»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
Layla_91 helo o/ 06:38
mmm.. like ghost city O_o 06:40
moritz you mean ghosts sneaking up from behind and saying "Boo" from time to time? :-) 06:46
Layla_91 hehe :D 06:47
Layla_91 Booooooo! :P 06:47
Layla_91 people come and leave.. like what happens in life.... :-/ 06:49
moritz see Detroit :/ 06:50
Layla_91 Detriot? what's with it? 06:51
moritz it's rather empty 06:51
TiMBuS its not a city, its a house farm. you just gotta harvest them 06:52
Layla_91 mmm... spooky O_O
time for my morning cookie :P see you ghosts! :-O 06:57
guys, i want something :P I have a directory with files and directories inside it, I need to replace all occurences of that start with <? followed by anything that is not php or xml with <?php in all files and directories in that folder.. can you give me a one liner ? :) 07:07
sorear Layla_91: find dir -type f | xargs perl -i -pe 's/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/' 07:13
Layla_91 thanks sorear :) 07:21
by the way, if it is early morning there where you are, listen to this I liked it^_^ www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6O2ncUKvlg...dded#at=43 07:22
sorear heheh "early" morning
Layla_91 sorear: oh too late go to sleep :P Still listen to the song I am hearing it all morning ^_^ 07:23
jnthn morning o/ 07:28
Layla_91 jnthn: \o/!
jnthn Layla_91: \o/!
Layla_91 you too listen to the song I posted :P it is old but made my morning :D
jnthn: i have bad news :S but will tell you later, (do not want to ruin my mood :S) 07:29
jnthn Layla_91: on noes 07:35
jnthn can guess what it will be :'(
tadzik Layla_91: \o/ 07:37
Layla_91 jnthn: i was going crazy :( forget it :(
tadzik: heeey! :D
tadzik and good morning pandas
Layla_91 tadzik: No more zebras? :P
jnthn And the animal of the month is... :)
moritz zeda! panbra! 07:39
Layla_91 mmm.. i love Squirrels :P
they are cute ^_^ 07:40
jnthn Until they attack
tadzik I can't sleep anymore! /o\
Layla_91 noooo.. they are not like humans :P
tadzik: what is the time there? 07:41
.oO( "an army of squirrels is still an army" )
jnthn heh :)
Layla_91 moritz: squirrels are friendly :(
moritz Layla_91: I've seen squirrels (verbally) quarrel about food on our balcony :-)
Layla_91 moritz: they need food just like us :) 07:42
moritz in fact is was quite cute how they argued :-) 07:43
tadzik Layla_91: 09:43, but it's because of the squirrels, jnthn made me scared :) 07:44
Layla_91 tadzik: they ARE FRIENDLY! :D
i love them ^_^
.oO( phew, I managed to resist posting the link to the news story about a pack of squirrels nomming a dog... )
tadzik .g squirrels ate dog 08:00
phenny tadzik: www.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/4489792.stm
tadzik Russian squirrels! And you told me they're cute Layla! 08:01
moritz thinks about the error messages again 08:12
suppose we do carry the main information about exception classification in types 08:13
then there will be a bunch of roles like X::IO and X::Syntax etc. that can be composed into error classes
and then there will be the actual error classes
would it make sense to pack them into separate namespaces? a la EX::IO::CloseFailed does X::IO { ... } 08:14
or maybe not, if we want to keep them all as roles, and pun them for instantiation. Then all of them would be easily reusable for new error objects 08:16
jnthn Having some kind of namespace hierarchy doesn't strike me as a bad thing. 08:26
Was X vs EX deliberate there?
moritz that's what my question was about 08:27
moritz if it makes sense to have (say) X:: for more general roles that are mixed into directly used error types in the EX:: namespace 08:28
but I guess it's not really a good idea to separate them
jnthn Oh, I see 08:30
No, I think I'd rather not have things spread over two top-level namespaces.
