»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by masak on 28 November 2015.
herby_ dumb question, but what does "so" do? 00:00
i'm trying to search, but so is used a lot
Guest99713 See github.com/perl6/doc/commit/cf66ef...fe02770498
AlexDaniel 「grep -R 'say so' *」 shows that there is only one such error
zengargoyle herby_: think opposite of 'not'
herby_ nm
I found it, I'm a dummy 00:01
zengargoyle loose precedence boolifier
herby_ thanks zenga
cygx welcome to Day 6 \o/
jdv79 timotimo: should i just bug it?
masak cygx: \o/
herby_ I can't contribute much to the technical side of the Perl 6 project, but should I report typos & small mistakes I spot as I'm reading Perl 6 docs? 00:02
or at this point are they not a priority
dalek c: cf66efc | (Christopher Bottoms)++ | doc/Type/Any.pod:
Removed erroneous use of "so"
c: 6de7f0b | RabidGravy++ | doc/Type/Any.pod:
Merge pull request #225 from molecules/patch-2

Removed erroneous use of "so"
timotimo jdv79: i know this exact code has been in the channel before, so you may have to search the bug tracker first
cygx herby_: better yet, you can fix them
herby_ the famous pull requests? not sure how that works but I'll do a little reading
jdv79 surely a dup is better than nothing:) 00:04
Guest99713 herby_: Do you have a github account?
herby_ I do I do, created one the other day
cygx herby_: for minor things, you can use the github web interface
AlexDaniel herby_: as far as I know it is not a problem to get push access. This will make it easier to fix typos
herby_: oh, and what cygx just said! 00:05
RabidGravy in a nutshell, fork github.com/perl6/doc/, clone locally, make changes push, make PR
AlexDaniel herby_: it will fork, commit and create a pull request. All behind the scenes! You just edit a file :)
herby_ sweet, that'll give me something to work on and contribute to
jdv79 is rt slow? 00:06
Guest99713 herby_++ for finding that error
AlexDaniel herby_: frequently I see tiny typos but sometimes I am too lazy to fix them. That being said, I'd love these things to be fixed. Your work will be appreciated! 00:09
herby_ great, I've been looking for a way I could help 00:10
dalek : 373bff6 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | misc/perl6advent-2015/schedule:
Update schedule
jdv79 so there's :adverb('str with spaces') and :adverb<strsansspaces> - is there a terse form for a str with spaces? 00:27
timotimo no 00:28
m: say (:foobar/hello how are you/)
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ZtVYVP5cmq␤Missing required term after infix␤at /tmp/ZtVYVP5cmq:1␤------> 3say (:foobar/hello how are you/7⏏5)␤ expecting any of:␤ prefix␤ term␤»
timotimo m: say (:foobar<<hello how are you>>).perl
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«:foobar(("hello", "how", "are", "you"))␤» 00:29
timotimo thought so.
jdv79 no such thing as a positional adverb, right? like :() or so 00:33
timotimo nope 00:36
masak hi -- rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=126827 is currently breaking 007. 00:38
vendethiel jdv79: :adverb<<"str sans spaces">>? :D 00:43
cygx_ 'night o/ 00:44
AlexDaniel so, indeed, it seems like DBIish is fully functional if you switch to “use”. I don't think that it makes sense to commit this awful workaround, but at least now I can continue my work… 00:46
masak 'night, #perl6 00:49
AlexDaniel In short: 「perl6 -e 'require DBDish::Pg'」 does not work, but 「perl6 -e 'use DBDish::Pg'」 works. No idea why 00:50
and this happened after curli, I think
dalek ast: 42fbf6c | thundergnat++ | S32-num/rounders.t:
Fix plan I forgot to update last commit. thundergnat--
dalek ast: 6c1ec2d | thundergnat++ | S32-num/narrow.t:
Add tests for RT #126828
dalek osystem: 79bb07e | cygx++ | META.list:
add NQP::Eval

a tiny module that enables EVAL :lang<nqp>
cf github.com/cygx/p6-nqp-eval
Zoffix .tell cygx would be nice to mention in github.com/cygx/p6-nqp-eval why one would want to EVAL :lang<nqp>; as opposed to regular EVAL.... at least for outsiders like me to make sense of the module :) 02:38
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to cygx.
cxreg never came up with a compelling use for .WHEN, eh? 04:01
yoleaux 15 Nov 2015 12:28Z <bbkr_> cxreg: I'll be back online at 22 UTC today
Guest97065 exit 04:07
ChristopherBotto m: for "A\nB\nC\nD".lines() -> $x, $y { say "$x, then $y" } 04:44
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«A, then B␤C, then D␤»
ChristopherBotto It's fixed! Yea! 04:47
m: my \i = "A\nB\nC\nD".lines.iterator; my @x; (say i.push-exactly(@x, 2)) xx 3 04:48
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«2␤2␤␤»
ChristopherBotto Looks like RT #126270 is fixed 04:50
cheesus e
ChristopherBotto .tell masak Looks like RT #126270 is fixed 04:51
yoleaux ChristopherBotto: I'll pass your message to masak.
Guest64768 ok 05:46
Guest64768 quit 05:48
dalek ast: b37b797 | lizmat++ | S03-binding/ro.t:
Fudge another :== NYI casualty in testing
ast: 182fd17 | lizmat++ | S32-num/narrow.t:
Properly fudge test for RT #126828
skids m: $*SCHEDULER.cue({42.say}, :every(1), :times(2)); sleep 4 # design docs say you can, was that changed or is this an NYI? 06:40
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«Cannot specify :every and :times at the same time␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/qpFljbVUyy:1␤␤»
ChoHag What symbols are (in)valid for variables, module names, etc.? 06:58
skids ChoHag: alphas, digits, underscore, hyphen, and ' are valid for many things. There are some places where ' is not allowed, as ' is in the grammar rule "identifier" but not the rule 'ident'. Also ":" if you count long (package qualified) names. ' and - cannot be the first char and must be followed by an alpha, not a digit. 07:25
lizmat skids: re .cue, that's NYI, but I think I can actually make that happen now 07:29
skids lizmat: Nice. I'm going through current S17 checking for inconsistencies. The other one I found so far is Promise.at is NYI. Haven't gotte to the rough/churny part yet. 07:32
ChoHag Is there any way to create different types of iterator, eg. with an adverb?
$foo.map: ... where $foo is an object which does Iterable. 07:33
I tried adding optional options to the iterator method but don't know if that does anything and/or there's any way to get at it. 07:34
lizmat .tell timotimo trying to make 'use trace' more flexible, but: gist.github.com/lizmat/639f7ffa428ba1d55861 Any suggestions on fixing the optimizer / emitted code ? 07:35
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
skids ChoHag: not entirely clear as to your question. 07:36
lizmat ChoHag: if something is Iterable, it must have an "iterator" method, you can give that any params you want
ChoHag How are those params set when calling the function (eg. map) which ends up calling the iterator? 07:37
lizmat they're not, but when you call the iterator method yourself, you can set them
perhaps you need to use a dynamic variable to change meaning of the iterator method ? 07:38
ChoHag Well I tried that, but then I just the loop just iterates over the iterator rather than what the iterator iterates.
