»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
Timbus nom: say ?(one(0,0) == 0) 00:00
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
Timbus nom: say ?(one(0,0) != 0)
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
Timbus and this is the correct answer?
00:00 colomon joined
Radvendii yes 00:03
because one(0,0) == 0 means one(0==0,0==0)
and one(0,0) != 0 means one(0!=0,0!=0) 00:04
both evaluate to false
it's one of those things to watch out for, that 0 != 0^0 is not the same as !(0==0^0) 00:05
Timbus i guess i was getting hung up more on the contrived construct more than anything. im sure theres a more likely case where its a problem 00:09
[Coke] "I know, I'll use Junctions!"
Radvendii [Coke]: are you saying that about yourself, or quoting it... 00:10
Timbus if you have a problem and think, 'hey maybe i should use threads', you now have two problems. if you have a problem and think 'hey maybe i should use junctions', you now have 1|2 problems 00:11
Radvendii nice
nom: 5 «,» () # this dies rather ungracefully 00:13
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
Radvendii why not just return an empty list? 00:14
Timbus technically didn't die :v
Radvendii :P even less graceful
nom: say 5 Z, () 00:16
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«␤»
Radvendii oh, because 5 «,» () tries to repeat () until it has one element in it 00:17
which it never will
nom: say ("ab" | "a").chars 00:19
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«any(2, 1)␤»
Radvendii sweet
00:20 PacoAir left
Radvendii niecza: say ?(0^0 !== 0) 00:23
p6eval niecza v13-352-g6694950: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
00:36 Chillance left
Radvendii nom: say (<a b c> Z... <d e f>)[0] 00:36
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«a␤»
Radvendii nom: .say for (<a b c> Z... <d e f>) 00:37
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«a␤b␤c␤d␤b␤c␤d␤e␤c␤d␤e␤f␤»
Radvendii it doesn't split them into separate sublists...
00:40 lestrrat left
colomon std: .say for (<a b c> Z... <d e f>) 00:40
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 110m␤»
00:40 lestrrat joined
Radvendii niecza: .say for (<a b c> Z... <d e f>) 00:43
p6eval niecza v13-352-g6694950: OUTPUT«a␤b␤c␤d␤b␤c␤d␤e␤c␤d␤e␤f␤»
Radvendii &[Z...]([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) 00:44
nom: say &[Z...]([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &infix:<Z...>␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/jUeKFWcjAl:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/jUeKFWcjAl:1␤» 00:45
Radvendii nom: say &[Z](&[...],[1,2,3],[4,5,6])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«infix:<...> 1 4␤»
Radvendii nom: say &[Z]...([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
Radvendii nom: say &[Z[...]]([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &infix:<Z[...]>␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/7Bd803C0rz:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/7Bd803C0rz:1␤»
Radvendii nom: say &[Z&[...]]([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) 00:46
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse variable, couldn't find final ']' at line 2␤»
timotimo can i do anything with Mu?
Radvendii nom: say &[«,»]([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &infix:<«,»>␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/xfzE538N2Q:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/xfzE538N2Q:1␤»
Radvendii timotimo: what do you mean "do anything with"?
is there any way to use meta-ops as prefixes? 00:47
timotimo Radvendii: i dunno. call it, instantiate it, derive from it, use it as a role, i have no idea. i don't even know what it is 00:54
00:55 molaf_ joined 00:58 molaf left 01:02 pmurias left
sorear good * #perl6 01:06
timotimo what's the difference between /foo|bar/ and /foo||bar/? 01:07
sorear none 01:09
Radvendii timotimo: @your earlier question, Mu is a class, from which everything else comes. so an Int is also a Mu, as is a Junction 01:10
nom: my $i; say $i.WHAT
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
Radvendii hm... 01:11
nom: my $i = 'a' | 'b'; say $i.WHAT
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Junction()␤»
01:11 lichtkind left
timotimo :) 01:13
i'm kind of missing the simple introspection that i'm used to from python. is there some equivalent to the help function or dir function that list all methods of an object? 01:14
sorear nom: say 5.^methods 01:15
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Int Num Rat abs Bridge chr succ pred sqrt base floor round ceiling WHICH perl Bool Str Rat abs sign conjugate sqrt sin asin cos acos tan atan atan2 sec asec cosec acosec cotan acotan sinh asinh cosh acosh tanh atanh sech asech cosech acosech cotanh acotanh floor ceili…
timotimo any way to get at the documentation? i hear POD is pretty awesome, so it would be sensible to be able to introspect it? 01:16
or maybe i'm just too spoiled by pythons docstrings ;) 01:19
01:21 bkolera left
sorear you can introspect POD 01:21
I don't think there's any POD in the setting though
timotimo "setting"? 01:22
bbl 01:24
dalek ecza: 931be35 | sorear++ | src/ (2 files):
Import latest STD changes, various tweaks to make my \term:<∞> work...
ecza: dceb6f3 | sorear++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Consistantly use \: in setting
01:27 arlinius left 01:29 replore joined 01:31 benabik joined 01:33 arlinius joined 01:36 bkolera joined 01:38 tokuhirom left, rjbs left, tokuhirom joined 01:40 replore left 01:42 tokuhirom left
Radvendii timotimo: yo 01:43
sorear pmichaud: ping 01:45
[Coke] aloha: seen pmichaud? 01:46
aloha [Coke]: pmichaud was last seen in #perl6 5 hours 18 mins ago saying "afk again for a while... probably won't be back until tomorrow morning".
sorear mm 01:47
sorear makes ffffy noises because :D in signatures is broken *again*
01:47 whiteknight joined
Radvendii aloha: seen [Coke]? 01:53
aloha Radvendii: [Coke] was last seen in #perl6 6 mins 30 seconds ago saying "seen pmichaud?".
Radvendii woah...
that's crazy
sorear what is?
Radvendii is that available on all channels?
sorear no
Radvendii aww...
what else does aloha do? 01:54
aloha: help
aloha Radvendii: Ask me for help about: seen, karma (say 'help <modulename>').
Radvendii aloha: help panda
aloha Radvendii: I don't know anything about 'panda'.
sorear aloha's original reason was so that bacek could tab-complete his normal greeting
Radvendii haha 01:55
really? :P
sorear "panda" wasn't even on the list
Radvendii aloha: help niecza
aloha Radvendii: I don't know anything about 'niecza'.
sorear what makes you think 'help niecza' will do anything?
Radvendii aloha: help karma
aloha Radvendii: Gives karma for or against a particular thing. Usage: <thing>++ # comment, <thing>-- # comment, karma <thing>, explain <thing>.
Radvendii i dont know... we're on the perl6 channel...
sorear 17:54 < aloha> Radvendii: Ask me for help about: seen, karma (say 'help <modulename>'). 01:56
Radvendii o-oh
i get it now
wait, so karma doesn't work on all channels? i thought it was an IRC thing... 01:57
[Coke] no, you need a bot to track it.
Radvendii question: How does one apply a meta-operator on a list of two arguments? 01:58
besides doing @a[0] op @a[1]
sorear Radvendii: what do you mean by a "meta-operator"? 01:59
I think you may have a term wrong - meta-operators cannot be applied to arguments
[Coke] [op] @a ?
sorear meta-operators, like »«, can only be applied to other operators
[Coke] my @a = 1,2,3; say [+] @a;
Radvendii nom: say &[Z~]([<a b>],[<c d>])
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Could not find sub &infix:<Z~>␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/H6G_tnuq2n:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/H6G_tnuq2n:1␤»
Radvendii nom: say [Z~]([<a b>],[<c d>]) 02:00
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«ac bd␤»
Radvendii oh
i see
that makes sense
dalek ecza: 253de26 | sorear++ | src/NieczaActions.pm6:
Fix :D ...again
timotimo sorear: what's "the setting"? (re: POD introspection) 02:11
flussence the setting is all the code (default subs etc.) that gets loaded before your script does 02:13
02:17 tarski left
timotimo ah, like what is called Prelude in haskell? 02:20
sorear sort of, yes 02:41
02:42 abercrombie left 02:43 abercrombie joined 02:44 wolfman2000 joined 02:50 jaldhar joined
Radvendii is there a way to force @a Z... @b to return a list of lists, or a list of references to lists? 02:56
02:58 whiteknight left
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) Z (4,5,6)).map(&[...]) 02:59
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'infix:<...>'. Available candidates are:␤:(Any $a, Any $b)␤␤ in sub infix:<...> at src/gen/CORE.setting:8861␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4471␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:4376␤ in method re…
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) Z (4,5,6)).map: {[...]@$_}
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'infix:<...>'. Available candidates are:␤:(Any $a, Any $b)␤␤ in sub infix:<...> at src/gen/CORE.setting:8861␤ in sub <anon> at src/gen/CORE.setting:9023␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/6hz8tkEA0X:1␤ in method reify at src…
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) Z (4,5,6)).map: {$_[0] [...] $_[1]} 03:00
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«No applicable candidates found to dispatch to for 'Numeric'. Available candidates are:␤:(Mu:U \$v, Mu %_!)␤␤ in method Numeric at src/gen/CORE.setting:649␤ in sub infix:<==> at src/gen/CORE.setting:2276␤ in sub infix:<cmp> at src/gen/CORE.setting:1218␤ in sub coro…
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) Z (4,5,6)).map: {.say}
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1␤4␤2␤5␤3␤6␤True True True True True True␤»
Radvendii oh. so Z in general flattens the lists... 03:01
nom: say ((1,2,3) »,« (4,5,6)).map: {.say} 03:02
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1␤4␤2␤5␤3␤6␤True True True True True True␤»
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) »,« (4,5,6)) 03:03
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 4 2 5 3 6␤»
Radvendii nom: say ((1,2,3) »,« (4,5,6)).perl
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)).list␤»
03:03 arlinius left
Radvendii so why doesn't .map loop over the first order list 03:04
timotimo nom: say ((1, 2, 3),) >>,<< ((4, 5, 6),) 03:05
like that?