moritz discards the idea 08:35
moritz I still wonder if we should have some uniq IDs except the type, to ease i18n 08:55
daxim yes please. "RAKUDO-123 You forgot to mogrify the frobnitzer." "RAKUDO-123 Sie haben versäumt, den Frobnitzer zu mogrifizieren." 08:59
moritz is not sure if the error ID should be shown by default 09:00
and if yes, if at the end maybe
moritz rakudo: role A { has $.x }; role B { has $.x }; class N does A does B { }; say N.new(x => 2).x 09:58
p6eval rakudo 5ac05e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Attribute '$!x' conflicts in role composition␤»
moritz :( 09:59
jnthn That's...correct, no? 10:05
And if the attribute didn't conflict, the accessor methods surely would.
moritz right, but not what I want right now :-) 10:07
I know that it's sane behavior, and that I can't have it both ways :-)
what I'm currently considering is: many errors include the error message from the operating system 10:13
for example: "Can't open '$<file>' for writing: $!"
so I probably want and $.os-error attribute somewhere
and first I wanted to stick it into X::IO, but then I realized that it's not just IO 10:14
moritz for example memory allocation can also fail with an OS error 10:14
so, separate role? or just resolve the few conflicts manually?
flussence I kinda like the idea of using roles like a tagging system for exceptions, so +1 to that 10:34
jnthn moritz: A role isn't supposed to conflict with itself 10:58
moritz: So separate role could work
does OSErrorContainage
birdwindupbird 1 12:37
takadonet 2 12:45
moritz perl6: print 1 + 2 12:46
p6eval pugs, rakudo 5ac05e, niecza v4-66-g11b04b4: OUTPUT«3»
bbkr_ std: "a" ~~ / * ** 1/ 14:00
p6eval std 4608239: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 123m␤»
bbkr_ rakudo: "a" ~~ / * ** 1/
p6eval rakudo 5ac05e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Quantifier follows nothing at line 22, near " ** 1/"␤»
jnthn Hmm...what does STD parse that * as? 14:01
moritz believes rakudo in this case
bbkr_ which one is correct? STD is missing detection of this case or Rakudo should process it?
moritz std: /* ** 1/
p6eval std 4608239: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Quantifier quantifies nothing at /tmp/oaE_lVbzF0 line 1:␤------> /*⏏ ** 1/␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:01 120m␤»
bbkr_ o! 14:02
jnthn er...
moritz if I read the parse tree correctly, it quantifies the whitespace
jnthn oh...
jnthn Unless :s is on, that's almost certainly wrong. I'm skeptical it's a good idea even then... 14:03
moritz even with :s it's wrong, IMHO
flussence looks wrong to me too
bbkr_ where should I report?
jnthn Yeah, quantifying <.ws> is generally wrong.
jnthn thinks Rakudo calls this one right
niecza: say "a" ~~ / * ** 1/ 14:04
p6eval niecza v4-66-g11b04b4: OUTPUT«␤Unhandled Exception: OutOfMemoryException␤»
moritz nopaste.snit.ch/40771
jnthn Wow :)
moritz the hopefully relevant part of the parse tree
jnthn *nod* 14:06
jnthn agrees with moritz++ analysis
dalek albot: 55fbc65 | moritz++ | build-scripts/rebuild-std.sh:
[rebuild-std.sh] fix permission
moritz bbkr_++ # finding bugs
dalek albot: 7160e0c | moritz++ | build-scripts/rebuild-std.sh:
update paths
moritz std: / * ** 1/ # update should work now 14:20
p6eval std 3468e14: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 121m␤»
moritz TimToady: ^^ 14:26
tadzik do we have anything fancy for NEWS this month? 14:41
I didn't do any commits this month :\ 14:42
moritz we have a new IO::Socket::INET implementation 14:45
tadzik hmm, I was planning to bite the Socket PMC a bit 14:47
sorear good * #perl6 14:50
moritz oh hai sorear 14:50
dalek kudo: 5ee8c3c | moritz++ | build/PARROT_REVISION:
bump PARROT_REVISION for testing
kudo: 5809a86 | moritz++ | src/ (5 files):
tracked rename of some parrot functions
jnthn moritz++ 14:53
flussence anyone wanna add that Str.indent thing I did?
moritz flussence: is it spec? where is it? 14:54
flussence bottom of S32/Str, and lemme find the code...
