»ö« | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, alpha:, pugs:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz_ on 25 June 2010.
alksentrs So you don't have to put parens in ( ...long expression... ).perl.say 00:00
masak alksentrs: .perl.say given ...long expression... 00:01
alksentrs rakudo: .perl.say given 3 + 5
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«8␤»
TimToady rakudo: 3+5 ~~ .perl.say 00:03
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«8␤»
alksentrs Perl 6 has a steep learning curve 00:04
TimToady in spots
alksentrs When I was learning it, anything involving : as syntax was incomprehensible 00:05
e.g. :a<b>
TimToady yes, : is one of the highly context sensitive characters
masak alksentrs: you are not alone in that. 00:06
alksentrs In something like say(2 + * + (* + 4)), how does Perl know how far to extend the implicit block? 00:10
TimToady to the first approximation, it's only defined over infixes 00:11
with *.foo as a special case
alksentrs right
TimToady and unaries, I mean
alksentrs ok 00:12
TimToady rakudo: sort -*, <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: ( no output )
TimToady rakudo: say sort -*, <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«382597532␤»
TimToady rakudo: say ~sort -*, <3 5 2 59 382 7> 00:13
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«382 59 7 5 3 2␤»
TimToady arguably *.foo is just a unary
but the args have to curry correctly 00:14
TimToady re steep learning curve, we hope that for most people that turns into a long learning curve, where they learn things only as they need them, and can get away with cargo-cult programming where they don't understand completely yet 00:15
Quadrescence rakudo: say ~sort ***, <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤HyperWhatever (**) not yet implemented at line 22, near "*, <3 5 2 "␤»
TimToady some people insist on marching straight up the cliff, though :) 00:16
Quadrescence rakudo: say ~sort 2**, <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "say ~sort "␤» 00:17
TimToady ** is an operator
Quadrescence yes indeed
rakudo: say ~sort 2*(*), <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 59 382␤»
Quadrescence good work good work
let's take a look at ambiguity 00:18
rakudo: say ~sort 2***, <3 5 2 59 382 7>
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 59 382␤» 00:18
TimToady not really ambiguous under LTM rules
Quadrescence This reminds me of Mathematica's pure functions, kind of. (<expression-containing-#>)& 00:19
(#+1)& ==> (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
TimToady x +? 00:20
oh, lisp
Quadrescence (: 00:21
TimToady -> $x { $x + 1 } hereabouts
is how we spell lambda
well, that, and *+1
and { $^x + 1 }
and { $_ + 1 }
alksentrs On perlcabal.org/syn/, would it be possible to have better link descriptions than "X tags" and "C tags"? Not everyone knows POD.
TimToady um, yes? 00:22
alksentrs: would you like a pugs commit bit so you can fix it? 00:25
alksentrs I've never used SVN before... (I have used Git)
TimToady we're probably switching it to git pretty soon
Quadrescence TimToady: I dare you to use ⍵ instead of * as the formal parameter. ;) 00:27
TimToady why? is there prior art? 00:28
Quadrescence Should I leave "why?" as an exercise?
TimToady tends not to have read math papers
TimToady prefers his greek to come the classical way 00:29
Quadrescence I guess you tend not to read APL either. ;)
(neither do I)
alksentrs Why are there 2 versions of Term::ANSIColor on modules.perl6.org/ ? (Perl6-Term--ANSIColor and perl6-Term-ANSIColor.) 00:30
masak rakudo: my @a = 1, 2, 3; my %h = :@a; @a = (); say %h.perl # sometimes I expect cloning behavior in the second statement 00:31
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«{"a" => []}␤»
masak or maybe in the third one. 00:32
TimToady maybe you should program in a language without side effects
masak :) 00:33
alksentrs rakudo: {}[-1] 00:34
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_string()␤ in 'Any::postcircumfix:<[ ]>' at line 1659:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
masak submits rakudobug
Quadrescence rakudo: {{}}[-1] 00:35
TimToady std: {}[-1]
p6eval rakudo f8e959: ( no output )
std 32122: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of [-1] subscript to access from end of array; in Perl 6 please use [*-1] at /tmp/wdmhyaF1XE line 1:␤------> {}[-1]⏏<EOL>␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 115m␤»
alksentrs rakudo: {}() 00:36
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class ''␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/7rA5fvKgZR␤»
masak rakudo: {}[2]
p6eval rakudo f8e959: ( no output )
alksentrs "class '' "?
TimToady usually means a parrot type leaking through
masak moritz_++ submitted a very similar ticket today. 00:37
Quadrescence rakudo: {}[({{2}}[0])[0]] 00:38
p6eval rakudo f8e959: ( no output )
alksentrs rakudo: grammar G {}; G.parse('') 00:39
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«Method 'TOP' not found for invocant of class ''␤ in 'Grammar::parse' at line 5871:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/fVBDHf3NAX␤»
masak Rakudo really sucks at reporting the right names of classes. 00:46
rakudo: class A {}; A.foo
p6eval rakudo f8e959: OUTPUT«Method 'foo' not found for invocant of class ''␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/IiczNZ8QJZ␤»
dalek psi: da2dcaa | masak++ | / (2 files):
[Yapsi] Detect variable use before declaration

A semi-substantial patch. Keeps track of the 'currently visible variables' to detect a use-before-declaration. This unbreaks two previously failing tests.
psi: 5f23b48 | masak++ | t/runtime.t:
[t/runtime] uncommented one more test

This test has been working since before last release, as a matter of fact.
pugssvn r32123 | colomon++ | [t/spec] Unfudge two tests that now work. 00:57
dalek psi: 6baad9f | masak++ | t/ (2 files):
[t] whitespace therapy
masak did you know that you can now use 'when' as a statement modifier? www.effectiveperlprogramming.com/blog/543 01:55
std: my $a = our $a 02:04
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless redeclaration of variable $a (see line 1) at /tmp/QdzuD4bQpC line 1:␤------> my $a = our $a⏏<EOL>␤ok 00:01 117m␤»
masak another use case for the $obj.&subroutine() form: inside an interpolated string, when you're too lazy to use curlies ;-) 02:08
TimToady gah, they put break semantics on the statement modifier. I wish they'd follow Perl 6's lead here instead of just making stuff up. 02:11
tylercurtis O.o while (...) { ... when ...; } 02:13
masak TimToady: you should go talk to them.
colomon oooo! to maximize something, one should not use min! 02:14
FurnaceBoy colomon++
masak colomon: I think I read a theorem about that once.
colomon couldn't figure out how he'd broken the weasel evolution algorithm....
masak colomon: did yours try to produce the diametrical opposite of METHINKS IT LOOKS LIKE A WEASEL? :P 02:15
colomon yes, exactly.
FurnaceBoy lol 02:19
Shakespeare refudiated?
masak yes. that is the diametrical opposite. 02:20
FurnaceBoy blinks
masak it has no characters in common in the appropriate locations.
FurnaceBoy ahhh a derangement ?
masak not at all.
simply optimized for not being like the target string. :)
FurnaceBoy ic
colomon and since it was the initial string, it never got any worse or better, it just stayed there. 02:21
masak of course. it's optimal :)
colomon slowly recalculating, desperately looking for a string which was even worse.
masak :) 02:22
can't improve on perfection.
colomon my version of the weasel: gist.github.com/560146 02:46
masak colomon: (^($target.chars)).map({ @chars.pick }) 02:52
that looks odd to me.
@chars.pick($target.chars) would have worked fine. 02:53
colomon ooooo, better!
and looked nicer.
masak hm, { fitness $_ } or *.&fitness ? :) 02:55
the 'say' line should be moved to the start of the while loop to avoid duplication. 02:56
oh, belay that.
colomon masak: I've been trying to figure out the right approach for that.
masak then you won't get the last one, of course.
colomon yeah, it needs to come before and after.
masak we need an NOW_AND_LAST block :P 02:57
colomon eerr, wait, it needs :replace 03:00
masak oops. sorry :/
colomon next step: optimize max? 03:02
right now it does twice as many calls to $by (in this script) than it actually needs to. 03:04
masak why?
tylercurtis It does $by($a) cmp $by($b) every time with a unary $by instead of caching the transformed values. 03:05
colomon you don't need to cache.
you just need to keep track of the least result from $by as well as the input value that got that least result 03:06
masak colomon++
colomon I've been meaning to get around to implementing that for about five months, I think. :) 03:07
colomon afk # bed 03:08
masak 'night, colomon! 03:09
isBEKaml yapsi: say 42 03:29
p6eval yapsi: ( no output )
isBEKaml ehh. p6eval yapsi borken? 03:29
masak seems so. :/ 03:30
morning, isBEKaml :)
isBEKaml morning, masak!
masak is attempting to implement 'our' declarations
isBEKaml great! I see you also fixed the variable declaration thingy. 03:32
masak I did. that's tonight's results so far. 03:33
lue ohai o/ 03:42
masak hello lue
rakudo: say ?( any(Bool::True, Bool::False) )
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«1␤»
masak rakudo: say so any(Bool::True, Bool::False)
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«any(Bool::True, Bool::False)␤»
masak submits rakudobug
isBEKaml masak: I see. 03:57
masak this 'our' variables business is a bit funny too.
isBEKaml bbiab # coffee
masak so far I have this: I need to create a SIC block which is never actually executed. call it 'package'. all it contains is directives for all the 'our'-declared variables in the program. 03:59
lue Is there a Perl 6 Pod interpreter out there already? [I'm going to write one anyway, just curious]
masak lue: there's three that I know of.
Util perl6: my @x = 1, 2, 3; my ( $first, *@rest ) := |@x; say [ :@x, :$first, :@rest ].perl;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT«*** Wrong number of binding parameters: 1 actual, 2 expected␤ at /tmp/ygSvi6KIGA line 1, column 18-46␤»
..rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«["x" => [1, 2, 3], "first" => \(1, 2, 3), "rest" => []]␤»
masak lue: see gist.github.com/500732 04:00
Util: I'm not sure binding of a list of things has been correctly implemented in Rakudo yet. 04:01
std: label1: say "OH HAI"; label1: say "OH HAI again!" 04:03
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Illegal redeclaration of 'label1' at /tmp/ntrRpTkFQO line 1:␤------> label1: say "OH HAI"; label1: ⏏say "OH HAI again!"␤Illegal redeclaration of symbol 'label1' (see line 1) at /tmp/ntrRpTkFQO line 1:␤------> label1: say "OH
.oO(I remember being specifically told 'not to worry about it' when I coded := a while ago, likely because it's more difficult than I would imagine.)
masak std: if 1 { if 2 { label1: say "OH HAI" } }; if 3 { if 4 { label1: say "OH HAI again" } }
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 116m␤»
masak TimToady: ^^
ash_ is that wrong?
masak lue: indeed. don't worry about it. :)
ash_: I maintain that it is. 04:05
ash_ how/why?
masak ash_: let's say you want to goto label1. which one do you end up with?
ash_ none, you shouldn't be able to jump into a conditional block scope, imo 04:06
masak well, you can.
as long as the block doesn't require params.
Util masak: thanks!
masak np
the odd thing about labels is that they're not only visible to their enclosed scopes, but also to their surrounding scopes. 04:07
ash_ err, really?
masak in other words, you can goto both outwards and inwards.
ash_ thats going to be confusing...
masak the only restriction being the parameters thing.
ash_ hmm
masak because of that, I think that my second program is as illegal as my first one.
ash_ well, under those conditions, then std seems to be off
i still am not sure i'd want to be able to jump into a block, can you jump into a loop? 04:08
TimToady I want to be able to go from one when block to the next with goto
the conflicting labels will be caught when we start hoisting labels up into parent blocks 04:09
we don't do that now, so we can't see the conflict
masak ok.
lue masak: being a TI-BASIC programmer, that kind of scope-jumping seems perfectly alright to me [that doesn't mean I support labels, of course :)] 04:10
masak ash_: you can jump into a while loop (one without -> and params), but likely not into a for loop.
lue: :)
lue: most BASICs solve this by not really encapsulating the call stack. 04:11
ash_ so... you can jump into: loop { }, while { }, until { } style loops?
masak right. provided they don't do -> $a, $b stuff.
masak which they might. 04:12
isBEKaml masak: sorry, I didn't notice your ping. seemingly we were typing at the same and I went off. :/ 04:13
masak no worries. 04:14
isBEKaml masak: talking about the 'our' business, if we were to go by the way you describe, wouldn't it be cumbersome to write find-declarations or find-variables within 'package'.
.oO(in TI-BASIC, you're allowed to be lazy and in many cases leave off the final quote or parenthesis. I'm glad I found Perl 6.
isBEKaml masak: basically, leaving the whole set of 'our' declared variables and blocks in the 'package' would mean we have to find ways to jump around to them when called from elsewhere in the program. 04:16
masak isBEKaml: I've been thinking about that in the past few days. 04:17
isBEKaml am I sorely wrong here? (I won't be surprised)
masak isBEKaml: the amazing thing is, lexical lookup stays the same.
it's being done through the exact same mechanism as with 'my'.
the only thing that's different is that the container that the variable points to happens to reside in the special never-called 'package' block. 04:18
TimToady rosettacode.org/wiki/One-dimensiona...ata#Perl_6
masak so all wee need to do is to provide the runtime with enough information to know when a declared variable should be bound to a variable in the package block. 04:19
isBEKaml masak: I guessed as much about the lexical lookup. I was more concerned about variable state with 'our'. They are mutable everywhere, right? :)
lue masak: I would love to help out with rakudo's parsing of Pod. My idea is a standalone program, like P5's perldoc.
masak well, neither more or less than 'my' variables :)
isBEKaml but _not_ everywhere. 04:20
masak lue: then you might enjoy checking out mberends++' module.
lue [One reason I'm interested in it is so I can read S26 nicely formatted :)]
masak isBEKaml: well, neither are 'our' variables, viewed in that light.
std: { our $b }; say $b
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/Xbufh2uJOg line 1:␤------> { our $b⏏ }; say $b␤ok 00:01 117m␤» 04:21
masak hm.
maybe I do have the wrong mental model, after all.
isBEKaml rakudo: { our $b } say $b; 04:22
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "{ our $b }"␤»
isBEKaml rakudo: { our $b }; say $b;
masak TimToady: ain't you glad we added .rotate now? :)
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '$b' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/UZTaRlfTea:22)␤»
masak TimToady: which one is right, STD or Rakudo? 04:23
TimToady hmm.
std: { our $b }; say GLOBAL::<$b>
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/kz2poooqe_ line 1:␤------> { our $b⏏ }; say GLOBAL::<$b>␤ok 00:02 117m␤» 04:24
s_mosher TimToady, these concise examples on rosettacode are becoming more and more readable to me. I'm not sure if that's my fault, yours/whomever's, or Perl6's.
