»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend! | feather will shut down permanently on 2015-03-31 Set by jnthn on 28 February 2015. |
Mouq | raydiak: We already removed a lot that were parrot-only, but there are still more | 00:04 | |
raydiak: Re: prioritization, there is a section in "edit search" to change that… and I think it's a very good idea to look into applying it | 00:06 | ||
ShimmerFairy | I still wonder how helpful it may be to have our own separate RT instance for rakudo. (At least, it feels interesting to me to have P5 and P6 bugs share the same space) | ||
Mouq | ShimmerFairy: Well it might be helpful with organization. There's a lot of different regions of the Perl 6 language and the Perl 6 compiler, and we really don't (can't?) organize our tickets into these regions effectively | 00:08 | |
ShimmerFairy | I know we've talked of moving before, and I thought "our own RT" might be a happy medium between "keep RT" and "use github issues" | 00:09 | |
(and maybe we could use something other than bitcard, something that actually supports Unicode :P) | |||
timotimo | raydiak: allegedly angular 1.3 got a whole lot of performance improvements over 1.2; i'm not sure which version we're using for the profiler | 00:10 | |
raydiak would strongly prefer to be using github issues, as he has several problems with rt usage including repeated mysterious breakage of his account where he does not have access to view bugs when he is logged in, which was supposedly fixed by [Coke]++ once or twice alraedy | |||
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timotimo | but maybe updating that can lead to a nice performance boost? | 00:10 | |
raydiak | timotimo: yep good call, looks like 1.2.21 | ||
ShimmerFairy | raydiak: perhaps that could be fixed by not using bitcard? (AFAIK bitcard is not a part of RT) | ||
Mouq | timotimo: Err, that's about Angular, not RT, right? | 00:11 | |
raydiak | ShimmerFairy: I didn't see another option when I went to create an account | ||
Mouq | oh lol | ||
timotimo | yeah, we're using angular 1.2 there | ||
Mouq | sorry, I lost the thread of the convo :) | ||
ShimmerFairy | raydiak: yeah, but if we were to set up our own RT, we could choose to not use bitcard to handle accounts for the system :) | ||
timotimo | i have no idea how uch would have to change to get from 1.2 to 1.3 | ||
all i know is for big-ish profiles, i have to click "don't kill this tab yet, please" twenty times and then chrome says "oops, this tab crashed!" anyway ;( | 00:12 | ||
ShimmerFairy | I used to be against RT too, but not so much anymore. I appreciate strongly that it lets you submit bugs without an account, and if we would just add in a web-based "new bug" entry form (instead of only having email), it'd be fine by me. | ||
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raydiak | timotimo: yeah half or more of what I have on the ecosystem brings it to its knees | 00:14 | |
even in the smallest test runs | |||
(considering that raytracing a single pixel doesn't give you much of a functional test) | 00:15 | ||
timotimo | not that terrible for me, but i often do things with not too many different routines | ||
Mouq | ShimmerFairy: Also, I have no idea how to/if you can do formatting on RT | 00:16 | |
ShimmerFairy | I will say though, that github issues doesn't look/feel as powerful as RT or other systems. I could easily be wrong on that, though. | 00:17 | |
raydiak | timotimo: I've been trying to do things in nice manageable chunks, but apparently most of what I want to do just necessarily involves nested potentially long-running loops and so forth | ||
Mouq | ShimmerFairy: OTOH, think there's a lot to be said for the power of good UI :P | ||
raydiak | not that much of that couldn't be at least improved by a marginal reduction in my laziness :) | ||
ShimmerFairy | Perhaps instead of angularjs, you could turn to server-side scripting, like *cough* Perl 6? :) | 00:19 | |
Mouq: it's certainly not a binary choice between RT and GI, but I do think we need our own, separate bug tracker. (And I also still feel like GI doesn't have as much manipulexity as other systems, and perhaps not enough for our needs) | 00:20 | ||