github.com/flussence/p6-misc/blob/...-indent.pm 14:55
moritz will look into copying it over 14:56
jnthn meeting & 15:09
moritz flussence: I've copied your code into src/core/Str.pm, and added an 'our $?TABSTOP = 8' on the top... 15:16
flussence: it compiles, but then at startup bails out with 'Could not find sub &substr'
moritz flussence: I'm interested in integrating it, but can't spend much time debugging that issuse right now 15:17
tadzik I can look into it (free karma!) 15:21
moritz it comes at the cost of time you need to invest 15:22
flussence maybe that needs to be a method on the string... 15:23
flussence doesn't have much idea how the internal bits work
moritz calling setting functions from within the setting is a bit brittle 15:24
but I haven't seen any substr() in your patch
flussence huh, well now I'm lost. 15:26
moritz might be related to 'our $?TABSTOP' or so either 15:28
sorear our $?TABSTOP is almost certainly not valid Perl6 15:35
moritz I know :/
tadzik Confused at line 5003, near "}\n# From s" 15:40
tadzik yayitcompiled 15:54
any spectests to run for that?
tadzik flussence: # Looks like you failed 8 tests of 51 15:58
nopaste.snit.ch/40774 15:59
TimToady is wondering whether try {...} defaults not to handling an exception but rather to 'unthrowing' it, that is, turning it back into an unthrown exception, more like fail returns 16:02
tadzik flussence: want me to branchpush it, so you can check it out? 16:03
TimToady also, $! isn't so much the "current exception" as it is the current exception state, which happens to know how to report the current exception if stringified, for instance 16:04
but could easily be told to dump the entire exception state to a file, for instance, where the current state could be as detailed as you like, including "cockpit recordings" and the like 16:05
PerlJam TimToady: you have some lofty ambitions for Perl 6 ;) 16:06
TimToady right now the most sought-after cockpit recordings in the world are far from lofty 16:08
PerlJam They were lofty at the time of recording. 16:10
TimToady but now their loftiness is abysmal... 16:11
flussence tadzik: go ahead 16:12
tadzik flussence: hand on, compiling once again 16:13
flussence (I think those test fails are caused by $?TABSTOP being odd, I'll get around to trying in a minute...) 16:16
tadzik is github down 16:19
? 16:20
flussence up for me
tadzik nvm, I fail at git 16:21
flussence: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/str-indent 16:22
flussence ok, compiling rakudo with it now 16:23
PerlJam TimToady: what's a link to your "natural language concepts" paper? 16:24
PerlJam google is being obstinate for me right now. 16:25
never mind .... I found something that's close enough to what I was looking for. 16:27
tadzik mind sharing?
flussence tadzik: I took the indent.p6 in my repo, commented out the "use Str-indent", changed its local $?TABSTOP to 8 and all the tests pass. 16:41
guess it'll do until rakudo gets proper constants...
flussence problem is, $?TABSTOP *has* to be defined and I can't just do $tab=$?TABSTOP//8; ... 16:46
tadzik oh, I didn't change this local tabstop
flussence yeah it's defined twice, that'll probably slip you up :)
tadzik aye, now it works
but it doesn't if I comment it out. Intentional?
flussence if you didn't set it, it *should* default to 8... I don't know a good way to do that in rakudo though. 16:47
tadzik hrm 16:47
what's the ? twigil anyway? 16:48
flussence constant
AIUI these should be globals anyway
which is probably what sorear was saying before about it not being valid perl6 16:49
my/our should be "constant"
tadzik hmmm
what if we make it a contextual, and warn the users "don't change it, it's a bug you can"? 16:50
flussence that'd be better than nothing...
tadzik I'll see if it works then 16:51
tadzik waitwaitwait. What is $?TABSTOP speced to be? 16:52
flussence afaik, nothing
.indent says "$?TABSTOP or 8"
tadzik but the spectests use it, the $?TABSTOP?
sorear it's supposed to be caller.hints('$?TABSTOP') // 8 16:53
but only one implementation supposed CallFrame.hints yet :P
tadzik no TABSTOP in spectests.
