»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
Mouq lizmat: Same, though for me it probably has something to do with my sleep schedule having shifted to begin around 5AM every day :/ 00:01
lizmat is displaced -6h from her usual TZ 00:02
Mouq That might do it :)
00:10 xenoterracide_ joined, btyler left 00:11 jack_rabbit_ joined 00:14 carlin left 00:18 jnap joined 00:22 dmol joined 00:31 xenoterracide_ is now known as xenoterracide
xenoterracide back at poking getting this working github.com/xenoterracide/rakudo/co...nnotations 00:32
lizmat Mouq: it has nothing to do with .push (or unshift): it has to do with Parcel generation: 00:39
r: my $c=42; my $a = $($c,1); $c=43; my $b = $($c,2); .perl.say for $a, $b
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 8812ca: OUTPUT«$(43, 1)␤$(43, 2)␤»
lizmat r: my $c=42; my $a = $(+$c,1); $c=43; my $b = $(+$c,2); .perl.say for $a, $b 00:40
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 8812ca: OUTPUT«$(42, 1)␤$(43, 2)␤»
lizmat r: my $c=42; my $a = $($c,1); $c=43; my $b = $(+$c,2); .perl.say for $a, $b
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 8812ca: OUTPUT«$(43, 1)␤$(43, 2)␤»
lizmat r: my $c=42; my $a = $(+$c,1); $c=43; my $b = $($c,2); .perl.say for $a, $b
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 8812ca: OUTPUT«$(42, 1)␤$(43, 2)␤»
lizmat ah, timotimo and Mouq already established that :-) 00:42
timotimo for my use case i kinda wish for a zip-latest combinator that doesn't require each supply to have pushed something once 00:46
i *could* merge an initiator supply into both combined supplies, but that seems like a terrible hack
Mouq std: &("sigilicious")
camelia std 0f2049c: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 127m␤»
Mouq wonders what Code context would mean... 00:47
00:47 dmol left
dalek c: 97c9057 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/variables.pod:
Fix twigils table

The "=" messed up the pod parser
c: 17e8eaf | Mouq++ | lib/Language/variables.pod:
Some adjustments and additions to variables.pod
lizmat timotimo: perhaps that should be the default behaviour 00:49
with a named parameter to only return complete ? 00:51
00:57 jnap left 00:59 jnap joined, colomon joined
colomon aha! 00:59
the power of turning it off and back on again 01:00
01:01 _thou left
lizmat haha 01:06
colomon it logged into #perl6 automatically and quickly. 01:08
01:08 ivanshmakov left 01:11 btyler joined 01:13 ivanshmakov joined 01:16 jnap left 01:17 Su-Shee_ joined 01:18 araujo joined 01:20 Su-Shee left
hoelzro I think I found a bug: gist.github.com/hoelzro/4a904953f9d8de749185 01:20
01:21 klapperl_ joined
xenoterracide :/ 01:23
01:23 atroxaper joined 01:24 klapperl left
Mouq hoelzro: Smartmatch doesn't curry with * 01:26
hoelzro: Use .grep({$_ ~~ TestRole}) or just .grep(TestRole) instead 01:27
hoelzro: It's a definite WAT though
01:28 atroxaper left
Mouq m: say *.isa(Str) 01:28
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«WhateverCode.new()␤»
Mouq m: say * ~~ Str
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«False␤»
Mouq And that'll never match anything, since Anything ~~ False is False
01:29 araujo left
Mouq m: say * ~~ False # Why does this warn 01:29
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch against False always fails; if you mean to test the topic for truthiness, use :!so or *.not or !* instead␤ at /tmp/uQh51csgZ7:1␤ ------> say * ~~⏏ False # Why does this warn␤Whatever…»
Mouq m: say * ~~ (False) # But this doesn't? 01:30
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«False␤»
hoelzro oh, it doesn't? 01:33
ok, that's kinda good, then =)
good that it's not a bug, I mean
xenoterracide what's := 01:44
not documented in operators
01:44 rindolf joined
xenoterracide I'm thinking it's just assignment 01:44
Mouq xenoterracide: Binding 01:47
xenoterracide what's the difference between that and assignment? 01:48
Mouq xenoterracide: It's assignment, but less magical. It binds the variable directly to whatever's on the other side, rather than putting it in a container
xenoterracide: doc.perl6.org/language/containers#Binding
Mouq will add it to operators.pod 01:49
01:49 woolfy joined, woolfy1 left
benabik $x = $y puts the value in $y into $x. $x := $y makes $x and $y the same thing. 01:51
lizmat m: my $a = 42; my $b := $a; say $b
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«42␤»
lizmat m: my $a = 42; my $b := $a; say $b; $b = 43; say $a
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«42␤43␤»
benabik lizmat++
01:54 ivanshmakov left, ivanshmakov joined
Mouq benabik: :D can I steal your explaination and use it in operators.pod? 01:54
benabik Mouq: Sure. It's not the best explination, but it's succinct. 01:55
xenoterracide Mouq: thanks, hmm immutable pointer... just trying to figure out what to compare this to in my brain 01:56
BenGoldberg The := operator of perl6 is a bit like using the Devel::LexAlias module of perl5. 01:57
But more type-safe, of course.
xenoterracide heh, I've never used that either
BenGoldberg Or putting it another way, $x := $y of perl6 is similar to *x = \$y of perl5, except that it works with any type of $x, not just lexical variables. 01:59
lizmat BenGoldberg: don't you mean Data::Alias ?
