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Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
00:01 ajr_ left
jepeway well, i'm kinda torn between relying on the underlying OS's olson db & embedding one for p6. 00:05
00:07 chenryn joined
BenGoldberg How out of date (no pun intended) is the OS's database likely to be? 00:09
BenGoldberg is trying to remember if his laptop, running XP, presently does daylight savings time on the correct date. 00:10
jepeway well, i'm thinking that vendor updates are kinda automated, so the likelihood is high-ish. i can be persuaded otherwise, mind you. 00:14
BenGoldberg jepeway, You could do both -- have a backend which uses the OS's db, a backend with an embeded DB, and a frontend which uses one or the other based on some user setting.
jepeway XP support was over as of April this year, so yer likely OK. 00:15
raydiak XP did get an update to DST changes in like 07 or something
jepeway yeah, a mix-n-match that DWIM'ed.
japhb is very happy now -- he has managed to make a simple stress test that causes Rakudo absolute conniptions. 00:16
jepeway japhb: say on.
japhb m: my \SCALE = 3; my \FANOUT = 2; sub divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { say "$depth: $n" if 0; $depth <= 0 ?? $n !! [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE);
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 8480 bytesMemory allocation failed; could not allocate 8480 bytes␤␤»
japhb That sucker will give all sorts of results, including 1 (the correct answer), 1.25 (WHAT?), the above error, 'Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null)', locking up solid .... 00:17
Really quite fun, actually.
And hopefully short enough to actually help jnthn++ et al. to debug it finally. 00:18
00:18 chenryn left
raydiak is still learning how to write his programs in way that *isn't* a stress test that causes rakudo absolute conniptions :) 00:19
japhb In fact, with SCALE = 5, it's pretty much guaranteed to lock up solid on my box. SCALE = 1 or SCALE = 2 usually works.
raydiak: I've been trying for a month or more to golf down my threading instabilities to something that can be easily tested and shows the problems.
BenGoldberg m: my \SCALE = 3; my \FANOUT = 2; sub divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { say "$depth: $n" if 0; $depth <= 0 ?? $n !! [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE); 00:20
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 8480 bytesCould not spawn thread: errorcode -1␤␤»
BenGoldberg m: my \SCALE = 3; my \FANOUT = 2; multi sub divide-and-conquer($n, 0) { say "done $n"; $n }; sub divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { say "$depth: $n"; [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE);
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/8xP1T2cBoX␤Redeclaration of routine divide-and-conquer␤at /tmp/8xP1T2cBoX:1␤------> d-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }⏏; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE);␤ ex…»
japhb Oooh, two errors for the price of one!
raydiak japhb: that makes me feel better that I haven't had much luck doing the same yet, though admittedly with far less than a month of total effort
BenGoldberg m: my \SCALE = 3; my \FANOUT = 2; multi divide-and-conquer($n, 0) { say "done $n"; $n }; multi divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { say "$depth: $n"; [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE); 00:21
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«3: 1␤2: 0.5␤2: 0.5␤1: 0.25␤1: 0.25␤1: 0.25␤1: 0.25␤done 0.125␤Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 8480 bytes␤»
japhb Well, it's not like it's been my day job ... but definitely a free time hacking problem
.tell jnthn Finally a short stress test for Rakudo threading that fails many different ways, relatively quickly: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-10-29#i_9579979 00:22
yoleaux japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
jepeway well, gotta go. g'nite airbody.
raydiak good night jepeway 00:23
japhb o/ jepeway
masak good night jepeway
good night #perl6
japhb o/ masak
Sleep well ...
