»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
mikemol Looking into it. 00:06
00:24 fgomez left 00:38 fgomez joined 00:51 LordV joined, LordV is now known as LordVorp
skids r: sub a ($f) { (1,2,3).map: { return $_ } }; a(1).say 00:57
p6eval rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«Attempt to return outside of any Routine␤ in block at src/gen/CORE.setting:428␤ in block at /tmp/5Oez7_hnSf:1␤␤»
01:04 terrence joined 01:10 bapa left 01:15 jaldhar joined, jaldhar left 01:16 jaldhar joined 01:28 jaldhar left 01:31 jaldhar joined 01:41 jaldhar left 01:42 Targen joined 01:43 tokuhiro_ joined 01:44 FROGGS_ joined 01:45 jaldhar joined 01:46 flightrecorder left 01:48 FROGGS left, flightrecorder joined 01:54 PacoAir left 02:00 popl joined 02:16 Targen left 02:24 flightrecorder left 02:26 FROGGS_ left 02:27 orafu left, flightrecorder joined, orafu joined
grondilu r: my @a = <foo bar>; any(@a) ~~ /foo/; 02:27
p6eval rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native string␤ in any at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:99␤ in any !cursor_init at src/stage2/QRegex.nqp:497␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:10179␤ in block at /tmp/FzXN1R6FXg:1␤␤»
grondilu rn: my @a = <foo bar>; any(@a) ~~ /foo/;
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: ( no output ) 02:28
..rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native string␤ in any at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:99␤ in any !cursor_init at src/stage2/QRegex.nqp:497␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:10179␤ in block at /tmp/uYja_cZ82Z:1␤␤»
02:29 FROGGS joined
grondilu rn: my @a = <foo bar>; so any(@a).match: /foo/; 02:30
p6eval rakudo d171b9, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: ( no output )
02:40 colomon left
grondilu rn: "foo" ~~ / <*foo> /; 02:47
p6eval rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix / instead␤at /tmp/faznXKLVVF:1␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Action method assertion:sym<*> not yet implemented at /tmp/ypDSqnco39 line 1:␤------> "foo" ~~ / <*foo⏏> /;␤␤Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method oplift in type Any␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/Rx…
grondilu NYI in rakudo either, I guess. 02:48
02:49 terrence left
sorear o/ 03:14
japhb o/ 03:16
grondilu rn: my $x = "abcd"; say ([\,] $x.comb)».join; 03:18
p6eval rakudo d171b9, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«a a b a b c a b c d␤»
grondilu was expecting a ab abc abcd
rn: my $x = "abcd"; say ([\,] $x.comb)».join.perl; 03:19
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«["a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "d"].list␤»
..rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«("a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "d")␤»
grondilu rn: say .join for [\,] "abcd".comb; 03:20
p6eval rakudo d171b9, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«a␤a␤b␤a␤b␤c␤a␤b␤c␤d␤»
03:31 sizz_ is now known as sizz 03:32 benabik joined
grondilu rn: say .join for lol [\,] "abcd".comb; 03:42
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'lol' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1437 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /home…
..rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&lol' called (line 1)␤»
grondilu rn: say .join for LoL [\,] "abcd".comb;
p6eval rakudo d171b9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused␤at /tmp/OZpsRFG0PQ:1␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared name:␤ 'LoL' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1437 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /home/p6…
grondilu rn: .say for [\~] "abcd".comb; 03:51
p6eval rakudo d171b9, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«a␤ab␤abc␤abcd␤»
grondilu yes :)
03:58 colomon joined 04:04 jaldhar left 04:21 telex left 04:22 telex joined 04:29 Targen joined 04:33 telex left 04:35 benabik left 04:36 benabik joined 04:38 telex joined 04:45 benabik left 04:46 adu joined 04:47 benabik joined 04:50 Exodist joined 04:56 popl left 05:01 hash_table left 05:12 Entonian joined 05:16 araujo left 05:22 mucker joined, kaare_ joined 05:26 tokuhiro_ left 05:30 popl joined 05:31 Targen left 05:32 Entonian left
TimToady sorear: my recollection is that undef predated += autovivishness by quite a bit 05:41
05:42 Targen joined
TimToady well, ++ autoviv, += probably came later 05:42
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azawawi hmmm, modules.perl6.org is not displaying any module 07:26
i think it is related to Github API rate limiting 07:27
07:29 popl left
moritz raw.github.com/azawawi/farabi6/master/META.info 07:30
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at lib/P6Project/Info.pm line 72.
Not an ARRAY reference at lib/P6Project/Hosts/Github.pm line 69.
that's the tail of the output from running the updating script
oh indeed 07:33
$VAR1 = {
'message' => 'API Rate Limit Exceeded for'
so 07:34
github limits to 60 unauthenticated requests per hour 07:35
so we need to authenticate requests
dalek kudo/nom: b866287 | moritz++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.pm:
RT #115356: redeclaring a class as a role
ast: b73c13b | moritz++ | S32-exceptions/misc.t:
RT #115356, redeclaration of class as a role
moritz phenny: tell jnthn please check commit b866287, I'm not sure if the nqp::can is the best way to identify if $*PACKAGE is a role or not 07:39
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when jnthn is around.
07:52 Khisanth left, Khisanth joined
azawawi star: say "<a href".quotemeta; 08:06
p6eval star 2012.07: OUTPUT«No such method 'quotemeta' for invocant of type 'Str'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/ut1KXLluvv:1␤␤»
azawawi star: say quotemeta("<a href");
p6eval star 2012.07: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Undefined routine '&quotemeta' called (line 1)␤»
azawawi hmmm 08:07
niecza: say quotemeta("<a href");
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'quotemeta' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1437 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at…
azawawi so what does Perl 6 use to escape regexes...? 08:11
08:12 mucker left
azawawi star: say "<a href".escaped; 08:18
p6eval star 2012.07: OUTPUT«No such method 'escaped' for invocant of type 'Str'␤ in block <anon> at /tmp/O6a6ljOVUu:1␤␤»
azawawi star: say "<a href".perl;
p6eval star 2012.07: OUTPUT«"<a href"␤»
azawawi moritz: ping 08:20
08:23 tokuhiro_ left
sorear azawawi: if you need to escape regexes in perl 6 you're probably doing it wrong, but .perl will work 08:24
n: say "<a href=foo>" ~~ eval('/' ~ "<a href".perl ~ '/') 08:25
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(7) text(<a href) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
azawawi so no quotemeta right? 08:26
sorear no quotemeta. why?
n: say "<a href".subst(/\W/,"\\$/",:g)
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1295 (warn @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 266 (Mu.Str @ 15) ␤ at <unknown> line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.settin…
azawawi i was confused since it was here github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...uotemeta.t 08:27
sorear n: say "<a href".subst(/\W/,{"\\$/"},:g)
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«\<a\ href␤»
sorear azawawi: that's a blatant fossil. ignore it. 08:28
would have been nice if you had started out mentioning that...