02:09 hoverboard joined
dalek c: 9604d40 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/operators.pod:
Add := and ::=. xenoterracide++ benabik++ lizmat++
c: 34e002e | Mouq++ | / (2 files):
Some adjustments and additions to "Using Objects"
Mouq (Feel free to add to my definitions) 02:11
dalek c: 4f55f66 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/operators.pod:
Fix formatto
c: bcf69ec | Mouq++ | htmlify.p6:
If a link has no letters, it's probably a routine
02:24 grondilu left
btyler hi all. the first example in 'classtut' (with the task dependencies) is broken at the moment. I've found the handful of tweaks needed to get it working again, but I don't have a great 'idiomatic perl6' sense. would appreciate feedback/suggestions: github.com/kanatohodets/doc/commit...d975675afb 02:25
Mouq++'s work on the docs lately got me looking at the issue list for them, this one seemed like LHF 02:26
02:26 orafu left 02:29 raiph left
benabik I'm somewhat curious why you had to make the attributes public. 02:31
02:33 cognominal left
btyler me too. from the baby perl perspective, it just "didn't work" with private ones. I'll put it back in that state to grab the errors 02:33
for the callback, I got 'Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable, cs = 0)' on the line where it gets called 02:34
flipping it public fixed that
well, public + accessor method
I suppose I should try r-j 02:35
hm, indeed, r-m specific bug
02:36 noganex joined
Mouq :/ Weird... also btyler++ :D 02:38
btyler wrong again. cannot invoke this object on r-j as well. not sure what the deal there is
02:39 noganex_ left 02:41 cognominal joined 02:45 dayangkun_ joined
Mouq btyler: Try "has &!callback = {;}" 02:52
m: *() 02:53
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Cannot find method 'postcircumfix:<( )>'␤ in block at /tmp/D_xqqqpapO:1␤␤»
xenoterracide $obj, :$local, :$excl, :$all what does the : by you? does that mean you can pass those in any order so long as you specify with some fat arrow named variant? 02:54
Mouq xenoterracide: Yup
We should have an Adverbs language doc 02:55
xenoterracide been reading s02
02:55 raiph joined
Mouq perlcabal.org/syn/S02.html#Adverbial_Pair_forms 02:57
But in signatures you can't use the fat arrow form
Timbus m: my $foo = 'bar'; say (:$foo)
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«"foo" => "bar"␤»
Mouq m: sub add-two (num => $num) { $num + 2 }; add-two num => 4 02:58
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/m3c0RsRypF␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix > instead␤at /tmp/m3c0RsRypF:1␤------> sub add-two (num =>⏏ $num) { $num + 2 }; add-two num => 4␤»
Mouq m: sub add-two (:$num) { $num + 2 }; say add-two num => 4
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«6␤»
Mouq m: sub add-two (:$num) { $num + 2 }; say add-two :num(4)
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«6␤»
Mouq m: sub add-two (:$num) { $num + 2 }; say add-two :4num
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«6␤»
Mouq Ok, that last one is kind of abuse 02:59
Timbus its a scary one to look at
Mouq m: my &x; &x() 03:00
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable, cs = 0)␤ in block at /tmp/DcGDGMLcsU:1␤␤»
xenoterracide any feature powerful enough will be abused
benabik s/powerful enough //
xenoterracide heh
zengargoyle ... sufficiently powerful feature ... indistinguishible from magic ... 03:08
benabik use DWIM; doit();
03:11 benabik left 03:12 BenGoldberg left 03:15 molaf_ left 03:19 atroxaper joined 03:23 _thou joined 03:24 xenoterracide left 03:26 kaare_ joined
dalek c: ced282d | Mouq++ | lib/Language/objects.pod:
More fiddling with objects.pod
03:48 atroxaper left, atroxaper joined 03:53 atroxaper left
btyler ok, pretty sure the basic issue is that you can't use auto-bind private attributes through adverbs in bless 03:53
so &!callback and @!dependencies were empty and defaulting to the type object that they were initialized as 03:54
that's something you can do with BUILD in the signature, but that gives up the slurpy 'dependencies' and the nice little tree structure for creating the task objects 03:55
03:56 atroxaper joined
btyler Mouq, benabik ^ 03:56
Timbus submethod BUILD(:&!callback, :@!dependencies){ } 04:07
makes it all work
btyler except for the positional params, right?
Timbus i only ran the example
btyler hum, objects.pod said that you can't have positional arguments to BUILD, which is what the example is 04:08
oh, you mean keeping the new
Timbus you keep the new
you just let build set the private attributes
btyler right 04:09
Timbus you dont need any code inside build. its uh, magical
btyler right, saw that in objects.pod
ok, yeah, that seems nicest
04:14 _thou left, [Sno] left
Timbus i find it easier to just make attributes public, i guess. 04:17
04:18 kaare_ left
Mouq (BUILD isn't that magical) 04:21
04:22 raiph left
Mouq m: class Foo { has $.bar; class baz (:$!baz) {} }; my Foo $foo .= new; $foo.baz :bar(42); say $foo 04:22
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/vddfCTymPZ␤Unable to parse class definition␤at /tmp/vddfCTymPZ:1␤------> class Foo { has $.bar; class baz ⏏(:$!baz) {} }; my Foo $foo .= new; $foo.␤ expecting any of:…»
Mouq m: class Foo { has $.bar; method baz (:$!baz) {} }; my Foo $foo .= new; $foo.baz :bar(42); say $foo 04:23
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/ibXB5MxR3e␤Attribute $!baz not declared in class Foo␤at /tmp/ibXB5MxR3e:1␤------> oo { has $.bar; method baz (:$!baz) {} }⏏; my Foo $foo .= new; $foo.baz :bar(42);␤ e…»
Mouq Blah, sorry
m: class Foo { has $.bar; method baz (:$!bar) {} }; my Foo $foo .= new; $foo.baz :bar(42); say $foo
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Foo.new(bar => 42)␤»
btyler right, I just added some doc to classtut about the BUILD param-attribute binding trick 04:25
is there a way to link to a subheading of another piece of doc?
Mouq L<...>?
L</path/to/doc#subheading> 04:26
I wish there was a better way, but that's the best you can do for now
04:26 _thou joined
btyler ok 04:27
path relative to the originating doc, or relative to the doc repo root?
Timbus i know its not BUILD being magical here. i just feel it would have been more sensible to be more simple. has $!var can init; .. or something. ¯\(°_o)/¯ 04:32
Mouq btyler: Do it relative to root 04:33
btyler Mouq: great, thanks 04:34
Mouq btyler: Stuff gets copied between documents, and its easy for a link to point to the wrong place if its relative
btyler ok. I saw |/ syntax, so I did this: L<objects|/lib/Language/objects#Object Construction>
seem reasonable?
Mouq L<objects|/language/objects#Object Construction> 04:35
btyler roger
Mouq btyler++
btyler Mouq: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/19 04:39
04:39 kaare_ joined
btyler I think I actually have a commit bit there, but last time was just some spelling correction, I'd rather have a set of eyes on doc for things that I'm no expert in 04:39
04:41 labster left
dalek c: 4356451 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/objects.pod:
More tweeks, and role application example
c: e115f9f | (Ben Tyler)++ | lib/Language/classtut.pod:
Small tweaks to un-bitrot classtut's first example.

Some of these tweaks may change the message that the example is sending, so this commit is mostly to show a changeset to the fine people of #perl6 for feedback.
c: d99e1cf | (Ben Tyler)++ | lib/Language/classtut.pod:
Improve classtut example again

  * Bring back private attributes (BUILD submethod needed to bind them properly).
