»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
colomon rakudo: my $start = times[0];my $i = 0; for 1..1000 { $i = $i + $_; }; say $i; say times[0] - $start; 00:47
p6eval rakudo 493e23: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &times␤ in <anon> at /tmp/kzquodDmMe:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/kzquodDmMe:1␤␤»
sorear &times should be LHF 01:46
colomon A shame quickly loop 100,000 times is not. 02:01
*looping 02:02
lue Could I get an account on feather? I've been using a different remote server, and ssh is now telling me of possible DNS spoofing [I've been thinking of moving to feather for a while now anyway] 02:09
abercrombie Hi #perl6, is it possible to re-visit $*ARGFILES? 02:45
I used $*ARGFILES to read the command line file once, now I want to read the file again. Is there any way other than open() ? 02:47
sorear seen Juerd 02:53
aloha Juerd was last seen in #perl6 9 days 2 hours ago leaving the channel.
sorear lue: you could get an account easily if Juerd were here. I'm sending em a short mail now. 02:57
lue Alright, thanks sorear 02:58
sorear lue: btw, I'm 95% sure that Juerd will ask for fairly detailed personal information - Juerd's company insists on having records of exactly who is using the machine they donate 02:59
TimToady rakudo: say $*ARGFILES.perl 03:00
p6eval rakudo 493e23: OUTPUT«ArgFiles<37112368>␤»
TimToady b: say $*ARGFILES.perl
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«IO;ArgFiles.new(args => [], filename => Any, PIO => Any, ins => Any, autoflush => Any, path => Any, stat => IO;Stat.new(path => Any))␤»
sorear yucky 03:03
I still think that Perl 6 shouldn't require paths and filehandles to use the same class
sorear they might both do the Stattable role 03:04
but I'll admit not grokking IO::Any
TimToady rakudo: $*ARGS = '/etc/passwd'; say lines[0]; $*ARGS = '/etc/group'; say lines[0] 03:05
p6eval rakudo 493e23: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a non-container␤ in <anon> at /tmp/t2d7EkAA_n:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/t2d7EkAA_n:1␤␤»
TimToady rakudo: @*ARGS = '/etc/passwd'; say lines[0]; @*ARGS = '/etc/group'; say lines[0]
p6eval rakudo 493e23: OUTPUT«root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash␤daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh␤»
TimToady it does not appear that assigning @*ARGS resets $*ARGFILES currently; arguably a bug 03:06
abercrombie Do you mean after @*ARGS = '..', lines should restart from the first line of the new @*ARGS? 03:09
TimToady that is how P5 handles @ARGV and <>, I think, though I could be misremembering 03:10
sorear looks for sensitive data in the p6eval chroot 03:11
sorear it looks like moritz has been pretty good about this, I can't find anything *really* important 03:11
TimToady sorear: I think some of what is going on with IO is trying to minimize race conditions between filenames and inode identities; the only safe thing to do with a filename is to immediately open it, and do everything else with the file descriptor 03:12
otherwise there is no guarantee whatsoever that /foo/bar at time N is the same file at time N+1 03:13
many security breaks come from this 03:14
dalek kudo/nom: c773a04 | Coke++ | t/spectest.data:
track failure modes
TimToady a normal stat should generally only be done for informative purposes like ls
so it comes down to naming, caching, *and* off-by-one errors :) 03:15
abercrombie TimToady: You are right. In perl5 it will reset to the new one
TimToady so whoever implemented ARGFILES was making some unwarranted assumptions, from the standpoint of "default to Perl 5 semantics" 03:16
abercrombie Is b: for the 2011.07 version? 03:30
TimToady aye 03:33
abercrombie b: @*ARGV="a"
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Cannot modify readonly value␤ in '&infix:<=>' at line 1:src/metamodel/RoleToInstanceApplier.nqp␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/yNuE0EDNMF␤»
abercrombie b: @*ARGS="a"
p6eval b 1b7dd1: ( no output )
abercrombie lines[0] will only read the first line, right? Not read the whole file and retrieve the first line 03:35
sorear needs to come up with something to say on the Parrot lists to offset the noise generators
abercrombie: lines[0] will open the file, read the first line, and leave the file open indefinitely 03:36
abercrombie: hopefully you're on an OS that closes files on exit
abercrombie So is this the lazy evaluation? Coz from the grammer I think it equals to lines()[0] 03:37
sorear it exactly equals that
abercrombie Since a mere lines() will give us the whole file, I guess it utilize the lazy eval tech, am I right? 03:38
sorear righht 03:40
abercrombie Thanks. Does niecza reset the line number when @*ARGS get assigned to a new value? 03:41
sorear does it make me a bad person to have an extremely low opinion of KatrinaTheLamia 03:43
abercrombie: @*ARGS isn't magical. No-one can tell you've changed it.
