but certainly interesting
mm it works on win32 also 16:25
integral there's a tcc example that gives a bootable image that compiles the whole linux kernel from source at boot time :)
lypanov audreyt: mainly from the perspective of marshalling and need for bc data structures that gets icky
putter tcc is however very platform limited.
audreyt integral: now that's... differently sane
lypanov: nod, though we've been pushing this support into GHC 16:26
(pugs's inline haskell support is built on this)
pugscode.org/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11-pre2.tar.gz 16:27
putter haskell' === HaskellTwo ?
audreyt SIZE: 2985446 SHA1: 76e613b6207eb0be0e5798263e9ba78d6ba5149f
putter: no, Haskell06
more like... Perl 5.8 ;)
as compared with Perl 5.6, that is
and unlike Perl6.
wolverian or 5.10? or is that too large a jump? 16:28
audreyt pre2: pugscode.org/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11-pre2.tar.gz | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: 16:28
audreyt wolverian: 5.8->5.10 is tiny compared to 5.6->5.8 16:28
wolverian audreyt, hmm, perhaps. I'm pretty excited by 'use feature' 16:29
audreyt me too
putter oops. on r8909 I get a segfault in t/rules/from_perl6_rules/rulecode.t
audreyt putter: embparrot? 16:30
putter yes
looks like test 3 (the first two are :todo<feature>) goes boom 16:32
t/rules/from_perl6_rules/subrule.t also. after 1..18 but before first test output. 16:34
audreyt nod. 16:35
anything outside from_perl6_rules? 16:36
putter ./pugs -Iblib6/lib t/rules/from_perl6_rules/array_cap.t only got to 40, ended with a error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected ']' 16:38
in file 'EVAL_22' line 77
audreyt k
putter I've only run (in progress) r8909 on from_perl6_rules. pre1 didnt have other core problems, ext/ is still in progress. 16:39
t/rules/from_perl6_rules/prior.t died with 1..31 16:40
Null PMC access in get_string()
current instr.: 'PGE::Hs :: match' pc 80 (/home/net1/perl6/parrot-0.4.1/runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Hs.pir:102)
putter t/rules/from_perl6_rules/named_cap.t died in test 3 with error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected ']' 16:41
in file 'EVAL_6' line 99
t/rules/from_perl6_rules/grammar.t segfaulted in 10 16:42
audreyt putter: nod, that get_string fix is already in trunk parrot 16:43
(I just committed it)
no easy way to remedy it for 0.4.1 though
so that's just that
putter t/rules/from_perl6_rules/repeat.t in 5 Null PMC access in get_string() 16:44
current instr.: 'PGE::Hs :: match' pc 80 (/home/net1/perl6/parrot-0.4.1/runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Hs.pir:102)
svnbot6 r8914 | audreyt++ | * Second pass of ChangeLog copyediting.
putter and that's it.
audreyt k 16:45
putter no ext/ failures in pre1.
putter grabs pre2 16:46
putter should INSTALL be updated to mention known issues with embedded parrot on some platforms? 16:48
for after release, it would be nice if Makefile.PL ran a little test to see if parrot is indeed in $PATH (when external). rather than simply saying "make sure that...". I keep forgetting. 16:52
obra add to TASKS? 16:53
putter obra: ah, good idea, tnx. adding... 16:54
audreyt putter: yes, probably update INSTALL is wise. also you can check if parrot is there with can_run('parrot')
audreyt ponders a generated Changes.html as part of release tarball 16:55
obra instead of or in addtion to the text form? 16:56
audreyt in addition
and just for this release, not all
I mean, for the next release, the .html will be new
instead of containing info from all past releases
it makes linking easier 16:57
obra Why not just publish that to pugscode.org? 16:58
rather than bloating the tarball. ;)
o O { Generate it on build }
audreyt well, I imagine it shares a lot of substrs with ChangeLog 16:59
so tarball bloat should be minimal
generating it on build sounds possible.
obra I guess it's "what does it buy us to ship two copies of the changelog in the dist" 17:00
audreyt indeed. nvm then :)
svnbot6 r8915 | putter++ | TASKS +=1; Makefile.PL should check if parrot can be run.
putter parrot check added to TASKS. I'm not going to unnecessarily muck with Makefile.PL this close to release. 17:01
audreyt k 17:02
putter doesnt actually understand what platforms embedded parrot is/isnt working on...?
audreyt win32 doesn't work I think. pretty much everywhere else works 17:03
putter ok 17:04
obra Preprocessing library Pugs-6.2.11...
