»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
Timbus naddiseo, .can 00:00
m: class Foo { method bar($a, :@b) { [@b, $a] } }; my @c = (1,2,3); my &f := Foo.^can('bar')[0].assuming(b => @c); say Foo.&f(4); 00:01
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«1 2 3 4␤»
Timbus its still a list, but only a problem if theres multimethods 00:02
00:04 erkan left 00:06 erkan joined
Timbus naddiseo, but why is it a method and not a sub? 00:07
if its gotta be a method, just remember they're subs with an extra parameter 00:09
raydiak is mildly surprised that he cannot find in the design docs some syntactic twist which means "return the routine after dispatch resolution, instead of calling it"
Timbus m: class Foo { method bar($a, :@b) { [@b, $a] } }; my @c = (1,2,3); my &f := Foo.^can('bar')[0].assuming(Foo, b => @c); say f(4); 00:10
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«1 2 3 4␤»
00:10 spider-mario left
Timbus raydiak, i agree 00:11
but from what little I know, the only way is can, or find_method, and then you use .cando on the multi to find the candidate 00:12
.cando takes a Capture of the parameters 00:13
oh, there was another way.. uh. 00:15
m: my $m; class A { $m = method foo() {42} }; say $m(A)
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«42␤»
Timbus yeah
raydiak that is the least awkward way I've seen so far 00:16
.WALK makes a 4th less-than-optimal solution :)
Timbus using the metamodel is always awkward
but the multis make it especially so
+1 for a gimmie-the-method way to do it 00:19
00:20 telex left 00:22 telex joined
Timbus m: class A { method gimmie-the-method() { method foo {42} } } my $a = A.gimmie-the-method; say $a(A); say A.foo 00:30
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/nlxcbfKHTr␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/nlxcbfKHTr:1␤------> mie-the-method() { method foo {42} } } ⏏my $a = A.gimmie-the-method; say $a(A); ␤ expecting any of:␤ …»
Timbus aw
m: class A { method gimmie-the-method() { method foo {42} } }; my $a = A.gimmie-the-method; say $a(A); say A.foo
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«42␤42␤»
raydiak m: class Foo { my &.barref = method bar () {}; }; say Foo.bar; say Foo.barref 00:31
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«Nil␤bar␤»
raydiak m: class Foo { my &.barref = method bar () {42}; }; say Foo.bar; say Foo.barref
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«42␤bar␤»
Timbus haha
00:44 atroxaper joined
raydiak m: class A { our method foo () {42} }; my &a = &A::foo; a 00:44
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0␤ in method foo at /tmp/VR7q0N6a9c:1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/VR7q0N6a9c:1␤␤»
raydiak m: class A { our method foo () {42} }; my &a = &A::foo; A.&a
camelia ( no output )
raydiak m: class A { our method foo () {42} }; my &a = &A::foo; A.&a.say # you know what I mean :) 00:46
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«42␤»
Timbus hmmm 00:49
00:52 atroxaper left
raydiak m: say 42 # factored that nasty problem out of my elegant solution... 01:03
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«42␤»
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naddiseo Timbus: it doesn't have to be a method, but I was getting "No such method 'bar' for invocant of type 'Foo'" if I use "sub" 05:46
raydiak: that "our" solution is neat, thanks! 05:48
05:49 atroxaper joined
Timbus well, i mean why is it a method. are you using the class? 05:49
naddiseo Yeah, I'm using the class. the sub/method returns a new instance of the class, so I thought it belongs there. 05:50
class A { sub foo($a, :@b) { return A.new($a, @b); }; method new { ... } } 05:51
Timbus oh, i see 05:52
05:56 atroxaper left, Guest98101 left
Timbus .. so do you want to call it without using the class name? 05:57
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naddiseo No, I wanted to call it without explictly passing that last parameter. 05:59
05:59 MilkmanDan joined
naddiseo If I were to write it in python, it'd look like: ideone.com/wv0viQ 06:00
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Timbus naddiseo, ooh okay 06:19
well since 'reducer' is just a helper method, why not export it as a sub? 06:24
06:24 perlpilot joined
naddiseo Yeah, I've done that now. Originally I was referring to it via &(Tree.reducer) so it was giving that "not such method reducer for invocant of type Tree" error 06:25
changing to "method" fixed that.