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Mouq | ShimmerFairy: +1 | 00:25 | |
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ShimmerFairy | I feel like something that lets you submit bugs without an account would be nice (esp. considering we're working on a compiler, so we could reasonably assume lots of people will only ever have one bug to report), but I don't know how many bug trackers do that. | 00:28 | |
I also don't know if other people here like the sound of that so much :) | |||
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raydiak | afaik we have no desire to limit or prevent bug reports, though I suspect such a thing could be accomplished on github too (albeit with some extra work on our own e-mail relay and/or submission form) | 00:43 | |
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raydiak | wrt js (angular or otherwise), I am not so sure about requiring a local webserver just to view the results of your profile run, but it is possible that we might be able to move more of the processing from the js to the nqp which builds it | 00:47 | |
dalek | ast: 0cc81eb | Mouq++ | S32-io/io-handle.t: Add test for RT #123888 |
00:48 | |
synopsebot | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=123888 | ||
raydiak | I'll know more when I look in detail; today is mostly just having a strategy meeting with myself | ||
Mouq | It's unfortunate that github.com/camelia is taken :9 | 00:49 | |
raydiak | heh you saw right where I was going with that :) kinda wonder if it isn't one of us who reserved it | 00:52 | |
timotimo | the biggest problem with our profiler data blobs is currently that we put the complete call tree in there | 00:54 | |
it's potentially ginormous | 00:55 | ||
there's a branch in which i tried to "compress" the call-tree as it's being filled with data by the low-level moarvm-internal profiling instructions | |||
but it gives wrong results and i haven't had the tenacity to figure out what wrongs it | |||
raydiak | compress as in get rid of unneeded data, or as in lossless compression? | 00:57 | |
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timotimo | collapsing all nodes below a given node into a single node | 00:58 | |
before creating the nodes below that note | |||
raydiak | oh yes I remember this | ||
timotimo | "finite_callgraph_depth" is the name of the branch | ||
oh, my explanation was wrong | 01:00 | ||
this happens after the nodes have been created | |||
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timotimo | the code runs where the internal data is turned into the data structure that is going to be json-dumped later on | 01:00 | |
raydiak | it'd definitely be nice to have, though I don't think there is going to be any getting around the need to make the JS more robust in the long run | 01:02 | |
but...gotta run, sorry to ditch out in the middle of this :) | 01:03 | ||
o/ #perl6 | |||
retupmoca | .botsnack | ||
yoleaux | :D | ||
timotimo | it doesn't seem like any breaking changes between 1.2 and 1.3 would have an impact on our profiler app | 01:04 | |
bye raydiak :) | |||
hello retupmoca | |||
retupmoca | hello | 01:06 | |
timotimo | it seems like just changing from 1.2 to 1.3 makes sorting by exclusive time more than twice as fast | 01:11 | |
however, the pages of the profiler are no longer exclusively visible, they are now all visible at the same time | |||
likely due to a change in expressions? | |||
ng-show="Tab == 'Overview'" is how we did that | 01:12 | ||
dalek | ast: 1aa7d9d | Mouq++ | S05-grammar/parse_and_parsefile.t: Add a test for RT111768 |
timotimo | errors.angularjs.org is down, and so i cannot figure out what this exception is supposed to mean >:( | 01:15 | |
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TimToady | Mouq: that test is...deliciously perverse :) | 01:39 | |
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japhb | .ask jnthn In your OO::Monitors module, is there any attempt to support inheritance heirarchies, in which all classes are monitors? In other words, can it handle: monitor A { method foo }; monitor B is A { method bar }; and keep foo and bar mutexed? | 02:27 | |
