pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
ruoso er... good question... bad habits die hard 00:00
masak :)
ruoso but is it ok to just do $foo.bar = $baz; ? 00:01
or do I need to do $baz,
since it's a list
masak rakudo: my @a = (1,2,3); my $b = @a; say $b.perl 00:02
p6eval rakudo 31963: OUTPUT[[1, 2, 3]␤]
masak ruoso: should be ok.
ruoso hmm...
rakudo: class Foo { has @.bar }; my $f = Foo.new(); $f.bar = 3; 00:03
p6eval rakudo 31963: RESULT[[3]]
ruoso rakudo: class Foo { has @.bar }; my $f = Foo.new(); $f.bar = (); say $f.bar 00:04
p6eval rakudo 31963: OUTPUT[␤]
masak rakudo: class Foo { has @.bar }; my $f = Foo.new(); $f.bar = (); say $f.bar.perl
p6eval rakudo 31963: OUTPUT[[]␤]
pugs_svn r22791 | ruoso++ | [smop-s1p] removing unnecessary parenthesis, as pointed by masak++ 00:05
ruoso but the semantics of that method is the thing that I'm still unsure 00:06
does 'bless' means redefining isa and how?
what happens if you re-bless an object?
masak is the Perl 5 semantics applicable here? 00:07
ruoso not really... 00:08
masak why not?
ruoso because there's the possibility of methods being defined in that specific object
masak ah, yes
offhand, I'd say that bless redefines isa and how, yes 00:09
seems saner.
ruoso and removes all the methods and attributes defined in the current object?
masak aye, I think so. don't want to leave stuff around needlessly. 00:10
00:10 pedrob left
pugs_svn r22792 | ruoso++ | [smop-s1p] blessing an object must initialize attributes, methods and submethods also... 00:16
meppl good nightich hab so viel gesoffen, dass ich ned so ganz fit war 00:25
masak it's nice to get a bit of non-English once in a while... 00:26
pugs_svn r22793 | ruoso++ | [smop-s1p] calls .^!instanceof in the protoobject to detect when to eval the closure and pass the parameters to BUILD
meppl ( i failed at just writing "good night" into the amsg) 00:28
spx2 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Sandiego
lambdabot Title: Carmen Sandiego - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
00:29 meppl left 00:33 masak left 00:47 hercynium joined 00:55 eternaleye joined 01:03 duzy joined 01:05 muixirt2 joined, muixirt2 left 01:16 ZuLuuuuuu joined 01:21 Muixirt left 01:23 spx2 is now known as PetreaStefan 01:24 PetreaStefan is now known as spx2 01:28 REPLeffect left 01:35 alanhaggai joined 01:41 ZuLuuuuuu left 02:01 Limbic_Region left 02:17 buu left, buu joined 02:21 ab5tract joined 02:26 alanhaggai_ joined, alanhaggai left, alanhaggai_ is now known as alanhaggai 02:32 alester_ joined 02:42 alanhaggai_ joined, alanhaggai left, alanhaggai_ is now known as alanhaggai 02:45 buu left 02:50 buu joined 03:25 alanhaggai_ joined, alanhaggai left, alanhaggai_ is now known as alanhaggai 03:57 Psyche^ joined 04:12 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 04:26 buu left, buu joined 04:28 hercynium left 04:36 ab5tract left 04:53 duzy left 04:56 azawawi joined
azawawi good morning 04:56
05:08 eternaleye left
azawawi @tell moritz_ stdout/stderr is now displayed in the simple/full html files when it fails (see S02*/unicode.t) 05:08
lambdabot Consider it noted.