PerlJam sorear: no. 03:44
sorear (why did I even bother reading her last mail...)
abercrombie Coz in Perl5 the ARGV thing is "sensitive"
PerlJam sorear: I wonder if KatrinaTheLamia is really just a trick to derail interesting/productive conversation 03:46
sorear PerlJam: we have so many people on the perl 6 lists who have no firm grounding in reality 03:48
I especially have to wonder what to think about Damian Conway. I'm told he's a brilliant hacker but I find myself thinking "that's a horrible idea" every time he posts 03:50
*on implementation matters
abercrombie #1 @*ARGS="a.txt"; say lines[0]; lines; @*ARGS="a.txt"; say lines[0]; 03:53
#2 @*ARGS="a.txt"; say lines[0]; say lines; @*ARGS="a.txt"; say lines[0];
the first one won't get reset while the second one does.
So it seems the problem is due to optimization? 03:54
PerlJam sorear: Damian pushes the envelope of reality a little bit. In a way, he's like a Perl 6 venture capitalist but with ideas instead of money.
sorear abercrombie: laziness! 04:05
abercrombie: lines; # this does nothing
abercrombie: +lines; # tells Perl to simulate wc -l, and exhausts all the lists 04:06
abercrombie sorear: I see. Thank you. 04:12
moritz good morning 05:36
lue hello moritz o/ 05:47
sorear hi moritz. 05:51
TimToady++ discovered a new hole in our sandbox
hmm, I wonder
niecza: my @*ARGS = '/etc/passwd'; say lines;
p6eval niecza v9-10-g678102e: OUTPUT«Land der Berge, Land am Strome, Land der Äcker, Land der Dome, Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich! Heimat bist du großer Söhne, Volk, begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich, vielgerühmtes Österreich! Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten liegst dem Erdteil…
sorear niecza: @*ARGS = '/etc/passwd'; say lines; 05:52
p6eval niecza v9-10-g678102e: OUTPUT«Land der Berge, Land am Strome, Land der Äcker, Land der Dome, Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich! Heimat bist du großer Söhne, Volk, begnadet für das Schöne, vielgerühmtes Österreich, vielgerühmtes Österreich! Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten liegst dem Erdteil…
sorear niecza: @*ARGS = '/etc/passwd'; say $*ARGFILES.lines;
p6eval niecza v9-10-g678102e: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: CORE open may not be used in safe mode␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (CORE open @ 0) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 2008 (CORE ArgFiles.get @ 16) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1999 (…
sorear out 05:59
cotto when is mls usually online? 07:32
moritz cotto: in on or two hours maybe 07:34
late CEST (UTC+2) uptime :-)
cotto that might explain why I can't seem to catch him 07:35
stupid earth with its wildly differing timezones
.oO(stupid Time with its wildly differing speeds and starting positions)
tadzik good morning #perl6 07:44
lue good evening tadzik o/
jnthn morning, #perl6 07:48
lue evening jnthn o/ [I'm getting the distinct feeling I'm in the wrong timezone] 07:49
tadzik timezones. They're all wrong
jnthn tadzik: Thanks for the benchmarking :) 07:51
.oO(There should either be one timezone (UTC), or ∞ timezones (setting your clock to the sun))
jnthn tadzik: Guessing that you'd --optimize'd the setting?