But, now I've changed 'our sub reducer', it works as expected. 06:26
Timbus well i meant like.. class Foo { sub bar($a) is export { Foo.new(a => $a) }; };
06:26 bowtie_ left, PerlJam left
naddiseo Hm, ok., how do I refer to it outside the class? 06:26
Timbus then you can just use bar()
naddiseo Didn't know I could do that.
Timbus if your class is in the same file, youll need to import Foo;
(you won't if its in another file since use Foo; will handle that) 06:27
06:28 bowtie_ joined
naddiseo ^_^ 06:28
Now everything works, and is ~2 lines of code compared to my earlier naive approach that was ~25 06:29
Timbus neat
naddiseo now I can go to bed without having to think about that.
So, thanks again, and happy holidays.
Timbus you too
06:36 avalenn left 06:39 bowtie_ left 06:41 bowtie_ joined 06:48 davido__ left 06:49 davido_ joined 06:50 bowtie_ left
moritz \o good morning 06:50
06:50 bowtie_ joined
moritz masaq: should I kill your irssi session on feather? 06:51
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mickcy_ca Merry Christmas to all! 08:31
And ... anyone on here that knows postgresql and connecting to Perl 6 08:32
Maybe with DBIish or DB::ORM::Quicky 08:33
moritz DBIish worked pretty well with postgres, last I tried 08:34
mickcy_ca moritz: Do you know if I need anything but the basic database to get this to work? 08:35
moritz mickcy_ca: what's "the basic database"? 08:36
mickcy_ca postrgresql 9.3 Ubuntu packages ... Do I need the perl drivers? 08:37
08:37 awoodland left
moritz no 08:38
you need the client library
mickcy_ca Looking at the synopsis ... it is clear how to connect to SQlite, by I see no information on other databases.
I have the client installed. 08:39
08:39 awoodland joined
moritz driver is 'Pg', you can pass host, port, database, user and password 08:40
mickcy_ca Thank you ... that is what I was looking for.
08:40 atroxaper left
moritz I guess we do need better documentation for the other drivers 08:40
mickcy_ca That would be appreciated, as if it were there, I would not be bothering you today. 08:41
moritz mickcy_ca: did you read the README.pod? or the pod in lib/DBIish.pm6? 08:42
xfix "Missing <user> config"
Hm, I have a question, why Pg DBIish requires specifying an user?
mickcy_ca I need lib/DBIish.pm6 08:43
moritz: I have all that I need at this end now. 08:44
xfix How to get username in Perl 6? 08:45
moritz xfix: which username?
xfix Current user
moritz xfix: do you want to connect via local socket/pipe?
xfix Yep. 08:46
moritz xfix: then you'll have to patch DBDish::Pg
xfix Oh, right, just not specify user and password.
moritz currently it always connects via network
xfix Ok, gonna do that. 08:47
moritz currently Pg.pm6 always includes the host
xfix Ok, gonna fix it so it could connect using UNIX sockets.
moritz and uses localhost if nonis specified
*none is
a good solution would be to only require username and password when the host is als specified 08:48
xfix With trust setting, password is not needed, but who would use trust for external networks?
08:50 rurban joined
mickcy_ca Okay ... from postgresql to unix domain sockets ... I see lots of P5 examples, any Perl6 options? 08:54
08:54 kjs_ left
mickcy_ca What I mean is are there any options to connect and transfer information on Unix Domain Sockets. 08:55
IO::Socket::INET? 08:56
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mickcy_ca I send questions before research ... Sorry to all ... I am still pretty new to Perl 6 and am wondering how I can get that which a method found using .^methods needs for operation. The only way I know to try is to run the code and hopefully debug what exactly is required. 09:04
09:06 kjs_ joined 09:07 sunnavy left
dalek Iish: b56f4e1 | (Konrad Borowski)++ | lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:
Support local PostgreSQL connections.
