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zacts | hi | 03:18 | |
timotimo: aren't you a southpark character? | 03:19 | ||
anyway, hello #perl6 | |||
AlexDaniel | how can I make that work: $a, $b, $c = @x; ? | 03:20 | |
oh, just put ( ) around the left side | 03:22 | ||
thanks | |||
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AlexDaniel | there was a way to indicate that a parameter should be passed without giving it a name (just ignoringit) in the signature, what was it? | 04:42 | |
ugexe | i think its just $ | 04:43 | |
AlexDaniel | yeah | 04:44 | |
thanks | |||
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AlexDaniel | *** Error in `/home/alex/git/rakudobrew/moar-nom/install/bin/moar': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0eab14f8 *** | 05:13 | |
Aborted | |||
*** Error in `/home/alex/git/rakudobrew/moar-nom/install/bin/moar': free(): invalid pointer: 0x09b99c58 *** | 05:18 | ||
Aborted | |||
hm, it is repeatable | 05:19 | ||
but I'm not sure if I can golf it down to something | |||
hm, it is funny. It looks like if I change any line, it stops breaking | 05:35 | ||
so what should I do? | |||
I don't really feel like posting the whole huge ugly script, and if I change any line this error disappears | 05:36 | ||
I can mail it to anyone who is interested though (although what are the chances that it will be reproducible on another machine?) | 05:37 | ||
ugexe | sounds like a good time to learn how to use a debugger! | 05:41 | |
AlexDaniel | ugexe: sure, any directions? | ||
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ugexe | valgrind + perl6-valgrind-m (already built) | 05:47 | |
AlexDaniel | oh | 05:49 | |
ugexe | cli package meta search all formatted nicely gist.github.com/ugexe/d2e26de84f4c719e2b0d | 05:51 | |
japhb | ugexe++ | 05:56 | |
AlexDaniel | Well, it feels like I should leave it running for the whole night to see the stacktrace tomorrow :) | 05:58 | |
the script took about a minute to get to that point, and it is much slower in valgrind | 05:59 | ||
ugexe | yeah its really slow | ||
AlexDaniel | ugexe: I've just ran my script in perl6-valgrind-m, is that enough? | 06:00 | |
or maybe I should have provided some additional arguments? | |||
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AlexDaniel | ugexe: and what will I get in the end? | 06:01 | |
ugexe | you can give it flags for other stuff but i just generally run i | 06:02 | |
AlexDaniel | oh look, I got something | 06:06 | |
but instead of crashing it keeps running | |||
gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/a3ce0f8315ddd93fed38 | 06:08 | ||
ugexe | probably should include the relevant p6 code with that gist | 06:12 | |
AlexDaniel | it is 80 lines | ||
I'm not sure if that will help | 06:13 | ||
ugexe | it would help if we at least knew the line causing the problem | ||
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AlexDaniel | one second | 06:14 | |
ugexe: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/76569d745033eac7e3b3 | 06:17 | ||
tadaaa | |||
that's the whole code, well | |||
so it is looping on that line: printPart $_ for grep { .part<layer> eq $layer }, @parts; | 06:18 | ||
and it works OK most of the time, but once upon a time it throws that error | |||
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AlexDaniel | there is no specific time it does it, sometimes it does not break at all | 06:19 | |
JimmyZ | where is the pins.ASC? | ||
ugexe | might be worth commenting out the Digest::SHA stuff so you can at least rule out dependencies | ||
AlexDaniel | ugexe: well, the problem is that it is very unstable | 06:20 | |
ugexe: look at that $FILENAME there on top of the file | |||
ugexe: that's an unused variable | |||
if I remove that, it stops breaking. | |||
as stupid as it sounds, but oh well... | 06:21 | ||
JimmyZ: files.progarm.org/pins.ASC | |||
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JimmyZ | how do you run it? perl6 gistfile1.6pl pins.ASC ? | 06:24 | |
AlexDaniel | oh sorry, that is probably important | 06:25 | |
asc-to-svg pins.ASC B | |||
perl6 in front of that | |||
or ./ , whatever. Please note that B in the end | |||
oh by the way, this info about leaks looks pretty scary: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/d6ecc6715b357e62ee3d | 06:28 | ||
JimmyZ: first of all it prints a plenty of dots, that works fine, then it starts printing <circle ...> lines | 06:29 | ||
JimmyZ: about a minute doing that and then it breaks | |||
well, not even 1 MB lost, so probably not that bad :) | 06:31 | ||
