pugs.blogs.com/dist/Perl6-Pugs-6.2.13.tar.gz released! | run.pugscode.org | spec.pugscode.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs.blogs.com
Set by audreyt on 17 October 2006.
dduncan regarding my CPANPLUS comment, I ended up filing an RT item: rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=22627 00:07
lambdabot tinyurl.com/vg296
avar wrt p6doc, is there any documentation similar to perldoc -f *? 00:16
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svnbot6 r14536 | avar++ | * State more clearly that chomp removes one newline 00:43
eviltwin_b huh. and hs-plugins is also known broken, I see. (worth reinstalling 6.4 to make it work?) 00:50
00:56 vel joined 00:57 hikozaemon joined
dduncan or install 6.6 if you're on a supported platform 00:59
01:01 nperez joined
Tene yay, pugs is much faster on 6.6 01:01
Debolaz Would the appropriate way to read a yaml configuration file be slurp($filename).eval(:lang<yaml>); ? 01:02
eviltwin_b there's also evalfile 01:04
hrm, wonder if my perl is still hosed. Task::Smoke dependencies threw lots of odd warnings
(or s:P5 if it makes you happier... :) 01:05
01:12 ferreira left
avar garg, either I'm blind or the POD tools that come with Perl 5 are totally useless for my purposes 01:14
I was going to implement p6doc -f with Pod::Select by say reading =item * log10 from S29 but it only supports getting level one headings 01:15
avar just uses Pod::Parser 01:16
01:37 penk joined
avar I've found a way to retrive a section in S29 using Pod::Parser but it's a bit terse, subclass che command, verbatim and textblock subs and keep track of line numbers 01:57
997: chomp
999: our Str multi method chomp ( Str $string: ) is export
1001: Returns string with one newline removed from the end.
any better suggestions?:) 02:01
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mugwump audreyt: did Alias' rounding up of sponsorship for your travelling to osdc.com.au get anywhere? 03:02
audreyt I havn't heard anything yet.
(bbl) 03:05
meppl guten morgen 03:13
03:17 Apocalypse joined 03:20 justatheory joined
eviltwin_b meh. release passed its tests but svn is dying. 03:37
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nothingmuch morning 05:28
eviltwin_b sighs 05:29
failures are reproducible. t/builtins/io/unlink for starters. logging this run. 05:30
eviltwin_b should really go to bed and worry about it tomorrow 05:31
05:35 BooK joined 06:18 iblechbot joined 06:22 Pomin joined 06:45 nusgnaf left
robotron hi 06:59
i get a error while compiling pugs 07:03
07:28 fayland joined
robotron works now... 07:30
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kane-xs dduncan: feel free to find me on irc :) 08:22
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meppl gugu 11:49
robotron gaga 11:54
meppl gugu robotron
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robotron grr! 14:18
after 12h compiling
Build failed: 2304 at util/build_pugs.pl line 359.
12h one file :)
14:19 cjeris joined 14:32 hexmode joined 14:41 nusgnaf joined 14:55 kane-xs joined 15:05 kisu joined 15:09 weinig|zZz is now known as weinig|away 15:32 weinig|away is now known as weinig 15:38 nusgnaf joined 16:09 justatheory joined 16:17 penk joined 16:24 elmex__ joined
eviltwin_b 12h on one file? what, 32MB system? :) 16:28
Limbic_Region was wondering if robotron was compiling ghc, perl, and oh yeah and OS there too 16:29
16:30 marmic joined
TreyHarris well, didn't he say he only had 64mb or ram? 16:32
ghc does *not* like to be memory-starved 16:33
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eviltwin_b scrollback says 128MB. but yeh, that's him. doomed. 16:35
16:39 buetow joined
Patterner Nobody needs more than 640kb. 16:44
[particle] Everybody is the new Nobody 16:46
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Limbic_Region wow - less than a dozen lines of "chatter" in the last 7 hours 19:20
Limbic_Region livens things up by expelling some flatuence vociferously 19:21
fglock ouch 19:27
Cugel People are working on Perl 6. hopefully. 19:30
Limbic_Region looks around now that the air has cleared and tears aren't running down cheeks and notes that it is a little less quiet 19:35
eviltwin_b just working, sadly. still don't know why I got a bum build from svn ont he home box :( 19:36
TreyHarris i'm watching audreyt give a talk on jifty right now :) 19:40
Limbic_Region oh, well I hope the flatuence didn't waft into the next room 19:42
and I seriously hope she didn't put up the channel on the projector
TreyHarris lol
no, she'll probably do that for her perl 6 talk, which doesn't start for 2.25 hours :)
19:43 johannes_ joined
johannes_ hi 19:43
Limbic_Region salutations
johannes_ i have a proble while compiling pugs 19:45
any suggestions? 19:46
:/ 19:50
19:50 turrepurre joined
Juerd (Somewhat late) SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT 19:51
Feather will be unreachable for a few hours tonight
Starting approx. 1 hr from now.