raydiak g'night masak \o 00:24
BenGoldberg I got that code to say 'Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value␤'
japhb BenGoldberg: Yeah, I keep getting different stuff the more I try it. I can only assume heap corruption or somesuch. 00:29
00:33 thou left
japhb Although the lockup at SCALE >= 5 my guess is a problem with the way the scheduler manages the threadpool. 00:34
BenGoldberg Can moar be run using valgrind? That would give a hint as to the location of the problem. 00:41
dalek rl6-bench/stress: 1a31fa5 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | / (2 files):
Add the first Perl 6 stress test: divide-and-conquer
japhb BenGoldberg: I believe nwc10++ has done that. 00:46
BenGoldberg m: my \SCALE = 10; my \FANOUT = 10; multi sub divide-and-conquer($n, 0) { $n }; multi divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE); 00:52
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 8480 bytes␤»
japhb OK, that's some serious stress right there. 00:57
01:02 davido___ joined 01:03 immortal joined, davido__ left 01:05 erkan left
japhb divide-and-conquer ++++++++++,++++++++++,++++++++++,+++ØØ++≠+≠ 01:05
^^ Diagnosis from perl6-bench stress of divide-and-conquer at increasing SCALE 01:06
You can see where it starts to fall apart
dalek rl6-bench/stress: a33943f | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | timeall:
Don't skip remaining runs of a test at a particular SCALE when a compiler starts to fail
rl6-bench/stress: 9c8ef17 | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bench:
Default to 10 runs per compiler per test when doing stress testing
rl6-bench/stress: 7ded32e | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | / (2 files):
Add a --verbose option to analyze, and support it in bench
01:24 eMBee left 01:31 eMBee joined 01:46 cxreg left
MilkmanDan Is there no site that gives a current status of Perl6 work that a non-guru could follow? 01:46
Most of the hits under duckduckgo.com/?q=current+state+of+Perl6 are ca. 2010 and even perl6.org/compilers/features is close to two months old.
So I'm clearly looking in the wrong places. 01:47
01:47 cxreg joined
peteretep MilkmanDan: Have you seen the table of supported features? 01:47
MilkmanDan peteretep: On the second link I pasted?
peteretep ah, yeah, that's the one 01:48
Sorry I didn't look closely enough
MilkmanDan No worries :)
peteretep That and the blog posts are the best I've seen
Although those are about Rakudo, but I tend to feel that's a reasonable proxy
MilkmanDan That's probably more useful for the deep hackers. I'm more interested in something like stackoverflow.com/questions/1899639...erl-6?rq=1
"closed as not constructive" is a but of a put-off though. :) 01:49
01:50 molaf left
peteretep MilkmanDan: Over the years, I've tried to get a feel for it, and not found a good place 01:50
MilkmanDan: I feel like the best answer is "There's a usable alpha out"
MilkmanDan peteretep: That's the impression I get but I have a hard time getting much farther than that. For example, "what exactly do I download to start learning, and why those bits instead of other bits?" 01:51
peteretep I think the one-off answer to that is: Rakudo 01:52
MilkmanDan I can see that there a gaggle of different, um, compilers and interpreters?
peteretep rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo/
MilkmanDan Rakudo is a frontend to some backend like a JVM that actually executes the code, yes?
peteretep I think it's more generally a release, that includes a workable back-end 01:53
peteretep is making a not of these questions to write up a document
colomon MilkmanDan: I don't know that anything that would require a change to perl6.org/compilers/features has happened in the last two months.
peteretep I also don't know the answers definitive though
MilkmanDan colomon: Thanks, good to know.
colomon Rakudo is implemented in terms of NQP, and NQP currently runs on Parrot, JVM, and MoarVM. 01:54
Unless you specifically want to use lots of threading stuff, the best choice is probably MoarVM.
peteretep colomon: I think that is a very accurate answer, but not necessarily a helpful one for people outside the know
MilkmanDan Yeah, this is the sort of stuff that I think needs a site to track the State of the 6 Onion. 01:55
peteretep heh 01:56
MilkmanDan Whichever. A site that took a snapshot of the state every quarter or two would make it a lot easier for relative noobs to get up to speed and start learning things.
peteretep MilkmanDan: I have an ulterior motive for wanting to create such a thing, and am currently procrastinating about something else 01:57
peteretep throws something together
MilkmanDan Or maybe I'm being overly optimistic about when things will be finalized enough for noobs to begin using it.
That book on Github looks like it's mostly about 2-4 years old. 01:58
peteretep MilkmanDan: I think there's a real focus on producing working code at the moment, rather than documenting progress
Actually, I think that's been the case forever 01:59
MilkmanDan nod
peteretep Regardless, I would agree with what you've said
MilkmanDan Oh dear. irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6book/ is a bit depressing. 02:00
I think I better just lurk for another 6 months.
peteretep Which is a shame, as I think there's enough that you could fruitfully learn Perl 6 right now
Although it requires investment and archeology, which is a shame 02:01
leont learned perl 6 mostly by doing, and by not being afraid to ask "stupid" questions here
colomon leont has the best way of it, indeed.
peteretep Amazing that now I have a commercial incentive in publicizing a Perl-related site, I am more willing to put together Perl content :-/ 02:02
MilkmanDan leont: How did you get past the "which bits? etc" part?