JimmyZ: and it seems like if you don't run that with B argument it wont break | 06:33 | ||
Linux Margo 3.16.0-4-586 #1 Debian 3.16.7-ckt4-3 (2015-02-03) i686 GNU/Linux | 06:34 | ||
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AlexDaniel | what else can I provide? | 06:36 | |
JimmyZ | nothing yet | ||
AlexDaniel | what do you mean by yet? To me it looks like either it breaks after a minute or it does not break at all | 06:37 | |
JimmyZ | I am installing SHA ... | 06:38 | |
AlexDaniel | oh :) | ||
panda install Digest | |||
that's what I did | |||
oh yeah, and I'm using rakudobrew | |||
last time I've built it was, erm, today | 06:39 | ||
It seems like it does not break without B | 06:41 | ||
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AlexDaniel | 0m36.241s 0m36.261s 0m36.369s | 06:50 | |
oh look, it seems like it breaks on exactly the same line | |||
JimmyZ | it is a gc bug, methinks | 06:51 | |
oh at least from moar | |||
AlexDaniel | gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/d8c7333f181b41cc64a6 | 06:52 | |
JimmyZ | my problem is I can't bootstrap panda | 06:54 | |
AlexDaniel | haha | 06:55 | |
I'm going to bed soon | 06:56 | ||
if there is anything else I can provide please ask | |||
JimmyZ | good night | ||
AlexDaniel | and, um, maybe I should create an issue on the bug tracker? | 06:57 | |
or will you handle that? | |||
JimmyZ | AlexDaniel: [email@hidden.address] | ||
AlexDaniel | yeah I know | ||
ok | 06:58 | ||
fuck | 07:00 | ||
accidentaly pressed send | |||
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AlexDaniel | ok, I wrote a reply with normal description | 07:16 | |
JimmyZ | hmm, the newest panda doesn't work on linux .. | 07:19 | |
AlexDaniel | JimmyZ: that's not possible | 07:20 | |
because I installed it a few hours ago | |||
JimmyZ | I got a bootstrap problem... | 07:23 | |
AlexDaniel | hmm | 07:24 | |
JimmyZ | Compiling lib/File/Find.pm to mbc | ||
===SORRY!=== | |||
no such file or directory | |||
AlexDaniel | ok, good night :) | 07:25 | |
JimmyZ | good night | ||
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jaffa4 | hi all | 09:45 | |
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jnthn | lizmat: When you fix RTs but don't add a test, please could you tag 'em testneeded (on the Jumbo tab), to make them easy for those who write tests to find, so we might get 'em covered/closed faster. Thanks! | 10:04 | |
(I just did this for 125495 and 125486) | 10:05 | ||
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jaffa4 | jnthn: moar.exe crashes for me on Windows | 10:20 | |
lizmat | jnthn: will do | 10:21 | |
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lizmat | looking at (;;$a) signature | 10:40 | |
apparently the internal datastructure is set up the same way for (;;$a) as it is for ($a;;) | 10:41 | ||
jnthn: I'm not sure how to fix that in the grammar | 10:43 | ||
moritz | ($a;;) should be the same as ($a), no? | 10:44 | |
lizmat | yes | ||
but *not* the same as (;;$a) | |||
the ;; just resets the multu-invocant flag to be applied to the parameter | 10:45 | ||
in the case of (;;$a), the reset happens too late | |||
jnthn | lizmat: I don't immediately know how to fix that... | 10:54 | |
lizmat | me neither :-( | ||
jnthn | lizmat: Agree it's a problem, though | ||
Can you RT it, and I'll take a look at it a bit later... | 10:55 | ||
lizmat | ok, I'll rakudobug it | ||
jnthn | Thanks :) | ||
Going for a stroll to the big supermarket soon to get some spices and other bits in, so I cna cook interesting things at $new-place. :) | |||
lizmat | go fort it | ||
*for | |||
lizmat is going to be cycling soon again | 10:56 | ||
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jnthn | Will be doing Perl 6 stuff all day tomorow, hopefully wiht a small interuption when the box containing my main dev machine gets delivered (so I can spectest faster again...yay) | 10:56 | |
lizmat | :-) | 10:57 | |
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dalek | kudo/nom: 947138f | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp: Catch double use of ;; in signature |
11:04 | |
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dalek | kudo/nom: 367b581 | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp: They shouldn't be worries, they should panic |
11:06 | |
lizmat | jnthn: #125502 fwiw :-) | 11:09 | |
synbot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=125502 | ||
lizmat | afk until later& | 11:10 | |
