stay with r12316 or b0rk | SVK users: | paste: | | | |
Set by gaal on 16 August 2006.
TreyHarris oh, no. even after a make clean, it's still linked in a non-existant libparrot. 00:05
dduncan anyway, I think I'm starting to get the hang of using propedit+VIM for basic stuff 00:11
zgh is perl5 embedding in pugs broken? or is it just my compile? 00:18
TreyHarris dduncan: hooray! i have a working pugs again :-)
dduncan I'm glad 00:19
TreyHarris thanks for your help dduncan++
dduncan so now I'll just have to figure out how to use libreadline myself 00:20
assuming its actually useful
TreyHarris well, i dunno. just when you get used to being able to edit and use command-line history at a prompt, it's really hard to go back to a dumb prompt
zgh readline is essential to my way of life 00:22
vi-keybindings specifically
svnbot6 r12340 | Darren_Duncan++ | set svn:ignore props to hide third-party/installed and any third-party/judy files that aren't in the repo 00:29
r12341 | Darren_Duncan++ | third-party/ : set svn:ignore props on appropriate parts of HsJudy, HsSyck, fps 00:38
r12342 | Sage++ | The translator test script is now recursive. Just run it in a directory and it recurses through all .yml files and tries to translate them. 00:41
r12342 | Sage++ | Useage is the same.
r12343 | Sage++ | The parser for the translation utility now fails much more gracefully if the file is essentially empty. It just returns as empty P5AST, which eventually results in an empty output file. 00:45
r12343 | Sage++ | This makes running tests across the full parsed yml of perl5 t provided by lwall much easier, as anything that's empty no longer causes a failure.
r12344 | Darren_Duncan++ | perl5/Pugs-Compiler-Rule/ : set svn:ignore props on make-generated files
SageLT I;ve got a full test of the translator using the new recursive script running right now, I'll post the results for anybody interested. 00:45
Current feeling based on the early part of the test: as expected when you expand out your test base, more problems crop up. Not as much coverage as I'd like, but not too shabby either. 00:46
svnbot6 r12345 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Set-Relation/ : continued split of the 2 test files
SageLT Ah, the test just finished: out of 1278 files attempted, 142 failed in some catastrophic way. 90 had unknown nodes. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me. 00:47
That's roughly 90% translating without major errors.
dduncan This is Pugs Version: 6.2.12 (r12345) 00:48
now there's a number you don't see every day
now, the only non-repo files left without svn:ignore props are various perl5/Pugs-Compiler-Perl6/t/ files and folders plus perl5/Pugs-Grammar-MiniPerl6/lib/Pugs/Grammar/ ... 00:51
I'm loathe to hide those at the moment, but if someone actually working on those projects thinks its a good idea, then they can do so themselves
markstos I'm running "pugs -cw CGI/ my CGI::App port, and I'm getting "unexpected end of input" ... at line 2323. I know the error must be about a 1,000 lines earlier, because most of the end of document is POD. Any tips on narrowing down where the error is ? 01:23
dduncan I'm not sure if its a transient on my system, but I'm currently running a smoke and getting lots of errors 01:29
I think I'll abort it and do a clean run, to see if its related to repo code or not
but that will take awhile, so see you later & 01:30
audreyt wakes up and sees the topic 01:50
TreyHarris audreyt: you broke it :-)
audreyt fixing
TimToady welcome back to the funny farm
audreyt I see that. should've known better than checkin 5kline changes at midnight 2am 01:51
who would have thunk?
TimToady looks like some of the Var/_Var thingies are b0rken, like .keys
don't know why that prevents "return if" from parsing though. 01:52
unless it's looking ahead for the wrong category for statement modifiers somehow
maybe trying to figure out "return if =>"
or maybe it's the other way around, and the parser is hosing the _Var thingies 01:53
TreyHarris i was reading one of audreyt's old journal entries, and I saw a reference to "multi sub foo (0) { ... } multi sub foo (1..10) { ... }". has that kind of pattern matching gone away, or just not implemented yet? 01:54
TimToady not implemented yet
treating values as subsets is rather important 01:55
TreyHarris ok
i can't find a test, which was why i asked. should i write one for multi_sub.t? 01:56
but i admit i haven't read every single test yet :-) 01:57
or maybe it belongs in signature_matching.t
TimToady there are no tests containing /sub.*\(0\)/, which i would expect. 01:58
TreyHarris yeah, that's what i looked for, but it could be any value, and i couldn't figure out how to write a regex for that :-) 01:59
TimToady implementation is probably waiting on all the Capture/Signature stuff to settle down.
markstos Perl6 blog entry, powered by 'given', 'when' and the smart match operator. Total LoC reduction: 50%! 02:00
lambdabot Title: You have exceeded your Internet quota
TreyHarris lol
TimToady ./data_types/subtypes.t: multi sub my_abs (Num where { $^n < 0 } $n){ -$n } 02:01
that's about as close as it comes, i think.
markstos: the parens around the arg to die are doing no useful work. 02:05
markstos TimToady: Thanks. Removing them now. 02:06
TimToady also does weird line breaks.
TimToady reducing my font size seems to fix that though 02:07
(I tend to run with fairly large fonts for my aging eyes.) 02:08
TreyHarris perlbot: learn "#perl6 logs" as 02:12
perlbot added "#perl6 logs" to the database
lambdabot Title: You have exceeded your Internet quota
svnbot6 r12346 | audreyt++ | * A typo (SArray info SArrayMulti) in Operator.hs rendered
r12346 | audreyt++ | &return into unary, instead of listop. :-/
r12346 | audreyt++ | The @@ sigil caused us trouble even before it's implemented...
TreyHarris perlbot: #perl6 logs
TreyHarris perlbot: learn #perl6 logs as 02:12
perlbot added #perl6 logs to the database
lambdabot Title: #perl6 irc log 02:13
TreyHarris perlbot: #perl6 logs
lambdabot Title: #perl6 irc log
audreyt should be unb0rked now. 02:17 broken.{...} broken; fixing these two. but smoke loop should be runnable
audreyt Foo:bar unbroken. 02:29
svnbot6 r12347 | audreyt++ | * restore metaobjects for Multi::Part::Class's metaobject
audreyt .map:{} seems fine now
SVK users: | paste: | | | | 02:29
TreyHarris excuse my ignorance, but what is Foo:bar? run Foo() with an invocant of bar()? 02:30
markstos "trinary" is really spelled ternary, right ? I just spotted that in the docs. 02:32
TreyHarris markstos: a three-arged operator is ternary. a SQL boolean that can also be null is trinary 02:33
audreyt "ternary"
markstos audreyt: thanks. Patching docs for !! ?? now.
audreyt TreyHarris: it's Foo(bar => 1)
surprisingly. 02:34
userdefined infix broken. 02:35
svnbot6 r12348 | audreyt++ | * Remove debug statements and reorg a bit.
TreyHarris markstos: oops, i was discerning a semantic difference where there is none. both ternary and trinary can be used either way, and ternary is preferred for both.
audreyt hm wait. broken just with funny unicode brackets. 02:36
fixing that too
markstos TreyHarris: Thanks for the clarification, though.
Ok, so subversion is finding no change when I know I just made one. How do I make it less dumb? 02:37
audreyt "svn add"
"svn st"
audreyt if you are patching docs/Perl6/Spec/ 02:37
then that is not meant to be checked in; send to p6l
markstos Yes I am. Ah. 02:38
audreyt upstream is
markstos How about I just shout it out here: s/trinary/ternary/i ? I'm not already subscribed/following p6l. 02:39
TreyHarris markstos: you should subscribe; conversations seem to move back and forth between here and there fairly willy-nilly :-) 02:39
it's not high traffic at all (lately at least, it flares up sometimes) 02:40
svnbot6 r12349 | markstos++ | s/trinary/ternary in docs/other/primes_rambling.pod 02:43
markstos Ok. Sent to p6l. 02:44
markstos Oh joy. After at least three evenings of hacking, pugs -cw reports "Syntax OK" on my CGI::Application port. Now I only need to start making the tests pass... 02:50
audreyt ooh. 02:51
with latest pugs?
Khisanth waits for the "N"."O"x100
audreyt also, which parts of the metaobject protocol do you need again?
markstos No, 6.2.12 (r12060) 02:52
Just class_precendence_list.
audreyt ok. once the tests startss passing
please check in to ext/CGI-Application/ :)
markstos Ok. :)
audreyt (if you'd like it not to be randomly broken next release)
markstos When you say "start" passing, I assume you really mean "not completely passing?" :) 02:53
audreyt yup.
markstos Ok. Is the darcs gateway considered functional? I really feel more productive with it, and haven't been able to feel so warm and fuzzy about svk yet. 02:54
audreyt it's functional but not bidi
markstos Now I just use svn.
audreyt so to commit you need to use "svn add" 02:55
but that's fine
markstos So patches return by 'darcs send' ?
audreyt I mean, it's entire directory
it's not like you want/need merge history :)
markstos Right.
audreyt I agree re: darcs UI is more flow-happy 02:56
markstos BTW, is something like Carp::croak built into Perl6, or does that need to be ported?