flussence: no spectest for indent in roast, are those your? 16:54
* yours?
flussence those were mine, yes
tadzik ok. So it's not much of a problem that $?TABSTOP is not visible in Rakudo programs, yep? 16:55
flussence more of a "I don't know what I'm doing" problem :)
but yeah
tadzik do you have a roast commit bit?
flussence I think I do actually... 16:56
tadzik can you commit the tests you wrote? I'll merge the branch then, we'll test it in the field 16:59
flussence will do 16:59
dalek ast: 7309150 | (Anthony Parsons)++ | S32-str/indent.t:
Add tests for Str.indent
flussence /o\ 17:17
tadzik where did your karma go? 17:18
.oO( I wish rebuilding core.pir was a bit faster... )
tadzik aye 17:20
flussence: rakudo in str-indent branch now runs the indent spectests. When I get back home, I'll see if everything passes and merge it if so 17:21
flussence yay
tadzik and I'll make sure you're listed as one of the contributors in an upcoming release :) 17:25
Moukeddar hello 18:40
tadzik hello 18:41
Moukeddar what's up ? 18:42
tadzik we're close to having Str.indent in Rakudo, thanks to flussence
Moukeddar is there an IDE for perl ? 18:43
sorear padre 18:44
never used it personally, but the main dev is a regular here
tadzik seen szabgab 18:45
aloha szabgab was last seen in #perl6 20 days 15 hours ago joining the channel.
Moukeddar www.activestate.com/perl-dev-kit 18:46
mberends yes, Padre is very good. padre.perlide.org/ and also a standard package in Debian and Ubuntu.
tadzik never heard of it
it's even in Gentoo
even up-to-date 18:47
Moukeddar how about Komodo IDE ?
sorear why are you asking about IDEs we've never heard of? 18:50
mberends it's probably ok, but we are mostly too cheapskate here to pay for software ;)
tadzik :)
Moukeddar pay what ?
sorear you asked for an IDE, mberends gave you one
mberends www.activestate.com/komodo-ide : from $295 18:51
Moukeddar thank you guys :)
who said i was going to pay
trial is good
mberends :)
Moukeddar is there a starter tutorial for Perl6 ? 18:54
tadzik lotsa them
check out perl6.org 18:55
mberends Moukeddar: if you know a bit of Perl 5, then www.perlgeek.de/en/article/5-to-6 18:56
Moukeddar idk anything about perl5 or 6 18:56
so i'm a complete Noob 18:57
tadzik try the book 18:59
Moukeddar yes
i got it
love the preface :) 19:00
mberends Moukeddar: tutorials for complete Noobs have not been written yet. But here's an idea: you try to write one (as a complete Noob) and ask us for help from time to time. Chronicle your path to enlightenment on a blog site of your choice.
Moukeddar mberends, folks on other channel said it's not good to write while learning 19:01
mberends I disagree. That would be similar to not being allowed to talk or ask questions. 19:02
Moukeddar and i'm not a complete noob
i code in C# pretty good :)
i guess they're just too cocky
mberends cool! several Perl 6 devs are writing implementations in C#. 19:03
frettled uncool! uncool!
Moukeddar mberends, i like the idea of writing while learning 19:04
it helps improve the learning experience right ?
frettled There's a good chance for that! 19:05
mberends yes, and also gives other people the opportunity to give you useful suggestions.
Moukeddar sweet
sorear Moukeddar: that other channel sounds awful
Moukeddar i'll finish my exams and get started
sorear, they're aweful
well some of them
sorear why do you go there? 19:06
Moukeddar it's C# channel
tadzik then consider staying on the Most Friendly Channel Ever!