I sound grumpy, sorry about that 08:29
azawawi sorear: thx and good night
08:39 preflex left
masak morning, #perl6 08:44
phenny masak: 19 Oct 22:29Z <diakopter> tell masak r: say -> {YOU_ARE_HERE}
masak: 19 Oct 22:30Z <diakopter> tell masak r: say DOC BEGIN { 4 };
masak r: say -> {YOU_ARE_HERE} 08:45
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
masak submits rakudobug
r: say DOC BEGIN { 4 };
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'flat' not found for invocant of class 'NQPMu'␤»
masak submits rakudobug
r: say {YOU_ARE_HERE}
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«1␤»
masak r: say -> $x {YOU_ARE_HERE} 08:46
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«(signal SEGV)»
azawawi masak: morning
masak: any idea why modules.perl.org is not displaying any modules? 08:53
08:54 GlitchMr joined
moritz azawawi: you said it yourself earlier 08:57
irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-10-20#i_6081839 08:58
azawawi yeah but im not 100% sure
moritz well, I am
azawawi cool 08:59
Since i added Farabi6 as the last entry, i thought i broke it somehow
08:59 mucker joined
moritz so, somebody need to patch P6Project::Hosts::Github to use the github API with authentication 09:00
azawawi The 60 vs 5000 rate limit is so limiting :) 09:01
GlitchMr github.com/perl6/perl6.org/blob/ma...robots.txt
Perfect - wrong directory ;-)
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: 3d5f4ca | GlitchMr++ | / (2 files):
Move robots.txt to correct directory.
felher good morning, #perl6 09:04
09:06 gootle joined 09:09 azawawi left
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: ba3555f | GlitchMr++ | source/style.css:
Make boxes on main page sligthly higher.

Without that change, documentation box is too higher and text overflows the box when font is rather wide, like DejaVu Sans, used on many open- source systems that aren't Android.
GlitchMr too high*
php -S 0:8080 is so useful for testing perl6.org... 09:11
moritz I don't understand how the github API authentication works 09:12
I can register a new app, and then I get a client id and a client secret 09:13
but developer.github.com/v3/#authentication talks about an OAUTH token, not a client id or a client secret 09:14
how do I get the token?
masak moritz: maybe ask on #github? 09:15
huf you can turn those two into an oauth token 09:17
huh, it's unclear to me too now :D 09:26
09:30 flightrecorder left, FROGGS left
moritz oh 09:35
a POST request to api.github.com/authorizations, with basic authentication and {} as POST body
huf but that's with a user's auth creds, right? 09:36
no app id/secret in play
moritz right, which is why I'm a bit surprised how it works
huf so the token you get is good for all apps provided the scopes match?
i'd have expected it to be only valid for the one app you auth for the user
but couldnt find anything on that in the docs 09:37
masak by the way, POST requests have a body; do GET requests have a body, too? I thought they didn't, but a course participant yesterday said they do, and so now I'm unsure. 09:38
moritz I don't think they do
masak what would be an authoritative source for such an answer? the HTTP spec? 09:39
moritz stackoverflow.com/questions/978061/...quest-body
seems the HTTP spec doesn't forbid it
masak huh. 09:40
huf i think most servers wont wait for the body though
masak "I would suggest avoiding it simply because people don't expect things to work that way". this is essentially what I ended up saying in the course.
09:41 mucker left
masak "The Robustness Principle is flawed. If you are liberal in what you accept, you will get crap, if you have any success in terms of adoption, just because you accept crap." heh. 09:41
yeah, that's something that's always bothered me about Postel's Law. 09:42
moritz the recent breakage of modules.perl6.org showcases a side of Perl 6 development that I really don't like 09:45
some volunteers come up with (increasingly complicated) systems for our infrastructure 09:46
and then it breaks
and then it stays broken for a few months, unless I fix it
09:46 spider-mario joined
moritz and then I look at the code, and see that it uses 2 spaces indention 09:47
and I want to run away screaming
masak :/
I can agree with the problem description.
as for the last bit, I don't think anyone would blame you if you started by making a formatting commit. 09:48
as for the rest, if the Perl 6 community ever becomes dependent of a single competent individual coming in and fixing broken infrastructure, we're doomed. 09:50
moritz it would be curious what happened if I didn't do anything on our infrastructure for a year or so 09:51
masak in the Perl 5 community, they have the a dedicated channel for PAUSE/CPAN infrastructure discussion, whose name escapes me for the moment.
moritz #toolchain? perl-modules?
masak moritz: volunteers generally gravitate to the fun stuff, I guess. or sometimes they, like me, have a very specific obsession which makes work seem to have zero cost.
but no-one wants to clean the bathroom. 09:52
I've always been more focused on the "how can we scale kindness" question for a growing community. it now strikes me that "how can we scale taking responsibility for the boring stuff" question is important too. 09:59
failure at the first one will mean people leaving the community because "people there are assholes". failure at the second one will mean people leaving the community because "nothing works". 10:00
10:03 azawawi joined
moritz $ perl -wE 'use Mojo::UserAgent; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; say $ua->get("raw.github.com/perl6/ecosystem/mas...->body' 10:06
why does this print the empty line?
the URL works in the browser
masak check if there was some error message? 10:07
azawawi moritz: IO::Socket::SSL not installed
masak r: class A { has A $.a }; say A.new.a
moritz meh, why does Mojo::UserAgent fail silently WHEN A FUCKING MODULE IT NEEDS IS MISSING?
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«A()␤»
masak hugs moritz 10:08
azawawi moritz: lol... i had that same question in #mojo
moritz: while working on Farabi on Mojo...
masak moritz: the Android framework is similarly surprising sometimes.
moritz is close to throwing this junk out of the windows
Hor|zon masak: the second one will naturally be solved once it stops people doing the fun stuff, the first one can stand for decades untouched
moritz seriously, __sri should know better
Hor|zon masak: plus, the second one is still somehow more fun than the first one
masak moritz: HTTP access silently fails until you flip a switch in the manifest file. 10:09
moritz: if I were in a snarky mood, I would say "ultimately, it's because Mojo doesn't *have* any dependencies :P" 10:10
moritz ... unless it does
azawawi yeah
masak right.
moritz raw.github.com/sirrobert/Semantic-.../META.info has no name, skipping! 10:13
phenny: tell sirrobert raw.github.com/sirrobert/Semantic-.../META.info has a space in "name ":, that's no good
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when sirrobert is around.
masak ponders if we should be more strict somewhere in parsing META.info files 10:15
moritz we are 10:16
it's just that we don't have a proper feedback channel if something doesn't work right
Cannot open '/logos/JSON_RPC.png' for writing: No such file or directory at lib/P6Project.pm line 50.