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grondilu | token positive-integer { \d+ <?{ $/.Int == $/ and $/ > 0 }> } # does this make sense to you? | 11:17 | |
I mean, aren't there pre-defined regexes for numeric types? | 11:19 | ||
jnthn | When would the bit before the and ever be false? | 11:20 | |
grondilu | never, my bad | ||
jnthn | really away & | 11:22 | |
grondilu | parsing a floating point, for instance. Do I really have to write my own regex? | 11:23 | |
psch | grondilu: \d+ doesn't match floating points | 11:24 | |
grondilu | no I was jumping to an other subject | ||
psch | oh, okay | 11:25 | |
grondilu | token floating-point {...} | ||
psch | fwiw, i think regex might be more than you need, if you're not really parsing | ||
grondilu | well yeah, probably | ||
may be overkill | 11:26 | ||
I have a 3D file with a format like this: github.com/OoliteProject/oolite-bi...s_dock.dat and I'm considering writing a grammar. | 11:27 | ||
psch | i'd probably just read the segments and &split, tbh | 11:29 | |
grondilu | I guess | ||
it's going to be tedious to write though | |||
timotimo | grondilu: a few weeks ago i tried to get into oolite | 11:31 | |
grondilu | you mean into the objective-C code? | ||
timotimo | grondilu: but then i made stupid mistakes with trading and then i decided i'd cheat my way into a lot of money and suddenly the game wasn't interesting any more %) | ||
no, into playing | |||
grondilu | me I stopped because I hate dogfights and there are always ships harassing me. | 11:32 | |
timotimo | i've played "elite: dangerous" on a friend's accound with a hands-on-throttle or what it's called | 11:34 | |
it was nice for navigating places, but ... yeah, dogfights | |||
psch | for some reason ExceptionHandling.<clinit> *throws* the ThreadDeath instead of just creating and assigning it..? :l | ||
timotimo | with me, they just end up being "trying to point towards the enemy and then shooting" | ||
anything other than just rotating towards my enemy and then shooting just gets me shot | 11:35 | ||
like trying to get a bit of range on the enemy and then turning? nope. the enemy gets their lasers pointed right at my bum | |||
i have zero intuition for how i should be behaving in those fights at all | 11:44 | ||
grondilu | so if I want to retrieve say the VERTEX section I can write "my @vertex = grep { /^VERTEX/ ff /^$/ }, lines;", right? | 11:48 | |
it does work but I wonder if there is more idiomatic. | 11:49 | ||
timotimo | well, after you do "lines", you'd have to rewind the file object | 11:51 | |
not sure if argfiles supports that operation | |||
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grondilu | I actually already put everything in a @lines array. It's ok it won't be very big anyway. | 11:53 | |
timotimo | it seems like that ff invocation ought to work | 11:55 | |
psch | i think it looks pretty idiomatic | ||
timotimo | oh, you wrote "it does work", i read "doesn't work" | 11:56 | |
grondilu | well, that's an opportunity to use &infix:<ff> I guess | ||
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timotimo | sure | 11:56 | |
grondilu | I4m often surprised it is not used more | ||
timotimo | i'm glad it was renamed ff from .. | 11:57 | |
psch | yeah, good disambiguation | 11:58 | |
grondilu | I wish ther wer a ^ff^, ff^ and ^ff versions, like with .. | ||
psch | m: my @a = 1..10; .say if 1 ^ff 5 for @a # there are | 11:59 | |
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camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«2345» | 11:59 | |
grondilu | oh | ||
cool | 12:00 | ||
psch | hm, i forgot how ff and fff differ :/ | 12:01 | |
timotimo | the design docs call ff "flip-flop" and fff "flip-flop (sed style)" | 12:02 | |
The old .. flipflop operator is now done with ff operator. (.. now always produces a Range object even in item context.) The ff operator may take a caret on either end to exclude either the beginning or ending. There is also a corresponding fff operator with Perl 5's ... semantics. | 12:03 | ||
psch | m: my @a = <A B C B A>; .say if /A/ ff /C/ for @a; .say if /A/ fff /C/ for @a | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«ABCAABCA» | ||
timotimo | why doesn't the design doc explain what the perl5's semantics are? or the sed semantics? | ||
grondilu | so I ended up writing: my @vertex = map { .chomp; s:g/\,//; .words».Num }, grep { /^VERTEX/ ^ff^ /^$/ }, @lines; | ||
psch | i'm guessing "it hasn't changed, look at perldoc perlop" | 12:04 | |
timotimo | "hasn't changed" is no help for me at all, since i never did any perl5 at all | ||