TimToady surely the current package is GLOBAL...
s_mosher: you are doubtless being corrupted by the dark side of the duct tape.
masak TimToady: you mean that the lookup happens on the $b in GLOBAL::, so it's not an error? 04:25
TimToady std: { our $b }; say OUR::<$b>
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/YjGJWYZ04w line 1:␤------> { our $b⏏ }; say OUR::<$b>␤ok 00:01 117m␤»
s_mosher that would explain some other things I've been noticing too ;)
TimToady std: { our $b }; say $GLOBAL::b
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/wtcFqXz8Vp line 1:␤------> { our $b⏏ }; say $GLOBAL::b␤ok 00:01 117m␤» 04:26
TimToady oh, it's not complaining about the use, but the lack of use inside the block
s_mosher in some of the examples the Perl6 code comes off as more or less equally readable as the problem statement
TimToady s_mosher: that's one of our nefarious plans
s_mosher I can't say the same for (in this case) say the picolisp example that invariably follows
masak I think I will not worry about this for the first iteration of 'our' declarations. Rakudo doesn't seem to.
isBEKaml rakudo: {our $b = 42; say $b; }; $b = 24; say $b 04:27
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Symbol '$b' not predeclared in <anonymous> (/tmp/dnghhC1WQB:22)␤»
s_mosher I think it's great that it's working out that way. I never would have expected that.
masak Rakudo follows the mental model I had just moments ago.
TimToady I coulda done Z+ with shift and unshift, but then I'd've had to supply extra 0s
masak s_mosher: I hope we'll be able to surprise more people that way.
s_mosher the big advantage is the Perl6 code is quicker to read than the problem statement is 04:28
TimToady well, people say the same about Haskell, but I'll be darned if I can see it
s_mosher well, in this case
I can't read haskell, even when I can, I can't
isBEKaml TimToady: "Perl6 quicker to read than the problem statement." Another slogan? :)
TimToady Perl 6: just ignore the comments... 04:29
Raihjken lolwow umm hi. First time here :) 04:30
TimToady "self-documenting code" where have I heard that before...
Raihjken lawlz maybe in class
I know my teacher spoke about it a couple times :D
.oO(Perl 6: Do * you want.)
Raihjken Anyway was just lookin at Perl6, saw a link "come here to get started"
Soo.. yeah
TimToady and here you came 04:31
Raihjken yeah
TimToady what sort of things are you interested in?
Raihjken I've programmed with perl before, I'm not a total noob, well.. mostly.
masak Raihjken: welcome!
Raihjken I think the only thing I made that worked, was a program that could read and write little text files, and play the music you wrote :)
as beeps :/
TimToady beeps are a good start 04:32
masak rakudo: say ~<beep boop>.pick(3, :replace)
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«beep beep boop␤»
masak :)
Raihjken lol umm I'm guessing I got a whisper or something from Masak, how would i go about replying (never being in an irc thing before)
lue beeps are what all the cool 80's equipment used. Hello Raihjken o/
Raihjken I used the Audio::Beep Module
and some simple code
So you guys work on Perl6? 04:33
TimToady we pretend to
Raihjken :P
masak we like to think we are
TimToady we're really just playing
Raihjken nice.
brb Shadow is shoving his face into his foot guessing he wants his litterbox changed >.>
my foot*
I think he's hinting XD
TimToady my brother-in-law's critter is also named Shadow 04:34
Raihjken kewl
TimToady mine isn't, but I'm quite certain she wants her litterbox changed
Raihjken I have two cats that are actually mine, Shadow and Ashes, were fostering a cat named spark that we helped out (he bit an electrical cord as a kitten and umm it wasn't pretty especially with the resulting mouth infection) 04:35
Bella is my parents >.>
THen we have the 3 dogs, and the weird dog I Dunno it's name but it looks kinda weird, were fostering it
TimToady are you familiar with any other programming languages?
Raihjken <3
tylercurtis TimToady: does the :: sigil impose a type constraint?
TimToady :: isn't really a sigil
masak more like a collection of dots :P 04:36
Raihjken I know HTML, some JavaScript, some CSS, very little Java/C++ and not a whole lot of perl but enough to do the little things I need it to do
masak \o/
Raihjken I've read extremely little of the jargon file >.>
I haven't had time this summer to do much been at my girlfriends camp, I just turned 18 a couple weeks ago 04:37
masak congratulations.
it's a nice age.
isBEKaml jargon file in catb? We don't use too many jargons here. ;)
TimToady ah, sorear++, who hangs around here, is just a bit older
Raihjken she kinda leaves the computer stuff to me, ice skating and bead-art are more her thing <3
TimToady I'm a bit older than that
Raihjken lawl yeah the one on catb
Everyone here works on Perl6? 04:38
masak isBEKaml: we don't use jargon here? that's an interesting statement.
Raihjken like.... Everyone?
masak Raihjken: no.
isBEKaml masak: :P
TimToady when jnthn comes back from vacation, you'll find a kindred lolcat
Raihjken XDXD
caturday is better imo.
isBEKaml masak: I said "We don't use too many jargons here"
masak Raihjken: we have many people here who never say anything. when we need to vacuum, we just lift them gently.
tylercurtis Does the :: not-really-a-sigil impose a type constraint?
Raihjken umm 04:39
masak isBEKaml: how much is too much in this case?
tylercurtis: sometimes.
TimToady tylercurtis: depends on how you're using it
Raihjken the only things I know that you put before code would be
use Tk
isBEKaml masak: well, that depends on how much is too much. :P
Raihjken use Strict
and use warnings
tylercurtis is wondering if he can treat self in methods without explicit invocant parameters as ::self.
Raihjken :P
TimToady I doubt it
std: ::self 04:40
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 114m␤»
Raihjken XD
what was that S:
masak Raihjken: I think you'll blend in here just fine. we need to find a way to direct your youthful energy into a project.
Raihjken kewl
TimToady and suppress about half of the XDs
Raihjken only one thing
masak Raihjken: maybe talk to lue too, when he's around.
Raihjken I start school next wing
lue hai o/
Raihjken week*
huge typo
masak oh, there's my lue <3 04:41
Raihjken :)
TimToady lue is also one of our loose cannons
masak that's why I thought of him :)
Raihjken lawl so now I'm a loose cannon :P
masak XD
.oO(I do have a certain fondness for bullet bill's)
Raihjken So is their any kind of ..
ETA for Perl6?
TimToady it's already here, in spots 04:42
masak Raihjken: last Christmas. didn't you get the memo? :)
Raihjken lol
last christmas my mom gave me a mickey of vodka and told me to get lost
lue depends on which parts of Perl 6 you want :)
Raihjken nice
TimToady but all of the examples on rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Perl_6 run under rakudo
Raihjken This might sound kinda odd
but I've noticed almost every "nerd" (pardon) has a cat :O
or at least the ones I know 04:43
TimToady we need cats to keep us humble
masak Raihjken: rakudo is a Perl 6 implementation.
tylercurtis It occurs to me that given that I plan to use STD as the parser for Bennu, there's no reason to worry about that.
TimToady rakudo: say "Hi, Raihjken!"
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Hi, Raihjken!␤»
Raihjken the only thing i remember was a site I came across with a parrot on the page, screaming "I RUN PERL6 pick me!" lawl can't remember what it was claled
is that Rakudo? 04:44
masak aye.
isBEKaml Rakudo runs on parrot, yes. And, parrot is a VM.
Raihjken mmk
*is barely keeping up*
Parot is a Virtual Machine... like Java?
or like
fake-linux on a windows box
masak yes, like the JVM. 04:45
TimToady Java is the language, JVM is the, er, Java VM
Raihjken mk
TimToady or like C# to .NET
Raihjken is Rakudo truly perl6 then?
TimToady a goodly part of it
Raihjken cool
I'm not a super-nerd sometimes I wish I was tho
TimToady have you studied math?
Raihjken I suck at math
TimToady what do you like to do? 04:46
Raihjken But my girlfriend is really good in french, and I used to write poetry frequently
in english of course
ash_ rakudo: say [+] 1, 1, * + * ... 21;
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«54␤»
Raihjken English and Music have kinda always been my thing i guess still got my clarinet and guitar sitting here
TimToady I've done guitar but never the licorice stick 04:47
Raihjken lol
masak Raihjken: how did you learn about Perl 6?
TimToady but mostly now I play the drums
violin is what I'm good at, though...
Raihjken umm I kinda got bored of perl, now I'm kinda just plain bored, so I figured wth, lets take a fresh look at perl, and then this link for perl6 was at perl.org and I figured wth, lets see whats up maybe my dumb luck as a noob could help someone 04:48
tylercurtis Raihjken: If you're interested in trying out Rakudo, github.com/rakudo/star/downloads or try.rakudo.org/ for an online shell.
masak Raihjken: your dumb luck as a noob can definitely help someone! 04:48
ash_ try.rakudo.org should be getting an update, (tonight/tomorrow) if i can figure out whats wrong with ipc::run :-(
TimToady it would probably be helpful to the people writing the documentation to have feedback on where you find it confusin
masak Raihjken: we need much of that kind of help around here. 04:49
tylercurtis alternately, as TimToady demonstrated earlier, there's an evalbot here in the channel.
masak ash_++
Raihjken evalbot? 04:49
ash_ rakudo: say "Hi from an evalbot"; 04:49
isBEKaml rakudo: say 42; # evalbot.
TimToady pugs: say "me too" 04:50
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Hi from an evalbot␤»
rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«42␤»
pugs: OUTPUT«me too␤»
Raihjken "Hi from evalbot"
masak rakudo: say "hi Raihjken! XD"
Raihjken XD
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«hi Raihjken! XD␤»
.oO(do I dare?)
ash_ std: say "i validate syntax too"
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 115m␤»
Raihjken lol
masak std: "two terms" "in a row"
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/NaJY05ZXh5 line 1:␤------> "two terms" ⏏"in a row"␤ expecting any of:␤ bracketed infix␤ infix or meta-infix␤ statement modifier loop␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 116m␤»
Raihjken lol
in the face.
lue perl6: say "Hello Raihjken, from the P6 world!"
Raihjken SO you guys want me to read documentation
TimToady it's sorry
p6eval pugs, rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Hello Raihjken, from the P6 world!␤»
masak "Perl 6: it's sorry" 04:51
TimToady "when all else fails, read the directions."
Raihjken lol you guys need people to read your documentation and make it make sense eh?
Alright any links to the documentations
any emails I can send my progress too?
I can do it whenever I'm bored at school 04:52
ash_ perlcabal.org/syn/ is a good starter, maybe?
Raihjken I just spent 500 bucks on a laptop >.>
TimToady or the book
ash_ that or a the book
Raihjken and a 140 on a 20" monitor,. and then got a 500 GB Hard drive and Lightscribe burner XD
ash_ github.com/perl6/book/downloads
has a downloadable version of the perl6 book, its a pdf
Raihjken "The official Perl 6 Documentation"
Raihjken just read all that stuff then eh? 04:53
TimToady sure, that's all :)
Raihjken ummm
is their some sort of admin
or heiarchy?
masak not really.
Raihjken Would I email stuff to someone?
ash_ you can talk about it in here
TimToady we're a careful organized anarchy
Raihjken umm
ash_ or the mailing list
Raihjken lol
TimToady *carefully
Raihjken thats a paradox, anarchy is never organized, anarchy itself is the definition of chaos 04:54
isBEKaml "organized anarchy". TimToady++
TimToady if you don't like paradoxes, you don't wanna hang around here
Raihjken lol I don't mind em
some are fuin
TimToady where are you going to school? 04:55
ash_ is ^* a valid range?
lue .oO[ we're an autonomous anarcho-syndicalist commune :) ]
Raihjken Korah Collegiate
ash_ rakudo: say ^5;
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«01234␤»
TimToady rakudo: say (^*).WHAT
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Can't take numeric value for object of type Whatever␤ in 'Any::Numeric' at line 1341:CORE.setting␤ in 'prefix:<^>' at line 6774:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/IR9YoqcGSN␤»
Raihjken I've just finished grade 12, but it was too late to apply for college so I'm kinda just taking whatever courses to fill time until applications are accepted again
is this room itself run in Perl? 04:56
That'd be pretty cool, just sayin
TimToady that's okay, many of us are late bloomers
ash_ rakudo: for ^5 { say $_; }
masak "Paradoxes are only conflicts between reality and your feelings of what reality ought to be" -- Feynman
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«0␤1␤2␤3␤4␤»
Raihjken lol
ash_ rakudo: for ^* { say $_; last if $_ > 5; };
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Can't take numeric value for object of type Whatever␤ in 'Any::Numeric' at line 1341:CORE.setting␤ in 'prefix:<^>' at line 6774:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/sqs1VA_D0x␤»
ash_ eh, just curious
std: for ^* { say $_; last if $_ > 5; }; 04:57
Raihjken lol
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 118m␤»
ash_ rakudo bug?
TimToady in theory should mean the same as either { ^$_ } or 0..^*
but not both
masak agreed.
Raihjken umm *clearly has alot of reading of Perl to do*
I dunno I've pretty much used it like it's C++ XD 04:58
TimToady no pain, no gain :)
Raihjken Only with easier syntax
tylercurtis rakudo: my @a = 1, 2, 3, 4; .say for @a[^*];
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«Can't take numeric value for object of type Whatever␤ in 'Any::Numeric' at line 1341:CORE.setting␤ in 'prefix:<^>' at line 6774:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/O9CqNLHBnA␤»
TimToady Perl 6 is even easier, except when it isn't
masak Perl 6 has easy syntax.
Raihjken and finally something that doesn't take 300 lines to make a simple window D:
masak one just needs to know it, then it's easy.
TimToady there's just lots of it
tylercurtis thinks he recalls seeing use of ^* as a { ^$_ } in the spec somewhere. 04:59
Raihjken umm anyway it is like quarter after 1 AM here
lue masak: speaking of paradoxes, can I cause one with your debugger yet?
Raihjken lol!
I've never used debuggers
masak lue: I was planning to avoid that.
Raihjken never got the hang of em
but that sounds like fun
masak lue: something like the old future being invalidate if you change the present.
Raihjken but I'm gonna head to bed, maybe play some Mabinog ifirst
TimToady o/
masak Raihjken: it was nice to meet you.
come back soon. 05:00
Raihjken ty nice to meet you guys too
isBEKaml o/
masak \o
Raihjken I'm going back to lake superior this weekend
but I'll be sure to check in once in a whil
when I have internet
TimToady don't sink
Raihjken (and not Megan's weird dialup bs either)
masak TimToady: from lake superior, the only way is down :P
Raihjken lol
lue I suppose you could solve it by having tardis [that's the name of the debugger] only rewind time, instead of jumping back.
