»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend! | feather will shut down permanently on 2015-03-31 Set by jnthn on 28 February 2015. |
dalek | kudo/nom: 9e79064 | Mouq++ | src/Perl6/ (2 files): Revert "Make `method postcircumfix:<* *>` and `method <sigil>` obsolete" This reverts commit b57f1358abfe6a6d899747eccd720f750f5b0285. It seemed to be causing too many ecosystem issues. |
00:00 | |
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dalek | kudo/nom: 7759845 | TimToady++ | src/ (2 files): catch P5ish use of $/ |
01:21 | |
ast: 1ea2e48 | TimToady++ | S (3 files): deal with $/ = "\n\n" error |
01:22 | ||
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TimToady | m: $/ = '.' | 01:56 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/A4GNzdOhWhUnsupported use of $/ variable; in Perl 6 please use the filehandle's .nl attributeat /tmp/A4GNzdOhWh:1------> 3$/7⏏5 = '.'» | ||
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TimToady | m: $/=split ".",get;say ($0+($1+$2/(9 x$2.chars||1))/10**$1.chars).nude | 01:57 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Nil in numeric context in block <unit> at /tmp/O1G4yuEzUN:1use of uninitialized value of type Nil in numeric context in block <unit> at /tmp/O1G4yuEzUN:1Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must b…» | ||
TimToady | that's still allowed though | ||
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ShimmerFairy | I don't suppose there's an easy/efficient way of emitting a warning when $/ is assigned a Str? (Assuming P5 $/ only ever took strings, that is) | 02:06 | |
b2gills | $/ also took refs to IVs | 02:14 | |
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TimToady | given how often $/ is assigned, I don't think we want to check there | 03:42 | |
b2gills | I think that it will catch the vast majority of p5isms involving $/ ( even if it doesn't catch `$/ = q""` ) | 03:45 | |
TimToady | m: $/ = "foo"; | 03:46 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Ans6pJ33ePUnsupported use of $/ variable; in Perl 6 please use the filehandle's .nl attributeat /tmp/Ans6pJ33eP:1------> 3$/7⏏5 = "foo";» | ||
TimToady | currently just checks for " and ' | ||
and would be the wrong message for \ anyway | 03:47 | ||
b2gills | m: sub ι ( Int $i where * > 0 ){ 1..$i }; say [+] reverse ι 100; # about the same as ` +/ι100 ` in APL ( reading www.vaxman.de/publications/apl_slides.pdf ) | 03:52 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«5050» | ||
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TimToady | why the reverse? | 04:00 | |
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b2gills | APL works from right to left ( although it doesn't really matter in this example ) | 04:03 | |
TimToady | I think that's only syntactic, not order of vector ops | 04:04 | |
but it's been a long time... | 04:05 | ||
b2gills | that was according to the slides I linked to | ||
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Ben_Goldberg | . o O (sub tmesis:<fnording> { ... }; sub absolutely { ... }; say abso-fnording-lutely()) | 05:40 | |
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raydiak | r: say ({},:{})».of # /me wonders why these are different | 06:54 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«(Mu) (Any)» | ||
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ShimmerFairy | raydiak: IIRC, :{} is an object hash | 07:05 | |
r: say {1 => 2, 3 => 4}.perl; say :{1 => 2, 3 => 4}.perl | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«{"1" => 2, "3" => 4}:{3 => 4, 1 => 2}» | ||
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raydiak | ShimmerFairy: yes it is, but why is the *value* constraint different? the difference is supposed to be only the keys, unless I missed a memo (which also happens all the time) | 07:09 | |
ShimmerFairy | r: say {}.kv.perl; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«().list» | ||
ShimmerFairy | r: say :{}.kv.perl; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«Nil» | ||