I love the interactiveness of darcs-- the interactive updates and commits. 02:57
audreyt currently our die() is just croak()
so use it for now I think
oh, that. "svk ci --interactive"
markstos A better default. :)
(croak as die)
Thanks for the svk tip.
audreyt interactive as default may also be better ;)
markstos Yes. :) 02:58
audreyt I think "SVK::Command::DarcsLike"
markstos Good for beginners, and in my opinion, good for flow.
audreyt svk rec # interactive by deefault
markstos :)
audreyt will rock
markstos One part of the CGI::App port may not be fixed for a while: it depends on HTML::Template (which it probably shouldn't). My solution will probably be to push that functionality into a plugin and remove the dependency. 02:59
svnbot6 r12350 | fglock++ | v6 - state variables (need some work)
markstos So what happens if release time comes around and I haven't got all the tests passing for CGI::App yet? I don't want to mess up the bigger picture for my side project. 03:00
audreyt there's no bigger picture :) 03:04
your tests will just be marked todo-for-release by some passerby gnome
markstos Ok. 03:05
markstos waves to gnomes
audreyt The gnome waves back! --More--
You feel much better.
buu Hrm. 03:06
audreyt $job, bbl 03:15
markstos Here's what I mean, but it's a syntax error. What's correct? self.$coderef(@args) ? 03:16
svnbot6 r12351 | trey++ | Added myself to AUTHORS, and fixed incorrect pathnames in docs/SEEALSO.
TreyHarris markstos: what are you wanting to do there? run $coderef with self as an invocant, though self does not actually have that code as a method? 03:18
markstos Let me check what it looked it originally as Perl5. :) 03:19
PerlJam pugs groks self?
I thought it was still using ./ 03:20
markstos TreyHarris, in Perl5, this worked: $self->$callback(@args);
PerlJam: I think "./" is a pugism and not official Perl6.
Using works for me, so far.
PerlJam markstos: yes, ./ is a pugism. I didn't realize that pugs understood self (shows how often I write perl6 :) 03:21
markstos TreyHarris: So "Yes", what you said.
PerlJam, well, from basic tests it seems to grok self.
PerlJam Grr. svk says "Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly" 03:24
so much for updating my local pugs
markstos This isn't a syntax error, so I'll try it now for: $callback(self,@args); 03:26
PerlJam markstos: I wonder if self.$method.(@args) works. 03:27
markstos PerlJam: I thought of that, but it's a syntax error. 03:28
TimToady markstos: you will find neither trinary nor ternary in the synopses I'm maintaining. It's now just the conditional operator. 03:32
markstos TimToady: Interesting. Because "conditional" is more grokable, or that it is meant to be chained, with lots of operators? 03:33
TimToady because it's grokable, and says what it's actually doing. 03:34
markstos OK.
TimToady looks like ext/Test-Builder/t/010_Test_Builder.t is still in a hard loop...
PerlJam TimToady++ no more bikeshedding on what to call it!
markstos So it seems like the website and the pugs repo are behind. They both have Trinary: 03:35
PerlJam Also, everyone always calls it "*the* ternary" operator as if there's only one possible.
markstos: the website is brokenish as far as keeping things up to date.
TimToady okay, I grepped for "trinary", not "Trinary". it's right in the precedence table though
PerlJam grep -i is your friend 03:36
markstos PerlJam: true, but in that sense /the/ conditional operator isn't better.
TimToady on the other hand, it's not using "Trinary" as the name of the operator.
it's just using it as one step up from binary.
but I'll fix it anyway. 03:37
PerlJam markstos: don't make me imagine some cute non-sensical name to call it
markstos PerlJam: like the ba-bang, qu-question operator? 03:38
PerlJam markstos: I was thinking something like "quabang" 03:39
markstos The double bang operator...
PerlJam It's a stuttering quabang 03:40
markstos "conditional" is fine by me, but it would be nice to have the word "ternary" nearby, as that's how Perl5'ers will search for it.
PerlJam TimToady: Why is it that NEXT blocks fire in reverse order? 03:41
TreyHarris ?eval my $coderef = sub (*@args) { say "{self}: @args[]." }; my $foo = "blahblah" but { sub foo {...}; &foo := $coderef }; $,2,3) 03:42
evalbot_23612 OUTPUT[<SubMacro(self)>: blahblah 1 2 3. ] Bool::True 03:42
PerlJam markstos: yeah, but they won't recognize it when they find it. :-)
TreyHarris markstos: that's *almost* what you want....
markstos: right?
markstos thinks about TreyHarris example 03:43
TreyHarris ?eval my $coderef = sub ($self: *@args) { say "$self: @args[]." }; my $foo = "blahblah" but { sub foo {...}; &foo := $coderef }; $,2,3)
evalbot_23612 OUTPUT[blahblah: 1 2 3. ] Bool::True
TreyHarris there.
markstos scratches head
TreyHarris you have to mixin the coderef before you can call it as a method
markstos Aha. 03:44
TimToady PerlJam: NEXT fires in reverse order for the same reason LEAVE does, which fires in the same order as END blocks.
basically as the code is being elaborated, things get built up that naturally want to be deconstructed in the reverse order. 03:45
PerlJam That seems to make sense in my head except for NEXT for some reason.
TimToady the loop block is entered and left every time through
NEXT and LAST are kinda complementary variants of LEAVE
much like KEEP and UNDO 03:46
dinner & 03:48
PerlJam re-reads S04 in search of Understanding. :) 03:50
TreyHarris ?eval class Rx { has $.x = 19 } 03:51
evalbot_23612 Error: unexpected "=" expecting comment, trait, "handles", ";" or "}"
svnbot6 r12352 | audreyt++ | * Lexical user-defined operators now works again:
r12352 | audreyt++ | my sub infix:<foo> ($x, $y) { ... }
TreyHarris what's wrong with that?
audreyt defaulting not yet handled? 03:52
TreyHarris ah, right 03:53
Eidolos svnbot6 is reporting Pugs checkins, right? And I assume 23612 is the revision number of some other Perl6 project.. but which? 03:54
audreyt it's feather's local repo number 03:55
i.e. it's broken. thanks for the headsup
Eidolos Er.. heh, okay :) 03:56
audreyt fixed 03:59
svnbot6 r12353 | audreyt++ | * evalbot-loop: Eidolos++ reported that svk was reporting local versnum 04:00
r12353 | audreyt++ | not pugs versnum.
audreyt TreyHarris: check for tests 04:01
see if that's tested
a workaround exit:
TreyHarris audreyt: i will
Eidolos ?eval 1+3 04:02
markstos I was surprised this was an error:
audreyt class Point { has $.x; submethod BUILD ($.x = 12) {} };
will eval to 12 when evalbot i s back 04:03
markstos ?eval my %h = ( 1 => [2] ); my $b = [ @{%h{1}} ]; say $b.perl;
I get an error at "[". It seems something about casting the hash value back to an array doesn't work. 04:04
TreyHarris must uncommute, 9pm is far too late to be going home....
TreyHarris &
markstos Or rather, I'm getting a syntax error.
audreyt my @b = %h<1>
my $b = %h<1>
but will fix
markstos audreyt: so it's a Perl6 bug? 04:05
audreyt there's no @{} anymore :) 04:06
audreyt there is, hoeever, @() 04:06
prefix @ is just a function like everyone else
markstos Ah. I'll test that. 04:07
Yep. That works.
Should that be mentioned in "Synopsis 9: Data Structures" ? 04:08
Ah, I see light mention of it in S2, "Bits and Pieces". 04:10
audreyt I think I changed somewhere else in tokyo... 04:14
ah. S03
=item * Perl 5's C<${...}>, C<@{...}>, C<%{...}>, etc. dereferencing
forms are now C<$(...)>, C<@(...)>, C<%(...)>, etc. instead.
markstos What's the best practice for writing #!/bin/perl in a platform-independent way? #!/usr/bin/env perl ? 04:17
audreyt either that or #!perl 04:18
which will portably Not Work everywhere
Maddingue or you let the EU:: modules change the path 04:19
markstos What? You mean there's More than One Way to Do It ?
audreyt via install_script(), yes
er install_scripts
SamB so that "#!/usr/bin/env perl" thing works on windows? 04:20
audreyt no
win32 is doomed anyway
SamB heh
svnbot6 r12354 | markstos++ | Update shebang line for util/prove6 to be more platform independent. 04:21
dduncan ?eval 'fubar' 04:29
I have used #!perl myself over the last year for my Perl 5 stuff on CPAN 04:31
but not in Perl 6 considering that "use v6-alpha;" is the current way to do it
markstos Another question: I'm trying to make prove6 smarter. How I can check to see if 'pugs' is the path already in a platform-independent way? A number of hacks come to mind, but nothing clean. 04:33
audreyt can_run('pugs') 04:34
markstos Where does 'can_run' come from? 04:35
audreyt Module::Install::Can
failing that, use ExtUtils::MakeMaker()
audreyt and then MM->maybe_command() 04:35
(see EU::MM manpage)
for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') { 04:36
my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[1]);
return $abs if $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs);
markstos Thanks, audreyt: Just what I was looking for. 04:37
audreyt glad to know :)
miyagawa_ audreyt: I've a question about M::I and build_requires and auto_include_deps 04:38
audreyt miyagawa_: see Alias on #perl :)
miyagawa_ heh 04:39
svnbot6 r12355 | audreyt++ | * Implement "pugs -d" for printing out a debugging trace
r12355 | audreyt++ | for programs. Full debugger is for later.