  * Add some doc explaining the BUILD usage in the example.
c: c4ba4e6 | (Alexander Moquin)++ | lib/Language/classtut.pod:
Merge pull request #19 from kanatohodets/master

Fix up classtut example
Mouq I like it :)
btyler woo! thanks for the review
Mouq I'll have it sync'd up in ~8 min 04:45
Oh, wait, jk
Sync'd :) 04:46
04:47 atroxaper left
btyler awesome 04:48
05:06 Alina-malina left 05:08 raiph joined
dalek c: 917136d | Mouq++ | lib/Language/ (2 files):
Move Quoting Constructs to its own document
05:14 btyler left, atroxaper joined
dalek c: e311356 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/operators.pod:
Reference Term#Pair in infix => definition
05:24 telex left 05:26 telex joined
Mouq discovers `ack --bar` 05:29
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PerlJam Mouq: it's a relatively new addition I think. (at least I don't remember it in the 1.xx versions) 05:38
Mouq PerlJam: Maybe once they decided to add it, they realized it was worthy of a major version change and upped to Ack 2 05:44
PerlJam no, petdance made ack 2 for much nobler reasons. But I can see how a version bump would be a natural place to include the --bar option. 05:46
Mouq petdance++ in any case
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dalek c: f2b0a68 | Mouq++ | lib/Type/Str.pod:
Update Str a bit
c: 7920acd | Mouq++ | lib/Language/terms.pod:
Add Whatever to terms.pod
masak good morning, #perl6 06:59
FROGGS o/ 07:02
07:02 lizmat left
FROGGS who volunteers to port Archive::Tar? 07:04
07:04 zakharyas joined
FROGGS anybody? 07:05
FROGGS mumbles
07:05 woolfy left 07:07 jercos left
FROGGS .tell lizmat this is the state of panda+CPAN: gist.github.com/FROGGS/197b7747f3594079712a - now I am going to port Archive::Tar 07:08
yoleaux FROGGS: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
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sergot morning o/ 07:28
FROGGS morning
atroxaper_ Common operation section in S07 is empty. Is there something like q{ [1, 2, 3].last == 3 } ?
morning! 07:29
m: my @d = <1 2 3>; say @d.last;
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«No such method 'last' for invocant of type 'Array'␤ in block at /tmp/RoWpUwjxVA:1␤␤»
moritz m: my @d = 1, 2, 3; say @d[*-1] 07:30
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«3␤»
atroxaper_ Oh... I didn't thought about *. I tried just '-1' ;)
moritz: thatnks!
FROGGS but is should warn with a nice message.. 07:31
moritz m: my @d; @d[-1]
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Cannot use negative index -1 on Array␤ at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:11395 (/home/p6eval/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:throw:117)␤ from src/gen/m-CORE.setting:12845 (/home/p6eval/rakudo-inst-2/languages/…»
FROGGS m: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1]
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot use negative index -1 on Array␤»
p: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1] 07:32
camelia rakudo-parrot 8812ca: OUTPUT«Cannot use negative index -1 on Array␤ in method gist at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:12776␤ in method gist at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:1038␤ in sub say at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13704␤ in sub say at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13691␤ in block at …»
atroxaper_ moritz: Yes. I think about empty Array...
moritz atroxaper_: @d && @d[*-1]
atroxaper_ moritz: Right!
FROGGS fixing... 07:33
atroxaper_ FROGGS++
FROGGS std: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1] 07:34
camelia std 0f2049c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unsupported use of [-1] subscript to access from end of array; in Perl 6 please use [*-1] at /tmp/rZBrx32vqz line 1:␤------> my @a = ^10; say @a[-1]⏏<EOL>␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 126m␤»
FROGGS m: my @a = ^10; say (try @a[-1]).WHAT # also wants to be typed I guess... 07:36
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«(Failure)␤»
moritz m: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1].payload 07:37
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot use negative index -1 on Array␤»
moritz m: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1].exception
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«Cannot use negative index -1 on Array␤ in block at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:12851␤ in sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:2459␤ in block at /tmp/p8fliazcy2:1␤␤»
moritz m: my @a = ^10; say @a[-1].exception.^name
camelia rakudo-moar 8812ca: OUTPUT«X::AdHoc␤»
07:39 pecastro left 07:41 lizmat_ joined 07:42 lizmat left 07:43 dmol joined, Fabian____ joined
Fabian____ Hi there. Has anyone used the DBIish module to connect to an SQLite database? 07:45
07:45 darutoko joined
FROGGS isnt sqlite even in one of its tests? 07:45
Fabian____ I'm not sure. I am looking for an example of how to get a connection to a SQLite db. 07:46
FROGGS Fabian____: github.com/perl6/DBIish/blob/maste...e-common.t 07:47
and github.com/perl6/DBIish/blob/maste...common.pl6
perhaps we could post an example to github.com/perl6/DBIish/wiki ? 07:50
Fabian____ Thank you. I think that will help me.
An example in the wiki would be nice. 07:51
moritz Fabian____: I'd put such things in the README... do you want to contribute one? 07:52
Fabian____ Sure. 07:53
dalek ast: 130b447 | (Tobias Leich)++ | S (2 files):
Revert "fudge failing tests, only for release purposes"

Release was done, problems need to be fixed now. This reverts commit f7b42fbbe918589dfbed9d938f80276c9b7c6132.
Fabian____ Do i just add an example to the readme and send it to you? 07:56
07:57 atroxaper_ left, atroxaper joined
FROGGS fork the repo, modify and send a pull request... or moritz gives you a commit bit 07:57
Fabian____ ok. 07:58
moritz Fabian____: what's your github ID?
Fabian____ The id is the user name? That is fbou. 08:00
08:00 atroxaper left 08:01 atroxaper joined
moritz Fabian____: ok, you can push to DBIish now 08:10
(and a bunch of other repos)
Fabian____ Thanks.
08:18 spider-mario joined 08:21 nnunley joined 08:22 rindolf left 08:23 rindolf joined
dalek osystem: f942537 | softmoth++ | META.list:
Add Template::Mustache to META.list
08:25 Sqirrel joined, _thou is now known as thou 08:26 nnunley left 08:27 mtj left
thou ^ That's me, I'm open to any feedback on it. In particular, I'd like to know if I can reduce backtracking and make the grammar cleaner. 08:27
But at the moment I need to quit and go to bed!
dalek kudo/nom: ec743ce | (Tobias Leich)++ | src/core/ (4 files):
throw a X::Subscript::FromEnd for @foo[-1]
thou o/ good night, #perl6
08:28 mtj joined 08:33 atroxaper left, atroxaper joined, Su-Shee_ is now known as Su-Shee 08:37 atroxaper left, atroxaper joined 08:39 Sqirrel left 08:50 SamuraiJack joined 08:55 thou left 08:58 pecastro joined, SamuraiJack left 09:00 kaleem joined, lizmat joined 09:02 lizmat_ left 09:07 Fabian____ left 09:12 donaldh joined
donaldh o/ perl6 09:22
yakudzo o/ 09:24
FROGGS o/ 09:26
atroxaper o/ 09:30
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donaldh blogged: donaldh.github.io/blog/2014/06/20/e...n-eclipse/ 09:46
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moritz donaldh++ 09:49
moritz tweets it
09:51 Psyche^ left
FROGGS donaldh++ 09:53
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atroxaper donaldh++ 10:13
donaldh: I have tried do something like that for IntellijIDEA
10:15 nnunley left
donaldh It should be possible to create a simple jar / OSGi bundle that can reference an existing rakudo installation. That should be useable anyhwere 10:19
The perl6-eclipse-plugin relies on Eclipse-BundleShape: dir so that I can embed the installation and still resolve files off the filesystem 10:21
I think it is possible for an OSGi bundle to unpack into a 'bundle repository' directory but I have not tried.
