»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend! | feather will shut down permanently on 2015-03-31
Set by jnthn on 28 February 2015.
00:06 larion left 00:12 virtualsue left
J-L I'm gonna log off now. Thanks for all your help! 00:18
timotimo you're welcome :)
00:18 J-L left 00:24 laouji joined 00:39 laouji left 00:40 laouji joined 00:43 tinyblak joined 00:44 laouji left 00:46 cognominal left, coffee` joined 00:47 dayangkun joined 00:48 laouji joined
ugexe is it possible for test reports to replace /home/user with ~,%home%, or something? or is that information important to have? 00:53
00:54 mrf left
TimToady m: my grammar G { regex foo { } } 00:56
camelia rakudo-moar 2f7d46: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Null regex not allowed␤at /tmp/VT0JrJKePO:1␤------> 3my grammar G { regex foo {7⏏5 } }␤Unrecognized regex metacharacter (must be quoted to match literally)␤at /tmp/VT0JrJKePO:1␤------> 3my grammar G { regex foo {7…»
TimToady somewhere there's a try that's collecting the first typed_panic and inadvertently making it continue parsing 00:57
00:58 adu left 01:04 laouji left 01:07 laouji joined 01:08 Ben_Goldberg left, Ben_Goldberg joined
dalek kudo/nom: 1d21058 | TimToady++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp:
only move the eject, not the actual cursor, duh
kudo/nom: c8b81a3 | TimToady++ | src/Perl6/ (3 files):
[minor] fix tab damage
TimToady that fixes the exceptions test 01:13
01:15 adu joined 01:54 dayangkun left 02:01 DrForr_ left 02:03 diana_olhovik_ left 02:15 coffee` left 02:16 Vlavv left 02:29 Vlavv joined 03:14 laouji_ joined 03:18 laouji_ left 03:20 simcop2387 left 03:29 noganex joined 03:32 noganex_ left 03:49 laouji left 03:50 laouji joined 03:54 laouji left 04:02 FROGGS__ joined 04:05 FROGGS_ left 04:16 anaeem1 joined 04:43 laouji joined 04:53 Ben_Goldberg left 05:27 diana_olhovik_ joined 05:52 KCL_ joined
dalek pan style="color: #395be5">perl6-examples: cefd99f | paultcochrane++ | categories/shootout/k-nucleotide.p6.pl:
[shootout] convert hard tabs into spaces
perl6-examples: 06a92fc | paultcochrane++ | categories/shootout/k-nucleotide.p6.pl:
perl6-examples: [shootout] add initial docs about k-nucleotide example
06:02 dalek left, dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek
dalek ecs: 512a0b7 | TimToady++ | S02-bits.pod:
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[Tux] Inline::Perl5 still incredibly slow compared to two days ago 07:07
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Ven o/,#perl6 08:12
08:12 darutoko joined 08:15 eli-se joined
eli-se hi 08:15
moritz \o 08:16
nwc10 good *, * 08:26
moritz * *, nwc10 08:27
=== SORRY ===\nTwo stars in a row
nwc10 is that why there is a compiler release between each star release? :-) 08:28
moritz aye :-)
08:33 salva joined 08:40 eli-se left
masak good morning, #perl6 08:42
Ven \o, masak 08:43
masak m: * * * # three stars in a row!
camelia ( no output )
08:45 zakharyas joined
nwc10 $ perl -le 'print ******' 08:45
even I'm not sure how many of the things that cause that behaviour would be considered to be special cases. 08:46
Ven at first this was p6 and I was wondering "what". but it's perl5 and I'm even more puzzled.. 08:47
nwc10 it's treated as ** ** **
first and last ** pairs are typeglobs 08:48
m: 0 ** 0
camelia ( no output )
nwc10 m: say 0 ** 0
camelia rakudo-moar c8b81a: OUTPUT«1␤»
nwc10 and undefined typeglobs end up being treated as the number 0
$ perl -wle 'print ******'
Argument "*main::*" isn't numeric in exponentiation (**) at -e line 1.