yoleaux | 7 Mar 2015 10:39Z <jnthn> japhb: $*SCHEDULER.uncaught_handler = -> $ex { #`( do something ) } | ||
japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | |||
japhb | .tell jnthn Yeah, shortly after I .asked you, someone (timotimo?) pointed out the workaround of setting uncaught_handler *after* creating the new $*SCHEDULER, because of the "BUILD from a composed Role gets smashed" problem. | 02:30 | |
yoleaux | japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
japhb | .tell jnthn But even so, I'm unable to figure out how to *trigger* an uncaught exception that .uncaught_handler *does* catch. | 02:31 | |
yoleaux | japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
japhb | Man, I'm really tired of TZ skew. | ||
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ugexe | then ill just fatpack that bitch into a standalone | 04:03 | |
oops... | |||
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avuserow | .ask FROGGS I'm looking at a bug in nqp-j (github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/224) and saw you did some work with eof. I'm testing a patch, but was curious if there's any reason you didn't use fc.size() rather than getc? | 04:12 | |
yoleaux | avuserow: I'll pass your message to FROGGS. | ||
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raydiak drops a pin | 05:03 | ||
TimToady | ow! | 05:04 | |
raydiak picks up said pin and offers TimToady a band-aid with apologies for his carelessness | |||
avuserow | o/ raydiak | 05:06 | |
raydiak | heya avuserow | 05:07 | |
avuserow | how's it going? | ||
avuserow is waiting on a jvm spectest :| | |||
raydiak | eh, won't complain, everything I'm working on atm is going fairly well...how about you? | 05:08 | |
TimToady is still failing lots of JVM tests | |||
raydiak | due to...???... | 05:09 | |
avuserow | just hopping around on various ideas, trying to see where I get stuck and reporting bugs as possible | ||
yeah, JVM looks pretty unhappy so far for me :( | |||
raydiak has been worrying about the state of our jvm backend vs tuits | |||
TimToady | only fails about 64 test files... | 05:10 | |
well, some of them are unexpectedly succeeding TODOs | 05:11 | ||
avuserow | both jvm and moar have distinct failure modes for my current idea. the JVM issue appears fixable with my skillset though | ||
raydiak | avuserow: what is your current idea? | 05:12 | |
avuserow | I have a lot of large .sql backups from an old project, and I want to convert it to an incremental format to deduplicate some data. First step is parsing 4-5 GB .sql files. | ||
(this being the more fun course of action, rather than just adjusting my data hoarding habits, of course) | 05:13 | ||
raydiak | ow...I can feel your pain from here...large datasets seems to be one of our weaknesses for the time being | 05:14 | |
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avuserow | I think the JVM can parse about 1 file in a half hour or so, which is viable | 05:15 | |
moar would be faster but I run out of memory | |||
raydiak | (faster :) ) | ||
avuserow | and once I get things working, I can potentially improve the grammar | 05:16 | |
raydiak | how so? | ||
avuserow | one thing I have to match is a string that may include backslashed quotemarks. I had a really difficult time figuring out how to do this, so my strategy might be wasteful | ||
raydiak | may I see? | 05:17 | |
avuserow | gist.github.com/avuserow/3e02faf868f743de03ef | 05:18 | |
TimToady | [ <-["]> | \\'"' ]* is the normalish way | ||
though might be faster with || | 05:19 | ||
avuserow | I'm hoping to make a full-ish SQL grammar someday | ||
TimToady | since most chars are not \\" | ||
ShimmerFairy | TimToady: I assume it's <-["]> and not . to account for a closing " ? | ||
TimToady | er, <-[\\"]> maybe | 05:20 | |
if there's anything else that can be backslashed, the <-\\"]> | \\(.) or so | |||
avuserow | somehow I was able to have a simple-string rule and a string-with-escapes rule, and it picks the right one... not sure if that works universally, but it made the smaller benchmarks about 3x faster to have both rules | 05:21 | |
