»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
dalek c: 02886c1 | raiph++ | lib/glossary.pod:
delete extraneous space
c: 7179ca6 | Matthew++ | lib/glossary.pod:
Merge pull request #3 from raiph/patch-1

delete extraneous space
raiph gfldex: the article u linked provides a very complex path in comparison to the trivial thing i did 00:02
raiph i just went to the repo, picked a file, clicked edit, edited, wrote change comment, clicked save. done. 00:04
lue++ gfldex++ 00:06
benabik github makes these things easy 00:08
gfldex was toqast merged tonight? 00:20
or is my brain running at halve speed? :)
timotimo wasn't toqast at 7/11 steps two days ago? 00:21
gfldex it feels like startup speed went up quite a bit 00:22
timotimo on my end, toqast isn't merged into nom yet
timotimo oh, actually it was step 9 of 11 00:29
6guts.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/the-...ng-nicely/ <- i guess you have already read this
dalek ast: 89bfdc5 | (Solomon Foster)++ | S05-interpolation/regex-in-variable.t:
Remove extraneous | from a Niecza skip line.
ast: 18f3c2b | (Solomon Foster)++ | packages/Test/Util.pm:
Add #OK to silence Niecza warning.
[Coke] +# 07/21/2012 - rakudo++ (22933); niecza (89.76%); pugs (40.14%) 01:06
raiph benabik: and especially if you don't know git. with the web ui i just used u don't have to know anything other than create an account, go to an url, navigate to the file to change, click edit, edit in an ok editor, write a change comment, click save. 01:07
benabik: no need to have a clue about git, version control, forks, pull requests, etc., etc. 01:08
s/ in an ok editor// 01:09
araujo tests if perl6 (nqp) already compiles 02:39
moritz \o 05:44
moritz phenny: tell raiph that he now has direct commit access to perl6/doc on github. Welcome! 05:52
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when raiph is around.
adu \p 05:58
JimmyZ_ good afternoon 06:08
clear 06:09
moritz good clear afternon, JimmyZ_ 06:17
dalek c/type-graph: 28f5a6c | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | type-graph.txt:
First snapshot: human- and computer-parseable map of Perl6's type graph
japhb *yawn* 06:19
Good *, all
moritz japhb: my approach would have been to parse the graph out of the .pod files 06:20
but yours i probably easier to get started with 06:25
JimmyZ_ \o 06:27
japhb moritz, I thought about that, but figured A) this method would likely be more complete for a while yet, and B) after I finish cleaning the raw data, the next stage of my plan may require a fair amount of hand-tuning anyway. 06:31
I plan to feed the massaged data to graphviz to produce not just an overall visualization of the type graph, but also type-specific ones that show just the relevant parts, so the mini-map images can be inserted into the HTML docs. 06:33
Tene very nice 06:34
japhb The hand-tuning will come in the form of layout hints, node coloring, etc. to make it more intuitive.
Tene, Glad to know my idea seems sane to someone *else*. ;-) 06:35
BTW, anyone interested in reviewing/sanity-checking the current snapshot data is most welcome to do so. :-) 06:37
moritz at some point we need the data in htmlify 06:42
moritz so that we can generate HTML files with methods from superclasses and roles 06:43
muixirt good morning 06:47
japhb moritz, agreed 06:50
OK, time for me to trundle off to slumber.
Night, all.
moritz night japhb
japhb &
dalek c: 28f5a6c | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | type-graph.txt:
First snapshot: human- and computer-parseable map of Perl6's type graph
c: e1eaa4c | moritz++ | / (2 files):
add Perl6::TypeGraph, wihch reads type-graph.txt and constructs a -- you have already guessed it -- type graph
GlitchMr perl6: say AST.new ~~ Mu 08:50
p6eval niecza v19-13-g442e075: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared name:␤ 'AST' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1402 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /home/p6…
..rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«True␤»
GlitchMr Why "AST" doesn't expand anything? 08:51
moritz what should it expand to? 08:55
GlitchMr I don't know, but it looks that AST is Mu
But perhaps it's because rakudo
moritz well, any type is Mu 08:56
GlitchMr It also seems that AST is Any
moritz there#s no contradiction there, since Any ~~ Mu
s/'#'/'/ 08:57
GlitchMr perl6: /[]/ 08:58
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unrecognized regex metacharacter ] (must be quoted to match literally) at line 2, near "/"␤»
..niecza v19-13-g442e075: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Null pattern not allowed at /tmp/3DR3cs5YlW line 1:␤------> /[⏏]/␤␤Parse failed␤␤»
GlitchMr std: /[]/ 08:59
p6eval std 3b49ac8: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Null pattern not allowed at /tmp/3nhfgzahuu line 1:␤------> /[⏏]/␤ expecting regex atom␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 41m␤»
GlitchMr I guess that rakudo could have better error message, but whatever
moritz known NYI
masak lol good morning, #perl6 09:01
well, mid-antenoon.
moritz lolitsmasak!