miyagawa_ when you say build_requires('Test::Base') and do auto_include_deps, it'll try to include Algorithm::Diff and Text::Diff, which are actually optional requirement from T::B.
audreyt yeah. auto_include_deps is not "smart 04:40
miyagawa_ I'd just do auto_include (without _deps) but then build_requires('YAML') fails to include other YAML:: modules
audreyt manual include_deps() call
or put auto_include _after_ YAML b_r
and then put T::B's b_r after a__i_d
miyagawa_ I see. lemme try 04:41
miyagawa_ build_requires('Test::Base');auto_include;include_deps('YAML'); does the trick 04:46
audreyt yay
dduncan I'm in the middle of smoking r12345, but one of the tests is taking 10 minutes and counting 04:52
svnbot6 r12356 | audreyt++ | * Unicode identifiers should now work again.
r12357 | markstos++ | Improve the chances of 'prove6' working on code outside of the pugs tree.
r12357 | markstos++ | It will hopefully find pugs now, still not ''.
r12357 | markstos++ | I'm not sure if this is portable:
r12357 | markstos++ | `pugs --version`
r12357 | markstos++ | (Works on Windows?)
r12357 | markstos++ | Mark
dduncan I suppose that functionality to time-out long-running tests was never made 04:53
markstos sleep &
dduncan fortunately, I can still manually kill the 'pugs' process in question, which would then have a result like the test died rather than hanging, and so the suite moves on to the next one 04:55
so the rest of the smoke can continue 04:56
audreyt dduncan: yes, I saw that too 04:59
dduncan note that, I saw a comment on the backlog about a hanging test, but that isn't the same one I saw hang
audreyt nod 05:00
I'm fixing that
dduncan eg, the backlog comment said 010_Test_Builder.t was in a hard loop, but it completed normally for me ... on the other hand #21 or so had hung in my case 05:01
but no matter
on a separate note, do you have an ETA where one can actually declare a Mapping? Afaik, that's the only base type that I want to use right now which isn't implemented last I saw 05:02
regardless, thanks for your efforts 05:03
audreyt Mapping(x=>1, y=>2) ?
dduncan yes
audreyt ETA is probably end of this month
i.e. in a couple weeks
dduncan okay
agentzh hey, folks, what is the easiest way of uploading files from my localhost to feather? 05:05
dduncan sftp?
agentzh invoke that from feather? 05:06
gaal morn 05:07
audreyt gaal: Eval.Var has a bug 05:08
eval " my $say = -> Str $msg { say $msg }; sub f { $say(1,4,5) }; f(1,2,3)"
doesn't work currently. can you help investigating if you got cycles?
I need to run now to a meeting; bbl
gaal will after loads of coffee 05:09
agentzh gaal: i'm writing a new utility similar to err, i've named it "". :) 05:18
it's supposed to work with both the old L<Sxx/xxx /.../> and the new L<Sxx/xxx/xx xx xx> magic link notations used in the test suite. 05:20
gaal agentzh: excellent!
what's it written in?
agentzh perl 5, of course.
gaal some more speedups and it can be written in perl 6... 05:21
agentzh gaal: do you think i should offer my own css file?
gaal: the perl 5 version is even faster than i expected. :)
gaal I think you should start with the existing one, and if you see it's much different than what you want it to be, switch 05:22
if the changes are minor, patch
remember to include an option to embed the css in the output file, because when we developed this stuff originally some browsers for some reason required it.
agentzh gaal: you mean i should start with
gaal I mean with the css that that uses 05:23
agentzh gaal: sure.
gaal: k
agentzh currently i'm optimizing for memory instead of time. 05:24
because i think the number of tests (and also the number of links) are still increasing.
gaal were you holding all docs in memory? 05:26
was catalog_tests?
agentzh gaal: nope.
i only save the file name and line numbers in the data structure. 05:27
process one file at a time. 05:28
gaal wow, i'm really groggy this morning
agentzh gaal: me too. :)
gaal if you're still groggy I have five hours of mist ahead of me :) 05:30
agentzh heh
agentzh goes back to hack on 05:31
agentzh is very happy to see he can still compile pugs on win32 this morning. 05:33
dduncan I also noted another test that was running about 7 minutes, and I was about to kill it, then it ended on its own
t/rules/from_perl6_rules/properties.t was the one I think
TimToady yeah, those naturally tend to run long 05:35
agentzh hmm, it's funny to see parses and modifies the HTML source generated from POD using HTML::TreeBuilder. i don't it's ideal, so i will take another approach.
*think 05:36
gaal agentzh: XML::All it :-p
agentzh gaal: will take a look at XML::All. 05:37
gaal whee, "falseguard trace" is so useful 05:38
findSub var invs args | trace ("> findSub " ++ (show var) ++ " " ++ (show invs) ++ " " ++ (show args)) $ False = undefined
| ... other guards ...
agentzh gaal: currently uses by default, which is rather ugly in both my firefox and ie browsers. :/ 05:40
gaal for the synopses? 05:42
I thought you were asking about tests
by all means feel free to use another :)
dduncan fyi, my smoke of r12345 is done and uploaded to the smokeserv 05:43
gaal it you maintain scheme compatiblity consider doing the alternate stylesheet thing so that usres can pick
dduncan it shows a 77% success rate, compared to 98% of r12237
I will now pull and try again 05:44
agentzh gaal: okay. 05:46
dduncan: the url of the smokeserv please?
dduncan 05:47
lambdabot Title: Pugs Smoke Reports
agentzh thanks
dduncan I suggest bookmarking it
TimToady in Test::Builder, new is calling itself recursively via $Class.SUPER::new(...)
agentzh dduncan: the url is broken here.
dduncan it works for me 05:48
what do you get?
agentzh dduncan: it's redirecting to another site, right?
dduncan yes
but the shorter url is easier to remember
agentzh redirection is killed by the great firewall.
dduncan just a minute ...
try this then:
lambdabot Title: Pugs Smoke Reports
agentzh yay, it works! 05:49
dduncan fyi, I'm sure that some of that 20% drop was due to simple things that were already fixed since then, so it may not be the best set for looking at tests to fix 05:50
TimToady which is odd, because doesn't seem to define a superclass.
dduncan for example, .new stopped working 05:51
and "return;" was a parsefail
MacVince I have a quick, non-Pugs or Perl6 related question: why does Audrey add "++" to the name of everyone she mentions in blog posts? Like gaal++ and merlyn++? 05:55
dduncan pretty much
also, there's this little bot which pays attention to those things and keeps a karma score
for those who care
MacVince dduncan++
agentzh ++ smiles. 05:56
merlyn the karma chameleon
dduncan that said, the ++ notation is used in many different places, and the bot is only in some of those ... so more generically its just credit/praise
gaal running out for some errands, back in a couple of hours I hope...
MacVince A form of new speak in a sense? 05:57
audreyt++ *= 2;
dduncan fyi, most IRC clients will also holler when its user's IRC nickname is mentioned, so its common practice that if you want to reach someone, they're more likely to know if you mention their nick, often in the form of "ping <foo>" 05:59
suffice it to say, your comments probably just caused a number of notifications
MacVince I usually just just <nick>: hello?
dduncan the actual thing you say doesn't matter; just spelling out the nick exactly and in full will cause the notification 06:00
but that's strictly a client feature, a common one though
in my Colloquy client for Mac OS X, for example, a nick mention will cause 3 attention-gathering actions: a beep will sound, the program's dock icon will bounce (very attention grabbing, as humans are optimized to notice movement), and a brief floating text message will appear above all other app windows in the corner 06:01
agentzh wow 06:02
ayrnieu humans are also optimized to shut that shit off right away. 06:02
dduncan the bouncing lasts for awhile, so even if the person's away at the moment, it may still be happening on their return
MacVince dduncan: I'd find that annoying. On OSX, I use MacIrssi which adds a red dot to the dock icon.
dduncan Colloquy is customizable, but what I describe is its default behaviour, and I haven't changed it
MacVince And on Linux, I use rcirc which just makes a small mention in Emacs statusbar. Of course, I could add a hook and start playing music and stuff 06:03
dduncan since I like to respond quickly to people, it is useful
MacVince dduncan: I wonder if all three are necessary. Like you said, the bouncy icon is probably enough to grab your attention
That's just me though.
dduncan yes, but that and the sound attract different senses
MacVince TMTOWTGN 06:04
dduncan ears vs eyes
MacVince (GN -> Get Notified)
dduncan I figured that out
MacVince Just in case
dduncan come to think of it, I think the floating message doesn't always appear ... probably just appears when the computer's sound is turned down, as a substitution
ayrnieu macvince - you should've said "JIC". 06:06
MacVince ayrnieu: ;)
dduncan anyway, I've got some $job work to do, so I will sign off, & 06:07
ayrnieu see, with a less annoying IRC client, he could just silently not pay attention for a while, and then respond four hours from now, to someone who will notice tomorrow and catch dduncan in passing. 06:08
agentzh gaal: i would reuse the ``refresh_specs'' sub in docs/perl6/Makefie.PL. so can stick to docs/perl6/Spec/*.pod and the user don't have to specify the directory where synopses live. 06:10
MacVince Do I absolutely need parrot to use pugs? 06:50
ayrnieu macvince - no.
