pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
s1n @tell pmichaud i have some tests i'm going to commit for the radix stuff, but it'll be TODO until you commit my patch in rt#59222 00:13
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pugs_svn r22420 | pmichaud++ | [t/spec] Fix operator precedence in regex matching tests, +3 pass 01:23
jdv79 anyone have any resources for someone who wants to learn about Self's pros and cons? 02:04
pugs_svn r22421 | putter++ | [elf] More backend neutrality. 02:07
meppuru good night 03:15
pugs_svn r22422 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fixed 2 skip messages for unicode.t 03:44
r22423 | s1n++ | [t/spec] added 45 tests (rehashes) of string conversions of radix notations (see rt# 59222) 03:47
s1n @tell moritz_ i added the first set of radix tests to radix.t, i'm going to add more tomorrow 04:13
lambdabot Consider it noted.
azawawi rakudo: print $?OS 05:08
lambdabot azawawi: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
p6eval rakudo 31451: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$OS'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤]
azawawi @messages
lambdabot moritz_ said 6h 48m 14s ago: please don't fudge tests where the thing that's tested is not yet implemented - it doesn't help anybody
azawawi @seen moritz_ 05:09
lambdabot moritz_ is in #perl6. I last heard moritz_ speak 6h 34m 4s ago.
azawawi @seen moritz
lambdabot I haven't seen moritz.
azawawi rakudo: print $?OS
p6eval rakudo 31451: OUTPUT[Scope not found for PAST::Var '$OS'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;panic' pc 156 (src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:103)␤]
azawawi pugs: print $?OS
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[linux]
azawawi kp6: print $?OS 05:10
p6eval kp6 22423: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 6, line 1 column 6:␤print $?O␤ ^ HERE␤]
azawawi elf: print $?OS
p6eval elf 22423: OUTPUT[Global symbol "$OS" requires explicit package name at (eval 117) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f line 3861␤]
azawawi @tell moritz_ For not-yet-implemented things, use #?rakudo todo instead? 05:12
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pugs_svn r22424 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged config.t as un-implemented for rakudo 06:03
pugs_svn r22425 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged block.t for rakudo 06:18
z80ASM timtowtdi 06:24
pugs_svn r22426 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged dollar_bang.t for rakudo 07:08
pugs_svn r22427 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fixed earlier fudging in int-uint.t to skip everything as unimpl 07:26
pugs_svn r22428 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged names.t for rakudo 09:09
moritz_ azawawi: for example rakudo doesn't implement native types (int, uint) yet. There's simply no point in fudging things like int-uint.t because it won't meaningfully parse any test
lambdabot moritz_: You have 3 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
azawawi moritz_: hi 09:09
moritz_: how about skipping them as unimpl 09:10
moritz_: ?
moritz_ azawawi: don't skip them. If they are skipped, and somebody implements the feature, the tests still aren't run 09:44
azawawi: if a file contains only tests for unimplemented features, simply leave then alone until at least some of them are implemented 09:45
azawawi moritz_: ok, i'll revert changes to int-uint.t
moritz_: thx for the advice ;-) 09:46
moritz_: the problem is that i dont know what's implemented or not
moritz_ azawawi: in case of doubt run one very simple test manually 09:54
or ask
azawawi moritz_: cool
azawawi moritz_: i found out that sometimes '#?rakudo try' is pretty useful in deciding what works or not 09:56
moritz_: but not with syntax errors ofcourse
moritz_ aye
azawawi maybe we can apply it to unimplemented test features like int-uint.t 09:58
pugs_svn r22429 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged fmt.t for rakudo 10:23
azawawi @seen moritz_ 10:46
lambdabot moritz_ is in #perl6. I last heard moritz_ speak 49m 34s ago.
azawawi @tell moritz_ Should rakudo support $?PUGS_BACKEND (e.g. pid.t)? 10:47
lambdabot Consider it noted.
moritz_ azawawi: no 10:48
lambdabot moritz_: You have 4 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
moritz_ azawawi: the usual approach is to prefix those tests with #?pugs emit
azawawi moritz_: one more thing
rakudo: my ($a, $b) = (10,20); 10:49
p6eval rakudo 31451: OUTPUT[Method 'lvalue' not found for invocant of class 'PAST::Stmts'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PAST::Compiler;as_post' pc 2878 (src/PAST/Compiler.pir:735)␤]
azawawi pugs: my ($a, $b) = (10,20);
p6eval pugs: RESULT[(\10, \20)]
moritz_ azawawi: list assignment is NYI in rakudo
azawawi moritz_: so in that case, should i emit compatible code for run the actual tests? 10:50
moritz: e.g. #?rakudo emit my $a = 10; my $b = 20;
moritz_ azawawi: if it's not list assignment that's being tested, you can also just simplify the test 10:51
azawawi moritz_: cool thx
azawawi pugs: say $*PID; 11:20
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
azawawi pugs: say $*EXECUTABLE_NAME; 11:21
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
azawawi raduko: say $*PID;
rakudo: say $*PID;
p6eval rakudo 31451: OUTPUT[␤]
azawawi pugs: my $p = $*PID 11:22
p6eval pugs: RESULT[\undef]
azawawi pugs: my $p = $*PID;
p6eval pugs: RESULT[\undef]
azawawi pugs: my $p = $*PID; say $p;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[␤]
moritz_ azawawi: p6eval runs pugs in safe mode... 11:23
azawawi moritz_: how do i know the process id of perl6 process?