moritz has waffels with bjørnebær for breakfast 09:02
masak whoa. 09:04
masak bolts to the store to buy björnbär 09:05
GlitchMr sub postfix:<¶>($a) { "$a\n" } 09:11
I have feeling I abuse mutable Perl 6 grammar
But I guess it's not as bad as infix:[] thing I've done once 09:13
moritz masak: visit me, and we'll make waffles together. And I'm sure we'll find some tasty fruits or berries too :-) 09:22
and whipped cream, or vanilla ice cream 09:23
moritz adds free wifi and macro discussions to sweaten the deal 09:25
moritz is a bit proud of github.com/perl6/doc/commit/e1eaa4...a8243d1f63 -- not much code to nice effect 09:28
moritz next step: MRO computation 09:34
sergot hi o/ 09:34
moritz \o sergot 09:35
jnthn ohhai o/ 10:01
moritz: (MRO) there's an NQP implementation of C3 handy 10:10
moritz: src/Perl6/Metamodel/C3MRO.pm
moritz jnthn: yes, I'm looking at that right now
jnthn ah :)
moritz r: for [1, 2], [3, 4] -> @a { .say for @a } 10:27
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤»
moritz r: my @b = [1, 2], [3, 4]; for @b -> @a { .say for @a unless @a =:= @b[0] } 10:30
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block␤at /tmp/gMMtwpPqyx:1␤»
moritz r: my @b = [1, 2], [3, 4]; for @b -> @a { unless @a =:= @b[0] { .say for @a } } 10:31
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤»
moritz hm, that part doesn't work that easily in p6, it seems
jnthn r: my @b = [1, 2], [3, 4]; for @b -> $a { unless $a =:= @b[0] { .say for @a } } 10:47
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable @a is not declared␤at /tmp/f2Omg_LZ8O:1␤»
jnthn r: my @b = [1, 2], [3, 4]; for @b -> $a { unless $a =:= @b[0] { .say for @$a } }
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤»
jnthn r: my @b = [1, 2], [3, 4]; for @b -> $a { unless $a === @b[0] { .say for @$a } }
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«3␤4␤»
moritz r: say Str.^mro 10:48
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«Str() Cool() Any() Mu()␤»
moritz r: say Match.^mro 10:50
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«Match() Capture() Cool() Any() Mu()␤»
dalek c: b81241b | moritz++ | / (2 files):
port C3 linearization from nqp
moritz Match seems to be about the only class in core that uses MI 10:53
moritz so, not many test cases 10:54
dalek c: 791b30a | moritz++ | lib/Perl6/Type (2 files):
move Type to a separate file, re-style it as Perl6::Type
JimmyZ what does TypeGraph do ? 11:24
moritz JimmyZ: computes method resolution order for classes 11:25
JimmyZ: the goal is to create HTML pages for a class which contains method from superclasses and roles 11:26
JimmyZ got it, that's great
moritz it's going be some work :/ 11:27
jnthn moritz++ # working on things that need some work 11:28
dalek p/toqast: f6a5c44 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Fix a couple of small code-gen bugs.
p/toqast: 9133c44 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Fix to unicode string handling.
moritz windows-- just ejected a CD I was copying from (and I didn't tell it to eject it), and then complained that the device isn't ready for reading
jnthn o.O
moritz oh "good" old windows XP 11:32
moritz if a windows explorer window dies, the window manager itself dies 11:32
masak of course. it's "integrated", it's good for you. 12:16
jnthn Of course, who'd want to work with a system where everything was derivative... 12:17
benabik My favorite part was always that the graphics toolkit was part of the kernel, so bad calls could bring down the entire system.
dalek p/toqast: e106957 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Compiler.nqp:
Restore capture_lex on block entry.
kudo/toqast: b2e068f | jnthn++ | src/core/Regex.pm:
Fix a pirop sig that led to invalid code gen.
kudo/toqast: cb9e7de | jnthn++ | src/QPerl6/Actions.pm:
Fix rather over-eager whatever currying (it was currying stuff like $a ?? * !! $b).
jnthn Seems I now have a QAST-compiled CORE.setting that vaguely works.
masak \o/ 12:25
masak pulls recent stuffs and rebuilds
jnthn Well, you don't get that without a lot of knowing what to do.
masak I just want to re-run the spectests.
I plan to address the failing macros tests now.
jnthn Right, but they won't run with the QAST-compiled CORE.setting yet 12:26
Which is fine, just saying. :)
masak rightright 12:28
masak aindilis: hi. 12:29
oh, that was a re-join. 12:30
jnthn Spectesting with the QAST-compiled CORE.setting looks fairly good. A few issues. 12:35
moritz $ ack '\bPAST(?!::QAST)' src/QPerl6/|wc -l 12:36
masak kudos for even remembering the look-ahead syntax of Perl 5 regexes... 12:38
I never do. have to 'perldoc perlre' *every* time.
jnthn moritz: Note that the bottom of Actions has a bunch of PAST::Node usages that stay for the time being too.
(the regex section)
moritz masak: negative look-ahead is the only one I remember reliably 12:39
oh, and it seems much of that is commented out 12:40
jnthn wtf, chmod hangs :)
moritz $ ack '^[^#]*\bPAST(?!::QAST)' src/QPerl6/|wc -l
jnthn ah, exception related... 12:41
timotimo how hard will it be for rakudo to use type information/native types to run "as fast as C"? or how long will i have to wait until thath appens? 12:46
masak .oO( mnemonic for negative look-ahead in Perl 5: '?!' is like the end of 'wtf?!', what you'd say if you found the thing there )
timotimo: question is so vague as to be almost meaningless. 12:47
timotimo that's what i feared :|
masak timotimo: www.perl.com/pub/2001/06/27/ctoperl.html
masak funnily enough, that article ends by referring to the Perl 6 design. 12:48
jnthn timotimo: It's difficult from many angles. Using native type info to generate better code is possible; we do that to a limited extent already in Rakudo. That's the kind of code that a JIT compiler can actually do quite a bit with, but Parrot has no JIT, so it'd seem being on a VM that has one is a pre-req for starting to get that sorta code faster. Even then I suspect it'd not be "as fast as C". 12:50
masak Occaml people sometimes boast that their code is faster than C because they do so much good type inference. 12:51
timotimo my int @a is dim(1000); - reminds me of basic :) 12:52
timotimo hm, i suppose i'm spoiled by pypy in this regard, which comes with a pretty impressive jit 12:53
JimmyZ timotimo: Parrot has a plan to get a jit too :)
timotimo JimmyZ: do you have a guess how long it'll take until the first bits of jitted code would run properly? 12:54
JimmyZ timotimo: I'm sure It'll take a long time until somebodies continue coding to it 12:56
timotimo :| 12:57
is thorough type analysis of perl6 programs feasible? 13:02
i've looked at friends who do coq and agda with a bit of envy. i don't understand much of it, but would i be able to do similar checking of type constraints etc. in perl6? 13:03
i don't even know if what i'm asking makes any sense 13:05
jnthn Perl 6 is gradually typed, meaning that the compiler will do what it can with the information you give it. It may be able to make extra inferences also. 13:08
moritz but there are certain type errors it can (almost?) never complain about
like sub f(MyT $x) { $x.mymethod ] 13:09
like sub f(MyT $x) { $x.mymethod }
is valid even if MyT doesn't define a 'mymethod'
timotimo right, because you could put a subtype in there
or maybe an instance got a role on it
moritz correct
jnthn Yeah, method dispatch is very late bound. 13:10
moritz though one might toy with the idea of a pragma that makes that warn at compile time
timotimo i'd very much like such a thing
i'll probably have to spend more time unit testing anyway, but i think it would be a great help 13:11
if my interpreter (or any analysis program) explodes in my face rather than my code exploding in the end user's face, i consider that a win
moritz well, Perl 6 is better suited for static analysis than many other dynamic languagues, but it's still a dynamic-ish language 13:13
r: sub f(Int $x) { }; my Str $a; f($a)
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Calling 'f' will never work with argument types (Str) (line 1)␤ Expected: :(Int $x)␤»
masak r: macro foo { my $x = "OH HAI"; quasi { $x } }; my $result = foo; say $result 13:31
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak jnthn: the above is what fails on the toqast branch currently.