I'm still not entirely sure why I need to install a Java virtual machine to learn Perl (or that I should be forced to live in such a state of sin. :) 02:03
colomon MilkmanDan: you only need JVM if you want to use it. 02:04
MilkmanDan colomon: Use MoarVM instead?
leont Yeah 02:05
colomon I'd strongly recommend that.
02:05 rmgk left
MilkmanDan I very much like the of MOAR THINGS! But that's about as far as my decision process would go. 02:05
dalek rl6-bench/stress: 80d904e | (Geoffrey Broadwell)++ | bench:
Refactor quickstart command and add quickstress command
MilkmanDan So is Moar a weakly typed VM where the JVM is strongly typed? 02:07
peteretep Would this be a fair statement: "Rakudo Star implements enough of Perl 6 that it feels feature parity with Perl 5"?
02:07 rurban joined
colomon The key to Moar is that it was explicitly developed to support the current Rakudo. 02:07
MilkmanDan peteretep: That sounds great to me. 02:08
02:08 rurban left
peteretep MilkmanDan: That may not be true :-) 02:08
MilkmanDan: I am asking to assertain its truthiness
colomon Eh, there certainly are some features of Perl 5 which Rakudo doesn't really handle yet
peteretep But I think it is true
colomon it's mostly there.
peteretep Unicode, complicated IO/threading
colomon and there are things there which are not in perl 5
peteretep I feel like those are the two biggies
MilkmanDan I can probably get by quite well without Unicode. :) 02:09
colomon as far as I know we don't have a decent pack / unpack facility yet
japhb Why would you think we are unicode impaired?
peteretep japhb: It says it on the Rakudo star website
well, rakudo website 02:10
japhb peteretep: link?
BenGoldberg The biggest thing that perl5 has that perl6 is barely starting on, is CPAN. For any task that can possibly be done, there's a perl5 CPAN module out there which does it well.
peteretep japhb: rakudo.org/
BenGoldberg: I'm doing my dissertation on that, strangely enough
colomon Certainly basic Unicode stuff works fine in Rakudo. 02:11
MilkmanDan "This Star release includes release 2014.09 of the"
Rakudo Perl 6 compiler, version 6.7.0 of the Parrot Virtual
Machine, version 2014.09 of MoarVM, plus various modules,
documentation, and other resources collected from the Perl 6
Crap, that was supposed to be one line.
japhb peteretep: Ah, I see what you're looking at. That's roughly saying "We're only doing *somewhat* better than Perl 5 at Unicode, instead of OMG A LOT"
MilkmanDan Anyway, why does Star include two different VMs? Are they both used?
peteretep japhb: Hrmmmm 02:12
japhb: Now I come to think of it, actually Perl 6 promised a lot
japhb: Are the Unicode features that currently exist then very similar to what's in Perl 5?
japhb MilkmanDan: Star is a distro release (batteries included, basically), so it includes what you need to play around however you like. We just can't include the JVM for obvious reasons
MilkmanDan japhb: Ah, right. Java stinks. 02:13
MilkmanDan nods solemnly.
japhb peteretep: In general, we pervasively do Unicode in strings. And know when we're using strings and when we're using Blobs.
BenGoldberg It's not that java stinks, it's that java is huge.
MilkmanDan So both Parrot and Moar included for fun for the user.
BenGoldberg Well, JRE is relatively huge, anyway.
japhb BenGoldberg: And possibly encumbered in a not-Artistic-2.0 compatible way, I haven't looked recently.
MilkmanDan BenGoldberg: No, no, I've taken Java classes before. It definitely stinks. :)
japhb MilkmanDan: Yes, fun for the user. 02:14
BenGoldberg MilkmanDan, JVMs take java *classes*, java students take java *courses*. So unless you're a computer... 02:15
colomon can't really comment on Rakudo Star, as he pretty much always uses rakudobrew to build rakudo these days.
MilkmanDan Haha
japhb m: say uniname('F')
camelia rakudo-moar 315ec6: OUTPUT«LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F␤»
MilkmanDan I'm not so much a computer as I am an entity created for a webcomic.... 02:16
BenGoldberg Also, MilkmanDan, are you saying that that java programming language stinks, or that the java virtual machine stinks?
Because the java backend of Rakudo produces class files directly from NQP, *without* using the java programming language. 02:17
02:17 leont left
MilkmanDan BenGoldberg: Seriously? Well, when I studied Java I had previously done a bit of dabbling in various languages including Perl. Java just felt all _wrong_ to me. 02:17
BenGoldberg So it's the language, not the vm.
