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Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
diakopter masak: back shortlog 08:43
Woodi Happy Christmas for everyone here :) 10:03
sorear o/ Woodi 10:19
GlitchMr This shortlog is really short 10:22
moritz \o 11:08
phenny: tell masak about www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1010193 (question about p6cc t3)
phenny moritz: I'll pass that on when masak is around.
jokar Merry Christmas 12:16
GlitchMr rn: say e ** (pi * i) 15:41
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«-1+1.22460635382238e-16i␤»
..niecza v24-12-g8e50362: OUTPUT«-1+1.2246063538223773E-16i␤»
GlitchMr Close enough
Except imaginary part shouldn't exist.
moritz Mathematica has a Chop function to get rid of such small numbers 15:42
(and of course symbolical calculations to not get there in the first place)
GlitchMr rn: say chop e ** (pi * i)
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«-1+1.22460635382238e-16␤» 15:43
..niecza v24-12-g8e50362: OUTPUT«-1+1.2246063538223773E-16␤»
GlitchMr Well, at least I don't have imaginary part anymore
moritz thanks to all the Perl 6 advent authors 15:54
we've had pretty good posts this year, IMHO
and a baseline of about 400 views a day, and some notable spikes with ~2k views 15:55
tadzik 18th and 19th is curious 15:56
I wonder if 19th is just people from 18th catching up with reddit :P
moritz probably the tail from 18th spike 16:01
tadzik yeah 16:16
cognominal thx 16:24
dalek c: 7f27be4 | VZ++ | lib/Date.pod:
Correct day-of-week return value documentation.

At least with the latest Rakudo day-of-week returns 7 for Sunday, not 0.
c: 31748bc | (Konrad Borowski)++ | lib/Date.pod:
Merge pull request #11 from vadz/patch-1

Correct day-of-week return value documentation.
rindolf Hi all. 16:35
And Happy Christmas.
cognominal rindolf: Happy Perlmas. we probably are in 1 BPE. 1 year Before Perl 6 Era. :) 16:39
then, I don't know if we start to count from 0 or from 1. 16:41
rindolf cognominal: OK. 16:42
It's always 1 year before Perl 6 Era.
cognominal speaking of era, the ethernet era is not over yet, I need to buy an ethernet adaptator for my macbook 16:48
xenoterracide the last advent reminds me... I noticed a distinctive lack of 'last_day_of_month' options in the temporal modules... and Date couldn't take now() to mean today (which, incidentally, also would make a better sane default than christmas ) 16:55
moritz cognominal: not over by far. Ethernet allows you to do cool stuff like VLANs :-) 16:56
xenoterracide I ultimately would need last_day_of_month for credit card objects. 17:01
moritz xenoterracide: then implement it, spec it, test it 17:14
and spell it with last-day-of-month instead :-)
dalek c: 3b5dbf4 | isBEKaml++ | lib/Str.pod:
[doc] Add /some/ documentation for .subst
spider-mario I think I may have found a parser bug in Rakudo 17:52
(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl
r: (1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: ( no output )
spider-mario r: (1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say 17:53
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«(2, 4, 6).list␤»
spider-mario r: any(2, 4, 6).perl.say
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«any(2, 4, 6)␤»
spider-mario r: any(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')'␤at /tmp/3KE2uTvSmA:1␤------> any(1, 2, 3 ⏏==> map * * 2).perl.say␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ infix or meta-infix␤ infix …
timotimo so, Adventure::Engine exists, would i call mine Cardgame::Engine?
moritz std: any(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say
p6eval std a8bc48f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse argument list at /tmp/AScLK2x9jy line 1:␤------> any⏏(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say␤Couldn't find final ')'; gave up at /tmp/AScLK2x9jy line 1:␤------> any(1, 2, 3 ⏏==> map * * 2).perl…
spider-mario oh.
how come? 17:54
moritz std: 1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2
timotimo oh, are feed operators supposed to work like that?
p6eval std a8bc48f: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 43m␤»
moritz maybe not inside argument lists?