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pugs_svn r22794 | ruoso++ | [smop] Starting SMOP p5 library (I always forget how much I hate XS) 11:55
11:59 cognominal joined 12:06 bacek left
pugs_svn r22795 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] support for NATIVE int 12:12
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pugs_svn r22796 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] when p5 releases a smop object, an interpreter loop is called... 12:25
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pugs_svn r22797 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] support constant identifiers... 12:44
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pugs_svn r22798 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] SMOP::S1P->Foo returns the prototype for each of the SMOP__S1P__* types... 14:04
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pugs_svn r22799 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] one step from running mold code directly from p5 15:24
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pugs_svn r22800 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] it now runs mold code... but the code seems to be wrong... or something like that 15:31
15:37 rindolf joined
pugs_svn r22801 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] YAY! we can run Mold from p5 15:39
ruoso @tell pmurias you can now run code straight from mildew :P you just need to 'use SMOP' :P 15:40
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ruoso see v6/smop/SMOP/t/run-mold.t 15:41
15:45 Exodist joined
ruoso I know just need to make the memory management of p5 and SMOP to get together correctly... 15:46
anyone more experienced with XS could help, just by reviewing v6/smop/SMOP/SMOP.xs
15:47 cosimo joined
ruoso later & 15:47
pugs_svn r22802 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] er... it was not actually that hard... fixed! 15:50
r22803 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] a submold can be created inlined in the list of constants... 15:51
r22804 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] makes the av_len weirdness less awkward... better to return av_len + 1 instead of doing +2 in the malloc... 15:54
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azawawi @tell lambdabot nice lambdabot 16:37
lambdabot Nice try ;)
16:41 rindolf left 16:48 schmalbe left
azawawi ping 17:00
ping pong
nobody online? 17:03
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moritz_ they all died unexpectedly. 17:33
lambdabot moritz_: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
17:36 pyrimidine joined
ruoso looking forward to see mildew running mold directly :) 17:36
PerlJam next thing you know the fungi are running the show! 17:37
moritz_ doesn't like mushrooms 17:40
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pugs_svn r22805 | lwall++ | [STD] allow subsigs either following or in place of the parameter variable 18:13
18:13 pbuetow joined
azawawi hi moritz_ 18:14
moritz_ hi azawawi
pasteling "azawawi" at pasted "sample STD_syntax_highlight profile" (19 lines, 1.1K) at sial.org/pbot/32920 18:16
18:21 masak joined
azawawi moritz_: any idea on how to optimize DumpMatch.traverse_match ? 18:24
azawawi is thinking of optimizing it using Inline::C 18:29
moritz_ does it really spend more time in DumpMatch than in STD.pm? 18:30
azawawi yup
please see the link i sent earlier
18:30 pedrob joined
moritz_ I see it, but I don't believe it ;) 18:31
azawawi it makes sense... try teststd
18:33 ludan left
TimToady is traverse_match trying to reconstruct the original order of tokens? 18:34
moritz_ I think so, yes
TimToady well, I will say it again, the right way to do this is by annotating the _ array
azawawi and it is recursive...
well, what does that mean? ;-) 18:36
TimToady it means I need to patch Cursor.pmc, I suppose... 18:37
azawawi hears voices whispering "Write it in C" ;-) 18:39
moritz_ know tries to parse STD.pm with itself and Devel::NYTProf
TimToady you will get very different results depending on whether the lexer cache exists already 18:41
if it doesn't exists, you'll spend a lot of time in canmatch() 18:42
moritz_ so I have to run it twice ;) 18:43
TimToady anyway, I assure you it works :) 18:44
moritz_ what, profiling? 18:45
TimToady NYTProf
on STD
moritz_ well, I get some warnings on report generation
TimToady on STD parsing STD, specifically
you may want the option that doesn't combine anonynous things 18:46
moritz_ I suspect it's because I'm not using the first perl in $PATH
"No file line range data for sub 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role::meta'
stuff like that
TimToady those are all evals
18:46 yantom left
TimToady so it's kinda natural there's no file... 18:46
moritz_ ok
TimToady the other problem is some degree of confusion between pm and pmc, esp when they're different languages 18:47
moritz_ did you tell tim about it? 18:48
I guess it's something you can easily forget ;)
azawawi moritz_: can plz cpan Devel::NYTProf on feather1?
TimToady yes, but there's not really a way to fix it when p5 lies to itself about whether it's using .pmc or .pm
you can make a symlink for Cursor.pm to Cursor.pmc 18:49
but you can't do that for STD.pm to STD.pmc without clobbering STD.pm
ruoso I think that's the point where using an old hack meant to something else comes back to haunt you...
TimToady anyway, if you want to temporarily make STD.pm a symlink to STD.pmc, you can just save STD.pm off to the side, or plan to restore from svn 18:51
but I found I'm usually more interested in what Cursor.pmc is doing
moritz_ azawawi: I built the .deb package for Devel::NYTProf, but since there's another apt/dpkg job running I can't install it atm 18:52
18:52 Lorn_ joined
TimToady most of the work in STD is very distributed, so low-hanging fruit is in Cursor.pmc, or in telling gimme5 how not to call Cursor.pmc unnecessarily 18:53
18:54 Bzek left
moritz_ ah, it's me. Stupid me... ;) 18:54
azawawi hmmm
18:54 pedrob_ joined
moritz_ it will take a few minutes for the old upgrade to finish, then I can install it 18:54
azawawi is thinking about Inline::Perl6 ;-) 18:55
pugs_svn r22806 | ruoso++ | [smop-XS] hmpf... small off-by-one bug...
