pugscode.org | sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse (show (scanl (*) 1 [1..] !! 4))
Set by gaal on 21 March 2007.
Limbic_Region allbery_b - well, except that the message it gave me was one I had already seen over a week ago 00:03
allbery_b - so unless it also had a db restored, it is messed up
allbery_b db restoration is not impossible, dons runs this LB from the dbs in darcs 00:04
so if for some reason he reverted something, the state accumulated since then would also disappear unless he was very careful
you could always @ask him about it... 00:06
Limbic_Region I could - but I don't really care
I saw what gaal had to say in the irc log 00:07
others may be more affected though
geoffb make is doing a complete rebuild -- did the pads branch land while I wasn't looking? 00:22
TimToady no, but Makefile.PL was touched a day or so ago 00:23
geoffb ... causing everything to seem out of date, gotcha
gaal Limbic_Region: I'd left it to Limbic~Region by accident. She's not to blame, lambdabot. 00:28
ayrnieu Hah, so I guessed. 00:29
Limbic_Region oh
00:35 CardinalNumber joined 00:51 [particle] joined 01:04 geoffb joined 01:14 nothingmuch joined
TimToady general notice: if anyone has trouble resolving any of the other feather.perl6.nl names, I have perl6.wall.org aimed at its current address. 01:16
perl6.wall.org 01:17
lambdabot Title: Perl6 Community Development Server
TimToady there you have it
01:18 justatheory joined
geoffb TimToady: consider updating the channel topic to match ... 01:21
TimToady do you have to be an operator for that? 01:24
allbery_b doesn' 01:25
t look like it
01:25 dolmans joined
allbery_b pugscode.org (or try perl6.wall.org) | sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse (show (scanl (*) 1 [1..] !! 4)) 01:26
allbery_b pugscode.org | temporary feather address: perl6.wall.org | sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse (show (scanl (*) 1 [1..] !! 4)) 01:27
allbery_b more accurate? 01:27
allbery_b should let someone who knows do the updating :>
TimToady anyway, I'm assuming the address is fairly static. if it changes, someone lemme know and I can repropagate it in 10 minutes or so. 01:29
01:31 weinig joined
TimToady and of course it doesn't help you with the missing virtual hosts... 01:35
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puter fyi, just in case anyone was curious, i'm off $job hunting. hope to be back within a couple of weeks. hope everyone is having -Ofun. 03:04
regards & 03:05
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geoffb Is there any way to find out what signature is required when receiving the error '*** No compatible multi variant found: &foo' ? 07:10
TimToady not yet. I've been asking for that for months, but it's been waiting on the type and signature upgrades, so hopefully soon. 07:18
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gaal why does mmd enter the Pair multi here? 08:25
?eval "42".fmt("%d")
08:25 evalbot_r15777 is now known as evalbot_r15780
evalbot_r15780 Error: Not a keyed value: VStr "42" 08:25
gaal also:
?eval $x = "42"; $x.fmt("%d") 08:26
evalbot_r15780 Error: Not a keyed value: VStr "42"
gaal and:
?eval $x = 42; $x.fmt("%d")
evalbot_r15780 Error: Not a keyed value: VInt 42
gaal we hit Prelude.pm:671, multi fmt (Pair $obj; $fmt) 08:27
the other alternatives are Scalar, List and Hash.
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svnbot6 r15781 | lwall++ | All punctuation is now considered "meta" and must be explicitly quoted. 13:44
r15781 | lwall++ | <'*'> form simplified to '*'
r15781 | lwall++ | =\> can now be written '=>'
r15781 | lwall++ | (the changes in this file are just in usage, haven't changed the parser yet)
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svnbot6 r15782 | lanny++ | * problem50.t - huffman coding 15:06
r15782 | lanny++ | + break ties in sort to create the tree in the same way each time
15:10 lanny joined
lanny Many thanks to everyone for helping get my passwd reset. @all<<++ (or whatever the syntax has changed to since I last looked. :) 15:11
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svnbot6 r15783 | lanny++ | * t/regex/from_perl6_rules 16:39
r15783 | lanny++ | + clean up unexpected passes on darwin, linux, mswin32
r15783 | lanny++ | + (presumably it's the same unexpected passes. :/
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lichtkind obra sorry are you kudra in perlmonks? 19:58
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Traumprinz hi 20:13
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metalfan my Int $x ="bla"; <- shouldn't this trigger some kind of warning? 20:14
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lichtkind Traumprinz yet a n0ther german here? :) 20:16
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TimToady metalfan: yes, but we're waiting on the new type system. 20:20
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metalfan oh, i see 20:26
so even pugs is "very" incomplete?