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 4 2 5 3 6␤»
Radvendii cocks an eyebrow 03:06
as in, why, when i do @multidimensionallist.map: {.say} does it ignore the multi-dimensionality 03:07
nom: (((1,2,3), ) »,« ((4,5,6), )).perl
p6eval nom f9d635: ( no output )
timotimo hm, automatic flattening?
Radvendii yeah, that's what i thought. but it's kind of silly 03:08
timotimo mhm
Radvendii for (<a b c>,<d e f>) {.say}
nom: for (<a b c>,<d e f>) {.say} 03:09
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«a␤b␤c␤d␤e␤f␤»
Radvendii nom: for (<a b c>,<d e f>).list {.say}
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«a␤b␤c␤d␤e␤f␤»
timotimo ah
i think i might see what the problem is
when you say a multidim list, it will be flattened
Radvendii yeah?
what do you mean? 03:10
timotimo nom: say ([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] >>,<< [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]]).perl
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«([1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7], [4, 7, 5, 8, 6, 9]).list␤»
Radvendii right. i know one can do it with references
the problem is that @a Z @b returns something of the form ((a,b),(a,b)(a,b))
nom: say ((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6)).perl 03:11
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«(1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6).list␤»
Radvendii and Z... flattens it already
timotimo nom: say ([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Z [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]]).perl
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«(([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list␤» 03:12
[Coke] b: say 19409-19357; # 01/25/2012 - niecza at 100.26%
timotimo i'm confused
p6eval b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«52␤»
Radvendii oh yeah
that is confusing
[Coke] niecza has 20 new failures
Radvendii :-(
timotimo well, i don't know exactly what you want to end up with, also i just started with perl6 today :)
Radvendii oh, congratz! 03:13
welcome to the club
it's lots of fun
timotimo hah, i can see how much fun you're having :))
03:13 am0c joined
Radvendii :P 03:13
at times it can be frustrating that things are NYI (not yet implimented), but overall it's a great language
nom: (([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list 03:16
p6eval nom f9d635: ( no output )
Radvendii nom: say (([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 2 3 9 8 7 4 5 6 7 8 9␤»
Radvendii nom: say (([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list.perl
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«(([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list␤»
Radvendii nom: say (([1, 2, 3], [9, 8, 7]), ([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9])).list.map: {.say}
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤9 8 7␤4 5 6␤7 8 9␤True True True True␤»
Radvendii grrr
stupid flattening
nom: say ([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] Z [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]]).map: {.say} 03:17
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤9 8 7␤4 5 6␤7 8 9␤True True True True␤»
Radvendii WHAT??
didn't see the Zip :P
sorear [Coke]: last time you posted a test_summary log, I was able to find the failing tests by grepping it for 'not ok' 03:18
Radvendii nom: say ([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]]).map: {.say}
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 2 3 4 5 6␤9 8 7 7 8 9␤True True␤»
Radvendii that's what it should be doing...
nom: say ([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]]).perl 03:19
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[9, 8, 7], [7, 8, 9]])␤»
[Coke] updated feather.perl6.nl/~coke
Radvendii it's just the Zip operator that's flattening lists
[Coke] S02-types/bag.t, S04-declarations/state.niecza
sorear wonders when it would be appropriate to update roast to use foo and |foo 03:21
03:26 raiph joined, orafu left
Radvendii std: [«,»]((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6)) 03:26
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 111m␤»
Radvendii nom: [«,»]((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6))
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter '$op'; expected Any but got Mu instead␤ in sub METAOP_REDUCE at src/gen/CORE.setting:9009␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/abwdNl2Tc3:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/abwdNl2Tc3:1␤»
Radvendii i dont see the problem... 03:27
03:28 orafu joined
Radvendii std: [Z,]((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6)) 03:28
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 111m␤»
Radvendii nom: [Z,]((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6))
p6eval nom f9d635: ( no output )
Radvendii nom: say [Z,]((1,2,3) Z... (4,5,6))
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«1 6␤»
raiph hi. i'm reading perl6/book; "Perl is community (perl5-porters, perl6-language)"; suggest s/perl6-language/#perl6/; maybe it's time for me to learn to use github 03:29
Radvendii bye guys, I might be back later tonight or tomorrow 03:30
colomon o/
Radvendii o/
03:30 Radvendii left
[Coke] raiph: perl6-language is the mailing list. 03:31
[email@hidden.address] 03:32
03:38 Psyche^ joined 03:39 zamolxes joined 03:42 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
sorear o/ colomon 03:46
colomon \o
how's it going?
sorear ok 03:47
raiph [Coke]: right, but it doesn't seem to represent the community near as much as #perl6
sorear [Coke] says that bag.t is failing all over
colomon really? it's fine here.
colomon just did a spec test, failures are in lexical-array-in-inner-block.t, error-reporting.t, env.t, and state.t 03:48
sorear I'm looking at the state.t failures now 03:49
the others passed for [Coke]
see feather.perl6.nl/~coke/niecza_summary.out 03:50
colomon hmmm.... my fudges aren't there in roast 03:51
dalek ast: de474dc | (Solomon Foster)++ | S (4 files):
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/roast
colomon huh. don't know what's up with that being the only commit announced, but that got my fudging in there. 03:53
[Coke]: apologies for the slip-up. that's what I get for trying to do a quick patch before my whistle lesson. :) 03:54
sorear Whistle lesson?
Util nom: say ((1,2,3) Z (4,5,6)).map({[$^x, $^y]}).perl;
p6eval nom f9d635: OUTPUT«([1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]).list␤»
Util Radvendii: Is that what you were trying to do? 03:55
sorear niecza: my ($x = 5) 03:56
p6eval niecza v13-356-g253de26: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ $x is declared but not used at /tmp/QhOhrGz9QM line 1:␤------> my ⏏($x = 5)␤␤»
sorear niecza: my ($x = 5); say $x
p6eval niecza v13-356-g253de26: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
colomon sorear: I skype with Gerry Strong from Newfoundland and pick up a couple of tunes from him once a month or so. personainternet.com/gstrong/
03:59 birdwindupbird joined
colomon 'night 03:59
sorear 'night 04:01
[Coke] colomon: no worries, we' 04:03
'll get them back in tomorrow's ru.
dalek ecza: 9374d97 | sorear++ | src/STD.pm6:
Allow whitespace before state-variable initializers
sorear phenny: tell TimToady RFC on github.com/sorear/niecza/commit/9374d970bf
phenny sorear: I'll pass that on when TimToady is around.