timotimo r: any((1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2)).perl.say
moritz I have no idea
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«any(2, 4, 6)␤»
timotimo that works.
std: any(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say 17:55
p6eval std a8bc48f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse argument list at /tmp/kaFdWNHGja line 1:␤------> any⏏(1, 2, 3 ==> map * * 2).perl.say␤Couldn't find final ')'; gave up at /tmp/kaFdWNHGja line 1:␤------> any(1, 2, 3 ⏏==> map * * 2).perl…
timotimo yeah, just add more parens and it'll work
dalek c: 4f6552b | moritz++ | lib/Str.pod:
[Str] subst documentation to the style usually used here

  * move to section Methods. It is a method after all
  * add a signature
  * add a small amount of formal description
pmurias hi 18:17
jnthn: is there a way to attach info to objects that survives compiling to a .pbc? 18:18
pmurias timotimo: if you want to use nqp-js for your card game I could work on making nqp-js emit javascript suitable for client side use 18:30
timotimo pmurias: i give you about half a year to make it to the first usable prototype of that feature :) 18:31
dalek c: 4b715a9 | moritz++ | lib/Str.pod:
[Str] implement adverbs for .subst
moritz pmurias: can you give a short overview of what nqp-js supports? 18:32
control flow? objects? bigints? grammars? 18:33
moritz huh, why do (nearly) all the links on doc.perl6.org have curly braces around them? 18:38
mst beecause they're block links 18:44
cognominal mst, what is a block link? 18:49
mst cries 18:50
cognominal my compassion to mst does not help me much to understand what is a block link. 18:54
mst moritz was asking why the doc.perl6.org links all say {link} 18:57
cognominal mst: you think you are joking about Perl but there is indeed something named a block link in html5. simplyaccessible.com/article/html5-block-links/ Like always dropping some context can help. You think you are smart, you act condescendant, and you come out as plain ignorant. 19:03
mst I made a pun based on the {} - it wouldn't've been a good pun if there wasn't such a thing as a block link 19:04
cognominal I would be reductionnist if I said I just came with a good mst characterisation. :) 19:05
mst I was trying to avoid murdering a bad joke by explaining it; if you can manage to make people see the pun without fully explaining it then it's bad manners not to at least try 19:06
"dropping some context" doesn't work for puns, it kills them stone dead 19:08
cognominal thar art is about dropping enough context but not too much. 19:09
mst which I did, the second time you asked for a hint 19:11
cognominal s/that/the/
pmurias moritz: control flow,objects,grammar no bigints yet
* grammars 19:12
moritz: the grammars support is very partial 19:13
mst then for some reason you decided to start insulting me, which I'm ignoring because #perl6 prefers to err on the side of politeness
and that's an important thing about the culture in here, so you'll find people who've been around for a while try their best to follow it
pmurias moritz: the object support will be much better once I figure out a sane way of having a setting in nqp, and I can reuse the how's 19:18
moritz mst: thanks for the block links hint 19:31
mst moritz: it was a terrible pun!
moritz: I've no idea other than that :(
moritz dammit :( 19:31
probably some toolchain fuckup 19:32
mst or "somebody thought they'd be pretty that way"
I just thought that clearly a link with {} round it must be a block link
moritz seems to be a Pod::To::HTML thing 19:34
r: my $x = 42; say qq{<a href="example.com">{$text}</a>} 19:35
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $text is not declared␤at /tmp/XJcwiGoQ8x:1␤------> 42; say qq{<a href="example.com">{$text⏏}</a>}␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤»
moritz r: my $x = 42; say qq{<a href="example.com">{$x}</a>} 19:35
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«<a href="example.com">{42}</a>␤»
moritz n: my $x = 42; say qq{<a href="example.com">{$x}</a>}
p6eval niecza v24-12-g8e50362: OUTPUT«<a href="example.com">{42}</a>␤»
moritz erm, is that correct?