Raihjken well ttyl guys 05:01
masak lue: that's the plan.
masak needs to go offline for a while 05:01
TimToady o/ 05:01
isBEKaml \o
TimToady I note that an 18-year-old guy was not put off by seeing Camelia on perl6.org. :) 05:08
ash_ i like the Camelia logo
ash_ i am only 24 05:09
tylercurtis is another 18-year-old male who is not bothered by Camelia. 05:09
TimToady we just need to work on the turtle graphics a bit more, and we can get the 8-year-olds too
ash_ could i bug someone with linux, perl5 and rakudo to see if they can help me find out whats wrong with this program? 05:10
will need a cpan module too, IPC::Run if your willing to help
i get 2 different functionalities on 2 different OS's, this wasn't happening with an earlier version of rakudo, but i can't think whats changed to cause the problem :-( 05:11
TimToady what does it do?
ash_ on OS X, sub processes run fine, and are controllable via IPC::Run, on linux though, when I try to write to the stdin of the subprocess, it gives me "> " like rakudo was started as the parent process and blocks 05:13
os x and linux have identical versions of parrot, perl, rakudo, and IPC::Run :-\
TimToady is the sub-process running rakudo? 05:14
maybe it's REPL running is getting spooked somehow
s_mosher ash_, I have those things 05:15
ash_ its a parent perl process making a subprocess that is an instance of rakudo's repl
TimToady like maybe it thinks there aren't any args, or some such
TimToady oh, you *want* the repl 05:16
ash_ s_mosher: gist.github.com/560253 is a gist of the problem, if that can run to the end, then it should work, it works on OS X, you'll need to correct the path to perl6 though 05:17
TimToady sounds more like your subprocess's STDIN is getting closed or redirected somehow
ash_ TimToady: ya, i do want the repl, its how try.rakudo.org will work, if i can fix this problem
s_mosher ash_, I'll give it a shot. 05:19
TimToady maybe a close-on-exec flag is wrong
ash_ hmm, perl -e "print $^F" prints 2 on both systems 05:21
the thing is, rakudo from like 2 weeks ago didn't cause this problem
if i change it to use perl5, it works too, and python works 05:22
so, i am wondering if its a change in parrot/rakudo thats causing my issue
TimToady seems like it must be
s_mosher ash_, it runs to completion here
ash_ s_mosher: really? what os? (and revision of rakudo) 05:23
i assume linux since i asked for it, but which one :P
s_mosher I rebuilt rakudo from git last night or today some time. Linux is 2.6.32 amd64 05:24
it's Debian if that matters
oh, have version string: This is Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.08-26-g6ccdcda built on parrot 2.7.0 r48628 05:25
ash_ which commit if you do: git log
ash_ same parrot revision... i wonder if it was the change to make FORBID_PIR work 05:27
i am going to revert to your build and see if the problem goes away 05:29
s_mosher I might have been less than hygenic when updating rakudo btw 05:31
I don't think I left anything dangerous laying about when updating, but I didn't look as hard as I do when I'm being paid 05:32
ash_ lol, its fine
s_mosher I know, I'm just paranoid that something weird happened and you'll get a different result 05:33
ash_ almost done rebuilding, my test server is running on an intel atom, so its kinda slow :P 05:39
s_mosher: by completion, it printed 'done' with some other stuff, right? 05:42
its still doing it for me
s_mosher yeah 05:43
s_mosher aside from that, was there anything specific you were looking for in the output? 05:43
ash_ no, just that it didn't block waiting on input
for me, it blocks and only does the first print and never finishes 05:44
s_mosher oh huh 05:45
um... well bad news sorta
okay I updated, rebuilt, tried again 05:46
because I'm curious
and it runs to completion, but I get different (more) output
ash_ how different?
s_mosher an added line: "print 2" 05:47
ash_ ah, that should be there
something like: "print 2\n> 2" ? 05:48
s_mosher sec 05:49
s_mosher oh well this isn't so different then 05:50
print 2... and whatever is to follow gets cut off
sometimes I get nothing, sometimes just p, sometimes whatever 05:51
usually just "p\ndone\n" at that point
ash_ hmm 05:52
s_mosher I scanned the $p in the script and thought nothing of it at first
ash_ odd
i haven't had it just do "p\ndone\n" before
i need to test it more
s_mosher I was getting that even before rebuilding
sorear hello #perl6 05:53
ash_ hi sorear 05:54
s_mosher: now its working occasionally and then not other times 06:01
i am confused
s_mosher ash_, I'm going over it with strace 06:02
to see whether (and if so maybe why) the repl is going away early
s_mosher I'm seeing a hilarious volume of calls to brk() 06:03
ash_ i don't know what brk does 06:04
s_mosher it gets memory from the system 06:05
ash_ those might be from pump
IPC::Run uses the pump sub to check if std in, out, or err need to be updated and updates them 06:06
s_mosher okay, I found the part where it's reading chars in 06:07
s_mosher well it's writing the result 06:09
or it writes a "2" for some reason anyway, but no newline apparently. then the prompt again 06:10
oh right, you didn't have a newline in the code you sent over 06:11
sorear don't use strace with iphd 06:12
the reparenting screws things up
s_mosher oh dang
sorear it's easier just to boot a freebsd vm and use ktrace instad, less intrusive
s_mosher but I love strace
sorear oh, I misread
you probably aren't using iphd
thought you were ash with the trace 06:13
moritz_ good morning 06:16
tylercurtis :( Rakudo blows up with the profiling runcore for me. 06:17
ash_ lol, i tried redirecting the output from the perl6 sub process to /dev/null and it still ends up on stdout of the parent process, thats not right 06:18
s_mosher ash_, from what I'm seeing the parent is getting all the data
ash_ moritz_: well, if feather3 ran OS X, i think i'd have try.rakudo.org ready to go, but IPC::Run seems to be acting funny with recent versions of rakudo, i haven't figured out why (this problem doesn't show up with perl5, or python interps) 06:19
oh, it only shows up in linux as far as i can tell too, so i am having trouble tracking down the problem 06:20
sorear good morning moritz_ 06:22
seen pmurias?
s_mosher ash_, your print $out comes one statement too early 06:23
and I spent all this time not noticing it
ash_ s_mosher: no, thats probably spill from the child process ending up on the parent processes stdout, (probably) 06:24
take the print $out, out and see if it still happens (i bet it does)
s_mosher is it supposed to start printing $out before "pump$p until $out [...]" ? 06:25
I took it out, and no output from the repl
sorear niecza: say "hi"
p6eval niecza 1d65d67: OUTPUT«Can't locate STD.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home/p6eval/niecza/src /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1 /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/5.12.1/x86_64-linux /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/5.12.1 .) at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/Niecza/Grammar.pm
..line 3.␤…
s_mosher ash_, if I move it down one, I get expected results. if I match 2 instead of >\s it even chops off the prompt 06:27
it really looks like the "sometimes working sometimes not" behaviour is just a... race product (?) 06:28
ash_ you can move it to after the $p->finish if you want, that should be fine, and take out the $p->pump until line
sorear o/ masak
ash_ ya, it sounds like it might be a race condition happening
masak [backlog] a real good turtle graphics module would be interesting. preferably coupled with tutorial/SVG/web capabilities somehow. lurkers, take note.
sorear: \o
sorear: just got 'our' variables to work in Yapsi :) 06:29
s_mosher ash_, I have it just before the finish line.
just after the last pump
ash_ $p->finish waits until the subprocess exits,
so there shouldn't be any changes to the $out var after that time
s_mosher right. 06:30
dalek psi: 095c93b | masak++ | / (3 files):
[Yapsi] 'our'-scoped variables

The compiler declares a block 'GLOBAL' containing only the 'our'-scoped variables. The runtime then makes sure the appropriate variables are bound to the variables in this block.
psi: 94758a5 | masak++ | doc/ChangeLog:
[doc/ChangeLog] updated for 2010.09
s_mosher I mean the problem is gone when I start outputting at the correct time 06:31
ash_ well, in the repl server, i need to not finish the processes until i absolutely have to, (for instance if they become inactive for more than 60 seconds), so i need to be able to write and read from them without killing them 06:32
in theory, if i do $p->pump until $out =~ /\n>\s/m; it should wait until it gets the "\n> " that means the rakudo repl is waiting for input again, so it should be done processing the old input, thats when i know to read 06:33
sorear masak: neat! did niecza help at all?
masak haven't checked how niecza does it. but I'm willing to compare notes now. 06:34
s_mosher ash_, yeah.. that isn't the problem though
s_mosher check line 18 06:34
it should come after line 20
you're just printing it before you get it, then moving on 06:35
masak sorear: notably, I'm curious about the case C< { our $b }; say $b > discussed in the backlog.
moritz_: good morning. it seems p6eval's yapsi target is less-than-functional. 06:36
sorear masak: that case is an error, $b in the outer scope doesn't resolve to anything 06:38
sorear GLOBAL:: and UNIT:: are disjoint 06:38
masak right.
tadzik hello 06:39
masak the only save I could imagine was if GLOBAL:: was nested outside of UNIT::
but it isn't.
tadzik: hi! \o/
masak std: { say our $b }; say $b # this shouldn't work, but does 06:40
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $b is declared but not used at /tmp/Przv78_ZFb line 1:␤------> { say our $b⏏ }; say $b # this shouldn't work, but do␤ok 00:01 117m␤»
masak also, it gives a warning about declare-but-not-use even when I use the variable...
std: { our $b say $b }; say $b # this shouldn't work, but does
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/nEoFF8iFIK line 1:␤------> { our $b ⏏say $b }; say $b # this shouldn't work, ␤ expecting any of:␤ bracketed infix␤ constraint␤ infix or meta-infix␤ statement modifier loop␤
..trait␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:…
masak er. 06:41
ash_ s_mosher: gist.github.com/560253 here, i updated this to be close to what i am using on my server
masak std: { our $b; say $b }; say $b
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 117m␤»
masak sorear: so we agree that the above shouldn't parse?
sorear yes.
masak good. now we just need to convince TimToady :) 06:42
s_mosher ash_, that works as expected here 06:43
are you still having problems? 06:44
ash_ ya
its not working here
i get timeouts
and the output is very different
sorear there's something weird and wrong with either JSON::Tiny or viv 06:45
parsing 1 copy of sample.json: 4.1 seconds
2 copies: 12.9 seconds
masak huh. 06:47
ash_ my test server and feather3 have the same response, with nearly the same version of rakudo 06:49
s_mosher I'm trying with this now: 2010.08-28-g2ac5feb built on parrot 2.7.0 r48628 06:50
what could I have done while building to make rakudo behave differently? 06:51
ash_ i don't know
i might have something configured wrong, i haven't a clue at this point
s_mosher I suspect something else is at play, but I'd rather not assume my build is sane
moritz_ sorear: viv runs JSON::Tiny?
niecza: say "alive"
p6eval niecza 33f66ad: OUTPUT«alive␤» 06:52
sorear moritz_: I had to change \, to "," in a couple places
also I just extracted the grammar, not the whole module
neat, I made JSON::Tiny 4x faster with a few ::
moritz_ sadly rakudo doesn't understand those 06:53
sorear and it's not O(n^(>1)) anymore
60kb in ~9s, I have a baseline for "viv speed" 06:54
sorear goes back to the niecza regex rewrite (which will add ::, among everything else) 06:55
600kb in 94s, definitely O(N) now
ash_ s_mosher: i am checking out rakudo's latest build and last months tag to see if there is any difference between the two 06:57
feather3 is also giving me problems, so i seem to have 2 systems configured oddly 07:00
lue goodnight o/
masak 'night, lue 07:01
cxreg rakudo: eval "did I get utf8 working in irc?" 07:09
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: ( no output ) 07:09
tylercurtis \o lue, goodnight. 07:10
cxreg rakudo: say say ^5 07:11
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«01234␤1␤»
cxreg whoops
moritz_ rakduo: say "møøse in UTF-8"
cxreg that's odd, the chevron thingies worked, but it's still partially broken
s_mosher ash_, it seems to be hanging on me when I try it with python...
moritz_ raukdo: say "møøse in UTF-8"
moritz_ can't type "rakudo" 07:12
rakudo: say "møøse in UTF-8"
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«møøse in UTF-8␤»
ash_ s_mosher: what about changing it to: my $p = start [ $^X, '-pe', 'BEGIN { $| = 1 }' ], \$in, \$out, timeout(5); (also you need to remove the pump until
that will make a perl5 interp that echos stdin to stdout
s_mosher yeah that works fine 07:15
ash_ i can get it to work with python by doing a few minor tweeks, only to what its starting and the input its sending python
s_mosher yeah, what happens here is that unless I give python garbage (to make it vomit and die) it continues to wait on input after I send it data 07:16
moritz_ news.perlfoundation.org/2010/09/hag...ta-mo.html \o/ 07:17
ash_ woot, jnthn++ pmichaud++ 07:18
s_mosher oh right, my mistake. python works too when I keep my wits about me.
ash_ tpf++
s_mosher yeah, that's good to see 07:20
cxreg moritz_: so what is the character before the »?
it's coming out goofy
ash_ ␤?
cxreg yeah that
ash_ .u ␤
phenny U+2424 SYMBOL FOR NEWLINE (␤)
moritz_ right, it's an N/L
many fonts render it weirdly 07:21
cxreg oh, it's /supposed/ to look like that?!
moritz_ it's sufficiently rare in "normal" text or code that we can use it indicate newlines
ash_ it doesn't hurt that it is unicode for the symbol for newline too :P 07:22
s_mosher: thanks for the help, i think i might start looking into other ways of handling this since ipc::run is acting so weirdly 07:25
s_mosher ash_, no problem. 07:26
ash_ any thoughts on a sub-process management tool? or am i going to have to make one from scratch :-( 07:27
s_mosher it's a shame ipc isn't doing it. 07:28
moritz_ ash_: IO::Pty::HalfDuplex 07:29
ash_ i don't get why it worked for python and perl5 though, but perl6 is acting odd
s_mosher nothing comes to mind, though. I've never had a pleasant time dealing with the output of other interactive programs.
yeah, that is odd 07:30
ash_ moritz_: will do 07:31
s_mosher well, I'm off to Zzzz-land 07:35
ash_ me too 07:37
thanks again 07:38
s_mosher sure, any time
moritz_ sleep well 07:39
masak time for me to sleep too. :) 07:42
'night, #perl6
isBEKaml goodnight, masak! 07:43
tadzik masak: isn't that a morning for you?
masak sun-in-sky-wise, yes. subjectively, no.
tadzik I see
masak later today, there'll be a Yapsi release!
masak zzz 07:44
tadzik sleep well then :)
tadzik is the same TZ and has just woke up 07:44
isBEKaml tadzik: +2?