ShimmerFairy | huh | 07:10 | |
raydiak | I am not at all convinced that is intentional behavior | ||
ShimmerFairy | I imagine that any differences between the two are differences in how :{} was implemented vs. {} | ||
(except of course the reason why :{} exists in the first place :P) | 07:11 | ||
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raydiak | well yes, if there are observable behavioral differences, I agree that they are in the implementation on one level or another :) | 07:13 | |
ShimmerFairy wonders if it's more right for an empty hash's value type to be Mu or Any... | |||
raydiak | the generally theory is that they are supposed to just be different parameterizations of Hash, or at least that's my understanding | ||
ShimmerFairy | yeah, I understand :{} as a way of making hashes with non-Str keys in an easy way. | 07:14 | |
raydiak | effectively :{} is Hash[Any,Any], and {} is Hash[Mu,Str] | 07:15 | |
ShimmerFairy | the question is, should it be Hash[Mu,Mu] for :{}, or Hash[Any,Str] for {} ? | ||
raydiak | yes that's basically my question...I am hoping someone familir with their respective origin stories will backlog to this and illuminate the issue :) | 07:16 | |
there may very well be reasons that are just not clear from where I'm sitting | |||
ShimmerFairy | One the one hand, Mu would let you store anything as keys/values (of course), on the other hand I don't think you'll often want to put Junctions in a hash, nor be using objects that don't inherit from Any. | 07:18 | |
raydiak | why would you want to explicitly disallow it? perhaps something to do with autothreading behavior in one context or another? | 07:20 | |
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ShimmerFairy | Whoever wrote :{} has a good reason, apparently :) | 07:23 | |
raydiak | iirc TimToady++ added the :{} sugar himself not too long ago | ||
r: (my %h{Any}).WHAT.say | 07:28 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«(Hash[Any,Any])» | ||
raydiak | r: (my %h{Str}).WHAT.say | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«(Hash[Any,Str])» | ||
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raydiak | bed for me...good night | 07:51 | |
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smls | good $*time-of-day | 09:06 | |
lizmat++ # uppercase names for special compiler-facing methods | |||
jnthn++ # thinking about a cleaner solution for invocation vs coercion | 09:07 | ||
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nine_ | Ulti: not yet, would be interesting though :) I guess some more sophisticated color distribution will be in order for that. | 09:13 | |
moritz | m: sub f is DEPRECATED('g') { 42 }; say f; | 09:14 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«42Saw 1 call to deprecated code during execution.================================================================================Sub f (from GLOBAL) called at: /tmp/MwzCzBguzK, line 1Please use g instead.---------------------------------…» | ||
dalek | c: 394fc0b | moritz++ | lib/Type/Routine.pod: Routine: document is DEPRECATED |
09:21 | |
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nine_ | .tell jnthn with NQP 2015.02-60-ga01002f I could bisect the performance regression down to 12cfe28 Code-gen native lexical/attr access as ref-taking. | 09:53 | |
yoleaux | nine_: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
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nine_ | .tell jnthn Profile before the regression: niner.name/profile-1425808785.84535.html and after: niner.name/profile-1425808872.44399.html shows a marked increase in interpreted frames | 10:08 | |
yoleaux | nine_: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
jnthn | nine_: Is the second profile from latest? | 10:09 | |
yoleaux | 09:53Z <nine_> jnthn: with NQP 2015.02-60-ga01002f I could bisect the performance regression down to 12cfe28 Code-gen native lexical/attr access as ref-taking. | ||