and 0 ** 0 is 1, obviously. :-)
08:50 zakharyas1 joined 08:52 kjs_ joined
masak .oO( did you mean "0 ** 0 is 1, not-so-obviously"? ) :P 08:53
08:53 zakharyas1 left 08:54 mohij joined
nwc10 I *thought* that it was special-cased in the C code, but it doesn't seem to be. 08:54
masak well, it *is* the agreed-upon default in mathematics.
at least in the cases where people don't say "it doesn't have a limit in that point"
nwc10 aye, I have learned this
08:54 zakharyas1 joined
nwc10 (the first bit, not the second bit) 08:54
but it can mean that you need to special case your implementation to get it to behave 08:55
much like 2**31 wasn't the *right* integer on Irix, without some cheating
masak nwc10: think of how x ** 0 and 0 ** x behave as x tends to 0. the first tends to 1, the second tends to 0. 08:56
nwc10 maths is hard - can we write Perl 6 instead please? :-)
masak nwc10: OTOH, if you look at things like the binomial theorem, it makes sense to special-case 0 ** 0 as 1. 08:57
nwc10 yes, I'd sort of realised that "it makes sense, oh wait, 0 * 0 * 0 is 0, 0 * 0 is 0, etc"
I didn't know about the binomail theorum
nor do I know *why/how* the factorial function can be well defined for all numbers other than negative integers. But IIRC I've read that it can, and failed to understand the details. 08:58
09:02 smls joined
smls FROGGS++ # NativeCall documentation 09:02
yoleaux 4 Mar 2015 17:27Z <moritz> smls: ideally on both, and ideally automatically inserted in one place
09:03 kaare_ left, kaare_ joined
smls FROGGS__: though half-way down the page, it suddenly starts refering to "Zavolaj" without introducing the name to users first 09:04
masak nwc10: mostly you have to realize that the unit of multiplication is 1. so if you multiply an empty list of stuff, you get 1.
smls Should we edit out all mentions of "Zavolaj" and consistently call it "NativeCall
09:05 [Sno] joined 09:11 donaldh joined
moritz aye 09:12
09:16 mohij left
dalek c: 400e3b2 | smls++ | lib/Language/nativecall.pod:
say "NativeCall" instead of "Zavolaj"; use slightly prettier ".new;" instead of ".new();"
09:19 zakharyas1 left 09:20 espadrine left 09:23 kjs_ left 09:31 rindolf joined
jnthn morning o/ 09:36
timotimo heyo jnthn :)
nwc10 morning jnthn
nwc10 is feeling more pleased by the state of portability. 09:37
jnthn :) 09:38
timotimo i'm pretty impressed we're getting this amount of portability
nwc10 we need it
timotimo sure
the hardest thing to port to is still windows, isn't it? :P 09:39
nwc10 well, we're blocking on at least libuv for VMS.
timotimo is VMS still alive? i think i've only ever heard VMS used as a joke 09:40
but i may have confused it with something else
nwc10 yes, VMS is still alive.
timotimo i should investigate that for a tiny bit
nwc10 sadly the VMS machines I have (or had, not checked recently) only had Java 6
09:40 virtualsue joined
nwc10 MVS is also alive. And frustratingly still EBCDIC 09:40
timotimo en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVMS - is this a good place to start looking at this? 09:41
nwc10 probably
I don't think that "VMS" is anything like a priority
things like AIX and HP/UX, which libuv (almost) supports probably should be. If anyone wants to do them
although "run on the JVM" is an option too 09:42
timotimo fair enough i guess?
masak nwc10: it seems that the Gamma function "extends factorial in a natural way" from positive integers to complex numbers, and that's its claim to fame. the rest is details. :) 09:43
09:44 laouji_ joined
timotimo once we have more of the recent moarvm optimizations ported to the jvm, i expect the jvm's jit will be able to do crazy things 09:44
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brrt \o 09:45
timotimo ohai brrt!
nwc10 o/
brrt ohai timotimo
nwc10, has your patch been applied yet? 09:46
the ppc32 patch
and ohai nwc10 :-)
nwc10 I believe so but I think that any local checkout you have can be used to verify this.