(hm, we don't have toqast wired up to p6eval yet, do we? is it worth bothering to do that, or is the merge very soon?) 13:32
jnthn Probably a week or so away.
masak might be worth it, then.
I could do it if moritz++ or someone reminds me where stuff is.
jnthn Well, to me that's "soon" :)
masak I meant like tomorrow or something. 13:32
jnthn: getting 'Cannot assign a non-Perl 6 value to a Perl 6 container'. assuming that's to $result, because to $x seems harmless. 13:33
r: macro foo { say 'before'; my $x = "OH HAI"; say 'after'; quasi { $x } }; my $result = foo; say $result
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«before␤after␤OH HAI␤»
masak er :)
oh yes, of course. 13:34
'after' in the test file (t/spec/S06-macros/macros-d1.rakudo) happens long before the tests even run.
and the tests run up until number 6.
moritz masak: on feather1, you need to run 'su - p6eval' to get into the right user account, then set up a directory there that builds rakudo-on-toqast
(and you need root privs to do that,, which I can give you, if you don't have them already) 13:35
masak jnthn: since this worked before toqast, I'm assuming the error is to be found in the generated QAST. am I thinking right? 13:38
jnthn masak: That or a mistake in the bits of Actions.pm that related to macro/AST handling. 13:39
masak oh, ok. I'll start looking there, then. 13:40
jnthn masak: There's a thingy in World too that does those lexical fixups
masak ah, yes.
dalek kudo/toqast: e242a9a | jnthn++ | src/QPerl6/Actions.pm:
Re-implement handling of exceptions thrown inside exception handlers.
jnthn OK, it seems make spectest now doesn't hang when we build CORE.setting using QAST. So I think it's time to eliminate qperl6. 13:42
masak yay
moritz masak: remember --ll-exception 13:49
might or might not be useful for you
moritz nqp::isnull(foo) returns 1 13:58
masak moritz: thanks for the reminder. 14:01
dalek kudo/toqast: feda23a | jnthn++ | / (17 files):
Fold QPerl6::* back into Perl6::*, thus eliminating qperl6. This means that the perl6 that is now built is using QAST, as is the setting, test run, etc.
jnthn Now to merge latest nom changes into toqast. :) 14:06
moritz is the branch now far enough that the remaining test failures are due to missing new patches? 14:07
moritz jnthn: I hope you know about git-rerere 14:08
git config --global rerere.enabled 1
and then all your merge conflict resolutions will be recorded automatically
and replayed when you need to do the same merge again 14:09
moritz make: *** No rule to make target `src/Perl6/Ops.pm', needed by `blib/Perl6/Ops.pbc'. Stop 14:11
jnthn Did you re-configure? 14:12
Or did I screw it up somehow?
jnthn is a little surprised it would fail in such a way elsewhere and work for him... 14:13
moritz: Hm, I didn't know about that...though only two files had conflicts.
moritz jnthn: you just didn't commit src/Perl6/Ops.pm I guess
erm, git add I mean
jnthn oh...
moritz thought the build doesn't care what's under version control 14:14
jnthn hmm...so why it doesn't show up as missing in my git status :/
moritz so it succeed on your machine
jnthn yeah, makes sense.
moritz over-eager gitignore maybe? 14:15
jnthn Hmm, I tossed some stuff from it that seemed redundant/possible, but no help 14:19
moritz the Perl6/* 14:20
line looks suspicious to me
jnthn Yeah
I removed that.
jnthn tests the merge 14:21
Hmm. Just merging latest in gets 274 more tests 14:27
masak learns about the "${home}" syntax in Perl 5 -- again
that feels so wrong, but I can see the use for it :)
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 87 commits to rakudo/toqast by jnthn 14:28
moritz eval: my $ x = 3; $x
buubot_backup moritz: 3
moritz eval: my $x = 3; $ x
buubot_backup moritz: 3
moritz eval: my $x = 3; "$ x"
buubot_backup moritz: 3
moritz eval: my $x = 3; "$ {x}"
buubot_backup moritz: 3
moritz eval: my $x = 3; "$ {x }" 14:29
buubot_backup moritz: 3
moritz eval: my $x = 3; "$ { x }"
buubot_backup moritz: 3
timotimo eval is perl5?
buubot_backup timotimo: ERROR: Search pattern not terminated or ternary operator parsed as search pattern at (eval 20) line 1.
timotimo heh. right.
moritz timotimo: yes
jnthn moritz: Should have the missing file now. 14:30
muixirt eval: say (1+2)/3 14:31
buubot_backup muixirt: ERROR: Undefined subroutine &main::say called at (eval 20) line 1.
muixirt eval: print (1+2)/3
buubot_backup muixirt: 30.333333333333333
timotimo huh. how does that work? 14:32
muixirt eval: (print (1+2))/3
buubot_backup muixirt: 30.333333333333333
moritz timotimo: the 0.3333333333 is the return value of the expression 14:33
print returns 1
timotimo oooh, that's amusing 14:36
moritz first test failure in toqast is t/spec/S02-types/native.t 14:38
that's much better than before
jnthn Yeah 14:39
The overall failure list is fairly small by now.