we could also repack all of the module jars into a single perl6.jar so that they can be easily classloaded. 10:22
many possibilities
dalek nda: 4073c98 | (Kamil Kułaga)++ | t/builder.t:
typo in test
nda: f184335 | (Tobias Leich)++ | t/builder.t:
Merge pull request #86 from teodozjan/patch-1

typo in test messaage
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timotimo lizmat: i was told that wouldn't be a zip if it behaved like that by default 11:02
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newbie_Perl6 something incosistent with the specs 11:48
p: Cool.HOW
camelia ( no output )
newbie_Perl6 Cool.HOW.HOW 11:49
p: Cool.HOW.HOW
camelia ( no output )
newbie_Perl6 p: Cool.HOW.HOW.HOW
camelia ( no output )
newbie_Perl6 why no output in camelia? 11:50
p: '1,2,3' ~~ m / <digit>+% ',' / 11:52
camelia ( no output )
newbie_Perl6 p: '1,2,3' ~~ m / <digit>+%% ',' / 11:53
camelia ( no output )
newbie_Perl6 p: '1,2,3,' ~~ m / <digit>+% ',' / 11:56
camelia ( no output )
FROGGS newbie_Perl6: you have to 'say' it
newbie_Perl6 AHA~
FROGGS m: say Cool.HOW
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new()␤»
FROGGS m: say Cool.HOW.HOW
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'NQPClassHOW'␤ in sub say at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13761␤ in block at /tmp/0mFlgSYc7u:1␤␤» 11:57
11:57 psch joined
FROGGS ahh 11:57
psch hi #perl6
FROGGS hi psch
m: say '1,2,3,' ~~ m / <digit>+% ',' /
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«「1,2,3」␤ digit => 「1」␤ digit => 「2」␤ digit => 「3」␤␤»
psch i've decided i'm not being useful by poking at all those low-level vm-specific things
newbie_Perl6 thank you FROGGs
FROGGS newbie_Perl6: you're welcome 11:58
psch NativeCall works if i supply specific native types afaict, so i'll just skip the tests for installing it with panda
FROGGS psch: the are a lot of high level things waiting too :o)
yes, that one is tricky
(even when it doesn't look like on the first glance)
psch FROGGS: yes, i have no idea how to figure out where Moar gets the nativesize for the P6int repr, no matter if it's explicit or not 12:00
i think that would be the place to start
FROGGS yes, and that is also the place where I failed last time
newbie_Perl6 m: say Str.^attributes 12:01
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in method gist at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:7178␤ in sub say at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13755␤ in block at /tmp/bPm3aET6Tw:1␤␤»
FROGGS p: say Str.^attributes
camelia rakudo-parrot ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in method gist at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:7125␤ in method gist at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:1038␤ in sub say at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13714␤ in sub say at gen/parrot/CORE.setting:137…»
FROGGS m: say Str.^attributes>>.Str 12:02
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'Str' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in method dispatch:<hyper> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:1244␤ in block at /tmp/6zbqYcenqt:1␤␤»
moritz m: say ~<<Str.^attributes
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in method message at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:12543␤ in sub deepmap at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:17547␤ in sub METAOP_HYPER_PREFIX at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:17493␤ in block at /tmp/mbo2Gsl…»
moritz wtf
12:03 dmol left
newbie_Perl6 m: say Cool.HOW.HOW.HOW 12:05
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'KnowHOW'␤ in sub say at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13761␤ in block at /tmp/WF_tGsI0AE:1␤␤»
newbie_Perl6 Can anyone fix it? 12:07
moritz I'm sure somebody can, yes
newbie_Perl6 that's great. it's too hard for me. 12:08
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timotimo well, a KnowHOW is a very low-level thing that's only needed for bootstrapping, and if you're trying to introspect that deep, you're doing stuff you maybe shouldn't be doing 12:10
colomon donaldh++ indeed!
newbie_Perl6 it's inconsistent with the specs 12:11
moritz aye; it shouldn't leak out 12:12
newbie_Perl6 donaldh++ , i like the idea of the single perl6.jar 12:13
12:14 FROGGS left
newbie_Perl6 yes moritz, that's the very point i want to say. 12:14
12:15 mr-foobar left, mr-foobar joined
betterworld say I've built a parser using Perl 6 grammars. How do I get the line number of a parse error? 12:17
12:17 rindolf left 12:18 rindolf joined
dalek kudo-star-daily: d29735b | coke++ | log/ (14 files):
today (automated commit)
12:30 Khisanth left
dalek ast: a3db7d2 | (Pepe Schwarz)++ | S06-signature/introspection.t:
Test narrower for RT #69492
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...l?id=69492
12:36 kaare_ left
psch m: sub foo(:$) { }; say &foo.signature.params[0].name # related to the ticket above 12:39
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«Failed to write to filehandle: NULL string given␤ in method print at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:14014␤ in sub say at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13750␤ in block at /tmp/WZeahPqi3B:1␤␤»
psch segfaults in the Moar repl
checking for definedness of $!variable_name in Parameter.name is enough here? or should the Parameter get a Str for $!variable_name even if it's empty? 12:40
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[Coke] ... did someone really unfudge failing tests in roast so they fail again? that seems wrong. 12:47
Instead, there should be a ticket, and the test should stay fudged.
(this was a post-release unfudge) 12:48
12:50 Guest51034 is now known as Khisanth 12:53 prevost joined
psch oh, for consistency an anon named should have a Str bound to its $!variable_name and that string should just contain the sigil 12:53
m: sub foo(:$bar) { }; &foo.signature.params[0].name.say
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«$bar␤»
psch so for foo(:$) { } it should print '$'
moritz aye 12:54
psch is horribly reliant on rubber-ducking it seems.
12:58 BenGoldberg joined 13:00 araujo joined
colomon I'm getting really weird results trying to run my smoke tests on rakudo-parrot. This time around: 13:03
==> Installing JSON::Tiny
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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hoelzro is this a bug? gist.github.com/hoelzro/2a6de4f56618754c6de2 14:23
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timotimo it could very well be that the method you find there is not, in fact, a multi method, but the proto method that's automatically generated 14:31
[Coke] m: class Foo { multi method test(Str $) { } multi method test(Str $) { } }
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/35qYQOEK_q␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/35qYQOEK_q:1␤------> lass Foo { multi method test(Str $) { } ⏏multi method test(Str $) { } }␤ expecting any of:␤ statem…»
[Coke] m: class Foo { multi method test(Str $) { } ; multi method test(Str $) { } }
camelia ( no output )
timotimo should that work?
hoelzro it makes sense that a proto is automatically generated, but shouldn't that proto.multi be true?
[Coke] shouldn't that be a compile time error with the duplicated sig? 14:32
timotimo could very well be
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hoelzro consults source 14:32
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FROGGS there are no compile time errors about multiple sigs atm 14:35
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FROGGS std: multi a { }; multi a { } 14:36
camelia std 0f2049c: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 123m␤»
psch m: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; say baz :<1>; say baz :''<1> # ...how?