Setup: got error code while preprocessing: Pugs.Embed.Parrot
Build failed: 256 at util/build_pugs.pl line 86.
putter pre2?
obra Yes
svnbot6 r8916 | audreyt++ | * another pass of copyedits to ChangeLog, munging it to a
r8916 | audreyt++ | form acceptable by `perl-doc --kwid-to-html`.
r8916 | audreyt++ | (The kwid-htmlifier is in svn.kwiki.org/ingy/Perldoc/ fwiw.)
obra and this was after Makefile.PL confirms:
*** Parrot linking disabled; external 'parrot' executable will be used for
audreyt obra: do you have a checkout?
obra I do not. 17:05
(I have a checkout from an ancient rev)
putter waits on adding INSTALL note... 17:06
audreyt obra: tweak line 49 of util/build_pugs.pl
$run_setup = sub { system($setup, @_) };
change so it says 17:07
$run_setup = sub { system($setup, "-v5", @_) };
and make again
obra do I need to rerun perl Makefile.PL? 17:09
audreyt nope 17:10
obra doesn't help
obra I'm going to need to vanish from this test box very soon 17:11
audreyt k 17:12
it doesn't print out any debug messages?
obra Preprocessing library Pugs-6.2.11... 17:12
Setup: got error code while preprocessing: Pugs.Embed.Parrot
Build failed: 256 at util/build_pugs.pl line 86.
make: *** [pugs] Error 2
That's it
audreyt k 17:13
can I perchance get a shell?
obra *thinks* 17:14
yes 17:16
obra audreyt: test? 17:18
audreyt in
obra++ 17:19
does this HTML look sane? pugs.blogs.com/pugs/2006/02/changes_for_pug.html 17:22
gaal rehi 17:30
putter " Finalize Parrot and Perl5 embedding correctly"?
gaal that was a long $workday :(
ooh, pre2. d/ling
audreyt putter: 17:32
* Upon program exit, embedded Parrot/Perl5 objects are finalized correctly
putter yes ;)
audreyt k, r8917
svnbot6 r8917 | audreyt++ | * aspell + putter for ChangeLog 17:33
audreyt (pugs.blogs.com updated)
theorbtwo "Adverbial number forms: :16<deadbeef> and :16[14,15]" and "New \x[abcd] and \x[1,2,3,] forms instead of \x{abcd}" are redundant.
audreyt theorbtwo: one is :16 and one is \x
two features
(implemented in two places, even)
theorbtwo Oh, sorry, am blind. 17:34
comet^ win 3 17:35
ah, sorry. Missing slash.
putter how about putting Bundled Modules and Test, Examples and Documentations first, before Features&Bugs? F&B are a bit opaque, even if you are familiar with what's going on. and, well, a bit boring? Bundled is brief and is "real stuff!", and TED is "neat links to read!". when I read release change logs, 17:36
rhesa who
putter when I hit laundry lists, I often just punt, without even bothering to scroll down to see if there is something more interesting below.
svnbot6 r8918 | audreyt++ | * Note that \x[abcd] etc are for qq-strings, to reduce
r8918 | audreyt++ | confusion of them vs :16<abcd> forms. Reported by theorbtwo++
audreyt putter: good idea. implemented.
gaal oh, there'll be a pre3? shall I smoke HEAD instead of p2? 17:37
audreyt gaal: no code changes at this point, so pre2 is fine
gaal: but you can help me to test this -- download pre2
extract it
svnbot6 r8919 | audreyt++ | * De-laundryize ChangeLog by reordering it a bit.
audreyt rm src/Pugs/*hs-drift
and see if things go on as usual
gaal OK. would a windows build be more useful than colinux at this point, in terms of user base?
sure 17:38
audreyt gaal: a cygwin build is more important than anything now
as it's the only untested
gaal ok, I'll do that then.
audreyt woot
gaal audreyt: rm src/Pugs/*hs-drift before anything else in the build? 17:39
audreyt yup
if it works (it works here) then we're going to ship without hs-drift
gaal backlogs for context on why that's useful 17:40
audreyt there's no context ;)
putter so, re embedded caveat: "Linking against Parrot is currently NOT recommended on some platforms - see INSTALL" in Makefile.PL, and "Using embedded parrot is NOT recommended with this release (6.2.11) on win32, x86_64, and Mac OS X 10.whatisit.3" in INSTALL?
audreyt putter: the Mac OS X bit is probably not relevant 17:41
putter obra's failure?
audreyt is triggered without embparrot.
putter ok
audreyt gaal: the context is this: when both .hs and .hs-drift is present and has the same timestamp 17:41
gaal: sometimes "make" will still try to run drift.pl to generate .hs 17:42
gaal: it makes for strange error messages
gaal audreyt: so AST.Internals/drift too yes?
audreyt as in a release tarball there's no way that someone can commit from there
gaal right
audreyt it makes little sense to ship it
gaal: yup
putter HEY EVERYBODY! ahem. if you have seen an embedded parrot failure on pre2, or r8906 or later, please let me know. Thank you. ;)
Oh, err, on anything other than win32 or x86_64. 17:43
audreyt in any case, I'm on obra's machine
and compilation worked just fine
gaal putter: I'll test parrot/cygwin after audrey's current request
audreyt mm parrot/cygwin.
did it work before?
putter gaal: ok, tnx
gaal wtf? "can't find ghc in path". but it is in my path 17:45
Module::Install::Pugs thing
audreyt or rather, can_run tihng 17:46
trace the cygwin part in inc/Module/Install/Can.pm ?
gaal k
..is this run in the same process space as Makefile.PL? 17:48
(can I debug from perl -d M.PL ?)