MacVince ayrnieu: cool, thanks.
Ubuntu doesn't have the latest version and I can't get it to compile properly.
TimToady however, you're limited to pcre-style regexen.
MacVince TimToady: I am more interested in the features such as list manipulation 06:53
Just to check them out.
agentzh whee! util/ already parses docs/Perl6/Spec/*.pod and t/*/*.t. 06:55
the next step is to glue them together... 06:56
TreyHarris how do i run just a single .t file correctly? i notice that 'pugs ....file.t' doesn't work 07:05
ah, i got it. util/prove6 07:08
agentzh TreyHarris: anther choice is: "pugs -Iblib6/lib t/statements/do.t" :) 07:13
*another 07:14
TreyHarris agentzh: ah, will that show me what todos unexpectedly succeeded?
that's what i want
agentzh of course, util/prove6 is more handy.
agentzh is excited to see more and more people are using util/prove6. 07:16
TreyHarris agentzh: oh, did you write it? 07:17
agentzh yes
the p5 implementation is done by me.
TreyHarris agentzh: i think i'd like to add a flag to point out succeeded todos. would you mind if i did so?
like --show-todos or something 07:18
agentzh TreyHarris: go ahead!
agentzh is tired of the long long "===" thread on p6l. 07:26
TreyHarris agentzh: ah, it's more complicated than i thought, i'd never actually looked at the 'bonus' field before. i thought it was a list of the tests that had unexpectedly passed. it's actually a counter. so to do what i want, i'll have to handle the TAP output myself. so not tonight :-) 07:32
agentzh hehe
no hurry. 07:33
well, manipulating TAP output directly in prove6 is not quite clean i'm afraid. 07:34
TreyHarris yes, i noticed that. that's why i said not tonight :-) 07:35
TreyHarris are we marking tests :todo that succeed, but for the wrong reason? like a test that 'frobniz' returns undef under the circumstances it's supposed to, but in fact 'frobniz' is always returning undef? 07:36
agentzh sorry, i don't quite follow you. 07:37
btw, the :todo notation currently used in the test suite is now deprecated. 07:38
please see TASKS for more info on this.
TreyHarris say the behavior we want to test for is that "foo" returns zero when "$bar" is 1. but actually, "foo" is totally unimplemented such that any use of "foo" returns zero. so all the other tests involving "foo" need to be marked todo. should the one that's currently succeeding by accident be marked todo as well? 07:39
agentzh TreyHarris: yes, it's very likely to happen. 07:41
but i think audreyt tends to unTODO succeeding TODO tests. 07:42
TreyHarris agentzh: ok, i read TASKS... it sounds like it's deprecated, but the successor is not yet decided?
agentzh TreyHarris: the successor is a call to the &Test::todo function.
Test::todo currently is not implemented in 07:43
TreyHarris agentzh: so what is the upshot of that? don't write any tests that are todo until it is? write them using the new syntax even though that will cause the test suite to fail? write the new syntax, but wrap it in eval? or continue using :todo for the time being? :-) 07:45
agentzh TreyHarris: currently the strategy is simply leaving tests failing until the new todo mechanism gets implemented. 07:46
well, parsefail in tests is more annoying. 07:47
TreyHarris ok. comment them as todo? or just write them
agentzh just write them.
TreyHarris the two tests i was going to write tonight are both parsefail.
agentzh if they're basic tests
put tests which can't be parsed in eval please. 07:48
so you can test your tests.
*so that
TreyHarris ok. but don't mark todo
got it 07:49
agentzh :)
oh has found many broken links in the test suite... 08:06
TreyHarris agentzh: take a look at this commit (r12358) and tell me if that's what you meant 08:13
svnbot6 r12358 | trey++ | Added tests for 0 but True to oo/syntax-but.t
agentzh TreyHarris: looking
gaal remoose! 08:15
agentzh TreyHarris: i think the smart link in your test file is broken. 08:16
gaal: a lot of old smart links are broken in the test suite. :/
gaal: i'm fixing them by means of
TreyHarris: L<<S02/Context /objects can override the class definition:/>> 08:17
gaal agentzh: excellent! I'm backlogging now but I see you mentioned manipulating TAP data
please look at Test::TAP::Model
agentzh gaal: it's TreyHarris who wants to manipulate TAP data. :)
TreyHarris agentzh: ah, because it spans lines? the smart link only works on a single line in the POD?
agentzh TreyHarris: no, smart links can span two lines. 08:18
gaal agentzh: wanna implement &Test::todo?
agentzh the syntax is L<...> instead of L<<...>>.
gaal TreyHarris: I'm backlogging now but I see you mentioned manipulating TAP data
please look at Test::TAP::Model
agentzh gaal: are $?VERSION and $?COMPILER already implemented in pugs? 08:19
gaal ?eval $?VERSION
I know $?COMPILER isn't
agentzh once they'
re available, i'd have a try.
:) 08:20
TreyHarris: please look at t/syntax/comments.t for the new smart link notation.
gaal agentzh: nah, go ahead, it's a trivial change from "%?CONFIG<xyz>" to $?xyz :-)
or, alternatively, you could add them yourself! it's easy :)
agentzh TreyHarris: L<../.. /.../> is deprecated now.
gaal agentzh: see Pugs.Run
agentzh gaal: looking 08:21
TreyHarris agentzh: oh. ok, then one more time after this commit. :-)
svnbot6 r12359 | trey++ | Fixed smartlink, and the documentation that led me wrong
agentzh gaal: next?
gaal hmm?
around line 140 08:22
all that block defines globals
agentzh okay
hmm, it reads quite well. :)
gaal look how $*OS works 08:23
it looks at the config
just add two symbols like that, that peek at versnum and perl_compiler
of course these eventually need to be renamed, but they do need to be in Pugs.Config so pugs -V shows them 08:24
TreyHarris agentzh: i'm thoroughly confused. look at the very first smartlink in the file t/syntax/comments.t you pointed me to. what in the world does "Embedded comments"
agentzh gaal: will do!
gaal agentzh++
gaal looks into the OUTER::say problem
TreyHarris ... does '"Embedded comments" "#" plus any bracket' mean?
agentzh TreyHarris: looking
Embedded comments is a =head in POD. 08:25
TreyHarris no it isn't.
agentzh TreyHarris: after the second slash, it's a list of "keywords".
TreyHarris unless it's recently been changed
ok. and what do the keywords do?
so the keywords here are ["Embedded comments", "#", 'plus', 'any', 'bracket']? 08:26
agentzh a sec...
sorry, "Whitespace and Comments" is the section name (=head)
TreyHarris: eys 08:27
TreyHarris ok. so regexes are no longer used?
agentzh but all the keywords should appear within one sentence.
and the order is significant.
Treyharris: the regex notation is obsolete but will still be supported during the meantime. 08:28
at last, all the smart links in the suite will switch to the new notation.
in fact, i'm implemented util/ which can recognized all the smart links in the test suite. 08:29
TreyHarris ok, so look at this commit and tell me if i have it right now 08:32
svnbot6 r12360 | trey++ | Fixed smartlink again, and the documentation that led me wrong again. Thanks to agentzh++ for pointing me at the new syntax
TreyHarris then i'll go to bed :-) 08:33
agentzh TreyHarris: the trailing slash is not needed. 08:33
the trailing slash is actually a indicator of the good old regex notation. :) 08:34
TreyHarris oh, bleh :-)
dduncan ayrnieu, regarding my IRC client, I made a choice to be signed into this IRC channel when I wanted to be responsive to it or to talk, and I sign out when I'm not or it is sleep time ... its not like I miss part of the conversation from it being closed, thanks to this channel being irc-logged 08:35
agentzh wonders if the new smart link syntax is so difficult to understand.
svnbot6 r12361 | trey++ | One last time agentzh++
agentzh TreyHarris++
dduncan agentzh, regarding the === thread on p6l, I don't plan to respond to it any more, so that should help to not extend it 08:36
TreyHarris agentzh: no, it's just that the README made no mention of it, and was fairly specific about the wrong syntax
agentzh TreyHarris: i will tweak t/README shortly.
dduncan: cool
dduncan as mentioned, the matter is well documented in Synopsis 3, so a discussion isn't really needed on the list
TreyHarris agentzh: oh, you didn't like my tweak?
agentzh TreyHarris: please do if you like. 08:37
dduncan: indeed
TreyHarris agentzh: no, i mean the one i already committed
agentzh TreyHarris: oh, i like it.