19:00 ejs left 19:01 Lorn left 19:06 pedrob_ left
pugs_svn r22807 | ruoso++ | [mildew] dotty->postop->postcircumfix implemented 19:15
19:15 smg joined 19:17 pedrob left
pugs_svn r22808 | ruoso++ | [mildew] added a test for "if", which emits empty at the moment 19:19
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azawawi is reading Cursor.pmc 19:26
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pugs_svn r22809 | ruoso++ | [mildew] add XXX in some places that were simply dropping the declaration in the floor 20:18
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mncharity hi all. 20:56
lambdabot mncharity: You have 2 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
20:59 pedrob joined
mncharity @tell TimToady re prefix:sym<i> workaround and anonymous packages, I'm unclear on the actual problem, but if it's simply the gensym'ed name length, why not simply use different names (counter or random-large-integer)? Though I'm no doubt missing the point. 21:03
lambdabot Consider it noted.
21:03 pbuetow left
mncharity anyone around to mention highlights of the last two weeks? 21:03
hey! rakudo.org/ is up to Oct 22. yay. 21:04
lambdabot Title: Rakudo.org:
21:07 Limbic_Region joined
mncharity www.perlfoundation.org/perl6/index...._changelog 21:09
lambdabot Title: SMOP / Perl 6
moritz_ mncharity: perlgeek.de/blog-en/perl-6/ the first two posts might be interesting for you 21:10
mncharity considers extending /topic to link to status pages...
lambdabot Title: blog | Perlgeek.de Blog :: Category Perl-6
mncharity hi moritz_! looking...
moritz_ not exactly the last two weeks, though
azawawi moritz_: i think the highlighter links are broken on the blog post 21:12
moritz_: i changed these recently
moritz_ "cool URLs don't change" 21:13
azawawi moritz_: this link is the only one broken: feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/html/S12-...ymous.html
azawawi is learning perlguts + Inline::C atm 21:14
moritz_ azawawi: so what should it link to?
azawawi s{_anonymous.html}{anonymous.t.html} 21:15
or feather.perl6.nl/~azawawi/html/S12-...ous.t.html ;-)
lambdabot Title: ../../t/spec/S12-class/anonymous.t
mncharity moritz_: nifty. :) add to planetsix.perl.org/ ? 21:16
lambdabot Title: Planet Perl Six
azawawi we have also added to the synopsis's smartlinks: feather.perl6.nl/syn/S02.html 21:17
lambdabot Title: S02
azawawi s/added/added it/
moritz_ ... and now it takes 20s to display the synopsis :(
azawawi moritz_: why?
moritz_ azawawi: dunno. Javascript-stuff I guess. 21:18
azawawi is firing up firebug ;-)
mncharity firebug++
re highlighting, there's also svn.pugscode.org/pugs/misc/elfish/showcode/
21:18 pedrob left
lambdabot Title: pugs - Revision 22809: /misc/elfish/showcode 21:18
mncharity in the category of one-evening (I think) hacks. 21:19
azawawi mncharity: interesting... looking at it.
moritz_ azawawi: (blog) ok, links fixed in svn, will be corrected on next updatey
azawawi moritz_: btw, no js is being executed on startup and it is only +1 js function 21:20
moritz_ azawawi: weird. 21:21
mncharity I just now clicked on feather.perl6.nl/syn/S02.html with minimal delay. fyi.
lambdabot Title: S02
azawawi moritz_: but i use ff3 + chrome
moritz_ maybe it's a local f*ckup here
(iceweasel 2.0)--
mncharity ff3 for me as well.
moritz_ it's high time for Debian Lenny, with FF 3 21:22
azawawi moritz_: that's ancient ;-)
moritz_ azawawi: yes.
on my various homepages I regularly see IE 5.0 users. Now *that's* scary 21:23
azawawi moritz_: so far chrome's tab->process design is way too cool; they nice them to limit lockup problems... + it has a task manager to kill flash ;-)
21:24 aindilis joined, ruoso left, pedrob joined
mncharity azawawi: re showcode, main motivation was to show elf IR analysis information. for "ahh ha! you thought there was to write access to that container, and thus are optimizing it away, when in fact *case you forgot* means you can't!" flavor debugging. 21:25
moritz_ azawawi: I care too much about privacy to use it right now. When it's packaged by a third party, works (natively) on linux, and free of privacy issues... I might give it a try
mncharity let me know if it doesn't run ;)
never actually got to the display IR analysis part. only parse and IR trees.
azawawi is imagining how DumpMatch.traverse_match will look in Inline::C ;-)
21:26 ispy_ joined
mncharity notes tcc (tiny cc) has finally addressed it's "we're still running on cvs, thus hurting community" issue. So Inline::C which doesn't touch disk becomes more interesting. 21:28
search.cpan.org/~hamano/C-TCC-0.03/lib/C/TCC.pm 21:29
lambdabot Title: C::TCC - An interface to the TCC(Tiny C Compiler) - search.cpan.org
azawawi mncharity: tcc.. interesting 21:30
mncharity as long as you preload any headers, you can compile and link C without touching disk. 21:31
poorman's jit
x86 only. :/
azawawi ... which is everywhere these days 21:32
mncharity I thought there was an Inline::TCC or an Inline::C::TCC, but I'm not seeing it. hmm.