rafl gaal: Yes. I debugged stuff in inc/Module/Install/Pugs.pm that way yesterday. 17:49
gaal thanks. (I needed b postpone for some reason though) 17:50
rafl M::I doesn't seem to load its modules during compile time. 17:51
gaal whoprovides MM->maybe_command? 17:53
rafl gaal: ExtUtils::MM_* 17:54
gaal anyway: can_run also has a bug in *non* windows systems, as it starts the search in the current directory.
okay, in any case: the problems is that the file is tested for -x, whereas in win32 it's sufficient to test it for -f && /\.(exe|com|bat|p6)$/ 17:57
fixing. 17:58
(how did this work on native win32 I wonder?) 17:59
(does -x there act differently than on unix?)
fixed. 18:02
"error reading ./.setup-config; run "setup configure" command?" 18:03
that's a cabal thing, isn't it? 18:04
audreyt it is 18:07
gaal oh, I was having GHC errors before that.
audreyt miyagawa: ping 18:09
gaal please test r8920 on non-cygwin platform 18:10
svnbot6 r8920 | gaal++ | * inc/Module/Install/Can.pm: cygwin can have hybrid ideas about what
r8920 | gaal++ | constitutes an executable; replace "-x" there with something that
r8920 | gaal++ | allows us to find GHC in the path.
audreyt testing 18:11
pasteling "gaal" at pasted "where are these temp directories created?" (17 lines, 1.1K) at sial.org/pbot/15691
svnbot6 r8921 | audreyt++ | * "A ship then new they built for him", this time in Japanese. 18:13
gaal whee
putter :)
audreyt gaal: in util/config_h.pl
my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $temp = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "compile-test");
the problem is, I don't know japanese, so I have no idea if this translation from google is sound 18:14
anyone from .jp here? :)
gaal ask dan kogai?
putter is still sitting on a Makefile.PL / INSTALL update (Makefile.PL updates tend to break people)
audreyt ponders asking around in #ruby-lang
gaal audreyt: in a pinch, I could supply you with a Hebrew version :)
putter s/update/text update/
audreyt gaal: ooh
gaal: do so then
as a backup in case we can't find .jp people :) 18:15
gaal but I'd need to create one myself, as I have no Hebrew Tolkein
audreyt hm, it's from Silmarillion, I wonder if there's a Hebrew translation for it 18:16
gaal It's also in Book II of the Fellowship 18:17
I never read Tolkien in Hebrew, actually 18:18
putter Elfish? www.elvish.org/gwaith/silmarillion_project.htm ;)
audreyt oh, right, it's in FotR, not Silmarillion, I misremembered 18:19
hm, I found one in .pl. 18:20
theorbtwo Hmm, where is it?
szbalint got .hu version
if needed. :)
theorbtwo svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/util/config_h.pl doesn't have it...
gaal okay, it's not obvious how to do it (Hebrew has very different typical meter than English), so maybe for the next release. :-)
putter anyone know how to say FotR in japanese? google.jp ;) 18:21
audreyt gaal: sure then, no worries :)
gaal putter: google language tools says リングの団体
but that didn't paste very well did it :-) 18:22
gaal wonders what Magyar prosody is like
theorbtwo Looks OK to me, assuming that's supposed to be 6 chars, and the second-from-last one is supposed to look like it's in a box...
gaal theorbtwo: yes. your terminal fonts are obvisuly better than mine 18:23
szbalint The interesting thing about the hungarian translation is that our ex president translated it while he was in prison in the communist era. :)
audreyt szbalint: url? :)
gaal wow! to Hebrew there are two xlations of The Hobbit, and the less accurate, more whimsical one was done by a group of pilots who were imprisoned in Egypt 18:24
szbalint Which part is needed exactly? (Sorry, I'm not too familiar with pugs naming and quote conventions)
gaal I wonder if there's a statistical significance here. 18:25
theorbtwo I should think translation is a reasonbly common thing to do in prision.
It doesn't require any potentionally hazordous materials or electricity. 18:26
If all the materials can be picked up at any bookstore, it can't be used to set up even a monodirectional backchannel.
audreyt szbalint: A ship then new they built for him / of mithril and of elven-glass / with shining prow; no shaven oar / nor sail she bore on silver mast: / the Silmaril as lantern light / and banner bright with living flame / to gleam thereon by Elbereth / herself was set, who thither came... 18:27
gaal szbalint: it's midway into the chapter "Many Meetings" 18:28
ch. 1 of Book II in the Fellowship of the Ring
audreyt gaal: your inc/ fix looks good. is the temp dir problem still around?
putter pre2, nothing embedded, passed make test.
audreyt good 18:29
gaal audreyt: yes; I think it's because GHC doesn't know about cygwin paths thus /tmp/sometempname is not visible to it.
szbalint tries to look it up. bbs.
putter anyone object to my doing the Makefile.PL change now?
gaal putter: which MPL chagne? 18:30
(but, I don't mind)
putter btw, FotR is 指輪の仲間 (wikipedia)
gaal wikipedia++ # concept/term dictionary 18:31
argh, now to remember how to get a win32 path from a cygwin path
audreyt putter: go ahead
obra audreyt: did my bug get fixed? 18:32
gaal oh, cygpath right?