tadzik jnthn: yes 07:52
the size of the pbc didn't change at all
(as du CORE.setting.pbc says)
jnthn at all? 07:56
I'd not have expected much difference in either direction
jnthn But something 07:56
im2ee Hi! :) 07:57
moritz jnthn: 'du' has file system block size resolution 08:02
so probably 4kb
so "no change at all" => "no change by more than 4kb"
.oO(does 'll' (or 'ls -l') do the same sort of block size resolution?)
moritz lue: no, as you can easily see from the numbers 08:04
if you run it on a small file 08:05
lue Now that I think about it, it's pretty obvious. Maybe I'm just tired. 08:06
tadzik im2ee: hello
I think du -b could be more accurate, yes
moritz but 'du' is 'disc usage', and disc usage *is* measured in fs blocks
moritz uses wc -c for byte counts
tadzik right 08:07
-b, --bytes
equivalent to `--apparent-size --block-size=1'
and --apparent-size "print apparent sizes, rather than disk usage;"
jnthn moritz: ah, ok 08:32
I suspect for loops run faster because the optimizer improved the iterator code in the setting somewhat.
mls morning perl6! 08:35
so we're inlining now? jnthn++
moritz \o mls
mls (be careful to not to inline blocks that contain OUTER::) 08:36
jnthn mls: Well, that's easy, OUTER:: ain't implemented yet :) 08:37
moritz we don't have OUTER:: yet :-)
jnthn mls: We're only inlining immediate blocks
mls yeah, I know. But we'll have it someday.
jnthn This isn't the really interesting inlining.
That's *much* harder.
mls moritz: what about callframe()? Do blocks appear in the callframe? 08:38
moritz mls: they do
jnthn wonders how much space the spec gives us there.
mls hmm, I worry about callframe(4).leave(1) or such... 08:39
jnthn Yeah.
moritz mls: that would be very fragile code
well, the spec talks about callframes, not about execpted callframes in the absence of optimizations :-)
mls Yes, I know. We should ask TimToady++ about his thoughts on inlining
jnthn Another interesting task will be an NQP optimizer. We can be a lot more aggressive there. 08:41
mls True.
jnthn oh heh
if I make an NQP optimizer
And then compile NQP under it
Then the optimizer will optimize itself
mls Too bad it doesn't optimize even better then ;) 08:42
moritz maybe it does? it's hard to tell in advance what optimizations do to the code :-) 08:43
tadzik make spectest with --optimize is 5 seconds longer. Likely noise, or there's not much to inline in the roast 09:58
that's assuming gist.github.com/1197158 actually turns on the optimizer permanently :) 09:59
moritz tadzik: looks like it should :-) 10:00
jnthn tadzik: Noise 10:01
tadzik probably, yes 10:02
jnthn But tbh, it's walking the entire tree to do *one* kind of optimization.
tadzik which probably doesn't occur too often in the chain of is() is() is() :)
jnthn If we're breaking even already that's kinda nice...
Yeah, tests don't contain loopy hot pants 10:03
tadzik we are breaking, but only 2 tests :)
jnthn hot paths
wtf :)
tadzik: Two tests break?
tadzik t/spec/S04-exception-handlers/catch.rakudo and t/spec/S04-statements/given.rakudo
jnthn ah, good to know.
tadzik 2 tests files. Will paste
jnthn Thanks.