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/jaxTpGjri_␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/jaxTpGjri_:1␤------> )!) { say "ok" }; say baz :<1>; say baz ⏏:''<1> # ...how?␤ expecting any of:␤ argument list␤ …»
14:36 anaeem1__ left, treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
psch both calls (obviously?) complain about "Required named parameter '' not passed" 14:36
i can't find anything specced about required anon nameds 14:37
14:37 treehug88 joined
psch (the first actually only complains, the seconds doesnt parse..) 14:37
FROGGS m: say (:<1>)
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«1␤»
FROGGS m: say (:<1>).perl
14:37 treehug88 left
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«"1"␤» 14:37
FROGGS m: say (:''<1>).perl
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/dxW986CDuH␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/dxW986CDuH:1␤------> say (⏏:''<1>).perl␤ expecting any of:␤ semicolon list␤ prefix or term␤ prefix or me…»
14:37 bluescreen10 joined
psch m: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; baz (:<1>) 14:37
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/MBmpg1swaZ␤Undeclared routine:␤ baz used at line 1. Did you mean 'bag'?␤␤»
FROGGS m: say (:''(<1>)).perl
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/v1LovvjlM9␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/v1LovvjlM9:1␤------> say (⏏:''(<1>)).perl␤ expecting any of:␤ semicolon list␤ prefix or term␤ prefix or …»
psch m: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; foo (:<1>)
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«Required named parameter '' not passed␤ in sub foo at /tmp/x6BEGwzGPG:1␤ in block at /tmp/x6BEGwzGPG:1␤␤» 14:38
psch FROGGS: ^^
i'm not seeing it
14:38 treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
FROGGS :<1> is not "" => 1, that is the problem 14:38
psch yes, but "" => 1 isn't :($)
Timbus an unfortunate consequence of having a lot of working features
psch or rather, a Parameter :($) doesn't accept "" => 1 14:39
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FROGGS but what is :($) ? 14:39
psch an anon named.. :)
14:40 treehug88 joined
psch see RT #69492 14:40
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...l?id=69492
FROGGS m: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; foo('' => 1)
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«Required named parameter '' not passed␤ in sub foo at /tmp/oi4YFNAtSO:1␤ in block at /tmp/oi4YFNAtSO:1␤␤»
14:40 treehug88 left
Timbus in video game development, when you waggle controls or do something very crazy to cause a strange bug, its called a 'psychotic user behavior' bug 14:40
so this is a.. 'psychotic API designer' bug?
14:40 treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
psch seeing as spectest says anon named are supposed to be tested, which i infer means theyre allowed and have to be specifically implemented... 14:41
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Timbus anon named... 14:42
psch Timbus: yes, psychotic design doesn't sound wrong
14:42 treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
psch i guess being able to look at the signature and say "ok, there's anon named, upstream is crazy" is a worthy feature in its own right 14:43
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Timbus if you want to make a function that takes a param no one can possibly pass. more power to you. imo. 14:44
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[Coke] writing univokable code is not a good thing. 14:45
14:45 treehug88 left
[Coke] *uninvokable 14:45
Timbus if i wrote it? its probably a good thing
dalek rl6-roast-data: 3dd21e7 | coke++ | / (5 files):
today (automated commit)
Timbus :p
[Coke] LHF: niecza has a bunch of 'todo passed' tests now. 14:46
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psch m: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; my %h = '' => 1; foo |%h # this used to work according to the ticket 14:50
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1 in sub-signature␤ in sub foo at /tmp/FwmyaWufKp:1␤ in block at /tmp/FwmyaWufKp:1␤␤»
hoelzro 'multi foo' is always shorthand for 'multi sub foo', right? even within a class/role decl? 14:51
psch n: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" }; my %h = '' => 1; foo |%h # niecza++ for sanity
camelia niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Abbreviated named parameter must have a name at /tmp/UgB0PstNMA line 1:␤------> sub foo(:($)⏏!) { say "ok" }; my %h = '' => 1; foo |%␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6e…»
timotimo i fail at promises :S 14:52
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FROGGS hoelzro: yes 14:52
timotimo: what's up?
std: sub foo(:($)!) { say "ok" } 14:53
camelia std 0f2049c: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 127m␤»
14:54 treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
psch FROGGS: so the actual bug in rakudo here is that foo(:($)!) somehow build a positional and calling with %h = '' => 1; foo |%h is what should work 14:55
sergot std: 0
camelia std 0f2049c: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 121m␤»
psch that might actually be related to anon nameds not getting a $!variable_name i think 14:56
because create_signature_object in Actions only builds a parameter when it has a variable_name
timotimo m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz($n) { $n %% 2 ?? collatz($n / 2) !! collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; say await (^10).map: { start { collatz($_) } }
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«(signal )»
timotimo oops?
m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz($n) { $n %% 2 ?? collatz($n / 2) !! collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; say (^10).map: { collatz($_)} 14:57
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
timotimo m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz($n) { $n %% 2 ?? collatz($n / 2) !! collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; say (^4).map: { collatz($_)}
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
timotimo why.
m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz($n) { say $n; $n %% 2 ?? collatz($n / 2) !! collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; collatz(10); 14:58
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«(timeout)10␤5␤16␤8␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4␤2␤1␤4…»
timotimo why doesn't that end at 1?
because of rat? 14:59
m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz($n) { say $n; $n %% 2 ?? collatz($n div 2) !! collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; collatz(10);
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«10␤5␤16␤8␤4␤2␤»
14:59 nnunley joined
timotimo ah, of course 14:59
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timotimo i'm confused still 15:01
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timotimo Internal error: invalid thread ID in GC work pass - grrrrrr 15:09
15:11 guru joined, guru is now known as Guest3130 15:14 ajr_ left
FROGGS kill it! kill it with fire! 15:15
psch m: sub foo(:$, :$) { } # kinda sane i guess? 15:18
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/HxtazFBsp1␤Name used for more than one named parameter␤at /tmp/HxtazFBsp1:1␤------> ub foo(:$, :$) { } # kinda sane i guess?⏏<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ state…»
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timotimo why do things go wrong when i try to do stuff ... 15:29
this is just my luck
15:29 treehug88 left, treehug8_ joined
timotimo m: $_ = "hello how are you today?"; s[\w+] = *.uc; say $_ 15:30
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT« how are you today?␤»
timotimo m: $_ = "hello how are you today?"; s:g[\w+] = *.uc; say $_ 15:31
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT« ?␤»
timotimo how do i do this again?