09:46 laouji left
nwc10 mine might be confused because they already have it 09:46
arnsholt masak: And it's quite useful in stats/probability 09:48
Distributions generalised from discrete to continuous tend to need something along those lines
masak arnsholt: oh, interesting. 09:49
09:53 tinyblak_ left 09:58 FROGGS__ is now known as FROGGS
FROGGS morning 09:58
smls++ # seems I have missed some "zavolaj"'s :o) 09:59
brrt yes, it can has been applied 10:02
nwc10 ah OK good. thanks :-) 10:03
10:06 espadrine joined 10:07 DrForr joined 10:10 donaldh left
nine_ Where do tests for Test.pm live? 10:15
FROGGS tests? 10:16
there are none
jnthn t/01-sanity/99-test-basic.t may count :)
moritz nine_: we don't have any, cause Test.pm isn't very testable right now
10:18 pecastro joined
FROGGS m: my role TypedPointer[::TValue] { method ^name($obj) { 'Pointer[' ~ TValue.^name ~ ']' } }; # jnthn: didn't you fix that? 10:20
camelia rakudo-moar c8b81a: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless declaration of a has-scoped method in multi (did you mean 'my method name'?)␤ at /tmp/Zng4o6377F:1␤ ------> 3my role TypedPointer[::TValue] { method7⏏5 ^name($obj) { 'Pointer[' ~ TValue.^name␤»
10:20 pecastro left 10:24 tinyblak joined 10:26 firefish5000 joined 10:27 Ven left
FROGGS m: sub foo is DEPRECATED('blarg') { 42 }; say foo 10:31
camelia rakudo-moar c8b81a: OUTPUT«42␤»
FROGGS isnt that supposed to print deprecation messages?
10:32 pecastro joined, pecastro left 10:33 pecastro joined
nine_ Any opinions on this? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/381 10:34
dalek kudo/nom: bd0804f | (Stefan Seifert)++ | lib/Test.pm:
Better diagnostics in Test::is for strings differing only in whitespace

If the expected value differs from the got value only by whitespace at the end of a line, it's very hard to find this difference. Using .perl for the diag output on the other hand makes it trivial to find whitespace differences.
With this patch is("foo \nbar baz", "foo\nbar baz"); gives: expected: "foo\nbar baz"
   got: "foo \nbar baz"
kudo/nom: 8310181 | FROGGS++ | lib/Test.pm:
Merge pull request #381 from niner/nom

Better diagnostics in Test::is for strings differing only in whitespace
10:37 larion joined
FROGGS I've seen tester reports where expected and got looked identical 10:37
timotimo aye 10:38
nine_ Thanks :)
FROGGS nine_++
10:38 sqirrel_ joined
nine_ Now I only need to find out where my superfluous whitespace comes from ;) 10:39
dalek c: 6bc83dd | smls++ | lib/Language/nativecall.pod:
prefer lowe-case name for example sub; some minor formatting tweaks
10:42 kjs_ joined
[Tux] useful change indeed 10:42
10:47 rurban joined 10:52 zakharyas left
timotimo gist.github.com/anonymous/786c6ff3d25623d9f997 - does this seem sensible? i got fed up with my perl6-m script having "../install" in them. 10:58
.oO( löwe-case )
11:02 laouji_ left
masak Muphry's Law strikes again! 11:04
11:05 brrt left 11:08 kjs_ left
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 173 commits to rakudo/cpp by FROGGS 11:09
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dalek ast: c61b5ba | lizmat++ | S02-magicals/ (2 files):
Unfudge now passing tests
lizmat hmmm... seems like nine_ 's change to Test::is breaks some tests 11:15
No such method 'subst' for invocant of type 'MyMatch'
in method dispatch:<hyper> at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:1397
in block at lib/Test.pm:137
No such method 'subst' for invocant of type 'Capture' 11:16
No such method 'subst' for invocant of type 'Signature'
maybe we need an Any.subst ? 11:17
11:18 spider-mario joined
nine_ lizmat: sorry, would this be a fix? 11:18
- if [eq] ($got, $expected)>>.subst(/\s/, '', :g) {
+ if [eq] ($got, $expected)>>.Str>>.subst(/\s/, '', :g) {
lizmat testing
yeah, that seems to do the trick 11:19
running full spectest to be sure
dalek kudo/nom: 9a95f18 | lizmat++ | lib/Test.pm:
Fix tests on classes that don't do .subst, nine++
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masak I find it odd that that fix was needed. 11:38
might be my understanding that's at fault, though.