There's some triage to go yet. 14:40
But it's not a crazy amount.
masak (not crazy)++
masak jnthn: will toqast be 'make install'able later today? I might wait setting p6eval up until then. easier; less changing the build scripts. 14:50
jnthn masak: Should be already. 14:51
masak: oh, maybe needs an addition to the Makefile to copy the new Ops.pbc 14:52
I'd be surprised if it needs any more than that.
masak yay 14:55
this always amused me: 14:56
eval: print 04.5
buubot_backup masak: 451
masak eval: 04.5
buubot_backup masak: 45
masak eval: 044.5 14:57
buubot_backup masak: 365
masak now *that*'s high-end crazy :)
masak nr: say 0o44.5 14:57
p6eval niecza v19-13-g442e075: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Two terms in a row at /tmp/o_PpuKJVeg line 1:␤------> say 0o44⏏.5␤␤Parse failed␤␤»
..rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused␤at /tmp/r5m45JgVSc:1␤» 14:58
masak std: 0o44.5
p6eval std 3b49ac8: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at /tmp/byXo8hORkm line 1:␤------> 0o44.⏏5␤ expecting any of:␤ dotty method or postfix␤ postcircumfix␤ postfix_prefix_meta_operator␤ postop␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 41m␤»
masak fairy nuff.
octal literals are only for integers.
(and that's what happens in the Perl 5 case, too. guess what '.' also means in Perl 5.)
masak grins
timotimo concatenation?
if anyone ever uses that in production, wow. 14:59
masak right.
dalek kudo/toqast: db138e7 | jnthn++ | src/core/Mu.pm:
Fix a proto's signature.
p/toqast: ca9306c | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
Fix 2-arg rindex, thus fixing the rindex test failures in Rakudo.
felher nom: .say for (<a b> Z <1 2>) 15:19
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«a␤1␤b␤2␤»
felher nom: .say for (<a b> Z <1 2>).tree
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected between 3 and 4␤ in method new at src/gen/CORE.setting:5022␤ in method tree at src/gen/CORE.setting:5278␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/h_PuKBUYXL:1␤␤»
felher nom: .say for (<a b> Z <1 2>).lol
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«ListIter.new()␤»
felher How do i get 'a' and '1' the first iteration and 'b' and '2' the second iteration? It seems i keep forgetting that :/ 15:20
moritz r: for <a b> Z <1 2> -> $a, $b { say "$a, $b" } 15:21
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«a, 1␤b, 2␤»
felher moritz: yeah, i know that. But i want them in one variable. So that i can pass them to other functions via |$var, and not via $var1, $var2, $var3, $var4. 15:28
dalek p/toqast: bfbf20a | jnthn++ | src/QRegex/NFA.nqp:
Get NFA builder to recognize/handler qastnode.
jnthn walk &
moritz r: .say for (<a b> Z <1 2>).tree 15:29
p6eval rakudo 5b56cf: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 1 but expected between 3 and 4␤ in method new at src/gen/CORE.setting:5022␤ in method tree at src/gen/CORE.setting:5278␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/PSfccntYeY:1␤␤»
moritz that looks like a regression in .tree 15:30
still no accepted perl 6 talks at YAPC::EU :( 15:33
felher moritz: okay. I'll wait until that is fixed, than. Thanks :) 15:34
Well, maybe i can fix it myself instead of waiting for someone to fix it. But wouldn't have too much faith in that. :) 15:44
sander_ hi everybody 15:46
felher o/
pmurias moritz: the accepted list is not yet final?
pmurias doesn't imply it is 15:47
moritz pmurias: well, act.yapc.eu/ye2012/news/881 sounds like the accepted list would be final by second-to-last friday
felher: spectesting a fix now 15:53
sander_ compiled the recent version of rakudo star. Now I can run scripts only when I pass the absolute path to perl6, otherwise it says "Error while reading from file: Unable to open filehandle from path '$ARG'" 15:54
i.e. the absolute path of the script
even perl6 ./numerize.p6 doesn't work 15:55
moritz sander_: did you run 'make install' ?
felher moritz++ :) 15:56
sander_ yes, but then I moved the install dir to another location and created a symlink from orig. in-memory /tmp location to the new 15:57
guess I have to compile anew, right?
moritz sander_: you might have to, rakudo and parrot aren't relocatable 15:58
but you can give a --prefix= at configure-time 15:59
sander_ that was my idea too but thought a symlink will do
felher moritz: oh, the problem is $flattens, which got introduced earlier this month, right?
moritz felher: no, the problem was that MapIter.new now wants positional arguments, used to be named args 16:00
felher moritz: ah, okay. :)
moritz felher: i guess pmichaud++'s last list refactoring changed that
and that we didn't have enough test coverage to catch the .tree case
dalek kudo/nom: d0dc2d3 | moritz++ | src/core/IO/Socket/INET.pm:
explicitly set encoding on sockets
kudo/nom: e09fbe6 | moritz++ | src/core/IO/Socket/INET.pm:
Merge remote branch 'remotes/origin/parrot-iocleanup1' into nom
kudo/nom: cd31947 | moritz++ | src/core/List.pm:
fix List.tree

it got broken by the last API change of MapIter.new
moritz oops, I didn't mean to push that all
dalek kudo/nom: 6db12d6 | moritz++ | src/core/IO/Socket/INET.pm:
Revert "Merge remote branch 'remotes/origin/parrot-iocleanup1' into nom"

This reverts commit e09fbe68707707004d1111dba7b0b6fb9e100541, reversing changes made to 5b56cfcf9286e70b9a77a73369b80ad98ad10786.
moritz moritz--
moritz felher: fixed 16:07
felher \o/ moritz: thanks :)
dalek ast: eec04b7 | moritz++ | S02-lists/tree.t:
test iteration for parcel-of-parcel.tree
felher moritz: why did you only fix the first two tree methods? The third seems to still use named arguments instead of positionals? 16:10
moritz felher: oh, I didn't spot that 16:11
felher :) 16:14
sander_ moritz: compiled rakudo star anew (having deleted really everything prior to that) -- error persists 16:27
sander_ unless I absolutize either the path to perl6 interpreter or to the script to be run I get the following error 16:36
Error while reading from file: Unable to open filehandle from path 'numerize.p6' current instr.: 'nqp;HLL;Compiler;_block2002' pc 35779 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:15079) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:1438)
sander_ my 'perl6' command was 16:41
sander_ cd ~/D/programing/rakudo-star/install/bin 16:42
sander_ ./perl $@ 16:42
masak './perl6', surely?