For a first cut, that's not much breakage.
tadzik gist.github.com/1197173
dalek p: 8ad13af | moritz++ | tools/build/PARROT_REVISION:
bump PARROT_REVISION to after the pmc_is_ptr merge
jnthn moritz++ 12:40
The nommap entry about the while 1 leak can also now go \o/
moritz will make it go
[Coke] yawns 12:41
moritz commits 12:42
dalek kudo/nom: 860fe17 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
bump nqp revision, remove memory leak from NOMMAP
jnthn I have Perl 6 day on Thursday. I plan to deal with the parametric roles issues so they can be removed from nommap
[Coke] one of the tests started hanging again, btw. (and by hanging, I could just mean "takes forever to complete and I didn't want to wait") 13:04
[Coke] anyone remember the "show links between github committers" groovy bouncy diagram? 14:02
tadzik gource 14:03
felher if i wan't a unflatted(is that even a word?) array of <a b c>, <d e f>, <and so on>. Whats the preffered way to write that? [ [<a b c>], [<d e f>], [<and so on>] ]? 14:04
tadzik <a bc c>.item should work 14:05
and I think you mean "flatten"
rakudo: say [ <a b c>, <d e f> ].perl 14:06
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]␤»
moritz [<d e f>] will return an Array, <d e f>.item a Parcel
tadzik rakudo: say [ <a b c>.item, <d e f>.item ].perl
moritz rakudo: say [ <a b c>; <d e f> ].perl
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«[("a", "b", "c"), ("d", "e", "f")]␤»
rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«["d", "e", "f"]␤»
tadzik moritz: comma 14:07
moritz the one with ; didn't work
tadzik oh, it's meant to?
as a super-comma 14:08
moritz dunno if it should work
frankly I don't know when ; is statement separator, and when it's super-comma
[Coke] tadzik: that wasn't what I was thinking, but is awesome.
moritz which is slightly worrying, but only slightly 14:09
PerlJam [Coke]: code-swarm?
tadzik I want to see the other one then
felher tadzik, moritz: thnx :)
tadzik felher: I hope that didn't confuse you even more :)
pmichaud++ gave an excellent talk on this on the yapc, but I feel I should watch it once or twice again :) 14:10
felher tadzik: a talk about arrays, parcels and such? 14:11
tadzik felher: yes
felher tadzik: is there a video?
tadzik felher: not yet
I think there are no videos from yapc::eu yet, but there are ought to be
I'm looking forward to them, I missed too much talks due to schedule clashes
PerlJam [Coke]: oh ... I know what you're talking about ... There's a URL where you can enter a github repo and it gives a wire-frame tree that bounces around a little bit that connects all of the committers. 14:12
felher tadzik: yeah, i'd really like to watch them, too. :)
PerlJam [Coke]: sorry, I don't remember the service
[Coke] perljam;aye, that's the one. ;) 14:14
(the one you don't remember, not code-swarm ;)
moritz there are publich IRC logs available of this channel, you know...
maybe I should implement an option to show only links from a page
PerlJam moritz: it's hard to search them when you don't know what you're searching for :) 14:15
[Coke] nor am I sure that it was even mentioned here. I just know it was mentioned in a perl context. 14:16
PerlJam it was mentioned either here or on #parrot I think.
I remember playing with it for a good 5 minutes or so :) 14:17
PerlJam [Coke]: great! now it's going to bug me all day what that site is since I can't remember it 14:35
sorear good * #perl6 14:36
moritz PerlJam: maybe looking through moritz.faui2k3.org/tmp/perl6-links.txt helps you to find it 14:40
PerlJam: it's the last 1000 lines in #perl6 which contained http links 14:41
PerlJam moritz++ ! 14:42
moritz www.stargit.net/#rakudo maybe?