.u copyleft
phenny tadzik: Sorry, no results for 'copyleft'.
tadzik uncool
mberends :(
tadzik Stallman is not amused
Moukeddar i miss this channel :) 19:07
mberends Moukeddar: There is life after exams. And in that afterlife, there is #perl6. 19:08
Moukeddar i thought after life was worms and underground 19:09
but #perl6 is a better choice :)
tadzik yeah, there it's just Pandas and Zebras :)
mberends: have you seen the new badges on modules.perl6.org? :) 19:10
Moukeddar Worms : Reloaded :) 19:11
mberends tadzik: the cute panda! yes! 19:13
Moukeddar no
the evil pandas
uvtc tadzik: Love the pandas. :)
Moukeddar you never want them near you
mberends tadzik: and what do you have to achieve to win a zebra? 19:15
Moukeddar achievement unlocked
tadzik mberends: conform to the latest specs. Seen the p6u email? 19:16
I should add it to the fame-and-profit
tadzik Moukeddar: are they so evil? 19:16
squirrels are evil, that's fo sure 19:17
uvtc tadzik: I think mberends was suggesting that zebras are one level higher than pandas. :)
Moukeddar all animals are evil
except humans
they're kinda cute
mberends tadzik: :-) I don't have time to subscribe to p6* emails
tadzik oh, that one is truly low-traffic. Seems that I should have blug about that too 19:18
mberends instead I leech off the #perl6 community to read the mails on my behalf. 19:18
tadzik mberends: www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6....g1503.html 19:19
Moukeddar lol mberends
see mberends is nice dude
tadzik from this funny-named guy "SoÅnierz"
mberends tadzik++
lichtkind cheers 19:24
mberends hi lichtkind! 19:25
lichtkind mberends: hello humble guy :)
tadzik loliblug! ttjjss.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/new...les-world/ 19:26
mberends lol! lol! 19:27
tadzik All tests successful. Mergeparty! 19:28
or is someone opposing?
no one, thanks
lichtkind what tests did you merge? 19:29
tadzik tests were already pushed, I merged the str-indent branch 19:30
flussence :D 19:30
dalek kudo: 44e42da | tadzik++ | src/core/Str.pm:
Imported Str::indent, flussence++
kudo: 27ab7de | tadzik++ | t/spectest.data:
Run spectests for indent
kudo: 887bb5b | tadzik++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Noted indent in the Changelog
mberends yay! more spectests! 20:02
gente so do we still do haskell here 20:11
mberends we're short of haskell skillz to maintain Pugs 20:14
gente heh
are we open to a discussion
cause i had a doubt
PerlJam who is "we"? 20:18
TimToady we'll be glad to say all sorts of things about haskell that might or might not be true :) 20:23
you might want to talk to pmurias, who seems to be our current hacker of things haskellian 20:24
moritz blog.urth.org/2011/04/what-perl-6-a...right.html somebody might (or might not) want to feed the troll in the comment 20:25
gente well haskell has mutables 20:27
that doesnt make it purely fucntional does it?
TimToady well, depends on which glasses you're looking at haskell through 20:28
PerlJam things are getting "more and more silent around Perl 6"? 20:29
gente TimToady: well having variables doesnt make it purely fucntional
variables == mutable state; functional is all about not having mutable state.
TimToady what makes you think haskell has variables? it has names associated with definitions, but that doesn't make them variables... 20:30
lichtkind yes since they are not variable :)
gente well one of the haskell guys was saying it does
lichtkind the name there readonly memory location variables
TimToady unless you cheat, haskell hides all mutables inside of monads 20:31
gente so if haskell doesnt have variables
then it's not real or practical to use is it
sorear have you been banned from #haskell?
gente sorear: listen the topic used to sa haskell was allowed here, and no im not 20:32
moritz gente: I can highly recommend "Real World Haskell". You'll learn both about Haskell and how usable it is.
gente without variables how is haskell of any use though
TimToady sounds like you just want to quibble over the definition of "variable" mostly
sorear gente: every topic is allowed here, but we have a strict troll-hugging policy
PerlJam gente: Where is it written that variables a necessary for "real or practical use"?
sorear hugs gente
PerlJam s/a/are/ 20:33
gente PerlJam: state exists
TimToady but haskell represents state as the application of functions 20:34
gente rather deal with it and not go prancing around it if you ask me
sorear gente: what are you trying to accomplish by coming on #perl6 and complaining about Haskell?
TimToady well, nobody here is going to force you to program in haskell here...
sorear You're confusing me 20:35
gente TimToady: not that im being forced
TimToady we're being forced to listen to you rant about it though... :)
gente but i was wondering a language withouta mutable state is just ..