masak it was the feedback channel I was thinking of. 10:17
maybe we could have a 'strictbot' that jumped out and said "a-HA!" when someone submitted something invalid. 10:18
masak only semi-serious
moritz well, it could comment on the commit that added the invalid META.info to the ecosystem
10:20 Chillance joined
masak aye. 10:21
moritz open my $f, '>', $self->output_dir . $filename or die "Cannot open '$filename' for writing: $!"; 10:22
does anybody else see the "fun"?
masak 'use autodie;' 10:23
or perhaps 'use autodie qw(open close);', rather.
moritz make_path($output_dir, { mode => 0755 }) unless -e "$output_dir/logos"; 10:24
so, that creates $output_dir
but $output_dir/logos still isn'T there
masak hm.
moritz that's why I can't write to /tmp/mp6/logos/JSON_RPG.png, even though it says it tries to write to /logos/JSON_RPC.png 10:25
masak so it creates $output_dir but not $output_dir/logos?
moritz correct
masak sounds like an omission.
10:31 Chillance left 10:32 Chillance joined
azawawi so far im liking Perl 6 10:38
the bad part is the reimplement-everything even http POST :) 10:39
im working on getting rosetta code Perl example into Farabi so one can experiment and learn Perl 6 right away 10:40
the error checking is going to use viv
10:40 tokuhiro_ joined
azawawi the runtime is going to be user specified... niecza or rakudo... that is 10:40
and since farabi is a web-based editor, we can also use Perlito 6 10:41
dalek href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: d0861c3 | moritz++ | web/lib/P6Project (3 files):
[web] indent code 4 spaces. No functional changes.

I usually do not like pure formatting commits, but if I am to maintain this code (and it seems it does, since it is broken, and nobody else fixed it), I'd rather have sane indention than run screaming in circles. Running screaming in circles decreases the contact time between me and keyboard and monitor, making debugging harder.
href="https://modules.perl6.org:">modules.perl6.org: 66258ba | moritz++ | web/lib/P6Project/Hosts/Github.pm:
Use github token for authentication
modules.perl6.org: c95de60 | moritz++ | web/ (3 files):
modules.perl6.org: several robustness improvements
10:43 fglock joined
moritz modules.perl6.org/ is back, and my blood pressure a bit higher than before 10:46
azawawi moritz+=
moritz++ :)
moritz Invalid source-url found: github.com/perlpilot/p6-File-Temp.git 10:52
Invalid json found at: raw.github.com/ajs/perl6-log/master/META.info
Invalid source-url found: [email@hidden.address]
10:56 araujo joined, araujo left, araujo joined 11:02 rindolf joined 11:03 preflex joined 11:06 Su-Shee_ joined 11:09 aharoni left, Su-Shee left 11:13 tokuhiro_ left 11:23 MayDaniel joined
jnthn ohhai 11:32
phenny jnthn: 07:39Z <moritz> tell jnthn please check commit b866287, I'm not sure if the nqp::can is the best way to identify if $*PACKAGE is a role or not
moritz oh hai 11:33
or more to the point, what a better way would be
11:34 azawawi left 11:35 thebAR joined 11:43 tokuhiro_ joined
jnthn moritz: Hm, feels like it should be done with some archetypes value. 11:45
moritz: This is OK for now, I'll ponder it a bit 11:46
.oO( panda it )
12:04 domidumont joined 12:05 preflex left 12:06 preflex joined 12:07 jaldhar joined 12:09 nebuchad` joined 12:10 bonsaikitten left, steven_ left, nebuchadnezzar left, SHODAN left 12:11 SHODAN joined, bonsaikitten joined, nebuchad` is now known as nebuchadnezzar 12:12 steven joined 12:16 nebuchadnezzar left 12:20 pjcj left, pjcj joined 12:30 nebuchadnezzar joined 12:34 domidumont left 12:35 domidumont joined 12:42 jaldhar left 12:44 sctt joined 12:50 pmurias_ joined, pmurias_ left, pmurias joined
pmurias hi 12:50
jnthn: does postfix:<++> make sense in nqp?
jnthn: my $x := 1;$x++ seems incorrect
moritz nqp: my $x := 1; $x++; say $x 12:51
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«Confused at line 2, near "say $x"␤current instr.: 'panic' pc 20353 (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pir:7408) (src/stage2/gen/NQPHLL.pm:324)␤»
moritz nqp: my $x := 1; $x++; say($x)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«2␤»
moritz nqp: my $x := 1; $x++; say($x++)
p6eval nqp: OUTPUT«2␤»
moritz pmurias: incorrect in what way?
(yes, the RW semantics are a bit off, it's macro-ish in nqp) 12:52
pmurias moritz: that it modifies and inmutable value
perl6: my $x := 1;$x++;
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a non-container␤ in sub postfix:<++> at src/gen/CORE.setting:2883␤ in block at /tmp/2ne0orcYhp:1␤␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Writing to readonly scalar␤ at /tmp/m2bHZjYIlh line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4215 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4216 (module-CORE @ 579) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/li…
pmurias moritz: assuming we are trying to keep nqp a subset 12:54
moritz: $x++ seems to mean $x := $x + 1 in nqp as opposed to $x = $x + 1; 12:57
moritz pmurias: right
but it can't mean $x = $x + 1 in nqp, because there's no assignment
pmurias: jnthn and pmichaud discussed removing ++, but in the end it was used quite often, and is convenient, and easy to cheat on. So it was kept. 12:58
jnthn Yeah, we re-write it to $x = $x + 1 13:01
13:01 preflex left
jnthn er 13:01
Well, so long as we have a "use nqp" somewhere it can be fine ;)
Since that can just import a macro postfix:<++>($x) { quasi { {{{$x}}} := {{{$x]}} + 1 } } or so 13:02
pmurias it's easy to implement in nqp-js, it just seems suprising
jnthn pmurias: I did try to kill it.
pmurias: I don't mind writing $x := $x + 1. But @other did. So we did the easy hack :) 13:03
pmurias @other = (pmichaud)? ;)
jnthn I think pmichaud was also speaking for other NQP users :)
13:04 Psyche^ joined
moritz kinda likes ++ 13:04
r: multi sub trait_mod:<is>(|c) { say c.perl }; class A is NoSuchType { } 13:05
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'perl' not found for invocant of class 'A'␤at /tmp/0KyCAB2fuU:1␤»
moritz r: multi sub trait_mod:<is>(|c) { say c.hash.perl }; class A is NoSuchType { }
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«EnumMap.new("NoSuchType", Bool::True, )␤»
moritz r: multi sub trait_mod:<is>(|c) { say c.hash.perl }; class A is Int { } 13:06
p6eval rakudo b86628: ( no output )
moritz r: class A is NoSuchType { }
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot call 'trait_mod:<is>'; none of these signatures match:␤:(Mu:U $child, Mu:U $parent)␤:(Attribute:D $attr, :rw(:$rw)!)␤:(Attribute:D $attr, :readonly(:$readonly)!)␤:(Attribute:D $attr, :box_target(:$box_target)!)␤:(Routine:D $r, :rw(:$rw)!)␤:(Rout…
moritz jnthn: I wonder how to awesomify that error message; should it be a trait_mod:<is> multi that generates it, or should it be generated before we even call the trait? 13:07
13:07 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
jnthn moritz: I'm worried that it would not be considered looser than the other named candidates... 13:08
moritz jnthn: and I'm worried that we reuse traitmod<is> for catch-all type (inheritance) and legitimate uses where no type is predeclared (is rw, is export) 13:09
which makes it a bit tricky to produce good error messages *and* keep all the flexibility 13:10
Moose learned that lesson long ago, separating 'is' from 'isa'
jnthn moritz: I was pondering just re-writing the exception.