PerlJam www.stargit.net/#rakudo
tadzik oh, there's my dot there
the fisheye is funny 14:43
moritz SQL is sometimes very practical 14:45
though that query took a minute or two to run
[Coke] PerlJam++ moritz++ 15:00
.oO( argh... no wonder my laptop was running slow, that `now` bug was eating all my RAM in the background :( )
abercrombie Hi, #perl6. One of my friends encountered a strange problem. His Rakudo version is 2011.07, his system locale is en_US.UTF-8. All those settings are same as mine. But for a same file which contains a Unicode var name, I can run smoothly while he cannot. His rakudo complained: Confused at line 1, near "my $\u5b87\u822a = \"" I've checked that \u5b87 is the UTF-16 encoding for that unicode 16:28
character. But we are sure the file is encoded in UTF-8 according to the result of "file" command and "od -x" command. Any suggestion?
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 16:32
abercrombie: I suspect that you have ICU loaded on your system and your friend does not. 16:33
jnthn hi, pmichaud
pmichaud (ICU is the library that Parrot uses for unicode handling) 16:34
jnthn: o/
abercrombie How can I check whether I have it loaded? 16:35
pmichaud ng: print %*VM<config><has_icu>; # maybe? 16:35
b: print %*VM<config><has_icu>; # maybe?
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Any()»
pmichaud nope
jnthn pmichaud: What's to focus on in nom? Besides the parametrics stuff that I know I should do... 16:35
pmichaud jnthn: I need to re-orient myself with nom and its recent changes. I'll likely do that a bit later today. 16:36
jnthn pmichaud: OK
jnthn pmichaud: Pretty much all my work at the weekend was performance oriented rather than feature/bug oriented. 16:36
pmichaud jnthn: good, that's where our biggest pain point was 16:37
jnthn Aye, but we probably have others now ;)
pmichaud agreed
jnthn Not that we don't need a lot more performance work, but... :)
abercrombie pmichaud: I just don't know why his Rakudo tried to explain the character in UTF-16? His file is encoded in UTF-8 16:39
mls pmichaud: hi! I found the cause of the high lineof() percentage 16:40
the one that made you suspicious of the profiler
pmichaud mls: ooooh, do tell! 16:42
mls the profiler overhead for each op was too big 16:43
as lineof() consisted of an insane amount of very fast ops, the result was skewed 16:44
(the profiler timed each op, which didn't make much sense)
I changed the code so that it only does the tick calculation when the context changes, and old ng's lineof went from 20% to 7% 16:45
5% is correct
in other words, functions with many ops had a too high tick value 16:47
pmichaud makes good sense
mls I'm currently changing the code so that the profiler can also do "annotation segment" profiling 16:48
(aka HLL profiling)
then we'll have a real perl6/nqp profiler 16:49
pmichaud mmmm, annotation segment profiling 16:50
that will be... awesome
mls++ # fantastic patches
jnthn mls++ indeed
mls thanks!
(I like doing low level stuff ;) ) 16:51
jnthn Yes, it's fun :)
pmichaud your low-level stuff is helping our high-level stuff immensely.
jnthn Very much so.
[Coke] mls++ 16:56
masak good evening, lambdaparrots. 16:58
jnthn o/ masak 16:59
pmichaud o/ masak
benabik (\x -> "Good evening, " ++ x) "masak" 17:00
masak ooh, Haskell!
benabik lunch & 17:01
mls afk -> home... 17:08
masak #phasers in 55? 18:06
colomon Bool::True 18:07
mberends ooh! thanks for the reminder
jnthn oops, I didn't dinner yet
masak rakudo: if 21 % 4 -> $r { say "Thanks for the remainder: $r ;)" } 18:09
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Thanks for the remainder: 1 ;)␤»
moritz masak++ # Thanks for the remainder 18:37
diakopter % 18:39
Su-Shee "uhm?" ;) src/core/YOU_ARE_HERE.pm > src/gen/core.pm 18:40
jnthn ;) 18:48
Su-Shee that's what you see if you watch rakudo building while knitting.. 18:55
masak I finally understand why we have both the names "CORE" and "setting" in the terminology. 19:44
"CORE" is just a setting among settings.