grondilu: looks like the right place to use a feed operator :) | |||
psch | i know, i'm not saying it's great, but i can see why it is like that | 12:05 | |
timotimo | ah | ||
psch | m: my @a = <A B C B A>; say "ff"; .say if /B/ ff /B/ for @a; say "fff"; .say if /B/ fff /B/ for @a | 12:06 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«ffBBfffBCB» | ||
timotimo | so fff will not test the right hand side directly when the left hand side matches for the first time | ||
psch | yeah, ff can flip *and* flop in one iteration | ||
timotimo | so if the RHS also matches on the line the LHS matches, it'll not return True once | ||
grondilu thought feed operators were NYI | 12:07 | ||
psch | grondilu: underimplemented is more right, i think | ||
grondilu | m: say grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95» | ||
timotimo | huh | 12:08 | |
grondilu | seems wrong | ||
timotimo | m: say <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/bFyT_qxxjvUnable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' at /tmp/bFyT_qxxjv:1------> 3say <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^1007⏏5<EOL> expecting any of: …» | ||
timotimo | m: .say <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/7bnGMXddDjSorry, do not know how to handle this case of a feed operator yet.at /tmp/7bnGMXddDj:1------> 3say <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^1007⏏5<EOL>» | ||
timotimo | m: my @foo <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100; say @foo | 12:09 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 15 30 45 60 75 90» | ||
timotimo | the say was messing it up somehow | ||
grondilu | m: say my @ <== grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 15 30 45 60 75 90» | ||
grondilu | indeed | ||
m: say my @ = grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100 | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95» | ||
psch | m: my @a = grep *%%3 <== ^10; @a.say | 12:10 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/DyKPyaRW4dSorry, do not know how to handle this case of a feed operator yet.at /tmp/DyKPyaRW4d:1------> 3my @a = grep *%%3 <== ^107⏏5; @a.say» | ||
psch | m: my @a = (grep *%%3 <== ^10); @a.say | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 3 6 9» | ||
psch | that's kinda wat | 12:11 | |
vendethiel | m: my @a <== grep *%%3 <== ^10; say @a | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«0 3 6 9» | ||
psch | m: say (my @ = grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^100) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/DObTZ5eFWNSorry, do not know how to handle this case of a feed operator yet.at /tmp/DObTZ5eFWN:1------> 3(my @ = grep *%%3 <== grep *%%5 <== ^1007⏏5)» | ||
psch | vOv | ||
i have fighting with nested jars and loading resources to do | |||
jaffa4 | Is there anyone who has compiled rakudo on Windows recently? | 12:12 | |
itz_ | jaffa4: the main dev uses windows so the answer is almost certainly "yes" | 12:17 | |
jaffa4 | Who do you call main dev? | 12:18 | |
itz_ | jnthn | ||
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vendethiel | RT#125259 (is the bot still here?) | 12:49 | |
synbot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=125259 | ||
vendethiel | (yes) | ||
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grondilu | well that's unfortunate. Some .dat file do not use ',' as a separator. The objective-C parser looks for "scanner scanFloat:" so that's why the lack of consistent separator is not an issue. I wish I could write comb(/<float>/). | 13:15 | |
(the Obj-C parser is github.com/OoliteProject/oolite/bl.../OOMesh.h) | 13:17 | ||
psch | <float> is just /(-? \d* '.' \d+)/ though? | 13:18 | |
i mean, i get it's nice to have it named | |||
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grondilu | seems over simplistic. | 13:18 | |
psch | well, it skips scientific notation | ||
grondilu | I guess I could put an entry in the most-wanted modules list. | ||
psch | it's definitely a good candidate for something like a Regex::Common module or somesuch | ||
grondilu | oh there is one apparently | 13:20 | |
called Regexp::Common | |||
(mind the 'p') | |||
that's kind of a low-hanging fruit. I could write that. | 13:21 | ||
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psch | ++grondilu | 13:21 | |
grondilu | but truly I wonder why we can't use STD for that. | 13:22 | |
jaffa4 | Is there oct in perl 6? | ||
grondilu | I mean, it must exist there. | ||