so i said TreyHarris++
agentzh TreyHarris: have a sweet dream! 08:38
TreyHarris ah, ok. i thought you had missed my change to t/README
thanks :-)
svnbot6 r12362 | agentz++ | [t/builtins] 08:46
r12362 | agentz++ | fixed various broken smart links in the tests. (s/Perl6::Str/Str/g)
r12363 | agentz++ | added t/TASKS which holds tasks for the test suite. 08:58
agentzh has no idea why didn't help fixing broken links. 08:59
svnbot6 r12364 | agentz++ | [t/builtins] 09:01
r12364 | agentz++ | fixed more broken smartlinks in the tests (s/Perl6::Hashes/Hash/g, s/Perl6::Arrays/Array/g)
agentzh suppertime & 09:03
pmurias gaal: ping 10:17
gaal hi pmurias 10:20
pmurias hi
have you seen hasktags?
included with ghc 10:21
gaal it didn't work for me when i tried it, don't remember why 10:22
pmurias having problems with it to 10:24
gaal how much RAM does make profiled need? I keep getting OOM on Pugs.AST.Internals in -prof mode
pmurias has too little RAM, to compile even unoptimised in sensible time 10:28
gaal: i had sort(1) the tags file and add !_TAG_FILE_SORTED to it 10:51
gaal hasktags or ctags?
if the former may I suggest you write a patch :-) 10:52
unlines $ "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED" ++ sort $ lines whateverMakesTags 10:53
pmurias the former
gaal though it's slightly complicated by the fact that recent versions have an '-a'ppend mode 10:54
whew, with 600m allocated and 128m swap 'make profiled' managed to overcome P.A.I 10:55
audreyt rehi
gaal hey audreyt!
pmurias hello
gaal no progress on the Var bug 10:56
I should look into buying some more ram for this machine, clearly 1gb is not enough :/
pmurias discovered a python runtime in yhc 10:57
gaal wow, the graph for prime search on looks impossible in favor of ghc 10:58
pmurias i.e. a virtual machine for haskell coded in python
lambdabot Title: yhc - York Haskell Compiler
gaal of course it can't stay linear forever :) 10:58
audreyt the OUTER problem turns out to be false alarm 11:01
my $say = -> Str $msg { say $msg }; sub f { $say(1,4,5) }; f(1,2,3)
doesn't work because param/arg mismatch
but the error msg could be improved
gaal indeed
in absence of another say, shouldn't the list be coerced to a Str? 11:02
audreyt: how long does make profiled take on your box?
here it's quite prohibitive :( 11:03
audreyt from scratch? 30min or so
but "make fast profiled" should be faster
pmurias audreyt: how much RAM do you have? 11:03
audreyt 2g 11:04
gaal oh, I wasn't aware that worked: I thought I saw -O hardcoded into the makefile rule
audreyt "profiled" uses -O
because measuring non-optimised profile make very little sense
totally different behaviour
gaal nods
gaal though if all you need is a stacktrace... 11:05
audreyt add a fastprof target?
gaal * explosion? 11:06
audreyt nah 11:07
gaal arg, beat me to it 11:08
svnbot6 r12365 | audreyt++ | * add "make prof" and "make fastprof" as synonyms to 11:08
r12365 | audreyt++ | "make profiled" and "make unoptimised-profiled".
gaal is the pugs used by evalbot compiled fast or opt? 11:11
audreyt opt
gaal didn't evalbot have a feature of lazy nick changes? 11:13
audreyt it does. I'm just testing the build 11:14
gaal k. once pugs remakes here I'll try to improve that error message (dump the capture!) 11:15
dump the infered Sig from a concrete Capt
agentzh gaal, audreyt: how about adding a script file docs/Perl6/Spec/update which can sync the synopses by invoking docs/Perl6/Makefile.PL? 11:16
i think it's a good shortcut.
and also an update.bat for win32 users.
svnbot6 r12366 | audreyt++ | * Eval.Var: improve the errmsg a bit by pretending it's
r12366 | audreyt++ | always a multi match failure (which it is.)
gaal :-) 11:17
agentzh my util/ will use that. :)
gaal agentzh: dunno, is sv{k,n} up so bad?
then sure :)
or maybe:
agentzh hehe
gaal change that Makefile.PL to do the update at make time, not mf generation time 11:18
and call the rule in your script?
not sure
agentzh maybe put the code to Spec/update, and let Makefile.PL invoke ``update'' instead. 11:19
gaal sure
agentzh okay
gaal audreyt: can you explain how withExternalCall works? how the fmap err works? 11:24
audreyt sure. but dinner. briefly: 11:25
err :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a 11:26
gaal ah ok, that explains it :)
it's like assert, a bit
audreyt yup
bbiab :) 11:27
audreyt ?eval 1..10 11:36
evalbot_12366 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
svnbot6 r12367 | agentz++ | [docs/Perl6] 11:43
r12367 | agentz++ | * added script Spec/update which can sync the synopses from the svn repos
r12367 | agentz++ | removed the syn-updating code from Makefile.PL and make Makefile.PL call Spec/update instead
r12367 | agentz++ | added Spec/update.bat which is a Win32 shortcut for the Spc/update script.
svnbot6 r12368 | agentz++ | added util/ which serves a successor of util/ this script is still under development but you can already use it to verify the smartlinks used in a test file or the whole test suit. comments are very welcome. 12:01
agentzh s/suit/suite/ 12:02
agentzh s/serves a/serves as a/ 12:06
svnbot6 r12369 | agentz++ | [util/] 12:07
r12369 | agentz++ | added support for the old L<<...>> syntax.
r12369 | agentz++ | better error messages
kane-xs seen audreyt 12:23
jabbot kane-xs: audreyt was seen 46 minutes 48 seconds ago
agentzh hmm, iblech seems to have written many tests for pugs. 12:33
seen agentzh 12:35
jabbot agentzh: agentzh was seen 2 minutes 10 seconds ago
agentzh hehe
nothingmuch iblech++ 12:36
tifo q
agentzh nothingmuch: a lot of legacy smartlinks in the test suite are broken...
tifo: "/quit"
nothingmuch: the synopses are changing everyday... 12:37
nothingmuch agentzh: yes... there's no really good way to link
maybe we should use X<> nodes in the synopses 12:38
agentzh currently i'm fixing them via my util/
nothingmuch: the problem is even feature names can be changing. :)
svnbot6 r12370 | agentz++ | fixed many more broken smartlinks in the test suite with help from util/
nothingmuch yes 12:39
but that bit of text is more noticable
which means that if someone changes tie
the X<>
they can change the links pointing to it
agentzh nothingmuch: currently i'm introducing "keywords list" instead of plain regexes in the smartlinks.
nothingmuch X<> is for keywords
so i think that's a consistent idea =)
they simply don't show up in the formatted output 12:40
agentzh i think key words are more reliable and more descriptive than a single regex.
nothingmuch it's like <a name=..."></a>
yes, i think you are correct
nothingmuch needs a break from the computer
agentzh nothingmuch: i was actually thinking about your suggestion,
nothingmuch too much sysadmin for the day
either way, it looks like you're taking it in the right direction =) 12:41
agentzh but introducing feature names is adding a new level of abstraction,
which may be not a good thing.
nothingmuch *shrug*
agentzh nothingmuch: thanks.
nothingmuch every approach has it's drawbacks
it's just a tool to be aware of
agentzh nothingmuch: quite right.
nothingmuch anymoose, ciao! 12:42
agentzh bye
svnbot6 r12371 | agentz++ | [t/TASKS] 12:48
r12371 | agentz++ | added fixing broken smartlinks to the test suite's TASKS.
l33t_h4x0r i kno more about computas than u all im da best hacker eva 12:54
mauke_ great, do you want a committer bit? 12:55
Limbic_Region ok - i'll bite, how about finishing parrot off for us this month so we can all focus on something else?
l33t_h4x0r i kno more about computas than u all im da best hacker eva
gaal is p = np? 12:56
Limbic_Region s/parrot/parrot, ponie, perl6, pugs/
mauke_ l33t_h4x0r: patches welcome
l33t_h4x0r k
agentzh has no idea which language 133t_h4x0r is using. 12:59
FurnaceBoy it's some dialect of Idiot :)
agentzh hehe
agentzh bedtime & 13:03
pmurias hi 13:16
fglock hi 13:30
svnbot6 r12372 | audreyt++ | * Unicode as hash keys now work again. 14:12
svnbot6 r12373 | audreyt++ | * Reduce the verbosity level of (show ClassTree) a bit. 15:31
svnbot6 r12374 | audreyt++ | * Fix infinite loop in SUPER::new dispatch. 15:33
r12374 | audreyt++ | * Also refactoed Eval.Var with implicit parameters, so we can
r12374 | audreyt++ | more easily get a stack trace when something goes wrong, with
r12374 | audreyt++ | "make fastprof" and then "./pugs-prof +RTS -xs".
TimToady audreyt++ 15:34
audreyt :) 15:35
TimToady: try smoking again? 15:40
TimToady already compiling
audreyt ooh.