10:08Z <nine_> jnthn: Profile before the regression: niner.name/profile-1425808785.84535.html and after: niner.name/profile-1425808872.44399.html shows a marked increase in interpreted frames | |||
nine_ | jnthn: no the second profile is with commit 12cfe28 and NQP 2015.02-60-ga01002f. Currently building rakudo nom | 10:10 | |
jnthn | nine_: OK, becuase the JIT of various things missing at the point that NQP commit was made came later | 10:11 | |
nine_ | jnthn: niner.name/profile-1425809564.57976.html is with current nom | 10:15 | |
jnthn | nine_: I'm a little confused; 1425808785.84535 is the before, but claims to run for longer than current? | 10:16 | |
"The profiled code ran for 13117.05ms." before, but "The profiled code ran for 12162.18ms." in latest? | |||
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nine_ | jnthn: indeed. Though benchmarking with cat hello.csv | time perl6 -I/home/nine/Inline-Perl5/lib/ csv-ip5xs.pl gives me about 9.5 seconds before and ~ 13 seconds after the change up to current nom. | 10:18 | |
Which is consistent with |Tux|++' measurements comparing rakudo 2015-02-23 and 2015-03-05 | 10:20 | ||
jnthn | 1425808872.44399 runs in about 9.5s; did you swap before/after? | 10:21 | |
nine_ | Could be. I'll re-run to make sure | 10:23 | |
I'm sitting in my mum's kitchen and not 100 % concentrated :) | 10:25 | ||
jnthn | nine_: :) | 10:26 | |
nine_: Looking at the profile from latest, I have some idea what's going on. | |||
nine_ | jnthn: niner.name/profile-1425810450.55483.html is with rakudo 84f0b1a which takes 9.5 seconds. | 10:28 | |
jnthn | Thanks. | 10:31 | |
FROGGS_ | good morning #perl6 | 10:33 | |
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eli-se | hi | 10:35 | |
jnthn | o/ FROGGS_, eli-se | 10:36 | |
vendethiel | hi eli-se | 10:54 | |
dalek | pan style="color: #395be5">perl6-examples: 1ccc074 | paultcochrane++ | htmlify.pl: Remove debugging output |
10:56 | |
pan style="color: #395be5">perl6-examples: 46e307f | paultcochrane++ | categories/best-of-rosettacode/ (12 files): [rosettacode] use TITLE instead of head1 This allows the html formatting to be more easily determined |
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masak | good noon, #perl6 | 11:00 | |
nine_ | masak: perfect timing :) | 11:01 | |
masak bows | 11:02 | ||
smls | moritz: In doc.perl6.org/type/Routine#trait_is_cached, what does "This makes only sense for routines that retrieve value types as arguments." mean? | 11:03 | |
Also, is "is cached" really guaranteed to only call the sub once for each set of arguments? Or is it just a hint for the compiler? | 11:04 | ||
masak | smls: a value type is the opposite of a reference type. Int is a value type. it's defined only by its value. two equal Ints are "the same". | ||
smls: two distinct objects with identical contents are still not "the same". | 11:05 | ||
masak looks into clarifying the wording | |||
smls | Still, what does that have to do with caching? | ||
And what does it mean to "retireve" something "as arguments"? | |||
masak | smls: caching depends on things being immutable. value objects are immutable. | ||
smls | But Set/Bag/Mix can hash reference types just fine. | 11:06 | |
masak | not really. | ||
smls | (by object identity) | ||
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masak | I mean, they do. but the minute you change one of those objects, it falls off the map. literally. | 11:07 | |
that's not the behavior one would expect from a container. | |||
and so it's better never to hash reference types. | |||
Python actually makes it outright illegal for this reason. | |||
jnthn | Well, you're hashing the reference, not the value | 11:09 | |
That can be useful | |||
masak | I guess. | ||
but it doesn't survive persisting stuff, when you get new object references. | |||
jnthn | Correct. | ||
smls | m: my $a = [2, 4]; my $b = Set.new($a); $a.push(6); say $b.perl; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«set([2, 4, 6])» | ||
masak | I guess nowadays it's resilient to the GC moving stuff, though. | ||