04:09 lutok left
sorear [Coke]: I have a plan for WHICH/ObjAt now but it's enough different from Rakudo's ObjAt that you won't be able to just copy Temporal.WHICH 04:42
05:08 kcwu left 05:10 s1n left 05:13 kcwu joined 05:14 Khisanth left 05:34 Khisanth joined 05:37 koban joined, koban left
moritz \o 06:01
phenny moritz: 25 Jan 22:48Z <jnthn> tell moritz Things that use $*W.throw(...) (e.g. sub foo($x! = 42) { }) gives an error in -e or when run in a file, but the error is never shown in the REPL - it seems to swallow them.
moritz that's nasty :/ 06:02
06:09 birdwindupbird left 06:20 lestrrat left 06:21 lestrrat joined
moritz ah, i might have an idea what's going on 06:31
nqp's REPL method just prints ~$! 06:33
but rakudo "hides" the error message in $!<payload>.message 06:35
06:35 autark left 07:01 wtw joined 07:08 am0c left 07:18 lutok joined 07:23 benabik left 07:24 benabik joined
dalek kudo/nom: 2e1c5d1 | moritz++ | src/core/Exception.pm:
fix printing of typed exceptions in the REPL
kudo/nom: 88c330c | moritz++ | src/ (2 files):
throw X::Syntax::Name::NotNull from Grammar.pm
ast: 03faea7 | moritz++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t:
moritz commute & 07:33
07:52 am0c^ joined 07:57 mj41 joined 08:05 nornagest left
moritz jnthn: fixed exception printing in the REPL, and made rakudo exceptions a bit more friendly for HLL interop 08:06
nom: class A { has Int $.id; }; class B is A { submethod BUILD ( :$!id = 10 ) { } }; B.new
p6eval nom 88c330: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Attribute $!id not declared in class B␤at /tmp/rWRXNc46HN:1␤»
08:19 Trashlord left 08:23 baest_ is now known as baest 08:36 drbean left 08:38 drbean joined 09:09 baest left 09:12 am0c^ left
jnthn morning, #perl6 09:16
09:17 dakkar joined 09:18 baest joined
jnthn sorear: (update spectest for \ and | changes) I don't plan to leave it much longer before getting them in to Rakudo. Probably will have tuits at le weekend. 09:21
09:22 GlitchMr joined 09:26 robinsmidsrod left 09:32 robinsmidsrod joined 09:34 robinsmidsrod left 09:35 kshannon left, robinsmidsrod joined 09:36 kshannon joined
moritz nqp: my %h; %h<a> := 'a'; %h<b> := 'x'; for %h -> $x { $x.value := nqp::uc($x.value) }; say %h<a> 09:47
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«rtype not set␤current instr.: 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;panic' pc 154 (compilers/pct/src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:111)␤»
moritz nqp: my %h; %h<a> := 'a'; %h<b> := 'x'; for %h -> $x { %h{$x.key} := nqp::uc($x.value) }; say(%h<a>)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«A␤»
09:48 bacek joined, grondilu joined
grondilu With rakudo I tried to create a module in ~/.perl6/lib, I run "use MyModule;" with no error, but then when I call a function MyModule::foo, I get a "could not find symbol MyModule::&foo". ?? 09:50
jnthn grondilu: subs are lexically scoped by default
moritz grondilu: did you write 'our sub foo'? 09:51
grondilu I tried 'our sub ...' with same result
jnthn grondilu: You need to explicitly label it "our sub ..." for that to work. Just just add "is export" to export it.
grondilu: I assume your module has a declaration "module MyModule;" at the top or some such?
moritz grondilu: did you put it into a module MyModule { .. }?
grondilu I don't want to export it
hang on
moritz jnthn: it seems we have the same ideas nearly at the same time 09:52
grondilu pastebin.com/rJRey0pn is my Foo test module
moritz uhm, did you check that paste URL?
grondilu no
moritz it wants a captcha
grondilu hang on again
09:53 raiph left
jnthn moritz: Are you thinking of having bacon for lunch also? ;) 09:53
grondilu s0.barwen.ch/~grondilu/Foo.pm6
moritz jnthn: I'm going to some canteen, so I don't have much choice
grondilu It's really basic: just module Foo; sub talk { say "hi" } 09:54
s/sub /our sub/ 09:55
jnthn moritz: Heh...seems out sharedthought just extends to Perl 6 things then :)
grondilu so?
jnthn > use Foo; Foo::talk()
Hm, works here. 09:56
grondilu oh indeed
jnthn grondilu: I'd ask what Rakudo version you're using but...
moritz works here too
jnthn ...I can't imagine one in a while where this didn't work. :) But may as wel ask.
grondilu but why does it work only when the call is on the same line???
moritz grondilu: are you in the REPL? 09:57
grondilu doesn't know what REPL is
jnthn oh, I see
moritz the interactive Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop
grondilu yes
jnthn moritz: If you do "use Foo" then hit enter then "Foo::talk()" then it is fail.
grondilu is using "This is perl6 version 2012.01-24-g27a5dd3 built on parrot 3.11.0 revision RELEASE_3_11_0" 09:58
this is a bug, right?
moritz grondilu: it's worth mentioning that in error reports, since the interactive env is less reliable then the "normal" compiler
grondilu ok
jnthn grondilu: Yes. It's specific to the interactive mode, it seems.
moritz jnthn: new GLOBAL for each line?
jnthn moritz: Yeah, precisely. I fixed eval to share the caller's GLOBAL recently, but guess the REPL needs fixing too. 09:59
grondilu anyway I'll try to rely less on the REPL from now on. Thanks.
rakudo: my int $n = 0; 10:01
p6eval rakudo 88c330: ( no output )
grondilu rakudo: say my int $n = 0;
p6eval rakudo 88c330: OUTPUT«0␤»
grondilu this was an other thing that didn't work with REPL (native ints) 10:02
moritz I know; there's a ticket for that
grondilu ok
is there an equivalent to 'pack' with perl6 ? 10:03
moritz not yet; masak++ is occasionally working on that
grondilu ok, I'll wait
jnthn heh, masak++ is about to arrive at my place. I'll harrass him about it :D 10:04
moritz nom: try eval 'class A { }; subset A of Str where *;'; say $!.WHAT
p6eval nom 88c330: OUTPUT«Exception()␤»
moritz nom: try eval 'class A { }; class A { }'; say $!.WHAT 10:05
p6eval nom 88c330: OUTPUT«Exception()␤»
moritz nom: try eval 'sub A { }; sub A { }'; say $!.WHAT
p6eval nom 88c330: OUTPUT«X::Redeclaration()␤»
grondilu gotta go, keep on the good work guys :)
10:05 grondilu left
moritz that's kind of a problem for testing 10:05
it'd be nice to have tests for those that are different codepaths
but that's compiler dependent, of course
jnthn moritz: Earlier you added X::Syntax::Name::NotNull. But the problem is that the name *is* Null, not that it's not null :) 10:06
Wondering if just X::Syntax::Name::Null works better. 10:07
moritz jnthn: I noticed that I have some inconsistency in the naming, sometimes the error class describes the error, and sometimes how it should be instead
jnthn moritz: Yeah. I think I prefer describing the error.
moritz I should probably stick to the first class
std: subset A; 10:09
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 107m␤»
10:12 fasad joined
dalek kudo/nom: 16f7623 | moritz++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
more typed redeclaration errors
fasad i really like the "loop" keyword, does exactly what i mean, OTOH "last" it has potential for confusion, why was it chosen? (see strangelyconsistent.org/blog/june-4-2011-loops , masak needs to clear the confusion) 10:18
moritz it makes the current iteration the last one
10:19 tokuhirom joined
fasad no it does not make the current iteration the last one, i quote from the same page "it doesn't just mean "after we're finished with this round of the loop, we won't do any more". It really means "stop doing the loop right now, and continue after it"" 10:20
btw, it's the last but one paragraph 10:24
masak fasad: yes, it's confusing in that way. 10:30
fasad: that's why I felt the need to clarify it :) 10:31
jnthn Maybe we should call it "gtfo"
masak fasad: it helps knowing that all of those, next/redo/last, are immediate in effect.
fasad: if you want some delayed effect, you're really looking for a phaser, like END or LAST.
fasad masak: "break" from C is unambiguous (?) 10:36
one can even think of it as break(out of the loop)
10:36 abercrombie left
masak fasad: there's a reason next/redo/last are all 4 letters long. 10:41
('cus they're swearwords) :P
it's because they line up nicely, and they're supposed to be short. 10:42
break in C does too many things. in Perl 6 parlance, it does both "last" and "succeed".