TimToady and have some hope of leaving it running while I shower, due to audreyt++ 15:41
I used to have to baby sit it for SUPER::new
and the compile takes a while since I always to optimized. 15:43
audreyt *nod*
TimToady *do
TimToady build failed, paste soon 15:44
audreyt it should be noticeably faster, I think. unless there's some hidden infinite-loop-ish things that I missed...
oy. ok
feather is still building, so I havn't seen 6.4.x compile log yet 15:45
pasteling "TimToady" at pasted "build fail" (9 lines, 579B) at
audreyt hm, 6.4 wants all contextual variables to be mentioned by name. even unused 15:46
thinking 15:47
audreyt essentially reverted. 15:55
(infinte loop fix is still there)
r12375 should build on 6.4 now 15:56
svnbot6 r12375 | audreyt++ | * So much for contextual variables and dynamic binding --
r12375 | audreyt++ | GHC 6.4's mutual recursion limitation forced us to put
r12375 | audreyt++ | Eval.Var.findSub into a deeply nested recursive group again.
r12375 | audreyt++ | /me pines for GHC 6.6...
r12376 | fglock++ | v6 - 'state' array and hash 15:58
TimToady hang on, parrot broke its build and I'm working around it... 16:00
audreyt meanwhile fixes pugs -CJS 16:01
[particle] timtoady: same problem from yesterday? 16:02
TimToady no, 4 missing files from WMLScript
MANIFEST check upchucks
[particle] fixed in 14179
(aka HEAD)
TimToady okay, that's recenter than a couple minutes ago. :) 16:03
[particle] you can also work around by C<perl --nomanicheck>
TimToady k, thanks.
is the fix to delete the lines from MANIFEST or add the files?
[particle] the fix is to regenerate MANIFEST :) 16:04
svnbot6 r12377 | audreyt++ | * fix JS prelude generation to take type sigil into account
TimToady ok, then my patch will svn up smoothly, thanks.
[particle] the files were moved from foo/src/bar to foo/bar 16:05
TimToady np, I still had my vi session, so I undid. 16:06
audreyt TesT::Builder on 020.t still loops. fixing
[particle] there's always svn revert, too
TimToady that implies an understanding of svn. :)
smoking, getting a lot of pugs: Internal error: Sigilless var: "linux" 16:09
audreyt hrm. 16:12
TimToady looks like Test-Builder is still looping. 16:14
audreyt just fixed. committing
re sigillss var: does it occur with rules?
(as I'm not seeing it here, and embparrot is only possibility I can think of)
TimToady not sure, error message is uninformative, must do divide-n-conquer 16:16
audreyt I'm getting it too. fixing 16:18
TimToady minimal test case in one file: use File::Spec; use Config::Tiny;
so down in one of those files 16:19
audreyt $?OS triggers it. 16:19
TimToady hence "linux"
(for me)
audreyt aye 16:20
recompiling to make sure
svnbot6 r12378 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.hs: "run" in ghci now works again. 16:28
r12379 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Parser: Allow ::Foo::Bar as well as ::Foo.
TimToady doesn't seem to be finding its constructor. 16:30
svnbot6 r12380 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Eval: Improve the "pugs -d" stack trace to be strict.
r12381 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.hs: Enable "pugs -d" again
audreyt r12382 should be good for resmoke. 16:31
hand-run TesT::Builder tests now pass
bug was that ::Test::Builder wasn't recognized as type literal 16:32
svnbot6 r12382 | audreyt++ | * Pugs.Eval.Var: $?OS and $?MODULE no longer triggers
r12382 | audreyt++ | "sigilless var" errors again.
audreyt (only ::Test was)
TimToady smoking, my hand test also passes, so I'm probably good. 16:35
audreyt yay
audreyt goes sleeping
TimToady sleep hard. 16:36
svnbot6 r12383 | fglock++ | v6 - initial implementation of 'constant' 16:36
r12383 | fglock++ | PCR - token <null>
svnbot6 r12384 | audreyt++ | * builtins/perl.t and builtins/perl2.t: "\7" and "\123" 16:41
r12384 | audreyt++ | forms are now verboton.
svnbot6 r12385 | fglock++ | PCR - moved "what's implemented" list from Pod to TODO 16:45
r12386 | lwall++ | \229 -> \d229
svnbot6 r12387 | audreyt++ | * Remove the "reduce 1st chunk by 1/3" heuristics 16:48
r12387 | audreyt++ | used by parallel, for recent
r12387 | audreyt++ | refactorings has rendered ext/ tests roughly as
r12387 | audreyt++ | fast as t/ ones.
svnbot6 r12388 | fglock++ | v6 - 'Expression' code cleanup 17:15
svnbot6 r12389 | fglock++ | v6 - code cleanup 17:18
Limbic_Region ?eval my @foo = 1..4; @foo.end 17:32
evalbot_12389 3 17:32
wolverian ?eval (1..4).tail 17:33
evalbot_12389 Error: No compatible subroutine found: "&tail"
wolverian noo :(
?eval &tail ::= &postfix:<[ ]>.assuming(1..)
evalbot_12389 Error: unexpected ")" expecting comment or term
wolverian erm 17:34
Limbic_Region what's the method to get the count again?
wolverian ?eval &tail ::= &postfix:<[ ]>.assuming(1...)
evalbot_12389 pugs: *** Undeclared variable: "&postfix:[ ]" at <eval> line 1, column 11-40
Limbic_Region ?eval my @foo = 1..4; @foo.count
evalbot_12389 Error: No compatible subroutine found: "&count"
wolverian ?eval ("a".."c").elems
svnbot6 r12390 | audreyt++ | * from_perl6_rules/*.t: save some time by adding a =begin END
r12390 | audreyt++ | before disabled tests.
evalbot_12389 3
Limbic_Region thanks
wolverian np
Limbic_Region ok - what about this
for @array -> $elem { $elem.index } # anything like that possible? 17:35
TimToady ?eval for @array.kv -> $i, $elem { say $i } 17:36
evalbot_12389 Error: Undeclared variable: "@array"
Limbic_Region heh
TimToady ?eval for [1,2,3].kv -> $i, $elem { say $i }
evalbot_12389 OUTPUT[0 1 2 ] undef
Limbic_Region TimToady - I was thinking more along the lines of an aliased array element automagically knowing stuff so that 17:37
TimToady too much overhead
Limbic_Region $elem.delete or $elem.index etc would just work
ayrnieu limbic - what else would it know?
Limbic_Region TimToady - not thinking in core 17:37
thinking - possibilities
TimToady taking into account the possibilities induces overhead
better if they're declared upfront 17:38
Limbic_Region so in essense, you would have to resort to @foo being an array of tied $elems
TimToady on top of which, an object can be a member of more than one array simultaneously
Limbic_Region mumbles something about that darn quantum entanglement 17:39
TimToady if you're going to privilege the array in the for loop, it might as well be explicitly declared there somehow
[particle] plays a 10-dimensional violin for Limbic_Region 17:40
TimToady if I recall, this is all gone through in the original apocalypse...
since this was one of the RFCs
Limbic_Region wasn't around then
TimToady well, there are probably more important READTHEMs than that... 17:41
and I don't mind repeating myself, up to a point. 17:42
might even be a 10-dimensional point.
Limbic_Region well, I think of #perl6 as being more of a playground and the list as being more serious - if I ask on the list it is because I have done my homework and still don't have a clue 17:43
here - just musings
?eval my @foo = 1..5; my @bar = @foo.elems; ~@bar 17:45
evalbot_12390 "5" 17:45
PerlJam Limbic_Region: only the Synopses are serious. Anything else is just play. :-) 17:46
And even then the Synposes are only provisionally serious
Limbic_Region mumbles something about still thinking .elems should behave differently in list context 17:47
hrm - but then again, why 17:48
?eval my @foo = 1..5; my @bar = @foo; ~@bar
evalbot_12390 "1 2 3 4 5"
Limbic_Region ?eval my $str = "1234"; $str.chars; 17:49
evalbot_12390 4
TimToady ?eval my @foo = 1..5; say;
evalbot_12390 OUTPUT[5 ] Bool::True
TimToady .elems is actually redundant.
Limbic_Region ?eval my $str ="1234"; my @foo = $str.chars; ~@foo
evalbot_12390 "4"
Limbic_Region that's the example I was thinking of
TimToady ?eval my @foo = 1..5; say +@foo;
evalbot_12390 OUTPUT[5 ] Bool::True
TimToady doubly so
rather, Numly so 17:50
Limbic_Region agrees that .elems is redundant and was thinking of .chars
TimToady ?eval my $str = "one small step"; say 17:52
evalbot_12390 Error: Undeclared variable: "@str"
TimToady ?eval my $str = "one small step"; say $
evalbot_12390 Error: No compatible subroutine found: "&words"
TimToady unimpl
words(/./) should give you .chars
Limbic_Region which synopsis would I find words in? S29? 17:53
TimToady words being an insided out split
it'd be S29
.words defaulting to .words(/\S+/)
TimToady but maybe we should pun on .split and call it .splat or some such... 17:54
TimToady .spilt, drive the lysdexics nuts... 17:54
Limbic_Region hrm - there apparently isn't an S29 in the pugs repo - *shrug* 17:55
TimToady Specs/Functions
Limbic_Region and the S29 in the pugs repo is the most up to date one or is Rod still working it? 17:56
TimToady you mean the Spec/Functions.pod? Rod hasn't worked on it in a long time. 17:58
it's semi-official in that I've more or less blessed it as official, but it's in pugs so other people can still hack on it easily.