sander_ yes, masak, typo 16:43
but now I changed the sh script to
~/D/programing/rakudo-star/install/bin/perl6 $@
and now it works
so I wonder if my perl6 interpreter, i.e. the very ELF binary, has problems with being started from its location 16:45
moritz sander_: no 16:55
sander_: the problem is that if you 'cd' in the script, then the relative paths to the script stops working
sander_ oh 16:59
dalek kudo/nom: 3ac8c77 | moritz++ | src/core/List.pm:
fix another misuse of MapIter.new, felher++
felher :) 17:04
.oO( it would be a fehler to spell felher fehler )
phenny: de en "fehler"?
phenny moritz: "error" (de to en, translate.google.com)
felher moritz: indeed :) 17:19
masak FEHL.
sander_ moritz: thx, what a noob mistake 17:23
n8 or tschüss ... 17:25
masak heh, 'n8'. 17:27
nr: sub german_for($number) { <null eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn>[$number] }; say "n", german_for 8 17:28
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7, niecza v19-13-g442e075: OUTPUT«nacht␤»
moritz except that it's 'zwo' instead of 'zwei' where I come from :-) 17:31
masak I remember.
dalek kudo/toqast: bec9a8e | jnthn++ | tools/build/Makefile.in:
Install the new Perl6::Ops PBC.
japhb moritz, thank you for all the type graph work! 17:55
And you should be proud ... you whipped that out pretty darn quickly, and it's still (quite) good code. :-)
japhb has so far absorbed the parser, and is about to start reading the MRO code 17:56
masak what "type graph work" is this? it sounds interesting. 17:57
japhb masak, see commits in perl6/doc over the last half day or so. 18:00
moritz++ # oops, forgot. ;-)
masak oh, ok. 18:02
moritz I think the next step is a topo sort 18:08
so that traversal of the .pod files can be done in Mu-first order 18:09
moritz masak, that's your speciality, no? :-) 18:10
masak 呵呵
masak .oO( "ask him over there, he's the one knows how to do it." ) 18:11
jnthn moritz: If you know the MRO length of all the things you can always cheat and just do them in increasing order of MRO length... :) 18:12
iiuc what you're dong, anyway
moritz jnthn: I'm not sure about the MRO for roles 18:13
masak here's how you do a topo sort: DFS down the graph. as you *go back up*, the first time you see every node, emit it. 18:14
moritz so, post-order traversal
quietfanatic If you have to do that every time you dispatch, you're gonna get slow code. 18:15
tadzik hello #perl6
quietfanatic is jumping into a conversation he knows nothing about again
jnthn moritz: roles don't show up in the MRO because we don't visit them during method resolution :)
moritz jnthn: yes, but I need to sort them too 18:16
jnthn quietfanatic: Relax, the conversation is about p6doc :)
quietfanatic aaah
moritz to determine in which order to process the docs
jnthn moritz: OK, then just considering MRO won't cut it :)
hi tadzik
quietfanatic Okay. Generally you don't have to process docs as part of a function dispatch mechanism :)
masak tadzik! \o/ 18:17
moritz I need to handle the 'Any' default somehow 18:18
dalek c: 008d651 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
add Any as default superclass
albot: e1d7f66 | masak++ | / (2 files):
added 'toqast' target
masak evalbot control restart 18:45
jnthn toqast: say "no, not toast" 18:45
masak hm. 18:46
masak pulls server-side
evalbot control restart 18:47
jnthn toqast: say "no, not toast" 18:47
flussence toqast: pizza?
masak sigh :) 18:48
I'm new at this, apparently.
moritz: halp!
sorear good * #perl6 18:53
masak r: say "this still works, I hope."
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«this still works, I hope.␤»
masak phew.
sorear! \o/
jnthn o/ sorear
dalek albot: ff944c6 | masak++ | sync.pl:
updated sync.pl with toqast
sorear tries to log in to feather3's p6eval screen, fails
moritz sorear: a 'git pull' would have been enough :-) 18:56
toqast: say 1
r: say 1
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«1␤» 18:57
masak moritz: I think I did everything by the book. feel free to review it if you have time.
moritz masak: why did you change rakudo's safe mode from RESTRICTED back to SAFE? 18:58
masak I did no such thing.
moritz oh
I might have read the diff wrong
masak no, github.com/perl6/evalbot/commit/e1...9851d4634f does look worrying. 18:59
moritz masak: looks like you accidentally reverted some older commits :(
masak here's what I did. I made a commit as p6eval, realized I was the wrong user, copied things over to my own home directory on feather, and committed there. 19:00
seems so, yes.
moritz oh yes
masak I'll straighten things out immediately.
moritz copying stuff is how you get an old state into your sources
masak right.
dalek albot: c03db41 | masak++ | / (2 files):
Revert "added 'toqast' target"

This reverts commit e1d7f6613e61c47e3691d1b058ee609851d4634f.
p/toqast: 4f9fa15 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/ (2 files):
Fix if/unless with pointy blocks taking the condition as an argument.
p/toqast: 69b0f82 | jnthn++ | src/QAST/Operations.nqp:
while and until with pointy.
kudo/toqast: 709b09f | jnthn++ | src/core/Numeric.pm:
Correct another wrong proto.
albot: 7222a04 | masak++ | / (2 files):
added 'toqast' target

This time with correctness.
masak evalbot control restart 19:04
masak r: say "OH HAI" 19:04
moritz the first execution always takes ages 19:05
I have no idea why
masak .oO( the bot is cold and needs to warm up ) 19:05
moritz r: say 1
moritz t: say 1 19:05
cat: /home/p6eval/toqast-inst/rakudo-revision: No such file or directory
masak there was when I checked. hm. 19:06
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«Can't exec "./toqast-inst/bin/perl6": No such file or directory at lib/EvalbotExecuter.pm line 200.␤exec (./toqast-inst/bin/perl6 --setting=RESTRICTED /tmp/7xwHaMw8Nz) failed: No such file or directory␤Lost connection to server irc.freenode.org.␤» 19:06
masak $ toqast-inst/bin/perl6 -e 'say "OH HAI"' 19:06
wrong CWD? 19:07
moritz that's feather 1
t: say 1
masak "that's feather 1"? are there more feathers I should have been aware of when making this addition? :/ 19:08
moritz masak: that's what sync.pl is about
moritz masak: there are three virtual maschines on the same physical host 19:08
masak ah. 19:09
moritz masak: the feather you usually log in to is feather1. It's where we build the compilers for p6eval
and p6eval runs on feather3
masak I see.
moritz so sync.pl rsync's stuff over
r: say 'OH HAI'
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak I didn't run sync.pl
moritz t: say 'me too'
p6eval toqast bec9a8: OUTPUT«./toqast-inst/bin/perl6: error while loading shared libraries: libparrot.so.4.5.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory␤»
masak clearly something is building, though.
moritz masak: which parrot does toqast-inst use?