why is it needed? :)
nine_ masak: subst is a Str method, but $got and $expected are Mu?
timotimo Capture and Signature are not Cool
well, subst is a Cool method 11:39
11:39 Ven joined
masak right. 11:39
lizmat and apparently any class Foo either
masak I still thing it's rather arbitrary what's Cool and what isn't.
lizmat masak: fwiw, it doesn't make much sense to me either
masak I know the original intent was to emulate p5's "forgiveness" in casting a small set of core types.
but it shows up in these circumstances mostly as confusion as to what's Cool and what isn't. 11:40
lizmat but I guess I lack the original hysterical raisons
masak .oO( Perl 6 core devs uncertain about what's Cool )
lizmat: the original hysterical raisins are what I just said. emulate p5's type forgiveness.
nine_ We clearly need more hippsters to tell us what's Cool 11:41
lizmat (ok)
I was discussing certain aspects of Perl 6 yesterday with Stevan Little
masak like, .subst is clearly a Str operation, but you can also do it on an Int, or an Array.
nine_: and the coolsterst to tell us what's Hip.
jnthn Key examples: Str, Int, Num, Parcel, List (so Array), EnumMap (so Hash), and Bool 11:42
nine_ masak: and "coolster" is actually defined in the urban dictionary...
masak nine_: and "hip" is actually defined in Grey's Anatomy.
jnthn Not to be confused with 50 Shades of Grey 11:43
lizmat (Stevan Little) apart from the usual suspects that people trying Perl 6 run into at the moment
masak .oO( 50 shades of grey's anatomy )
jnthn :D
lizmat he mentioned on thing that I hadn't heard about before / didn't see mention before
suppose we have 2 modules with the same name loaded at the same time 11:44
but with different auth / version
jnthn For me, the guideline on Cool is something like "built in, value type, has sane ways to view it as a Int, Num, or Str"
Uh, s/value type//
masak :) 11:45
lizmat if both modules create an object, how can we smartmatch them apart ?
masak s/value type/type/ :P
lizmat: ooh
lizmat: interesting
lizmat: and do we always want them to be different?
jnthn lizmat: With the full name
masak nice.
jnthn lizmat: And note that in a given scope, the short name can only ever be talking about *one* of them.
lizmat yeah, but if they produce an object that is used *outside* of the scope it was created in ? 11:46
jnthn Then it's two different types
masak ok, so objects simply won't smartmatch across auth/versions? 11:47
lizmat sub a { use Foo:auth<one>; Foo.new }; sub b { use Foo:auth<two>; Foo.new }; say a ~~ b # what would this say ?
jnthn masak: I don't see how they sanely can.
masak oki
lizmat jnthn: so my code example would say "false" ? 11:48
11:48 yves left
jnthn lizmat: Well, there you have two instances 11:48
lizmat yup
jnthn lizmat: Remove the ".new", and we get the question you probably meant to ask?