jnthn | As usual, you have to know what you're doing. | ||
smls | seems to work fine? | ||
masak | m: my $b = Set.new([2, 4]); say [2, 4] (elem) $b | 11:10 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«False» | ||
masak | smls: depends on your definition of "work fine" :) | ||
jnthn | m: my $a = [2,4]; my $b = [2]; my $s = Set.new($a, $b); say $s.perl; $b.push(4); say $s.perl; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«set([2, 4],[2])set([2, 4],[2, 4])» | ||
jnthn | So, what masak said :) | 11:11 | |
The uniqueness of those is all about them being different objects | |||
masak | which is not so useful, I think. | ||
smls | it could be | ||
masak | I mean, you use a Set or a hash in order for equal things to find each other. | ||
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smls | for custom classes where unique things get unique objects | 11:11 | |
masak | I remain unconvinced until use case :) | 11:12 | |
smls | well, why do Set/Bag/Mix use object identity then? | ||
they could be using eqv instead | |||
jnthn | They use .WHICH | ||
The default implementation of that is based on object identity. | 11:13 | ||
smls | ...which basically means === comparison | ||
masak | you basically get to choose between one problem or the other for reference types. either equivalent objects won't considered equal, *or* an object can change and not be found in the next lookup. | 11:14 | |
FROGGS_ | jnthn: how can I print symbols of a windows dll? | ||
smls | masak: Or you forbid them. | 11:15 | |
FROGGS_ | s/of a/exported by a/ | ||
masak | smls: the assumption was that one tried (and succeeded) in hashing them in the first place. but yes. | 11:16 | |
jnthn | FROGGS_: dumpbin /exports foo.dll | 11:17 | |
FROGGS_ | ahh, thanks :o) | ||
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FROGGS_ | jnthn: that does not list the exported symbols :o( | 11:36 | |
jnthn: how can I make it create an .exp file? | |||
smls | m: sub a ($x) is cached { say "first"; $x.perl }; say a([2, 4]) xx 3 | 11:39 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«first[2, 4] [2, 4] [2, 4]» | ||
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smls | masak: ^^ looks like is cached takes the opposite choice than Set/Bag/Mix | 11:39 | |
jnthn | FROGGS_: Hmm, odd...I can use it on user32.dll, which doesn't seem to have an exp file | 11:40 | |
FROGGS_: And even if I delete moar.dll.exp, I still get all the moar.dll symbols | |||
FROGGS_ | jnthn: I want to print C++ symbols | ||
jnthn | Hmm | 11:41 | |
How are you exporting them? | |||
masak | smls: huh. that's... inconsistent. I wonder why that happens -- I thought both mechanisms worked using .WHICH | 11:42 | |
FROGGS_ | jnthn: __declspec(dllexport) | 11:43 | |
smls | It's incinsistent, but probably also useful | ||
jnthn | Hm, that should do it... | ||
FROGGS_ | jnthn: but I found a way... /FA | ||
jnthn | Ah, OK :) | ||
FROGGS_ | jnthn: now I got this, which is awesome: gist.github.com/FROGGS/690d9613d8ae0ee94c42 | ||
jnthn | wow | 11:45 | |
:) | |||
eli-se | I like Go. | 11:46 | |
smls | m: sub a is cached { [2, 4] }; my $x = a(); $x.push(6); say a().perl; | 11:52 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 775984: OUTPUT«[2, 4, 6]» | ||
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smls | masak: ^^ Nonetheless, the docs should probably tell users "Be careful whith subs that return reference types. because [...]" | 11:53 | |
FROGGS_ | :o( # Cannot locate symbol '?SizeofDerived1@@YAHXZ' in native library './11-cpp.dll' | 11:55 | |
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jnthn | FROGGS_: Is that actually a ? or is it a replacement char for something else? | 12:20 | |
FROGGS_ | it is a question mark | 12:28 | |
it seems __declspec(dllexport) is not compatible with LoadLibrary+GetProcAddress... but extern "C" seems to be used with LoadLibrary+GetProcAddress | 12:29 | ||
so I need to find a way to do what __declspec(dllimport) | |||
does | |||