tadzik isBEKaml: yep
isBEKaml tadzik: :)
tadzik well, not just, 3hs ago :) 07:45
sorear tadzik: masak traditionally only stays awake for a few minutes at a time 07:49
tadzik heh 07:51
happig clear 07:58
azawawi hi 08:08
phenny azawawi: 30 Aug 00:14Z <sorear> tell azawawi I've solved a couple problems you were facing; check out STD 32116 on CPAN
dalek kudo: 606c5fb | moritz++ | src/core/operators.pm:
prevent not and so from autothreading
kudo: dc99008 | tadzik++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
Added more info to an error message for <>

Signed-off-by: Moritz Lenz [email@hidden.address]
azawawi sorear: ping 08:16
tadzik rakudo: say $_ for <> 08:24
p6eval rakudo 2ac5fe: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of <>; in Perl 6 please use lines() or () at line 22, near "<>"␤»
tadzik nah
moritz_ update will start in 11min
and take another ~20min or so
azawawi phenny: tell sorear Does that mean that syml_search_path is absolute since it is not taking the given values. 08:35
phenny azawawi: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
sorear phenny: tell azawawi Pronoun resolution error 08:50
phenny sorear: I'll pass that on when azawawi is around.
sorear: 08:35Z <azawawi> tell sorear Does that mean that syml_search_path is absolute since it is not taking the given values.
moritz_ hugme: add sorear to json 09:52
hugme hugs sorear. Welcome to json!
moritz_ sorear: you're welcome to maintain your copy of json's Grammar.pm in a branch in my repo
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w+\D }; method C($a) { $a ~~ m/ <B> / }; }; say A.new.C("fred1").perl 10:57
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Method 'B' not found for invocant of class 'Cursor'␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/W2L3AqZjZQ␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'A::C' at line 22:/tmp/W2L3AqZjZQ␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/W2L3AqZjZQ␤»
colomon help? 10:58
moritz_ colomon: self.parse($a, :rule<B>) 11:49
moritz_ journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2010/08/...-language/ 12:17
colomon moritz_++ 12:23
does that work externally as well?
moritz_ yes
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w+\D }; method C($a) { self.parse($a, :rule<B>); }; }; say A.new.C("fred1").perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "fred1",␤ to => 4,␤)␤»
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w+\D }; method C($a) { self.parse($a, :rule<B>); }; }; say A.new.parse("fred1", :rule<B>).perl 12:24
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "fred1",␤ to => 4,␤)␤»
moritz_ (it's even specced, iirc :-)
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 12:26
phenny pmichaud: 31 Aug 18:00Z <moritz_> ask pmichaud in trace output from NQP-rx with <DEBUG(1)>, whas is the second number in the second column? ie the /1 in 1283276995.944721 17/1 START comment
frettled moritz_: *lightbulb* — aha! 12:29
pmichaud moritz_: first number is string offset, second number is line number
kaare_ pmichaud: Your august rakudo start announcement wasn't picked up by planetsix.perl.org or any other aggregator I follow. 12:30
pmichaud kaare_: I noticed that also. I'm not sure what happened there. 12:30
oh, I didn't post it to use.perl.org, I bet.
and rakudo.org doesn't have a working rss feed. :-( 12:31
kaare_ yep, ony rakudo.org
pmichaud should I go ahead and post it now to use.perl.org ?
kaare_ I would vote yes. 12:31
azawawi phenny: tell sorear Thanks for the latest STD syml inclusion. Fixed S:H:P6 to re-use it. padre.perlide.org/trac/changeset/12415
phenny azawawi: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
azawawi: 08:50Z <sorear> tell azawawi Pronoun resolution error
kaare_ If I didn't search for it, I wouldn't know it was announced. 12:31
kaare_ Not sure that use.perl.org's rss feed is much better though :-/ 12:33
pmichaud use.perl.org/~pmichaud/journal/40518 12:37
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w+\D }; method C($a) { self.parse($a, :rule<B>); }; }; say A.parse("fred1", :rule<B>).perl
pmichaud (use.perl.org's rss feed) well, I know that articles I post there tend to make it to the aggregators
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "fred1",␤ to => 4,␤)␤»
pmichaud twitter.com/aledalgrande/status/22614181643 # huh?!?! 12:52
takadonet ..
daxim quick! reply with something witty and scathing that would make sideshow bob proud! 12:53
tadzik ignorance is bliss. It also makes you look silly though 12:54
takadonet tadzik: nice 12:55
pmichaud sometimes the simplest replies are easiest: twitter.com/pmichaud/status/22704356371 12:56
frettled pmichaud++ — for applying KISS 12:58
elekt yrb: Nice, i'll check it out 13:02
colomon whee, 21 passing tests for ABC! 13:12
31 13:13
tadzik please say that the smoking stats motivated you :) 13:23
colomon I'm happy to say the smoking stats motivated me. 13:25
though I don't actually know where they are.
tadzik yay :)
colomon mostly I want to have a functional ABC parser. I actually could have used one last week.
tadzik well, the last html ones are quite old: tjs.azalayah.net/ser.html
colomon actually, I used your tool in a completely different fashion this morning. 13:26
tadzik which tool?
colomon neutro
tadzik well, neutro is for installing specifically
smoker.pl is a wrapper around neutro for some smoketesting capabilities
colomon after doing the big smoke test, I switched to ~/.perl6/lib and did an ack search through all the installed modules. 13:27
tadzik and the smoke test was run manually? 13:28
colomon yes
well, manually using smoker.pl.
tadzik hmm
colomon and actually, I used the run from a week or two ago.
tadzik I see
colomon it's a great way to search against the source of the current modules. 13:29
daxim rakudo-star-2010.08 build errors paste.scsys.co.uk/49772?tx=on
scroll down to the ===SORRY!=== sections 13:30
tadzik bbl
colomon 74 passing tests 13:33
pmichaud daxim: (build errors) -- yes, we still need to work on DESTDIR a bit more 13:48
smash hello everyone 14:13
moritz_: ping
moritz_ smash: pong 14:19
colomon rakudo: my $match = "abcdefg" ~~ /./; say $match.perl 14:22
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "abcdefg",␤ to => 1,␤)␤»
colomon rakudo: my $match = "abcdefg" ~~ /\w*/; say $match.perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "abcdefg",␤ to => 7,␤)␤»
colomon rakudo: my $match = "abcdefg" ~~ /[\w]*/; say $match.perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "abcdefg",␤ to => 7,␤)␤» 14:23
smash moritz_: finally got time to set up those benchmarks for rakudo gil.di.uminho.pt/users/smash/rakudo-bench.html
colomon rakudo: regex A { \w }; my $match = "abcdefg" ~~ /[<A>]*/; say $match.perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Useless declaration of has-scoped regex in a module; add our or my to install it in the lexpad or namespace␤Method 'A' not found for invocant of class 'Cursor'␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/LGV9_G0r_5␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line
colomon rakudo: our regex A { \w }; my $match = "abcdefg" ~~ /[<A>]*/; say $match.perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Method 'A' not found for invocant of class 'Cursor'␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/pvpHLBQUnY␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line 5824:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/pvpHLBQUnY␤»
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w ':' }; regex C { <B>+ }; }; my $match = A.parse("a:b:c:", :rule<C>); say $match.perl 14:25
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 6,␤ named => {␤ B => [␤ Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 2,␤ ),␤ Match.new(␤ from => 2,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 4,␤ ),␤ Match.new(␤ from => 4,␤ orig =>
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w ':' }; regex C { <B>+ }; }; my $match = A.parse("a:b:c:", :rule<C>); say $match<B>.perl
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«[Match.new(␤ from => 0,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 2,␤), Match.new(␤ from => 2,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 4,␤), Match.new(␤ from => 4,␤ orig => "a:b:c:",␤ to => 6,␤)]␤»
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w ':' }; regex C { <B>+ }; }; my $match = A.parse("a:b:c:", :rule<C>); say $match<B>.elems 14:26
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«3␤»
colomon rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w ':' }; regex C { <B>+ }; }; my $match = A.parse("a:b:c:", :rule<C>); for $match<B> -> $m { say $m }
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«a: b: c:␤»
colomon and there is my issue.
moritz_ for $match<B>.flat 14:27
rakudo: grammar A { regex B { \w ':' }; regex C { <B>+ }; }; my $match = A.parse("a:b:c:", :rule<C>); for $match<B>.flat -> $m { say $m } 14:28
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«a:␤b:␤c:␤»
moritz_ colomon: better? :-)
colomon yes. is it supposed to be needed? 14:29
moritz_++ 14:30
moritz_ yes 14:32
it's needed for the distinction (.)(.) vs. (.)**2
smash moritz_: got my link ? 14:34
colomon 114 passing tests in ABC/t/01-regexes.t, that's all for that file. 14:37
moritz_ smash: yes, just haven't had a chance to look yet
smash moritz_: sure, take your time 14:38
colomon www.codequarterly.com/code-challenges/markup/ -- is someone already on this? :) 14:41
smash colomon: not me, but looks interesting 14:44
colomon seems like the sort of thing which should be pretty easily done in p6
daxim can HTML be parsed by a p6 grammar? 14:45
smash daxim: i don't see why not 14:46
colomon: true
moritz_ daxim: it can, though parsing wrong HTML will be rather painful 14:47
daxim aha, in case of wrong HTML, will there be by default a sane message like "expected 'foo', but found 'bar' at line xx column yy"? 14:48
or does the programmer have to provide this?
moritz_ "depends" 14:49
daxim hm hm :S
moritz_ rakudo: say '<a>foobar</b>' ~~ /[ '<' (\w+) '>'] ~ [ '</' $0 '>' ] <-[<>]> / 14:50
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Unable to parse _block119, couldn't find final [ '</' $0 '>' ] at line 1␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/xLLPVkDLhv␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line 5824:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/xLLPVkDLhv␤»
moritz_ seems it needs a bit of improvement :-) 14:50
colomon rakudo: say '<a>foobar</a>' ~~ /[ '<' (\w+) '>'] ~ [ '</' $0 '>' ] <-[<>]> / 14:55
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Unable to parse _block119, couldn't find final [ '</' $0 '>' ] at line 1␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/ghvxdCynhH␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line 5824:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/ghvxdCynhH␤» 14:56
TimToady rakudo: say '<a>foobar</a>' ~~ /[ '<' (\w+) '>'] ~ [ '</' $0 '>' ] <-[<>]>* /
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«<a>foobar</a>␤»
colomon rakudo: say '<a>foobar</b>' ~~ /[ '<' (\w+) '>'] ~ [ '</' $0 '>' ] <-[<>]>* / 14:59
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Unable to parse _block119, couldn't find final [ '</' $0 '>' ] at line 1␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/fdMSYRwzYH␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line 5824:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/fdMSYRwzYH␤»
bbkr hmm, in which part of S05 is this regexp tilde trick described? 15:20
nvm, found it under "New metacharacters" 15:21
slavik bbkr: tilde trick? 15:22
TimToady the "between" matcher 15:23
'[' ~ ']' <subscript> 15:24
used above for tags
bbkr slavik: that you can write regexp like / [ '<h1>' ~ '</h1>' <header_text> / instead of / [ '<h1>' <header_text> '</h1>' /
slavik oh 15:25
TimToady mostly it swaps the next two atoms, but also helps with error reporting
slavik so ~ is like a "stuff" symbol?
slavik nice! 15:25
TimToady++ :)
TimToady STD is full of it.
wait, did I say that? :)
bbkr rakudo: say so "abc" ~~ /a ~ (c) (b)/; say $0 # wow, it even reverts capture order :) 15:29
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«1␤b␤»
TimToady uhhh
that seems like a bug to me 15:30
bbkr reports 15:32
bbkr std: "abc" ~~ /^ a ~ ($0) ($0) $/; # stupid code 15:39
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 119m␤»
bbkr rakudo: "abc" ~~ /^ a ~ ($0) ($0) $/; # stupid code
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Unable to parse _block119, couldn't find final ($0) at line 1␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/9Z5ccHwRQh␤ in 'Cool::match' at line 2421:CORE.setting␤ in 'Regex::ACCEPTS' at line 5824:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 10:/tmp/9Z5ccHwRQh␤»
bbkr TimToady: is above one a STD bug or Rakudo one? 15:40
moritz_ it doesn't have to be on at all
matching an undefined variable fails 15:41
which is why ($0) doesn't match, hence the error message
bbkr moritz_: but following your logic this one should fail in the same way: 15:42
rakudo: "abc" ~~ /^ a ($0) ($0) $/;
p6eval rakudo dc9900: ( no output )
moritz_ bbkr: only the ~ thing actually throws an expression
bbkr ok, not a bug then 15:45
TimToady BTW, if anyone thinks of some good show-off ideas for Perl 6 on rosettacode, we can add new problem specifications 15:47
Alias Best features are the thinks nobody else has
Does stuff like [+] work yet?
TimToady sure
lots of the current entries use it :) 15:48
and other metas like Z+
moritz_ TimToady: so how does it feel to actually write Perl 6 code? :-) 15:49
TimToady quite a relief
smash i might borrow some scripts from rosettacode to add the scripts list for my benchmark
s/to add/to add to/
TimToady smash: btw, that red-black tree could actually be quite useful
smash TimToady: sorry. didn't had the time to look at it, but it's on my todo list 15:50
i should still try to finish the bead sort one
TimToady I thought rosettacode.org/wiki/Formal_power_series#Haskell might also be up your alley 15:51
bbkr rakudo: say [+](True, True, True) # bug? True + True should be True or 2? 15:52
TimToady Alias: pretty much all of the examples on rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Perl_6 currently work under rakudo
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«3␤»
TimToady + coerces to numeric
bbkr then it's correct
TimToady we have lots of other ways to do "or"
smash TimToady: might as well write a haskell to perl6 converter :-)
TimToady and a perl6 to haskell converter while you're at it :) 15:53
smash TimToady: you're giving me a headache already 15:54
PerlJam A simple perl5 to perl6 converter would be more useful I think 15:55
A complex perl5 to perl6 converter would be most useful too :)
moritz_ the problem is that no code generator produces both idiomatic *and* correct code 15:56
nobody wants a code generator that produces incorrect code
and nobody wants to change generated, non-idiomatic code 15:57
TimToady as long as the places where it's guessing are clearly marked for audit, it can be useful
PerlJam It probably needs to be 2 pass to get correct + idiomatic
TimToady that was a2p's approach
moritz_ thinks that code translation is not the right approach to code reuse, in the general case 15:58
TimToady where the 2nd pass is "the programmer rewrites this so it works"
PerlJam moritz_: of course not, but it could make a good bootstrap
TimToady translation is mostly useful for educational purposes
that's how a2p ended up being used
in which case idiomatic and almost correct is kinda what you want
but it's really much more important to be able to intermix p5 and p6 modules, so people can translate (auto or by hand) piecemeal 16:00
whether the intermixing is done by emulation or cooperating interpreters is another question
emulation solves the multiple runloop problem but is not usually complete emulation 16:01
bug compatibility is difficult
TimToady Luxembourg? 16:04
alester pmichaud: I haven't forgotten about the rakudo.org RSS feed.