m: class A { }; say A.new ~~ A.new
camelia rakudo-moar 9a95f1: OUTPUT«False␤»
jnthn :)
m: class A { }; say A ~~ A 11:49
camelia rakudo-moar 9a95f1: OUTPUT«True␤»
lizmat say a.WHAT eq b.WHAT then
jnthn a.WHAT ~~ b.WHAT will be False
eq will give you two warnings about undefined instances, and True :)
m: class A { }; say (~A).perl 11:50
camelia rakudo-moar 9a95f1: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type A in string context in block <unit> at /tmp/lhfzZGSIOE:1␤␤""␤»
jnthn But yeah, I really don't think we can sanely start considering them the same type
lizmat his example was really: so, I have to versions of this module loaded,
11:50 rubio joined
jnthn I see the use case for different versions as when you want to use two things that *depend* on a different version of it 11:50
lizmat how can I use MMD to create subs that will match objects from one or the other
sub bar(Foo... and then? 11:51
jnthn And provided it's a black box dependency, you're fine
lizmat: One candidate that will match objects of both versions, or?
lizmat no, two candidates that will match the different versions of the modules 11:52
multi old(Foo for version 1.0); multi new(Foo for version 2.0)
jnthn lizmat: If you mean MMD to distinguish them then I guess multi m(Foo:ver<1.2>:auth<lizmat>) { } and multi m(Foo:ver<1.2>:auth<jnthn>) { }
lizmat ok, so that's the plan, or did we just make that up? :-) 11:53
jnthn I thought that was the plan all along?
lizmat well, there's a catch there
jnthn That importing a versioned thing imports the full name *and* the short name.
lizmat auth and version are about *compilation units*
types are about classes inside those compilation units 11:54
ok, anything exported will be both short and long name
and the long name will be taken from the compilation unit info
11:55 kjs_ joined
jnthn I think we can quite reasonably say that if you declare an auth/version for the compilation unit then it's applied to the things inside that unit. 11:55
We may want, with short names, to take the same poisoning model we have with enum values 11:56
lizmat ??
timotimo m: enum Foo < Hello Goodbye >; enum Bar < Hello Byebye >; say Hello; 11:57
camelia rakudo-moar 9a95f1: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol Hello␤ at /tmp/Oow68RNpJT:1␤ ------> 3llo Goodbye >; enum Bar < Hello Byebye >7⏏5; say Hello;␤Cannot use poisoned alias Hello, because it was declared by several enums.␤Please access…»
dalek kudo/nom: 9c66311 | lizmat++ | src/core/ (3 files):
Better checks for being on Win
timotimo m: enum Foo < Hello Goodbye >; enum Bar < Hello Byebye >; say Foo::Hello;
camelia rakudo-moar 9a95f1: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Redeclaration of symbol Hello␤ at /tmp/PErwBXfr4z:1␤ ------> 3llo Goodbye >; enum Bar < Hello Byebye >7⏏5; say Foo::Hello;␤Hello␤»
timotimo lizmat: ^
lizmat ok :-) 11:58
jnthn: of course, we may want to actually match a range of versions
so maybe a "where" model might be better ?
jnthn lizmat: For 6.0.0, I think we say that type names are non-fuzzy.
lizmat ok, I can live with that :-) 11:59
jnthn lizmat: I would like to hope that actual cases where we'll have people mixing two versions in the same compilation unit will be relatively rare.
lizmat well, it could be a module that post-processes info from another module 12:00
that needs to be able to handle API changes in that other module
so it may be less rare than you think
I mean, we have many modules that build on other modules ;_)
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 45 commits to perl6-examples by paultcochrane
timotimo there could be a pattern of a "versioning adaptor module" that'd handle two versions of the same module and interactions between them? 12:01
like a "migration module"?