10:43 daxim joined
masak ("succeed" takes you out of a "when" block, Perl 6's variant of a "case" statement) 10:45
dalek kudo/nom: 569f9d0 | moritz++ | src/ (3 files):
rename exception classes

  jnthn++ noted some inconsistency. Now all the names describe the error condition (and not some how it should be)
ast: 4aeddd7 | moritz++ | S06-signature/errors.t:
test for RT #109064
ast: a97dc2a | moritz++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t:
track change of error class names; add some more redeclaration tests
11:04 Trashlord joined
masak fasad: I'm happy to hear you're reading the tutorial. let me know if other questions arise -- I'll gladly provide fixes/explanations. 11:05
11:20 tokuhirom left, tokuhirom joined 11:24 tokuhirom left
moritz nom: say pir::perl6ize_type__PP(pir::set__PS('foo')) 11:26
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in set_string_native()␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/Mr4vzV41YS:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/Mr4vzV41YS:1␤»
moritz nom: say pir::perl6ize_type__PP(Q:PIR { $S0 = 'foo'␤%r = box $s␤}) 11:27
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context␤use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context␤===SORRY!===␤error:imcc:'$s' is not a valid register name␤ in file '(file unknown)' line 39839790␤»
moritz nom: say pir::perl6ize_type__PP(Q:PIR { $S0 = 'foo'␤%r = box $S0␤}) 11:28
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«foo␤»
11:29 mj41 left
jnthn moritz: pir::box__Ps('foo') # btw 11:32
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moritz nqp: my $a; my $b; $a := nqp::isnull($b) ?? 'foo' !! 'bar; say($a) 12:34
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 1, near "$a := nqp:"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 23433 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:6734) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:329)␤»
moritz nqp: my $a; my $b; $a := nqp::isnull($b) ?? 'foo' !! 'bar'; say($a)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«bar␤»
moritz locally I'm trying to do all the boxing to p6 types in method throw 12:35
so that I don't have to clutter up actions.pm and grammar.pm with the boxing
now curiously, all the tests passed, but when I tried if some exceptions where still printed correctly, I got "Cannot assign a non-Perl 6 value to a Perl 6 container" 12:36
the backtrace indicating that it came from $ex.new call inside throw 12:37
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $.name is rw; method create( Str $name ){ return self.new(:name($name)); } }
p6eval nom 569f9d: ( no output )
moritz and it drove me mad; why do the tests still pass?
then I noticed that when running from a file, I don't get an error. Running anything from -e failed
(I mean, running from a file I got those error messages that I expected) 12:38
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $.name is rw; method create( Str $name ){ return self.new(:name($name)); } } my $abc = Abc.create('abc'); say $abc.name;
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "class Abc "␤»
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $.name is rw; method create( Str $name ){ return self.new(:name($name)); } } ; my $abc = Abc.create('abc'); say $abc.name;
moritz which mostly solves the mystery: I have probably messed up boxing the file name
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«abc␤»
moritz I can't see where i messed it up, but at least it's a lead
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $!test is rw = 'test'; method new { callsame; say $!test; } } Abc.new; 12:52
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 1, near "class Abc "␤»
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $!test is rw = 'test'; method new { callsame; say $!test; } }; Abc.new;
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«Cannot look up attributes in a type object␤ in method new at /tmp/rXxLeaVaDu:1␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/rXxLeaVaDu:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/rXxLeaVaDu:1␤»
fsergot nom: class Abc { has $!test is rw = 'test'; method new { callsame; say $self!test; } }; Abc.new; 12:53
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $self is not predeclared at line 1, near "!test; } }"␤»
fsergot How to use private variable in methods? :) 12:54
tadzik new may be too early
nom: class A { has $!a = "foo"; method b { $!a } }; A.new.b.say 12:55
p6eval nom 569f9d: OUTPUT«foo␤»
masak fsergot: method m { $!p }
fsergot Even if it has 'default' value?
masak what does that have to do with anything? 12:56
tadzik fsergot: what are you trying to do? 12:57
fsergot I want to make dir (using makedir() ) after. new.. And make thir dir in $!path. :) 12:59
12:59 jevenus joined
tadzik ah, my favourite "do something after new" problem :) 13:01
masak usually goes in BUILD, no?
fsergot :)
13:01 jevenus left
tadzik shh, or TimToady will shoult 13:01
I guess write your own new(), which does bless() and then do stuff 13:02
moritz well, BUILD does work
13:03 bluescreen10 joined
fsergot gist.github.com/1682667 13:03
What is the easiest way to solve this? :) 13:04
masak tadzik: the only thing TimToady doesn't want to do is repeat the error of Moose in that regard. 13:05
fsergot Line 10 is problematic. :) 13:06
13:07 bacek left 13:38 shinobicl_ joined
PerlJam greetings! 13:49
flussence speaking of Moose, yesterday I found out about its BUILDARGS method, which probably would've fixed that problem I had with a lack of simple way to have new() take positional args.
13:58 Trashlord joined
cosimo masak: what's the problem with that? excuse my ignorance 14:06
masak cosimo: I don't quite remember; I confess to not having grokked this issue 100% 14:07
TimToady usually talks about performance with this, though.
cosimo: I bet you'll find loads if you grep for tadzik/BUILD in the IR clogs.
14:10 raiph joined 14:11 benabik left
raiph hi. next/redo/last. the ambiguity of last has tricked me too. next/redo/done would wfm. 14:15
PerlJam raiph: what abiguity? 14:16
raiph PerlJam: s/ambiguity/misguidance/
PerlJam: last suggests your in the last time around the loop, but it really means done, now 14:17
PerlJam raiph: Ah, I see.
I guess I'm just too used to Perl to notice that sublty
raiph it made me wonder once. i noticed fasad's comment earlier 14:19
.oO( whee, I just got Devel::Dwarn to hang on 5.14 and segfault on 5.12 at $dayjob... )
14:20 mj41 left
raiph in www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2011/08/ chromatic mentions "my list of requirements to use Rakudo for practical purposes" 14:20
links it to ttjjss.wordpress.com/2011/08/24/wha...comment-92 14:21
is Rakudo Star meant to meet those requirements? 14:22
PerlJam raiph: not quite. 14:23
flussence (that Str.indent I wrote for rakudo-b seems to have passed all those tests :)
raiph PerlJam: is it meant to fully meet some of them, but not others? or not quite match up to any of them? or...? 14:24
PerlJam raiph: it is and it isn't. R* is just meant to be something useful enough that people will use it, that it happens to meet any of chromatic's "requirements" is somewhat happenstance.
flussence perl6: say " a\n b\n c".indent(*).perl 14:25
raiph PerlJam: so no commitments, might happen if all goes well from one R* to next?
p6eval pugs b927740: OUTPUT«*** No such method in class Str: "&indent"␤ at /tmp/gJhsd5NP1y line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤»
..niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«"a\n b\n c"␤»
..rakudo 569f9d: OUTPUT«Method 'indent' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/dEh5o0I7qf:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/dEh5o0I7qf:1␤»
14:25 tokuhirom joined
PerlJam raiph: something like that. 14:25
raiph PerlJam: thanks. that's what i thought. (perlmonks.org/?node_id=950041) 14:26
PerlJam raiph: once R* has been vetted a little bit (there have been several releases and we've gotten some feedback about the pain points) chromatic's requirements will fall out naturally I think. 14:28
[Coke] It's not like chromatic hangs out on channel or list to provide feedback on these things. 14:29
PerlJam raiph: blah ... now you've got me looking at perlmonks again 14:32
raiph PerlJam: sorry. it and i got ugly. 14:34
14:34 packetknife joined
PerlJam I can see that. 14:34
14:34 packetknife left, mj41 joined
PerlJam I used to think that chromatic was chaotic-good or maybe chaotic-neutral, but now I'm not so sure anymore. 14:35
raiph i wondered if r* could/should/would consider what it would take to meet chaotic-bad chromatic on some level 14:37
or rather, find the good bits among the bad moments 14:38
14:38 jaldhar left
PerlJam chromatic says regarding speed optimizations, "Yes, and several of them I identified years ago. A few of them I volunteered to fix ages ago too, but they turned me down." 14:42
Does anyone know to what he is referring?
(me take is that chromatic is conflating Rakudo and Parrot because I don't recall any such discussion wrt Rakudo, but I do remember some wrt Parrot) 14:43
14:48 PacoAir joined
raiph that's what i think he meant. i think he thinks changes like 6model were a mistake, an avoidable disastrous delay 14:50
PerlJam raiph: only if we're omniscient or have perfect knowledge. 14:51
jnthn Well, yeah, you can always avoid solving the real problems. :) 14:53
I don't think one has to be omniscient to know that ignoring deep issues will end nowhere good, though.
raiph jnthn: right. Whiteknight, current Parrot lead dev: "6model is far superior to what Parrot provides now" 14:57
[Coke] eh. parrot has had a LOT of sunk costs. I think rakudo is going forward just fine with what parrot is providing now. 14:59
jnthn If us Rakudo devs had perfect knowledge we'd have known to build 6model a couple of years before we did, known to factor the compiler as Grammar/Actions/World instead of just Grammar/Actions, and known which Parrot primitives were badly mis-matched and not even tried to build things on them in the first place, and known what better ones should replace them. I, for one, have far from perfect knowledge though.
15:04 rsimoes left 15:05 fsergot left
raiph jnthn: right. action is art, knowledge science. 15:06
the science bit is that you can absolutely know if something's wrong, but not if it's right
the art bit is you can know you've got to act to tear out mistakes, but not that anything you're currently doing may turn out to be a mistake 15:07
15:07 tokuhirom left
raiph er. i know what i meant. ;) anyway, thanks for your explanations. bas. 15:12
jnthn :) 15:15
Time for $dayjob evening event, back in a few hours & 15:17
15:21 fasad joined 15:26 wtw left
dalek kudo/nom: 052cc6a | moritz++ | src/Perl6/ (3 files):
moving boxing of error arguments to Perl6::World

previously they were scattered all over Actions.pm and Grammar.pm, and annoyed me to no end. Now it happens centrally
No visible functional changes.