When we report the failure from trait_mod:<is>, just use a heuristic. 13:11
moritz (and with "a bit tricky" I mean "impossible to get right, the best you can do is add some heuristics)
jnthn Agree it can't be better than heuristic.
moritz jnthn: I'm always worried about catching the exception and rethrowing, when the same exception type can easily be caused by somwhere within a (user-supplied) trait 13:13
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masak hey people! jnthn and I are having a Perl 6 "porting" hackathon today! :D 13:27
moritz \o/
masak it has two purposes:
(1) port some module or other to Perl 6 13:28
(2) try a bottle of port I bought a while ago :)
moritz :-)
masak I will try to provide updates as we progress.
Moukeddar good luck guys :)
moritz so, any ideas yet what module(s) to portß
masak yes. 13:29
moritz s/ß/?/
masak we settled on JSON::Path.
metacpan.org/module/JSON::Path 13:30
moritz about 400 lines of code
masak Moukeddar: thanks! so far, the module is approachable and the port is sweet. :)
moritz: yeah, should be doable in an afternoon.
jnthn The ported code should be sweet too :D
Moukeddar it's been a while and i really miss you guys here :)
Hor|zon someone should screencast / record porting a Perl 5 module to Perl 6
kind of like Larry's presentation 13:31
masak Moukeddar: you should come by more often.
Hor|zon that would be awesome
Moukeddar i lost internet access due to cable issues -_-
moritz masak: and you can ste^Wtake inspiration from the existing tests
Moukeddar but i'm back now
moritz afaict the module isn't specific to JSON at all 13:32
it just seems to limit itself to data structures mappable to JSON
masak moritz: inspiration: that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm copying the tests and converting them. 13:33
Moukeddar guys, a quick question, i my resume, should i add only the languages i'm "good" at or any language i had a little experience with ?
masak moritz: JSON-specific: we thought so too at first.
moritz: but it does a little from_json conversion, actually.
Moukeddar masak, your "inspiration" seems familiar lol
13:34 hash_table joined
masak Moukeddar: the résumé question is hard to answer. I guess part of the answer is what you could expect to answer if during an interview you were asked about the language. 13:34
Hor|zon Moukeddar: I just add the ones I'm fairly good at, then tweak it and add the *others* based on the job 13:35
masak mostly I would put into the résumé things I feel very at home with.
Moukeddar i see, so i should play on the safe side :)
masak but Hor|zon's take is a good one, too.
Moukeddar it's not a job, jut internship (that's what you call it, right ? ) 13:36
Hor|zon internship? add everything
masak :D
Moukeddar lol , alright 13:37
Hor|zon even Microsoft Access :D
Moukeddar well that's awkward, i did add it
pmurias jnthn: ++, and -- are now implemented in nqp-js (along with the rest of test 13) 13:38
Hor|zon hahaha, you'll be surprised how many _crazy_ companies use access for important stuff
moritz I know of a whole CRM and billing systems for medical doctors written in access and VBA 13:39
jnthn pmurias: nice :)
Moukeddar indeed, i'm applying for internship inside the international university of Al-Akhawayn
Hor|zon that's different, hospitals and doctors surgeries are just really good at getting ripped off by consultants, that's why they're on access, probably using windows 98 still 13:40
13:40 PacoAir joined
Hor|zon even though the project isn't *that* old 13:40
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masak feels bad for never, ever having heard of Al-Akhawayn 13:40
moritz ' 13:41
masak it's Arabic for "the Akhawayn" :P
actually, it's s'posed to be written جامعة الأخوين 13:42
(with apologies for all IRC clients out there that don't do RTL properly...)
moritz it's all white boxes to me
but looks pretty in the browser :-)
Hor|zon kisses irssi, screen, sshd, the whole chain
Moukeddar i have an uncle who is a dentist, he's getting ripped , the management application he uses is pretty basic, yet he pays loads of money for it and it's maintainance
Hor|zon works here :) 13:43
Moukeddar masak, it's located in Ifrane, Morocco
that's what i wrote in my C.V
Hor|zon no Perl? 13:45
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Moukeddar i'm not good at it, i just toy around with it 13:45
and like you said, only add what you feel you're good at, no ? don't want to get cornered during the interview 13:46
masak you should learn Perl, it's good for future job prospects ;) 13:47
plus, you get to spend more time with us :)
Hor|zon eheh, fair enough :)
Moukeddar that's the up-side of learning perl, the #perl6 guys ^_^ 13:48
so, what do you think about what i wrote there?
13:50 aharoni_ is now known as aharoni
cognominal "Merise"! Welcome to french bureaucracy 13:50
Moukeddar cognominal, got that right \m/ 13:51
Hor|zon Moukeddar: looks good, I would usually try and add some adjective indicating level to most skills, or years of experience in parens
but you don't necessarily have to
for the short compact format you have, looks good 13:52
CVs are hard
Moukeddar Hor|zon, it's under the categorie of "Competences", which means : "what i'm good at" lol
i'll be back, lunch :)
Hor|zon brill idea 13:54
Hor|zon hunts for food
13:58 hoelzro|away is now known as hoelzro
masak "Unsupported use of -> as postfix; in Perl 6 please use either . to call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block" 13:59
rn: my $a; $a->some_method; say "alive"
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of -> as postfix; in Perl 6 please use either . to call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block␤at /tmp/tk3CkoC1ft:1␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Unsupported use of -> as postfix; in Perl 6 please use either . to call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block at /tmp/YFR5UgSKhS line 1:␤------> my $a; $a->⏏some_method; say "alive"␤␤Parse fail…
masak \o/ 14:00
turns out this is quite useful when porting code from Perl 5 to Perl 6...
14:02 skids left
tadzik does your porting consist of copying the code and then translating it piece by piece?> 14:04
masak well, that's how I've been doing the tests so far. 14:06
but it seems to me jnthn is taking a more conservative route.