soooo ugly :(
szbalint ok I found it audreyt. 18:33
svnbot6 r8922 | putter++ | INSTALL, Makefile.PL: Linking against Parrot is currently NOT recommended on win32 and x86_64.
r8922 | putter++ | TASKS +=1; Remove these notes post-release.
audreyt obra: I built without problems
it's in ~audreyt/pugs 18:34
obra audreyt: ok. cool. wonder what my bogosity was. perhaps something finky
audreyt gaal: nono, wait
audreyt gaal: give r8923 a try 18:35
gaal waits with bated breath for relief from cruft
putter but #ruby-lang seems a good idea...
svnbot6 r8923 | audreyt++ | * For cygwin, use the same try_compile in both Makefile.PL 18:36
r8923 | audreyt++ | and config_h.pl, and avoid the use of /tmp/.
audreyt asking on rubylang now 18:37
gaal Makefile:322: *** multiple target patterns. Stop.
what does that mean? the rule is config, and it's true there are several but they are :: rules
they are _all_ :: rules
putter chinese (someone did a thesis? paper? apparently with a translation of book 1) 18:38
audreyt gaal: r8924
svnbot6 r8924 | audreyt++ | * oops, fix a miscopy.
gaal is Beau here?
putter www.lucifer.hoolan.org/paper/paper/paper02.pdf 18:39
audreyt putter: I did a Chinese translation
already used up in 6.2.7 18:40
as is German (6.2.8), French (6.2.9) and Spanish (6.2.10)
gaal yay, it's compiling. 18:41
szbalint audreyt: perlmonks.org/?node_id=499245
gaal oh, but i didn't remove hs-drifts from HEAD. sec.
szbalint I copied it out of a dead tree book by hand. 18:42
audreyt szbalint: cool! 18:43
audreyt gaal: a cygwin smoke is the only thing pending now 18:46
audreyt starts writing relnotes
gaal durn, problems. I stopped the build, rm'ed the hs-drift files, and now errors early up in the cabal stage again.
audreyt so maybe not rm the hs-drift file for this release then 18:47
svnbot6 r8925 | audreyt++ | * util/drift.pl - suprress useless error message for non-runhugs-equipped systems. 18:48
audreyt szbalint: are you not a committer yet? I don't see you in AUTHORS file.
szbalint I'm not. I only got recently interested in Perl 6. 18:49
audreyt szbalint: ahh. what's your email? I'll send you a commit bit so you can commit the change to src/Main.hs and AUTHORS :)
putter :) 18:50
szbalint Use [email@hidden.address] please.
gaal btw make distclean spews out many errors. normal?
audreyt probably not normal, but nothing showstopping 18:51
gaal oh wait, something ate the filename in the try_compile bit. 18:52
pasteling "gaal" at pasted "/usr/bin/perl.exe -Iinc util/c" (11 lines, 783B) at sial.org/pbot/15692 18:53
gaal no test filename.
audreyt gaal: I attempted another fix 18:56
(r8926) 18:57
svnbot6 r8926 | audreyt++ | * another attempt at fixing config_h.pl.
gaal trying 18:58
nope :( 18:59
audreyt same error?
gaal yes 19:00
audreyt run that line by hand?
/usr/bin/perl.exe -Iinc util/config_h.pl "/c/apps/ghc/ghc-6.4.1/bin/ghc.exe -H0 -i. -isrc -isrc/pcre -isrc/syck -isrc/cbits -I. -Isrc -Isrc/pcre -Isrc/syck -Is
rc/cbits -static -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing +RTS -M548m -RTS"
also trace into try_compile in util/config_h.pl 19:01
gaal uh, sorry - the error isn't there, it's 19:04
Configuring Pugs-6.2.11...
The system cannot find the path specified.
error reading ./.setup-config; run "setup configure" command?
but in Makefile.PL time, 19:05
gaal oh, crap, my terminal got screwed up... sheesh. 19:05
is util/config_h.pl supposed to be called in Makefile.PL or in make time? 19:07
ah: ok 19:08
make time, but only the first time after make clean+perl Makefile.PL
I don't see what's causing the error; but .setup-config does not exist. 19:09
I'll try a different co path, maybe it's some weird windows file locking problem.
audreyt ok. 19:11
svnbot6 r8927 | audreyt++ | * Makefile.PL - Parrot embedding cannot proceed without a
r8927 | audreyt++ | src/{null,parrot,install}_config.o in the original source tree.
r8927 | audreyt++ | Reported by: Beau E. Cox
audreyt I'll reboot to cygwin. 19:16
svnbot6 r8928 | audreyt++ | * add Beau to AUTHORS.
gaal why does a clean svn co take so long? can't it identify it's a co and xfer everything.. fast? :) 19:17
clkao audreyt
putter + docs/feature - Feather.perl6.nl web site svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/docs/feature --> Not Found 19:18
rafl audreyt: Does linking aganst a shared libparrot still work? *_config.o isn't there, but it's linked nto libparrot.
feather is a nice feature, for sure, but it's spelled in another way.