15:38 shinobicl_ left 15:40 fsergot joined
pmichaud good morning, #perl6 15:44
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moritz good am, pm 15:45
nom: /<foo: 'positional', key => 'value'>/
p6eval nom 569f9d: ( no output )
moritz nqp: /<foo: 'positional', key => 'value'>/
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«regex assertion not terminated by angle bracket at line 1, near ", key => '"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 23433 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:6734) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:329)␤»
moritz nqp: /<foo: 'positional', :key('value')/
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«regex assertion not terminated by angle bracket at line 1, near ", :key('va"␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 23433 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:6734) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:329)␤»
moritz that is inconvenient 15:46
15:53 arlinius joined
PerlJam pmichaud: greets! 15:56
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pmichaud PerlJam: o/ 16:02
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fsergot how to check if file exists using .IO. ?::) 17:38
benabik 'file'.IO.e 17:39
I think there's another way, but I don't recall it.
PerlJam stat is still an option isn't it? 17:40
(I mean calling stat directly)
fsergot benabin++ thanks
17:45 bluescreen10 left
TimToady hello phenny 18:04
phenny Hey TimToady
TimToady: 04:06Z <sorear> tell TimToady RFC on github.com/sorear/niecza/commit/9374d970bf
TimToady sorear: initializers are already endsym<ws>
so the cleaner fix is to make dottyopish into a rule, I think 18:09
(well, if we actually followed current sigspace spec, many tokens could turn into rules
18:10 bluescreen10 joined 18:11 jaldhar joined 18:12 dakkar left
TimToady actually, dottyopish doens't need a fix either, it already works since the EXPR parsing the declarator/initializer will eat any final space 18:15
I fooled myself by testing with "my $x .= 42 ;" which failed with an LTA error 18:16
18:19 Trashlord joined 18:26 mj41 joined, Radvendii joined
Radvendii how does one report errors in perl6? $! seems to be lexically scoped 18:27
nom: sub err {$!="testing"}; err; say $!; 18:28
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
Radvendii nom: sub err {$!="testing"; say $!}; err; say $!;
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«testing␤Any()␤»
Radvendii mhmm
so what to do?
TimToady generally, use 'fail'
or 'die' if you are inclined to be violent
Radvendii nom: sub err {fail "testing";}; err; say $!; 18:29
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
doy global flags are a particularly bad way to report errors
benabik $! is connected to the exception system
Radvendii TimToady: what does 'fail' do?
benabik nom: sub err { fail "testing"; }; say err 18:30
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Failure.new(exception => Exception.new())␤»
TimToady returns an unthrown exception
benabik nom: sub err { fail "testing"; }; say ~err
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«testing␤ in method Str at src/gen/CORE.setting:7215␤ in method Stringy at src/gen/CORE.setting:678␤ in sub prefix:<~> at src/gen/CORE.setting:961␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/Gw4TU7S2td:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/Gw4TU7S2td:1␤»
TimToady which is supposed to get thrown if you ignore it
Radvendii doy: it's not really errors, so much as information i need outside as to why i returned false...
TimToady nom: sub err {fail "testing";}; err // die "Exception: $!"
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null regex not allowed at line 1, near " die \"Exce"␤»
doy Radvendii: global flags are a bad choice for that too
Radvendii can i return different things depending on the context i call it in? 18:31
TimToady nom: sub err {fail "testing";}; err() // die "Exception: $!"
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Exception: ␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/O9tenxTTgd:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/O9tenxTTgd:1␤»
TimToady that seems like a bug
Radvendii oh! 18:32
i now
i'll return "string blah blah" but False
TimToady I believe that would be classified as a hack :)
Radvendii wait... is that a good thing or a bad thing? 18:33
TimToady s/or/and/
Radvendii :P
how so?
doy it's good that you are able to do it, it's bad that you think you need to(:
Radvendii nom: say ?(True but False) #just curious... 18:34
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
TimToady and lying to other parts of your program is usually a code smell
Radvendii what do you mean lying?
if i call the function in string context, it'll return the string, and in Bool context, it'll return False 18:35
doy Radvendii: why are you not using exceptions?
Radvendii because it's not an error...
it's a method that returns whether a move is legal or not, and I want to also return _why_ the move wasn't legal 18:36
doy why not just do that then?
you're allowed to return multiple things from a function
Radvendii you are?
doesn't return exit the subroutine? 18:37
TimToady doy means you can return a list
doy yeah, that
TimToady return 1,2
Radvendii oh... but isn't this exactly what 'but' is for?
TimToady but is for lying
Radvendii how so...
TimToady it's a form of deceit 18:38
doy it makes things more confusing
Radvendii cocks an eyebrow
TimToady in general, mixins are kind of a bad idea if there's a better compile-time way to do the same thing 18:39
doy you have to know you're receiving this special thing that does different things in string and boolean context
TimToady fail is supposed to be able to return interesting values of undef
Radvendii right... just like you would have to know you're recieving a list that contains a boolean and a string...
doy and you end up making mistakes like "my $err = $ret; ... <somewhere later in the code>; if ($err) { print $err }" and then get confused as to why it doesn't work 18:40
TimToady the Failure type is already there to communicate failure plus why
doy you're breaking assumptions that people will be making without thinking about them
which is a useful thing to be able to do when necessary, but really should be avoided if not
18:40 pmurias joined
pmurias sorear: hi 18:40
Radvendii okay... 18:41
how do i handle the exception once it's thrown?
TimToady mixins are like eval or BEGIN that way; these are 'big cannons' that let you swat a fly with an asteroid
Radvendii (from 'fail')
TimToady fail doesn't throw; use die to force a throw 18:42
doy what's wrong with returning a list (or a Failure object)?
if it's not an error, those seem like better options
Radvendii i just do: Failure.new("err_message") ?
nom: say ~Failure.new("test") 18:43
TimToady you handle exceptions with try {...} or with a CATCH block
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Method 'throw' not found for invocant of class 'Str'␤ in method Str at src/gen/CORE.setting:7215␤ in method Stringy at src/gen/CORE.setting:678␤ in sub prefix:<~> at src/gen/CORE.setting:961␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/KpRLKU5fEC:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/KpRLKU5fEC:1␤»…
TimToady you handle failure (unthrown exception) by testing for definedness
18:44 birdwindupbird joined
Radvendii huh? 18:44
im having a hard time working in the abstract, which sNUM is this in?
TimToady Failure is in many S's; grep is your friend 18:45
biab 18:46
18:48 mj41 left
cognominal jnthn, thx for opening my eyes. Reading zavolaj and sixmodel code, I understand that messing with specialized array pmc would be a bad idea. 18:50
*specialized parrot array pmcs
Radvendii nom: say ?"test" #strings evaluate to... 18:53
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤»
Radvendii nom: say ?"" #strings evaluate to...
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
18:54 Chillance joined
Radvendii nom: say +(False but 5) ##Is this a bug?? 18:56
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
benabik nom: say +(False but Int(5)) 18:57
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Can only supply an initialization value for a role if it has a single public attribute␤ in sub infix:<but> at src/gen/CORE.setting:8757␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/k_wRRhko1r:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/k_wRRhko1r:1␤»
benabik Oh. Hm.
I think but isn't fully implemented. I think it can mix-in roles, but not values.
Radvendii oh... 18:58
and 'but False' automatically makes a role with .BOOL returning Fals?
benabik I think it's suppose to?
nom: say +(False but role { method Numeric { 5 } }) 18:59
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«5␤»
benabik nom: say +(False but role { method Int { 5 } })
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
Radvendii weird... 19:00
nom: say +(False but +(5)) 19:01
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
Radvendii nom: say +(False but 5.0) ##maybe with decimals?
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
Radvendii ##nope
what about big numbers... those are 'Numeric' right? 19:02
nom: say +(False but 1233543534634534) ## big numbers
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
Radvendii :P
cognominal nom: say +(False but 5)
benabik Ahh....
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
benabik nom: say (False but 5).Int
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«5␤»
Radvendii it's a problem with + not calling int 19:03
nom: say +(False but sqrt(5))
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«0␤»
benabik Yes. + looks for Numeric, which is a roll that Int, Num, etc implement.
Radvendii And Int's Numeric isn't returning the right value... 19:04
benabik Bool has a .Numeric already, and the mixin isn't overriding it.
Radvendii ooooh
benabik The mixing only overrides Int.
Radvendii I understand... 19:05
benabik Which is interesting. Perhaps value mixin should override conversions for all roles that the mixed in value does but the original value doesn't.
colomon what should happen if you say +(5.0 but 6)? 19:06
benabik In that scheme, 5.0 is already Numeric, so it would be 5.0...