moritz_: i noticed... 11:24
moritz_ azawawi: it could be that some of the special variables are disabled
azawawi: on my machine $*PID works
azawawi moritz_: for rakudo? 11:25
moritz_ no, on pugs
azawawi rakudo: my $p=$*PID // "default"; say $p; 11:27
p6eval rakudo 31451: OUTPUT[default␤]
azawawi moritz_: undefined....
moritz_: that's why many of the tests that depend on those special vars are failing... 11:28
moritz_ yes :/ 11:32
rakudo_svn r31454 | moritz++ | [rakudo] implement Hash.reverse, bacek++. Closes RT #59396 11:54
r31454 | moritz++ | Patch courtesy of Vasily Chekalkin
pugs_svn r22430 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudged Hash.reverse test, bacek++
rakudo_svn r31455 | moritz++ | [rakudo] export Str.reverse as a function, as perl S29 and bacek++ 12:02
pugs_svn r22431 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudge passing reverse.t tests, bacek++ 12:03
pugs_svn r22432 | moritz++ | [t] move operators/recursive_definition.t to spec/, and add a simpler test as well 12:32
pugs_svn r22433 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] Fudged increment.t for rakudo 13:02
rakudo_svn r31456 | moritz++ | [rakudo] move some Str builtins to any-str, bacek++. Closes RT #59398. 13:03
r31456 | moritz++ | Patch courtesy by Vasily Chekalkin
rakudo_svn r31460 | coke++ | [codingstd] remove trailing whitespace 14:37
pugs_svn r22434 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] reverted the fudging done earlier to unicode.t (azawawi--, moritz++) 14:38
moritz_ azawawi++ # fixing own "mistakes" 14:39
azawawi moritz_: lol
pugs_svn r22435 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] reverted to unfudged version since it failed in rakudo 14:45
azawawi moritz_: im feeling bored now ;-)
moritz_ azawawi: there are lots of things to be done... look at t/TASKS 14:46
lichtkind_ is $capture = \$var still reference to this var? 14:54
pmurias lichtkind: yes 15:37
lichtkind thanks
pmurias if you mean what i think ;) 15:38
lichtkind of course 16:08
i mean that i can use than $$capture 16:09
anybody tried &routine() ~~ &routine() ?
anybody tried &routine() ~~ &routine2() ?
lichtkind later 16:21
rakudo_svn r31462 | moritz++ | [rakudo] add :multi directives on many methods in any-str.pir, bacek++ 16:58
rafl is sub foo ($bar is ro is rw) {} valid? 17:10
if so, what does it mean?
moritz_ std: sub foo ($bar is ro is rw) {}
p6eval std 22435: OUTPUT[parsed␤]
moritz_ rafl: it might be syntactically valid, but I don't think it is semantically
pmurias rafl: it depends what do you define ro to mean, it's readonly in Perl 6 17:24
azawawi std: my ($a,$b) = (10,"20"); 17:38
p6eval std 22435: OUTPUT[parsed␤]
azawawi rakudo: my ($a,$b) = (10,"20");
p6eval rakudo 31462: OUTPUT[Method 'lvalue' not found for invocant of class 'PAST::Stmts'␤current instr.: 'parrot;PAST::Compiler;as_post' pc 2878 (src/PAST/Compiler.pir:735)␤]
pugs_svn r22436 | moritz++ | [docs] a few small fixes in the book 18:12
azawawi pugs: "test\\" eq 'test\\' 18:36
p6eval pugs: RESULT[Bool::True]
azawawi rakudo: "test\\" eq 'test\\'
p6eval rakudo 31462: RESULT[Bool::True]
pugs_svn r22437 | azawawi++ | [t/spec] added a smartlink for ('test\\' eq "test\\") test 19:14
rakudo_svn r31463 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: spectest-progress.csv update: 187 files, 4090 passing tests 19:28
pugs_svn r22438 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fudged increment.t for rakudo 20:29
pmurias rafl: sorry, what i meant to say "is readonly" is used in perl6 instead of "is ro" 20:34
rafl pmurias: oh, that makes more sense :-)
but then i guess my question would be if is rw is readonly is valid 20:36
pugs_svn r22439 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudge passing TODO tests in radix.t
rakudo_svn r31464 | moritz++ | [t/spec] add increment.t to rakudo, azawawi++ 20:37
pmurias rafl: i guess what it does would depend in the order they were applied, but i think it would be valid 21:21
pugs_svn r22440 | s1n++ | [t/spec] added 8 radix tests that should fail parsing and return 0 21:39
s1n moritz_: have and ideas for other things that i should test? 21:40