Moukeddar TDD port ?
masak involving something called "thinking", apparently.
Moukeddar thinks masak is an automated code translator 14:07
masak a masak is an automaton that turns port wine into ported code.
Moukeddar was thinking masak's running on Cafeine 14:08
masak nah, caffeine makes me not sleep at night, and it doesn't make me more efficient in the daytime :) 14:10
Hor|zon some good port on the other hand...
Moukeddar i agree, so, wine is a better substance ?
Hor|zon I prefer whiskey with Perl 14:11
jnthn I'm certainly not wining about this port...
Hor|zon haha, never miss a chance for a pun
wasn't a bad pun to be honest, beter than I have come to expect from you lot 14:12
Moukeddar oh you guys
how about some Tea ?
Hor|zon now that was more the Perl level of pun 14:13
TPF needs to give a pun of the year award 14:15
masak Hor|zon: are you saying you've come to expect bad puns from our lot?
masak .oO( not that there's anything wrong with that. some of my best friends are bad puns. ) 14:16
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Hor|zon masak: no, I wouldn't dream of it 14:16
masak ;) 14:17
Moukeddar thinks masak was pretty intimidating
masak it is not my intent to intimidate. 14:20
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Hor|zon he has always been a bully, that masak 14:21
masak moritz: how went the github authentication thing? did you get stuck at some point? is there some way we can help?
Moukeddar here's my CV 14:22
pardon me, it's french
masak heh :)
we pardon your French. :P
Moukeddar i don't like the fact that it has to be french 14:23
masak reads it with `strings`
oh, Moukeddar is your last name? didn't know that.
Moukeddar yes it is, and i still haven't found what it means lol 14:24
masak looks nice.
Hor|zon a one page CV! my Boss would hire you on the spot 14:25
masak heh.
Moukeddar lazy boss ?
but seriously, i just got started :) 14:26
Hor|zon which boss isn't?
they're all lazy and impulsive
masak .oO( because generalization is generally wrong, except when it's about bosses )
Hor|zon true stories 14:27
Moukeddar you mean Horror stories
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moritz masak: I succeed with the github authentication stuff. Which is why modules.perl6.org is non-empty again :-) 14:28
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moritz part of the problem is that oauth seems to mix authorization and authentication, and I didn't want to read the documentation on authorization, since I only wanted to authenticate :-) 14:29
masak moritz++ 14:30
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masak heh, just got bitten by github.com/moritz/json/issues/7 :) 14:34
14:39 cognominal left
jnthn Just processed our first JSONPath expression and got an answer 14:40
moritz masak: I tried to fix it in the grammar, and somehow didn't have much luck 14:41
14:41 thebAR left
masak moritz: I just pushed a fix. 14:42
hope you think it's OK.
moritz hopes so too :-) 14:43
masak hm, I didn't contribute a test. I should do that, too.
moritz wait a second 14:44
I found that the parsing tests are too lenient
masak oh?
masak holds writing a test for now 14:45
moritz they basically do a lives_ok {JSON::Tiny::Grammar.parse($t)}
which is mostly fine, because most parsefails cause an exception
but this particular one did not
pushed 14:46
masak oh!
moritz ... and a test fails. 14:47
masak pulled.
moritz oh, because it doesn't use from_json, but grammar.parse
which doesn't call .trim
masak ah.
masak leaves that to moritz to fix 14:48
moritz yes, I will 14:49
I just don't understand why it's so hard to fix in the grammar 14:50
if leaving and trailing whitespaces are problem, why doesn't \s* at the start and end of TOP fix it? 14:51
adding it *and* switching it from rule to token fixed it
moritz flabbergasted
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moritz masak: I've pushed a "proper" fix, though it doesn't make much difference right now 15:00
masak ok :) 15:01
I agree with the reason not to do it with .trim, fwiw. moritz++ 15:02
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masak moritz: :actions($a) 15:04
...missing an excellent opportunity to do :$actions... :)
nitpick, I know.
15:05 birdwindupbird joined
masak also, whenever you mention '#7' from a commit message, Github will automatically link that whole commit message to the appropriate issue. 15:06
moritz that's some of the magic I'm not yet used to. 15:09
I wonder if we should do the same at $work, with our git repos and the OTRS installation
masak I even did 'Closes #7.' from the commit message, and I didn't have to go close the issue myself.
15:10 sctt left
moritz caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/oreilly-book...ra004.html looks quite good 15:16
15:18 mucker left
masak O'Caml in general seems interesting. 15:18
um, apparently it's "OCaml". 15:19
moritz it takes time to get use to statements being terminated by double semicolon 15:20
geekosaur they dropped the ' at some point, yes
15:25 ivan`` left 15:27 ivan`` joined
masak r: my &twice = -> &c { &c(); &c() }; twice { say "lol I can do things twice" } 15:28
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«lol I can do things twice␤lol I can do things twice␤»
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masak another finding: tawny port wine works well with: (a) cheese, (b) quality chocolate. 15:51
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jnthn And...make some-closure in action methods that build up a tree of closures is a neat pattern :) 15:53
masak definitely. 15:54
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CharellKing Hello, everyone, I'm a new-comer 16:22
16:22 bapa left 16:23 thou left 16:24 SamuraiJack_ joined
Moukeddar o/ CharellKing, here you'll find the most friendly room on the entire IRC 16:24
16:24 SamuraiJack left
TimToady CharellKing: what are your interests? 16:24
CharellKing I'm a software developer 16:25
My interests is reading, basketball,music 16:26
16:26 hash_table joined
CharellKing I want to find some jobs here 16:27
maybe when I am free
masak CharellKing: welcome! we already like you :)
16:27 bapa joined
CharellKing very good 16:28
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masak rn: say "$_ says hi too!" for <Niecza Rakudo>.pick(*) 16:28
p6eval rakudo b86628, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Niecza says hi too!␤Rakudo says hi too!␤»
CharellKing I'm from China
masak CharellKing: 非常好! 16:29
CharellKing so it's 0:29
masak yes, it is :)
CharellKing you are chinese
masak 不。
CharellKing 那你是哪个国家,还懂中文 16:30
16:30 bro_grammer left
masak 我是瑞典人。 16:30
16:30 hash_table left
masak always happy so surprise someone by knowing some Chinese. :P 16:31
16:31 bapa left
CharellKing hah 16:31
masak actually, Mandarin reminds me of FP languages in various ways. 16:32
16:33 birdwindupbird left
CharellKing you have been china 16:33
16:33 am0c left 16:34 bapa joined
masak CharellKing: yeah. 两次。 16:35
rindolf CharellKing: welcome aboard.
raiph CharellKing: Which computer language(s) do you use as a software developer? 16:40
CharellKing C/C++
perl 16:41
raiph CharellKing: And how did you hear about Perl 6?
rindolf CharellKing: do you mean you use C++ with some C paradigms?
raiph Ah.
