»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
[Coke] so, if I run a straight NQP program, I get a huge backtrace on every error; once I start running QAST, though, I just get a one liner. I tried disabling my old Compiler's backtrace method, but it's still very quiet on an error. is there a way to make it give me the full backtrace? 00:40
dalek ok: 909d053 | worktycho++ | src/operators.pod:
removed double as from src/operators.pod
ok: 35c0ba5 | (Gautam Dey)++ | src/operators.pod:
Merge pull request #74 from worktycho/patch-1

removed double as from src/operators.pod
moritz fwiw I have my doubts about orelse 05:12
it implicitly sets $!
but it doesn't catch exceptions
so it really only makes sense for things that return a Failure 05:13
but $! usually doesn't hold Failure, but Exception
it seems to me a very bad thing to confuse those two on the language level
jnthn morning 08:13
brrt \o jnthn
moritz \o jnthn, brrt 08:16
sorear o/ 08:19
moritz \o sorear 08:22
mathw Morning 08:52
Wonderful wonderful folks
mathw has been learning Clojure, and is increasingly finding that it makes him think of Perl 6
erb hi, why would iptables say "unknown arg --hashlimit-above"? 08:54
timotimo_ perl6 doesn't have that many parens :|
hoelzro erb: I don't know, but I don't think this is the right place to get an answer to that question!
mathw timotimo_: not in syntax, I should add :) 08:55
timotimo_ erb: my guess: the necessary module was not loaded
so, it's very unfinished?
erb i did load module
same thing
timotimo_ then go find a linux or iptables support channel, i have no further ideas 08:56
eiro hello perl6 people 08:57
daxim hello you
mathw timotimo_: the way it's very flexible, really. 08:58
timotimo_ i'm amused to see that rosettacode has HQ9+ and there is four tasks solved with it ... :D 08:59
Timbus id be incredibly impressed if it solved 5 or more 09:00
needs HQ9++
Woodi hallo everyone 09:01
we do not have std place for cutting perls releases ? or it is by design ? 09:02
daxim I often see discussion/comments about the preparation here, what do you mean with "std place"? 09:03
Woodi daxim: first whats comming to mind are servers running bots and screen+irssi sessions... 09:04
kresike hello all you happy perl6 people 09:06
brrt \o kresike
Woodi hi kresike :)
kresike brrt, Woodi o/ 09:07
mathw hello kresike 09:17
kresike mathw, o/
dalek rlito: 09cc8db | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | TODO-perlito5:
Perlito5 - js - add TODO for delete() special case
flussence oh great, that Socket.read fix made POST requests work in HTTP::Easy... and broke GET. 11:31
moritz :/
tadzik :)
flussence it's trying to do reads and I think it should probably be checking for eof there instead... 11:32
flussence or to be more specific, the call to .read @ HTTP/Easy.pm6 line 109 is blocking and there doesn't seem to be any alternative. 11:35
tadzik well, there's always poll()
flussence yeah, but... ew :)
moritz there's recv, no? 11:36
or is the problem that recv returns a Str, not a Buf?
flussence yeah, that would be a problem. This is meant to read a http request body which can contain anything 11:37
moritz I've long wanted to write a .recv_buf or so 11:38
but iirc parrot doesn't support it easily 11:39
unless i can pass the encoding 'binary' to .recv
(or somebody else could do it; I'm at $work right now)
flussence or... I could just fix the module to follow the HTTP spec... 11:42
"The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's message-headers"
mathw yay, spec! 11:46
moritz nontheless, recv_buf or recv_bytes would be useful to have.
mathw spec + real world = BOOM
definitely 11:47
somebody's going to need real honest binary IO
daxim I'm having an opinion about the jsonpath mention in the porting article and am not afraid to tell it! 11:57
moritz OH NOEZ!!!
daxim the guy clearly didn't do any research into prior art, namely data::path, which existed in 2006 11:58
jnthn daxim: Who is "the guy"?
daxim: The guy who spec'd JSONPath, or the guy who implemented it? 11:59
daxim who wrote the spec and js/php implementation linked in the article
jnthn daxim: Is Data::Path implementing an existing intended-to-be-cross-language standard?
daxim it works on data structures, if that's what you mean 12:00
jnthn No, it's not what I meant. JSONPath is clearly an attempt to define a kind of xpath for JSON, that can be implemented in whatever language. Data::Path seems to be an implementation of XPath-alike that works on data structures. 12:03
daxim qua? but the synopsis shows that p5:JSON-Path decodes into a data structure first (I can't image how else one would operate on json), so it's functionally the same 12:05
jnthn There's a difference between writing a module to do something, and trying to specify a cross-language standard for doing soemthing. 12:06
daxim aha 12:06
jnthn Yes, maybe it woulda been nice if the guy had found Data::Path and said "let's adopt that" 12:07
daxim makes a grimace
it happens too often, echochambers and all that.