Util My approach in 5-to-6 conversion (PPI-based) is to change the syntax to Perl6, while logging (1) things that the converter is can't be 100% sure it has converted correctly (like bitwise-or), (2) things it has not even tried to convert, but recognizes that need converting, and (3) P5 idioms that it can recognize as having equivilant improved P6 idioms, but at a higher level of abstraction than it can process (like sort changing into 1-var form). Lower level idiom 16:05
TimToady Util: that looks chopped 16:06
bbkr rakudo: 01 # known STD discrepancy?
p6eval rakudo dc9900: ( no output )
Util The idea is to make a human's brain a well-defined part of the conversion process, by telling him exactly what else needs to be done.
PerlJam Util: you have such a converter?
Util TimToady: chopped, as in "Util is missing an obvious piece of the conversion process in his description"? 16:07
TimToady your message was chopped
PerlJam Util: chopped as in the last thing I saw was "Lower level idiom" 16:07
Util ... Lower level idiom (like "no parens needed for for loops") I am trying to handle. 16:08
Util Chopped in the IRClog on perlgeek.de, but not on my screen. /me lacks IRC-fu. 16:10
Util PerlJam: Yes, I just started brushing the dust off this morning. Plan to load to GitHub later this week. 16:11
PerlJam Util++ cool
TimToady more like IRC lacks Util-fu. :) 16:13
ash_ Util hey, its John Harrison, from Auburn 16:15
ash_ oops 16:16
i fail at irc
what was the title of the channel? (and why did it let me do that? o.0)
moritz_ »ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend! | Rakudo Star Released! 16:17
ash_ thanks moritz_ sorry about that :-x 16:17
daxim good clients keep a history of topics
Util ash_: I think you meant `/msg Util` instead of `/topic`
bbkr rakudo: */x # another Rakudo vs STD compatibility bug 16:18
p6eval rakudo dc9900: ( no output )
ash_ i did /t because i thought it meant 'tell' but ya
i am irc stupid right now
moritz_ bbkr: it's the old "doesn't check for subs at compile time" bug 16:19
bbkr moritz_: I'm not sure. in this case * Whatever messes it 16:20
rakudo: 1/x
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &x␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/nHp6_cau91␤»
moritz_ bbkr: it's like { $_ / x }
bbkr: and because nothing calls it, the existance check for &x is never done 16:21
ash_ rakudo: my $a = * / x; say $a(1);
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &x␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/0Ker9myfF2␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/0Ker9myfF2␤»
ash_ that error message doesn't come up until you call $a
since whatever's are lazy
bbkr moritz++ ash++ # nice explanation 16:22
TimToady doing the proper check is a bit tricky
std: { $_ / x }; sub x {...}
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 118m␤»
TimToady std: { $_ / x }; 16:23
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'x' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:02 117m␤»
TimToady you have to remember all the lexical scopes to re-search at CHECK time
masak oh hai, #perl6 16:24
TimToady short nap
smash masak: hello
masak I'm just stopping by. will have a longer session later tonight. 16:25
isBEKaml hi masak! 16:29
masak hi!
bbkr std: +q # some perlbot bug I think... 16:32
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Invalid class name (STD::stop::) at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 89␤ Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('STD::stop::') called at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 137␤
bbkr should I report it somewhere? 16:33
ash_ wow, nice bug 16:34
moritz_ just hilight TimToady
ash_ rakudo: +q # just wondering
p6eval rakudo dc9900: ( no output )
bbkr std: q # TimToady this breaks perlbot 16:36
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Invalid class name (STD::stop::) at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 89␤ Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('STD::stop::') called at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 137␤
pmichaud good afternoon 16:43
moritz_ oh hai
TimToady std: q 16:44
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Invalid class name (STD::stop::) at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 89␤ Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('STD::stop::') called at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 137␤
masak hi pmichaud 16:45
TimToady shortest STDbug ever :)
bbkr bows 16:46
pmichaud std: Q
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«Invalid class name (STD::stop::) at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 89␤ Class::MOP::load_first_existing_class('STD::stop::') called at /opt/perl-5.12.1/lib/site_perl/5.12.1/x86_64-linux/Class/MOP.pm line 137␤
pmichaud (one bit shorter...?)
TimToady looks a bit taller to me
smash pmichaud: rakudo-star speed is improving, gil.di.uminho.pt/users/smash/rakudo-bench.html 16:47
colomon ooo, that's just the sort of benchmark graph I've been hoping to see. 16:48
ash_ i like the angle those lines are at (in the context of what they are graphing)
smash everyone feel free to add new scripts to the github repository so they can be added to the benchmark 16:49
bbkr smash: simple grammar test would also be nice, since Rakudo is very "grammar oriented"
colomon smash++
though I think I was thinking of benchmarks which took a couple of minutes to run now. 16:50
will that mess things up?
TimToady some of those lines will intersect 0 within a year
ash_ wait, is doing nothing slower than saying "hello world"?
thats... kinda funny actually
smash colomon: i'm only planning on running the benchmark once a day, so taking a couple of minutes to run is fine 16:51
colomon and you are planning on running it once a day? smash++ indeed!
I will try to get you an assortment of benchmarks in the next few days.
(I've been planning on doing benchmarks anyway, and since you're doing all the hard organizational work...) 16:52
smash ash_: the do_nothing script is the faster
colomon: i can set you up with commit rights on github if you want to add the scripts yourself
ash_ do_nothing: 1.695492 s, hello: 1.684894 s (for 2010.08) 16:53
rakudo: say 1.695492 - 1.684894
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«0.010598␤»
ash_ its a very small amount, but still
smash ash_: oh, that one.. yeap, but something external to the process can have tampered that
ash_ i know 16:54
i am sure, its hard to have 100% consistent and accurate benchmarks
smash i might add something to try to prevent that, like running the example more than one time and choosing the faster value (or something like that)
colomon smash: that would be nice, and probably easier than me forking it and then sending you pull requests. 16:55
pmichaud it might be nice to have the benchmarks in the perl6-examples repository. or I can set up a benchmarks repository in the perl6 account
patrickas the angle of the line seems ... treacherous 16:55
pmichaud (or in the rakudo account, if we want these to be rakudo-specific)
smash pmichaud: that is also possible, i can change the scripts source from one repo to another 16:56
pmichaud so, where would you like to move them? ;-)
ash_ smash: i'd say run each example 10 times and list their average and std deviation 16:57
pmichaud I think minimum might make more sense.
smash pmichaud: any place is fine by me as long as i can clone it
ash_: that's one way to go to
ash_ min and max are good too 16:58
pmichaud smash: should I call it rakudo-bench-scripts or perhaps just bench-scripts ? 16:59
i.e., are these intended to be rakudo specific?
max is likely to illustrate system load/timing errors more than anything else 17:00
smash any particular reason why they should be rakudo specific ?
pmichaud smash: not that I can think of
I'll call it bench-scripts
smash nods.
colomon: i guess you won't need commit rights to my github repo now (which will be deleted soon) 17:01
pmichaud github.com/perl6/bench-scripts
smashz and colomon have commit bits 17:02
feel free to add the repo to hugme
smash pmichaud: excelent, thank you
colomon pmichaud++ smash++ 17:03
smash i'll add my current scripts there to get things started, we can remove them later as more interesting scripts come up
masak pmichaud: seems we both replied with the same URL to @aledalgrande :) don't know if people who spout "not released" are receptible enough, sadly.
bbkr std: \/ a / # bug? i'm not sure if escaping is allowed in bare code, like in this case for regexp beginning 17:05
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:02 117m␤» 17:06
moritz_ maybe it's a capture?
smash pmichaud: i can do a similar setup with devel releases
if anyone thinks that would be interesting 17:07
bbkr rakudo: (\/ a /).WHAT.say
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Capture()␤»
bbkr moritz++
pmichaud masak: on the plus side, there are tweets like twitter.com/zenogantner/status/22723693733 :-) 17:09
ash_ moritz_++ IO::Pty::HalfDuplex seems to be working out for me, thanks for the suggestion (is that by sorear?) 17:09
moritz_ it is
sorear++ 17:10
ash_ sorear++
i thought it was, but wasn't sure if that was his name or not (saw it on cpan)
pmichaud masak: for some reason your tweet stream doesn't appear in my default stream. hmmm....
masak pmichaud: that gentletwitterer just wrote something about LTA errors, and I wrote back. 17:11
pmichaud masak: I wonder why I'm not seeing your tweets by default. 17:12
masak no idea.
ok, I'll be going away for a few hours now.
when I get back, we'll have a Yapsi release \o/
colomon huh. I normally see masak++'s tweets, but I'm not seeing any in the last couple of hours.
TimToady rakudo: say :10(':16<bad.decaf>') 17:13
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (:)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
masak the last non-directed tweet was 14 hours ago, so that's all right.
pmichaud ...DON'T PANIC?
masak that's lue's addition, I think.
should the above work? 17:14
pmichaud yes, the str-to-num conversions still need a fair bit of work.
masak submits rakudobug
ash_ rakudo: say :10(:16<10>) 17:15
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«16␤»
ash_ rakudo: say :2(:16<10>)
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (6)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
masak could probably do better than that error message. 17:16
pmichaud agreed.
TimToady is it taking () as *quotes*?!?!
pmichaud I think it's stringifying the argument
masak aye.
pmichaud rakudo: say :2('16')
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (6)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
TimToady stringifying without evaluating?
pmichaud with evaluating, in this case
TimToady oh, yes
pmichaud since :16<10> is '16' 17:17
TimToady 16 has a 6, duh
ash_ rakudo: say :2(16) # so this works? 17:18
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (6)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤» 17:18
ash_ no, i don't understand :2 i guess
amkrankruleuen Hello!
TimToady that's a function
not a quoting construct
masak amkrankruleuen: hi!
TimToady so it evaluates the 16, and the function coerces to Str, and '16' is an invalid binary digit 17:19
well, '6' is
it can work accidentally though
rakudo: say :2(11)
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«3␤»
ash_ ah, see i thought it would convert 16 to base 2 17:20
frettled I was confused by that one when I tried it, too.
ash_ so you'd 10000
i see, i am going the wrong way with it
TimToady we don't have a good generic conversion going the other way yet
pmichaud rakudo: say 16.fmt('%b') 17:21
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«10000␤»
TimToady "generic"
pmichaud (not general, but good for binary)
TimToady not good enough for fractions though
ash_ 12.base(:2) # would be neat or raxdix could work
radix* 17:22
masak fwiw, I think :10(':16<bad.decaf>') is *brilliant*. there was a p6l thread recently requesting conversion from an arbitrary base. 17:23
if no-one else replies to that thread, I will.
pmichaud masak: what are you expecting there, ooc? 17:24
frettled masak: please do, I was a bit disappointed in the response.
TimToady std: the correct answer is 912559.729
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Undeclared routines:␤ 'answer' used at line 1␤ 'correct' used at line 1␤ 'is' used at line 1␤ 'the' used at line 1␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:01 115m␤»
masak pmichaud: the decimal number corresponding to the hexadecimal number 0xbad.decaf
TimToady or no, that's decaf.bad 17:25
pmichaud masak: that's just :16<bad.decaf>
masak hm.
I just realized that.
pmichaud as we just mentioned, the :10 syntax doesn't do conversion to another base.
masak indeed.
TimToady 5655.675452
pmichaud rakudo: say :16<bad.decaf>
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«2989.87028408051␤»
frettled rakudo: say :16<deadbeefcafef00dbabe> 17:26
TimToady hmm, no I gave the octal answer :(
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«-4.68830549077146e+18␤»
frettled hah
masak anyway, the thread is here: www.mail-archive.com/perl6-language...32514.html
pmichaud I somewhat like the .base() notation -- then it's just :16<bad.decaf>.base(10)
I somewhat like the .base() notation -- then it's just :16<bad.decaf>.base(8) 17:27
masak .base(10) would be a no-op, wouldn't it?
TimToady point is :10($anything) works if $anything is :16<deadbeefcafef00dbabe>
or is supposed to
masak TimToady: there's now a rakudobug in RT about that.
TimToady so does any other :<num>
ash_ .base(8) or .base(:8) ?
pmichaud TimToady: right -- that's what I meant earlier when I said that str-to-num conversions need work.
masak ash_: the latter is a parsefail, I think. 17:28
ash_ oh
pmichaud masak: .base(10) might force a decimal point
ash_ rakudo: sub base(:$8) { }
TimToady std: 42.:8
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse postcircumfix:sym<( )>, couldn't find final ')' at line 22␤» 17:28
std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~ at /tmp/2LND3B1MHD line 1:␤------> 42.:⏏8␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 115m␤»
pmichaud masak: e.g., (1/3).base(10)
the point is that .base creates a Str
masak anyway, let's make sure we don't re-make the mistake of bin(), oct(), and hex() -- where people expect it to go the wrong direction half of the time. 17:29
pmichaud masak: I think we already have that mistake, as evidenced by people expecting :2(...) to do something other than what it does :-)
masak maybe there's no way not to make that mistake. 17:30
at least not with nice names.
TimToady yes, but there's the correspondence with the :2<1111> form at least
[Coke] colomon: nice graph. (except: UGH YELLOW ON WHITE). ;)
colomon [Coke]: errr, what? 17:30
frettled pmichaud: I think it has something to do with how it's applied.
I think the current syntax is close to useless. 17:31
pmichaud frettled: I suspect it's that people think "I need to do a base conversion... Oh yes, :16() is what I want"
without recognizing that conversion is a two-way-street.
[Coke] colomon: smash's graph.
masak swimming &
frettled pmichaud: yup 17:31
ash_ ya, i just assumed :16 would give me the base 16 version of whatever i passed it 17:32
frettled pmichaud: I really like bc(1)'s way of handling it, that's rather nice and intuitive. But it's not easy to translate that into something that's sensible in a programming language, I'm afraid.
ash_: I think there's room for a spec improvement there, too.