We're doing an emergency moving of our main router 19:52
(From one building, to another one where we think it will be safer :))
19:53 robkinyon joined
johannes_ maybe someone has time to help me out then ;) 19:53
TimToady johannes_: do you have a src/Pugs directory? 19:55
Debolaz Has anybody drawn up a comparison between perl 6, ruby, python, etc? Ie, features that are perceived as strengths that the other languages don't have or at least are more obscure.
johannes_ yes, 19:56
its a fresh checkout from svn
TimToady that's a very strange error to get then. if it were failing to create the file for any other reason, it shouldn't complain about a missing file or directory 19:59
johannes_ i'll record the whole configure && make output
TimToady the only other way I can think to get the error would be if there were a symbolic link pointing to somewhere nonexistent. 20:00
Limbic_Region TimToady - were you aware of the rosettastone.org project?
Limbic_Region checks the case of that path 20:01
20:01 larsen_ joined
TimToady never heard of it. 20:01
Limbic_Region supposedly the largest collection of linguist data around 20:02
I can't get the site to come up though
johannes_ - that is a strange error
TimToady I just get a web-hosting page. maybe they forgot to renew their name... 20:03
Limbic_Region I found the link and description at www.longnow.org/ so perhaps it is an antiquated link
lambdabot Title: The Long Now Foundation
Limbic_Region johannes_ have you verified that src/Pugs/pugs_version.h exists? 20:04
TimToady and if not, what happens if you try to create it yourself? 20:05
johannes_ Limbic_Region: when the pugs_version.h is beeing created?
while Configure.PL ?
Limbic_Region Configure.PL ?
that's parrot
not pugs
20:05 jdv79 left
Limbic_Region pugs should be Makefile.PL 20:05
johannes_ yes, Makefile.PL 20:06
my bad
Limbic_Region johannes_ - right now at this moment, does it exist?
if not, what happens when you try to create it? 20:07
it is only two lines btw - #undef PUGS_SVN_REVISION and #define PUGS_SVN_REVISION <rev_level>
johannes_ after checkout, there is no such file, at the moment i'm in the Makefile.PL step
Limbic_Region k
johannes_ after Makefile.PL file still doesn't exist 20:08
k, i'll try it 20:09
Limbic_Region and if you try to create it by hand?
johannes_ now it compiles 20:10
Limbic_Region is trying to reproduce your problem without performing a fresh checkout 20:11
TimToady if you got it from the svn repository, why isn't it the most recent version?
Limbic_Region TimToady - the pugs_version.h file is dynamically created IIRC 20:12
TimToady which svn repo did you use?
johannes_ i think it is
Limbic_Region I know that audreyt made some changes to how that works recently
TimToady what does svn info say?
johannes_ svn.perl.org/perl6/pugs/trunk
TimToady ah, that's derivative.
lambdabot Title: Revision 13329: /pugs/trunk
TimToady and will have the wrong version number
Limbic_Region I am not sure that's a problem - it is updated dynamically 20:13
not with checkouts
TimToady stongly recommend using svn.openfoundry.org/pugs instead
lambdabot Title: Revision 14536: /
johannes_ ok, i'll test it
Limbic_Region I just deleted my file, did an svn up, and a perl Makefile.PL and it is still missing
TimToady it's make that recreates it
Limbic_Region attempting nmake now
TimToady but there may well be fixes in there that depend on knowing what the openfoundry rev is, not the perl.org rev. 20:14
20:14 gene9 joined
Limbic_Region yeah - you are definately on the right track 20:14
mine was created just fine
johannes_ yeh, this works 20:18
now all the pugs_* file are being created 20:19
TimToady yay!