Woodi where I can found some description how Failure/fail should be used ? Failure is a wrapper for exception, is it kind of better 'return undef;' ? 12:20
s/found/find/ :)
jnthn r: sub foo() { fail "oh noes" }; my $x = foo(); unless $x { say 'oops' } 12:26
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«oops␤» 12:27
jnthn sub foo() { fail "oh noes" }; my $x = foo(); $x.omg-i-am-using-a-failure
r: sub foo() { fail "oh noes" }; my $x = foo(); $x.omg-i-am-using-a-failure
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«oh noes␤ in method <anon> at src/gen/CORE.setting:9998␤ in at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2401␤ in any find_method_fallback at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:2389␤ in any find_method at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:925␤ in block at /tmp/M98G5ZnUry:1␤␤»
jnthn Woodi: a Failure is like undef in so far as you can check it 12:27
Woodi: But if you forget to do so and try and use it as a normal object, then it throws the exception it contains. 12:28
doc.perl6.org/type/Failure has some more info
Woodi oki. nice that fail can get text param, didn't thing it can from looing on definition... 12:29
jnthn Woodi: Yeah, it just constructs an adhoc exception underneath, like die does.
afk for a bit 12:31
Woodi wonders now what die() do in v6... :) anyway it is interesting change from return/fail into exception... 12:32
Woodi rn: sub fu(){ my $a; return $a; }; fu; 12:52
p6eval rakudo c82a6d, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: ( no output )
Woodi rn: sub fu(){ my $a; return $a; }; say fu;
p6eval rakudo c82a6d, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
[Coke] ~~ at jnthn. 12:53
Woodi do scalars are initialized by default in Perl6 ?
brrt Woodi, no 12:59
as in, they are initialized with the Any() type, which is to say, they are nothing
FROGGS but they stringify to "", right? 13:00
phenny FROGGS: 28 Oct 20:15Z <moritz> ask FROGGS if we he could please test the panda/custom-lib branch on windows (requires a pretty recent rakudo, for example the 2012.10 release)
FROGGS moritz: yes we can!
brrt r: my $x; say $x.Str 13:02
moritz FROGGS: you are multiple clones too? :-)
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $x of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/UNn_u8uIhh:1␤␤␤»
brrt nope, they don't stringify i'm afraid
nr: my $x; say $x.Str.length;
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1295 (warn @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 266 (Mu.Str @ 15) ␤ at /tmp/d_IDxOBaBY line 1 (mainline @ 4) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.set…
..rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $x of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/0ixC1AL0EW:1␤␤No such method 'length' for invocant of type 'Str'␤ in block at /tmp/0ixC1AL0EW:1␤␤»
FROGGS moritz: of course, we are hundrets! otherwise I would have no spare time :o/ 13:03
brrt rn: my $f; say $f.gist 13:04
p6eval rakudo c82a6d, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
Woodi rn: Any.^methods;
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method methods in type ClassHOW␤ at /tmp/AHI8_63lPX line 1 (mainline @ 4) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4215 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4216 (module-CORE @ 579) ␤ at…
..rakudo c82a6d: ( no output )
Woodi r: say Any.^methods; 13:05
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«eager elems end classify uniq infinite flat hash list lol pick roll reverse sort values keys kv pairs Array grep first join map min max minmax push tree unshift postcircumfix:<[ ]> at_pos all any one none postcircumfix:<{ }> at_key reduce FLATTENABLE_LIST FLATTENAB…
Woodi there is many strange methods for "noting" :)
brrt r: say Mu.^methods 13:06
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«ACCEPTS WHERE WHICH take WHY Bool so not defined new CREATE bless BUILDALL BUILD_LEAST_DERIVED Numeric Real Str Stringy item say print gist perl DUMP DUMP-ID isa does can clone Capture Method+{<anon>}.new() dispatch:<::> Method+{<anon>}.new() Method+{<anon>}.new() …
brrt alright, then variables are initialized with (the prototype called) Any()
Mu is actually 'nothing' :-) 13:07
moritz s/prototype/type object/
brrt but the type object Any() doesn't represent well, any thing
pun not intended but apparant
Woodi rn: my $a; say $a.uniq; 13:08
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $key of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/iukkf2SMi4:1␤␤use of uninitialized variable $key of type Any in string context in block at /tmp/iukkf2SMi4:1␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context in block a…
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string context␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1295 (warn @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 266 (Mu.Str @ 15) ␤ at <unknown> line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.settin…
brrt moritz: now that i'm at it, what is the practical difference between a p6 type object and a javascript prototype object 13:10
Woodi rakudo gives 3 separate warnings on Any.uniq...