PerlJam masak: so that we can pun CORN and CORP like niecza does? ;) 19:44
masak sort of the "official", recommended one.
PerlJam: I just assumed that pun was from STD/TimToady. :) 19:45
maybe I underestimated sorear.
tadzik CORP is a setting for CORPorations? :P
PerlJam I don't know the provenance, so I can't say for sure.
I just noticed it with niecza.
masak .oO( dark wings, dark puns ) 19:46
moritz darkpan? 20:08
masak I rest my dark case. :) 20:09
pmurias masak: re recommended one, it's the default one 20:19
masak aye, that's probably a better way to phrase it. :) 20:20
but, just like with many other things in Perl 6, we do recommend our defaults ;) 20:21
diakopter watching irclog.perlgeek.de/parrotsketch/2011-09-06 live is interesting 20:32
masak aye. 20:33
masak rakudo: lines("README".IO) 20:36
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: ( no output )
masak rakudo: say lines("README".IO) 20:36
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Method 'readline' not found for invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in method get at src/gen/CORE.setting:4681␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:3732␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3702␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3506␤ in method reify at src/gen…
masak hm.
diakopter rakudo: say "README".IO.readline 20:37
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Method 'readline' not found for invocant of class 'IO'␤ in <anon> at /tmp/eOdfB3CxJy:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/eOdfB3CxJy:1␤␤»
masak rakudo: lines("words")
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 2 but expected 1␤ in method lines at src/gen/CORE.setting:2906␤ in sub lines at src/gen/CORE.setting:4777␤ in <anon> at /tmp/DJP5vqcJu3:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/DJP5vqcJu3:1␤␤»
masak that's the error I was looking for.
masak submits rakudobug
breaks hangman in the adventure game book. 20:38
b: lines("README"); say "alive"
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Operation not permitted in safe mode␤ in 'Safe::forbidden' at line 2:/tmp/KUoemhjfvP␤ in 'lines' at line 5932:src/gen/core.pm␤ in main program body at line 22:/tmp/KUoemhjfvP␤»
masak b++
moritz b--
it tried to open file README
but iirc it shouldn't, should it?
masak well, that was right at some point ;)
moritz nom: say "a\nb\nc".lines.perl 20:39
diakopter what's b
masak diakopter: welcome back :P
moritz rakudo: say "a\nb\nc".lines.perl
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«("a", "b", "c").list␤»
moritz diakopter: it's the beijing release 20:39
masak diakopter: we decided to confuse everyone with our branch names.
moritz diakopter: last release of the old rakudo/master
diakopter k thx 20:40
masak from what I can see in the setting source, the sub form &lines tries to call the method form .lines with an argument that doesn't bind to a parameter.
moritz where is $limit not bound? 20:41
masak in Str.lines 20:42
moritz doesn't understand
it's used in IO.lines 20:43
masak doesn't help us much :)
moritz so what should "a\nb\nc\n".lines(1) do? 20:45
return "a"? or the whole string?
TimToady rakudo: sub MAIN { say "hi" }
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«hi␤»
TimToady innersting
moritz TimToady: nom has a *very* basic MAIN implementation 20:45
jnthn rakudo: sub MAIN ($outfile = 'sphere-perl6.pgm') { say $outfile }
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«sphere-perl6.pgm␤»
Tene rakudo: sub MAIN($a,$b) { ... } 20:46
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 2␤ in sub MAIN at /tmp/uGrlaFDuR9:1␤ in sub MAIN_HELPER at src/gen/CORE.setting:5956␤ in <anon> at /tmp/uGrlaFDuR9:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/uGrlaFDuR9:1␤␤»
Tene :(
diakopter rakudo: my sub MAIN { say "hi" } 20:47
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«hi␤»
TimToady it's actually been some time since I "ported" sphere to nom, so MAIN showing up is not too surprising
diakopter rakudo: our sub MAIN { say "hi" } 20:50
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«hi␤»
masak rakudo: .say for "README".IO.lines 20:54
p6eval rakudo 860fe1: OUTPUT«Method 'readline' not found for invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in method get at src/gen/CORE.setting:4681␤ in sub coro at src/gen/CORE.setting:3732␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3702␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3506␤ in method reify at src/gen…
masak I think this should work, too.