CharellKing some it news 16:42
i hear about perl6
you can search cn.beta in google
this website are some comments of IT' news 16:43
C/C++ means C and C++ 16:45
jnthn gave a Perl 6 talk or two in Beijing last summer :)
raiph CharellKing: reading now 16:46
CharellKing music
I love a book
out of control
sorear good * #perl6 16:48
masak sorear: 'night 16:49
er. morning, I mean :)
raiph sorear: goodnight
CharellKing: Kevin Kelly? 16:50
CharellKing yes
this book is very good
jnthn 'night, sorear :D
masak this madness has to stop... :P
masak likes Kevin Kelly
CharellKing translate into chinese by network
sorear welcome CharellKing
masak network++
sorear is this some kind of Searle thing? :/ 16:51
raiph CharellKing: Nearly 20 years old but still a great book, imo.
CharellKing yes
sorear CharellKing: are you Chinese? 16:52
CharellKing yes
so I speak english, not so cool
do more reading ,stay angry, stay foolish 16:54
raiph CharellKing: hope you don't mind the barrage of questions... how long have you coded in C/C++, how long in Perl, and what sort of application?
CharellKing C/C++ 4 years
perl begin
sorear CharellKing: welcome 16:55
CharellKing now I'm in a department of chinese telcome
masak <sorear> is this some kind of Searle thing? :/ 16:57
if I understand you correctly, yes.
one of the Harry Potter books was translated in its entirety within 48 hours in China.
CharellKing yes 16:58
harry potter are famous in chinese
especially children
raiph masak: if you understand sorear, does "some kind of Searle thing" refer to this dialog, or Kevin Kelly's book? (I sure don't see how the latter applies) 17:00
masak oh, I thought it applied to the Harry Potter translation. 17:01
raiph sorear: ?
sorear raiph: glancing reference to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room
masak that's what I thought. 17:02
well, the Harry Potter translation was essentially a human map-reduce, so it's not such a bad comparison. 17:03
I always found the Chinese room objection to be... inadequate. 17:04
sorear agreed 17:06
raiph masak: to say the least. which imo is an appropriate response to searle.
masak he seems to be arguing against intelligence emerging out of symbol handling. 17:07
if that were true, we'd all be in trouble :) 17:08
s/that/that criticism/
17:11 Moukeddar left 17:17 bapa left 17:23 Administrator joined, Administrator is now known as Guest76573
raiph masak: Would you/jnthn be willing to comment on irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-10-18#i_6074232 ? 17:23
17:23 pmurias left 17:24 CharellKing left
masak raiph: the past 7 years have made me cautious to commit to any factual claim on how much of Perl 6 we currently implement. 17:26
raiph: and in the end, that's not what matters. what matters is how awesome we can be in the eyes of users.
how much we can help them get shit done without getting in the way.
raiph masak: OK. Thanks. 17:27
17:28 domidumont left, grondilu left 17:29 Guest76573 left 17:33 hash_table joined, SamuraiJack_ left 17:34 CharellKing joined, bro_grammer_ left
CharellKing How many people of this community 17:36
masak depends what you mean. 17:39
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jnthn Port update: the bottle is empty! /o\ But the Perl 5 module we're porting has 3 of the 4 .t files fully passing, and the other one is half way \o/ 17:40
masak \o/ 17:41
(where'd all the port go?) :P
jnthn I dunno o.O
masak :) 17:42
jnthn dinner & 17:44
CharellKing sleep
it's time to sleep
arnsholt masak/raiph: I think it might be an uncomputable function, like Kolmogorov complexity =) 17:46
We can say that more stuff is implemented now than a year ago, but exact quantification is next to impossible
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diakopter r: sub foo(:$bar:) { }; foo($_) 18:09
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«Lexical 'self' not found␤ in sub foo at /tmp/LuI50NAfuN:1␤ in block at /tmp/LuI50NAfuN:1␤␤»
diakopter masak: bug?
18:15 fgomez joined
diakopter r: class A { method foo(:%*bar: *@bar ) { say @bar.perl } }; A.new.foo(bar=>{ab=>3}) 18:22
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«Array.new(A.new())␤»
diakopter jnthn: is this DWIM?
r: sub foo($.a1213) { } 18:25
p6eval rakudo b86628: ( no output )
diakopter masak: bug? shouldn't accept twigil . imho
CharellKing perl6 has learning document? 18:26
diakopter masak: nm on last; I now see attributive parameter 18:28
18:37 CharellKing left 18:43 wamba left 18:44 MikeFair_ joined
raiph CharellKing: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/today # Making a point to the channel in more ways than one 18:46
moritz jnthn, masak: how goes/went the porting? 18:47
18:59 wamba joined
diakopter does anyone know what this line does in rakudo's Grammar.pm? [ [ ':'?'(' <signature> ')'] | <trait> ]* 19:00
in rule regex_def
er, I mean, what does the : mean 19:01
rindolf diakopter: it looks like a string.
diakopter _._. 19:02
gfldex diakopter: do you got a line number?