ChoHag $foo.iterator.map: ... 07:39
Well I don't need to do it. Just curious.
skids ChoHag: If you provide default values those will be used. Also maybe a parameterized role would let you have myiter[:option(1)] ~~ myiter
hankache computer, messages 07:40
skids m: List.^roles.say # bad puns 07:41
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«Method 'iterator' must be implemented by Iterable because it is required by a role␤ in any compose_method_table at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp:2680␤ in any apply at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp:2690␤ in any compose at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp:2826␤ in…»
gfldex ChoHag: you could .wrap the iterator method 07:42
gfldex and then return your own iterator 07:42
skids But .wrap has some runtime penaties and restrictions WRT compile time vs runtime, caveat emptor 07:43
skids o/ sleep time 08:00
nine mÖ List.^roles>>.name.say 08:28
m: List.^roles>>.name.say
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Positional'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/yFhPd4U7Li:1␤␤»
nine m: List.^roles>>.^name.say
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«List␤»
nine That's odd 08:29
m: say .^name for List.^roles
camelia rakudo-moar fdec62: OUTPUT«Positional␤Iterable␤»
dalek kudo/nom: 2a635cd | lizmat++ | src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm:
Allow for :every *and* :times in SCHEDULER.cue

  skids++ for spotting this omission
dalek ast: 9fd62a1 | lizmat++ | S17-scheduler/ (2 files):
Adapt tests because of 2a635cd96279ace1c5d3d6d687
timotimo lizmat: you can try using call with a WVal as the first argument populated by $*W.find_symbol
yoleaux 07:35Z <lizmat> timotimo: trying to make 'use trace' more flexible, but: gist.github.com/lizmat/639f7ffa428ba1d55861 Any suggestions on fixing the optimizer / emitted code ?
dalek kudo/nom: cc13049 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Perl6/World.nqp:
Make "no precompilation;" usefull for avoiding automatic precomp
line-Perl5: 1d62b44 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | / (4 files):
Prohibit precompilation of Inline::Perl5

While Inline::Perl5 itself is actually precompilation safe, modules that use Inline::Perl5 may not be precompiled if they use compile time features like use Foo:from<Perl5> which they usually will. The Perl 5 interpreter used by Inline::Perl5 represents external state that would not be saved during precompilation and would thus be missing when loading a precompiled module that depends on it. Since we have no way to tell Perl 6 to not precompile reverse dependencies, prohibit precompilation of Inline::Perl5 itself.
dalek p: 5a5a4eb | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.pod:
Adds info on using it
p: 9c3b296 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.pod:
Uses URLs
p: 4247d1f | niner++ | README.pod:
Merge pull request #262 from JJ/master

Info on using NQP
ast: e2fcaab | lizmat++ | S17-promise/at.t:
Add tests for Promise.at
kudo/nom: 1faeb30 | lizmat++ | src/core/Promise.pm:
Implement Promise.at, skids++ for spotting absence
kudo/nom: 3172033 | lizmat++ | t/spectest.data:
Run Promise.at tests
dalek c: faae5ff | lizmat++ | doc/Type/Promise.pod:
Add documentation for Promise.at
lizmat afk for a few hours& 09:34
gfldex day 13 in the advent calender is scheduled, proofreading is welcome 09:55
[Tux] test 50000 22.841 22.720 09:57
test-t 50000 16.469 16.347
csv-parser 50000 25.549 25.428
[Tux] Q: I have a Str with "aaXbbYccXddXeeY" (X and Y being $fh.nl-in) 09:58
I want to split that into [ "aaX", "bbY", "ccX", "ddX", "eeY" ] 09:59
If Str is "aaXbbYccXddXeeYff" (X and Y still being $fh.nl-in) 10:00
I want to split that into [ "aaX", "bbY", "ccX", "ddX", "eeY", "ff" ]
suggestions for best approach?
[Tux] aa, bb, .. ff can be anything, even empty, as long as it does not contain X or Y. ff cannot be empty 10:02
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"]).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aa", "bb", "cc", "ff")␤»
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :kv).perl.say 10:03
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aa", 0, "X", "bb", 1, "Y", "cc", 0, "X", "ff")␤»
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aa", "X", "bb", "Y", "cc", "X", "ff")␤»
[Tux] I have played with those already 10:03
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).rotor(2).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«(("aa", "X"), ("bb", "Y"), ("cc", "X")).Seq␤»
[Tux] there is ff gone missing 10:04
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).rotor(2, :partial).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«(("aa", "X"), ("bb", "Y"), ("cc", "X"), ("ff",)).Seq␤»
timotimo i was just looking for the name of the flag :)
m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).rotor(2, :partial).map(-> $a, $b { $a ~ $b }).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aa Xbb Y", "cc Xff").Seq␤»
timotimo m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).rotor(2, :partial).map(-> $a, $b? { $a ~ $b }).perl.say 10:05
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aa Xbb Y", "cc Xff").Seq␤»
timotimo oh, wrong
m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).rotor(2, :partial).map(*.join).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aaX", "bbY", "ccX", "ff").Seq␤»
[Tux] \o/
timotimo now that we have something that works, we can find something that looks/performs good, too :P 10:06
[Tux] looks testworthy!
timotimo (if it performance becomes a concern soon enough. it usually does)
rotor may be overkill here
m: "aaXbbYccXff".split(["X", "Y"], :v).map(-> $a, $b? {$a ~ ($b // "")}).perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«("aaX", "bbY", "ccX", "ff").Seq␤»
gfldex use .index and provide your own iterator?
Begi tadzik (or others) : a website for Bailador would be really great 10:10
[Tux] m: dd "a,b,c\n1,foo,bar\n".split($*IN.nl-in,:v).map(->$a,$b?{$a~($b//"")}) 10:15
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«Seq $var = ("a,b,c\n", "1,foo,bar\n", "").Seq␤»
[Tux] why is there a trailing ""? 10:16
RabidGravy If anyone happens to be looking at panda today, I'm getting: 10:18
"==> Bootstrapping Panda
Use of uninitialized value %ENV of type Any in string context
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in sub MAIN at bootstrap.pl:64"
it still seems to work though 10:24
azawawi hi #perl6 10:44
[Tux] m: class C { has $!x; method new (Str $s){$!x:=$s;};method close{$!x="Foo";}};my Str$s;C.new($s).close;$s.say; 10:48
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«Cannot bind attributes in a type object␤ in method new at /tmp/FjOBUMe0h7:1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/FjOBUMe0h7:1␤␤»
[Tux] is there some way to do that?
pippo azawawi: o/ 10:49
vendethiel o/, #perl6 10:51
[Tux] almost there … :)
can I distinguish between $c.foo("aaa") and my$a="aaa";$c.foo($a); using multi method foo (Str $s) and multi method foo (Str $s is rw) ? 10:55
Begi I'll use Perl6 on Ubuntu now. I think (and I hope) it will be better than Windows 10:58
moritz [Tux]: with a sufficiently new rakudo, that works
[Tux] rakudo is only 3 hours old, and I just tested, it works 10:59
[Tux] raises himself to the next step
moritz Begi: the majority of developers use some kind of Linux (and many Debian based), so yes, that should help
[Tux] All tests successful. 11:01
Files=27, Tests=20977, 49 wallclock secs ( 2.83 usr 0.15 sys + 101.75 cusr 1.99 csys = 106.72 CPU)
Result: PASS
[Tux] merges …
timotimo [Tux]: your new method gets passed a re-containered version of the $s; you may want \s instead 11:04
timotimo oh, "is rw" should also give you that, yeah 11:05
[Tux] just pushed. comments welcome on github.com/Tux/CSV/commit/3a0c558c...7dcb37e3c4
[Tux] that is enough perl6 success for one day :) 11:06
hoelzro, feel free to steal and improve from that commit for your IO::String, so I can remove it from my internals :)
pippo Any one can explain me what .bless does as in self.bless? 11:08
nine pippo: it creates an object 11:09
nine pippo: bless is the low level part of a constructor 11:09
pippo nine: OK so self is a reference to current object and bless will create an object identical to the one referred to by bless? 11:10
nine: OK so self is a reference to current object and bless will create an object identical to the one referred to by self?
nine pippo: doc.perl6.org/language/classtut#___top 11:11
pippo: doc.perl6.org/routine/bless
pippo nine: thank you very much.
spacebat I'm defining a few functions and tending to use keyword arguments, declaring them and passing them individually is working fine, but how do I collect a bunch of arguments, either all or something like a hash slice of a few keyword args, and pass them on to another function? I've tried variants of @_ to no avail
related: how can I determine if an argument was passed or not? 11:13
moritz spacebat: use *%named for named arguments and *@pos for positional argument, or |c for either 11:17
and passing them on to another function with other(|@pos) or other(|%named) for example
spacebat: and then you can check with %named<key>:exists if it was passed
spacebat thanks moritz I'll try that 11:20
I saw mention of |c but had no clue how that works
spacebat I'm used to verbosity like (defun foo (&rest args &key bar (baz nil baz-p)) (apply #'qux args)) 11:22
moritz m: sub call(&code, |args) { code |args }; call &say, 42 11:26
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«42␤»
spacebat right I get that, thanks :) 11:29
dalek osystem: 9abe3a1 | (Karl Rune Nilsen)++ | META.list:
Add Unicode::UTF8-Parser to ecosystem

See github.com/krunen/unicode-utf8-parser
gfldex if i would want to read the implemenation of bless, where would i need to look? 12:16
timotimo probably in Mu.pm 12:19
grondilu Mu.pm
grondilu ran grep -r ' bless(' * in src/core
timotimo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...Mu.pm#L108
directly below that is "BUILDALL" which is what gets called on the created object
gfldex thanks 12:20
masak hi, #perl6 12:43
yoleaux 04:51Z <ChristopherBotto> masak: Looks like RT #126270 is fixed
masak you can thank Travis for digging up the bug in rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=126827 12:44
things worked locally for me, since I hadn't updated rakudo for ages.