Radvendii cries
colomon nom: say Bool ~~ Numeric 19:07
Radvendii who would do 5.0 but 6?
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
Radvendii say defined Bool.Numeric
nom: say defined Bool.Numeric
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Bool in numeric context␤Bool::True␤»
colomon Who would do False but 5? ;)
benabik Oh. 5.0 isn't Numeric?
Radvendii colomon: well, that makes more sense, at least it's two different categories... 19:08
colomon 5.0 is Numeric. According to spec, Bool is too
benabik nom: say Numeric ~~ 5.0.WHAT
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤» 19:09
[Coke] nom: my $a="three" but "four"; say $a;
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«three␤»
[Coke] nom: my $a="three" but "four"; say ~$a;
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«three␤»
[Coke] gives up. ;)
benabik but $value is a strange strange thing. 19:10
[Coke] wonders how much nicer nqp is than npq-rx 19:11
Radvendii npq?
[Coke] (and if it is worth switching partcl-nqp to use it insted)
benabik [Coke]: nqp has 6model and dyncall and a lot of framework that Rakudo uses, but the rest of Parrot uses. 19:12
*Parrot doesn't
(That said, I find many of the things nqp added very interesting and probably useful. But they haven't been stolen back yet, which makes interaction interesting.)
19:15 rsimoes joined
Radvendii nom: my $a = {say "test"}; $a(); 19:18
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«test␤»
[Coke] benabik: most of partcl-nqp is just nqp. There's as little PIR as I can get away with. 19:19
Radvendii nom: my %a = {b => "b", c => (%a{b} ~ 'c')}; say %a<c>
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&b' called (lines 1, 1)␤»
Radvendii nom: my %a = {b => "b", c => (%a<b> ~ 'c')}; say %a<c> 19:20
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤c␤»
benabik [Coke]: NQP builds 6model objects. If you try to interact with non-6model parrot, it can be interesting.
Radvendii nom: my %a = {b => "b", c => {%a<b> ~ 'c'}}; say %a<c>
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Block.new()␤»
Radvendii nom: my %a = {b => "b", c => {%a<b> ~ 'c'}}; say %a<c>.eval
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Method 'eval' not found for invocant of class 'Block'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/Dr0eJoJ32k:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/Dr0eJoJ32k:1␤»
[Coke] benabik: interacting with other things on parrot has never been stable, so that's not really an issue for me.
Radvendii nom: my %a = {b => "b", c => {%a<b> ~ 'c'}}; say %a<c>.try
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Method 'try' not found for invocant of class 'Block'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/5_iS2nVOAd:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/5_iS2nVOAd:1␤»
benabik [Coke]: Fair enough. 19:21
[Coke] it worked briefly thanks to... Tene? but it's not something that is regularly tested. at this point I'd be happy to be able to interact with rakudo, so that's fine.
19:22 Transformer joined 19:24 Transformer left
Radvendii does "shaped variable declarations" (e.g. %{$b}) mean that there will be a hash named with whatever is inside $b? 19:24
Tene [Coke]: I'm very sad about what happened with parrot hll interop. :( 19:27
19:31 spine joined 19:32 daxim left 19:41 pyrimidine joined
[Coke] Tene: me too. sorry. :( 19:54
[Coke] notes that nqp is not a drop in replacement for parrot-nqp
any pointers on doing that cutover? 19:56
moritz at first glance, the two are pretty similar 19:58
nqp has a bit stricter parsing rules
[Coke] no HLL::Actions or HLL::Compiler, e.g.
moritz but if you don't emit 6modelish code, you don't have to use it much
20:03 bluescreen10 left, bluescreen10 joined
pmichaud nqp can have HLL::Actions and HLL::Compiler; you just have to be sure to "import" them, I think. 20:03
diakopter ! 20:04
[Coke] (this is the file I'm trying to update) github.com/partcl/partcl-nqp/blob/...Actions.pm
pmichaud certainly NQP uses HLL::Actions and HLL::Compiler
[Coke] tries the import.
pmichaud see src/NQP/Actions.pm and src/NQP/Compiler.pm
I'm not sure that NQP supports the semi-colon-terminated declaration form anymore 20:05
might need curlies
(or that might not be the problem)
[Coke] pmichaud: there's no import in src/NQP/Actions.pm 20:06
pmichaud [Coke]: yeah, I just noticed that; so perhaps I'm mis-thinking about that.
still, it shows that NQP itself is able to make use of HLL:: stuff somehow 20:07
rakudo does it also
[Coke] nqp: class Foo is HLL::Actions {} 20:08
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Could not find parent class 'HLL::Actions' at line 1, near ""␤current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 23433 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:6734) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:329)␤»
[Coke] nqp: use HLL::Actions; class Foo is HLL::Actions {}
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«"load_bytecode" couldn't find file 'HLL/Actions.pbc'␤current instr.: 'nqp;ModuleLoader;_block1104' pc 2314 (src/stage2/gen/module_loader.pir:1073) (src/ModuleLoader.pm:63)␤»
Radvendii i thought i rememberd, but can't find, there was a syntax for anonymous arguments or the like. the way it worked was something like @a.map: {$b ~ $c} and the compiler would know that you want two variables out of @a. Was this just in my imagination?
pmichaud Radvendii: placeholder variables, perhaps/ 20:09
Radvendii i know i can just do @a.map: -> $b,$c {$b ~ $c}, im wondering if there's a way to implicitly declare that
pmichaud { $^b ~ $^c }
Radvendii pmichaud: what does that look like?
that's what i was missing
TimToady -> [$a, $b] {...} 20:10
oh, you want them separate, nm
Radvendii but that's interesting... you can do patern matching in lambdas?
pmichaud Radvendii: yes. :-) 20:11
Radvendii that's quite useful...
pmichaud [Coke]: src/NQP/World.pm does "use NQPP6Regex" 20:12
PerlJam I know I asked this before, but I've since forgotten the answer ... does -> @foo[$a,$b] { ... } work to refer to the aggregate as @foo and the parts as $a and $b?
[Coke] nqp: use NQPP6Regex; class Foo is HLL::Actions {}
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
pmichaud I think that brings in the HLL::* classes
[Coke] pmichaud: heh. I just found that. ;)
pmichaud++ # thanks.
TimToady PerlJam: yes, but I would write it @foo [$a, $b] to make it clear it isn't subscripting 20:13
PerlJam aye. good point.
Radvendii indeed, that confused me,
nom: my $1 # numerical variables? 20:14
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot declare a numeric variable at line 1, near " # numeric"␤»
Radvendii D-:
why not?
colomon std: my $1 20:15
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot declare a numeric variable at /tmp/Hl_YxxMVOn line 1:␤------> my $1⏏<EOL>␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 108m␤»
TimToady $1 really means $/[1]
Radvendii oh right...
std: my $1a
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot declare a numeric variable at /tmp/OcV5P40LHN line 1:␤------> my $1⏏a␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 108m␤»
Radvendii so it can't even start with a number eh? 20:16
TimToady illegal identifier in any case
std: $1a 20:17
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Whitespace is required between alphanumeric tokens at /tmp/LnBf5lLTye line 1:␤------> $1⏏a␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/LnBf5lLTye line 1:␤------> $1⏏a␤ expecting any of:␤ POST␤ bracketed infix␤ in…
Radvendii TimToady: Eh... it's resonable not to allow numbers at the beginning of variables, chances are you're making a mistake 20:18
TimToady we don't allow them after - or ' either
std: my $foo-bar; # ok
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 108m␤»
TimToady std: my $foo-1st; # not ok 20:19
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Whitespace is required between alphanumeric tokens at /tmp/bOZbmtTzc0 line 1:␤------> my $foo-1⏏st; # not ok␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/bOZbmtTzc0 line 1:␤------> my $foo-1⏏st; # not ok␤ expectin…
TimToady it took it as $foo - 1st
Radvendii oh...
that makes some sense
TimToady well $foo - 1 plus garbage
Radvendii nom: sub a-b {}; a_b(); #i've been curious... 20:20
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&a_b' called (line 1)␤»
TimToady we subtly discourge the use of variable names for indexing :)
Radvendii resonable, that's what arrays are for
but how come sometimes people refer to at_pos and sometimes at-pos?
TimToady no, we don't canonicalize anything that is visually distinctive, and we're not sure about NFC vs NFD :)
maybe rakudo and niecza have it different? 20:21
Radvendii NFC? NFD?
TimToady those functions are not part of the spec
Radvendii oh... that would be weird
TimToady Unicode normalization forms
pmichaud not *yet* part of the spec :)
(we need to decide what part of the spec provides them :) 20:22
benabik Presumably it should actually be AT_POS, like most of the other magic methods.