TimToady | er, only spelled right | ||
or you can do [ <-[\\"]>+ || \\(.) ]* with the + to collect more non-specials in one match | 05:22 | ||
avuserow | I tried something like that but couldn't get it to work. I'll have to try that again | 05:23 | |
ShimmerFairy | I would probably do / ['\' <[nt\\'"]> | .]* / or similar (for backslash sequences of \n, \t, \\, \', and \") | ||
avuserow | but yeah, actually writing the grammar was a fun experience. obviously I didn't start with a formal definition of SQL, which I plan on revisiting, but it was still nice how fast I got the basic parser up and running | 05:24 | |
once I get a full end to end parse on this file, I'm planning a writeup | 05:25 | ||
TimToady | doing it with . means you're definitely relying on LTM, so || wouldn't work | 05:27 | |
well, it might in that order, but certainly not in the other order | |||
but if someone backwhacks something you're not anticipating, the . could end up eating a single backslash, which might be surprising | |||
raydiak worked on something long long ago in his abused intern years, never released, called morphbase, which grappled with similar issues and several more...though that was written in core p5, no grammars/Parse::RecDescent/etc | 05:29 | ||
but in any case, it relied on even vs odd number of backslashes | |||
b/c the even cuonts can always be ignored as N number of literal Q«\» | 05:30 | ||
*counts | |||
avuserow | I wrote a p5 script to change strings down to a single letter, and had several issues with getting _that_ right | ||
ShimmerFairy | TimToady: sure, it's hard to write something like that in a general sense, without letting some potential issues through. | 05:31 | |
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avuserow | \o/ parsed the file completely after patching a bug in nqp-j. now to submit a PR, and refactor to actually use the information | 06:14 | |
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masak | good morning, #perl6 | 06:28 | |
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perl6_newbee | morning or night respectively | 06:47 | |
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[Tux] | Mouq, awake? | 06:57 | |
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perl6_newbee | all are sleeping :-) | 07:00 | |
[Tux] | .tell Mouq gist.github.com/Tux/3efcf2bbcb859a27ef6a <= RT#123888 is incomplete. reopen? | 07:01 | |
synopsebot | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=123888 | ||
yoleaux | [Tux]: I'll pass your message to Mouq. | ||
[Tux] | note that there is no newline *at all* in my example, incontrast to the example that shows the current fix | 07:02 | |
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perl6_newbee | [Tux]: when I want to make a sugegstion, can I create a ticket via [email@hidden.address] with the tag [SUGGESTION] or should I use [bug]? What do you think? | 07:09 | |
[Tux] | If I am unsure (like you are) I ask here, and I am a perl6 newbee too | ||
perl6_newbee | :-) | 07:10 | |
[Tux] | I am a seasoned perl5 programmer | ||
feeling like a bulldozer trying to map my thoughts into this new language | |||
perl6_newbee | Hmm perl5 is cool and I think it should not be too hard to understand perl6 with perl5 skills, is it? | 07:11 | |
[Tux] | right *and* wrong at the same time | ||
it is a completely different language | |||
perl6_newbee | agree. I have been playing with perl6 for about one month and I like perl6 even more than perl5 because it does many things better | 07:13 | |
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masak | perl6_newbee: maybe start by making the suggestion here? perl6-language is another possible forum. | 07:22 | |
(I usually start here, then go to p6l if the issue seems "big" enough.) | |||
perl6_newbee | hi masak. | 07:23 | |
masak | hi hi | ||
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perl6_newbee | The topic is the BOM issue I raised last friday here. I read the commecnt from jnthn and got the feeling it would be possible. so I thought I have to create a ticket in order to prevent it from forgetting. | 07:24 | |
masak | don't know exactly what that's about | 07:25 | |