m: $_ = "hello how are you today?"; s:g[\w+] = { .uc }; say $_
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT« ?␤»
timotimo oh, it seems like i want $() instead of $_ 15:32
m: $_ = "hello how are you today?"; s:g[\w+] = { $().uc }; say $_
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT« ?␤»
timotimo m: $_ = "hello how are you today?"; s:g[\w+] = $().uc; say $_
camelia rakudo-moar ec743c: OUTPUT«HELLO HOW ARE YOU TODAY?␤»
15:33 treehug8_ left
timotimo with -p -e that doesn't seem to work at all 15:34
i get Nil for $/ and "" for $()
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hoelzro oh, another thing! 15:37
last night I tried any('foo', 6) ~~ Str, which returns False
15:37 treehug88 joined
hoelzro I'm guessing that's similar to why * ~~ Something doesn't work? 15:37
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timotimo ~~ known stuff about junctions 15:39
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timotimo it won't autothread in this context 15:40
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lizmat good *, #perl6! 15:49
yoleaux 07:08Z <FROGGS> lizmat: this is the state of panda+CPAN: gist.github.com/FROGGS/197b7747f3594079712a - now I am going to port Archive::Tar
lizmat timotimo: wrt zip-latest, that was before I realized your use case
15:50 rurban joined
lizmat perhaps it would be more transparant, if you could supply the initial state when you create the tap 15:50
if you don't, then it would wait until there's a value from each constituent
if you do, then the condition for passing on values, has been met and everything still works according to spec :-) 15:51
something like :initial(Any,Any,Any) 15:52
if you're zipping 3 supplies
timotimo i'm annoyed that i have to for lines() -> $_ is copy to make s etc work 15:53
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Mouq FROGGS: Not sure how far you've gotten on Archive::Tar, but I did start it the *tiniest* bit in March: github.com/Mouq/Archive-Tar 15:55
So you can use that
afk& 15:56
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timotimo looking for cute little tasks i could show off with one-linerson the commandline 15:59
with -e, -n and -p
hoelzro ahoy lizmat 16:07
cognominal timotimo, "strict" mode is still on by default on Perl 6 for lack of non stricture? Oneliners are not so cute with you need to define every single variable 16:08
16:08 sqirrel left
timotimo that's no biggie 16:08
you can just define them at the earliest convenient point
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hoelzro timotimo: if I understand your tweet correctly, are you asking if anyone's interested in the slides for your talk? 16:20
gtodd masak: ++ your talk YAPC::NA:2013 on grammars ... excellent
"regex me once or twice, shame on you ... regex 1000 times shame on me " heh 16:21
16:22 mr-foobar left
timotimo no 16:23
if anybody wants to attend at all :P
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dalek rlito/gh-pages: 596c947 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | index.html:
Perlito5 - web - add mailing list
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timotimo damnit, tried to build a simple markov chain walker and it only spews completely random fallback chains 16:58
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lizmat :-( 17:00
dalek kudo/nom: 04b2b13 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/CompUnitRepo/Locally.pm:
Make .WHICH also work on type objects
timotimo the source material is far from perfect 17:04
17:05 atroxaper joined
dalek kudo/nom: 49ba989 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/spectest.data:
Add first tests for S22
FROGGS Mouq: nice! I have not started yet, but will now 17:16
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FROGGS Mouq: is that a direct P5->P6 translation? doesnt seem so 17:19
dalek ecs: 11a7087 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S22-package-format.pod:
Tweaks to parse-spec specification
ecs: 2fd8ca0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-concurrency.pod:
Spec Supply.zip-latest(:initial(42,63)) named
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dalek ast: d03dc25 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-supply/zip (2 files):
It's called zip-latest, not zip_latest :)
ast: 1780cf5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S22-package-format/parse-spec.t:
Small opt
cognominal nqp-m: my $_ := "a" ~~ /a/; say(nqp::what($/)) 17:31
camelia nqp-moarvm: OUTPUT«(signal )»
17:31 treehug88 joined, treehug88 left
dalek kudo/nom: f873410 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/spectest.data:
It's zip-latest, not zip_latest :-)
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atroxaper I just updated all Rakudos and my panda started saing my 17:38
Missing or wrong version of dependency 'src/gen/m-CORE.setting'
saing me*
FROGGS atroxaper: run: perl6 rebootstrap.pl in the panda dir 17:39
17:39 labster left
psch hrm, digging after the anon named stuff gets me down into moar again 17:41
apparently $!variable_name is used for lexical lookup
atroxaper Oh... Works! Thank you. I decided to start using debuger :)
psch so neither Parameter.name for anon nameds nor the deref hash assignment seem in reach for me 17:42
where "assignment" here means "passing argument into a sub"
i'll just update the ticket i guess
17:45 anaeem1_ joined
dalek ast: 43a7620 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-supply/zip-latest.t:
Add tests for zip-latest(:initial)
kudo/nom: d370d01 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Supply.pm:
Implement Supply.zip-latest(:initial)
17:47 itz joined
lizmat timotimo: ^^^ 17:48
psch m: sub foo(:bar($bar)!) { }; sub baz(:($)!) { }; &foo.signature.say; &bar.signature.say # this doesn't seem right either 17:49
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/FJUiT6laGo␤Undeclared routine:␤ &bar used at line 1. Did you mean '&bag', '&baz'?␤␤»
psch m: sub foo(:bar($bar)!) { }; sub baz(:($)!) { }; &foo.signature.say; &baz.signature.say # this doesn't seem right either
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«:(Any :bar($bar)!)␤:(Any :($)! (Any))␤»
timotimo the bitrot has found the reactive samples' golf helper
psch what's the second any in the second signature?
lizmat cognominal: segfault confirmed here, so it seems a bug 17:51
timotimo have to rebuild the whole shebang. parrot, nqp-j, nqp-p, nqp-m, rakudo-m, rakudo-p, rakudo-j
thou timotimo: By the way, I spent a lot of time on .subst problems, too. Basically, $/ doesn't work properly in subst closures yet.
lizmat timotimo, thou: rakudobug it?
timotimo thou: ah, that thing!
i remember now ... :(
cognominal nqp: my $_ := "a" ~~ /a/; say(nqp::what($/)) 17:52
camelia nqp-jvm: OUTPUT«(signal )#␤# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.␤# pthread_getattr_np␤# An error report file with more information is saved as:␤# »
..nqp-moarvm: OUTPUT«(signal )»
..nqp-parrot: OUTPUT«Can only use get_what on a SixModelObject␤current instr.: '' pc 129 ((file unknown):69) (/tmp/tmpfile:1)␤»
timotimo lizmat: thanks for :initial
speccing List.rotor would be an LHF for anybody; can cargocult the explanation of Supply.rotor 17:53
and if somebody wants to make the golf helper from jnthn/perl6-reactive-samples work with current gtk-simple, that would be nice. 17:56
18:15 carlin left
FROGGS m: $> 18:20
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/4LZnhPWAtl␤Unsupported use of $> variable; in Perl 6 please use $*EUID␤at /tmp/4LZnhPWAtl:1␤------> <BOL>⏏$>␤ expecting any of:␤ statement list␤ pre…»
FROGGS m: say $*EUID 18:21
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Dynamic variable $*EUID not found␤»
Mouq FROGGS: I don't remember -- I think a lot of it is direct P5 -> P6 and I wanted to try and make it idiomatic, but school happened
Mouq is going to a lake o/ 18:22
FROGGS I just trying to make it work... making it idiomatic might be easier when you have working code :o)
have fun! 18:23
18:23 hoverboard joined 18:30 dmol left
FROGGS m: say { * +& 0o777 } 18:30
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«-> ($_? is parcel) { #`(Block|140632954503816) ... }␤»
FROGGS m: say { * +& 0o777 }(0o666)
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«WhateverCode.new()␤»
FROGGS m: say { $^a +& 0o777 }(0o666)
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«438␤»
FROGGS m: say umask 18:31
camelia rakudo-moar 04b2b1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/MikfJV62JP␤Undeclared routine:␤ umask used at line 1␤␤»
18:32 igorsutton joined
BenGoldberg Wouldn't umask be a method (of IO, or whatever), not a subroutine? 18:32
Err, a method of $*PROCESS 18:33
lizmat $*PROCESS ?? 18:35
you mean $*DISTRO?