but they failed in Travis.
masak yeah, I was running fdd236 from 2015-11-18. 12:46
back in 2009 in my second Perl 6 talk ever, I came up with this analogy of the ecosystem being a test-bed for Rakudo regressions. 12:47
and not just as a static thing, but when you do refactors and renamings and restructurings of various kinds, passing from (it is hoped) one state to an equivalent one. 12:48
that's exactly what happened in this case.
the offending commit in 007 was github.com/masak/007/commit/492fad...c7ecae8e3, a very trivial rename. it un-earthed the rakudobug. 12:49
(so glad I did `git add -p` and extracted it from the commit after it -- that sure paid off when reverting!)
masak I feel like blogging about this :) 12:51
(about how refactors unearth regressions)
spacebat still struggling a bit to pass a hash slice to a function: tried f(|%h<a b>) f(|%h<a b>:kv) f(|%h<a b>:p) but in each case f is complaining that I'm passing positionals 12:52
f(|%h) doesn't work because %h has a few extra keys that f isn't expecting
masak spacebat: a hash slice is a list 12:55
spacebat: that's your problem
let me code up a solution
spacebat yeah, I also tried &f.apply(...stuff) but apply isn't a method 12:56
could be lisp braindamage :)
timotimo is the precedence of | there right?
spacebat I tried f(|(%h<a b>:kv)) to no avail
moritz you need |%(...) 12:57
timotimo m: sub foo(*%kw) { say %kw.perl }; my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; foo(|%(%h<a b>:kv)
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ruHkUO7v6e␤Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' ␤at /tmp/ruHkUO7v6e:1␤------> 3y %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; foo(|%(%h<a b>:kv)7⏏5<EOL>␤»
spacebat ah
timotimo m: sub foo(*%kw) { say %kw.perl }; my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; foo(|%(%h<a b>:kv))
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«{:a(1), :b(2)}␤»
timotimo ^- here's a working example
spacebat thanks
masak m: sub f(:$foo, :$bar) { say "$foo $bar" }; my %h = :foo<OH>, :bar<HAI>, :!baz; f(|%(%h<foo bar>:kv)) 12:58
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
masak ah, timotimo++ beat me to it
spacebat moritz set me on the path and you've shown me further along, thanks
so .apply and .call don't exist because with these syntactical options, there is no need 12:59
moritz correct 13:00
masak that's a nice way to view it, yes :) 13:01
timotimo moritz: :) 13:02
er, masak :)
spacebat f(|%(%h<a b>:kv)) is a little dense, either I'll get used to it or find a slicker idiom in time 13:03
timotimo m: sub foo(*%kw) { say %kw.perl }; my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; foo(|%%h<a b>:kv) 13:04
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 2␤ in sub foo at /tmp/9t_f78fzzE:1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/9t_f78fzzE:1␤␤»
timotimo :<
gfldex m: my Capture $c.=new(list=>(1,2,3),hash=>{a=>4,b=>5}); sub foo(*@a, *%h){dd @a, %h}; foo(|$c); 13:06
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«Array $var = $[1, 2, 3]␤Hash $var = ${:a(4), :b(5)}␤»
gfldex spacebat: you can also construct the capture by hand ^^^
spacebat right, I'll look into captures 13:07
I guess that's what the c in |c means
stmuk www.serveraptor.com/ might be interesting for anyone wanting to try rakudo on obscure OSes 13:10
anyone for Minix? :)
Skarsnik not even GNU/Hurd 13:14
stmuk sadly Hurd is 32 bit only 13:16
Skarsnik *download debian/hurd* 13:19
I am curious now x)
El_Che I just read jnthn's latest blogpost: 6guts.wordpress.com/2015/12/05/get...christmas/ . Now that supply got an overhaul, what's the fundamental difference between $supply.tab + $supplier.emit and $channel.poll + $channel.send? 13:41
El_Che jnthn: there is a copy paste typo in the code example in your blogpost 13:41
El_Che is it about a sigle vs multiple readers of the same data? 13:45
timotimo with a supply, you immediately force the tappers to react
with a channel, you're free to read at your leisure 13:46
lucasb a tiny typo slipped in the last ecosystem META.list commit 13:48
timotimo oh
githubuksercontent; that's novel 13:49
El_Che in my code I used a channel in order to read a huge ldif file (ldap db dump) while converting the lines into a datastructure by polling the channel. That seemed very natural to me. I was looking at the docs to see if that a typical way to do things on perl6. (I had a look at promisses, but it does not apply on that context)
dalek osystem: c29a2f2 | timo++ | META.list:
fix tiny typo; lucasb++
lucasb timotimo++ :)
hankache is anyone interested in translating perl6intro.com to their native language? 14:08
we already started a French translation
RabidGravy nine++ # that %?RESOURCES thing so works
nine Yeah :)
timotimo <3 14:09
RabidGravy also it works with sub-paths in the resources directory which is really cool 14:09
nine We just have to find a nice way to make it platform independent. Having a hard coded p5helper.so in META.info doesn't help all that much on Windows
RabidGravy: really? I already implemented that?
RabidGravy either that or it works by accident ;-) 14:10
Zoffix m: my $var’one = 42; say $var’one
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/VRTFkyapZ_␤Bogus postfix␤at /tmp/VRTFkyapZ_:1␤------> 3my $var7⏏5’one = 42; say $var’one␤ expecting any of:␤ constraint␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤…»
RabidGravy i.e. I have "resources" : [ "lib/utmphelper.so"] here and it seems to work fine
hankache anyone here is native German or Chinese speaker? 14:11
nine hankache: native German speaker here
hankache hi nine
RabidGravy hankache, I can translate to "South East London" if you want ;-)
nine m: say "/tmp".IO.child("foo/bar").abspath 14:12
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«/tmp/foo/bar␤»
nine RabidGravy: ah, that's the reason ^^^
hankache RabidGravy :) does that include words like "blimey"
RabidGravy Nah, that's more "hollywood cockney" ;-) 14:12
innit 14:13
Zoffix Weird 14:13
nine RabidGravy: specs want %?RESOURCES<foo><bar><baz> to work for accessing subdirectories, too
hankache nine i was looking at perl6intro.com traffic and noticed that after English, Chinese and German are the most used languages of people who visited 14:14
Zoffix hankache, in section "1.7.1. Identifiers", "var’one" shows up with an incorrect apostrophe. But when I went to make a PR, in the source, it actually *is* correct. 14:14
hankache I was wondering if anyone would like to translate to those two
Zoffix it's a rendering issue 14:15
Zoffix .u ’
Zoffix .u '
yoleaux U+0027 APOSTROPHE [Po] (')
hankache i guess 14:16
hankache asciidoctor 14:17
is getting lost when it comes to apostrophes and single quotation marks
we already started a French translation with the guys at #perlfr 14:18
masak nine: hi! :D 14:19
nine hi masak ;) 14:20
RabidGravy nine, I suspect that in the fullness of time the dynamic libraries should be in their own thing to handle the different names for different platforms, plus being able to enumerate required dynamic libraries (not just locally created ones) will help downstream packagers *and* help a more clever installer that might offer to install 3rd party libraries for you
masak nine: guess you saw rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=126827
nine: I'm investigating it now. will add to the ticket when I know more. 14:21
ChoHag What's the significance of the $ in $[1,2,3] or $(1,2,3)? 14:22
masak ChoHag: "item, not list" 14:23
nine masak: haven't seen that yet. I'm mostly afk this weekend. 14:23
masak got it. 14:24
masak don't let me inconvenience you, then :) I'll just try to do as much of the investigation work as possible for when you get back 14:24
ChoHag So what's the difference between {:a($(1,2,3))}, {:a($[1,2,3])} and {:a([1,2,3])}?
jnthn El_Che: Channels are used when you want to pass work between different threads, like if you're setting up producer/consumer things. Supplies are for when you want to have a chain of operations that will be performed on the triggering thread, as far as is possible.
masak jnthn: "channels are for communication, supplies are for observers" -- is that a fair description? 14:25
nine masak: if 87288285f6f398ec7cba0900312ced4b580d79ed is to blame, it may just be an older precompilation issue that surfaced because we precompile everything that's too slow to run away now...
jnthn Yes, something like
nine masak: to find that out, it would help if you could test with a version before 3b943782768260d4422933f4e2e71be40429c570 with manual precompilation 14:27
masak how do I do manual precompilation? 14:30
El_Che jnthn: thx 14:31
jnthn: typo in you blogpost, last line in the supply example 14:32
jnthn why?