Limbic_Region can't find it in Pugs but was sure he saw it there previously 17:59
TimToady the next major change is probably to do way with protos like push() and make them exported methods.
docs/Perl6/Spec/Functions.pod 18:00
Limbic_Region ahh, I found it
Spec ne Specs
TimToady need your specs examined
Limbic_Region actually I do - I can't remember the last time I had an eye exam 18:01
TimToady well, feel free to examine my specs...
Limbic_Region I do that occassionally but unless you watch every single patch as it is applied on the list - you really need to re-read the whole thing every few weeks 18:05
PerlJam Limbic_Region: amen! 18:06
I feel like perl6 has slipped from under me because I haven't kept up with all of the details of the Synopses. 18:07
PerlJam Luckily, the language is designed well enough that broad brush strokes can still paint a good picture. 18:07
TimToady trying to butter me up, are ya? :) 18:08
you must want something...
PerlJam Just a perl6 by christmas :) 18:09
TimToady *vigorous nod*
SamB wonders if PerlJam is trying to say that Perl6 is fat 18:10
TimToady biab &
svnbot6 r12391 | fglock++ | v6 - more cleanup; @a.elems; %a.elems 18:16
TreyHarris can anybody tell me why this works: 18:32
?eval for 1..* -> $i { say $i; last if $i > 5 }
evalbot_12391 OUTPUT[1 2 3 4 5 6 ] undef 18:32
TreyHarris but this does not: 18:33
?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..*]
evalbot_12391 (no output)
TreyHarris (I know they both should eventually work, I'm just having trouble finding where to look in the pugs source to tell why one does and one doesn't)
Limbic_Region TreyHarris - I am surprised evalbot didn't whine about being out of memory 18:34
PerlJam Limbic_Region: I don't think it ran out of memory.
Limbic_Region the first one works because 1..* is acting as an iterator
PerlJam Limbic_Region: I think it "worked", only the return value got lost
Limbic_Region PerlJam - I know, which is why I am suprised
TreyHarris ?eval my @a = 1..5; say @a[1..*]
evalbot_12391 (no output) 18:35
Limbic_Region odd
TreyHarris i don't think so. if i run it on my own, it takes constantly growing memory and crashes
but evalbot kills off things that are taking to long or growing too large
TreyHarris no, actually its memory usage plateaus, but it spikes the cpu 18:36
TimToady ?eval [1..*].elems 18:37
evalbot_12391 pugs: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)
[particle] whee!
TimToady should just say Inf
TreyHarris But @a[1..*] should be evaluable on a finitely-sized @a, right? 18:38
TimToady presumably.
TreyHarris oh, wait, i guess not:
TimToady * is an operator that is given meaning by it's subsequent execution context.
TreyHarris ?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..8]
evalbot_12391 [2, 3, 4, 5, undef, undef, undef, undef]
TreyHarris so it's trying to create an infinite number of undefs 18:39
TimToady and 1..* should probably pass the Whateverness on to the subscripting
TreyHarris for some reason i thought *... yes, what TimToady said.
is that behavior above correct, though? i asked for eight elems, so i'm going to get eight elems, padded with undefs?
TimToady yes 18:40
TreyHarris it's only * that should autosize
[particle] how about '* but finite'? ;)
TimToady ?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..8]:v
evalbot_12391 Error: unexpected ":" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
TimToady ?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..8]:val
evalbot_12391 Error: unexpected ":" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
TimToady notimpl, probably 18:41
?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..8]:p
evalbot_12391 Error: unexpected ":" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
TimToady ?eval my @a = 1..5; @a[1..8]:kv
evalbot_12391 Error: unexpected ":" expecting term postfix, comment, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
TimToady the subscript modifiers are supposed to "grep" for existing values
[particle] colon, not dot? 18:42
modifier, not method.
TreyHarris ok. yes, i see t/operators/subscript_adverbs.t 18:43
svnbot6 r12392 | fglock++ | v6 - added some scalar functions
TimToady S02.pod: @array[0,1,2]:kv; # returns 0, 'A', 1, 'B'
S02.pod: @array[0,1,2]:k; # returns 0, 1
TreyHarris i hope Test::todo gets implemented soon, it's hard to know now what's a notimpl versus bug 18:44
Limbic_Region TreyHarris - that's tantamount to volunteering so we will all be waiting for you to finish implementing it 18:47
TreyHarris Limbic_Region: I know. :-) unfortunately, I have no time to be anything but a dilettante for the next couple weeks. writing a test here and there will be my only contribs till then 18:48
[particle] TreyHarris: i hope you can wait a couple weeks for Test::todo then ;) 18:50
TreyHarris [particle]: well, agentzh intimated that he was going to work on it this weekend, so maybe i can dodge :-) 18:51
Limbic_Region needs to find a window of time tomorrow to write a better examples/ tester for the test suite since he "volunteered" to do so sometime this week 18:56
obra hey ruz. 18:58
svnbot6 r12393 | kudra++ | Add summary YAMLs for May, June and July 19:22
nothingmuch cheers for kudra's first commit 19:24
lichtkind Perl6::Bible is horribly out of date, but i found some quirks there 19:44
in 19:45
lambdabot Title: Exegesis_05 - Pattern Matching -
lichtkind the second src code box is wrong
TreyHarris lichtkind: AFAIK, the Apocalypses and Exegeses are frozen as historical documents 19:48
TimToady if you're going to read As and Es, read the versions on, since they've been annotated with [Update:] boxes. 19:53
svnbot6 r12394 | audreyt++ | * Thoroughly refactored Pugs.Parser.Operator's 20:02
r12394 | audreyt++ | currentFunctions and related code, so the logic of
r12394 | audreyt++ | which functions are relevant to parsing is made much
r12394 | audreyt++ | more apparent.
r12394 | audreyt++ | Also use interning, memoizing, sharing etc along the
r12394 | audreyt++ | way, so parsetime is yet again reduced by ~10% or so.
TimToady smokin' 20:03
Limbic_Region wonders how many tests are still failing that should be passing
Limbic_Region wonders how long it takes TimToady to smoke
TimToady 'bout 28 minutes after compilation finishes.
Limbic_Region out of curiosity - how many failing tests last smoke? 20:04
TimToady my last two smokes when from 880 errors to 530.
early yesterday it was 219 20:05
Limbic_Region ok - bad assumption to think each check-in will result in fewer failures since new fixes may introduce new problems
Limbic_Region slaps his wrists 20:06
TimToady compiles
so give it 30 minutes and it'll be on 20:07
lichtkind TreyHarris its a synopsis
TimToady well, actually,
lichtkind: no, E05 would be an Exegesis. 20:08
and see my remark above.
lichtkind äh yes your right :) 20:09
TimToady did something earthshakin changed since your talk at yapc israel acording to perl6 design principles? 20:10
Limbic_Region TimToady - I think you are the only one regularly smokin linux 20:11
TimToady that's my impression, though I think there used to be nightlies from feather
lichtkind: depends on how you define earthshaking. 20:12
I don't think we'd invented Captures yet.
lichtkind yes i heard somthing like that but i dont mean syntax, more the theory behind it since im still on chapter 2 of this perl6 tutorial 20:13
PerlJam "perl6 tutorial"?
PerlJam with chapters no less? 20:14
lichtkind PerlJam what you exactly asking me?
Limbic_Region he is asking what you mean by Perl 6 tutorial - link or reference 20:15
PerlJam lichtkind: I'm boggling that a perl6 tutorial even exists
lichtkind: This isn't merlyn and bdf's thing is it?