FROGGS r: my Str $x; say $x.Str 13:11
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $x of type Str in string context in block at /tmp/unMo8WoKXS:1␤␤␤»
FROGGS yeah...
brrt r: my $x; $x = 3;. say $x.Str.length;
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused␤at /tmp/BTeAn125Vo:1␤»
brrt r: my $x; $x= 3; say $x.Str.length 13:11
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«No such method 'length' for invocant of type 'Str'␤ in block at /tmp/dibeut0jWg:1␤␤»
Woodi now TimToady will come and say we obsesively playing with dereferencing uninitialized pointers :) 13:12
brrt r: my $x; $x = 3; say $x.Str.codes 13:13
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«1␤»
moritz brrt: the pratical difference is that you declare the type object in Perl 6, and you build it in JS 13:17
brrt: they are the same, conceptually, but "prototype" has a quite different meaning in p5, so I avoid that work in p6 13:18
brrt ok
they are available at runtime at any rate
is a type object mutable? 13:19
moritz r: Int does Str;
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«Cannot use 'does' operator with a type object.␤ in sub infix:<does> at src/gen/CORE.setting:11797␤ in block at /tmp/nfbL0GHllP:1␤␤»
moritz brrt: I think so, yes
augment modifies them
jnthn That doesn't modify the type object.
moritz but augment requires MONKEY_TYPING TOO
jnthn That modifies the meta-object. 13:20
moritz oh
jnthn o/ [Coke]
brrt so, that is a practical difference, too
jnthn [Coke]: Your segfault is weird. :( I was imagining bisect would find a patch that changed something in C code or soemthing. But no... :/
brrt whats the difference between modifying the meta-object and the type object? 13:22
jnthn The type object is just an empty instance of exactly the same type as any real instance. The meta-object contains the methods, attributes, etc. 13:22
And has a different type. 13:23
r: class A { }; say A.WHAT; say A.HOW.WHAT;
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«A()␤Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW()␤»
brrt wait, a minute 13:24
ok, i get it i guess
moritz it's amazing how often I confuse the two :-) 13:25
Woodi do perl6 have "prototypes" somewhere ? as in: half-or-more-finished objects ready to clone and use for fast instantiating ?
brrt the meta-object is in a sense - the 'vtable' of c++
or, am i confused still
but, as an object, i mean
Woodi meta-types are recipes for objects
brrt so the if i have $f.foo(); i get $f's meta-object, lookup method 'foo', and invoke it with $f as an invocant 13:26
Woodi me thinks it is implementation dependent. usually after creation of object there is no need for using meta-object until you want to modify type of object :) 13:28
brrt well, in many cases you won't know where the object came from 13:29
moritz Woodi: find_method needs the meta object
Woodi hmm, I thinked dispatch is separate mechanism 13:29
brrt r: sub foo($x) { say $x.Str.codes; }; my $y = 3; foo($y);
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«1␤»
[Coke] jnthn: I was afraid of that when I saw which commit it was. :| 13:32
jnthn: let me know if I can provide more helpful diagnostics.
tadzik FROGGS, FROGGS 13:33
FROGGS hi tadzik 13:34
tadzik oh, phenny already told you :)
tadzik hey hey :)
brrt r: say Any.HOW
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new()␤»
FROGGS trying to build rakudo right now
jnthn [Coke]: How much RAM do you have on the box where it segfaults?