PerlJam gente: it *sounds* like you're used to dealing with things a certain way and expect haskell to do things that way too. Haskell has its own view of the universe. If you grok it, you'll be able to use haskell effectively.
TimToady: we're not forced; it's just because we're so polite. :) 20:36
sorear gente: of all the places on the Internet where you could describe a language as impractical... why #perl6? 20:38
moritz reddit would be a good place for that :-) 20:39
gente im not saying it's impractical
but why wouldn't a language have variables?
just to keep it purely functional?
sorear gente: you're in the wrong channel. this isn't #history-of-programming-languages 20:40
gente sorear: what are you on about
this place used to allow haskell discussions
which is why i joined
if you scroll up you'll see i asked first before i even posted my doubt 20:41
so wtf is up with you now?
PerlJam gente: sure ... but usually the haskell discussion revolves around implementing something for Perl 6
gente im in both haske-in-depth and here
so stop giving me stupid attitude
PerlJam gente: or some feature Perl 6 steals from haskell
or something
gente when im just trying to have a discussion
PerlJam: ok
sorear gente: saying a language is impractical in public = either you don't know English or you're acting like a troll 20:42
gente well im not saying it's impractical
sorear in English, "then it's not real or practical to use is it?" means "It's not real or practical to use." 20:43
cognominal gente, cursing is probaby not the best way to get intresting feedback. At least not here
sorear they're called rhetorical questions
you need to learn to stop using them by accident
gente and practical use i meant as in 20:44
"Functional programming languages, especially purely functional ones, have largely been emphasized in academia rather than in commercial software development"
that happens for a reason
sorear gente: what part of "Avoid success at all costs" don't you understand? 20:45
gente so i was thinking solving problems using variables is usually easier i thought
PerlJam gente: it's an abstraction that people are used to if they've taken algebra
gente: however, it's not the only useful abstraction
gente PerlJam: well sure but solving problems using variables is kinda easier isnt it 20:46
or this all depends?
PerlJam easier than what?
and what problems? 20:47
gente: one of the main lessons of perl is that "context is important" :)
flussence I guess commercial software companies don't like Haskell because it's harder to outsource ;) 20:48
PerlJam gente: For instance, some problems lend themselves naturally to recursion. But until you understand recursion, you might think that looping is easier. 20:49
gente PerlJam: fucntional = niche
PerlJam: recursion can be done with imperative languages too 20:50
it is just that recursion isn't always the best or most efficient way of solving a problem 20:51
and with parallelism thread stack size can be a limiting factor.
PerlJam *zing*
masak hi, zebras. 20:51
flussence moo.
PerlJam masak: o/
gente PerlJam: no? 20:52
PerlJam gente: you miss the point entirely. 20:52
gente ok what did you mean though?
PerlJam gente: one way of looking at the universe may not always be the best way for a given problem. Until you understand the "essence" of the problem, you won't know how to look at it and won't have a good way to solve it. You may have *a* way, but you might have to jump through hoops because of your limited understanding. 20:54
gente: Haskell is really for those problems that lend themselves to haskellian solutions.
PerlJam gente: the real problem is classifying which problems are in that set. 20:54
anyway, I've got stuff to do. 20:55
PerlJam &
masak gente: wow, what ever did you say to make PerlJam give you that explanation...? 20:56
masak backlogs
oh. :/ 20:57
gente PerlJam: I am aware of recursion; I am aware of looping; I use both techniques I do not limit myself to one. 20:58
gente and a collection of variables can be used to represent the state of some system 21:01
gente sorry wrong window 21:01
masak .oO( a variable can be used to represent the right window... ) 21:02
.oO( maybe a constant would be more appropriate here :)
gente it wasn't for you guys! posted it in the wrong window 21:04
masak gente: sorry, our attention span is variable :P
gente heh
masak you have to constantly amuse us. :)
or we'll automatically garbage-collect. 21:05
frettled and that's not -Ofun 21:06
masak frettled! \o/ 21:08
frettled: how are you this fine evening? 21:09
frettled masak: relaxed! And you? 21:11
masak frettled: tired. but happy. :)
frettled masak: did you get a good run?