Where? :) 14:33
nine masak: perl6 --target=mbc -o Foo.moarvm Foo.pm
jnthn is looking at can't see a typo :)
Zoffix Huh? Cannot find method 'run_alt' in method paste at /home/[..blah..]/lib/Pastebin/Gist.pm6:31 , but there's no run_alt method on that line: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Pasteb...st.pm6#L31
El_Che jnthn: ctrl + f -> $supplier.emit('oh$supplier.emit('hai 14:34
masak nine: do I need to put the Foo.moarvm anywhere in particular for it to be picked up?
jnthn El_Che: Finds nothing
It's two lines... 14:35
grondilu last time I tried to precompile something, I got:
perl6 --target=mbc -o Foo.moarvm Foo.pm
===SORRY!=== 14:36
Cannot dump this object; no dump method
jnthn It's --output= not -o
El_Che I get this:
# Emit on it
let me try an other browser
Skarsnik Zoffix, H::UA has the same one :) 14:37
nine masak: the old implementation just looked alongside the .pm6 file
Zoffix Skarsnik, seems like an issue with panda. If I clone the repo and run the tests, it works fine
Skarsnik, or maybe precomp stuff... For some reason I don't got lib/.precomp dir right now when I ran tests and they passed 14:38
jnthn El_Che: Odd...reading it on my blog itself, or some aggregator?
Skarsnik blame precomp stuff? x
Zoffix Skarsnik, well, it's one of the variables I see different between the failing and passing modes :) 14:39
jnthn Looks fine for me on pl6anet too though
masak nine: got it -- will try. 14:40
grondilu FYI -o is listed as a possibility in perl6 --help
El_Che jnthn: strange. The html code shows 2 lines.
Zoffix jnthn, when did it end up on pl6anet? For some reason the list on perl6.org hasn't updated yet :/
El_Che jnthn: on FF and Chrome on win8.1 shows one line 14:41
El_Che maybe this pc (not mine) 14:41
Zoffix Looks fine on mine
jnthn Zoffix: Dunno, I only looked there just now to see if that was to blame
El_Che: OK. Well, I've about zero interest in hunting browser rendering bugs... :) 14:42
Zoffix Skarsnik, weird. Doing panda install . in a cloned repo worked :S 14:43
RabidGravy tadzik, you about it 14:44
er, about? 14:45
(losing control of my fingers here.)
El_Che jnthn: claudio.ulyssis.be/6guts.png
weird that FF and Chrome both have the same output 14:46
masak $ perl6 --target=mbc -o B.moarvm B.pm 14:48
Cannot dump this object; no dump method
timotimo maybe -o is broken
masak grondilu: I just got exactly the same message!
timotimo try the full name?
masak ok.
...nope. no luck. 14:49
timotimo :<
masak ok, unless a miracle appears, I am unable to test nine's hypothesis.
it's not related to -o 14:50
I get it even without the -o option
timotimo huh!
well, without the -o option, --target=mbc being broken is known
masak seems the brokenness has been unified to include the -o option, then... :) 14:52
jnthn El_Che: Indeed; especially as it looks fine for me in Chrome also 14:53
masak: It's --output=Foo.pm.moarvm, not -o
I didn't even know we had a -o option
El_Che: Plus I'm on Windows also, though 7 14:54
jnthn saw other pepole using 8 and decided "never" :)
El_Che I'll check later on my linux machine. 14:55
masak jnthn: I went looking for the -o option in source, and didn't find one. so maybe we don't have one :P
jnthn -o noes... 14:56
masak good news! it works on the commit before, with manual precompilation \o/
so it's *not* an ancient error surfacing only now 14:57
timotimo good!
Zoffix ShimmerFairy, has that bug been reported? The Cannot find method 'run_alt' you say also happens in H::UA? 14:57
ShimmerFairy ? 14:58
Zoffix Sorry
Skarsnik, has that bug been reported? The Cannot find method 'run_alt' you say also happens in H::UA?
masak which means I should keep investigating 8728828...
masak .oo( S<tab>, has that bug been reported? )
Zoffix It was Sh<tab> because I have really fat fingers :P
nine masak: why is that good news? Now I have to fix it ;) 14:59
El_Che is the .nl method suppose to change: doc.perl6.org/type/IO#Newline_options. Supplying nl => '\n\n' does not work, while giving it random chars (e.g. 'a' does work).
Skarsnik I assume it was related to other bug like this (like find_method in DBIis), so I did not repport it
El_Che in the rakudo changelog I see this: + New IO::Handle.nl-in now allows multiple line-endings to be set
would it mean that that would fix my problem?
masak nine: hm. I may have spoken too soon. 15:00
El_Che (I am parsing ldif, separated by an empty line)
masak nine: I just went one commit back, not to before 3b943782
nine: trying from that one.
Zoffix Seems it's comming from ./nqp/src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp or ./nqp/src/QRegex/NFA.nqp 15:03
grepped panda/Moar/nqp/rakudo and that's the only place I see run_alt method
cognominal is it possible to invite camelia on a irc.perl.org channel ? how ? 15:04
masak nine: ok, now it's conclusive. building off 3b943782^, with modules precompiled, everything works fine. 15:05
masak adds this to the ticket
Skarsnik cognominal, just add a conf entry on p6evalbot I think
DrForr Hurr. The '>>' in '@<foo>>>.ast' isn't documented as an operator... 15:06
At least that I can see.
DrForr I'm trying to figure out where a seemingly extraneous comma is coming in when I generate an array in a grammar. 15:07
nine masak: I still doubt it's actually 8728828 that's to blame. Between 3b943782 and 8728828 there's a lot of refactoring, especially some changes touching the handling of global merging. Might be a good idea to bisect that (with manual precompilation in every step) 15:12
ChoHag How can I modify va;ues of a list in a for loop looping over that list/
masak nine: ok, understood. 15:13
Zoffix cognominal, which channel?
masak nine: will do.
nine masak++
geekosaur ChoHag, <->? 15:14
in place of ->
ChoHag That does it. 15:16
Zoffix cognominal, just add the channel here and restart the bot: github.com/perl6/evalbot/blob/mast...rg.conf#L2 15:17
JimmyZ jnthn: I told you too, I saw: $supplier.emit('oh$supplier.emit('hai :P 15:18
don't know why
jnthn: not only ff, chrome, aslo IE 15:20
hankache Zoffix i think cognominal wants to add it to #perlfr
dalek albot: 45d27f7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | irc.perl.org.conf:
Add a couple more channels on irc.perl.org
Zoffix hankache, well, I added it to config but I don't have access to pull the update and restart camelia :) 15:25
hankache Zoffix whos has?
Zoffix hankache, I bet nine does, since it runs off their account :P 15:26
cognominal thx 15:27
Zoffix hankache, oh wait, I might know how to do it
hankache Zoffix++ 15:28
hoelzro [Tux]: sure, I'll incorporate that, as soon as I get panda-build&panda-test working =/
Zoffix hm, I may also have broken it :P The irc.perl.org version is taking forever to come back on 15:30
arnsholt_ nine: Should I just go ahead and merge the precomp branch, or do are there more tihngs I can do to test it a bit more?
arnsholt nine: Incidentally, I think I see more or less how to implement "no precompilation" with the new single-process implementation 15:31
hankache Zoffix: is it working?
m: say 1 15:32
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«1␤»
hankache it is working here
Zoffix hankache, nope, it's gone awol
hankache, it's p6eval on irc.perl6.org and it did not come back after I told it to pull and restart :(
nine arnsholt: yes, within the single-process we can just catch the X::Pragma::CannotPrecomp exception :) 15:33
Zoffix nine, I think I broke the irc.perl6.org version of the eval bot :) 15:34
hankache nine can you help Zoffix please. He is trying to help us add camelia to ~perlfr on irc.perl.org
nine arnsholt: if you think everything works, I'd just go ahead and merge.