azawawi im seeing a comment in use.perl about it: use.perl.org/~jdavidb/journal/21543 21:33
lambdabot Title: Journal of jdavidb (1361)
mncharity hmm, looks like arm's been added. 21:34
re comment, yes. curious. crossed it off my todo list with a "someone else got to it first". :) now... puzzled.
sigh. suggestion for a channel operator: 21:38
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mncharity /topic The topic for #perl6 is: pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ | status: rakudo.org/ tinyurl.com/56sm5r (smop) 21:39
boom. something I said?
good night fellow partition dwellers. :) & 21:40
21:40 mncharity left 21:41 ispy_ joined, pedrob joined, Limbic_Region joined, Lorn joined, mberends joined, Caelum joined, hercynium_ joined, sri_kraih joined, smg joined, adc_Penner joined, rdice joined, meppl joined, bacek joined, hercynium joined, Exodist joined, alester joined, jhorwitz joined, xuser joined, cognominal joined, jan_ joined, lambdabot joined, agentzh joined, tewk joined, Jedai joined, xinming joined, _Jedai_ joined, charsbar joined, nothingmuch joined, elmex joined, iblechbot joined, cpfr joined, diakopter joined, buu joined, Patterner joined, felipe joined, araujo joined, pmichaud joined, PerlJam joined, Juerd joined, dalek joined, spx2 joined, anonymous_ joined, justatheory joined, TheFluff joined, simcop2387 joined, Khisanth joined, PZt joined, apeiron joined, awwaiid joined, r0bby joined, p6eval joined, rhr joined, kcwu joined, AzureStone_ joined, preflex joined, audreyt joined, cxreg joined, jiing_ joined, c1sung joined, literal joined, orafu joined, yahooooo joined, Guest70230 joined, kane_ joined, pasteling joined, lisppaste3 joined, clkao joined, ting joined, genio joined, kst joined, Lunchy joined, avar joined, pjcj joined, BinGOs joined, drbean__ joined, baest joined, wayland76 joined, fullermd joined, gbacon joined, Aisling joined, zostay joined, lizsac joined, allbery_b joined, LCamel joined, jiing joined, japhb joined, yves joined, c9s joined, StephenPollei joined, Gothmog_ joined, perlbot joined, funktio joined, broquaint joined, Maddingue joined, Grrrr joined, pugs_svn joined, alech joined, beppu joined, nnunley joined, tcliou joined, bjorn` joined, sirhc joined, Trey joined, idemal joined, Guest16015 joined, moritz_ joined, Tene joined, ilbot2 joined, IRSeekBot joined, buubot joined, falesca joined, kolibrie joined, hcchien joined, mtve joined, SamB joined, integral joined, jjore joined 21:42 szbalint joined, wolverian joined, spinclad joined, cls_bsd joined, smtms joined 21:44 hercynium_ left 21:45 TJCRI joined, kanru joined 21:46 TJCRI left 21:50 gbacon left 21:52 ewilhelm joined
pugs_svn r22810 | lwall++ | [reds] print out all the reductions in event order 21:54
21:56 bacek left 21:57 gbacon joined
TimToady @tell azawawi I believe the "reds" program I just checked in prints out all the reductions you're interested in; sorting by initial/final positions gives you the span of each reduction, including all the ones that are thrown away in the final tree 22:01
lambdabot Consider it noted.
22:03 rdice left 22:07 pedrob left, alester left 22:12 mberends left 22:16 zamolxes joined 22:18 iblechbot left 22:23 pedrob joined, pedrob left 22:27 adc_Penner left 22:29 smg left 22:34 pmurias joined 22:44 pmurias left 23:03 ruoso joined 23:23 jhorwitz_ joined, ispy_ left 23:30 mmorrow joined
mmorrow \bot 23:30
lambdabot :)
mmorrow heh
p6eval: help 23:31
p6eval mmorrow: Usage: <(smop|pugs|nqp|mildew|std|rakudo|elf|kp6): $perl6_program>
mmorrow sweet
p6eval: pugs: 42
p6eval mmorrow: pugs: RESULT[42]
mmorrow p6eval: elf: 42
p6eval mmorrow: elf 22810: RESULT[42␤]
23:34 ispy_ joined 23:35 sri_kraih left 23:40 jhorwitz left, Exodist left
TimToady perl6: 42 23:43
lambdabot TimToady: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
p6eval pugs, rakudo 31963: RESULT[42]
..elf 22810: RESULT[42␤]
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