rn: my $x = 42; say qq[<a href="example.com">{$x}</a>] 19:36
p6eval rakudo c8de2e, niecza v24-12-g8e50362: OUTPUT«<a href="example.com">42</a>␤»
moritz anyway, that's the reason for the curly braces 19:37
old rakudo parsed the quotes differently
Tim-Tom Is the precedence of the set operators intended to be lower than that of assignment? 19:44
r: my $a = set(<a b>) (-) set(<b c>); say $a
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«set(a, b)␤»
FROGGS hi there 19:45
Tim-Tom Hi :)
moritz no 19:46
Tim-Tom r: my $a = (set(<a b>) (-) set(<b c>)); say $a # in case it wasn't clear what was going on
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«set(a)␤»
moritz but nobody really knows what the correct precedence is :(
otherwise I would have fixed it
cognominal I forgot what is the difference between $() and () :(
moritz github.com/perl6/specs/issues/25
cognominal: $() is item context
Tim-Tom Well I recommend tighter than assignment because I spent a good 15 minutes debugging it :)
FROGGS Tim-Tom: I like this one, but I dont know if it 100% accurate: www.ozonehouse.com/mark/periodic/ 19:47
dont know if it covers it though
Tim-Tom Set operators were created after that table was created 19:48
FROGGS ahh, k 19:49
cognominal moritz: I understand that context can act on a value and returns another one, but I don't get the meaning of a value with context. 19:51
moritz cognominal: it just puts a value into a scalar container
r: my $count = 0; $count++ for 1, 2, 3; say $count 19:52
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz r: my $count = 0; $count++ for $(1, 2, 3); say $count
p6eval rakudo c8de2e: OUTPUT«1␤»
cognominal moritz++
I feel I have already tripped on that one. I am a slow learner. 19:53
diakopter cognominal: I corrected a man's two puns (which he phrased as questions), which I only later realized were puns. :< 20:09
two nights ago
timotimo pmurias: do you have an estimation when nqp-js will be somewhat useful for front-end javascript work for browser/DOM scripting? 20:21
i suppose there could be nqp modules to make using jquery or canvas or what ever exists in that shiny, strange and foreign world of JS in the browser ... 20:22
... easier. 20:23
pmurias timotimo: that depends on the definition of somewhat useful 20:28
timotimo because i quite don't know what i'm doing when it comes to HTML and JS. so you don't have to hurry anyway. or expect greatnes :D
pmurias timotimo: it's far away from making things easier then with plain js (which I think would require rakudo-js) 20:29
timotimo so maybe i'd use something else instead?
pmurias but I think I could get something usable for simple thing by tommorow ;) 20:30
timotimo: js+jquery seems the simplest thing
timotimo there's lots of higher level languages that 'compile' to js. maybe i'd try one of those. i thought perhaps nqp-js would be somewhat similar 20:31
but i see the design goal is something different
pmurias timotimo: why do you want to use a language that compiles to js? 20:33
timotimo: making things easier? 20:34
timotimo well, js in a browser seems to me the closest i get to a GU-like Interface without having to learn to use niecza and GTK#
pmurias and you want to use Perl 6? 20:35
timotimo oh, that is the question? yes, i'd like things to be easier, because i'ven't ever done js+html properly before
and since this is a "learn perl6! yaaaay" project, and at the same time you talked about nqp-js, so i thought maybe there's some use ni that 20:36
anyway, it's about bedtime for me, so i'll better get going. have a good *, everyone :) 20:37
pmurias good night 20:37
cognominal diakopter, :) 21:55
masak good almost-midnight, #perl6 :) 22:51
phenny masak: 11:08Z <moritz> tell masak about www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1010193 (question about p6cc t3)
masak I see I have some backlogging to do.
masak moritz: I replied. www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1010291 22:57
felher good slightly-past-midnight, masak. 23:23
masak o/ 23:30
tadzik hi hi 23:37
sorear o/ 23:46
merry 25th to y'all.
masak happy Newtonmas. 23:56
(though here it's already tomorrow)
flussence it's today here for 5 more seconds 23:59