but if it's something that could be improved, then it probably deserves to be in RT | |||
perl6_newbee | I encountered the problem on Windows that the Notepad.exe saves the BOM at the start of the text. Perl6 read in the file but does not remove the BOM flag | 07:26 | |
That is not intuitive from my point of view. If I have to handle this flag for myself | |||
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perl6_newbee | so I ask here and at least jnthn said it could be implemented at the right place without side effects. | 07:27 | |
I created a ticket. If it is not important or wrong someone will close it, I think. | 07:28 | ||
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masak | it removes it when it's the source code, I'm pretty sure. | 07:38 | |
but a good argument could be made that it should remove it for (text) input files, too. | |||
perl6_newbee++ | |||
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Mouq | [Tux]++ | 07:41 | |
yoleaux | 07:01Z <[Tux]> Mouq: gist.github.com/Tux/3efcf2bbcb859a27ef6a <= RT#123888 is incomplete. reopen? | ||
synopsebot | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=123888 | ||
Mouq | I'll reopen and update the ticket :) | ||
[Tux] | thanks | ||
tux.nl/Files/20150309084206.png <= this is what made me re-check | 07:42 | ||
perl6_newbee | masak: :-) | 07:43 | |
Mouq | [Tux]: It doesn't seem to be about the newlines, it seems to be about supplying perl6 with a file for STDIN instead of directly to STDIN | 07:47 | |
[Tux] | ok | ||
so my bug report was actually touching TWO buglets? | 07:48 | ||
DrForr | For those who may be concerned: rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo responds with a 500 error over Firefox. | ||
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Mouq | DrForr: And so everyone on the channel visits that page :P | 07:52 | |
(DrForr++ of course :) | 07:53 | ||
DrForr | Well, of *course*. It's the Internet equivalent of a 'WET PAINT' sign. | 07:54 | |
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Mouq | And [Tux], I don't think so… I'm pretty sure it was one bug disguised as another, in this case something going wrong with $*IN when it's secretely a filehandle | 07:57 | |
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[Tux] | whatever, thanks for looking into them and fixing | 07:57 | |
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Mouq | For now, sleep & | 07:58 | |
[Tux] thinks that in 5 month /me has TWO favorite languages | |||
if only speed speed speed | |||
DrForr | Ah, it's accessible again. | 08:00 | |
dalek | p: a27f52e | (Adrian Kreher)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/io/FileHandle.java: Fix EOF with newlines on 32k byte boundaries Fixes #224 by changing the EOF checking to use the size of the file rather than attempting to read a character using getc(). This fixes a problem which happens when a line ends on a multiple of 32768 bytes. |
p: a0dbe4f | FROGGS++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/io/FileHandle.java: Merge pull request #225 from avuserow/master Fix EOF with newlines on 32k byte boundaries |
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perl6_newbee | cu guys, gotta go | 08:24 | |
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DrForr | 'my $i = UndeclaredClass.new;' properly throws an error, but it includes 'UndeclaredClass used at line 3' instead of 'UndeclaredClass used\nat /full/path/to/file.t:3'. Another bug? | 08:36 | |
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DrForr | (moarVM on latest rakudo) | 08:41 | |
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FROGGS | m: my $i = UndeclaredClass.new; | 08:45 | |
yoleaux | 04:12Z <avuserow> FROGGS: I'm looking at a bug in nqp-j (github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/224) and saw you did some work with eof. I'm testing a patch, but was curious if there's any reason you didn't use fc.size() rather than getc? | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar cd7c31: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/GeW8HECuxXUndeclared name: UndeclaredClass used at line 1» | ||
FROGGS | DrForr: yes, it is a bug that -e in camelia here is not mentioned | ||