09:11 sunnavy joined, dakkar joined
xfix (by the way, it appears that connections to non-existant databases make a wrong error, even before my change. 09:12
Quite odd...
Cannot look up attributes in a type object, when the object is OpaquePointer.new(170331840). 09:13
Oh, right, I'm calling DBIish incorrectly. 09:14
09:15 kjs_ left
moritz mickcy_ca: well, the canonical answer is to consult the documentation. perl6.org/documentation/ has some pointers, and between doc.perl6.org and design.perl6.org, most methods that are part of the public API should be covered 09:16
09:17 petercommand joined
dalek Iish: 6c3f394 | (Konrad Borowski)++ | lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:
Properly handle all internal values.

DBDish puts keys like AutoCommit, which DBDish::Pg doesn't use as of now. However, they still have to be handled somehow.
mickcy_ca moritz: I just need to dig deeper ...
xfix (it was a while since I programmed Perl 6, and I do silly mistakes... oh well)
dalek Iish: 925b33a | (Konrad Borowski)++ | lib/DBDish/Pg.pm6:
Disable all PostgreSQL connection keys with nonlowercase characters.

My previous change allowed keys like `!@#$`. While such keys shouldn't be dangerous, as PostgreSQL would refuse those, they are completely pointless.
xfix Ok, now PostgreSQL correctly reports errors. That's how it should work. 09:27
NativeCall is neat. 09:28
I once have said that LuaJIT FFI is neat, but this is even easier to use. 09:29
moritz jnthn++, arnsholt_++ # nativecall 09:31
xfix sub PQresultStatus (OpaquePointer $result) returns Int is native(lib) { ... } 09:32
This is amazing.
OpaquePointer is void *, right? 09:33
Timbus well its any kind of pointer
xfix Which is what void * star.
moritz well, at run time, there are just pointers 09:34
Timbus thats true
moritz void * vs int * vs ... is just C compile time
09:34 koo6 left
moritz pointer type erasure! 09:34
xfix Yes, I know, C pointers don't know their types. 09:35
09:35 yeahnoob left
xfix And you don't know if arbitrary location in memory is a pointer, an 64-bit integer, a double floating point number, or whatever else it is 09:36
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xfix r: use v7 10:03
camelia ( no output )
xfix In my opinion, this should make an error.
moritz yes 10:07
known issue
feel free to patch :-)
(though in a way that doesn't break v5) 10:08
xfix Of course. 10:09
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/8154....nqp#L1579 10:10
Let's see...
I want stuff like v6.3.4 and v7 to be disallowed, but without disallowing use v5.10.
(and use v6.0.0 should be allowed)
(as well as use v6)
Now I need to analyze how to report an error from "use" statement. 10:12
10:13 spider-mario joined
xfix r: use v6.; 10:13
camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} e86167: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/tmpfile␤Missing semicolon.␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> use v6.⏏;␤»
xfix So, the semicolon is missing between "." and ";".
mickcy_ca How do I encode to utf-8 10:15
moritz $str.encode('UTF-8') 10:16
mickcy_ca Thanks ... 10:18
masaq good antenoon, #perl6 10:23
we have snow! \o/
moritz good *, masaq
10:24 sqirrel_ left
mickcy_ca Snow here too. 10:24
dalek Iish: 833eeaf | moritz++ | / (2 files):
Add some docs, mickcy_ca++
xfix moritz, what do you think should be exception name for invalid use?
Like "use v7".
moritz xfix: X::Language::Unsupported maybe 10:30
mickcy_ca dalek: Great work.
xfix Good.
mickcy_ca Off to bed ... 03:31 where I am.
moritz good night mickcy_ca, and dream of well-documented drivers :-) 10:31
mickcy_ca Will Do.