I ran it
and build.pl runs it 19:10
crab2313 /quit
masak moritz: same parrot as nom uses. 19:11
I didn't change it in any way.
moritz masak: so --with-parrot and separate --prefix did work in the end?
masak no, I added a 'cp -r' to the end of rebuild-toqast.pl 19:13
jnthn Uhm. How has Buf.setbuf ever worked?
It creates a new byte buffer with a string in instead of a byte buffer.
moritz masak: parrot isn't relocatable 19:14
jnthn Oh...maybe because QAST knows to box to a Perl 6 Str, not a Parrot String, and Parrot String implements elements...
masak moritz: the toqast/bin/perl6 executable works from the ~ dir of p6eval. 19:15
moritz masak: that's all fine, but it doesn't work when rsync'ed over to feather3
jnthn: it just needs a conversion from parrot binary String to ByteBuffer 19:16
jnthn: like infix:<~>(Buf, Buf) does it
jnthn: want me to patch it? 19:17
jnthn moritz: Trying a patch now.
moritz: Was mostly wondering how on earth we got away with it more than how to patch it :)
masak moritz: I take your word for it. so clearly I did something wrong in setting up all this. I am at a loss how to fix it, unfortunately.
moritz masak: compile another parrot for toqast-inst{1,2}/ 19:18
masak how? 19:21
jnthn For anybody wanting to help with toqast: I know why repeat.t is busted and know the three leftover S05 fails are all the same root cause. Analysis/golfing/fixes for any of the other remaining failures is most welcome.
moritz masak: git clone parrot; perl Configure --prefix=$prefix --optimize && make install 19:22
masak ah, as part of rebuild-toqast.pl? 19:23
moritz yes
masak does it
moritz (not the git cloning, just the git pulling, if ncessary) 19:23
masak ok. 19:25
UncleFester6 r: our @a; say @a.perl; our %h; say %h.perl 19:26
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«Any␤Any␤»
UncleFester6 r: our @a =() 19:27
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«No such method 'STORE' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/LpfyDUlKRB:1␤␤»
moritz UncleFester6: known problem :(
UncleFester6 r: our %h = ()
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«No such method 'STORE' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/GAorSSASi2:1␤␤»
UncleFester6 moritz: this is the basis, I think of RT 102876 - if there is another relevant ticket maybe they should be merged 19:28
dalek albot: 974082c | masak++ | build-scripts/rebuild-toqast.pl:
instructions to rebuild parrot for toqast
c: e7b836c | moritz++ | / (2 files):
topological sorting of types
masak evalbot control restart
moritz you only need to restart evalbot for actual code changes to the bot 19:28
masak I need to focus on crypt now, unfortunately.
ok. 19:29
moritz t: say 1
p6eval toqast bec9a8: OUTPUT«./toqast-inst/bin/perl6: error while loading shared libraries: libparrot.so.4.5.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory␤»
dalek albot: 9906490 | moritz++ | build-scripts/rebuild-toqast.pl:
[toqast rebuild] list form of system() does not interpret shell meta chars
moritz /home/p6eval/toqast/install/bin/nqp --vmlibs=perl6_group,perl6_ops --target=pir --output=src/gen/perl6-actions.pir --encoding=utf8 \ src/Perl6/Actions.pm 19:46
Null PMC access in find_method('operations')
UncleFester6 moritz: the other ticket is 100560 and neither of the tickets note that 'our @a; say @a.perl' gives any which seems useful to mention. 19:47
jnthn The Rakudo toqast branch also needs the toqast branch of NQP
moritz jnthn: I know. evalbot needs to know too :/ 19:48
UncleFester6: yes, seems useful to add 19:50
UncleFester6 r: our @a; my $x = shift @a; 19:54
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«Cannot call 'shift'; none of these signatures match:␤:(@a)␤␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/KwEJ4wnr8k:1␤␤»
UncleFester6 r: my @a; my $x = shift @a;
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: ( no output )
UncleFester6 r: our @a; @a[3] = 12; 19:55
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: ( no output )
UncleFester6 that's ok ...
based on that last example with shift I propose merging 100560 and 102876 and adding the shift example ... I don't think I can do it ... 19:57
moritz masak: oh 19:59
masak: the problem might be the cp -r instead of changing the symlink 20:00
masak :/ 20:01
well, I never got --prefix to work.
no idea why.
moritz because the bird's prefix was at odds with the one you gave to Configure.pl 20:02
masak hm.
moritz how about we screw this complicated setup, and do a simple compile without a custom prefix, and rsync it all over? 20:03
moritz the two-install-dirs-setup was from the times where we built the cmopiler on the same machine as we ran evalbot 20:04
now rsync does the snapshotting for us
masak sounds fine to me. 20:06
sorry for messing it up in the first place.
it looked easy, but it was complicated.