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DrForr | Should I rakudobug that as well? | 08:46 | |
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FROGGS | DrForr: yes, please do | 08:54 | |
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torbjorn | is there any chance we could have the perl6 eval bot in #oslo.pm at irc.perl.org? | 08:57 | |
FROGGS | torbjorn: I already talked to moritz++ about that | ||
but, let me try something... | |||
torbjorn | oh cool | ||
moritz | you don't already? | ||
DrForr | Will do. | 08:58 | |
torbjorn | same nick on irc.perl.org? | ||
moritz | torbjorn: p6eval on magnet, iirc | ||
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dalek | albot: 0756169 | FROGGS++ | irc.perl.org.conf: send camelia to #oslo.pm |
08:58 | |
FROGGS | p6eval: restart | 08:59 | |
moritz | FROGGS: won't work that way | ||
FROGGS: have to pull first :-) | |||
torbjorn | its in oslo, not oslo.pm | ||
FROGGS | evalbot: control pull | 09:00 | |
torbjorn | oh its in the git pull | ||
FROGGS | evalbot: control restart | ||
hmmmm | |||
moritz | FROGGS: don't | ||
FROGGS: that's the wrong instance you're trying to restart | |||
moritz does it on the command line | |||
FROGGS | ohh, I thought there is just one :o) | ||
moritz | nope, separate process per server | 09:01 | |
FROGGS | moritz++ | ||
Ven | o/, #perl6 | ||
moritz | Mar 09 10:01:20 ns1 bash[1059]: Can't read configuration in perl.org.conf: No such file or directory | ||
FROGGS | hi Ven | ||
moritz dumb | |||
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FROGGS | it does not like the dot? | 09:02 | |
moritz | no | ||
FROGGS | ohh, it is called irc.perl.org.conf | ||
moritz | I tried to start the wrong instance | ||
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masak | (camelia going places)++ | 09:16 | |
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DrForr | Error report sent, perl #124027 filed. | 09:24 | |
synopsebot | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124027 | ||
DrForr | Again pretty trivial, just basically making stupid mistakes and seeing if the errors make sense :) | 09:26 | |
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Ulti | can I suggest comments are removed and turned off for the majority of rakudo.org pages? | 09:48 | |
stuff like the bottom of this page for example just look really bad rakudo.org/how-to-help/ | |||
moritz | +1 | ||
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donaldh | lizmat++ for looking at JVM but it's still broken... | 10:33 | |
yoleaux | 7 Mar 2015 11:31Z <lizmat> donaldh: seems like I fixed the JVM build | ||
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FROGGS | donaldh: what is broken? | 10:36 | |
donaldh | I'm still getting lots of test failures, as also reported by TimToady++ | 10:38 | |
FROGGS | donaldh: spectest failures or module test failures? | 10:39 | |
donaldh | And it looks to me like the culprit is the nqp::index fix I applied, to unbust TimToady's grammar change on JVM. | ||
spectest failures | |||
FROGGS | ohh | 10:40 | |
then we should fix the fix :o) | |||
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donaldh | Well I can't just back out the fix in nqp/jvm, without also applying a workaround in the rakudo grammar | 10:41 | |
First I'll spend some tuits to see if I can understand the regression in nqp/jvm | |||
It looks like something in nqp's JVM backend was relying on the broken behaviour of nqp::index | 10:42 | ||
FROGGS | hmmm, that sounds hard to believe | ||
moritz | and the broken behavior was to throw an exception? | 10:44 | |
or return the wrong value? | |||
ab5tract | lizmat++ # i was actually working an an s/at_pos/at-pos/ patch on friday night, but i like the the all-caps variant even better! | 10:45 | |
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donaldh | I think it was throwing an exception that was being caught in nqp. Seems to cause behaviour change in the resulting runtime, regardless of the nqp::index behaviour in that runtime. | 10:46 | |
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|Tux| | WTF. Who is to blame for test-x 50000 35.280 35.059 | 10:55 | |