MilkmanDan Yeah.
peteretep github.com/sheriff/perl6status/blo.../README.md 02:18
I plan to "finish" this document in the next 90 minutes
By making it about 5 times the size
BenGoldberg You *do* realize that there's like, a dozen different languages which compile to .class files, which can run on the jvm.
peteretep I would very appreciate some extra eyes
BenGoldberg And many of them are completely and utterly unlike the java programming language.
MilkmanDan Although from reading (I think?) Perlmonks it seems that getting Perl to run in the JVM is a bit of a flawed hack because Java is completely typed and Perl has always been "that's cool, whatevs you want, bro".
peteretep MilkmanDan: My understanding is much as the VM has gotten a lot better, actually the language has improved a lot too
BenGoldberg I mean, consider lisp, and ironpython, as just two examples. 02:19
MilkmanDan Lisp I can understand, but Python running in the JVM sounds just as odd to me as Perl.
BenGoldberg shrugs. 02:20
And yet, it runs!
MilkmanDan But I'm no low level hacker.
Nevertheless, it moves!
japhb MilkmanDan: Perl 6 has a much more interesting type system than Perl 5 does.
MilkmanDan japhb: Oh dear. Is that analogous to "may you live in interesting times"?
japhb Well we hope not. :-) 02:21
Actually, it allows for a lot more intelligence in a lot of places, which makes using the language much freer of annoyances.
02:22 dayangkun joined
MilkmanDan I like the idea of asking Perl to tell you the [scalar] length of a hash and getting the number of elements in it because Perl and the programmer have an understanding that doing a scalar operation on a hash only makes sense in such a way. 02:22
peteretep MilkmanDan: heh. Context has always felt like the weakest part of Perl to me 02:23
MilkmanDan peteretep: Really? I always thought it was brilliant.
I liked it because it was like Perl telling me "this is brilliant but you can use it if you step up your game and try to be a little bit brilliant yourself." 02:24
Humbling but inspiring at the same time.
peteretep Everyone: is there a particularly good or well-written Perl 6 module that should be highlighted as an example of how to write Perl 6? 02:25
02:27 rurban joined 02:28 rurban left
colomon nothing is jumping to mind. There are beautiful short modules that jnthn has written. 02:32
I've got my ABC, which is reasonably big and uses a lot of nice bits of Perl 6, but I wrote the bulk of it ages ago and would certainly not write it that way if I started over today.
panda, maybe, but it's pretty specialized. 02:33
peteretep github.com/sheriff/perl6status/blo.../README.md 02:35
MilkmanDan: ^^ does that answer most of the questions you came here with?
colomon: Is everything on that page I just posted true, as far as you know?
MilkmanDan peteretep: I'll look in a bit. Thanks. 02:37
colomon peteretep: I'd wait around to get other opinions on truthiness. 02:38
I don't know of any Unicode features missing from Rakudo-Moar, for instance. (But that doesn't mean they don't excist.) 02:39
As far as I know, forms and pack/unpack are both still missing from rakudo. 02:40
peteretep forms?
colomon (Both of which are p5 features I've certainly relied on in the past.)
sorry, formats
peteretep Like %02d? 02:41
colomon no, we've got sprintf etc.
like @<<<<<<<<< @>>>>> @>>>>>
peteretep ah
colomon I vaguely remember something about a module to do that, but I don't know anything more than that about it. 02:42
at the moment, the big not done part is the currently underway Great List Refactoring.
as pmichaud++, etc try to get List handling more consistent and more efficient. 02:43
but rakudo is perfectly suitable for doing a good bit of p6 development. I use it pretty much every day for $work. 02:49
peteretep What do you do for work? 02:51
colomon CAD software library development 02:55
all the CAD code is in C++
but I've got a ton of support code in p5 and a growing amount in p6 02:56
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hagiri TimToady, hello man 03:39
03:40 fhelmberger left 03:51 wtw left 03:57 BenGoldberg left
peteretep perl6.guide/ 04:00
04:20 kaleem joined
peteretep Is there any published or implicit roadmap for Rakudo? 04:29
04:31 mauke_ joined
lucs peteretep: Is that a domain of yours? 04:32
04:34 mauke left, mauke_ is now known as mauke
peteretep lucs: Yes 04:35
lucs Aha.
(first time I see a .guide domain) 04:36
D'oh! I should have read to the end of the page :) 04:37
peteretep I would like to improve that page to include a roadmap that is derived from various blog posts 04:40
04:45 xenoterracide joined 04:46 ggoebel111111116 joined
peteretep "I also announced that discussions would happen about what ought to be in Perl 6.0.0" 04:47
What does that actually /mean/?