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Ben_Goldberg | m: say :8(111) | 13:24 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«You have confused the number 111 with the textual representation "111";if you wanted to render the number in the given base, use $number.base($radix) in block <unit> at /tmp/xgygqrfIf2:1» | ||
Ben_Goldberg | m: say 7.base(8) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«7» | ||
jaffa4 | m: say 777.base(8) | 13:25 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«1411» | ||
jaffa4 | m: say 700.base(8) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«1274» | ||
psch | m: say :8(Str(700)) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«448» | ||
jaffa4 | m say 8*8*8 | ||
grondilu | m: say :8<1411> | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«777» | ||
grondilu | you need to provide a string to :8 | ||
psch | the .base methods transforms *into* the base | 13:26 | |
the colonpair form interprets *as* the base | |||
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jaffa4 | : say :8(Str(080)) | 13:29 | |
m: say :8(Str(080)) | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties: Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o80 if you mean that at /tmp/bce55lpg5N:1 ------> 3say :8(Str(0807⏏5))Cannot convert string to number: base-8 number must begin with valid digits or…» | ||
jaffa4 | m: say :8(Str(010)) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties: Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o10 if you mean that at /tmp/HK4n0VNPqj:1 ------> 3say :8(Str(0107⏏5))8» | ||
jaffa4 | m: say :8("010") | 13:30 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«8» | ||
jaffa4 | m: say :8("100") | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«64» | ||
grondilu | that's inconsistant | ||
it should complain here as well | |||
psch | why | ||
080 is a numeric literal | |||
"080" is a string literal | |||
"080" does not indicate a number | |||
grondilu | oh yeah | 13:31 | |
jaffa4 | Why not , it is a number | ||
psch | no, it's a string literal | ||
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grondilu likes this distinction actually | 13:31 | ||
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FROGGS[mobile] | m: say 0o777 | 13:32 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«511» | ||
Ben_Goldberg | m: my $x = '777'; say :8($x); | 13:33 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«511» | ||
Ben_Goldberg | m: my $x = '10'; say :8($x); | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«8» | ||
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Ben_Goldberg | m: srand 1; print sort -> $a, $b { Order.pick }, "artuh(h ot anceke8J: r),s".comb; | 13:34 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«Just another :8() hacker,» | ||
itz_ | ~30m to spacex launch | ||
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Ben_Goldberg | Third time's the charm? | 13:35 | |
grondilu | they are not live yet are they? | 13:36 | |
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psch | yay, progress \o/ | 13:40 | |
self-executing jars are in a spot where the rakudo-j interpreter actually starts and tries to run it! | 13:41 | ||
grondilu | wow if I search for floats and integers on the same line, I must be careful not to split floats :-( What a hassle. | ||
psch | unfortunately i still have fiddling with the ModuleLoaderVMConfig for r-j to check *inside* of a jar for files... | ||
+to do | |||
i'm not that sure how i'd do that either... | |||
grondilu | why cna't I do comb(/<number>/)?? | 13:42 | |
m: say "4, 56.43 -23".comb(/<[+-]>?\d[\.\d+]/); | 13:43 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«6.43» | ||
grondilu | m: say "4, 56.43 -23".comb(/<[+-]>?\d[\.\d+]?/); | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«4 5 6.43 -2 3» | ||
grondilu | m: say "4, 56.43 -23".comb(/<[+-]>?\d[\.\d+]?/).join(","); | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«4,5,6.43,-2,3» | ||
grondilu | m: say "4, 56.43 -23".comb(/<[+-]>?\d+[\.\d+]?/).join(","); | 13:44 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«4,56.43,-23» | ||
timotimo | grondilu: if you use the | operator, you should be getting longest-token-matching | ||
yeah, the + after \d was missing | |||
glad you found it | |||
grondilu | I'll try /<[+-]>?\d+[\.\d+]?/ | 13:45 | |
psch | first impulse is "i need an nqp-op" | ||
for cases where we are running from a nested/fat jar and want to find modules inside of that... | |||
which we always have to do, the module-finding that is, cause we need to load BOOTSTRAP anyway | 13:46 | ||
grondilu | OK I could parse the mesh for the cobra mark III | 13:50 | |