I dropped the ball on that one. I'm good at dropping balls, recently. 17:33
ash_ rakudo: say 123.':8';
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments at line 22, near ";"␤»
ash_ rakudo: say 123.':8'(); 17:33
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Method ':8' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/AXGkZbqef5␤»
frettled ash_: IIRC, there is nothing in the spec about conversion between arbitrarily chosen bases. 17:34
pmichaud we can convert strings using bases up to 36. there's no conversion for going the other way yet.
ash_ i am not sure arbitrary is right though, 2, 8, 10, 16 (and sometimes 64) are very common in programming languages, so its not purely arbitrary 17:35
frettled I think a clarification of the current spec is needed, with some minor additions.
ash_ saying i want 15 in base pi would be nifty, but i don't think thats something the core of perl6 needs to support 17:37
frettled That is a strawman. 17:38
Integer bases are reasonable.
ash_ i guess i don't like the idea of anything other than 2, 8, 10 and 16 because i don't know the calculations or operations required to produce any other bases 17:40
so, take my opinion with a grain of salt :P
frettled rakudo: my $x = 30; my $y = :13($x); say $x; say $y; 17:44
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«30␤39␤»
frettled ash_: the calculation required for other bases isn't particularly more complicated than converting between base 10 and the others you mentioned. 17:46
If you know how to convert from base 10 to base 8 and back again, then you have the basic knowledge needed.
smash more values for gil.di.uminho.pt/users/smash/rakudo-bench.html (trying to get a bit more accurate info) 17:49
ash_: the average time for the hello.p6 is slower than the do_nothing ;-) 17:50
ash_ lol, aww, now its not faster to say "hello world", than it is to do nothing :P
smash hehe 17:51
ash_ i noticed :P
pmichaud multi sub base(0, $b) { '' }; multi sub base($n, $b) { base($n div $b, $b) ~ substr("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $n % $b, 1); }; say base(:16<deadbeef>, 8);
(a not terribly efficient base converter)
rakudo: multi sub base(0, $b) { '' }; multi sub base($n, $b) { base($n div $b, $b) ~ substr("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $n % $b, 1); }; say base(:16<deadbeef>, 8);
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'infix:<div>'. Available candidates are:␤:(Int $a, Int $b)␤␤ in 'base' at line 22:/tmp/3KqAXzAAZL␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/3KqAXzAAZL␤»
pmichaud hmmm
rakudo: multi sub base(0, $b) { '' }; multi sub base($n, $b) { base($n div $b, $b) ~ substr("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $n % $b, 1); }; say base(258, 8);
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«402␤»
ash_ still, those are pretty consistent results, but i don't know if any of those are terribly difficult problems in terms of like O(N^M) 17:52
pmichaud rakudo: multi sub base(0, $b) { '' }; multi sub base($n, $b) { base($n div $b, $b) ~ substr("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $n % $b, 1); }; say base(258, 13);
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«16b␤»
colomon smash: more tests coming soon.... ;)
smash ash_: better 'bench-oriented-scripts' are needed, yes 17:53
smash: nice
pmichaud in our case, we're wanting to benchmark basic ops as well as computationally complex ones, I think. 17:54
colomon absolutely good to have the simple ones in there, yup. 17:54
ash_ you could take, like: shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/prog...l&id=2 and convert it from perl5 to perl6 17:55
the more, the better
moritz_ should I add bench-scripts to hugme? 17:58
pmichaud +1
smash i'm deleting my github repository for the scripts then 17:59
ash_ ooo, a regex test shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/prog...l&id=4 might be fun to convert to perl6
moritz_ hugme: show bench-scripts 18:04
hugme moritz_: the following people have power over 'bench-scripts': P⁣erlJam, T⁣imToady, [⁣particle], c⁣olomon, j⁣nthn, m⁣asak, m⁣oritz_, p⁣michaud, s⁣mash. URL: github.com/perl6/bench-scripts/
moritz_ perlgeek.de/en/article/debug-a-perl-6-grammar any final comments before I publish it for real? (ie link to it from the menus) 18:12
tadzik 'evening
pmichaud moritz_: reading 18:14
ash_ moritz_: in the backtracking control section, should you mention that rule/token have an implied :ratchet? 18:15
eg, rule { } is the same as regex :ratchet :sigspace { } 18:16
pmichaud "the difference to the previous one tells you how much time was spent in that rule." better might be "the difference to the previous one tells the time between regex events"
since it's possible that some rules could turn off debugging (or might be missing the debugging statements)
moritz_ pmichaud: agreed, will change
ash_: I'll mention token/rule, but it's not a tutorial for regexes, so I won't explain too much 18:17
ash_ moritz_: alright, just thought it might be worth noting, even if its a sidenote 18:17
PerlJam moritz++ 18:18
moritz_ if you have more debugging hints, please let me know
pmichaud maybe even "... between logged regex events" 18:19
"PASSing rules have and additional" -> s/and/an/ 18:20
PerlJam moritz_: in the backtracking control section you have a rule that says "# switch off backtracking from here on" before :!ratchet. That's exactly backwards isn't it?
s/a rule/a comment within a rule/
pmichaud s/endvebatim/endverbatim/ # maybe 18:21
moritz_ PerlJam: you're right 18:23
PerlJam When did <?DEBUG> start outputting timestamps? 18:25
pmichaud a couple of weeks ago
I'm using it to time where the parser is spending its efforts 18:26
PerlJam okay, just checking. I guess I haven't installed the latest release on this laptop.
moritz_: maybe add a small note that says if you're using an older release, you won't get the timestamps 18:27
moritz_ PerlJam: good idea 18:27
TimToady is back after a network outrage 18:39
well, actually, my WiFi reset itself to factory spec, and it took me that long to get it reconfigured 18:40
PerlJam TimToady: at least it wasn't a neural network outage 18:41
TimToady well, part of it was, till I remembered my password
hmm, better go check my inbound settings though... 18:42
ash_ rakudo: &GLOBAL::dir := sub {die 'fail'}; say 1...5; # why does ... use dir? 18:47
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«fail␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/sv5akghK_V␤ in 'Block::ACCEPTS' at line 5783:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<...>' at line 768:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<...>' at line 840:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/sv5akghK_V␤»
ash_ i just realized that the safemode file i am using for try.rakudo.org won't let you use ... ops 18:50
well, as a series
github.com/moritz/try.rakudo.org/bl.../p6safe.pl is the safe mode file i am using, if your curious 18:54
moritz_ ash_: does that actually work? 18:59
ash_ ya
and, thanks to IO::Pty::HalfDuplex the daemon for try.rakudo.org is working too
moritz_ I ask because stuff is in the lexical scopes, not global
ash_ i have an extra newline i am hunting down thats messing up a regex, then i think its ready for testers 19:00
you can download the file and run it with rakudo if you want to test it (you'll need to change the $*ARGFILE line to match your system though 19:01
hmmm, no your right, thats not functioning as expected, nevermind 19:02
i still don't understand why ... calls dir though
moritz_ you need to go through the lexpad 19:03
ash_: github.com/perlsix/Mu/blob/master/m...ot.pl#L113 19:04
the second Q:PIR block shows how manipulate the lexpad 19:05
ash_ ah, okay, thanks 19:06
hmm, now it doesn't complain when i use ...
i was just doing it wrong
PerlJam ash_: still, ... somehow calling GLOBAL::dir() is weird 19:08
ash_ rakudo: &GLOBAL::dir := sub {die 'fail'}; 1...5; # this? ya, i duno whats up with this 19:09
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«fail␤ in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/SDXuJLrfUq␤ in 'Block::ACCEPTS' at line 5783:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<...>' at line 768:CORE.setting␤ in 'infix:<...>' at line 840:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/SDXuJLrfUq␤»
pugssvn r32124 | moritz++ | [t/spec] unfudge tests for RT #77604 19:13
tylercurtis rakudo: fail 'test'; say 5; 19:22
p6eval rakudo dc9900: ( no output )
dalek p-rx: 71b25e6 | pmichaud++ | src/Regex/Cursor-builtins.pir:
Add regex debugging for cclass-based builtins.
p-rx: 29ce78f | pmichaud++ | src/Regex/Cursor-builtins.pir:
Add debugging output to <alpha>.
p-rx: 5349f17 | pmichaud++ | / (3 files):
Comment out split() function for now; it causes the Parrot build to fail

is repaired.
p-rx: 699da41 | pmichaud++ | src/stage0/ (5 files):
Update bootstrap.
TimToady y'know, printf formats are really kind of an abomination, and could use to be refactored almost as much as traditional regexen 19:28
moritz_ aye
moritz_ and they should be able to address params by name too 19:28
not only by position
ash_ have you guys ever seen randexp? its a ruby module, its rather nifty, its for generating random data, but you specify things in regex form, so if you want a name you could say /\w{5}/ will generate a word with 5 characters, might be fun to make something like that for p6 19:34
Tene pmichaud: github.com/blog/712-pull-requests-2-0
pmichaud Tene: yes, I noticed that.
TimToady ash_: seems to me someone was working on that back in the pugs days 19:35
pmichaud Tene: that seems to resolve a lot of the issues I had with pull requests... but as before I'd need to see it work.
and I'm not yet sure we want to move off of RT for such things yet.
Tene I figured, just mentioning in case you hadn't noticed it yet. 19:36
pmichaud afk, kid pickup
TimToady phone 20:00
pmichaud phone
darn, a couple of seconds late :)
lue hello o/ 20:04
tadzik oh, lue incognito! :) hi
ash_ who wants to break for me? 20:05
tadzik !
ash_ the first request is always kinda slow
but after that, it should be fairly responsive (its startup time on parrot/rakudo) 20:06
tadzik help cannot be entered
lue it only happens when my internet mysteriously stops working (and even then it's rare for freenode to keep me from using lue)
tadzik ash_: I accidentally exit' 20:06
tadzik I wonder if I enter stuff into your console now 20:07
ash_ lol, exit kills the daemon, oops...
i'll add that to the safemode...
TimToady camelia is pretty jaggy when scaled
lue only if you scale the raster version :) 20:08
ash_ mgiht want to refresh your browsers
tadzik now nothing works 20:08
ash_ hmm 20:09
moritz_ Cannot connect to rakudo eval server 20:10
ash_ ya, i just reset the eval server
ash_ how about now? 20:11
tadzik ash_: you may want to add a note about this startup time, it may seem offpissing for some folks 20:12
ash_: now it seems to load forever
tylercurtis ash_: you should probably also note that sending multiple lines of input doesn't work well. 20:13
PerlJam ash_: does it have something on $*IN ?
ash_ ya, same as p6eval
somethings keeps causing the server to die, i am not sure what... 20:14
lue I just can't seem to get it working. 20:14
PerlJam ash_: for lines -> $x { say $x } # broke it.
TimToady std: for lines -> $x { say $x } # broke it.
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Function 'lines' needs parens to avoid gobbling block at /tmp/9SQnX6cBf3 line 1:␤------> for lines⏏ -> $x { say $x } # broke it.␤Missing block (apparently gobbled by 'lines') at /tmp/9SQnX6cBf3 line 1:␤------> for lines -> $x
PerlJam rakudo: for lines -> $x { say $x } 20:15
tadzik well, multi-line stuff seems not to work at all
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block at line 22, near ""␤»
PerlJam rakudo
ash_ hmm, i'll look into the multi-line stuff 20:15
PerlJam rakudo: for lines() -> $x { say $x }
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«Land der Berge, Land am Strome,␤Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,␤Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich!␤Heimat bist du großer Söhne,␤Volk, begnadet für das Schöne,␤vielgerühmtes Österreich,␤vielgerühmtes Österreich!␤␤Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten␤liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten,␤einem
tadzik I doubt if REPL supports'em 20:16
doesn't seem so
ash_ lol, there are some glaring issues with it, i'll try to fix some of them, then let you guys know 20:17
ash_ brb restarting 20:24
lue Can anyone point to an explanation of the difference between regex, token, and rule (in a grammar)? I've read what the differences, I just have no idea what that means to me. 20:26
[why should I care if backtracking is disabled or not?] 20:27
PerlJam lue: backtracking is was allows quantified constructs or alternation to "back up" and try again.
[particle] do you want to use *, +, or ? regex modifiers?
if you do, you need backtracking 20:28
moritz_ lue: if you care what your regex should match, you should care about backtracking
[particle]: that's not strictly true
rakudo: say '123abc' ~~ /:ratchet \d+ <alpha> /
[particle] ok, you're right, i'm telling half-truths
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«123a␤»
moritz_ no backtracking, still works
lue Of course. What I meant was that the explanations for these differences are terse (the ones I've found), and don't really explain it. 20:29
moritz_ lue: the best verbose explanation about backtracking is in "Mastering Regular Expressions" by J. Friedl 20:31
lue In my experience, information on Perl 6 regexes tend to assume I've used regexes in P5 before or that I have a pretty good grasp of them already. [anyone willing to prove me wrong feel free]
moritz_ lue: github.com/perlpilot/perl6-docs/blo...-intro.pod does not
Tene lue: prove you wrong about your experiences?
moritz_ PerlJam++ for it
.oO(I consider the fact that I've never used P5 before a good thing for the documentation side of things)
PerlJam lue: If you have any suggestions for making that document clearer, feel free to offer them.
[Coke] TimToady: I am actually looking forward to redoing printf formats in tcl as a grammar in nqp. As much as one can look forward to such things, anywya. 20:37
lue PerlJam: pretty good so far.
PerlJam It's hard to write something where you have to simultaneously know the subject and forget everything you know about it :) 20:39
pmichaud lue: 'rule' basically means that whitespace in the pattern corresponds to (optional-ish) whitespace in the target 20:42
moritz_ PerlJam: that's pretty mmuch always the case when you write for beginners :-)
pmichaud rakudo: say ?('a b c' ~~ regex { a b c })
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«0␤»
pmichaud rakudo: say ?('a b c' ~~ rule { a b c })
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«1␤»
pmichaud the first only matches "abc". The second will match "a b c" or "a\tb c" or "a b c" 20:43
(or various other combinations where there's whitespace between the a, b, and c)
pmichaud 'token' (ratcheting) indicates what should be done when encountering a quantifier or other things that could backtrack 20:45
consider the case of the * quantifier
in a regex, the * quantifer says "match as many of these as you can, and then continue with the rest of the match"
but if the rest of the match fails, we backtrack and try with one fewer match in the * quantifier
pmichaud and we keep doing that until we're completely unable to match no matter how many times the * quantifier matches 20:46
pmichaud that's the default for 'regex' -- backtracking is enabled by default 20:47
but backtracking can also be expensive -- especially if we know that we're parsing something that can't possibly backtrack and match
or where we know that we don't want to do any backtracking
tylercurtis Valgrind does not seem to like Rakudo. On every spectest(with valgrind --leak-check=full), I'm seeing at least 122k bytes "definitely lost". 20:49
lue so regex has a stronger will to live, [to put it in non-coding terms], by constantly taking away one match from a quantifier and seeing if that's what's needed to match? 20:50
pmichaud so, 'token' is a regex where the backtracking is disabled by default. With the * quantifier, that means we match as many as we can, and continue the match. If the latter part doesn't match, we don't try again with smaller numbers of matches on the *
yes, regex will try more possibilities for matching
so, consider something like 20:51
'123X' ~~ regex { \d+ Z }
actually, let's stick with *
'123X' ~~ regex { \d* Z }
the regex will match the '123', and then look for a Z. That fails, so it tries again by looking at the '12' and seeing if it can match a 'Z'. That fails, so it looks at the '1' and see if it can match a 'Z'. That fails, so it tries just matching a Z at the beginning. 20:52
pmichaud ultimately it fails 20:52
masak ahoy!
pmichaud but if we do
'123X' ~~ token { \d* Z }
the \d* will match the '123', and then we look for a Z, and not finding one, we fail the match immediately at that point. 20:53
lue hello masak o/
pmichaud because the 'token' disables backtracking on the quantifier
now then, granted that a sufficiently smart optimizer could look at regex { \d* Z } and figure out that since Z is not a digit, there's no need to backtrack on the \d* anyway and it optimizes it out. But that doesn't always work in a general case. 20:54
[particle] especially if you don't have an optimizer at all... 20:55
lue I was wondering about that, but chalked it up to "you just don't know". Maybe the guy retooled \d to mean base 36.
pmichaud \d doesn't mean "integer" in this case :-) 20:57
but yes, I see what you mean :-)
masak haven't backlogged yet. I was thinking after I logged off that .into(:base($n)) would be a pretty ideal syntax for a radix conversion method. 20:58
pmichaud I don't know that .into is the right verb or adjective I'd want to use here, though. 20:59
unless there are other things we plan to .into besides just bases
masak if it's a multi, that's certainly possible.