[ptc] all examples now run in perl6-examples
much more cleanup required...
lizmat timotimo: yes, that is one example
jnthn lizmat: That sounds odd, in so far as the module that uses theother one could say what version it wants
I also note that if you are writing programs that mash up different modules, you generally want to prefer dynamic typing 12:02
lizmat that feels very rigid from a toolchain point of view
timotimo [ptc]: excellent work!
lizmat my idea to fix this was a bit different, though 12:03
when a distribution is installed, all of the meta info should be available as well
12:03 kjs_ left
[ptc] timotimo: thanks :-) 12:03
lizmat I was more thinking along a .WHERE macro/method 12:04
that would work like .HOW, but give you access to the distribution info of the compunit
and smart matching would then become something like
multi a(Foo where *.WHERE.auth eq 'jnthn') 12:05
jnthn I don't see how that can work
Foo can't be bound to two things
It'd need to be something more syntactic that does a query over things starting with Foo that are in scope... 12:06
lizmat hmmm... 12:07
jnthn I'd urge starting simple and discovering actual pain points when we start to play with it, though. 12:09
lizmat agree
ok, let's leave it at this for now
and get back to SMOP
jnthn We might be able to find a way to use something like "Foo:ver<1.*>:auth<*>" as a type query, for example. 12:10
lizmat that feels like inventing a new syntax while we have "where" already with all its flexibility
jnthn But I'd start with the easy, precise match, thing
lizmat agree.. :-) 12:11
jnthn Yeah, but that supposes that we somehow arrange for every version of a type to match the type's shortname, and I don't know we can reasonably make that happen.
(Not saying it's impossible, just that it's not obvious to me) 12:12
lizmat ok
dalek ecs: c3cee44 | lizmat++ | S99-glossary.pod:
Add SMOP lemma
Heuristic branch merge: pushed 19 commits to specs/newio by lizmat 12:15
nine_ lizmat++ # answering my quesion before I even asked it! 12:16
12:27 skids left
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 28 commits to rakudo/newio by lizmat 12:29
lizmat afk for a bit& 12:30
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smls What's this I hear about an "array" type (lower-case "a")? 13:17
13:17 kjs_ joined, rubio left
timotimo native arrays? 13:18
masak though I don't know that they're spelled "array".
smls seen here: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-03-05#i_10231390
timotimo me neither
masak (maybe they are and I haven't been paying attention. but I don't think so.)
sjn \o
Question: who's manaaging the content on rka^H^Hakudo.org? 13:19
masak smls: ...huh.
smls: so maybe yes, then.
timotimo looks like it's just a shortcut for how to refer to native arrays until something is decided on
smls Does this mean Array will not gain native-compact storage directly?
masak .oO( rKAAKudo: Rakudo, but for Parrots )
smls s/gain/gain support for/ 13:20
timotimo no clue
13:20 brrt joined
nine_ It would seem like native arrays and Arrays are quite different. The latter supporting lazyness for example 13:21
timotimo i thought List does lazy, does Array do it, too?
.o( what the fuck do i know about perl6? )
smls yep, Array does it too 13:22
masak Perl 6 is weird.
13:23 geekosaur joined, geekosaur left
nine_ Perl 6 just has too many features. Let's scrap it and start Perl 7. I'd suggest starting with a touring machine and removing everything non-essential. 13:23
13:24 geekosaur joined
smls I think TimToady once explained that he thinks Array supporting laziness is worth it because it lets us assign some lazy lists to @ variables without having to use binding 13:24
13:24 coffee` joined
osfameron one of these maybe? www.evanscycles.com/categories/bike...ring-bikes 13:24
timotimo turing machine!
nine_ timotimo: see! You already removed the non-essential 'o'. The process works!
smls Though I'm not very convinced of that benefit, as it does work with all lazy lists anyway 13:25
timotimo <3
smls *does not
brrt there is also another way to do that
which would be to replace the (eager) array with a proxy referencing the array and the lazy list
smls If native array support does get added to the Array type after all, I wonder if IntLexRef shouldn't also be merged with Scalar 13:26
sjn is at a cafe, enjoying a 4-3 minute lag on his ssh connection 13:28
anyhoo, rakudo.org content... 13:29
masak .oO( a universal touring machine is a machine that can give any other machine a free tour )
smls Currently, my Foo $a makes a Scalar container which can hold objects of type Foo, and my Foo @a makes an Array container which can hold objects of type Foo.