dalek | ast: 766987b | usev6++ | integration/error-reporting.t: Add test for RT #125495 |
synbot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=125495 | ||
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timotimo | www.twitch.tv/317070 - an interactive installation of a "dreaming"/"hallucinating" deep neural network | 13:58 | |
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jaffa4 | timotimo: what is that? | 14:07 | |
timotimo | inspired by this: googleresearch.blogspot.be/2015/06/...eural.html | ||
the things it makes aren't quite as clearly discernible as the google version | 14:10 | ||
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grondilu | well, Falcon 9 exploded at about 32km altitude. | 14:25 | |
Just before going supersonic | |||
wait no | |||
it was going at 1km/s, so Mach 3 | |||
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Ben_Goldberg | Could we write a slang so that this: xkcd.com/1537/ is possible? | 15:01 | |
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moritz | much of that is trivial with operator overloading and custom types | 15:07 | |
m: multi infix:<+>(Str:D $x, Array:D where !*.elems) { "[$x]" }; say "2" + [] | 15:09 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/4rTVEQQzUzCannot do non-typename cases of type_constraint yetat /tmp/4rTVEQQzUz:1------> 3fix:<+>(Str:D $x, Array:D where !*.elems7⏏5) { "[$x]" }; say "2" + []» | ||
moritz | m: multi infix:<+>(Str:D $x, Array:D where { ! .elems }) { "[$x]" }; say "2" + [] | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/YpDgmPq8kVCannot do non-typename cases of type_constraint yetat /tmp/YpDgmPq8kV:1------> 3<+>(Str:D $x, Array:D where { ! .elems }7⏏5) { "[$x]" }; say "2" + []» | ||
moritz | m: multi infix:<+>(Str:D $x, Array:D $ where { !.elems}) { "[$x]" }; say "2" + [] | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«[2]» | ||
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dalek | ast: 9a4daf7 | usev6++ | S06-signature/introspection.t: Add test for RT #125482 |
15:16 | |
synbot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=125482 | ||
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jaffa4 | What is the difference between module and package? | 15:34 | |
timotimo | m: module foo { } | 15:41 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
timotimo | m: package foo { } | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
timotimo | huh, i thought one of those is supposed to tell you "you don't spell it like that in perl6" | ||
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FROGGS[mobile] | m: package Foo; | 15:43 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/_ikqLKw1ybThis appears to be Perl 5 code. If you intended it to be Perl 6 code, please use a Perl 6 style declaration like "unit package Foo;" or "unit module Foo;", or use the block form instead of the semi…» | ||
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jaffa4 | bug? | 15:44 | |
Ven | I tried to write said xkcd, but I'm getting this error with my code: | ||
Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable, cs = 0) | |||
github.com/vendethiel/xkcd1537.p6 | |||
jaffa4 | FROGGS[mobile]: bug? | ||
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timotimo | well, anyway, only module is supposed to work in perl6 | 15:48 | |
FROGGS[mobile] | jaffa4: no, intention | 15:50 | |
timotimo | so, package foo { .. } is supposed to work? | ||
oh, it seems that way | 15:51 | ||
in that case i have no clue what the difference between package and module is | |||
Ven | trying to use Bailador: | ||
Use of uninitialized value $segment of type Any in string context in block at lib/HTTP/Easy/PSGI.pm6:102 | |||
anyone faced that? | |||
jaffa4 | How can I call a sub in a module outside the module? | 15:53 | |
RabidGravy | I thought I remembered from a very long time ago that if perl 6 saw "package Foo;" it took it to be perl 5 and behave appropriately | ||
jaffa4 | A::b() does not seem to work | ||
timotimo | subs are lexical by default; it has to be an our sub to be callable from outside | ||
jaffa4 | timotimo: you know something | 15:55 | |
timotimo | i know a few things | ||
jaffa4 | m: sub ref($e) { return $e.WHAT.substr(1,-1); { | 16:00 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 367b58: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/TB7Vg1psTTMissing blockat /tmp/TB7Vg1psTT:1------> 3ref($e) { return $e.WHAT.substr(1,-1); {7⏏5<EOL>» | ||
jaffa4 | m: sub ref($e) { return $e.WHAT.substr(1,-1); } | ||
camelia | ( no output ) |