[Coke] jnthn: 4G. 64bit osx intel. 13:35
brrt r: say Any.WHAT 13:36
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
jnthn A method dispatch $obj.foo(42) is kinda like $obj.HOW.find_method($obj, 'foo').($obj, 42)
brrt i see
jnthn However, if we *really* did that things would be rather slow, so in practice a meta-object typically publishes a method cache, which is then used for the dispatch. 13:37
So we only do the full path if there's no cache, or the method cache is not marked as authoritative.
moritz what's the point of a non-authoritative cache? 13:38
safety during cache construction?
jnthn class A { has $!x handles *; } # has a non-authoritative cache
brrt wow… what is handles? 13:39
jnthn And authoritative cache means "if we look up a method and it's not in the cache, it doesn't exist"
moritz brrt: delegation
jnthn A non-authoritative one means "if it's not in the cache, ask the meta-object, which knows about fallbacks etc."
brrt ah, i see….
brrt i am in awe 13:39
jnthn [Coke]: Only "unusual" bit in there is OSX. 4G is hardly a low-memory system. :S 13:41
[Coke]: I guess I can try lying about memory size in Parrot and seeing if I can trigger it. 13:42
brrt Coke: i have os x here, i might be able to reproduce 13:42
[Coke] brrt: github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/64 13:53
brrt i'll check it out 13:55
brrt personally i used to have issues with interupted builds, but i don't suppose that applies to you 13:55
and i don't quite have the same os x 13:56
Woodi [Coke]: your ~/sandbox/ is just dir or chroot environment ? 13:57
[Coke] jsut a dir
Woodi too trusts <<HEREDEVELOPERS :) 13:59
daxim Can't find string terminator "HEREDEVELOPERS" anywhere before end of IRC 14:00
Woodi oops 14:03
I #included "freenode"...
pmurias hi 14:32
tadzik hello pmurias
pmurias jnthn: the things lacking from GLOBALish problem was solved by updating nqp :)
jnthn pmurias: Oh! 14:33
.oO( Updating NQP. Sometimes it fixes things for you. Sometimes it gives you segfaults... )
pmurias It caused both ;) 14:34
but a rebuild of nqp-js solved the segfault ;)
jnthn :) 14:35
pmurias a Sub in nqp is a parrot object?
jnthn I think subs aren't wrapped in code objects yet. 14:37
Well, I guess maybe protos are so there's somewhere to put the dispatch list.
brrt [Coke]: i get the a build error too 14:50
brrt sigsegv 14:51
i'll check it out with gdb
its a callcontext thing, with a zero pointer 14:55
whats your parrot version?
FROGGS is there a guide about compiling rakudo for windows? 15:02
brrt [Coke]: I have not nearly enough information to fix it, we should have the parrot debugger catch segfaults, too 15:07
jnthn FROGGS: It's pretty much the same as for any platform. I build with ActivePerl + MSVC++; it's just what the installation guide says, but "nmake" in place of "make". 15:15
FROGGS k, I tried with gmake and failed... will try activeperl+msvc now 15:15
jnthn: thanks 15:16
damn it, my activeperl and msvc is another hdd at home -.- 15:21
[Coke] brrt: \o/ 15:36
parrot version with that checkout is: 15:37
brrt \o [Coke]
(my parrot is not super-recent, by the way)
i recall having seen this before, but not the context
[Coke] 4.9.0 15:38
brrt ok,
thats more recent than mine
[Coke] er, This is Parrot version 4.9.0-devel built for i386-darwin
brrt 4.8.0 for i386-darwin
i'll update, see if it stays
[Coke] parrot_config sha1 15:39
brrt well, i've obviously seen it on an earlier version
i recall posting an issue about something like this
moritz has just written a refactoring script for Perl 5 code in Perl 5 15:43
I feel vaguely dirty
FROGGS moritz: I currently write stuff in VBA 15:54
how should I feel?
brrt like you need a shower, and a few weeks of vacation 15:55
moritz FROGGS: desperate for some mind-engaging conversation in #perl6, maybe? :-) 15:56
FROGGS ya, you are both perfectly right ;o) 15:58
FROGGS k, windows vm is shutting down now 15:58
moritz: so where is that conversation? 16:00
FROGGS is waiting
brrt its about… delimited continuations
what is it
why care
should we use it, ever, at all 16:01
FROGGS well, I dont understand what it is/does by reading the wikipedia article... 16:04
pmurias you understand full continuations?