diakopter 1948
moritz diakopter: glancing over the actions, it seems to be ignored 19:03
19:03 azawawi left
diakopter ok 19:03
I wonder what it's supposed to mean
moritz I'd look at STD.pm6 and see if it's used in there
ie (regex|token|rule) <identifier>:( 19:04
diakopter rn: grammar A { regex TOP{ }; }; say A.parse("a") 19:05
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«「」␤␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Null pattern not allowed at /tmp/1lADCqsytz line 1:␤------> grammar A { regex TOP{ ⏏}; }; say A.parse("a")␤␤Parse failed␤␤»
diakopter rakudobug? shouldn't allow null pattern
moritz known
diakopter k 19:06
moritz rn: grammar A { regex TOP:() { a } }; say A.parse('a')
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Action method fakesignature not yet implemented at /tmp/nY_678wOHd line 1:␤------> grammar A { regex TOP:(⏏) { a } }; say A.parse('a')␤␤Use of uninitialized value in string context␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza…
..rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«No such method 'TOP' for invocant of type 'A'␤ in method parse at src/gen/CORE.setting:10166␤ in block at /tmp/fWVxYnmX0g:1␤␤»
moritz hm, seems to become part of the name
diakopter rn: grammar A { regex TOP:():():():() { a }; }; say A.parse("a") 19:07
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«No such method 'TOP' for invocant of type 'A'␤ in method parse at src/gen/CORE.setting:10166␤ in block at /tmp/rT5tBHIiu8:1␤␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Action method fakesignature not yet implemented at /tmp/niylEa1BZp line 1:␤------> grammar A { regex TOP:(⏏):():():() { a }; }; say A.parse("a")␤␤Action method fakesignature not yet implemented at /tmp/niy…
moritz r: grammar A { regex a:() { a } }; say A.parse('a', :rule<a:()>)
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«No such method 'a:()' for invocant of type 'A'␤ in method parse at src/gen/CORE.setting:10166␤ in block at /tmp/I2JL14tqJR:1␤␤» 19:08
19:08 flightrecorder joined
moritz r: grammar A { regex a:() { a } }; say A.^methods 19:08
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'NQPRoutine'␤ in method gist at src/gen/CORE.setting:4837␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:7266␤ in block at /tmp/RwxRzQq9ha:1␤␤»
moritz r: grammar A { regex a:() { a } }; say A.^methods.map: *.name
diakopter r: grammar A { regex a:() { a } }; say A.parse('a', :rule<a:>)
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'NQPRoutine'␤ in block at /tmp/hMGAf0Przf:1␤␤»
rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«「a」␤␤»
diakopter that's a leaky error
19:24 MikeFair_ left 19:29 MikeFair_ joined
dalek rl6-bench: 1911a88 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | / (2 files):
First bits of Perl 6-based bench porcelain
rl6-bench: b1d60f5 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bench:
Make clean and realclean look and act similarly
masak arnsholt: that's a seriously depressing view of the matter :P 19:45
"when will you be ready?" -- "um... undecidable." 19:50
"we'll let you know when we can know." :P
moritz that's why the two most important questions are "what can you do today?" and "what's still missing?" 19:51
masak aye. 19:53
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arnsholt masak: True. A bit different from what I intended, I guess =) 20:11
20:11 GlitchMr left
masak :) 20:11
arnsholt Mal apropos, when's a good time for me to visit you guys in Malmö? 20:12
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masak r: .say for { a => 1, b => 2 } 20:17
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«("a" => 1, "b" => 2).hash␤»
masak shouldn't flatten, right?
r: .say for gather take do given 1 { default { { a => 1, b => 2 } } }
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«"a" => 1␤"b" => 2␤»
masak also shouldn't flatten, methinks.
and yet it... does.
jnthn If you remove the default? 20:18
masak r: .say for gather take do given 1 { when 1 { { a => 1, b => 2 } } }
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«"a" => 1␤"b" => 2␤»
masak r: .say for gather take do given 1 { { a => 1, b => 2 } }
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«("a" => 1, "b" => 2).hash␤»
masak either a 'when' or a 'default' is required for the bug to appear.
so, it's related to 'succeed'?
20:19 cognominal left
masak submits rakudobug 20:20
arnsholt: just stop by anytime.
jnthn Preferably when we're not away ;) 20:21
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arnsholt jnthn: Hence my asking =) 20:33
Anyways, I'm going to bed now, but end of next week or sometime the week after that work for you? 20:34
jnthn Something like that.
20:35 Araq joined
arnsholt Cool! 20:35
masak looking forward to meeting you, arnsholt. 20:37
all tests pass! \o/ 20:38
jnthn Porting hackathon successful \o/ 20:39
masak yay
20:39 fgomez joined
diakopter masak: did you see the two hilites above 20:43
masak: er, one for you
one for jnhtn
Araq fyi www.parrot.org/languages lists 3 languages: "winxed" -- deadlink for me; "lua" -- last commit 5 months ago 20:44
jnthn Araq: Probably more useful to let folks on #parrot know :) 20:45
diakopter: yes, what you're trying makes little sense, but it does produce an internal error 20:46
20:46 cognominal left
Araq forgot how to join #parrot 20:46
20:50 kaare_ left 20:51 cognominal joined
dalek osystem: 8990776 | jonathan++ | META.list:
Add JSON::Path.
21:10 armitage811 joined 21:12 armitage811 left 21:13 DASDSAD joined 21:14 pmurias joined
pmurias are there any benchmarks for nqp? 21:14
21:27 DASDSAD is now known as Black_Beret 21:28 jaldhar left, Black_Beret left, Black_Beret joined 21:30 MikeFair__ joined, MikeFair_ left
japhb pmurias: I'm working on common benchmarks for Perl 5, NQP, and Perl 6 in japhb/perl6-bench 21:33
21:37 Black_Beret left, asasAS joined 21:39 wamba left
dalek rl6-bench: a062490 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bench:
Add clone/checkout of component HEAD from local bare repo; add fetch command to fetch new commits to bare repos; stub build command
rl6-bench: db94102 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | components.json:
Add niecza to components.json
21:41 arlinius joined 21:50 aindilis left, aindilis joined 21:51 armitage81 joined 21:54 asasAS left, armitage81 left, asasAS joined 21:57 asasAS is now known as armitage81, armitage81 left, armitage81 joined 21:58 armitage81 left, asasAS joined 21:59 asasAS is now known as armitage81, armitage81 left, armitage81 joined 22:18 xinming_ joined 22:21 xinming left 22:35 grondilu joined
grondilu rn: say 1 .. ^'foo'.chars; 22:35
p6eval rakudo b86628, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«1..3␤» 22:36
grondilu rn: say ^'foo'.chars;
p6eval rakudo b86628, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«0..^3␤»
grondilu rn: say eager 1 .. ^'foo'.chars;
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'eager' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1437 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 37) ␤ at /ho…
grondilu r: say eager ^'foo'.chars;
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«0 1 2␤»
grondilu r: say eager 1 .. ^'foo'.chars; 22:38
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
grondilu was expecting 1 2
r: say eager 1 .. 'foo'.chars;
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«1 2 3␤»
jnthn r: say eager 1 ..^ 'foo'.chars; 22:39
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«1 2␤»
jnthn Careful where you put the space ;)
grondilu oh yeah
this makes me think of something funny. 22:42
22:42 nebuchad` joined
grondilu r: sub infix:<^..^>($a, $b) { $a-1 ^..^ $b }; say 1 ^..^ 10; # funny-looking operator :) 22:43
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«maximum recursion depth exceeded␤current instr.: 'print_exception' pc 89042 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:42605) (src/gen/CORE.setting:9055)␤called from Sub 'infix:<->' pc 52504 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:25276) (src/gen/CORE.setting:2910)␤called from Sub 'infix:<^..^>'…
grondilu r: sub infix:<^..^>($a, $b) { $a-1 ..^ $b }; say 1 ^..^ 10; # funny-looking operator :)
22:43 nebuchadnezzar left
p6eval rakudo b86628: OUTPUT«0..^10␤» 22:43
22:43 nebuchad` is now known as nebuchadnezzar
pmurias jnthn: how do you deal with nqp spitting out extremely long error stacktraces? 22:48
jnthn pmurias: What do you mean "deal with"? 22:49
pmurias: I just cope...
For parse errors it'd be good to do something shorter, I think.