10:31 mickcy_ca left
moritz masaq: should I kill your irssi and/or screen session on feather? 10:32
masaq: or re-enable your login so that you can terminate it gracefully?
10:33 andreoss joined
andreoss m: use Shell::Command; 10:35
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find Shell::Command in any of: /home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6/lib, /home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6␤»
moritz star: use Shell::Command
camelia ( no output )
andreoss Shell::Command and panda are broken with 2014.12 10:36
moritz andreoss: in what way? 10:37
andreoss: and on what backend
xfix How can I disable Rakudo optimizations. Modifying grammar makes it build for a long time.
moritz --optimize=off
andreoss % perl6 -e 'use Shell::Command;' 10:38
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
10:38 dakkar left
andreoss % panda 10:38
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
moritz andreoss: which backend is that?
andreoss moritz: moarvm 10:39
This is perl6 version 2014.12-34-ge861672 built on MoarVM version 2014.12
moritz so pretty new
I thought you meant the release
andreoss the release is a branch in git? 10:40
moritz no, a tag 10:41
xfix Should I use typed_sorry or typed_panic?
moritz xfix: panic
xfix (I assume typed_panic, because reporting errors for Perl 7 code is pointless)
moritz andreoss: trying with that revision now 10:42
andreoss: works here; most likely you have some old files in your install directory somewhere 10:43
10:43 rurban left
moritz andreoss: try cleaning it out, and the sour dir too, and rebuild from scratch 10:43
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masaq moritz: preferably re-enable, thank you. sorry for the trouble... :/ 10:54
xfix Is there a way to make grammar compilation faster? 10:59
moritz xfix: yes, through lots of optimizations
masak: login shell reset to /bin/bash 11:00
xfix I don't want to wait 2 minutes for each recompilation (I guess I just should buy a better computer).
11:00 pmurias joined
pmurias hi 11:01
xfix hi
pmurias what would be the best way to create a android app with javascript (which is in turn created with nqp-js)? 11:03
xfix xfix@papaya ~/P/rakudo> ./perl6-m -e 'use v6.0.5' 11:05
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
No compiler available for Perl v6.0.5
11:06 kjs_ joined
xfix By the way, I have a question 11:06
[ <?{ ~$<version><vnum>[0] eq '6' }> {
Should it check for string? This makes `use v06` unrecognized as Perl 6.
11:07 masaq left
moritz comparing by string is fine, I think 11:07
11:07 masak left 11:08 masak joined
masak \o/ 11:09
back in the correct spelling again!
xfix Should 'use v05' be recognized as Perl 5 or not?
What about 'use v4'?
11:11 FROGGS joined 11:12 FROGGS left 11:13 FROGGS[tab] joined
pmurias m: use v4; 11:14
camelia ( no output )
pmurias m: use v4;say("hi")
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«hi␤»
pmurias m: use v5;say("hi")
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find Perl5 in any of: /home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6/lib, /home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6␤»
xfix Or should "use v4" be an error. It's not that actual Perl 4 ever accepted this syntax. 11:15
Hm, let's go with "use v4" being an error.
11:20 FROGGS_ is now known as FROGGS
FROGGS raydiak: ping 11:20
.tell raydiak github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/50...8daabc548f 11:21
yoleaux FROGGS: I'll pass your message to raydiak.
pmurias perl5 accepts v4 11:29
'use v4' is legal perl5 11:30
xfix Sure, but actual Perl 4 doesn't accept "use v4".
Besides, currently "use v4" is interpreted as absolutely nothing. 11:31
(which means running in v6 mode)
FROGGS I'd say that every major version except 6 in a use statement should try to load that module 11:35
xfix Even v7?
why not?
like, 'v6' is built in, but everything else needs to be loaded
xfix Ok, so "v4" should be Perl5. 11:36
FROGGS Perl 4 actually
xfix Do you think anyone will write Perl4 module? 11:37
(IMO, Perl 5 is reasonably compatible with Perl 4)
FROGGS I have no idea if somebody will do that
xfix (and "use v4" is not a valid syntax in Perl 4)
FROGGS that does not matter... 11:38
'use COBOL' is also not valid in COBOL I guess
xfix Uhm...