BenGoldberg Hmm...
Well, a method of one of those $*somethings, rather than being a globally available subroutine. 18:36
lizmat feels more like a class / instance method on IO to me
FROGGS I was just hoping for a hint actually :o)
BenGoldberg m: say length 18:37
camelia rakudo-moar d370d0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/AO5VjOdDjU␤Undeclared routine:␤ length used at line 1. Did you mean 'elems', 'chars', 'graphs', 'codes'?␤␤»
lizmat S32/IO:1479 says method
18:46 k1lldash9 joined
k1lldash9 hola 18:46
FROGGS hi k1lldash9
18:49 k1lldash9 left 18:50 hwdy joined 18:57 hwdy left 18:58 labster joined 19:02 pecastro joined
dalek kudo/nom: 847bd58 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/IO.pm:
Naive implementation of IO.umask
FROGGS O.o 19:05
lizmat $ 6 'say IO.umask.fmt("%04o")'
purely informational at this point 19:06
FROGGS lizmat++
lizmat not sure how this works on Win
FROGGS nor do I 19:07
psch timotimo: what are you seeing broken with the golf-helper? the only thing wonky here seems to be the initial size and resizing when user input reaches the edge of the input field
the former GTK::Simple allows to change, the latter not really afaict 19:08
maybe that just means my GTK::Simple isn't the 19:12
+new one
although i did only install it about half an hour ago or so via panda 19:16
lizmat sightseeing and dinner and drinks and whatever& 19:17
19:20 darutoko left
atroxaper Is Rakudo with MoarVM stable? I think I found some strange behavior. 19:21
19:21 Sqirrel joined
FROGGS atroxaper: it is almost stable 19:22
atroxaper All my tests pass ok on Parrot. On MoarVM 1 didn't pass. If I remove one 'say "--"' then Moar works well.
FROGGS that is weird though
atroxaper Yes. 19:23
FROGGS would be interesting to see valgrinds output of that...
atroxaper What? 19:24
FROGGS ohh, valgrind is a tool to check if some C code read uninitialized memory... and MoarVM is written in 19:25
atroxaper: can you paste the code?
atroxaper Actually... yes. If you have a few minutes for check... github.com/atroxaper/PodMaster 19:26
[Coke] is so happy his vacation is about to start. :P 19:27
atroxaper I can tell you what works strange.
FROGGS do tell
[Coke]: :D
nwc10 [Coke]: will we see more of you? Or are you *really* having a vacation?
[Coke] I will have at least a batteries worth of time in the car to hack on things remotely. probably won't see me more in the channel. 19:29
nwc10 (other people driving)++ 19:30
[Coke] needs to get away from $DAYJOB, though.
19:31 felher joined 19:35 igorsutton left 19:42 Rotwang left 19:43 amirite joined 19:49 anaeem1_ left, Rotwang joined 19:57 rindolf left 19:58 amirite left 19:59 Rotwang left 20:01 dmol joined 20:04 silug left, ivanshmakov left
dalek osystem: 5b58fc3 | (Kamil Kułaga)++ | META.list:
added PerlStore
20:07 atroxaper left 20:10 psch left 20:17 cognominal left 20:18 cognominal joined, silug joined 20:19 ivanshmakov joined 20:22 guru joined, guru is now known as ajr_ 20:23 Sqirrel left, kst left
hoelzro is there an easier way to get a Routine object other than Class.^method_table<method_name>? 20:25
moritz hoelzro: Class.^can('name')[0] 20:26
hoelzro ah, right!
thanks moritz
20:28 anaeem1_ joined 20:34 hami joined 20:36 Maddingu1 joined 20:37 hami left 20:50 bluescreen10 left 21:00 kaare_ left 21:02 ivanshmakov left
Mouq is back 21:05
FROGGS: I realized why I stopped working on Archive::Tar: I was trying to figure out some way to do unpacking in a better way that using unpack :P 21:07
FROGGS: How goes it?
FROGGS ahh :o)
well, it does not explode, but does not yet do anything
Archive::Tar::Constant exports all its stuff though
Mouq That's a good start :) 21:08
21:09 ivanshmakov joined 21:11 smls joined
smls Mouq: Can you have a look at my pull request for perl6/doc ? 21:13
Mouq smls: Looks good -- though the <hr>s on the index page end up being very big. Is this intentional? 21:18
I like the changes overall, makes it look more professional than what I hacked together :) 21:19
21:20 smls left 21:21 smls_ joined
Mouq smls_: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-06-20#i_8907097 21:21
smls_ Yeah, I may have possibly over-done the circle sizes for the hr's. You can tweak them using the background-size attribute. 21:22
Mouq I just wanted to check
dalek c: e55a481 | smls++ | / (2 files):
Style tweaks for front-page content
c: 7e70dd6 | smls++ | html/css/style.css:
Polish the menu item spacing and separator style
c: 96e373d | smls++ | / (3 files):
Make footer stick to bottom of page
Mouq smls++
c: 467b878 | (Alexander Moquin)++ | / (4 files):
Merge pull request #20 from smls/master

Some style polishing
Mouq smls_: Do you have a commit bit? 21:24
smls_ no
Mouq Not that I can add you anyway :/
moritz: ^^ 21:25
(I don't know who has this power) 21:26
21:32 EmilPer joined
EmilPer hello 21:33
FROGGS hi EmilPer 21:34
EmilPer new to perl6
what is the difference between time and time() ?
time() fails, time without () does not and works like in perl5 21:35
FROGGS the latter is a subroutine call, the former could be a term (or a sub call)
and time is defined as a term
EmilPer yes, saw it being called "term" ... what is a "term" ? a reserved word, build-in function ?