Zoffix nine, I added two more channels in the config file in the commit above, told it to pull, then to restart and it never came back
nine Sorry, have to leave again :( Kitchen duty 15:35
Zoffix No problem
awwaiid Is there a builtin thing to print out the tree of matches form a grammar? 15:38
moritz_ awwaiid: say $/ 15:39
Zoffix It's also Grammar::Debugger and Grammar::Tracer in the ecosystem that make it easier to debug grammars 15:40
DrForr I'm stil grumbling over a GLR change here...
awwaiid yeah, I was just starting to play with Grammar::Tracer, very nice 15:42
DrForr Changing '$/<foo>>>.ast' to '@<foo>>>.ast' returns the correct data but adds a redundant comma (or maybe nil element) at the end of the data structures.
arnsholt nine: Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking for no precompilation. Some work has to be done to track the things that re implicitly no precomp by depending on a no precomp module, but that's mostly bookkeeping I think 15:43
arnsholt goes to merge
Bah. Conflicts. 15:44
masak nine: the results are in. a bisect of 3b943782^..87288285f, with precompilation at every step, turned up 87288285f as the first bad commit. 15:48
Zoffix m: grammar G { token TOP { [<foo>\s*]+ }; token foo { \w+};}; class GA { method TOP ($/) { $/.make: @<foo>>>.ast }; method foo ($/) { $/.make: ~$/} }; say G.parse("foo bar baz", :actions(GA)).made 15:55
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«[foo bar baz]␤»
Zoffix m: grammar G { token TOP { [<foo>\s*]+ }; token foo { \w+};}; class GA { method TOP ($/) { $/.make: $/<foo>>>.ast }; method foo ($/) { $/.make: ~$/} }; say G.parse("foo bar baz", :actions(GA)).made
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«[foo bar baz]␤»
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
cognominal after compiling rakudo and installing panda, I get Could not find Shell::Command:ver<True>:auth<True>:api<True> in... when doing panda install Task::Star 16:00
probably need an incantation to tell rakudo where panda stuff is :(
Zoffix cognominal, to resolve that, a lot of people had good fortune with nuking ~/.rakudobrew and ~/.perl6 and installing all the stuff from scratch
cognominal ok 16:01
hankache yup nuke ~/.rakudobrew and ~/.perl6 and start from scratch
i had the same issue yesterday
cognominal zoffix++ hankache++
hankache see you later everyone 16:02
Zoffix \o
awwaiid I'm trying to make a whitespace-indent data file parser (like a YAML), and am trying to pass the current "indent" to a token as a parameter, but something isn't quite right. gist.github.com/awwaiid/e5bdc58ce76866cc8ba3 has my current code, including some debugging. This isn't important (just playing), but any pointers are appreciated 16:03
awwaiid someone asked me if I knew of some parsers that can parse the offsides rule, and I want to give them an example :) 16:04
moritz_ awwaiid: I think tracking the indention in a dynamic variable would work better
awwaiid moritz_: great! how do I do that?
moritz_ :my $*IDENT = 4;
I'm pretty sure we have examples for that in the ecosystem 16:05
awwaiid they get to "define" their indent just by indenting more. so like :my $*INDENT = $<current-indent> maybe?
I noticed that the YAML impls in echosystem are generators, not parsers
hoelzro for CompUnit::Repository::Installation.files, what do $file and $name each represent? 16:06
moritz_ awwaiid: arnsholt has an unfinished python implementation named 'snake'. Might be worth checking how it parses 16:07
(it's NQP, but the grammars don't differ so much)
awwaiid thanks moritz_
hoelzro I ask because the panda-test wrapper installed into my $PATH uses .files('panda-test') with no $name, and .files seems to me like it could never work without a provided $name 16:07
arnsholt awwaiid: It's not *too* hard 16:08
Some fiddly bits, but nothing brainmeltingly hard
awwaiid ya, reading the Grammar of it now
arnsholt And to be fair, I stole large bits of the structure in snake from pmichaud++'s and alison++'s earlier pynie project 16:09
awwaiid this has an interesting explicit stack of indent levels. I think I'll continue exploring letting the grammar manage that for a bit before I switch to that. 16:11
hoelzro nine: would you mind answering a quick question I have about CURLI?
I'm trying to get panda-build&panda-test working again
ugexe probably not a point to panda build, as the files will be precomped into their own location once you `use` them 16:19
nine hoelzro: shoot
hoelzro nine: in CURLI.files, what do $file and $name each represent?
it looks to me like files will always fail if $name is Any 16:20
and I'm trying to figure out why panda-test's wrapper uses .files('panda-test')
nine masak: ok, thanks for your hard work! Though the results are surprising, we can at least be sure now. 16:21
hoelzro: I don't see a reason for panda to use .files at all. Also .files doesn't really have a place in the new design (yet). I just patched it up a little to keep panda working. 16:29
hoelzro I don't think panda uses it directly; it looks like CURLI installs wrappers that invoke .files
ugexe originally it served as a way to navigate/access the files by their original names after CURLI changed their filenames to $number 16:30
[Coke] We took a snapshot of anyone whose contributed up through about a week ago. I need to remember to go through recent pull requests for more names for December.
nine hoelzro: oh, that could very well be. I wonder if we can replace that by %?RESOURCES now 16:31
hoelzro oh, %?RESOURCES is YI now?
nine hoelzro: yes, since yesterday :) 16:32
hoelzro \o/
ugexe originally file navigation was supposed to be handled by Distribution, so even if you had a Tar file your Distribution::Tar could still .content(<files bin/script>) without having to expand everything to the file system 16:33
Zoffix We need to do some sort of a "call to Perl 6 module authors" (maybe a blog post somewhere prominent)? I can barely install a distro without it or its dependencies having some sort of fatal issues, and worse still, many of those actually have PRs waiting with the fix. Like this one: github.com/dnmfarrell/URI-Encode/pull/10
And that breaks 3 of my modules 16:34
oh.. the "call" would be to check for PRs and merge stuff (and fix any issues if they can)
dalek kudo/nom: 104623a | arnsholt++ | src/core/ (5 files):
Initial sketch of precompilation in a single process.

Unfortunately this doesn't quite work yet, as a circular dependency chain is falsely detected when precompiling the NativeCall libraries.
rakudo/nom: 299adc5 | arnsholt++ | src/core/CompUnit (2 files):
arnsholt Oh well. He ded 16:35
nine: Merged!
Zoffix GAH! "Cannot find method 'run_alt'" again.. now in another dist 16:37
Zoffix reaches for Acme::GiveUp
JimmyZ arnsholt: 'use nqp;' , I think it is not needed there 16:38
flussence jnthn: just so you don't start thinking you're crazy: that blog post looks fine on all my browsers, and I have some pretty weird ones installed at that 16:39
grondilu wow I was curious about v5 so I ran 'panda install v5'. That was somthing like half an hour ago. Still running :/ 16:41
(yeah 31min according to htop) 16:42
ugexe i put bitcoin miners in all my modules 16:43
grondilu lol 16:44
Zoffix Well, I logged it. It may or may not be related to precomp stuff, so *pokes nine *: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126832 16:45
Juerd jnthn: No, rejecting the tau PR does not result in an extra module because someone already has a Math::Tau in the ecosystem :) 16:47
ugexe he just added a way to turn off precomp so manybe you can test Zoffix
grondilu though I should probably mention that it started with a warning (or error?) message:
==> Fetching v5
Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in sub git-fetch at /usr/local/share/perl6/site/sources/CC8B1AB096E45379F3094E892E5F3C293A6BD26D:46
Use of uninitialized value %ENV of type Any in string context
ugexe i wonder if it does a temp %*ENV 16:47
m: say %*ENV.keys; { temp %*ENV; %*ENV<a> = 1; say %*ENV.keys; } say %*ENV.keys 16:48
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/07ZL_7lZy9␤Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)␤at /tmp/07ZL_7lZy9:1␤------> 3p %*ENV; %*ENV<a> = 1; say %*ENV.keys; }7⏏5 say %*ENV.keys␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ …»
ugexe m: say %*ENV.keys; { temp %*ENV; %*ENV<a> = 1; say %*ENV.keys; }; say %*ENV.keys
ugexe m: say %*ENV.keys.elems; { temp %*ENV; %*ENV<a> = 1; say %*ENV.keys.elems; }; say %*ENV.keys.elems
camelia rakudo-moar 317203: OUTPUT«20␤21␤20␤»
arnsholt JimmyZ: In PrecompilationRepository.pm? Yeah, it is needed. There's a call to nqp::getcomp
ugexe cool maybe that is fixed
awwaiid moritz_: arnsholt: I made some progress gist.github.com/awwaiid/d3ca4a4d4d895d696f51 -- still some weirdness, but now the current-indent is being tracked via params on tokens 16:50
notice the input uses many spaces and the output is normalized to 2 space indent 16:51
lunch time! 16:52
ugexe a flag for turning off precomp for non-core stuff might be handy for testing if something is busted because of precomp
-M"no precomp" wouldnt exactly work
arnsholt awwaiid: Cool! I can't remember the exact edge-cases I debugged in Snake, but if you git log the Grammar file you might get some pointers 16:53
JimmyZ arnsholt: Isn't it free to use nqp:xxxx in core setting? 16:54
flussence Zoffix: now that we've got proper :auth support, maybe we ought to start using perl6-community-modules more liberally in situations like that
lucasb JimmyZ, arnsholt: yes, I thought core didn't need 'use nqp' 16:55
Zoffix flussence, not sure what you mean... what situations? 16:56
flussence broken modules high up the ecosystem chain
arnsholt IIRC it triggered a warning during compilation, so I added it. Feel free to experiment with removing it =)
Skarsnik Zoffix, does the META file has author contact? 16:57
Zoffix flussence, still not following you.. It's a module by some author... Is there a community module alternative for URI encoding?