eli-se | ooh C++ interop | 12:36 | |
hehe fun | |||
colomon | FROGGS_: stackoverflow.com/questions/7056461...rocaddress maybe? | ||
eli-se | Use libclang to import declarations. :P | ||
colomon | FROGGS_: (not the first answer, but the second) | 12:37 | |
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dalek | kudo/nom: 459c63c | lizmat++ | t/01-sanity/22-KEY.t: Some more xx-KEY sanity tests |
13:07 | |
pan style="color: #395be5">perl6-examples: 8073bc3 | (Konrad Borowski)++ | categories/euler/prob005- (2 files): Rename example with my old nick to my new nick |
13:09 | ||
lizmat | blogs.perl.org/users/shadowcat_mdk/...eader.html # thank you, Go Leader | ||
yoleaux | 7 Mar 2015 23:39Z <Mouq> lizmat: Fixed what was breaking the tests, but we may still want to revert… Inline::Perl5's t/precomp.t currently dies because of some internal mishandling of the postcircumfix:<( )> error, it seems | ||
lizmat | cycling, the weather is ultranice & | 13:10 | |
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azawawi | hi | 13:11 | |
yoleaux | 6 Jan 2015 18:13Z <tony-o> azawawi: that sounds more like a rakudo bug :-) | ||
7 Mar 2015 07:28Z <moritz> azawawi: your modules ncurses and net-curl declare a dependency on NativeCall, but that is now shipped with rakudo. Please remove it from the deps | |||
masak | smls: started rewriting the doc in question. the original phrasing talks about *arguments* being reference types. your proposed fix talks about *return values* being reference types. | 13:12 | |
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eli-se | ih | 13:12 | |
masak | smls: seems the cached trait caches on the .gist of the argument. | 13:13 | |
<smls> masak: ^^ looks like is cached takes the opposite choice than Set/Bag/Mix | |||
...which explains that. | |||
as detailed here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/ee...ec7bbf8beb | 13:14 | ||
(god, I love git. the killer feature if you ask me is that there's a public URI for each commit.) | 13:15 | ||
but this only raises more questions: why is it .gist, why *was* it .perl, and why isn't it .WHICH ? | |||
masak digs deeper | |||
colomon | isn’t it .gist on the parcel, rather than on each argument? | 13:16 | |
masak | good point. | ||
but parcels are immutable too, so .WHICH still isn't out of the question. | |||
(and seems like the obvious choice to me) | |||
colomon | but you will get a different parcel each time you call, no? | ||
masak | but parcels are immutable | ||
and have an overridden .WHICH that bases itself on the contents | 13:17 | ||
aka "a value object" | |||
ah! | 13:18 | ||
also, "erm" :) | |||
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/07...96b8413bf4 | |||
"Suggested by masak++" indeed | |||
colomon | what a tangled web we weave | 13:19 | |
masak | so, it seems we switched *away* from .WHICH | ||
I now question the wisdom of this alleged past masak | |||
don't know what he was thinking | |||
masak hits le backlog | |||
colomon | rule should be, you cannot question his wisdom until you know what he was thinking. | ||
masak | haha | 13:20 | |
<TimToady> WHICH is just the wrong approach completely | |||
irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-04-14#i_8582699 | |||
this is getting funnier by the minute | |||
ok, insightful TimToady is insightful, as usual. | 13:21 | ||
I wonder what prompted that response, though... | |||
masak goes further back | |||
day previous, lizmat says "Imma build 'is cached'" and "should I use .WHICH" | 13:22 | ||
and jnthn says "yes, sounds like a sane approach" | |||
lizmat: "but that'd mean two arrays with the same contents would not be considered equal. feels wrong to me" | 13:23 | ||
(sorry for rough-quoting everyone -- trying to summarize the log) | |||
azawawi | .tell moritz RE "your modules ncurses and net-curl declare a dependency on NativeCall", it is now fixed. Thanks for the notification and sorry for the delay :) | 13:24 | |
yoleaux | azawawi: I'll pass your message to moritz. | ||