audreyt lol 19:19
putter: please fix away
putter will do 19:20
audreyt rafl: hm, I don't know. I suspect if we know it's shared libparrot we can relax the "die" in MAkefile.PL 19:21
line 359 19:22
gaal clean co still has the problem :(
who actually creates .setup-config?
rafl audreyt: I'll try it in some minutes. 19:23
audreyt k
gaal: build_pugs, which calls "./Setup configure"
gaal: amazingly, it worksforme in cygwin. 19:24
gaal hmm. 19:25
rebooting and finding a chicken to sacrifice. brb
audreyt ghc 6.4.1, cygwin as of 1 week ago
ok, so outstanding things: rafl-libparrot.so, gaal-cygwin32 19:28
svnbot6 r8929 | putter++ | ChangeLog: fixed a couple of link typos.
gaal reboot didn't help, updating cygwin.
audreyt putter: there's actually context_coercion _and_ context_coersion
putter oy. fixing. 19:29
audreyt I'll stay in cygwin until a smoke run is complete
audreyt after that I'll probably roll a release if nothing else surfaces 19:30
putter re outstanding things, rechecking the build system after all this fiddling? ;)
audreyt did so under darwin and fbsd :) 19:31
gaal audreyt: good thing you're in cygwin, mine will take a while before it updates. shall i build native win32 instead / while it does?
putter anyone know what's going on with the two similar (one mispelled) context_coercion _and_ context_coersion pods in docs/notes? 19:32
audreyt putter: gaal sure 19:33
gaal: sure
putter I suppose I could just restore the extra (mispelled) link in ChangeLog, but, blech...
gaal well, it does build, at last :)
audreyt putter: yes. luqui posted context_coersion, and I posted context_coercion, quite independently
pasteling "gaal" at pasted "where are these temp directories created?" (17 lines, 1.1K) at sial.org/pbot/15693 19:35
"gaal" at pasted "/usr/bin/perl.exe -Iinc util/c" (11 lines, 783B) at sial.org/pbot/15694
gaal oops, sorry about that 19:36
restarted firefox
sial uses GET for forms, apparently
putter is there some english variant where coersion is not a mispelling?
not uk, ... 19:37
gaal looks in OED
m-w doesn't list it.
audreyt I think it's a typo for sure.
putter ah, but then theres the manifest and such. ok. I'll just restore the ChangeLog link and add a note to TASKS. 19:38
audreyt nod.
gaal OED2 doesn't list it, but then, it doesn't list "comonad" either. :) 19:41
svnbot6 r8930 | putter++ | ChangeLog: context_coersion.pod is back. 19:43
r8930 | putter++ | TASKS +=1; rename it.
putter *chuckle*
audreyt lol 19:44
miyagawa audreyt: pong
audreyt miyagawa: hey
audreyt miyagawa: I'd like some sanity check for svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/src/Main.hs 19:46
it's supposedly a translation for search.cpan.org/src/AUTRIJUS/Perl6-...rc/Main.hs
miyagawa: but it begins with "elf" and the english one doesn't say that; also the "immortal wings" in the last sentence doesn't belong 19:47
miyagawa: but I don't know japanese and hence can't fix it :)
putter audreyt: is a {-| really terminated by a -} and not |-} ?
szbalint :P 19:48
audreyt szbalint: you got the commit bit?
szbalint Yep.
audreyt putter: I thought so
szbalint I'm checkouting to svk atm.
audreyt cool
gaal audreyt: at least I can confirm hs-driftlessness is OK
miyagawa audreyt: how did you get this translation? 19:49
audreyt miyagawa: via google
gaal but I'm only now compiling Pugs.Run the second time so a smoke is still almost an hour off
audreyt gaal: that's fine, I don't forsee deltas between our cygwins
miyagawa paste the English one into google translation 19:50
audreyt it's this bad? ;)
gaal mine's native win32, may unearth some more path issues
audreyt miyagawa: homepage3.nifty.com/windtower/ring/...itena8.htm
miyagawa audreyt: no, it's not so bad
gaal (smoke started.) 19:53
miyagawa audreyt: looks very good as a Japanese 19:55
svnbot6 r8931 | putter++ | Eval/Var.hs: typo in comment - was terminated by |-} rather than -}.
audreyt miyagawa: cool... can you fix the two small glitches then?
miyagawa but I've never read LoTR before
tewk Finally got back to cygwin
audreyt "they" built for him verses "elves" built for him, and also removal of the "immortal wings" sentence
miyagawa: if not, we'll fallback to Hungarian :)
tewk Compiling Pugs.Compat ( src/Pugs/Compat.hs, dist\build\src/Pugs/Compat.o ) 19:56
c:\DOCUME~1\Kevin\LOCALS~1\Temp\ghc1048.hc: In function `sXmD_ret':
c:\DOCUME~1\Kevin\LOCALS~1\Temp\ghc1048.hc:2749: warning: passing arg 1 of `GetProcessTimes' makes pointer from integer without a cast
miyagawa audreyt: yes. you can replace "Elf" with "They"
and immportal wings could be eliminated
audreyt miyagawa: can you nopaste the changed version somewhere? :) 19:57
<- has zero japanese-fu
miyagawa :)
audreyt sial.org/pbot/perl6 19:58
miyagawa hmm, the "immportal wings" stuff look correspond with "And banner bright with living frame" 20:00
not sure if that's the correct translation though
audreyt the english one was truncated 20:01
putter was just puzzling over what the paragraph means...