moritz no problem
that's true for a lot of problems :-)
masak :) 20:07
dalek albot: 978c680 | moritz++ | / (2 files):
simplfy toqast rebuild
albot: 92190fc | moritz++ | build-scripts/rebuild-toqast.pl:
[toqast] fix thinko
albot: 1ebd56b | moritz++ | / (2 files):
more thinkos
moritz evalbot control restart 20:24
UncleFester6 r: our (@a) 20:35
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Mu in string context in any <anon> at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:104␤␤===SORRY!===␤error:imcc:Multiple declarations of lexical '@a'␤␤ i…
UncleFester6 known bug but golf
jnthn UncleFester6++ 20:37
Add to ticket; once I get toqast landed I'll make a pass over this our scoping stuff 20:38
moritz t: say 3
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz toqast: say 'loliamhere'
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«loliamhere␤»
jnthn r: sub foo(Int $a) { CATCH { say "oops" } }; foo(~"lol") 20:39
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«oops␤Nominal type check failed for parameter '$a'; expected Int but got Str instead␤ in sub foo at /tmp/z7VxGgBXGV:1␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/z7VxGgBXGV:1␤␤»
jnthn t: sub foo(Int $a) { CATCH { say "oops" } }; foo(~"lol")
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter '$a'; expected Int but got Str instead␤␤»
jnthn Well, that's one thing fixed in toqast :)
tadzik \o/ 20:40
jnthn masak++, moritz++ for setting this up. It'll be useful in the coming days as spectests and module space are triaged. :) 20:41
masak moritz++ \o/
t: macro foo { my $a = "it's us, the space puppies!"; quasi { $a } }; my $result = foo; say $result
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«Cannot assign a non-Perl 6 value to a Perl 6 container␤␤»
masak jnthn: there, that's what I wanted to show :P 20:42
jnthn t: macro foo { my $a = "it's us, the space puppies!"; quasi { $a} }; say foo.WHAT
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«Can only use get_what on a SixModelObject␤␤»
jnthn Well, there's another clue. :)
t: macro foo { my $a = "it's us, the space puppies!"; quasi { $a} }; say DUMP(foo)
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«(null)␤»
jnthn t: say (quasi { 1 }).WHAT 20:43
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«AST()␤»
jnthn Hm, not so obvious then :)
t: macro foo { my $a = "it's us, the space puppies!"; quasi { $a} }; say nqp::isnull(foo) 20:44
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'Integer'␤␤»
jnthn t: macro foo { my $a = "it's us, the space puppies!"; quasi { $a} }; say nqp::p6box_i(nqp::isnull(foo))
p6eval toqast : OUTPUT«1␤»
masak something goes wrong in the macro application?
jnthn Guessing so 20:45
masak then I'll know where to look. 20:47
tadzik eww, no Perl 6 talks on the YAPC? 21:00
lue hello world o/ 21:10
jnthn tadzik: I've not had mine accepted or rejected yet. 21:12
tadzik hello lue! 21:13
tadzik checks how toqast awesome got over the weekend 21:14
UncleFester6 r: our $a = 12; { our $a =2;}; say $a 21:48
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«2␤»
masak aye.
UncleFester6 looking at RT 111284 and wondering if this isn't redeclaration
masak it's never redeclaration if it's in another scope.
tadzik suddenly, I have a feeling that I should stop using any sort of real name and real connection on the internet 21:49
UncleFester6 but it kept the value from the inner scope after that scope is gone. Was it really declared in a different scope?
masak tadzik: why? 21:50
tadzik I mean, LinkedIn guesses people you may know, from, I don't know, your company, your gmail contacts, their gmail contacts, facepalm, whatever
masak UncleFester6: before we go any further, do you know what 'our' variables are?
tadzik and it's quite well at figuring out people
to the point that it just listed one of the bartenders I know in "People you may know"
How on earth does it know that
makes me want to crawl under my bed and change my name and face 21:51
masak tadzik: people will buy your privacy by the kilo whether you're selling it or not. welcome to the 21st century.
UncleFester6 masak: my knowledge is based on perl5 but if you still think I am heading in the wrong direction I will take your word for it for now
masak UncleFester6: I didn't mean to discourage you, just to gauge your knowledge.
UncleFester6: basically, 'our' = 'my' + storage in package scope. 21:52
if that makes any sense.
UncleFester6 in my example weren't both our declarations in the same package scope? 21:53
masak yes, correct.
that's why it overwrote the 12.
UncleFester6 overwrite is fine. allowing the redeclaration is what I found confusing ...
r: our $a; our $a 21:54
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Redeclaration of symbol $a␤at /tmp/riUERDeBje:1␤»
UncleFester6 Interesting in perl5 even with strict 'our $a; our $a' is allowed. 21:57
warnings catches it though 21:58
lue std: our $a; our $a; 22:00
p6eval std 3b49ac8: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 41m␤»
benabik r: our $a; our $a 22:01
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Redeclaration of symbol $a␤at /tmp/KyPq1bELiX:1␤»
UncleFester6 perl5 with strict + warnings complains about my original example
lue hm. Seems there's a bug in rakudo.
gfldex i'm toying around with my own implementation for search in doc 22:11
i'm making great progress: Firefox had a problem and crashed. We'll try to restore your tabs and windows when it restarts.
lue r: class A { state $b; }; 22:12
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
lue should I file in RT or in Github issues? 22:13
benabik rakudo does bugs in RT
Yeah, Rakudo doesn't even have gh issues enabled.
masak lue: nice!
lue: are you submitting it, or shall I?
lue thought so (there was talk of moving a while ago, so I wasn't sure).
lue masak: you could if you want, it's been a while since I've used RT :) 22:13
masak oh, you're submitting it. good.
oh, ok. 22:14
I'll do it, then.
benabik lue: There's been resistance to upgrading RT, much less moving somewhere else.
.oO(who am I to deprive masakbot of his life's purpose?)
masak benabik: I believe that was me, yes :)
lue benabik: yeah, I remember that part of the discussion too :)
masak submits rakudobug
lue masak: actually, that "hm. seems there's a bug" line was for mishandling our $a; our $a; above :) [ unless it's std that's wrong here ] 22:19
masak lue: I don't know. for once I agree with Rakudo. 22:22
r: my $a; my $a
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Redeclaration of symbol $a␤at /tmp/BFy2EKcS3p:1␤»
benabik n: our $a; our $a
p6eval niecza v19-13-g442e075: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless redeclaration of variable $a (see line 1) at /tmp/bQjhMFTpYD line 1 (EOF):␤------> our $a; our $a⏏<EOL>␤␤»
masak though the spec says that that should be OK, IIRC.
lue std: my $a; my $a;
p6eval std 3b49ac8: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless redeclaration of variable $a (see line 1) at /tmp/eE2NODalG8 line 1:␤------> my $a; my $a⏏;␤ok 00:00 41m␤»
lue std: our $a; our $a;
p6eval std 3b49ac8: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 41m␤»
lue I personally can't see the reason for allowing redeclaration of our variables (unless there's some package-scoping-related scenario I'm not thinking of) 22:23
masak lol, I blogged! \o/ strangelyconsistent.org/blog/july-2...hanoi-game
UncleFester6 lue: I still think that there should be consistency with below 22:26
r:our $a = 12; { our $a =2;}; say $a
r: our $a = 12; { our $a =2;}; say $a
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«2␤»
masak there *is* consistency.
lue masak++ good post
masak r: my $a = 12; { my $a = 2 }; say $a 22:27
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«12␤»
masak neither the 'my' or the 'our' variant is a redeclaration.