FROGGS a term (like in human languages) is a word 21:36
so, 'time' acts like a function, but cannot take arguments for example 21:37
EmilPer ok
FROGGS we could have made it a sub though
EmilPer thank you 21:38
FROGGS you're welcome
Mouq m: sub term:<later> { Date.today + 15 }; say later 21:48
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«2014-07-05␤»
Mouq m: sub term:<later> { Date.today + 15 }; say later()
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/WAopnBJpKR␤Undeclared routine:␤ later used at line 1. Did you mean 'eager'?␤␤»
Mouq 'later' should probably be included in that error message for complete awesomeness :)
thou smls_ or Mouq: Not sure you worked on it, but I notice on doc.perl6.org that many types show up only on the All page, but not in any of the sub-pages. E.g., Bag, Backtrace. Not sure if that's known and/or intentional. 21:49
21:52 smls_ left
Mouq thou: Backtrace does show up in Exceptions, fwiw, but I'm not sure why Bag isn't showing up in Composite... 21:54
21:55 ajr_ left
Mouq thou: In any case, where it shows up is specified in type-graph.txt 21:56
21:59 spider-mario left 22:00 btyler_ left
dalek c: 49955d8 | Mouq++ | htmlify.p6:
Make sure all type definitions get a category, if they have one

22:06 SevenWolf joined
vendethiel so, now, reading the advent - yet again - I have a question ... 22:08
I know this will fail :
wat. 22:09
p6: role Foo { method bar { ... } }; class B does Foo {}; 1;
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 847bd5: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'bar' must be implemented by B because it is required by a role␤»
..niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Method 'bar' must be implemented by 'B' because it is required by role 'Foo[curried][...]' at /tmp/tmpfile line 1:␤------> ethod bar { ... } }; class B does Foo {}⏏; 1;␤␤Unhandled exceptio…»
vendethiel okay, my 2014.03.01 is that bad I guess. 22:10
Well, yeah, that's expected to fail, but I thought about a construct for this kind of thing
when you want B to be abstract, really, without specifying every method it inherits somehow so
p6: role Foo { method bar { ... } }; class B does Foo { ... }; 1;
camelia rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 847bd5: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/tmpfile␤The following packages were stubbed but not defined:␤ B␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> { ... } }; class B does Foo { ... }; 1;⏏<EOL>␤ expecting …»
..niecza v24-109-g48a8de3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Package was stubbed but not defined at /tmp/tmpfile line 1:␤------> role Foo { method bar { ... } }; class⏏ B does Foo { ... }; 1;␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval…»
vendethiel Could that be an option ? 22:11
or is that reserved for the current behavior
Mouq vendethiel: Then B should B a role 22:12
vendethiel: Also, the 1 at the end is superstitious in P6, AFAIK
vendethiel but sometimes it doesn't make sense semantically for it to be a role
Mouq: no, not quite supersitious 22:13
m: role Foo { method bar { ... } }
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Method 'bar' must be implemented by Foo because it is required by a role␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/p6eval/rakudo-inst-2/languages/nqp/lib/Perl6/Metamodel.moarvm:compose_method_table:4294967295)␤ from src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2318 (…»
vendethiel m: role Foo { method bar { ... } }; 1
camelia ( no output )
Mouq Wut?
vendethiel it tries to instantiate it
Mouq Huh
22:16 btyler joined 22:23 jack_rabbit_ joined
BenGoldberg m: say role Foo { method bar { ... } } 22:26
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«Method 'bar' must be implemented by Foo because it is required by a role␤ in any compose_method_table at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2308␤ in any apply at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2318␤ in any compose at src/gen/m-Metamodel.nqp:2463␤ in any make_pun…»
BenGoldberg m: say role Foo { }
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«(Foo)␤»
BenGoldberg m: (role Foo { }).WHAT.say 22:27
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«(Foo)␤»
BenGoldberg m: (role { }).WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«(<anon>)␤»
22:28 dayangkun_ left
timotimo my talk ... happened 22:30
vendethiel timotimo++ 22:33
(same story for me. "stuff happened" :P)
22:36 lucas joined
dalek c: 61332e9 | Mouq++ | type-graph.txt:
Give everything defined in type-graph a category
c: 6bdd5a3 | Mouq++ | / (5 files):
Make sure all types are listed in type-graph.txt
tadzik timotimo: how was it? :) 22:43
22:51 dayangkun joined
Mouq m: role Foo { method bar { ... } }; class B does Foo { method bar { ... } }; 1 22:53
camelia ( no output )
Mouq vendethiel: ^^^
vendethiel Mouq: which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid :)
Mouq vendethiel: Ah, ok :) 22:54
vendethiel Mouq: that's all fine when you have only one method, but if you want a class that's an aggregate of roles, it's started to get dizzying
Mouq vendethiel: Haha, I bet
22:56 dayangkun left
dalek ast/hoelzro/fix-multi: 34c6600 | (Rob Hoelz)++ | S12-methods/multi.t:
Test that Routine.multi returns true for multi dispatch routines
BenGoldberg m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz(Int $n where (* %% 2)) { say "$n even"; collatz($n div 2) }; multi sub collatz(Int $n) { say "$n odd"; collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; collatz(10); 23:00
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«10 even␤5 odd␤16 even␤8 even␤4 even␤2 even␤»
23:02 xenoterracide joined 23:05 lucas left, anaeem1_ left 23:07 amirite joined
Mouq m: multi sub collatz(1) { 1 }; multi sub collatz(Int $n where (* %% 2)) { say "$n even"; collatz($n div 2) }; multi sub collatz(Int $n) { say "$n odd"; collatz($n * 3 + 1) }; collatz(2 but role {method Str {"I can't"}}); 23:08
camelia rakudo-moar 847bd5: OUTPUT«I can't even␤»
vendethiel It's interesting to see how perl has started going out of trend (from google trends) since 2008 23:09
but it was much, much, much more searched back in 2004.
23:10 itz left
vendethiel oh, but it's cheating a lot. Ruby's first results are pokemon and ruby tuesday. 23:10
python's most searched term is "monty python", by a very long shot 23:11
while for perl, it's only the language itself.
Oh, Now I get a much, much different answer. Perl actually had more searches everytime 'til 2012, and it's a close tie these days. 23:12
Who said perl was dead ? I'm surprised (or impressed) 23:13
BenGoldberg If you don't have a distinctive name, it's hard to use web searches as a metric. 23:14
If you wanted compare, say, types of coffee, and you looked to see how often Java was searched for, there's no way to distiniguish the coffee from the programming language :) 23:15
23:21 btyler left 23:26 xragnar_ joined, xragnar left, xragnar_ is now known as xragnar
vendethiel BenGoldberg: I found a way to just look for the programming lang in google trends :) 23:26
BenGoldberg Oh? 23:27
I suppose if you include the word "programming" 23:28
xenoterracide I want a runtime configuration for reversing a stack trace
vendethiel no, click on it > "programming language"
xenoterracide because I always see the bottom first and half to find the top
vendethiel BenGoldberg: www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%2F...amp;cmpt=q 23:29
xenoterracide have*
23:32 dmol left 23:35 uniejo joined 23:37 jack_rabbit_ left 23:40 uniejo left 23:49 ccverg joined
timotimo tadzik: not a huge success, also not very good 23:55
people laughed when i said our jit can already do hello world and fibonacci 23:59