audreyt who thither came / and wings immortal made for him, / and laid on him undying doom, / to sail the shoreless skies
/ and come behind the Sun and light of Moon.
szbalint Yeah I noticed that the hungarian version had a few more lines extra too so I just figured someone truncated the english. 20:02
audreyt that someone would be me
I forgot why I did it ;) 20:03
putter so what's with the "living flame"? putter never read FotR.
shapr who blithered past / and shopped with without restraint / and slept till past eleven / to vultch the trackless parking lots / and come behind on their visa bill 20:04
shapr does the barbie version...
szbalint I think its better truncated, at least the .hu version is.
putter lol 20:05
audreyt shapr++ # but no way am I going to put this to Main.hs
shapr laughs
Good, barbie does not belong in Perl6.
putter tries to imagine a barbie pragma. oh, maybe Barbie will be the successor to Blondie. 20:06
shapr Monads are hard, let's go shopping.
putter "Shopping is boring, let's play with monads!" 20:07
- Barbie c. 2008
szbalint So maybe the .hu version at the release after this one? 20:11
shapr putter: We could teach Barbie that monads allow her to sequence her shopping more effectively... she could find the best prices in the closest stores. 20:17
audreyt szbalint: that depends on if miyagawa has a fix...
szbalint Okay.
audreyt miyagawa: ping? :) 20:18
miyagawa pong :)
sorry I don't think I have a correct fix
because I've never read the LotR
audreyt that's cool then
szbalint: please commit ahead to Main.hs and AUTHORS
szbalint okay. 20:21
audreyt cygwin looks good here. 20:22
audreyt reboots back to fbsd
rafl: how's libparrot.so test doing?
rafl audreyt: Currently running.
Only 1.4G centrino. It usually takes a while.
Juerd "only" 20:23
The CPU isn't the X4x's bottleneck. It's the hard drive.
rafl It rarely does io currently. But the cpu is at 100%.
gaal audreyt: i'm in t\pugsrun, so smoke ETA ~10 min 20:25
dduncan now resyncing 8900 thru 8931 20:26
Juerd rafl: Still, though, 1.4 is quite fast for a centrino.
szbalint I hope I didn't mess something up. 20:27
rafl audreyt: Ahh.. Could not find src/null_config.o in /tmp/buildd/parrot-0.4.1
Juerd rafl: It maps roughly to a p4 2.4
szbalint First commit of mine :S
rafl audreyt: Compiled it sucessfully but forgot to run makefile.PL first.
audreyt: Now it complains about the config.
audreyt rafl: actually that's fine
rafl: a sec
rafl: try r8933 20:28
svnbot6 r8932 | szbalint++ | Adding .hu LoTR quote and myself to AUTHORS
r8933 | audreyt++ | * try disabling the need of null config for shared libparrot.
dduncan now making 8931
audreyt szbalint: it looks nice. thanks!
szbalint *phew*
Juerd szbalint: Congratulations with your first commit :) 20:29
szbalint ty.
Juerd szbalint: May many more follow :)
szbalint Hopefully. :)
audreyt rafl: the new Makefile.PL for libparrot worked for me 20:30
rafl audreyt: For me as well. Thanks!
audreyt excellent!
rafl (at least Makefile.PL worked fine)
audreyt try finishing make :)
meanwhile I'll roll a -final tarball.
gaal wonders if there's any software that has a fully automated release process 20:31
putter r8930 builds and passes sanity. 20:32
Juerd PLP had it :P
gaal PLP == ?
Juerd But it cheated by not having any test suite
audreyt heh
Juerd gaal: Crap I once wrote.
If you want to admire my perl skills anno 1999, 2000, have a look on CPAN 20:33
It's still there. Someone else maintains it now.
audreyt Final call before boarding: pugscode.org/dist/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11.tar.gz | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/15694 20:34
audreyt so, please sanity check pugscode.org/dist/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.11.tar.gz 20:34
putter waits for tar file to no longer be in the future... 20:36
putter an r8925 external-parrot but-with-no-parrot-in-path passed make test. 20:39
audreyt Juerd: larry would like you to know that he reads minds.
putter I assume including the Pugs.sln was intentional. 20:40
audreyt yeah, as people with Visual Haskell may find it handy. 20:41
putter Setup.lhs same?
audreyt yup
sanity seems okay here 20:44
gaal smoke uploading.
all green! 20:45
audreyt excellent!
Juerd audreyt: :D
gaal sanitesting rc
audreyt Juerd: what was the context for this, though?