considering perl6 features
TimToady it's taking a spiral approach; many of the features are roughed in, and we're starting in on the cycle of finalizing various bits of it. 20:29
for a graph of the project, see dev.pugscode.org/browser/project_pl..._graph.png 20:30
lambdabot Title: /project_planning/a_dependency_graph.png - Pugs - Trac, tinyurl.com/yu9fvz
TimToady we're just coming up on a 6.28 release of pugs
metalfan thx 20:31
20:31 Psyche^ joined
TimToady though the recent snafu with registerfly has unfortunately slowed things a bit since feather.perl6.nl is registered there... :/ 20:31
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TimToady also, audreyt is still recovering from hepatitis 20:32
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metalfan_ nice picture 20:37
TimToady putter did it, but he's also out for a couple weeks... 20:39
clkao there's something allowing you to commit things offline.. 20:42
TimToady sure, but people don't get very excited till they see it show up in the repo. :P 20:48
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TimToady and I don't think svk helps much with the Hep-B part... :/ 20:50
perhaps a version that refuses to work when audreyt should be sleeping... ;)
20:54 the_dormant joined
lichtkind TimToady i recently polished audreys wikipedia article is there anything you want to have noticed in your :) 20:57
TimToady you could mark it for deletion and see what happens. :) 20:58
21:00 penk joined
lichtkind TimToady: sorry man but i currently doint have the nerve for this kind of fun since i got today very angry in an unfair deletion debate where some scientism-fanatics wanted to delete an exelent work because they wantet it their way and thought rebuild from scratch would be faster 21:00
but if there is something i can to just say de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Wall 21:02
TimToady kay, thanks. 21:03
lichtkind TimToady: by the way is it true that you where employed by Unisys while gave birth to perl? 21:04
21:04 mdiep joined
TimToady yes 21:05
lichtkind ah thanks 21:06
and when exactly began perl to evolve? in de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl i wrote around march 1987 21:07
lambdabot Title: Perl - Wikipedia
lichtkind based on data from an larry wall interview :)
TimToady that sounds about right. version 1 was released in late 1987. 21:08
lichtkind yes these facts are well documented i just ask you what nowhere stands written, when the idea began 21:09
TimToady: it sounds to me you dunno exactly 21:11
TimToady I don't know exactly. I know the actual implementation was about a month old when Geneva was born May 12. 21:12
but the disk drive containing the original info was long ago melted down by the U.S government... 21:13
and I don't down it was melted down, given it was for a secret project.
lichtkind ah the supersecret blacker
TimToady wasn't really supersecret, just secret.
but secret enough.. 21:14
lichtkind haha
geoffb boggles that TimToady has security clearance ;-)
lichtkind me too :)
but its cool
TimToady would be a lot harder for me to get now that I've been in X different countries...
obra lichtkind: no. jesse on perlmonks
lichtkind TimToady: yeah but it sounds to me totally unreasonably to make such an effort by an company line unisys 21:15
TimToady if it had been the company's business I'd never have been allowed to release it as open source.
lichtkind obra thanks so i assume kudra is here also kudra
TimToady and I couldn't really even ask permission, since open source really had not been invented yet.
lichtkind TimToady: of course but my point is that that this effort was no way an backbone of NSA activities just an experiment or something like that 21:17
TimToady and in fact NSA abandoned blacker; last I heard only Canada was till using it, and even that is old info. 21:18
lichtkind TimToady: my freind made some very funny jokes out of that in the camelopedia, a satiric version of wikipedia, too bad you cant german 21:19
TimToady anyway, haven't had a clearance since I left Unisys.
ich habe Deutsch ganz vergessen... 21:20
lichtkind schade
TimToady biab & 21:22
lichtkind bye 21:23
21:26 ofer0 left
geoffb OK, what am I doing wrong here: pugs> sub recurse_list(*$head, *$neck, *@tail) {return $neck unless $head; return recurse_list(|@tail);} say recurse_list(2, 5); 21:57
*** No compatible multi variant found: &recurse_list
at <interactive> line 1, column 77-97
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avar geoffb: you can't flatten scalars? 22:33
try ($head, $neck, *@tail) 22:34
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Leibsle pokes lichtkind 22:46
lichtkind ah das leibsle was hast an dem channel gefressen?
Leibsle just observing the bright moments when TimToady and other people are discussing :P 22:47
lichtkind Leibsle: na da hab ich vorhin schow geliefert :) 22:48
Leibsle shhh. lets not make the people angry and talk english :P 22:49
22:49 Aankhen`` is now known as Aankh|Clone 22:50 Aankh|Clone is now known as Aankhen``
lichtkind hab hier schonmit ganz andren leuten hier deutsch gesprochen mein volksgenosse 22:50
Leibsle dann sind die hier nicht so ruppig wie auf #perl? :)
lichtkind klar das ist auch die schöne neue pugs welt wo jeder fei ist :) 22:51
Leibsle why your not on perlde?
Leibsle lichtkind, because i am pissed at some people there
lichtkind Leibsle may i ask who? 22:52
lichtkind knuddelt dieter
cant answer on this server due nickserv 22:53
2bios helped me yesterday seemed to be kind
Leibsle oh bummer, this spam protection thing cause you have no registered nick?
hang on
lichtkind Leibsle: private channel on perl org? 22:54
Leibsle lichtkind, please try again. i did: /ns unfiltered on
lichtkind yes
Patterner Es gibt ein perlde? 23:03
Leibsle wir k􏿽xF6nnen ja eins aufmachen :) 23:11
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svnbot6 r15784 | lanny++ | * 99problems/problems9{1,2,3,7}.t 23:59
r15784 | lanny++ | + just because I'm a literalist