masak | jnthn: "why?" (does example with === on camelia) | ||
lizmat: "got ya -- so it means I can *not* use .WHICH as the key for 'is cached'" | 13:25 | ||
jnthn: "no, it's just that if you pass two different arrays with the same contents, they cache diff'rently" | |||
jnthn: "I don't think you can use 'is cached' in ignorance of the incoming argument types" | |||
ok, and it's in light of all *that* one should read TimToady++'s comment | 13:26 | ||
I'm not quite sure how we ended up with .gist from that -- maybe it's close enough to eqv semantics? | 13:27 | ||
smls | masak++ # digging | ||
[Tux] | # expected: $("1", "2") | ||
# got: ("1", "2").list.item | |||
is there an easy workaround to that? | 13:28 | ||
masak | anyway, interesting discussion. 'is cached' does some "snapshotting" of the incoming maybe-reference value, and it's that thing that's being eqv-compared with what's in the cache. (though right now it's being .gist-compared, which may or may not be goodenuf) | ||
[Tux]: "wait for GLR and hope it solves the utter mess that we have currently"? :P | 13:29 | ||
smls | well, seeing how gist truncates lists/arrays, it seems a little unsafe | ||
masak | fsvo of "easy" and "workaround"... | ||
smls: !!! | |||
smls: yes, that's a *bug* | |||
[Tux] | is_deeply($c.x().map(~*),(1,2)) => is_deeply([$c.x().map(~*)],[1,2]) | ||
smls | I wonder what lizmat and TimToady think *should* be the ideal semantics of "is cached" | 13:30 | |
masak | actually, knowing that, using .gist in the first place is *wrong*, because the story for .gist is "string summary for human/screen consumption", not "exact eqv-like value for things like hashing" | ||
smls | yeah, as you said, it was probably used a quick workarouns in leu of a proper implementation | 13:31 | |
masak | smls: please submit something about .gist summarizing and thus being unsuitable for 'is cached' | ||
smls | ok | ||
masak | then there's things like this, too: | ||
m: say 5.gist; say 5.0.gist; say 5 eqv 5.0 | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«55False» | ||
masak | m: say 5.gist; say 5.0.gist; say 5.gist eq 5.0.gist; say 5 eqv 5.0 | 13:32 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«55TrueFalse» | ||
[Tux] | I have a hard time understanding why a sub callback *expects* 0 arguments if no signature is passed. I'll try a gist | 13:33 | |
TimToady | I think each immutable type should have a hash function of some sort, and mutable types a way to snapshot to eqv semantics | ||
[Tux]: it tries to intuit from $_ and such, but sometimes gets it wrong | 13:34 | ||
masak | TimToady: that sounds good so far, but I think we need more than that. | 13:35 | |
TimToady | m: my $x = { "no use of placeholders" }; say $x.arity | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«0» | ||
TimToady | masak: well, and a well-defined stragegy for combining hashes | ||
masak | TimToady: also, some things (like filehandles) probably don't have a good immutable/eqv representation. | ||
TimToady: oh, combining is easy. just xor :) | 13:36 | ||
or do the `a + 31 * b` trick | |||
perl6_newbee left
dalek | c: 28d7b8f | (Carl Masak)++ | lib/Type/Routine.pod: rewrite the 'is cached' section Based on feedback from smls++ |
13:37 | |
[Tux] | gist.github.com/Tux/86f2b3cab516be190631 | ||
masak | reviews appreciated. ^^ | ||
TimToady | for filehandles and VAR($x) hashing the WHICH is probably as good as we can do | ||
masak | TimToady: right. that has to be an allowable fallback. | ||
TimToady | but the use case is limited | 13:38 | |
masak | [Tux]: I don't know why you're surprised by that outcome. | ||
smls | TimToady: What about the *return value*, should that maybe cache a .clone instead? | ||
masak | [Tux]: the anon sub on line 14 takes 0 arguments. read the error message :) | 13:39 | |
smls | (otoh that would just move the problem one layer of nesting downwards, since clone is shallow) | ||
[Tux] | I was under the impression that a sub signature is optional, and that you define 0 arguments as () | ||