Native types seems to break that rule...
moritz yes, they avoid the container entirely 13:31
at least for scalars
smls well...
IntLexRef is kinda a container
also implementation wise, they all store pointers rather than the actual values, if I understand correctly 13:32
m: my num $i = 1.0; # on a related note... 13:33
camelia rakudo-moar 9c6631: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native number␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/x69TI3h4Ai:1␤␤»
smls LTA error message
should probably say "floating-point number" instead of "number"
moritz or "num" 13:35
smls yep
jnthn my int @a; # will actully bind an array[int], which is non-lazy, to @a 13:36
my Int @a; # a (potentially lazy) Array[Int]
Anything behind .VAR.WHAT on natives is, for now, implementation defined. 13:37
No, the native ref types are not getting unified with Scalar, that ruins all type-driven optimization.
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smls fair enough; I'll refrain from naughtily peeking behing .VAR 13:42
jnthn Well, if you're interested in how it works, that's fine. Relying on what's behind it in your code, less fine. But it's *very* rare for code to explicitly mention Scalar by name. :) 13:43
(So by extension I very much doubt there will be used cases for mentioning the native ref types by name) 13:44
smls but "Scalar" is officially specced, right? 13:46
jnthn Yes, that one is
As is Proxy
smls Proxy is what array subscripts return for nonexistent elements? 13:47
jnthn No, that's a Scalar also
A Scalar, at present, can have code attached saying "run this when first assigned to"
Which is how auto-viv is typically done 13:48
jnthn wouldn't find re-visiting that detail at some point...
smls What about rw class attributes, do they use Proxy?
jnthn *mind
For object attributes, no
13:49 anaeem1_ left
jnthn They don't need to, since thre's already a container 13:49
smls ah, it's only when u want to emulate them with a method
jnthn For native ones, it's a native ref
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jnthn Though I expect rw accessors for native things to get inlined, and the ref taking optimized away as a result 13:49
The native refs design is a careful balance of "make them behave like first-class l-values and not be too surprising in untyped code" along with "enable a dynamic optimizer to get rid of them" 13:50
smls makes sense (if it works out well) 13:51
jnthn So far I'm fairly happy with how the first part is shaping up, and need to write more code to prove the second part can work as well as intended. 13:52
btw, agree on tweaking the error wording on the num assignment thing
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Ulti I'm not sure why having this little slang makes me so happy since I could just use the function seq("") as easily as `` but I just like that my class has a literal in the language :) 14:04
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moritz Ulti: tell that literal :-) 14:04
Ulti I got my grammar to automatically detect DNA/RNA/AminoAcids now too so it constructs the correct subclass based on just the sequence data so has deep magic 14:05
I dont think its useful as a programmer but it makes being an investigative scientist playing with data really slick 14:06
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jnthn Ulti++ # literally awesome :) 14:13
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smls Too bad it's not advent time; if it was we could now pressure Ulti into writing another very interesting bio/perl6 advent post ;) 14:23
lizmat re irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-03-05#i_10229514 : the reason I implemented "is-win" was because the same logical check was done in many different (and sometimes incorrect) ways throughout the core and the spectest 14:24
jnthn lizmat: +1 on us having it 14:25
lizmat I have not seen a need anywhere for an "is-unix" or anything like that
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smls maybe if you want to check if you use 'fork'? 14:25
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lizmat m: try fork 14:26
camelia rakudo-moar 9c6631: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/HVxywpR7jz␤Undeclared routine:␤ fork used at line 1␤␤»
lizmat m: say $?TABSTOP; $?TABSTOP = 4; say $?TABSTOP # hardly a constant, is it :-) 14:27
camelia rakudo-moar 9c6631: OUTPUT«8␤4␤»
lizmat it appears Str.indent and Str.outdent are using that
shouldn't that be $*TABSTOP really ? 14:28