yoleaux | 7 Mar 2015 18:33Z <nine_> |Tux|: the performance regression is not caused by Inline::Perl5 but by Rakudo. I suspect it's jnthn++'s native work. | ||
|Tux| | not only first time below 36, but way below 36 | 10:56 | |
you guys rock! | |||
masak | we're only getting started! | ||
|Tux| | I still need a factor 900 to match XS though | ||
904.615 | 10:57 | ||
masak | a noble goal. | ||
|Tux| | :) | ||
moritz | |Tux|: do you have a comparison to a pure-perl implementation? | 10:58 | |
|Tux| | gist.github.com/Tux/82b5aa66cc168c90ebd3 | 10:59 | |
top 6 are perl5 | |||
rest is perl6 | |||
ask! | |||
test-pp is Text::CSV_PP which is the pure-perl5 version of Text::CSV_XS | 11:00 | ||
moritz | why is csv-easy-pp so much faster than csv-test-pp? | ||
|Tux| | the first two are included for compare only: they do not support options and crash on every invilid CSV | ||
test-pp has all the options that test-xs also supports. Checking options costs performance | 11:01 | ||
moritz | m: say 38.777 / 6.793 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar cd7c31: OUTPUT«5.708376» | ||
moritz | m: say 38.777 / 0.513 # that's the one that actually interests me, I guess | 11:02 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar cd7c31: OUTPUT«75.588694» | ||
moritz | pure p5 vs. pure p6 | ||
|Tux| | that one is a state machine in perl6 that has NO options and also does not support multi-character EOL or SEP | ||
the 6.7 version that is | |||
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moritz | but apples:apples comparison is 38.777 vs. 0.513, right? | 11:03 | |
|Tux| | so yes, pure-perl vs pure perl6 is a factor 75 | ||
moritz | not good, but we've done much worse on that in the past | ||
|Tux| | yes, first measurements were about 260 seconds :) | ||
so having 35 now is GOOD | 11:04 | ||
don't compare to test. compare to test-x | |||
moritz | is test-x merged in master? | ||
moritz doesn't even know what test-x is, just assumes it's a branch | 11:05 | ||
|Tux| | test is a reference for myself: it is to ensure that test-x does not slow down compared to test | ||
test-x is my working version of Text::CSV on github.com/Tux/CSV | |||
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|Tux| | FWIW the ip5 versions will probably go back to around 8.2 again (Inline::Perl5 versions of test-xs and test-pp) | 11:09 | |
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dalek | p: 1dfa4ca | donaldh++ | src/vm/jvm/QAST/Compiler.nqp: Unbust nqp on JVM Was relying on nqp::index returning 0 for empty search string. |
11:24 | |
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colomon | .u ° | 11:41 | |
yoleaux | U+00B0 DEGREE SIGN [So] (°) | ||
donaldh | CallFrame on JVM sometimes returns with no 'line' annotation. It looks like Moar always returns 'line' => "1" in these cases. | 11:43 | |
This makes Test.pm noisy on JVM. | |||
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donaldh | I'm guessing callframe.line should always return a value ? | 11:47 | |
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donaldh | Or should Test.pm just be defensive ? | 11:53 | |
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moritz doesn't know | 12:03 | ||
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masak | .u ∘ | 12:09 | |
yoleaux | U+2218 RING OPERATOR [Sm] (∘) | ||
masak | .u ⊚ | ||
yoleaux | U+229A CIRCLED RING OPERATOR [Sm] (⊚) | ||
masak | .u ≗ | 12:10 | |
yoleaux | U+2257 RING EQUAL TO [Sm] (≗) | ||
masak | lots of Unicode custom operator potential here... :) | ||
nine_ | Unicode operators would be much more fun if they were easier to type | ||
masak | nine_: here's a nickel. buy yourself a decent text editor. | 12:12 | |
:P | |||
|Tux| | gist.github.com/Tux/6a740c1b2a7455361cfd - Unicode OPERATOR's | 12:13 | |
masak | srsly, though. computers are programmable. if iPhones can be made to show custom keybords, then so can your laptop or desktop. | ||
nine_ | masak: is vim decent? | 12:14 | |
masak | nine_: yes. | ||
nine_: ^K ftw | |||
nine_: Emacs is also decent. there's an input method module called LEIM. | 12:15 | ||
nine_ | niiiiice | ||
|Tux| | ~/.XCompose is also decent :P | ||