Limbic_Region does it refer to one of the presentation titles given at YAPC israel, etc
lichtkind yes it does 20:16
Limbic_Region stops taking words out of PerlJam's mouth
lichtkind i wrote it in german and its half ready
and audrey gave me commiter bits
so i will rewrite it in english
its in our wiki
the german version 20:17
i wasnt aware of that its merlin domain
i thought skud was master of doku
i dont want to pretend to much but im willing to write it :) 20:18
and im not stupid :)
PerlJam did i answer your question ? 20:19
Limbic_Region lichtkind - please, write it
PerlJam lichtkind: sure ... where's the english version wiki so we can hack it too ? :)
lichtkind no in wiki is just german because its the german perl community wiki 20:20
Limbic_Region PerlJam - "[16:16] <lichtkind> so i will rewrite it in english" future tense
lichtkind - putting a placeholder english version out there might aid in making it a collaborative effort even if you haven't got the time to work on it yourself - perhaps the german perl community might want to take it on together 20:21
and then us proper english speaking folks can add, modify, etc ;-) 20:22
lichtkind in german wiki the other only corrected misspellings, i think the main work copy should be english since there are more active people
PerlJam Limbic_Region: I saw the future tense. I switched to present tense as a subtle form of encouragement ;)
lichtkind but you now my first try was informative 20:23
nothingmuch aaah
Retrieving log information from 12102 to 12394
Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly
lambdabot Title: Revision 12394: /
lichtkind for me at last how to do it :)
nothingmuch clkao: HELP HELP HELP
PerlJam lichtkind: how many chapters in this tutorial?
nothingmuch: try #svk
nothingmuch i think it's a pugs svn problem 20:24
not really svk
PerlJam svk pulls pugs to see what happens 20:25
lichtkind PerlJam: preknoledge and history,, theory, variables, operators, control structure, subroutines, objects, rules, the first 5 are nearly complete with an index as Appendix A and Apendix B-E:
PerlJam lichtkind: when you get to subroutines, you'll have to talk about Captures at some point. 20:26
justatheory feels nearly complete
lichtkind PerlJam shure where can i read about it ? i will give a Perl6 talk in 3 weeks so maybe i it will even therefore usefull 20:28
Limbic_Region 16:12] <TimToady> I don't think we'd invented Captures yet. 20:29
Limbic_Region ducks
lichtkind :)
PerlJam lichtkind: might be a good place to start
lambdabot Title: Synopsis 6: Subroutines -
PerlJam lichtkind: just grep the synopses for "Capture"
lichtkind k 20:30
cmarcelo nothingmuch: svk sy -s 12103 //mirror/pugs or (i think) update your SVN::Mirror.. 20:31
lichtkind PerlJam and can you give me an impression how does parrot going ?
nothingmuch cmarcelo: yes,
thats what i did
i just wanted clkao to rescue me
i like being a damsel in distress
and since he's an official mountain ninja, he's a good candidate
PerlJam lichtkind: Seems to be going well from what I can see. Some core people (leo, chip, Allison) have changes jobs within the parrot project but it all appears to be for the better. 20:33
lichtkind: pmichaud is working on a big PGE/TGE/PAST/POST refactor
lichtkind PerlJam yes that was my feeled impression too but im not on dayly basis involved 20:34
who is pmichaud?
PerlJam lichtkind: perl6 compiler pumpking
lichtkind and whats his real name?
PerlJam nothingmuch: what was the fix? My "svk pull" finally gave me the "Incomplete data" message too 20:35
lichtkind: Patrick Michaud
nothingmuch PerlJam: what cmarcelo said
PerlJam oh, I just missed that.
lichtkind: also, there's lots of work being done on the tcl compiler and we've got a new person making imcc better (vsoni) 20:36
lichtkind PerlJam PerlJam im a bit knew in this whole its petty i cant see you all, often its good, not to see faces but i really bit interested who you all are (except larry :) which seen listen often ) 20:36
what is imcc? 20:37
PerlJam imcc is what lets us use PIR rather than the low-level PASM
lichtkind thanks 20:39
sub bar ($a,$b,$c,:$mice) { say $mice }, that prints $a $b $c ? 20:40
gaal lichtkind: there's a FAQ.
lichtkind thanks 20:41
PerlJam from where you are come from? 20:44
PerlJam what do you mean exactly? Where do I live? or what part to I play in this whole parrot/perl6 story? 20:45
[particle] thinks PerlJam is a fly on the wall somewhere in texas 20:46
PerlJam "a fly"? Hmm. I'm not sure if that's insulting or not. Maybe I'm a lizard on rock instead :)
lichtkind PerlJam both im interest what is important to you , just want to know with whom i talk :) sorry but i could not open private channel, i have ICQ or Skype 20:49
PerlJam Although thinking of me as "a fly on the wall" conjurs images of a small camel with wings perched on Larry's shoulder or something.
lichtkind: nah, public is fine. :-) 20:50
lichtkind :)
PerlJam lichtkind: I'm a programmer who is interested in parrot/pugs and will occasionally (rarely) submit patches. 20:51
lichtkind: I do live in Texas :) 20:52
pmichaud perljam lives in a remote part of Texas :_)
not the "remotest" part, but pretty remote :-)
PerlJam lichtkind: and I'm always willing to discuss things on #parrot, #perl6 because that's how I'm going to learn and remember this stuff :)
lichtkind: oh, and I may have an article in the next issue of the Perl Review on parrot PMCs. 20:53
pmichaud PerlJam++
PerlJam pmichaud: I'm not sure if youre implying that I should move to the sticks or to a real city ;) 20:54
pmichaud PerlJam: you're in the sticks already. :-)
but I wasn't implying anything about relocation :-) 20:55
at least, not this time
PerlJam heh
pm: btw, have I mentioned how annoyed I am at computer services?
svnbot6 r12395 | fglock++ | v6 - s/Regex/Token/ in 'Term' - not compiles in <10s 20:56
PerlJam pm: james davis got his mail forwarded to lighthouse and the message said "this is temporary until we hear from above about folding lighthouse mail into the main campus system" 20:57
pmichaud heh
was this from a worker bee or from someone "in the know"?
PerlJam pmichaud: I don't quite know how to classify Kay 20:58
I guess she's more worker-beeish
pmichaud my opinion probably doesn't belong on a public channel :-)
svnbot6 r12396 | lwall++ | Getting rid of \040 and such 21:02
TreyHarris can anyone remind me of what the difference is in Perl 5 between Foo::Bar->method() and Foo::Bar::->method()? (notice double colons before arrow in second case) 21:29
TimToady I don't believe I've ever seen the latter form. 21:32
xinming TimToady: I think he mean Foo::Bar::method
TimToady no, he explicitly said "before arrow"
TreyHarris at morgan stanley, i remember it was considered proper practice to call constructors as Class::->new, but I can't for the life of me remember why
xinming *_* 21:33
TreyHarris they seem to do precisely the same thing
TimToady forces it to be not officially a bareword 21:33
so is unnecessary on anything that already contains ::
well, latest smoke failed 2 more tests :( but passed 278 more :) 21:34
and pugs is definitely a bit zippier now 21:35
TreyHarris: in fact, if I recall, the trailing :: is removed by the lexer. 21:37
print + FOO::, "\n";
TreyHarris something voodooy, i guess. or maybe there was one particular rev that had some odd breakage and it turned into cargo culting 21:39
thanks, the answer is "i don't care and don't need to provide for a semantic difference", which is what I wanted it to be :-) 21:40
PerlJam When will perl6 be ready for production?
PerlJam wants the answer to by "tomorrow"
PerlJam wants really really hard
TreyHarris PerlJam: according to audreyt's yapc talk, it already is in production, for some value of production 21:41
PerlJam "pugs" ne "perl6"
TreyHarris oh wait, you said perl6, lowercase, no space. so you mean the parrot compiler?
PerlJam TreyHarris: no, if pugs is fast enough an officially blessed, pugs could become perl6 and that would be fine by me. 21:42
[particle] and ran on enough platforms...
TreyHarris ah. :-)
& for a meeting...
PerlJam But you got the answer you wanted, so I thought I'd see if that worked for me too :)
[particle] hammers nails &
PerlJam granted, getting the answer and the answer being correct are different things 21:43
svnbot6 r12397 | Sage++ | In the parser for the p5 -> p6 translator: Uni blocks can now deal with the end of file (eof) much more gracefully. 21:50
r12397 | Sage++ | This was needed to handle many of the files in perl5 t/pod, where long comments often end a file.
r12397 | Sage++ | With this update, a test across all of p5 t/ has 95%+ coverage.
svnbot6 r12398 | fglock++ | v6 - cleanup, fixes in grammar 22:11
TreyHarris *grin* somebody at $job.emaillist<perl> said "Perl == TIMTOWTDI. Or should that be Perl eq TIMTOWTDI?" I responded that Perl eqv TIMTOWTDI, and maybe currently Perl =:= TIMTOWTDI. 22:12
lichtkind sorry PerlJam got guest here im an east german freelancer makin also editor in perl 22:38
clkao stevan++ # the autobox thing is bloody scary 23:12
TreyHarris == clkao. stevan++ 23:21
clkao we need hot girl hacker rather than stupid handsome spokeperson 23:22
TimToady ethnic would help too. 23:23
svnbot6 r12399 | Sage++ | Better debugging info for the Text Node translator. The text node translator now gives more informative debugging information. 23:33
TreyHarris i've noticed folks syntax-highlighting their Perl 6 code in their blogs. is that done by hand, or is there a perltidy-ish tool that knows Perl 6? 23:47
Khisanth well there is a vim syntax highlighting thing in the repo and vim can output HTML of the highlighted version ... 23:56
TreyHarris what's going on here:
?eval sub foo (: $a) { say "I got '$a'." }; foo(32)
evalbot_12399 OUTPUT[I got ''. ] Bool::True 23:56
TreyHarris Khisanth: ahh, ok. can you tell me how? i'm not a vim user :-) If it's hard to explain, don't worry about it 23:57
Khisanth I use gvim :) 23:58
TimToady looks like a bug to me. a sub shouldn't allow an invocant.
maybe it's being parsed as :$a though. 23:59
?eval sub foo (: $a) { say "I got '$a'." }; foo( :a(32) )
evalbot_12399 OUTPUT[I got '32'. ] Bool::True
TimToady yep.
shouldn't allow a space there.
Khisanth TreyHarris: under the Syntax menu there is a "convert to html" option