Limbic_Region TimToady++ 20:20
TimToady johannes_: have you got a commit bit yet?
if not send you "who at where dot domain" and I can send you a commit bit. 20:21
Limbic_Region TimToady - you assume johannes_ has an email address? (-: 20:22
oh, it is close enough to the weekend - TTFN all 20:24
johannes_ commit bit == i'm able to commit things? 20:35
[particle] yep 20:36
like modifying the AUTHORS file
johannes_ at the moment i'm just playing around
[particle] well, if you're playing around and want to add a test, or fix a typo, you'll be able to if you have a commit bit 20:37
TimToady basically, all of us are just playing around. :) 20:39
johannes_ :) u need my email address? [email@hidden.address] 20:40
TimToady a commit bit is on its way. 20:41
it is customary to add yourself to AUTHORS first just to make sure it's working right.
whatever you do after that is up to you. 20:42
johannes_ thanks, i'll test in 30min, dinner first
TimToady you don't need to ask permission. we operate on the principle of asking forgiveness rather than permission.
webmind johannes_, bon appatit
TimToady essen Sie gut! 20:43
lichtkind woah TimToady speaks german 20:53
but no german says "essen sie gut" 20:54
Patterner Guten Appetit :)
mauke mahlzeit
lichtkind genau
mauke "an guadn" 20:55
20:56 audreyt_ joined
Patterner bavarian is not german 20:56
20:57 audreyt_ is now known as audreyt__
TimToady ich habe Deutsch ganz vergessen... 20:58
cj yay for audreyt
audreyt__ greetings from @amazon.com 20:59
[particle] waves out his window across the city
TimToady I take it feather is already down... 21:00
mauke wir sollten die perl6-entwicklung komplett auf deutsch umstellen; das wƤre eine gute Ć¼bung
audreyt__ feather can't accept connections 21:01
but can apparently still connect outward
it says router is being rerouted
TimToady juerd said it was going down for rerouting
so maybe you are the real audreyt after all :)
cj what is feather? 21:03
webmind shell machine for perl6
cj aha
webmind but uhm
I'm on feather
TimToady maybe they're just waiting for you to quit. :) 21:04
webmind doubt it :)
TimToady well, not even the dutch can explain the dutch... 21:05
Cugel Hey hey. 21:06
21:07 the_dormant joined 21:13 Limbic_Region joined
audreyt__ TreyHarris, cj: svn.jifty.org/svn/jifty.org/jifty/t...-jifty.pdf 21:19
lambdabot tinyurl.com/wfx89
21:20 Aankhen`` joined
cj audreyt__: danke 21:22
heh. comes with a pony. dha would be proud 21:23
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audreyt__ gets ready for talk #2 @ amazon, live in 24 minutes... 21:36
TimToady gotta vamĆøĆøse, alas. knock 'em dead. 21:38
audreyt__ TimToady: are you not making to .br?
I was told a couple days ago that I'm to prepare as your keynote surrogate...
cj prepares to leave for audreyt__'s talk 21:40
audreyt__ is still working on her slides.... 21:44
TreyHarris audreyt__: i'll be down in 10m with the video adapter
Cugel 20 minutes left.
audreyt__ TreyHarris: roger
21:54 ashleyb joined
Juerd Feather isn't going down, I'm not being allowed to the data centre where the main router is. 22:18
They (management) beat us to it, with an order to keep us out. 22:19
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buu Juerd: Good lord, why not? 22:51
Juerd They claim bills weren't paid.
For some reason, my cash money isn't accepted as a short term solution. 22:52
I don't know the details. It's not my business.
But I am rather disappointed.
Especially because now, I have to come back another time. And spend another night.
johannes_ Yes, this <beeeep> 22:55
johannes@joejoe:~/seminar/testing/pugs$ pugs -BPIR -e 'say "Hello";' 23:16
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
going to bed
n8 all
23:18 dduncan joined
johannes_ pugs compiles, parrot crashes 23:19
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TimToady audreyt__: no, I can't make it to Brazil--I'm not really healthy enough to travel right now even if Gloria were healthy, and she's been sick for three weeks now, and we're just barely coping from day to day. 23:28
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johannes_ which backend is defaut in pugs? 23:36
TimToady p5, not parrot
johannes_ but, parrot is working? or which version parrot is working? 23:37
pugs -BPir -e 'say "Hello World!";'
TimToady the parrot backend has undergone some bitrot recently, and needs to be patched up probably 23:38
johannes_ Segmentation fault (core dumped)
but, weird:
pugs -CPir -e 'say "Hello World!";' > hello.pir && chmod +x hello.pir && ./hello.pir 23:39
ashleyb TimToady: not feeling well, gosh... can I bring over some dinner for you guys? would that help out?
johannes_ error:imcc:The opcode 'sin_p_p' (sin<2>) was not found. Check the type and number of the arguments
in file './hello.pir' line 743
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eviltwin_b svn parrot cored in its own test suite, so I gave it as miss building pugs 23:46
(of course, then svn pugs threw some failures that the release version hadn't...) 23:47