.into( :base64 ) 21:00
pmichaud I think I'd just prefer .base(64) in that case
pmichaud I don't see what ".into" adds 21:00
masak .base has the bin/oct/hex deficiency of not specifying direction.
frettled pmichaud: seems reasonable
frettled .base(:8(15)) 21:01
PerlJam 15.base(8)
frettled That's not quite what I meant :) 21:02
masak frettled: what DID you mean?
I'm looking at that, scratching my head.
frettled my $x = 69; say $x.base(:8(15));
PerlJam then I think you get my point :)
masak why would anyone do :8(15) inside .base() ? :/ 21:03
frettled :8(15) is what it is today (though I may not like it)
masak: $x.base(:8($y))
masak tries a primal scream 21:04
PerlJam masak: wow. I think I heard you all the way over here in Texas.
either that, or it was one of my kids in the other room
.oO( faster than the speed of sound? )
masak the trick is to breathe in first.
pmichaud I tried inhaling once... didn't like it. :-P 21:05
I haven't inhaled since.
PerlJam inhales all the time. 21:05
I'm inhaling right now even
frettled only inhales while not exhaling.
lue there should be some pragma to have Perl 6 handle your integers differently. Something like use base :16 [or however pragmas work], which then prints integers and treats numbers in the file as being in base 16.
frettled lue: like obase in bc(1)? 21:06
[Coke] frettled is clearly not tuvan.
PerlJam lue: Sounds confusing ... but, sure, why not
frettled The :base thingy works similarly to a very local ibase
[Coke]: nopes, I never managed to do both :)
dalek psi: 2a0ab24 | masak++ | .gitignore:
[.gitignore] Makefile
pmichaud masak: then I'd suggest .to-base(16)
instead of .into(:base(16))
frettled PerlJam: We must remember to cater for the obfuscating contests ;)
pmichaud: .ibase and .obase ;)
pmichaud or .as-base
frettled bonus: eliminates :base
masak pmichaud: that dash is a great pity. it'd be nice to avoid dashes and underscores in core-y things.
PerlJam frettled: apparently normal perl 6 code is already obfuscating enough for some people.
lue the difference here is that you wouldn't need a prefix (like 0x) to specify its a hex number, because the interpreter has been told to handle everything as hex (this sounds weird for hex, but becomes a good thing for oddball bases like 36) 21:08
masak pmichaud: some metamodel stuff does not succeed doing this, but otherwise I think everything is dash-free and underscore-free.
frettled PerlJam: that just proves it's Perl, people say the same about v5.x, too :)
pmichaud there's always 15.Str(:base(16))
masak pmichaud: not sure I like that. 21:09
feels arbitrary.
.oO(what *isn't* arbitrary on some level?)
pmichaud but it's a bit more precise than anything else we've selected :)
masak might just be me not being used to the thought, though.
frettled 15.Str(:base(:8(10))) # Nice and evil
I would have severe problems trying to explain why it's like that, though.
masak I think I don't like the special-casing of what was a normal casting method just moments ago. 21:10
it's a step up in complexity, in a way.
lue use base :16; my $a = 10; say $a.to-base(10); # here, say would print 16
pmichaud frettled: you keep using that term :8(10). I do not think it means what you think it means. </montoya>
masak +1
pmichaud but why the colon on :16? 21:11
I think there's a bit too much significance being attached to the colon here.
lue Or however pragmas are supposed to work
frettled pmichaud: does it not mean to represent in base 10 the base 8 number 10? 21:12
.oO(I just realized that my solution would likely lead to each number having a 'base' attribute.)
pmichaud frettled: it does not.
lue s/number/variable/
pmichaud frettled: it simply is the value of '10' interpreted as base 8
frettled pmichaud: except that there seems to be an implied understanding that values are in base 10. 21:13
(see p6l)
pmichaud frettled: that's not exactly correct.
when output, a value is displayed in base 10 by default
PerlJam rakudo: say :8(99)
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (9)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
PerlJam I like that message for some reason :)
frettled pmichaud: the semantics are, in effect, the same for the example, though 21:14
pmichaud in particular, :8(16) would output what?
frettled 14 in decimal, I would hope.
masak 14.
pmichaud right
that says nothing about how it's represented internally, though.
frettled no
pmichaud in fact, it's likely to be internally represented as 00001110
frettled but that's also irrelevant to the example, is it not?
pmichaud frettled: it may be. But with :8(10) some people attach meaning to the '10' as being how it's represented internally 21:15
frettled pmichaud: ah, now I see what you mean. 21:16
pmichaud right... it's a bit of a confusing pun for some folks
frettled I guess that is a side effect of the rather special syntax.
My use _was_ intended as a mere obfuscation of the decimal number 8.
pmichaud ah
well, technically :2(10), :4(10), :16(10), :20(10) all end up being the value of the radix. :-) 21:17
frettled I tried to indicate how evil it might be.
pmichaud yes, it's evil.
lue my pragma idea stems from the fact that how you handle the number is different to how its handled internally. Therefore, you should be able to handle numbers in base 32 if you want.
pmichaud we must learn to control our evil ways :-)
frettled lue: yup 21:18
pmichaud: I guess my beef is that we have a very special syntax for specifying the radix of the postinfix variable, and that this syntax has no similar counterpart for doing other radix operations. 21:19
(if that made sense, my communication skills may be improving)
PerlJam s/variable/value/ 21:20
pmichaud frettled: your beef is that :16($x) only handles conversion from a string to a numeric, and we don't have the inverse.
frettled PerlJam: thanks
pmichaud I agree
but we're not sure what to call the inverse.
frettled $x.16 ;)
lue right now it's called .fmt('%x') 21:21
PerlJam lue++
pmichaud lue: for hexadecimal, yes.
lue: what if I want base 20?
lue exactly.
PerlJam .base and .unbase :) 21:21
lue I think it's ugly for just radix conversion, and it doesn't handle every base.
PerlJam Clearly the inverse of :16($x) should be $x:16 :) 21:23
pmichaud :16)$x(
frettled PerlJam: oh. I slipped the shift!
(that was what I meant)
pmichaud :-16($x) :-P 21:24
lue is pasing a positional parameter to a pragma the same as with anything else? use base 16 ?
PerlJam lue: that'll work
frettled pmichaud: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_base 21:25
masak smash++ # gil.di.uminho.pt/users/smash/rakudo-bench.html
PerlJam smash++ indeed 21:26
masak smash: if there's anything you can do about that bright-yellow-on-white, a great number of pairs of eyes will thank you.
Tene One common failure of these discussions I've seen elsewhere is a failure to keep the distinction between "a number" and "a representation of a number in a given base" appropriately distinct. AFAIK, numbers themselves don't have bases, only formattings that are rendered or parsed do. 21:27
Seems like it's all pretty clear here, though.
(I just skimmed. ;)
masak Tene++ 21:28
yes, I think that confusion plays into many discussions about this. including some we've had today. 21:29
lue If there are no objections to my idea of a pragma controlling which base a number is represented in, I'd like to hear what the people at p6l think.
frettled tired minds generate all sorts of nonsense.
Tene Given that understanding, I rather liked .Str(:base(36))
masak lue: you don't need anyone's permission to post to p6l :) 21:30
Tene The correspodning suggestion to decode it seems to be Str.Int(:base(36));
masak aye.
maybe I can convince myself to like that after all. 21:31
frettled lue++: if you can avoid the presentation/representation confusion Tene++ mentions, that would be awesome.
Tene I didn't actually follow what you disliked about that, masak.
masak Tene: merely the action of putting a named parameter into an otherwise "pure" conversion method. 21:32
there are no other cases, as far as I remember, of conversion methods taking named parameters. as such, this would be a first. that's the only thing that bothers me.
PerlJam and what would "hello 21:32
Tene masak: That's a very good point. 21:33
PerlJam and what would "hello".Str(:base(36)) actually do?
masak Tene: it's one of those "I'm an implementor, I want to keep complexity down" points-of-view.
frettled PerlJam: confuse people
Tene PerlJam: ITYM .Int()
PerlJam I don't think so. 21:35
Tene masak: I think that the main thrust of my suggestion was that "render this number using a particular base" is an operation on an Int that produces a String, and the reverse is the reverse.
Tene So, a method on Int, and a complementary method on Str 21:35
lichtkind hi tene :)
frettled Tene: that makes sense
masak Tene: aye, I got that. that's what made me not dislike the suggestion .Str(:base) so much. 21:36
frettled Combined with pragmas for input and output base, this can become fairly useful, I think. 21:38
PerlJam but only for integers?
Tene perhaps something like: use base :render(36), :parse(16); oslt 21:39
PerlJam 3.1415 <-- always decimal no matter what ? 21:39
dalek ok: 90f4939 | chromatic++ | src/roles.pod:
Edited roles chapter; added some author notes.
TimToady it should all be part of a refactored printf format
and :16() should reject anything that is already numeric
frettled I hope the refactored printf format won't be using a "printf" name :) 21:40
TimToady if I start refactoring formats, it'll end up about as far from printf as p6 regex from p5
PerlJam TimToady: well volunteered! ;)
frettled PerlJam: well mst'ed! 21:41
Tene Yes, :16(10) is a little uncomfortable to me.
TimToady however, as a short term expedient, .fmt('%32X', :base($r)) could override the 16-ness of X
Tene :16('10') is nicer to me.
frettled I fear that we may be heading in a direction that makes radix conversions cumbersome. 21:42
TimToady I don't know how to do a general radix on top of existing printf formats though
which is why it occurred to me that they were basically beyond redemption 21:43
frettled ISTR that there are legitimate, mathematical uses of performing some operations in one base, and others in another.
lue [backlogging] feel free to remove those DON'T PANIC's. I look at them and wonder what I was thinking :)
frettled (going from e.g. base 10 to 8, or vice versa, with the "same" number)
lue: you forgot to bring your towel?
Tene I still don't think it would be that unusual for some conversion methods in some classes to have optional parameters, though. 21:44
frettled That's okay.
I'm worried about having to convert back and forth between strings and numerical types.
TimToady lue: regarding pragmas, they're usually for when your language sucks over a large lexical scope, or you want your language to suck over a large lexical scope. 21:45
Tene frettled: Numbers don't have bases, only representations of numbers have bases.
TimToady in this case, it would be the latter
frettled Tene: s/representations/presentations/? 21:46
Tene frettled: Sure. I don't disagree with that.
frettled Tene: anyway, that objection is problematic
Tene frettled: hm?
masak yapsi: our $a = 42; { my $a = 5; { say our $a } } 21:47
p6eval yapsi: ( no output )
masak :/
frettled Tene: remember that in programming, you don't always receive input to your methods as user input (strings)
Tene: and it might not even be desirable
An objection to that is, of course, "use multis!" 21:48
Tene frettled: It's not clear to me at all what that's supposed to be an objection to?
If you want a number, you ask for a number. Why would you want your users to give you a string?
frettled Tene: in the way we were heading, you'd have to do your radix arithmetic with strings. 21:49
.oO(I agree, presentation gets the point across better. Changing email to reflect that.)
TimToady alternately, :16($number) should just return $number always if it's already numeric 21:49
Tene frettled: explain "radix arithmetic"? 21:50
frettled TimToady: essentially rendering it a noop, you mean?
Tene TimToady: I'd much prefer that it at least warn.
TimToady yes, but that doesn't help when someone does the equivalent of :8(777)
so I think non-strings should just blow up
Tene Agreed
frettled Tene: Let's assume that you want to use a special radix, say base 1000. You can run into overflow blow-up. 21:51
PerlJam std: say :8(777) 21:52
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 116m␤»
sbp how do you specify the repertoire for large bases?
phenny sbp: 20:59Z <Morbus> tell sbp thisismyjoystick.com/editorials/fin...lly-works/
sbp I mean the characters used for that base
Tene frettled: I don't know "overflow blow-up". Can you explain what "use" means there?
sbp something in base 1000 is going to need a lot of characters to represent it
frettled Tene: what sbp said, or it is going to need a very large integer. 21:53
to store in
PerlJam frettled: you mean a sequence of integers.
frettled PerlJam: are you confusing integers with digits?
PerlJam oh, I did. sorry 21:54
PerlJam the juxtaposition of "lots of characters" and "very large integer" on my screen confused my meager brain 21:54
frettled my $x = :1000000(1000000) 21:56
Tene frettled: It's entirely possible that I'm just not aware of the relevant math here, and I feel like at least one of us is confusing levels here.
frettled Tene: Ok. What I tried to say, was that it appeared that there was a suggestion that any handling of radix conversion would have to involve a string. 21:57
pugssvn r32125 | lwall++ | [S02] outlaw :8(777) and such
Tene frettled: Let me take a sec to confirm if I'm understanding you here. 21:58
sbp I guess now would be a bad time to mention non-integer bases...
frettled sbp: We've been there briefly :D
[particle] NOT CORE
Tene sbp: also mixed redix systems :)
TimToady modules have to be good for something 21:59
sbp actually mixed radix systems would be kind of helpful
frettled has handily avoided talking about mixed radix, to avoid confusing things further.
Tene "radix conversion" meaning "If I have a number X, what is the base-16 interpretation of the base-8 presentation of X"?
sbp modules: hehe
[particle] don't forget surreal radix systems
:surreal(71) # "you are more beautiful than a bouquet of fossils."
frettled sbp: golden ratio base, prime base, factorial base, ... 22:00
TimToady if they were fossilized with rose quartz that would almost make sense
masak please to read through and comment, kthx: github.com/masak/yapsi/blob/master/...ce/2010.09
sbp imaginary base?