TimToady | smls: eqv semantics are supposed to snapshot as deeply as serializing would do | ||
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[Tux] | «sub () { }» takes no arguments, «sub { }» takes any arguments | 13:40 | |
smls | TimToady: I was assuming you were discussing the incoming parameters that are being hashed | ||
the return value of the "is cached" sub is a different matter, no? | |||
masak | [Tux]: no, that's not so. thankfully. | ||
[Tux] | hmm | ||
masak | [Tux]: `sub () {}` and `sub {}` are equivalent. | ||
TimToady | if you refer to @_, then it's "any" | ||
masak | [Tux]: however, what TimToady said. | ||
m: say sub () {}.arity; say sub {}.arity; | 13:41 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«00» | ||
TimToady | but it's important for optimization to know 0-arg | ||
masak | m: say sub () {}.count; say sub {}.count; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«00» | ||
[Tux] | ok, I get it | 13:42 | |
TimToady | m: my $x = { $_ }; say $x.arity | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«0» | ||
TimToady | m: my $x = { $_ }; say $x.count | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«1» | ||
TimToady | m: my $x = { @_ }; say $x.count | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«Inf» | ||
TimToady | m: my $x = { say @_ }; say $x(1,2,4...*) | 13:43 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432 67108864 134217728 268435456 536870912 1073741824 2147483648 4294967296 8589934592 17179869184 34359738368 68719476736…» | ||
masak | (and if you sum all of them, you get -1) | 13:44 | |
TimToady | .oO('is cached' is not terribly useful on an infinite list) |
masak | might be useful to a being with infinite patience/RAM | 13:45 | |
be glad it's only *countably* infinite! | |||
TimToady | aleph out loud | ||
masak .oO( aleph zarro boogs found ) | 13:46 | ||
FROGGS_ | colomon: that does not seem to be it... I bet I do something (simple) wrong when compiling the dll | 13:47 | |
[Tux] | FROGGS_, can you help me with gist.github.com/Tux/630df763184b5ff869f4 | 13:51 | |
FROGGS_ | [Tux]: try that (though, untested): github.com/FROGGS/p6-Slang-Tuxic/c...39b5f7e1dc | 13:58 | |
jnthn | commute & | ||
masak | m: class Foo:D {}; say Foo.new | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«Foo.new()» | ||
masak submits rakudobug | |||
FROGGS_ | '#ifdef WIN32' was it! -.- | ||
i.e., WIN32 is not defined | |||
masak | (the bug being that that `:D` is allowed on a class declaration) | ||
FROGGS_ | \o/ # ok 1 - sizeof(Derived1) | 14:08 | |
.tell jnthn We need to check for _WIN32 being defined instead of WIN32 in the nativecall tests | 14:09 | ||
yoleaux | FROGGS_: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
FROGGS_ | bbl | ||
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tadzik | happy woman's day to everyone elligible :) | 14:15 | |
[Tux] | :) | 14:18 | |
How *do* I define multi method new to do as expected in gist.github.com/Tux/623592360badd619dacf ? | |||
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TimToady | What, they only get one day, and we get all the rest?!? | 14:23 | |
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masak | here's hoping for a future where a special day to focus on women's rights seems a lot less necessary... | 14:24 | |
tadzik | there is a man's day in september or so, but I think it's pretty recent | 14:27 | |
I like to think that March 8 was created to remind people about equality and stuff, while these days it's mostly taken for granted, and the day is just a "why not" reason for celebration | 14:28 | ||
still, the "taking for granted" part is wrong more often than we'd like apparently, so the purpose is still valid | |||
masak | as a man, I'd be happy to donate some of the systemic advantage I'm getting (simply by virtue of being male) to women. easier said than done, though. | 14:29 | |
tadzik | a nice result of the day is things like steamcommunity.com//games/236850/an...0049774312 | ||