Juerd audreyt: People here collectively wondered whether Perl 6 would have goto LABEL. An hour or so later, there's a very definitive, thorough message to that point in p6l. 20:46
audreyt ok. I just got a mail from larry; he mentioned the Japanese translation seems poetic and reads nice 20:47
miyagawa great
obra nice
audreyt however, we are going with Hungarian in this release, saving Japanese (and Polish, and Russian -- thanks to #ruby-lang) for the next versions 20:48
Juerd Fun :)
audreyt :) 20:49
audreyt waits for sanity reports before uploading to CPAN
putter twiddles thumbs, watching the Compiles go by 20:50
gaal release candidate is sane on win32 native. 20:54
audreyt sane on fbsd with and without parrotembed. 20:55
putter wonders why he is always the last one running for the plane...
gaal gotta flirt less with the ground crew, putter 20:56
putter :) 20:57
szbalint :)
audreyt putter: are you running the full smoke, or just making sure compilation works? 21:02
putter just checking my sanity...
audreyt meanwhile, please check relnotes for sanity too 21:03
putter building Pugs.Run took almost 10 cpu minutes, at 3GHz. 21:03
checking... 21:04
audreyt hm, did you build unoptimised?
it could take longer
than a normal (optimized) build
for that single file
gaal precompiled prelude + unompimized is teh terror 21:05
if precomp is still slow after yamlization we need to disable it after the release for unoptimized builds 21:06
audreyt nod
though the canonical answer is "we'll benchmark before doing anything"
dduncan make of 8931 successful, and shell is fine 21:07
putter ok, release sane.
audreyt yay
gaal putter: when I realized I forgot to vi config.yml I broke from make, and ran it again; that's a trick to get blib6 populated
dduncan now pulling thru 8933
putter re relnotes,
audreyt putter: Run.hs still compiling? *mild discomfort*
putter err, no, release candidate is sane (and the rules stuff seems to be ok to) 21:08
re the relnotes,
I suppose to it depends how much emphasis you want to put on the autrijis->audreyt transition. " Now that I'm back to reality under a new-yet-original identity," could go or stay, depending on your objective. 21:09
dduncan make of r8933 successful
now, would I be best to smoke this, or download your pre2, build, and smoke that? 21:10
the former would take 2 hours, the latter 3 if I'm lucky
putter dduncan: there will likely be takeoff within the next few minutes. probably best to smoke that.
gaal dduncan: prove t/01-sanity ?
audreyt dduncan: download the release tarball and play with it when you feel like :)
putter: *nod* I'll mail it out as-is then 21:11
dduncan okay, if you're actually releasing now, then I'll just smoke the one on cpan
audreyt cool.
okay. fly!
gaal cheers
putter hmm, quick thought? 21:12
audreyt putter: sure, but I've already sent out various things within the same 10 seconds
putter ok ;)
audreyt (announcement, cpan-upload, commit, etc)
putter never mind then ;) 21:13
audreyt :D
svnbot6 r8934 | audreyt++ | * This be Pugs, version 6.2.11.
r8934 | audreyt++ | * skip .hs-drift files in MANIFEST.
r8934 | audreyt++ | * suppress warnings in Pugs.Compat.
audreyt 6.2.11 released! | pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 21:13
audreyt thanks for everything, folks :) 21:14
gaal Happy Birthday, Pugs!
masak cheers too
putter pulls out big plastic horn. Remembers getting blasted in the ear by one a month ago. Putter puts away big plastic horn, pulls out small melodious horn. Toots in celebration.
tewk Yahoo
audreyt cheers happily
szbalint yay
nnunley Yay. 21:15
audreyt :) 21:16
it's 5:16am now
tewk 's smoke is finally running in cygwin, looks good so far, parrot embedding didn't link, need to look at that
audreyt wayyy past bedtime (as is with every single release after 6.2.7)
putter audreyt: do you ever pause and wonder "what have I wrought!?" ? :)
everyone together now, "good night audreyt!" 21:17
gaal putter: interesting you should use that phrase; Western Union just announced it's stopping it's telegram service.
putter but thanks, it's been a blast.
audreyt putter: sure... in OSDC.au I mentioned Pugs as my "pet" project that grew far beyond my imagination :)
gaal *its telegram service 21:18
audreyt: next releng scheduled to *start* at 5:16 :)
audreyt rofl
gaal actually this one took a little longer than a day
audreyt good night everybody... see you tomorrow 21:20
audreyt waves &
gaal sweet camel dreams!
putter (Clifford the house-sized red dog comes to mind) 21:22
Kids growing up having never seen a telegram, or a typewriter, or a card index... wait a second, *I've* never seen a real telegram!
Is there still time to run our and send someone a telegram, just so we can say we've done it?
gaal putter: unfortunately no. But you can send telegrams by phone around here 21:23
I don't mean SMS-- 21:24
--they get printed and delivered by courier.
putter ah well. tnx. Effective January 27, 2006, Western Union will discontinue all Telegram and Commercial Messaging services.