Tene frettled: "radix conversion" meaning "If I have a number X, what is the base-16 interpretation of the base-8 presentation of X"? 22:01
TimToady std: :φ(42) 22:01
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 115m␤»
TimToady there you go :P 22:01
masak TimToady++ # that' sick :P 22:01
frettled Tene: That seems essentially correct, yes. 22:02
std: :!(42)
Tene For example, :10(52).fmt("%o") is "64". :16("64") is 100. So the radix conversion from 8 to 16 of 52 is 100? 22:03
p6eval std 32123: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Malformed False pair; expected identifier at /tmp/lQQOKpyogY line 1:␤------> :!⏏(42)␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 114m␤»
sbp "SIC is explicitly not compatible with later, earlier, or present versions of itself." :-)
PerlJam rakudo: say :16<64>
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«100␤»
Tene frettled: Is this 1) something that people actually do and has meaning? and 2) something that can be expressed mathematically instead?
masak sbp: I wish that was less true. :)
diakopter rakudo: say :16<-1> 22:04
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Malformed radix number at line 22, near "<-1>"␤»
dalek psi: f2b8060 | masak++ | doc/announce/2010.09:
[doc/announce/2010.09] added
masak more reviewers, moar! :)
frettled Tene: That conversion doesn't really make sense, unless you by 100 mean binary true-false-false 22:05
.oO("this book fills a much needed gap")
Tene frettled: then I completely misunderstand what you mean by "radix conversion".
frettled Tene: and even so, it doesn't even seem correct
Tene decimal 52 expressed in base 8 is "64". "64" interpreted in base 16 is decimal 100. 22:06
sorear hello #perl6 22:07
phenny sorear: 12:31Z <azawawi> tell sorear Thanks for the latest STD syml inclusion. Fixed S:H:P6 to re-use it. padre.perlide.org/trac/changeset/12415
masak sorear: hi!
sorear: about to release Yapsi 2010.09! :)
frettled Tene: uhm, you ought to end up with :16(34) and :10(52).
.oO("this gap books a much needed fill")
Tene frettled: Um... those are the same number. 22:09
frettled yes.
Tene Are you saying that radix-conversion is the identity function? 22:09
Tene 'cos that doesn't sound so difficult to implement to me. 22:09
frettled radix-conversion yields the same underlying number.
Tene frettled: numbers don't have radixes, afaik. afaik, radix is only a property of the presentation of a number. Am I misinformed here? 22:10
frettled where "underlying" might mean "the actual number" 22:10
frettled is _not_ a mathematician.
Tene So, yes, you're telling me that you're expecting trouble implementing the identity function. :P
dalek psi: 44c8530 | masak++ | doc/announce/2010.09:
[doc/announce/2010.09] pidgeon
frettled Tene: I have severe terminology problems here, for a lack of mathematical background, but as I mentioned initially:
Tene: there may be legitimate, mathematical uses of interpreting a number differently depending on the radix. 22:11
TimToady you're asking for a Str-to-Str crossbar topology when we want a Str-to-Num-to-Str star topology.
Tene frettled: I was reading all of that assuming that you were much-more-informed mathematically than I am.
frettled meaning that it would be legitimate, _numerically_, to look at the radix as a property of the number, rather than a string presentation.
Tene: sorry, I thought I made that caveat very clear early on. 22:12
Tene frettled: I must have missed that; sorry. :)
TimToady perhaps this belongs on p6l. :P
Tene You could always ask #math
masak "belongs on p6l" -- is that an assessment or a curse? :) 22:13
frettled TimToady: Num-to-Num, perhaps.
masak: yes.
lue message to p6l sent
frettled is growing increasingly tired, so perhaps this is a bad time to try clarifying, it appears that I'm only making things more confusing instead.
masak switches to next level of Yapsi release
TimToady and how will we marshall these Nums-with-baggage for talking with normal languages? 22:14
.oO(Funny, I got done with my message to p6l about bases when TimToady suggested it go there)
frettled With brutal force.
TimToady lue: I already gave my opinion of pragmas above. They're nearly always a design smell, or the desire for a design smell. 22:15
Tene frettled: afaict by asking google, no, that's not an operation that really makes sense.
Tene Numbers don't have bases. 22:15
TimToady because all their bases are belong to us
frettled :D 22:16
Tene If you want to perform an operation that depends on the presentation of a number, you do need to actually computer the presentation.
perigrin is that considered acidic wit?
lue is that why S31 is under-specced? :)
TimToady more like caustic
perigrin TimToady: it's certainly been a corrosive influence in my life.
sbp learns the answer to his earlier question about specifying a repertoire when he finds out that only radices in 2..36 are supported
frettled perigrin: we might be getting to a very base argument 22:17
dalek psi: e06cad0 | masak++ | doc/announce/2010.09:
[doc/announce/2010.09] reformulation, addition
sbp hi perigrin
perigrin hey sbp :)
masak .tar.gz file uploaded. github.com/masak/yapsi/downloads 22:18
lue Even though I personally have no immediate need for the pragma, I don't see why we can't have it.
masak posts announcement
lue: I agree with that. I also don't see why we can't have it. 22:19
frettled will sleep a bit on the problem and see if a more coherent presentation can be made in a few days. :) 22:20
perigrin phrettled: phear the phinal phorm of the phuss
frettled heh
Good night, #perl6!
TimToady o/
frettled → idle.
masak dream radical dreams, frettled.
PerlJam lue: If the community wants it, they'll create it. :) 22:21
lue .zZ(√) 22:22
TimToady rakudo: my &postfix:<²> := * ** 2; say 3²; 22:31
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 22, near "say 3\x{b2};"␤»
TimToady rakudo: sub postfix:<²> ($x) { $x ** 2 }; say 3²; 22:32
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«9␤»
masak p6c announcement and blog post announcement have been posted. stand down release mode.
lichtkind TimToady: can you please give me the exact url to ypu rosetta examples?
TimToady rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Perl_6
sbp is there a non "hack the grammar" way to get postfix:<...> to operate over a regex? 22:33
so that you could capture a wider range of postfix superscript digits say
(and many other applications, I'm sure)
pmichaud (r32125) Does this include things like...? my $a = '771' + '6'; say :8($a); # blows up because $a is numeric 22:34
TimToady yes
lichtkind thanks
pmichaud blow up +1
and "blow up" means "returns Failure"? Or is it MMD dispatch error? 22:35
TimToady I think this one might rate a stub that blows up with a specific message
pmichaud stub dies or fails, then? 22:36
TimToady I'm fine with dies
pmichaud "Attempt to do radix conversion of non-Str value..." ?
masak pmichaud: wfm. 22:42
sbp rakudo: my $x = Any; say :8($x)
sorear hey pmichaud
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«DON'T PANIC! Invalid character (A)! Please try again :) ␤ in main program body at line 1␤»
sbp is that an appropriate message there?
masak sbp: no.
sbp: I submitted a ticket about that today.
sbp ah, sorry
masak no worries :) 22:43
sorear pmichaud: what is your take on github.com/perl6 versus github.com/perlsix ? 22:45
lue rakudo: grammar a { regex TOP { <Abe> }; regex Abe { Abe }; }; if "Abe" ~~ /<a::Abe>/ { say "hi" }; 22:46
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤regex assertion not terminated by angle bracket at line 22, near "::Abe>/ { "␤»
masak lue: known TODO.
lue mberends seems to have made <a::Abe> do what it should in his Pod parser.
masak lue: that's because that's alpha code. 22:47
lue: if you want mberends' code to run, you might fare best with the January 2010 release of Rakudo.
or perhaps earlier still. 22:48
sorear wait, I'm confused
pmichaud sorear: not sure we want/need separate "perl6" and "perlsix" github accounts. Seems like it's likely to cause a lot of confusion.
sorear pmichaud: That's what I said when moritz_ announced he created perlsix
I thought alpha's critical weakness was NOT having working grammars 22:49
masak sorear: not at all.
pmichaud alpha's weakness was not having protoregexes (among other things)
masak sorear: they just worked in a way that wasn't extensible to what we ultimately wanted.
lue Ah well. At least TIMTOWTDI, or I'd have nothing to do but define a grammar :) .
pmichaud also the fact that the regex engine was almost entirely pir
masak sorear: moritz_ had two reasons for perlsix, IIUC. (1) it's a special type of account. I forget the name. perl6 isn't, I think. (2) moritz_ didn't have sufficient privs for perl6. 22:50
pmichaud we can turn perl6 into an organizational account
masak sorear: those two reasons may or may not be good, and they may change over time.
pmichaud we don't need to create a new account for that.
masak organisational account! that's it!
sorear masak: I'm pretty sure there's a "convert unspecial account into special account" button
pmichaud I already did that conversion for the 'parrot' github account. 22:51
masak right. I'm more explaining than defending moritz_' choice.
I'd also prefer just one account.
pmichaud anyway, if we want to move perl6 to an organizational account, that shouldn't be a problem.
and I'd prefer to keep "perl6" than to switch to "perlsix"... unless we plan to say "perlsix" most other places as well.
I don't even know who owns "perlsix.org" :-P 22:52
ah, it's diakopter++
masak +1 for keeping perl6 22:53
sorear +1
pmichaud anyway, I'll convert perl6 over to an organizational account in the next day or so. I need to make sure we won't lose anything in the process, and I suspect hugme might need some tweaking
wallberg hi all! a question regarding Perl 6 objects: how are "attributes" stored internally in an object? one thing I like about Perl 5 is that I can bless either an arrayref or a hashref depending on my needs. I've found blessed arrays to be a little more memory efficient and quicker to retrieve data from, which can make a difference when using hundreds of thousands of objects... what is going on behind the scenes in a Perl 6 class? 23:01
masak wallberg: S12 has the full story, but... 23:02
wallberg: ...the default is an 'opaque object', the internals of which you're not supposed to care about.
wallberg: that said, hashes and other things are spec'd to work too as underlying attribute storage thingies. 23:03
wallberg masak: so an 'opaque object' is a computer science thing that schmucks like I shouldn't bother losing sleep over? 23:04
TimToady we will certainly be trying to optimize opaque attributes into very efficient storage 23:05
masak wallberg: the take-away point of it is, I believe, that there's no way to get at the attributes from outside the class except through the declared access methods.
TimToady which can also be heavily optimized in many cases 23:06
masak wallberg: if all you desire is a mental model, one can certainly think of the opaque object as a normal hash which one cannot get at directly. 23:07
wallberg masak: yup. Wikipedia: "In computer science, an opaque data type is a data type that is incompletely defined in an interface, so that ordinary client programs can only manipulate data of that type by calling procedures that have access to the missing information." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_data_type
masak wallberg: though for optimization reasons, that might in actuality be the case.
wallberg: ooh, I wasn't aware there was a Wikipedia article about it :) 23:08
but yes, the idea behind opaqueness is encapsulation.
er, information hiding. er, something.
wallberg TimToady: so access and memory storage efficiency can theoretically approach that of an array or even surpass it? 23:10
TimToady yes, depending on usage patterns
masak wallberg: jnthn++ just got a grant approved where he, roughly described, will turn attribute access from hash indexing into array indexing under the hood. 23:11
wallberg masak: cool! in a little project I worked a year ago, I declared named constants in Perl 5 and interacted with an array object much like a hash object but with noticeable speed benefits. looking forward to see what a real programmer can produce in this context :-) 23:15
masak me too. 23:20
lue How do you match a set of brackets in a regex? In cases like embedded comments, where you don't know what the brackets are going to be. 23:23
masak lue: see STD.pm6, line 1045 :) 23:24
actually, the relevant parts are on lines 848 to 1066. 23:25
TimToady the real work is done at line 501, where we derive a new language in which starter and stopper are appropriately defined 23:27
lue AAH!
I'm quite surprised that's not readily available. Seems to me it'd be a common thing you need to match. 23:29
masak packaging it up into a module shouldn't be too difficult.
masak but arguably not the responsibility of STD.pm6 :) 23:30
lue something like /<bracket a> [0..9,A..F]+ <bracket a>/ maybe, where 'a' helps identify which brackets are supposed to pair up. 23:31
TimToady lue: in general you also have to correctly match whatever is inside your brackets. comments are special case; the general problem is much harder 23:32
masak lue: what you might be looking for is the concept of a circumfix operator. 23:35
TimToady circumfixes are also a special case
.oO(In any case, I'm certainly not putting that many lines of code in my code.)
rakudo: say "( hi )" ~~ / '(' [<!before ')'> .]+ ')' / 23:36
p6eval rakudo dc9900: OUTPUT«( hi )␤»
lue circumfixes are what I'm after, I'm sure. How to match them is my question :) 23:37
TimToady congratulations, you've invented Q. now handled nested brackets and escapes. :)
eventually you'll write the nibbler at line 432 23:38
masak .oO( TimToady is smug because he's already stumbled upon all the hard problems we'll face in the next ten or so years )
TimToady if you want to parse ( hi ) where hi is an expression, then circumfix is fine. otherwise, not 23:39
masak nod
lue I wonder how common this problem is. [Which would determine if it would go in core or in a module]
masak eventually there'll probably be an idiom for making a quoting construct for a sublanguage. 23:40
TimToady you can't just think of all these things as the same thing; it's crucial to know what language you're parsing inside, and how it relates (or not) to the language or languages outside
masak lue: don't worry too much about core-or-module.
PerlJam lue: See Text::Balanced on CPAN :) 23:41
lue .oO[ When I first thought of this problem, I kinda hoped \( and \) would work and dwim :) ]
TimToady not if the language inside is .*? 23:42
if you want that kind of behavior, you have to use (knowingly or not) something like nibbler 23:43
TimToady I keep wanting to use the phrase "half-assed solutions", but that would not be polite. 23:44
lue I'm not quite sure I see all of these different cases [I'm new to regexes and grammars and such]. I should probably ask more specific questions when they need to be asked.
smash masak: i'll try to put some better colors in there 23:45
masak \o/
smash colomon: you're scripts ruined the server, hehe
masak just fixed an embarassing bug in Yapsi wherein duplicate labels and insufficiently clever lookup caused the runtime to jump out of blocks without unrolling the stack 23:46
smash colomon: updated with mandrelbrot scripts gil.di.uminho.pt/users/smash/rakudo-bench.html 23:47
cya all tomorrow 23:49
dalek psi: c65b333 | masak++ | lib/Yapsi.pm:
[Yapsi] bumped SIC version

Between releases, the SIC version is always the version number of the upcoming release.
psi: 96ca8f0 | masak++ | / (2 files):
[Yapsi] made labels globally unique

Because they were only unique for each block, the label lookup (which traverses the whole SIC) accidentally the whole call stack in some cases.