Does that mean a Rakudo version that says it can support Perl 6.0.0?
Is that a tag on a certain set of the unit tests for Perl 6? 04:48
Presumably it needs to be the latter
Perl 6.0.0 is a set of tests that are canonicalized as "Perl 6.0.0"
And it being "released" is ... there's software somewhere that can compile it? 04:49
I note that the bullet points after that (p6weekly.wordpress.com/) talk about the Great List Refactor
Is GLR specifically a Rakudo-specific thing?
04:50 ggoebel111111115 left
peteretep Or is there more work implied there in figuring out what the language itself should do? 04:51
Reading on there, it seems to be /both/
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JimmyZ peteretep: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/docs/ROADMAP 06:09
peteretep JimmyZ: That's something. Shame it's so out of date :( 06:10
(based on viewing it as: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blame/nom...s/ROADMAP)
JimmyZ peteretep: Last updated: 2014-09-14 06:11
peteretep JimmyZ: Don't believe everything people tell you - believe what the evidence shows you :-)
JimmyZ well. it's not out of date actually 06:12
peteretep JimmyZ: Do you think it's accurate? 06:14
06:14 kaare_ joined
JimmyZ peteretep: almost 06:15
peteretep JimmyZ: My understanding is that the most pressing issues are Unicode improvements, shaped arrays, and a general rewrite/refactor of list handling code 06:16
JimmyZ Unicode improvements, shaped arrays is feature roadmap, and it's in the ROADMAP tooo 06:17
GLR is not feature roadmap
06:18 [Sno] joined
peteretep JimmyZ: So this is a roadmap of language features only? 06:19
JimmyZ yeah
peteretep It seems to me a brave explorer could go in and change the numbers next to the tasks to reflect that
JimmyZ or something longstanding performance roadmap 06:20
peteretep Wouldn't that include GLR? 06:21
"Longstanding performance"?
JimmyZ GLR is not longstanding
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vivek_ hi 06:37
hi camelia 06:38
Is there anyone online now?
lucs Sure, but a lot are missing, sleeping I guess. 06:39
JimmyZ peteretep: rakudo start does have non-blocking IO, methinks
vivek_ I would like to contribute to this perl 6
JimmyZ and does have a pack/unpack 06:40
vivek_ I have been working in Perl for more than 5 years
I would like to know how could I start contributing?
06:40 dayangkun left
JimmyZ vivek_: What would you like to do :P 06:40
06:41 yeahnoob joined
peteretep JimmyZ: My understanding is that the non-blocking IO is limited to certain back ends 06:41
vivek_ I think I am good at handling data structures in Perl
JimmyZ peteretep: yeah, but it does have :P
peteretep JimmyZ: Someone told me earlier pack/unpack were missing; can you point me to a passing test that shows otherwise? If so I'll update it
JimmyZ peteretep: it is not missing, just not as good as the perl 5 one 06:42
peteretep JimmyZ: It's generally better to under-promise and over-deliver, rather than the other way around, in this world
JimmyZ peteretep: consider java only has one backend :P 06:43
and nodejs too
you can't say java has no non-blocking io because it limited to only JVM 06:44
peteretep JimmyZ: I understand your point completely. I disagree with the assertion that that means we should disagree with the person who last released Rakudo Star and say "actually it has it just fine" 06:45
JimmyZ peteretep: maybe the better way is that: it has, but only on XXX backends. 06:46
peteretep This is doubly true for a language with a(n unfair) reputation problem for being vapour-ware
JimmyZ: Perhaps, but the commenter who started off this whole discussion this morning was complaining that the various backends, and the different sets of functionality between them, was confusing 06:47
And I have sympathy for that position
JimmyZ but say no make people leaves :P
peteretep I didn't understand that sentence 06:48
JimmyZ complaining is better than no-complaining ;)
lucs vivek_: Did you see this page?: rakudo.org/how-to-help/
peteretep JimmyZ: Ultimately, I think the message that "Perl 6 is usable right now, with these caveats" than anything more nuanced 06:49
JimmyZ things without complaining means noboyd use it:P
chenryn Rakudo-MoarVM don't support non-blocking io?