'night audreyt 21:25
gaal closes several pesky windows shells and fires up colinux
dduncan a few days ago
putter :(
dduncan so what is Western Union for, if not delivering messages?
or holding on to messages for 70 years for delivery 21:26
cdpruden sending money
gaal we can set up a telegram system in YAPC
oh wait no I don't know morse.
putter ha, there's a source filter! :) 21:27
cdpruden the morse code module on cpan was one of the first I pulled into pugs once the perl 5 support landed :) 21:28
gaal dduncan: holing a message for 70 years!?
dduncan you've seen Back to the Future, right?
was that western union or some other agency? 21:29
gaal a long time in the past :)
dduncan that was my favorite movie trilogy, a decade ago
putter use Encoding::Morse; ..._.._ _.._ _..._ ...._ ..___ _._._. ... ._ _.__ ..._.._ _.._ _._._. 21:33
dduncan um, audreyt, hold that release for a minute 21:34
putter oh, that's doesnt sound good.
integral o_O
dduncan I'm just checking the web, but on my disk the end of the changelog appears to be cut off mid-sentence
around 6.0.8 21:35
integral sees that too on disk
gaal :(
dduncan like someone was using a bad editor
that portion will have to be restored before this goes out
I can do it
gaal dduncan: I believe it has gone out.
putter dduncan: restoring good. but it's already out. restoring is for next release. ;) 21:36
dduncan its like someone using a crippled editor which is limited in memory opened that file, then resaved
svnbot6 r8935 | audreyt++ | * docs/other/earendil_translations: list of past, present and future
r8935 | audreyt++ | translations of the Main.hs poem.
gaal but it's funny:
* Many Posix
putter cdpruden: which morse code module? 21:37
gaal as if it couldn't bring itself to say "posix impovements"
dduncan ping audreyt ... has it actually gone out yet?
or can we get a fix in?
audreyt we can't, it's too late ;)
putter dduncan: yes. no question. see backlog.
gaal dduncan: it did, it did. see p6-{announce,compiler}
integral appears to be r8916 that's at fault 21:38
audreyt yup, apparently gnome's copy-paste has a buffer limit somewhere
dduncan okay, all I saw was that you made a commit to say things are out
svnbot6 r8936 | audreyt++ | * restore changelogs before 6.0.8.
cdpruden putter, think it was Convert::Morse.... I didn't understand the ~$1 stringify stuff when coming from regexps, and had troubles, but sort of worked :) 21:39
audreyt dduncan: but it's not function breakage, so no 6.2.12 tonight :)
dduncan I wasn't going to suggest that
only that if 6.2.11 hadn't gone out yet, to hold for this
audreyt *nod* 21:40
thanks for noticing this :)
audreyt goes back to sleep &
dduncan fyi, with my own distros, I mention as a changelog bullet when something like this happens in the changelog ... that is, an item for today mentions that items in the past were edited
on that note, I'm going to add a template for 6.28.0 to the changelog now ... as I did with 6.2.11 and 6.2.10 21:42
putter good thought. and you can log the changlog change.
this release, the sections were reordered, so the interesting stuff was at the top, and thus more likely to be read. 21:43
cdpruden: well, if you have any questions... Pity, one can do macro <...> { "s" }, but there are no whitespace macros yet, so you need to do a source filter to distinguish character from word breaks. Oh well. 21:46
cdpruden squints and tries to understand that
putter and I'm not sure how one deals with ".".
cdpruden :)
shapr just squints 21:47
cdpruden putter, maybe I wasn't saying it right -- but basically, I have things like this: q# when rx:P5/^$nick,\s*seen\s*(.*)\?$/ { my $nick = ~$0; # and just passing the $0 without ~ to a perl5 module gives it a match object (right?) 21:48
putter, is there a better way to accomplish that? 21:49
Oh! I see what you were saying, I think 21:51
dduncan putter, 21:52
do you want me to add that comment you quoted too?
putter re question, i'm not sure what the "q# when " is? and you are using $nick in the re, and then creating a new variable of the same name (which thus shaddows it) in a block? huh?
dduncan putter: this release, the sections were reordered, so the interesting stuff was at the top, and thus more likely to be read.
cdpruden putter, sorry, meant to be cute with the q## to show that was just a quote 21:53
putter oh, no need I think.
dduncan I would actually add it under 6.2.11
cdpruden wow, good catch... can't believe I still ahve that in there
dduncan actually, for now I won't 21:54
putter dduncan: the change log on a non-released non-production research project is a much more... flexible thing than in other contexts.
dduncan mainly, despite its name, this changelog is more free form
one reason I call mine 'Changes'
ChangeLog sounds like the machine output of a cvs 21:55
putter interesting idea 21:57
dduncan push done 21:58
svnbot6 r8937 | Darren_Duncan++ | r2331@darren-duncans-power-mac-g4: darrenduncan | 2006-02-01 13:56:20 -0800
r8937 | Darren_Duncan++ | ChangeLog : addedtemplate for 6.28.0, added first bullet
dduncan putter, you can add a comment yourself about the reformat, if you want
putter k 21:59
doesnt work, but not sure if it should or not... 22:03
macro term:<...> () {"s"} 22:04
macro term:<._> () {"a"}
macro term:<_.__> () {"y"}
macro term:</> () {""}
macro term:<//> () {" "}
macro term:<....__> () {"4"}
macro term:<..___> () {"2"}
buu ?join #perl 22:20
evalbot_8937 you should only do ?join in a private message so other bots don't accidentally come. 22:20
buu That's.. annoying.