brrt continuations - if anything - should be seen in the context of a (register) machine executing code
or stack machine, doesn't matter much 16:05
its basically a 'closure' of the next instruction
FROGGS brrt: okay, got that so far 16:06
pmurias FROGGS: delimited continuations allow you to save only a part of the stack 16:07
they are basically an optimalisation 16:08
FROGGS ahh, okay
.oO( It iz like de normal continuation, except it is de limited )
huf oh you <3 16:09
eiro hello perl6 people
brrt hi eiro 16:10
pmurias jnthn: is it expected that QAST is in the globalish of every nqp program? 16:11
jnthn pmurias: We use QRegex (or maybe P6Regex) by default in NQP programs, so that regexes work. They depend on QAST, I guess that's why we end up with it. 16:13
kresike bye folks
[Coke] wonders if VBA or CF is worse. 16:25
moritz let's build a CF+VBA medeley, to settle the score once and for all :-) 16:26
TimToady worse than what? :)
FROGGS .oO( compact flash? )
moritz FROGGS: cold fusion 16:27
FROGGS wow, coldfusion is ugly 16:29
flussence rn: say (1, Mu, 3, False) X// 'default';
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«1 default 3 False␤»
..niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤This macro cannot be used as a function at /tmp/z6Yr8L7P7R line 1:␤------> say (1, Mu, 3, False) X//⏏ 'default';␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1437…
jnthn hey, that's cute 16:30
flussence I noticed HTTP::Easy doing ($path, $query) = $uri.split('?', 2) and decided I could do better :) 16:31
flussence (next line being "$query //= ''") 16:32
[Coke] FROGGS: cfscript is much nier. 16:34
TimToady well, there are two ways to make it work--I wonder which way rakudo does it...
TimToady r: .say for (Mu, Mu) X// rand 16:34
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«0.961175171266408␤0.961175171266408␤»
TimToady the "wrong" way, it looks like... 16:35
one could make X transparent to thunkiness, I suppose
jnthn I thought we weren't going to make X thunk. 16:37
r: .say for (Mu, Mu) Z// rand xx * 16:38
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«0.720530623410927␤0.562623810113536␤»
flussence I just came up with a really nice-looking line that almost certainly won't work :) 16:39
my @header-lines := gather { take $socket.get.chomp // last };
jnthn flussence: Doesn't get auto-chomp anyway? :)
TimToady where's the loop?
flussence I noticed that when I tried to run it :)
jnthn And yeah, needs a loop :D 16:40
jnthn spotted the sawdust and missed the plank
flussence while $socket.get { gather { take $^a // last } } # look better now? 16:41
TimToady where's the argument?
jnthn flussence: The loop wants to be inside the gather 16:42
TimToady std: while $socket.get { gather { take $^a // last } }
p6eval std edd7715: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $socket is not predeclared at /tmp/ufZ9Il3JjX line 1:␤------> while ⏏$socket.get { gather { take $^a // last ␤Placeholder variable $^a may not be used here because the surrounding block takes no signature at …
jnthn r: my @a := gather { loop { take $*IN.get // last } }; say @a.elems
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«13␤»
TimToady hopes there are no triskaidekaphobes in Austria... 16:45
.oO( gVim has a cruel habit of redrawing wrong and leaving a single red pixel on my screen... )
moritz gvim over X forwarding has the cruel habit of redrawing wrong, and displaying whole characters as blanks even though they aren't 16:57
flussence jnthn: .get auto-chomps, but it turns out the extra chomp's necessary because the lines end in \r\n. 17:06
TimToady um, autochomp is supposed to handle that
flussence I thought so, but I'm getting "\r"s... 17:07
TimToady then it's a bug
jnthn r: "wtf\r\n".chomp.perl.say 17:18
p6eval rakudo c82a6d: OUTPUT«"wtf"␤»
flussence oh wait, I'm being an idiot 17:19
there's an $!input-line-separator right there...
which... doesn't seem to work :/ 17:20
I'm calling IO::Socket::INET.new(:listen, ...) with that, then calling .accept, and it doesn't look like .accept passes that on to the new object it returns. 17:23
so I'm an idiot but there's *also* a bug :D 17:24
TimToady well, any concept of "input line separator" as a single string is likely to be wrong for use as a generalized chomper, which ought to chomp anything that matches /\n$/, which is defined to handle both \n and \r\n 17:25
of course, an autochomper that actually uses regex is likely to be slow 17:26
TimToady is being sent to the grocery store...