masak | I don't know about all these other newfangled things, though. people are all sublime textmates these days. | ||
moritz | ~/.XCompose has the advantage that it works in every application | 12:16 | |
masak should ~/.XCompose more, clearly | |||
|Tux| | <Multi_key> <C> <equal> : "€" U20a0 # EURO-CURRENCY SIGN | ||
<Multi_key> <c> <equal> : "€" U20a0 # EURO-CURRENCY SIGN | |||
<Multi_key> <equal> <C> : "€" U20a0 # EURO-CURRENCY SIGN | |||
<Multi_key> <equal> <c> : "€" U20a0 # EURO-CURRENCY SIGN | |||
masak | :) | ||
|Tux|: but what about lower-case euro? :P | |||
|Tux| | I don't ever use it :P | 12:17 | |
nine_ | Now if only there was an easy way to type in unicode characters to search in vim's digraph list :P | ||
lizmat | FROGGS: should I bump NQP_REVISION ? | ||
abraxxa | CTRL-K does nothing in my vim | ||
masak | nine_: after a while you kind of just pick up the principle of it all | ||
abraxxa: `help digraphs` | 12:18 | ||
abraxxa: `:help digraphs` | |||
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nine_ | And of course » is just ^K>> :) | 12:22 | |
abraxxa | masak: thanks, reading | ||
masak | nine_: see? you're already picking it up :) | 12:23 | |
nine_: similarly, Greek letters all have a '*' in them | |||
moritz | because the Greek conquered the stars. | 12:24 | |
nine_ | Σ FTW :) | ||
masak | Cyrillic all have a '=' in them. because the Russians conquered... equality? | ||
|Tux| | I always missed the IOTA SUBSCRIPTUM in greek, then I could have written T\N{IOTA SUBSCRIPTUM}o for a new type Toyota: the subscriptum | 12:27 | |
Τῳ | 12:28 | ||
.u Τῳ | |||
yoleaux | U+03A4 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU [Lu] (Τ) | ||
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masak .oO( I don't always type the Greek small letter omega -- but when I do, I type it with ypogegrammeni ) | 12:33 | ||
smls | What's the difference between replies and comments on rt.perl.org? | 12:35 | |
moritz | replies go to the requestor | 12:36 | |
nine_ | smls: RT is a system for help desks. Comments are internal (for the team) while replies also go to the customer | ||
smls | so which is preferred in rakudo bugs? | 12:37 | |
nine_ | I'd use reply | ||
Even if the reply does not actually help the requestor, it at least shows some activity. | 12:38 | ||
masak | heh. in all my years with RT, I hadn't bothered learning the difference. :) | 12:44 | |
but yeah, I always "Reply", too. | |||
Ven | .tell eli-sde github.com/pixie-lang/pixie | 12:47 | |
yoleaux | Ven: I'll pass your message to eli-sde. | ||
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Ven | .tell eli-se github.com/pixie-lang/pixie | 12:47 | |
yoleaux | Ven: I'll pass your message to eli-se. | 12:48 | |
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lizmat | FROGGS: FWIW, after an NQP bump, JVM is still distinctly unhappy | 13:12 | |
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FROGGS | ahh sorry, was distracted | 13:17 | |
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moritz | news.perlfoundation.org/2015/03/tak...eachy.html should we try to get some Perl 6 ideas and mentors in there? | 13:21 | |
donaldh | lizmat: did you try my last commit? | ||
lizmat | donaldh: probably not, is it a pull request ? | ||
nine_ | moritz: we definitely should! | 13:22 | |
donaldh | lizmat: I've commited a change to nqp. | ||
lizmat | and I locally raised NQP_REVISION to that | ||
testing with 2015.02-79-g1dfa4ca | 13:23 | ||
donaldh will test from clean again | 13:24 | ||
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dalek | kudo/nom: b8a4665 | lizmat++ | t/01-sanity/22-KEY.t: Add Set/Bag/Mix(Hashes) sanity tests |
13:28 | |
masak | sanity++ lizmat++ | 13:29 | |
lizmat | re #124023, I wonder whether this should be fixed at the rakudo level, or lower? | 13:32 | |
synopsebot | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=124023 | ||
lizmat | aka, automatic \n conversion to \r\n on Win in nqp / Moar ? Or will we do this in sub say ? | 13:33 | |
moritz | first we should have a consensus how it should look at the Perl 6 level | ||
and then we should think about where to implement it |