Skarsnik, no
Skarsnik it should?
Skarsnik but github send a mail when someone add a pr x) 16:58
flussence Zoffix: github.com/perl6-community-modules is where we fork stuff when upstream is non-responsive and it needs to be fixed
Zoffix flussence, ah, wasn't aware of that 16:59
I ping URI::Econding author on that PR.. hopefully they'll notice
DrForr Hidey-ho there, grammar/GLR question in regards to gist.github.com/drforr/f270ca6c14422033b660 17:13
DrForr It's probably purely aesthetic, but I'd like to remove the trailing comma on the second-to-last line. 17:13
moritz_ DrForr: try ${ ID => "12" } 17:14
DrForr Will do.
That works. The next question is why - I'm guessing that the foo => 'bar' is a Pair and ${} does something to linearize it, but why? 17:16
Seeing as with any luck I get to explain this little bit of trivia to a crowd of ~100 people in a few weeks... 17:17
RabidGravy Zoffix, for reference I gave up on URI::Encode and just put my fixed version right in URI::Template 17:18
jdv79 is .t6 supported anywhere? 17:19
psch hmm, that's a bit surprising 17:23
also, hi #perl6
m: my %h = a => 1, b => 2; my @a = [ %h ]; say @a.elems
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«2␤»
psch well, i guess it is single-arg-rule, in the end
skids m: my $p = Promise.new; my $v = $p.vow; my $s = start { sleep 1; +"this throws"; $v.keep(True); }; await $s, $p 17:30
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5this throws' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/zxf1AxPYa7:1␤␤»
skids m: my $p = Promise.new; my $v = $p.vow; my $s = start { sleep 1; +"this throws"; $v.keep(True); }; await $p, $s;
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
skids Doc clarification needed -- await calls .result on the list *in turn* not like allof()?
psch DrForr: "single arg rule" finds a lot of related explanations on the clog, but i don't think we have a comprehensive doc entry yet 17:31
JimmyZ m: my %h = a => 1, b => 2; my @a = [ %h ]; say @a.perl 17:32
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«[:a(1), :b(2)]␤»
DrForr Yeah, I ran across that while searching, I'll save reading for when I've got the test suite working again.
psch the core i understand somewhat like "as long as a given level of a structured variable is a single item and the variable isn't explicitly treated as an item, flatten everything" 17:34
m: my @a = [[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]; say @a.perl # like this
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«[1]␤»
psch m: my @a = [[[[[[$[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]; say @a.perl # or this
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«[[1],]␤»
psch note that only keeps one array around, because the inner ones are again not itemized and single elements 17:35
m: my @a = [[$[[[[$[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]; say @a.perl #
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«[[[1],],]␤»
zengargoyle has anybody used the %?RESOURCES stuff yet? i.e. is there a working module that uses it to find a .so file that i can cargo-cult-cut-paste from? :) 17:46
Skarsnik err, find what .so file? 17:47
zengargoyle find a .so file that is built/installed with the module. like Algorithm::Trie::libdatrie builds a libdatrie.so file that panda installs with the module and then needs to be found at runtime. 17:49
timotimo zengargoyle: Inline::Perl5 uses it, i believe 17:49
zengargoyle timotimo: thanks, that'll probably get me started. 17:52
timotimo :) 17:53
i wonder if Linenoise is already updated?
RabidGravy zengargoyle, see e.g github.com/jonathanstowe/p6-Sys-La...7e3ead916f 17:54
it's relatively trivial to be honest 17:55
zengargoyle yeah, ack'd for RESO in the Inline::Perl5. doing the rakudobrew dance ATM. 17:57
bah! 17:58
psch hrm 17:59
zengargoyle Dynamic variable @*PRECOMP-WITH not found
RabidGravy You'll need to adjust the Build.pm META.info and Makefile.in (if you are using librarymake)
arnsholt zengargoyle: That's probably my fault! Is this while compiling Rakudo, or installing something? 18:00
psch re-locking the same fh is allowed on moar, but not on jvm. that's the current r-j build hang-up, in case anyone was wondering
zengargoyle rakudobrew build panda; # after nuke; build moar; 18:01
psch (where "re-locking" means "without unlocking") 18:01
zengargoyle SC not yet resolved; lookup failed # trying perl6 ./bootstrap.pl
Skarsnik %?RESOURCES work in context? I mean it only the ressources for the modules/namespace? 18:03
arnsholt zengargoyle: I'll have a look at it, but don't have time to do it right away. But if you try to do the steps by hand and apply --ll-exception at the failing step it may very well turn out to be relatively straightforward, if you want to look at it yourself 18:04
RabidGravy for a "distribution" as I read the code
hoelzro timotimo: I fixed it on Friday, but using an awful hack rather than %?RESOURCES 18:05
I'm hoping to change that today
timotimo :S 18:06
hoelzro I'm wondering how to handle .so vs .dll in the resources list, though? 18:08
just list both?
and do we use .dylib on OS X?
Skarsnik hm 18:09
good question actually
zengargoyle isn't extension somewhere in the $*VM or somesuch settings info?
Skarsnik ahah 18:11
Skarsnik look at I what I did to get the ext in rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126645 (toward the end) x) 18:12
zengargoyle wonders if `perl6 --version` should have a 'build date' component. 18:13
hoelzro zengargoyle: I believe it is, but does that mean that we need to generate META.info based on the building OS? 18:14
Skarsnik Na ressources should be typed
[Coke] nine: I have some failing precomp tests on OS X.
t/spec/S10-packages/precompilation.t is failing tests 1,7 18:15
azariah_ Is it possible to override the default value of an attribute in a derived class without repeating the entire attribute definition?
Skarsnik like Ressources : [ lib : "mylibfile" ] 18:16
azariah_, try in BUILD?
arnsholt [Coke]: Probably my fault! 18:17
I'll have a look at them tomorrow
Skarsnik but I am not sure it will work if you write method BUILD(:$!attrtochange = "foo"); it will not be called with a Class.new(:stuff, :stuff2) maybe
azariah_ Was just wondering if there was something like the "has +'attrname'" syntax in Moose 18:18
Skarsnik damn Configure.pl does not work on hurd 18:19
lizmat is it just me, or is every single spectest file broken atm ? 18:21
SC not yet resolved; lookup failed
lizmat nukes install and rebuilds
zengargoyle that's the same i'm getting trying to install panda from a fresh rakudobrew. starts happening with JSON__Fast 18:23
[Coke] t/spec/S17-supply/syntax.t has some very fiddly failures on OS X. Trying to golf it, the abort keeps going away. 18:28
zengargoyle if i rm -rf lib/.precomp between each prove t/*.t test, one test file passes, next fails.
i.e. prove -e 'perl6 --ll-exception -Ilib' -v t/01-parse.t passes; run it again it fails; rm -rf lib/.precomp and it passes again. 18:30
Skarsnik lol 18:31
zengargoyle bets other parts of panda install work because the only have one t/ file. :)
RabidGravy okay I was just going to bite the bullet and update the rakudo on the laptop. perhaps I won't 18:32
dalek ecs: 5ce1177 | skids++ | S17-concurrency.pod:
Update design doc section on Channels

   Channels use .closed not .done.