TimToady anything both implementations agree on, and will not adversely affect future implementations, is fair game for the spec, if it's really a language-level issue
20:23 ksi joined
TimToady pmichaud: I'd think this is S09 territory 20:23
pmichaud could be S07 also
(since S07 covers lists)
TimToady you guys might accidentally have implemented part of S09 already :P
Radvendii nom: $a=[<a b>]; say $a.WHAT 20:24
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $a is not predeclared at line 1, near "=[<a b>]; "␤»
Radvendii nom: my $a=[<a b>]; say $a.WHAT
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Array()␤»
TimToady speaking of which, I've been leaning towards making shape declarations dynamic like in Algol, on the assumption that the compiler can recognize constants and optimize shapes known at compile time 20:25
Radvendii but it's a reference...
moritz Radvendii: everything is a reference... well, except the things that aren't
benabik nom: my $a=[<a b>]; say $a.WHAT; say $a[0].WHAT
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Array()␤Str()␤»
Radvendii right, i know you can use it as an array... never mind 20:26
nom: say ([«,»]((<a b> Z <d e>).map: {[$^a...$^b]})).perl
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter '$op'; expected Any but got Mu instead␤ in sub METAOP_REDUCE at src/gen/CORE.setting:9018␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/jISdQrB1gU:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/jISdQrB1gU:1␤»
Radvendii why's that?
moritz Radvendii: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2011/12/1...nces-gone/
Radvendii it works if i use s/[«,»]/[Z]/
moritz: :P @ title 20:27
moritz wtf is «,» supposed to do?
benabik Can you use [«op»]?
moritz std: [«+»] 20:28
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Prefix requires an argument at /tmp/tPbnMVB5b4 line 1 (EOF):␤------> [«+»]⏏<EOL>␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 108m␤»
moritz std: [«+»] 1, 2
p6eval std 47c76b3: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 109m␤»
moritz benabik: in principle, yes
Radvendii I'm using it because in my actual code i dont know which one is longer 20:29
TimToady basically, any container that is not declared to hold a native type is a reference
which means, if you think about it, that a reference is just the default native type
moritz Some people, when faced with a problem, think "oh, I could solve that with three nested levels of meta operators".
[Coke] moritz+++++++ 20:30
Radvendii :P
it really is the best solution though.
i would say Z...
but that fails, because the list flattnes 20:31
TimToady unfortunately, the end of that is "Now they have {(0..4).pick} problesm"
Radvendii TimToady: that doesnt use any meta-ops...
TimToady it was a meta-utterance already 20:32
[Coke] should nqp support -o <foo>? (right now it seems to require the =)
TimToady or perhaps meta-meta-
Radvendii look. i have two arrays with two values each (indicies in a grid) i want to get all of the spaces in between them (the trajectory). you tell me how to do it without three meta-ops 20:33
[Coke] er, I lied. -o=foo fails, but -o foo also dumps to std.
moritz [Coke]: oh, one more thing. the new nqp sometimes doesn't like upper-case targets 20:34
[Coke]: ie --target=pir instead of PIR
it's supposed to be the same, but there seem to be one or two places where an lc() is missing 20:35
20:36 birdwindupbird left
dalek p: 173935c | moritz++ | src/HLL/Compiler.pm:
missing downcase for %adverbs<target>
moritz not anymore, hopefully :-)
[Coke] moritz: how about this regex: token barechar { <-[\\\[*+?^$]> } 20:44
(it dies in nqp, works in nqp-rx) 20:45
moritz nqp: token barechar { <-[\ß\[*+?^$]> } 20:51
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
moritz nqp: token barechar { <-[\\\[*+?^$]> }
p6eval nqp: ( no output )
[Coke] if I uncomment it from my grammar, I get: 20:52
ResizablePMCArray: Can't shift from an empty array!
current instr.: 'nqp;PAST;Regex;prefix_enumcharlist' pc 532 (src/PAST/Regex.pir:
[Coke] will get things mostly working in a branch of partcl-nqp and push and then beg for help on the remaining broken bits, but not not. 20:56
not now.
20:57 apesma joined
[Coke] moritz++ pmichaud++ 20:58
20:58 Trashlord left
Radvendii where can i report bugs? i understand that it's not very important because it's very infrequent that one needs [«,»], but it's probably good to know that it's broken, no? 20:58
colomon [email@hidden.address] for rakudo bugs. 21:01
but are you really certain it's a bug? It's not at all clear to me that [«op»] makes any sense
Radvendii well, the alternative is @a[0] «,» @a[1] which seems like exactly what [op] is for 21:02
colomon github.com/sorear/niecza/issues for niecza bugs 21:03
Radvendii niecza: say ([«,»]((<a b> Z <d e>).map: {[$^a...$^b]})).perl
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«[$("a", "b"), $("b", "c"), $("c", "d"), $("d", "e")].list␤»
Radvendii bam. it can't be on purpose, niecza allows it. 21:04
21:04 MayDaniel joined 21:06 GlitchMr left
jnthn back 21:06
mmm...birthday beer :) 21:07
pmichaud oh yeah! Happy birthday!
jnthn ;)
pmichaud I even had that on my calendar, but haven't checked my calendar yet.
jnthn pmichaud: Thanks! :)
Radvendii \o/ party on #perl6 time \o.
jnthn (Yes, I consuemd some beers)
*consumed # wow, evidently sufficient :P
pmichaud: How's the Star configure stuff coming along? 21:08
pmichaud I worked on it some more this morning but got a little sidetracked. I should be able to get most of it done tonight, however.
tadzik happy birthday jnthn!
jnthn pmichaud: yay :)
pmichaud: Tomorrow I'll have tuits, though Perl 6 has to compete with writing a bunch of talks for next week. Next week is a bit away, though. :) 21:09
tadzik: :)
flussence hb o/
Radvendii the niecza website says 2.6.7 fails on mac os x, 2.6.4 is fine, but it says nothing about 2.8.2 or 2.10 (which it recomends) 21:11
which do i download?
jnthn [Coke]: I didn't backlog in detail, but if you have parrot-nqp to nqp migration issues still, let me know.
Radvendii and by niecza website i mean github
jnthn [Coke]: It's much stricter about needing "use" statements - it actually does separate compilation. :)
colomon Radvendii: I'm using mono version 2.10.2 on OS X 10.6.
Radvendii colomon: sweet. 21:12
do i have to download mono somewher else?
benabik Radvendii: www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html 21:14
colomon benabik++ just beat me to it.
hmmm, I'm .6 versions behind now, I see. :)
Radvendii sorry guys... you don't have to do that, you could just say "yes"
benabik I'm using niecza v13-193-g3edf7eb on mono 21:15
Radvendii: It's not a big deal. Finding URLs in browser history is rather fast.
masak back
[Coke] jnthn: my current problem is this line: 21:16
Radvendii benabik: okay... Someone just told me at some point not to ask questions i could just look up, (which is totally resonable)
[Coke] (the rest of the file was updated for the needed "use", and changed the grammar to use curlies instead of a ; declaration. 21:17
benabik Radvendii: It's generally nice to look something up first, but grabbing the URL isn't much slower than saying yes for me. :-)
Radvendii benabik: okay.
jnthn [Coke]: Yes, those were pretty much the only two changes Rakudo's grammar/actions needed. 21:18
[Coke]: How's it failing? I'm a bit surprised about a failure there since nqp master still uses the old regex engine. If it were using QRegex I'd not be so surprised... 21:19
[Coke] gist.github.com/1685180 21:20
If I comment out that line, no error.
21:20 MayDaniel left
masak today only 3 days remain until we close p6cc for submissions! 21:20
tadzik aw, snap
21:22 Trashlord joined
Radvendii i'm assuming p6cc is not a chinese website with sexually explicit material 21:22
tadzik it is!
Radvendii yes, but i assume that's not what you're refering to?
jnthn nqp: grammar g { token barechar { <-[\\\[*+?^$]> } } 21:23
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«ResizablePMCArray: Can't shift from an empty array!␤current instr.: 'nqp;PAST;Regex;prefix_enumcharlist' pc 532 (src/PAST/Regex.pir:257)␤»
tadzik ...there is something like this, seriously?
No, don't link to it
jnthn o.O
Radvendii it's just p6cc.com
aaaanyways... 21:24
what's p6cc as far as you're concerned?
jnthn Perl 6 Coding Contest :)
Radvendii oh 21:25
that would make more sense
masak jnthn: heh -- you never harassed me about &pack as you were supposed to, according to les logs ;)
pmichaud perhaps he was harassing you with silence 21:26
masak wait, p6cc is a what website? o.O
21:26 y3llow_ joined 21:27 pothos_ joined
masak I suddenly feel like I should've checked this before choosing an acronym... 21:27
benabik Whenever naming a project, remember to google it. 21:28
(With safe search off.)