Could not find Perl4 in any of: /home/xfix/Build-dev/languages/perl6/lib, /home/xfix/Build-dev/languages/perl6 11:41
Do you seriously propose this?
FROGGS why not? 11:45
pmurias checking for a Perl4 seems resonable 11:46
we might want to have a better error message if it's missing 11:47
xfix Anyway, rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=123496 11:49
pmurias OTOH 'use v4' in Perl 5 means Perl 4 or higher 11:52
11:53 atroxaper left 11:54 awoodland left, kjs_ left
xfix r: Inf.Int 11:59
camelia rakudo-parrot e86167: OUTPUT«Cannot coerce Inf or NaN to an Int␤current instr.: 'throw' pc 489664 (src/gen/p-CORE.setting.pir:202104) (gen/parrot/CORE.setting:12241)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 533358 (src/gen/p-CORE.setting.pir:218004) (gen/parrot/CORE.setting:13817)␤called fro…»
..rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Cannot coerce Inf or NaN to an Int␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:throw:4294967295)␤ from src/gen/m-CORE.setting:13877 (/home/camelia/rakudo-inst-2/languages/perl6/runti…» 12:00
12:15 psch joined, rindolf joined
psch merry christmas, #perl6 o/ 12:15
moritz \o psch, mery christmas to you too 12:16
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timotimo merry christmas, dear perl6ers 13:14
13:14 telex joined
colomon Merry Christmas! 13:15
TheovandenHeuvel HI, can anyone point me to info on destructors? Can;t seem to find any. 13:18
13:19 atroxaper joined, zakharyas left
timotimo there's only a DESTROY implementation on MoarVM 13:24
and even then it's not guaranteed to run
xfix It's an issue with garbage collectors, you don't know when they get called.
psch DESTROY was implemented for some marshalling case for Inline::Perl5, wasn't it?
something with refcounting in perl5 or so ISTR 13:25
xfix I wonder, does Perl 6 have some syntax to handle destruction of objects... 13:26
(Python has with for that purpose)
13:27 KCL joined
moritz xfix: well yes, DESTROY 13:27
TheovandenHeuvel Ok. I wanted to associate a side effect with the end of scope. I will have to think of another approach.
moritz TheovandenHeuvel: LEAVE phasers
TheovandenHeuvel Ahh. Great. 13:28
moritz m: for ^3 { .say; LEAVE say "leaving $_" }
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«0␤leaving 0␤1␤leaving 1␤2␤leaving 2␤»
psch m: { say "doing things" for 1..((^5).pick); LEAVE { say "done doing things" } }
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«doing things␤doing things␤doing things␤done doing things␤»
psch moritz++ # for the less weird example :P
xfix By the way, why Perl 6 specification doesn't mention DESTROY anywhere, and the only reference to it is one test in roast? 13:30
13:30 KCL_ left
moritz xfix: yes, it has been unspecced and needs to be respecced 13:30
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masak what's the magic Unix command to make hack.p6c.org play better with UTF-8? it's been too long since I last did this -- don't even know what to Google for. :) 13:50
moritz masak: perlgeek.de/en/article/set-up-a-cle...nvironment 13:51
masak: UTF-8 locales are installed, so you can skip this part :-)
xfix Set up LANG environment variable. 13:52
13:52 erkan left
xfix For example, en_US.UTF-8 13:52
masak moritz++ 13:53
moritz with screen, that's sometimes not enough
xfix alias screen='screen -U' IMO.
masak oh, I always run screen with -U
moritz /set term_charset utf-8
/set recode_autodetect_utf8 ON 13:54
if you use irssi
xfix Unicode is so hard.
moritz /set recode ON
xfix: getting better
masak hm, I've now done all this, but the newlines from camelia still come out as "NL" :/
moritz masak: then it might be a missing font 13:55
masak: if it were an UTF-8 problem, it would come out as Mojibake instead
masak well, it worked on feather, and I haven't changed fonts.
xfix »ö« is purely ISO-8859-1, I don't think it's font problem ;-).