UncleFester6 in perl5 with strict and warnings my example is identified as a redeclaration just like 'our $a; our $a' 22:28
lue our $a; our $a; still seems... interesting (unless, again, there's a good reason for allowing this but not my $a; my $a; ) 22:29
masak UncleFester6: well, Perl 5 has slightly different semantics for 'our'.
eval: { our $a = 12 }; $a
buubot_backup masak: 12
masak r: { our $a = 12 }; say $a 22:30
p6eval rakudo 3ac8c7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $a is not declared␤at /tmp/48NluKkbrV:1␤»
UncleFester6 have to go for now sorry ...
masak o/ 22:34
lue I'm very interested in taking Adventure::Engine for a spin after July :) 22:46
masak \o/
lue wonders how hard it would be to implement a "hamster wheel" room... 22:47
tadzik Files=683, Tests=24822, 1332 wallclock secs 22:55
that's qast
if panda runs, I'm trying emmentaler 22:56
tadzik yep, panda runs 23:00
masak \o/ 23:01
tadzik I have a feeling it's slightly faster, but there's a high chance that it's just my imagination :)
masak no, it's slightly faster. the Q in QAST is more aerodynamic than the P in PAST. 23:02
tadzik true
timotimo the little wiggly thing on the Q is actually what the QAST uses to move forwards
tadzik and it has a spoiler, which makes it look faster too
oh, that can't be it
timotimo no? not like bacteria?
tadzik that'd be a snail-type movement then, no? 23:03
doesn't fit :)
masak I voted for using a D, which has great lift power, too. but people thought that idea was really DAST.
timotimo: flagellae.
phenny: "flagellum"?
phenny masak: "flagellum" (en to en, translate.google.com) 23:04
tadzik phenny: "dast"?
phenny tadzik: "dast" (de to en, translate.google.com)
tadzik phenny: en pl "dast"?
phenny tadzik: "Dast" (en to pl, translate.google.com)
masak hm, plural appears to be "flagella".
timotimo masak: thanks, i just looked it up on wikipedia, too :)
masak Intelligent-Design people love flagella. or did a few years ago, at least.
timotimo they did? 23:05
didn't notice any of that
don't really know if i should give them any more of my time ...
masak probably not.
well, unless you happen to like being frustrated. 23:06
timotimo sure it can be amusing every once in a while, when they come up with crocoducks or claim monkeys still existing disproves evolution, but then you notice that those people are quite a big and powerful (or at least very vocal) group in 'merica and then you just get sad
sorear masak: "whip" (classical latin to en, sorear)
tadzik this is when "catholic poland" suddenly feels *so* sane...
lue wasn't their argument that it (flagella) couldn't have come in a simpler, earlier form, ∴ !evolution? 23:07
timotimo it seems many arguments they make are quite a lot like that, yeah
sorear basically, eys
tadzik this is also when I'm close to coming up with arguments which make people hate me, so I guess I'd just shut up for a while :)
sorear and it's unfalsifiable since flagella don't leave fossils! 23:08
sorear hugs tadzik
lue (but then a scientist came along and proved its earlier form was as a stinger of sorts. It was part of a court case, at least what I'm thinking of)
tadzik sorear: thanks, I feel better
jnthn tadzik: (panda works) yay! 23:09
tadzik: Will be happy to see how the cheese holds up. 23:10
tadzik yeah, the smoketests seem to be going along nicely so far
well, NativeCall doesn't work, for one
timotimo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_flagella <- this article suggests a former version of the flagellum might have been used to inject toxin into other cells, so you are probably remembering correctly, lue
and with this, i'm done with intelligent design for today 23:11
jnthn tadzik: There's still some spectests that fail too; it's entirely possible NativeCall relies on one of them.
tadzik could be 23:11
jnthn tadzik: Alternatively, it may rely on recent arnsholt++ work not merged from nqp master into toqast, perhaps. 23:11
(Didn't check if there is any.)
lue (watched a video about it a case with that as a part of it in class long ago) The scientist came to court with a somewhat-taken-apart mousetrap as a tie clip as an analogy
(I'm done with ID too now) 23:12
benabik My biggest argument against intelligent design is that most biological design doesn't seem too intelligent. :-D
tadzik :P
I mean, fingers on feet! Gah!
quietfanatic Hey, my feetgers are very useful sometimes. 23:13
tadzik they lift furniture sometimes, but they usually don't 23:15
.oO(that whole caffeine isn't good for you thing was a bit of a slip-up :P)
timotimo everything in the universe is trying to kill us! 23:18
masak 'night, #perl6
timotimo 'night masak :)
tadzik 'night 23:19
good knight masak
49 modules ok, 57 not ok (106 total) 23:27
Testing took 25 minutes and 36 seconds
uploaded to tjs.azalayah.net/index.html 23:28
so about 5 regressions
jnthn tadzik: Do you know which are the regressions? (more) 23:30
I suspect if one is NativeCall, anything that depends on it will also be regressed. 23:31
tadzik: I count 4 modules that say they failed because of a dependency on NativeCall. 23:32
tadzik: Those + native call = 5. That's...surprisingly good if true.
tadzik URI also fails 23:38
and thus LWP and Bailador
tadzik I need a tool that'll do the diff between two results.json 23:40
I'll tackle that tomorrow 23:41
or maybe today
jnthn tadzik: Great, thanks.
tadzik well, the tea is still warm anyway
jnthn tadzik: URI is regex heavy and we have 3 test fails in S05.
tadzik the bad part is that I don't think I've saved the old results.json
I'll rebuild and re-run then
jnthn tadzik: OK. I'm gonna sleep soon; feel free to gist me the failure modes of NativeCall and URI or triage it a bit...it may boil down to one of the failing spectests though. 23:42
The majority of things being OK is very good news. 23:43
timotimo lue: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wOKuFu217E <- this would be a video about the flagellum and the mousetrap tie clip, from NOVA 23:47
jnthn 'night, #perl6 23:54
tadzik good knight jnthn 23:55
lichtkind woot #perl6 23:58