But it never bothers me enough to work on it. 22:50
pmurias so you just scroll the terminal
pmurias is writing a wrapper ;)
jnthn :) 22:51
pmurias the nqp ops also work on Perl 6 scalars?
like add_n? 22:52
s/work/can accept/ 22:53
22:54 pmurias left, pmurias joined
jnthn No 22:55
Well, I guess it *can* work but it's not the right way. 22:56
They work on native floats. 22:57
pmurias the proper question is do I have to make them work on containers in nqp?
jnthn No
NQP itself doesn't have any scalar containers.
The container spec stuff is mostly to cope with Perl 6 objects that escape into NQP land. 22:58
pmurias "container spec stuff" = ?
jnthn A type can be flagged as "this is a scalar container" 22:59
Many things automatically strip them off.
Time for some sleep & 23:00
pmurias should got to sleep too&
23:00 pmurias left
diakopter rn: my \o=1; \o\ |o| <o> |o| /o/ 23:01
p6eval rakudo b86628, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: ( no output )
23:01 spider-mario left 23:07 Araq left
felher :D 23:10
sjn \o 23:14
23:20 rindolf left
cognominal grondilu, what is the meaning of you nick. it sounds francophone to me? but you are in an american time zone? 23:21
23:35 RandalSchwartz joined
RandalSchwartz I forget... is this channel also for rakudo help? 23:36
cognominal yes. anything perl6 goes here.
RandalSchwartz for the past few weeks, I've been unable to build rakudo from git
fails during init::manifest
is there some magical thing I should do differently?
23:37 MayDaniel_ left
cognominal RandalSchwartz, git clean? 23:37
RandalSchwartz I've even tried cleaning it back to just the git checkout
[Coke] waves
RandalSchwartz yes I've done that
[Coke] RandalSchwartz: how are you trying to build rakudo? 23:38
RandalSchwartz I have 2012.10-1-gb866287
perl Configure.pl --gen-parrot
fails there
very early
[Coke] and is this straight rakudo or Rakudo * ?
also, try "perl Configure.pl --gen-nqp --gen-parrot" (and also try removing the parrot directory if it's already there.) 23:39
RandalSchwartz ... git://github.com/rakudo/rakudo.git
[Coke] ok. that's just the compiler, as opposed to the star distribution. (which is fine and good)
RandalSchwartz OK - trying the addition of --gen-nqp
nope. still fail 23:40
cognominal with RandalSchwartz around, I suddenly ponders about the quality of my passwords.
RandalSchwartz ... step init::manifest failed: no result returned at Configure.pl line 76
[Coke] did it checkout a fresh copy of parrot?
diakopter I haven't seen anyone report that before
[Coke] or is it reusing an existing parrot/ directory in your rakudo checkout?
RandalSchwartz git clean doesn't blow the parrot? 23:41
and boy, out of context... :)
git clean -dfx removes parrot
so I've been starting with a clean one there
[Coke] ok.
what OS, OOC?
and what version of perl5?
diakopter minix
RandalSchwartz yes - it fetchs and configs parrot 23:42
Darwin Locohost.local 11.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.0: Mon Apr 9 19:32:15 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.26.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
[Coke] you may be the first person to try to run parrot on minix. :)
RandalSchwartz i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.1.00)
anything else?
diakopter it was a joke...
[Coke] oh, I didn't even see who answered the question. whoops. 23:43
RandalSchwartz ahh - I see an error message now: Check MANIFEST...No such file: tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir
why isn't that there? :(
[Coke] if you're on darwin, what does sw_vers say?
RandalSchwartz that's from the Parrot config
and that's why it's aborting
[Coke] oh! what branch of rakudo are you on? 23:44
RandalSchwartz so it's a MANIFEST problem
is that the problem? :)
that's been working for months 23:45
[Coke] no, nom is our master.
so that's right.
what SHA is your parrot checkout on?
RandalSchwartz ... oh - let me ju
hold on
and change :)
sorear o hai merlyn 23:46
RandalSchwartz looks like last commit was may 15 there
diakopter urp
RandalSchwartz from git://github.com/parrot/parrot.git
[Coke] looks like it's the 4.4.0 release, which sounds about right given current issues with parrot.
(there are some readline issues which caused us to stay on an older release.) 23:47
RandalSchwartz so are other people building this every day?
because mine stopped building a few weeks ago
maybe I can bisect to find when
but I didn't save the last good commit :(
[Coke] I'm sure jnthn & moritz are, yah.
RandalSchwartz oh wait... I did.
last good build - commit 9af8f20d65443b1b288a950854fd80473510c3ce 23:48
sep 27
[Coke] I just built that parrot standalone on my osx 10.7.3 box fine.
RandalSchwartz so I coudl try bisecting from there
[Coke] and if I look, that file is there.
tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir, that is.
RandalSchwartz missing for me. 23:49
RandalSchwartz shrugs
[Coke] what does "git st" say?
(in the parrot checkout)
RandalSchwartz must be an alias for you
[Coke] (for me, at 210ad26, it's there)
RandalSchwartz do you mean git status?
[Coke] er, status
RandalSchwartz heh - #deleted: tools/dev/pbc_to_exe.pir
something deleted it since checkout :) 23:50
[Coke] sorry, it's such an awesome alias, everyone should use it! :)
well, that's not kosher.
but if you git reset --hard HEAD, you can probably try the rakudo configure step again.
if it sees parrot is already checked out, it should play nice. 23:51
RandalSchwartz yeah, that worked
so something in the "initial checkout of parrot" smashes that file
[Coke] I've not heard of anyone else suffering that issue. weeeeird. 23:52
RandalSchwartz can you reproduce by removing parrot?
or is it going to forever be just me? :)
[Coke] well, hope this means you can play with rakudo more. Have fun. 23:53
RandalSchwartz yeah - I've been staring at things since YAPC
[Coke] I can try, sure.
I'm at b866287.
23:54 xinming_ left
[Coke] git clean -xdf doesn't remove parrot here, btw. 23:54
RandalSchwartz ok, that's strang
maybe I have a new git :)
[Coke] double checking that...
RandalSchwartz I track git.git too :) 23:55
23:55 xinming joined
[Coke] ugh. this is going to be painfully slow over the wifi here. 23:56
RandalSchwartz comcast business at this bar... better speeds than comcast at the apartment. :)
"I don't often torrent, but when I do, it's at Pyzano's Bar and Grill" 23:57
35 down 8 up
[Coke] I am just hanging out waiting for a kid to be ready, my wifi find was the local mcd's. I wish I had found a bar with wifi!
ugh. still haven't finished checking out nqp.
RandalSchwartz the build is definitely getting further along 23:58
[Coke] tell you what - if this happens to you again, open a bug a [email@hidden.address] and I promise to check it when I'm home.
RandalSchwartz yeah thanks
[Coke] (on fast wifi)
RandalSchwartz but at least I know the workaround now
appreciate your input
[Coke] yup. glad to get you playing with perl6. (you especially :)