   Remove old earliest and related constructs.
zengargoyle can i blame precomp without sounding snarky? :) 18:33
lizmat after a nuked install, spectest is still mostly dead :-( 18:36
SC not yet resolved; lookup failed
zengargoyle lizmat: does very first test pass? 18:37
lizmat looks like 18:37
but *not* if I run it again 18:38
zengargoyle precomp is making more than 1 test fail.
Skarsnik I wonder if precomp could be use with something like Mojo6::Template
zengargoyle lizmat: see my last few msgs, having same issue with installing panda 18:39
RabidGravy it was working this morning, so I'm guessing you're looking at a commit since about 11 GMT 18:40
lizmat reverting to before arnsholt's merge, makes things work again
arnsholt: you still around ?
zengargoyle and if spectest is failing, i'm guessing in rakudo/nqp and not panda... 18:41
lizmat zengargoyle: yea, spectest of rakudo 18:41
I'm going to revert arnsholt's merge 18:42
RabidGravy iirc he knows what it is but didn't have time to fix it 18:43
lizmat well, meanwhile nobody can develop anymore
hmmm.... I guess I don't have enough git fu to revert the merge 18:44
RabidGravy yeah totally with reverting
psch hm, do we have tests for file locks with multiple threads? 18:45
...do we have *any* tests for IO::Handle.lock? o.o 18:47
RabidGravy lizmat, I think it's "git revert -m 1 459a41890" 18:49
timotimo is transpose.t broken in "make test"?
oh, huh 18:50
it seems to require "make install" first
zengargoyle RabidGravy: yeah, that looks right to me.... 18:51
RabidGravy the result looks sane anyway :)
timotimo oh, it's the SC not resolved problem
psch what does IO::Handle.lock actually do, anyway? on r-m i can run two interpreters that both .lock(2) the same file..? 18:52
lizmat RabidGravy: verifying your findings... 18:53
psch hm, might be lock modes that i'm ignorant of
RabidGravy Oh wait it might leave the merge faults from that merge
timotimo psch: linux only has "advisory" locks anyway ... 18:54
don't know if that makes a difference for your test case
zengargoyle revert diffed with 31720335a4d262a3195ca59f2dd25ad0e3247e4e shows nothing. 18:55
psch timotimo: that just makes it more confusing, actually :/ 18:56
as in, javadoc says that jvm-level locks should be treated as advisory because they utilize the OS locking mechanism
but the "let's just lock again and not care if it's locked already" impl for nqp-j lockfh dies with (what's essentially) "can't lock this again, it's already locked" 18:57
timotimo lol.
it's making an effort :) 18:58
psch and well, nqp-m lockfh just seems to not do anything... vOv
autarch what's the format for advent calendar articles? is there a repo I can look at?
psch autarch: what do you mean "format"? they're usually submitted in the wordpress editor 18:59
autarch oh, I see, can I get access to that then?
psch: for the record, the perl 5 calendar uses a slightly tweaked POD format - github.com/perladvent/Perl-Advent/...-12-16.pod
psch autarch: i think moritz_ or PerlJam can invite you to the author group, but it's the same editor as any wordpress installation uses 19:00
lizmat autarch: I think moritz can give you access to that
autarch moritz_: ^
timotimo OK, so i have built a thingie that reports what lines have been hit via MoarVM; now to 1) somehow make that work with the spectests, 2) somehow generate a report from that 19:01
psch timotimo: in any case, should IO::Handle.lock on r-m work twice on the same FH..?
dalek kudo/nom: ccf15ec | lizmat++ | src/core/ (6 files):
Revert "Merge branch 'precomp-singleprocess' into nom"

This reverts commit 459a41890766ce1706d79ee48c0ca5f8e91f6965, reversing changes made to 31720335a4d262a3195ca59f2dd25ad0e3247e4e.
timotimo psch: i have no idea? :( 19:02
timotimo i haven't worked with file locks, like, ever 19:03
psch timotimo: yah, me neither... 19:04
timotimo maybe libuv's docs can help? 19:05
RabidGravy linux does have mandatory locks www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/f...ocking.txt but it's to be avoided
DrForr This seems very odd to me. I just made a 'is-deeply' test pass simply by reordering hash keys. Does Test::is-deeply do string comparison on a canonical ordering of data structures, by chance?
DrForr sees if he can reproduce outside the grammar. 19:06
Skarsnik Ohh that could be why I have is-deeply test that does not work in DBIish stuff
DrForr, try eqv
ZoffixW m: grammar G { token TOP { <foo> | <bar> }; token foo { \d+}; token bar { \D+} }; class GA { method TOP ($/) { say $/<bar>.WHAT }}; G.parse("42", :actions(GA)).made 19:06
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
ZoffixW weird 19:07
DrForr reads.
timotimo who can help me with Test::Harness?
if it's about grammars, you might want .caps instead of .hash or something
zengargoyle locking is even worse over NFS, there's a Perl5 module that does extreem gymnastics to do NFS locking.
dalek kudo/nom: c4f8cad | (Juerd Waalboer)++ | src/core/Num.pm:
Provide tau constant (also: τ)

The Tau Manifesto <tauday.com/tau-manifesto>
See also
A patch for S32 is also submitted, as is a spectest.
ZoffixW m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/9d78d31f9f6b38b1c8c5
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«Use of Nil in string context in method message at /tmp/OA_ce2VLkF:30␤␤YES␤wat?␤Use of Nil in string context in method message at /tmp/OA_ce2VLkF:35␤␤»
kudo/nom: dd5bcdb | lizmat++ | src/core/Num.pm:
Merge pull request #614 from Juerd/nom

Provide tau constant (also: τ)
Skarsnik m: my %hash; %hash<a> = 1; %hash<b> = 2; say {b => 2, a => 1} eqv %hash;
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW How come I'm getting that output?
autarch is there any way to get a thread id? 19:09
I mean an id for the current thread, like the pid
ZoffixW Oh, it's due to ~ never mind
lizmat m: say $*THREAD # autarch
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«Thread.new(app_lifetime => Bool::False, name => "Initial thread")␤»
autarch lizmat: thanks 19:10
lizmat m: say $*THREAD.id # autarch
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«1␤»
Skarsnik m: my %hash; %hash<a> = 1; %hash<b> = 2; say {b => 2, a => 1} eqv {a => 1, b => 2};
camelia rakudo-moar 459a41: OUTPUT«True␤»
timotimo hum. leont could probably help me :P 19:12
cxreg wondering what the semantics of a non-blocking await looks like
AlexDaniel non-blocking await? 19:12
timotimo cxreg: it'll just resume execution in a different task
cxreg oh ok
timotimo so from the perspective of the code the await is in, it'll still "block" 19:13
cxreg but not from the vm's
timotimo that's right 19:14
cxreg makes sense, thanks for clarifying. jnthn said he wanted to do that before p6.c but if the semantics dont change then it's probably fine if not
autarch is panda broken with the current moar/rakudo HEAD?
AlexDaniel Hooooraaaay for τ!
lizmat autarch: I just reverted a merge that broke things
autarch: do you have that pulled ?
autarch lizmat: probably not, I rebuilt my perl6 about 20 minutes ago
zengargoyle lizmat++
RabidGravy I don't thinkk I've ever used pi in any code that I have been paid for so the chances of tau changing my life are slim 19:15
zengargoyle autarch: pull and you get τ for free!
autarch oh, thank goodness, that's exactly what I needed ;)
AlexDaniel m: τ 19:16
camelia rakudo-moar ccf15e: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/zAnbUv3KmG␤Undeclared routine:␤ τ used at line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel not yet!
timotimo is excited for tau 19:17
psch huh
hankache Z 19:18
autarch lizmat: is the error you fixed this one? "Could not find Shell::Command:ver<True>:auth<True>:api<True> in: ..."
cause I Just did a "rakudobrew build moar" but I'm still getting that error
psch r-m apparently installs e.g. BOOTSTRAP.moarvm to $prefix/share/nqp/lib/Perl6/, but r-j installs to $prefix/share/lib/Perl6/
zengargoyle i was hoping τ/2 would return π
psch (r-j obviously installs BOOTSTRAP.jar...) 19:19
RabidGravy autarch, when was the *previous* time you did a rakudobrew?
hankache autarch: nuke ~/.rakudobrew and ~/.per;6 and start from scratch
autarch RabidGravy: maybe 20 minutes ago?