21:28 y3llow left
Radvendii :P indeed 21:28
masak I'll keep that in mind.
21:29 pothos left, y3llow_ left
masak still, there's 3 days remaining in our contest which doesn't have a lot of sexually explicit material in it at all. 21:29
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Radvendii i wish i'd heard of this earlier, nonetheless i'll get to trying them out at some point, for or not for the contest 21:31
21:32 y3llow left, y3llow joined 21:33 pothos left, pothos joined
masak yeah, it's a bit late to sign up for them this time around. 21:33
but there will be another one next Christmas, I'm sure ;)
21:34 y3llow left
Radvendii colomon: I can't find the mac executable for Niecza... 21:34
21:34 y3llow joined
colomon Radvendii: there is no such thing. there's just a single executable 21:34
Radvendii .exe? 21:35
colomon yes
benabik mono run/Niecza.exe
Radvendii that'll run on a mac?
i see
colomon mono run/Niezc.... what benabik said
benabik colomon: :-D
colomon benabik++ # one step faster than me again
benabik colomon: Normally I don't get praised for interrupting. :-D
colomon benabik: we prefer to say answering. :) 21:36
jnthn [Coke]: On the one hand, I can sorta see why it explodes. OTOH, the bit of code that does is unchanged since ages.
21:36 y3llow left 21:37 y3llow joined
Radvendii oh! is there any way to niecza a file? 21:37
colomon errr, what?
you mean run a script with niecza?
mono run/Niecza.exe mandelbrot.pl 21:38
Radvendii ah
21:38 kaare_ left
Radvendii can i include the entire path to Niecza.exe and run it from anywhere? 21:39
like mono /path/to/Niecza.exe file.pl
colomon yes
[Coke] jnthn: so, is there a way to get that token without 'sploding? 21:43
jnthn [Coke]: Well, my first attempt at a patch made NQP compilation explode... :) 21:44
[Coke] WHEE! 21:45
Radvendii Is there a way to get command history on niecza? (Like, i know CPAN offers it only after you download some module or something...)
nor can I even go "back" in a line of code... 21:46
jnthn [Coke]: oh, looking again, it may just be an inverted conditional 21:47
[Coke]: gist.github.com/1685315 seems to help 21:48
Radvendii niecza: say (1,2,3)[*-2] 21:49
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«2␤» 21:50
jnthn [Coke]: It passes tests so, pushing it.
dalek p: c9a8997 | jnthn++ | src/PAST/Regex.pir:
Fix what appears to be an inverted condition in the old regex engine's charlist prefix computation.
21:51 apesma left
Radvendii is there a way to use 'when{}' _without_ the break associated with it? to fall through to the other 'when's? 21:56
jnthn Radvendii: use "proceed" 21:57
Radvendii as the last statment? 21:58
well, duh :P
masak perl6: given 42 { say 1; succeed; say 2 }; say 3 21:59
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«1␤3␤» 22:00
..rakudo 052cc6: OUTPUT«1␤succeed without when clause␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/Xpqe7jLGGp:1␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/Xpqe7jLGGp:1␤ in <anon> at /tmp/Xpqe7jLGGp:1␤»
..pugs b927740: OUTPUT«1␤*** No such subroutine: "&succeed"␤ at /tmp/zMqNV3st0l line 1, column 19-26␤»
masak I'm with Niecza here, but I haven't checked the spec.
if Niecza is wrong, how does one break out of a 'given' block between 'when' statements?
[Coke] if I have src/A/B.pm that isa src/D/E.pm , how can I "use" that? do I need to muck with INC? 22:02
tadzik :)
[Coke] (use src::D::E; seems to work. ;) 22:04
Radvendii masak: no no, i want to do a when statement without breaking out
masak Radvendii: got you.
Radvendii: I just got to thinking about the above use case.
Radvendii oh 22:05
masak since 'given' is not technically a loop, you can't 'last' out of it.
so the question is, how *do* you get out of it?
(maybe the correct answer is "you should do 'for 42', duh!". I dunno.)
colomon return! 22:06
jnthn masak: leave!
colomon fly, you fools!
Radvendii :P 22:07
niecza: given 42 { when Int {say "test"; proceed}; when 42 {say "YAY!"}} 22:09
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«test␤YAY!␤»
Radvendii niecza: say ?("5" but False || True) # precidence of 'but' test 22:10
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«Bool::True␤» 22:11
Radvendii does niecza support :arg(value) syntax yet? 22:15
niecza: sub a(:$foo) { say $foo }; a(:foo("bar"));
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«bar␤»
masak jnthn: oh! 'leave', of course. thanks :) 22:16
Radvendii niecza: sub a(:$foo) { say $foo }; a(:foo(False));
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«Bool::False␤»
[Coke] jnthn: how do I get a hash-like class in nqp? 22:17
masak sorear: S04 seems pretty clear about Niecza being too permissive with 'succeed' outside 'when'. 22:18
[Coke] (before I could say "class TclArray is Hash")
Radvendii You guys wanna see meta-op overuse? gist.github.com/1685478 22:21
PerlJam Radvendii: if that works ... nice! ;) 22:22
Radvendii yup. well... in niecza at least. in theory... i haven't actually gotten all the rest of my code to work in order to test it but i've tried similar things
[Coke] "and that's why people hate perl" 22:23
22:24 estrabd joined
PerlJam It's one of those waterbed things 22:24
and ... with great power comes great responsibility
jnthn [Coke]: Ah...yeah, you can't inherit from PMCs with 6model. What does "hash-like" actually mean here? 22:26
Radvendii [Coke]: indeed. 22:27
[Coke] something like my %foo = {}; but with methods ?
er, using the right thing instead of curlies.
jnthn [Coke]: It should act like a hash, and just be able to have methods also? 22:28
[Coke] yes.
PerlJam does Associative?
[Coke] ah. if it can't inherit from a PMC, it probably doesn't matter. 22:29
(since all I'm doing in TclArray is using hll_map
ah, TclLexPad could benefit, though.
jnthn [Coke]: In that case, give it an attribute (has %!hash) and then use "is parrot_vtable_handler(...)"
22:29 shinobicl__ left
jnthn [Coke]: See src/core/NQPCapture.pm 22:30
[Coke] (and TclList for @arrays, TclString for strings...)
PerlJam [Coke]: are you updating partcl?
22:30 ksi left
Radvendii what does niecza mean by "This macro cannot be used as a function" 22:30
jnthn [Coke]: It's delegation rather than inheritance. Though in a sense that's what Parrot did before. However, in 6model this mechanism is 1 PMC lighter per object.
[Coke] PerlJam: trying to.
jnthn [Coke]: And likely performs better.
PerlJam [Coke]: cool
[Coke] jnthn: ah, sneaky. 22:31
Radvendii what's a macro... (in terms of perl6) 22:32
22:34 benabik left
PerlJam Radvendii: a macro is a routine that is executed immediately and it should return either an AST or some actual perl code that doesn't something useful 22:34
Radvendii: the AST or code is "injected" into original program at the point that the macro was called. 22:35
22:36 bkolera left
[Coke] PerlJam: "that doesn't" ? 22:37
PerlJam sorry, weird braino
...some actual perl code that *does* something useful
Radvendii okay 22:40
so why is niecza considering the last part of this line a "macro": 22:42
return [||] (%.h.keys.grep(/$c/).map: -> $p { self.legal($p, $l, :flag(False)) } );
ignore the first two characters...
niecza: sub a {True}; <a b c>.grep: {a}; 22:45
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: ( no output )
Radvendii niecza: sub a {True}; say <a b c>.grep: {a};
p6eval niecza v13-357-g9374d97: OUTPUT«a b c␤»
jnthn Time for some rest...night o/
Radvendii o/
PerlJam g'night jnthn! 22:47
Radvendii niecza hasn't implimented Proxy or eager yet?
masak 'night, #perl6 22:49
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colomon Radvendii: correct 22:52
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Radvendii colomon: then i guess rakudo is the lesser of the two evils for what i am doing... 23:12
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Radvendii is there any ways to print out what you are going to print out, and what it evaluates to without typing it out twice? 23:44
oh... probably not. because it evaluates before being passed to 'say' 23:45
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Radvendii nom: say 'a' ~~ /b|c|a/ 23:51
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«=> <a>␤␤»
Radvendii nom: say 'aasdf' ~~ /b|c|a/
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«=> <a>␤␤»
Radvendii nom: say 'aasdf' ~~ /b|c|a/ 23:54
23:54 benabik joined
p6eval nom 052cc6: OUTPUT«=> <a>␤␤» 23:54
Radvendii oops. sorry guys, wrong tab 23:55
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