13:55 rindolf left
masak camelia in the topic comes out as >>o<< 13:56
moritz ouch
xfix Then your client converts characters into ASCII.
masak yes, thank you.
that much is clear.
moritz masak: do the usual debugging steps: first copy&paste on your terminal; if that works, do the ssh to hack and test there again; if that works, test it inside screen too 13:57
xfix /set term_charset utf-8
Oh wait, moritz already gave this command.
I'm somewhat curious what the issue is, but I don't have feather server access, and screen in my system supports Unicode without specifying -U. 13:58
moritz masak: oh, irssi has the recode_transliterate option; you might want to try to switch that off 13:59
xfix That's probably why. 14:00
Except recode_transliterate should only trigger when the character set doesn't have a character.
So probably disabling it will make "?" appear instead.
moritz "If enabled, irssi tells iconv to try and replace characters that don't recode well with similar looking ones that exist in the target character set." 14:01
now it'd be interesting to know what "don't recode well" means
masak test: ☺
xfix Doesn't exist in target character set.
masak that comes out right in the irc logs. 14:02
xfix Read UTF-8 correctly.
masak but it looks like question mark, X, question mark on my monitor.
moritz tromsø
masak yep, got the ø correctly.
that one looks right. only the ☺ doesn't. 14:03
xfix question mark, X, and question mark... hm...
moritz the difference is that ø is in Latin-1, the ☺ doesn't
masak FROGGS: looks fine, too.
FROGGS that's enough then :o)
moritz as are » and «
xfix ☺ is 0xE2 0x98 0xBA.
FROGGS m: say "a" ~~ /a/ 14:04
masak even the ☺ looks fine as long as it is on my input line in irssi. when it ends up in the backlog in irssi, it turns wrong. :/
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«「a」␤␤»
FROGGS that might be important to see right
masak oh, now the camelia newlines show up as question-mark, P, question-mark. improvement :)
xfix 0x98 is ~ in Windows-1252... 14:05
moritz masak: ok, at least now we know it's an irssi issue, not screen or locale
masak but the camelia logo in the topic is still ">>o<<"
xfix Odd.
masak, probably wasn't refreshed, or something.
moritz masak: the irssi versions on feather and hack differ only slightly. Might I suggest you rsync your .irssi dir from feather to hack? 14:06
unless you've already done that, of course :-)
masak that's a good idea. will do.
14:07 masak left 14:08 masak joined
masak m: say 3 14:09
camelia rakudo-moar e86167: OUTPUT«3␤»
masak ok, back to "NL".
Unicode is not my friend today. 14:10
moritz ansible all -m apt -a 'update_cache=yes upgrade=yes' # ♥ 14:14
xfix Old feather feels so dead. Only I'm online... 14:22
sergot masak: ping :) 14:26
masak sergot: pong 14:28
xfix Hm... >>?<< 14:29
masak, can you run `/script exec print $ENV{LANG}`, and check main buffer? 14:31
masak xfix: en_US.UTF-8
xfix As it should be. Odd... 14:32
14:33 mvuets joined 14:36 frew left 14:41 BenGoldberg joined, sqirrel_ left 14:59 koo6 joined 15:00 Guest19298 is now known as felher
xfix moritz, sent you an e-mail 15:09
15:16 davido_ left, davido_ joined 15:17 mvuets left 15:23 rindolf joined 15:33 rurban left 15:34 zakharyas joined
arnsholt_ now has to learn group theory, due to Christmas 15:39
Yay, I guess? :-D 15:40
masak yay! \o/
arnsholt_: I am here for all your group theory needs :D
arnsholt_ Good to know :-) 15:41
Although I'll persevere for a bit longer before resorting to cheat codes
masak makes sense. 15:42
arnsholt_ The cube was confiscated at various points last night though 15:44