masak wasn't running tonight. just having a beer with our company :) 21:13
jnthn Our company. It buys us beer. \o/
masak jnthn: I think I feel a cold coming on. I should do the sensible thing and sleep it off.
must... stop... coding... 21:14
jnthn masak: ugh
yes, that's a good plan
getting a cold would suck.
diakopter sleep off the colding
mberends give the cold to the beer, problem solved!
diakopter lol.
frettled masak: a cognac is one of the best things to drink that does not cure a cold :) 21:15
masak mberends: I think you just violated some law of thermodynamics or other. but nice idea :P
jnthn masak: Vindaloo? ;)
masak jnthn: bit late in the evening for that :P
thank you all for your kind suggestions. :)
cognominal is there any project to implement Perl 6 as a modified v8 + nodejs? 21:16
masak there was at least one project targetting v8... 21:17
was it diakopter's?
cognominal coffeescript is nice, perl6 would be greater
masak coffeescript is a much thinner layer on javascript, though.
cognominal yes
pmurias masak: mildew was also targetting v8 21:18
cognominal it is a very simple translation. It just leave the crap out and add nice things like interpolation in strings
masak pmurias: oh, right. 21:19
pmurias perlito can target js i think too
masak is there a way to have a slurpy parameter that doesn't flatten? 21:20
masak or, um. let me rephrase. 21:22
moritz something like |$thing or \|$thing parameter?
masak is there any way to store a Range in a datastructure, and then pass it to a sub, without it flattening on the way?
moritz sure, use a scalar parameter 21:24
moritz -> sleep
pmurias masak: diakopter was targeting v8 at some point too
masak but... I'm passing in a list of things, one of which might be a Range... :/
jnthn masak: You could store it in an array? :) 21:26
Or \ it maybe :)
masak I haven't gotten anything to work yet.
rakudo: my @a = 1..4; say @a.perl 21:27
p6eval rakudo 887bb5: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3, 4]␤»
masak rakudo: say (\(1..4)).perl
p6eval rakudo 887bb5: OUTPUT«\(1, 2, 3, 4)␤»
masak rakudo: $_ = class { method postcircumfix:<[ ]>($x) { say $x.perl } }; .[1..4]
diakopter niecza: say (\(1..4)).perl
p6eval rakudo 887bb5: OUTPUT«1..4␤» 21:28
niecza v4-66-g11b04b4: OUTPUT«\(|[1, 2, 3, 4], |{})␤»
masak that works.
but then when I return it, it flattens :/
rakudo: $_ = class { method postcircumfix:<[ ]>($x) { $x } }; say .[1..4].perl
p6eval rakudo 887bb5: OUTPUT«1..4␤»
masak or not. whee! :)
diakopter niecza: say eval (\(1..4)).perl
p6eval niecza v4-66-g11b04b4: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
pmurias sorear: did the haskell people actually attempt to do anything to actively avoid success in the past? 21:29
sorear: or was the slogan just a joke?
masak pmurias: I always read it as tongue-in-cheek, in that "academic" languages tend to burn out if they go for fame rather than other qualities. 21:31
I ended up with several multis for the same method, each of them with one more argument. it works, but I feel dirty now. 21:34
mberends That is so, so, sordid. Disgusting! 21:35
mberends passes masak++ a little bar of soap to wash his mouth out. 21:36
masak mumbles "just like Java..." through the soapy bubbles 21:37
.oO( Java often tastes like SOAP... )
frettled passes masak a stiff drink to aid the recovery process.
jnthn: *ding*
masak g'ah, now I'm having trouble unpacking the thing :P 21:48
anyway, that's a problem for another day.
'night, pandas.
frettled masak: dream of bamboo shoots 21:49
diakopter TimToady: boom 22:00
TimToady diakopter: was in the car, so missed it 22:55
I hope it's not a foreshock, 'cuz my house has little shear strength at the moment 22:56
diakopter heard/felt a hard knock, then felt a bigger jolt and then looked up to see the hanging lights swaying 23:01
starcoder TimToady: where do you live? o.O 23:21