afk &
flussence it looks like sticking ", :$!input-line-separator" in IO/Socket/INET.pm line 111 might do what I want... recompiling to try it out 17:44
flussence jnthn and/or moritz: ping, got it working :) 17:52
jnthn flussence: With some patches to Rakudo? 18:01
flussence gist.github.com/3975299 that's all it needed :) 18:03
masak evenin', #perl6 18:06
flussence o/
jnthn o/ masak 18:07
jnthn jnthn.net/perl6/rakudo-star-2012.10.tar.gz # R* release candidate 18:21
daxim delicious software 18:23
[Coke] kicks off a build to see if we avoid the segfault here. 18:31
[Coke] jnthn: "After that, 'make test' will run some tests and" ... except that target is invalid. 18:40
s/invalid/only points you at more targets/
dalek ar: 9e04f86 | jnthn++ | README:
Update date in README.
ar: c0854b2 | jnthn++ | .gitmodules:
Use public URLs for modules.
jnthn [Coke]: I doubt that's changed from the last release to this one. 18:47
I'll see if I can find it.
dalek ar: bd3067e | jnthn++ | Configure.pl:
Improve a message; Coke++.
jnthn RC updated with that fix and readme. 18:52
[Coke] jnthn++ # coke-whinging 19:00
jnthn Back to $dayjob tasks for a bit... 19:01
TimToady was trying to figure out what jnthn updated on rosettacode... 19:03
FROGGS meh, cant build rakudo 19:28
inter::progs - Determine what C compiler and linker to use...Compilation failed with 'cl'
Command failed (status 256): C:\activeperl\bin\perl.exe Configure.pl --optimize --prefix=C:/rakudo/install
moritz FROGGS: for msvc++ you need to run some kind of batch file first that sets up the environment so that the compile works 19:30
FROGGS vcvars32.bat?
I'll try
jnthn FROGGS: Often there's a visual studio command prompt shortcut handy that has everything set up for you
FROGGS moritz++ 19:31
jnthn: ya I (theoretically) know, just don't use it that often, so it's likely that I'll forget again
that step fails: 01: init::manifest 19:32
can I force it to continue?
well, I just create that two missing pod files 19:33
jaffa4 hi 19:37
FROGGS hi 19:38
moritz FROGGS: --no-manicheck or --nomanicheck or so 19:39
jaffa4 Is there a working version std.pm and otheres for Perl 5 somewhere? 19:41
[Coke] std: say "here?" 19:45
p6eval std edd7715: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 42m␤»
jaffa4 could someone zip it and give me the source? 19:47
moritz github.com/perl6/std/zipball/master 19:48
jaffa4 it does not work under Windows 19:51
moritz flussence: I guess gist.github.com/3975299 should have a colon before the $!input-line-separator, no? 19:58
[Coke] jnthn: th rakudo star rc (the first one) builds fine here. 20:02
flussence /facepalm 20:10
moritz flussence: but does the patch help as is? 20:11
flussence with the colon, the code's working exactly as I'd expect it to
I realised after the fact that it's a public attribute and I could just set it manually after accept(), but who wants to have to do that? :) 20:12
moritz idea 20:13
moritz totally off the shel[vf]
dalek kudo/nom: 34febe6 | moritz++ | src/core/IO/Socket/INET.pm:
pass input line separator to new sockets, flussence++
moritz jnthn: (42 andthen .say) is supposed to print 42\n, so the thunk must accept $_. I've tried moritz.faui2k3.org/tmp/contextualiz...args.patch to achieve that, but it doesn't do anything, the signature is still (). Any idea what might be wrong? 20:23
flussence oh, andthen is like and + given? I think I finally get it now. 20:25
jnthn moritz: I wonder if it's that thunks normally don't invoke signature binding. 20:26
moritz: See make_topic_block_ref 20:27
bbi15 20:28
nwc10 jnthn: not sure if this is meaningful yet, but I tried building origin/Q (at 28d4bf1ad16ff6) and it explodes on both OS X and Linux, from a clean build, like this: 20:45
/home/nicholas/Perl/rakudo/install/bin/nqp --target=pir --output=src/gen/perl6-grammar.pir --encoding=utf8 \ src/Perl6/Grammar.pm Can not bind attribute '$!do' declared in class 'NQPRoutine' with this object
current instr.: '' pc 4677 (src/stage2/gen/NQP.pir:1625) (src/stage2/gen/NQP.pm:241)
[much backtrace snipped]
NQP is at 323c6fadc806d3469d7b18745753033016aca8f9 on both machines 20:46
(sorry, about to go to sleep so not going to be around to help dig further, if digging is needed) 20:48
jnthn nwc10: You need probably NQP HEAD to build Q. 21:08
nwc10: Generally, I just bump NQP_REVISION at the point I merge the branch into nom. 21:09
jnthn nwc10: Meaning building such development branches needs manual update of NQP 21:11
jnthn Rakudo Star 2012.10 is uploaded; posts sent to mailing lists and rakudo.org is updated. 22:29
skids jnthn++! Same image as rc posted earlier? 22:31
jnthn skids: Almost; uploaded one has a README correction.