jnthn b: .say for "README".IO.lines
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Method 'eof' not found for invocant of class ''␤ in 'IO::eof' at line 5675:src/gen/core.pm␤ in <anon> at line 5691:src/gen/core.pm␤ in main program body at line 1:src/metamodel/RoleToInstanceApplier.nqp␤» 20:55
masak /o\
diakopter wow
masak screw this, I'm learning Python instead.
:P 20:56
ha! That's like straight from my fortunes file!
tadzik masak: gist.github.com/1198940 20:57
masak I swear I didn't know about that quote
at least not consciously ;)
tadzik (: 20:58
masak anyway, I hear Python 3k is great, and only was 8 years in the making.
flussence those print() parentheses were crafted out of pure unobtanium! 20:59
tadzik Python 3 to Python 2 is like Perl 5.12 to Perl 5.10, no?
Woodi hi #perl6
dalek ast: 0ae420b | moritz++ | S32-str/lines.t:
test Str.lines(limit), lines(Str)
tadzik hi Woodi
PerlJam hello Woodi
dalek kudo/nom: fe590ef | moritz++ | src/core/Str.pm:
implement $limit in Str.lines
Woodi ii cannot sleep tonight and decided to put online "collection" of "text"s :) 21:00
flussence tadzik: I guess so. The major version increment is there because they changed the syntax of some fairly fundamental things, and There's Only One Way To Do It
tadzik yeah 21:00
Woodi i think such colection can be idea for blogs to get more new users... 21:01
Woodi i mean, especially part new-features-in-p6... 21:01
masak yo Woodi
Woodi its at github.com/slunski/CrazyP6/ , pls not ban me.... 21:02
Woodi just idea, becouse, it's possible, you look on this from close distance... 21:03
masak we don't usually ban people.
Woodi i strongly hope... 21:04
tadzik we should have a wiki page with those
masak it's a bit hard to read in its current form because some of the lines are very long. 21:05
flussence masak: click the "raw" link, it wraps better there :)
Woodi i rather think about that all as sensation not something faq :)
im2ee Ehh.. Im ill. Good night! Dobranoc :) 21:06
tadzik dobranoc im2ee
Woodi it's just copy-paste...
czesc :)(
ok, i will go now too. i will try to repair redability. gn 21:07
tadzik gn Woodi 21:08
diakopter moritz: your irclog is hanging for me 21:15
as of 4 minutes ago 21:16
flussence hm, same
diakopter oo now it's back 21:17
.oO( I get the somewhat dubious honour of having the last word in a file named "CrazyP6"... )
tadzik (: 21:22
moritz diakopter: seems to work again here... for you too? 21:24
flussence moritz: works alright now. Seems like the HTTP server went to sleep, it was getting to the "waiting for response" part 21:28
moritz doesn't like that, but finds it much less disturbing than hanging logging bots 21:29
diakopter moritz: which web server is it 21:34
masak 'night, #perl6
diakopter n
moritz diakopter: mine
moritz -> sleep 21:34
diakopter moritz: I mean, which software
moritz diakopter: apache2
pmichaud comments on my performance today in #parrotsketch and #parrot extremely welcome. email or /msg if you don't want your comments to be public 23:31
felher pmichaud: i know very little about parrot so i guess i won't be of any help on that matter. I would like to read what you've written (for the sake of learning), though, if there is a public log? 23:45
pmichaud: oh, seems like there is the same log available as there is for #perl6. So never mind my question. :) 23:46
cotto_work yup. moritz++ does a nice job with that 23:48
felher yeah, moritz++ indeed. 23:51