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masak | that is nice, indeed. | 14:31 | |
tadzik | makes everyone happier and raises awareness on things in question | ||
well played (hrhr) | |||
masak | HR indeed | 14:32 | |
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[Tux] | test-x 50000 35.666 35.445 <= first time under 36 | 14:46 | |
masak | [Tux]: does that mean things are getting faster? | ||
if so, \o/ | |||
[Tux] | yes | ||
masak | \o/ | ||
[Tux] | How *do* I define multi method new to do as expected in gist.github.com/Tux/623592360badd619dacf ? (asked again) | ||
moritz | [Tux]: self.bless(s => $x) | 14:49 | |
yoleaux | 13:24Z <azawawi> moritz: RE "your modules ncurses and net-curl declare a dependency on NativeCall", it is now fixed. Thanks for the notification and sorry for the delay :) | ||
[Tux] | and if the setter is a public method, like «multi method new (Str $str) { $str.defined and self.add($str); }» ? | 14:51 | |
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moritz | [Tux]: you'll have to create the object first, before you can call the accessor | 14:54 | |
[Tux] | can I do so *inside* the new multi method? | 14:55 | |
moritz | [Tux]: so something like method new($x) { my $new = self.bless; $new.add($x) if $x.defined; $new } | ||
[Tux] | Ahhh, thanks | ||
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moritz | or if you want to dispatch to the parent classes new method, my $new = callwith(); | 14:55 | |
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[Tux] | moritz++ | 14:58 | |
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moritz | [Tux]: btw doc.perl6.org/language/objects#Obje...nstruction | 15:00 | |
[Tux] | Str, Bool, Num, etc are single-values, as in perl5 scalars. Is there a type that restricts an argument to simple types? | ||
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[Tux] | method foo (Scalar $f) { $.s = $f.Str; } | 15:00 | |
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moritz | no | 15:02 | |
smls | maybe: method foo ($f where { $_ !~~ Positional|Associative }) { ... } | 15:04 | |
[Tux] | multi method new (Num $n) { return self.new ($n.Str); } | ||
timotimo | hum | 15:07 | |
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jnthn | Depending what you mean by "simple types", could go with Cool | 15:14 | |
yoleaux | 14:09Z <FROGGS_> jnthn: We need to check for _WIN32 being defined instead of WIN32 in the nativecall tests | ||
jnthn | .tell FROGGS_ Feel free to fix it... :) | ||
yoleaux | jnthn: I'll pass your message to FROGGS_. | ||
jnthn wonders how we got away with that | |||
FROGGS_ | jnthn: I guess WIN32 is defined for C code but not for C++ | 15:15 | |
yoleaux | 15:14Z <jnthn> FROGGS_: Feel free to fix it... :) | ||
jnthn | Ah | ||
So long as vice versa is true... :) | 15:16 | ||
FROGGS_ | jnthn: yes, from my old P5 days I know that _WIN32 is the most portable thing | ||
b2gills | m: say .*keyof, ' => ', .*of for {}, :{} # I think this should be more like `(Str) => (Mu)(Any) => (Mu)` ( in Hash.pm *.of should probably be renamed *.keyof ) | 15:21 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/NWEytc2svNTwo terms in a rowat /tmp/NWEytc2svN:2------> 3(Any) => (Mu)7⏏5` ( in Hash.pm *.of should probably be r expecting any of: infix stopper infix or meta-infix …» | ||
b2gills | m: say .*keyof, ' => ', .*of for {}, :{} # I think this should be more like (Str) => (Mu)(Any) => (Mu) ( in Hash.pm *.of should probably be renamed *.keyof ) | 15:22 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/8r0LS9sdLxTwo terms in a rowat /tmp/8r0LS9sdLx:2------> 3(Any) => (Mu)7⏏5 ( in Hash.pm *.of should probably be re expecting any of: infix stopper infix or meta-infix …» | ||
b2gills | m: say .*keyof, ' => ', .*of for {}, :{} | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 459c63: OUTPUT«(Any) => (Mu) (Mu)(Any) (Any) => (Any) (Mu) (Mu)» | ||
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smls | what's this asterisk "method twigil"? | 15:24 |