jnthn Oh, and a text tweak in Configure 22:31
Code wise, they're the same.
skids That seemed to work fine on all the code I have tested so far, nothing new to report. 22:32
masak jnthn++ # * 22:33
'night, #perl6 22:34
diakopter jnthn**=jnthn**=jnthn
karma jnthn
aloha jnthn has karma of 2801.
sorear Out of memory
bah, today is nominal niecza release day :| 22:35
FROGGS tadzik, moritz: thats what I get from the panda: paste.scsys.co.uk/212222 22:39
the first output is master branch, and later you see that I checkout custom-lib
please let me know if I should check something else too 22:40
skids Ooh! :256[ ... ] is actually a pretty powerful addition. I'll be able to clean up a bunch of [+|] $vals[] X+> @shifts junk. 22:50
flussence rpn: say 'abc'.encode('ascii') ~~ /\S/ 22:52
rpn: say 'alive?' 22:54
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(1) text(B) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
..rakudo 34febe: OUTPUT«Cannot use a Buf as a string, but you called the Str method on it␤ in method Str at src/gen/CORE.setting:7063␤ in any at src/gen/BOOTSTRAP.pm:99␤ in any !cursor_init at src/stage2/QRegex.nqp:566␤ in method ACCEPTS at src/gen/CORE.setting:10230␤ in block at /…
..pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such method in class Str: "&encode"␤ at /tmp/NIi6Yu4kFN line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤»
rakudo 34febe, niecza v22-14-g136ddcf, pugs: OUTPUT«alive?␤»
flussence wait, wtf 22:55
n: say 'abc'.encode('ascii') ~~ /\S+/
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(15) text(Buf()<instance>) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
flussence n: say 'abc'.encode('ascii') ~~ /\S/
okay, I can see it's stringifying to "Buf()<instance>" but I don't get why it takes a minute to do \S after that... 22:56
jnthn flussence: I don't think niecza is to blame for that, I think it's a p6eval slowness 22:58
p6eval niecza v22-14-g136ddcf: OUTPUT«#<match from(0) to(1) text(B) pos([].list) named({}.hash)>␤»
flussence oh, ok
yeah, runs instantly locally 22:59
jnthn I'm not sure what doing a regex match against a Buf should do... Maybe the spec has an opinion :) 23:00
flussence ASCII semantics.
S05:4534 23:01
jnthn flussence: OK, we certainly don't implement that bit yet. 23:05
flussence k, I can just leave the .encode off for now...
jnthn 'night, #perl6 23:22
diakopter flussence: SWEET!!!!!!!!! 23:23
flussence: do you know when that ASCII semantics thing was added?
because that rocks.
flussence no idea, but it'll fix a bunch of my headaches :)
pmichaud jnthn++ # star release
Do I need to create/publish the .msi release, ooc? 23:24
sjn \o 23:27
[Coke] pmichaud: hllo.
flussence argh, I spent ages figuring out how to get the Match.gist fancy quotes showing in my terminal and then it starts mojibaking them 23:28
diakopter flussence: wat is mojibaking 23:29
flussence en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojibake
skids r: say :18446744073709551616[1,1] 23:50
p6eval rakudo 34febe: OUTPUT«-2147483647␤»
skids (Probably just same old int problem.)