JimmyZ it does support :P 06:50
and does have pack/unpack too
peteretep I suggest you ask Tobias Leich to update his last release note 06:51
lucs vivek_: This too: perl6.org/about/
chenryn so, could we say only performance improve needed? 06:53
JimmyZ so to make rakudo having non-blocking IO, we just needs delete other two backends :P 06:54
and then no caveats 06:55
peteretep JimmyZ: Yes. While they're distributed as part of the official distribution, it turns out the person packaging the releases considers it to be "not quite there"
JimmyZ but it 's still there 06:56
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grondilu I think rosettacode.org/wiki/Draw_a_sphere#Perl_6 is broken. Can anyone confirm? 07:56
FROGGS tries 07:57
it infiniloops as it seems 07:58
grondilu it does not on my machine, but the resulting image does not look like a sphere at all. 07:59
FROGGS the result on my box is just:
255 255
grondilu you sure it's not still running? 08:00
because it's supposed to do everything in memory, and then finish write the file.
Tekk_ it fails to compile for me 08:01
on moar just built today
FROGGS but... is it meant to run longer than a minute?
08:01 prammer left
FROGGS Tekk_: O.o 08:01
how so?
grondilu it's quite slow indeed
several minutes on my machine.
FROGGS ohh, oaky
Tekk_ expected a term but found infix .. instead at out.print( draw_sphere( ($x-1)/2, .9, ..⏏chrs );
lizmat good *, #perl6! 08:02
yoleaux 28 Oct 2014 22:02Z <FROGGS> lizmat: are you happy with IO::Handle.close-pipe?
lizmat FROGGS: will look later
peteretep FROGGS: I'd love any input you have on perl6.guide/
Tekk_ wait..
FROGGS Tekk_: copy&pasto... there is: ».chrs
moritz Tekk_: what is ..chars supposed to me?
Tekk_ yeah
FROGGS lizmat: thanks :o)
Tekk_ FROGGS: yeah, apparently that didn't copy right for some reason
moritz \o lizmat, FROGGS, Tekk_, *
FROGGS morning moritz 08:03
Tekk_ yep, there we go
hi moritz
FROGGS peteretep: will read
peteretep FROGGS: it's very very short :)
lizmat meanwhile, I would like to note that since I pullled late last night, I'm seeing a lot more flappy test files, that run fine by themselves
moritz Tekk_: you canuse >>.chrs if non-ASCII causes problems
lizmat but have nothing apparent to do with async
08:03 zakharyas joined, pecastro left
FROGGS peteretep: we have pack/unpack 08:04
peteretep FROGGS: You are the 3rd person to say that. I will correct it now.
lizmat: it is unlikely to be my fault though 08:05
because these code paths are unused in tests
moritz did the nqp revision bump change anything?
FROGGS moritz: hmmm, not sure about taht 08:06
peteretep: rakudo (-m|-j) has threads and concurrency
lizmat runs a third spectest run
peteretep FROGGS: I've changed the wording slightly there. The last release notes say it's "not quite done" and I think it's best not to over-rpromise
FROGGS okay, I can live with that :o) 08:07
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peteretep I am hoping it gets some traction on hacker news 08:07
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FROGGS peteretep++ # 've got nothing more to complaint about :o) 08:12
I like it
grondilu: aye, the sphere does not look like a sphere :o) 08:14
it looks like that the lines are eithr too short or too long
grondilu it seems to work if I change the code to create a P2 (ASCII) image instead of P5
so I suspect there's somthing wrong with binary IO
maybe .chrs 08:15
btw chrs here is not necessary, chr should do.
08:15 janicez is now known as j4janicej
FROGGS tries 08:17
I'll profile it this time...
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lizmat gist.github.com/lizmat/d5efe6e42efc59c94b17 # 3 runs of flappy tests, each of which runs fine by its own 08:19
away to computer parts store& 08:20
moritz lizmat: I'm now spectesting 9022b0f to see if it's flappy too
first run was fine (no fails)
08:21 rurban joined
FROGGS hmmm, if I had to guess I'd say it is a newly jitted op 08:23
moritz my plan is:
1) run three spectests on rakudo 9022b0f
2) if they are fine, update moar to master without updating NQP or Rakudo
3) if the spectests are still fine, update NQP 08:25
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moritz This is perl6 version 2014.10-21-gb9deb95 built on MoarVM version 2014.10 => three spectests in a row are fine 08:30
now trying with moar master
uhm 08:31
on moar master I get
Unimplemented spesh ops hit at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:4755 (././CORE.setting.moarvm:Int:3)
08:31 mauke_ left 08:32 dayangkun left
moritz do I have to rebuild rakudo and/or nqp when I switch to a newer MoarVM version? 08:33
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rurban yes, make clean and rm nqp-m 08:38
rm install/bin/nqp-m 08:39