RabidGravy before that?
hankache i did it yesterday and it solved my issue
zengargoyle autarch: rakudobrew nuke moar; rm -rf ~/.perl6; cd ~/.rakudobrew; git pull; cd -; rakudobrew build moar; ...
cxreg zengargoyle: arguably it's a bug that it does not? :) 19:20
autarch too late, I nuked the dot dirs
RabidGravy wahay!
El_Che I would like to read file as records (in my case separated by \n\n) instead of lines. This does not work:
m: spurt('/var/tmp/file1', "A\n\nB\n\nC\n\n"); my $fh = open('/var/tmp/file1', nl-in => "\n\n"); say $_.perl for $fh.lines;
camelia rakudo-moar ccf15e: OUTPUT«spurt is disallowed in restricted setting␤ in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting:1␤ in sub spurt at src/RESTRICTED.setting:17␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JK61dZea7p:1␤␤»
El_Che well, it just splits the output on "\n" instead of "\n\n" 19:21
hankache Zoffix: Any news about inviting camelia to #perlfr ?
zengargoyle doing a git pull on rakudobrew seems easier than nuking/reinstalling it.
cxreg <banter> i wonder if the perl 6 excitement is really building, or if that's echochamber effect. seems like the HN discussion has been mostly positive. </banter>
RabidGravy zengargoyle, "rakudobrew self-upgrade" ;-)
zengargoyle ha, lol 19:22
autarch yeah, _now_ you mention that
hankache rakudo self-upgrade didn't solve it for me
i had to nuke ~/.rakudobrew
zengargoyle i have not yet ever had to nuke .rakudobrew... 19:23
AlexDaniel by the way, there is some issue with rakudobrew. You can only use it if you put it into ~/.rakudobrew, no idea what happened. It was working just fine in any other directory earlier
timotimo rakudobrew self-upgrade only updates the rakudobrew installation itself
El_Che cxreg: the slashdot discussion was a trollfest
timotimo it does nothing to rakudo
hankache don't ask me why though, someone told me to do it and it just worked :)
autarch El_Che: unlike other slashdot discussions?
lizmat autarch: no, that's not in 19:24
zengargoyle AlexDaniel: i still have /opt/rakudobrew... haven't seen any problems.
RabidGravy yes, but "rakudobrew self-upgrade; rakudobrew nuke moar" (and possibly the .perl6 directory) *should* do for the pre-curli to post-curli leap
lizmat fwiw, I bootstrapped panda ok on my machine after having nuked install a while ago
RabidGravy still building for me here
zengargoyle lizmat: me too! seems to be ok after the revert. 19:25
AlexDaniel zengargoyle: that's interesting. I saw this problem on two different machines (on both it was working just fine for a looooong time), so something definitely happened I'm just not sure what exactly
lizmat but I can't install Inline::Perl5
RabidGravy yeah, I thought that slashdot had actually replaced under bridges as to where trolls lived about fifteen years ago
autarch well, stuff seems to be working after rebuilding everything from scratch 19:26
AlexDaniel m: say τ
camelia rakudo-moar ccf15e: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/x6NFTJlPdu␤Undeclared routine:␤ τ used at line 1␤␤»
timotimo autarch: glad to hear it
El_Che autarch: :)
RabidGravy ah, did that rever too much (i.e. nine's %?RESOURCES stuff?)
hankache autarch++ 19:28
cxreg El_Che: well. slashdot.
lizmat RabidGravy: yeah, suggestions for fixing ?
dalek p: 7ab9ad5 | peschwa++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/io/FileHandle.java:
Bring nqp-j lockfh handling in line with nqp-m.

As noted in the comment in the file there might be a cleaner way to achieve this, the fact that re-locking a locked filehandle might be a bad things to allow aside.
kudo/nom: 0ec5ad5 | peschwa++ | tools/build/Makefile-JVM.in:
Correct lib path to install a working R-J.
psch there, r-j builds and installs and at least basically works again 19:29
cxreg El_Che: r/programming and HN are far superior these days, honestly
timotimo cxreg: they troll better?
El_Che cxreg: Last perl or perl6 that wasn't that but. It's not that it was negative, just too silly to even bother. I mean, I can appreciate a good troll, but this time it wasn't even funny
last thread
bartolin_ psch++
autarch hmm, I don't think ThreadPoolScheduler works like I think it should work ... gist.github.com/autarch/fc41bcaf31f05651a2c5 - everything runs in the same thread
cxreg timotimo: heh. fair.
psch bartolin_: i'm fairly confident spectest is still an undeniable mess, though... :)
timotimo autarch: oh! i have a clue why that might be %)
autarch timotimo: please share 19:30
psch starts that out of morbid curiousity...
timotimo autarch: jnthn recently built something that allows you to see dynamic variables from the context where a start block was placed
bartolin_ too
timotimo perhaps it gets the $*THREAD value from before it got put into the ThreadPoolScheduler?
autarch timotimo: how could I figure this out?
timotimo you're using supplies 19:31
lizmat is getting very sad about the mess nom is in
timotimo supplies have a "pipeline" semantic kind of deal that means things are tried to run on the same thread for better locality
try with start instead of tap
(to see if i'm full of shit)
jnthn autarch: $supply.schedule-on($sched); 19:32
autarch: That's a no-op
autarch: It returns something that you would then tap
It doesn't work in-place 19:33
autarch jnthn: aha, that makes sense
though the docs must be wrong, because they don't document a return value
jnthn Ah, sounds like. I don't think there's anything at all on a Supply that works in-place, fwiw
bartolin_ psch: actually, I hope the spectest on r-j is not that bad. I ran some test files manually the last days (while looking at some tests) and didn't see any new problems with those 19:34
lizmat I'm about to restore files manually in nom that I think are right
and then create a commit out of that to fix things
autarch jnthn: I think the docs may be way out of date on that then - I'll try to put some patches together once I finish my advent article
lizmat jnthn RabidGravy do you have better ideas ?
AlexDaniel m: say τ 19:35
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«6.28318530717959␤»
AlexDaniel alriiiiight!
jnthn lizmat: You're planning to revert something?
AlexDaniel m: say τ == pi * 2
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«True␤»
lizmat jnthn: I reverted arnsholt's merge badly
psch bartolin_: well, it starts with 55 lines of "No subtests run"... :/
lizmat jnthn: now I need to revert that and then revert arnsholt's merge properly 19:35
jnthn: as I said, it's a mess
bartolin_ psch: oh :-( 19:36
jnthn lizmat: How many commits were in the merge?
lizmat: You can just list those to git revert
lizmat feels like the wizard's apprentice watching the brooms go wild 19:37
jnthn lizmat: git-scm.com/blog/2010/03/02/undoing-merges.html has probably a lot more info than you want to know on it :)
lizmat I'm not interested in learning stuff atm, I'm interested in getting stuff right asap 19:38
AlexDaniel m: my \r = 25; my $C = τ * r; say $C
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«157.07963267949␤»
AlexDaniel feels good :)
hankache test 19:40
lucasb by looking at github rendering of the commits, it looks like the lizmat's revert commit is exactly the reverse of arnsholt's one. why it was said that it reverted too much?
lizmat the %?RESOURCES work
which is what Inline::Perl5 now depends on
hankache knows how this works now :)
grondilu is glad about tau 19:41
psch hm, and the ContextRef serialize stuff still pops up
lucasb ah, ok. maybe it was because arnsholt found some conflicts when merging (?)
RabidGravy there were
autarch is Supply.wait not blocking? 19:43
jnthn It blocks
m: Supply.iterval(1).wait; say 'here'; 19:44
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«Method 'iterval' not found for invocant of class 'Supply'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/cJRko05KqD:1␤␤»
jnthn m: Supply.interval(1).wait; say 'here';
autarch hmm, that's not what I'm seeing
jnthn heh, of course that'll go on forever :)
m: Supply.interval(1).head(2).wait; say 'here';
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤last without loop construct␤»
jnthn o.O
grondilu fir use of tau in RC: rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Perl_6
meant rosettacode.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_t...orm#Perl_6
autarch m: (1,2,3).Supply.tap( -> $x { say $ } ) 19:45
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«(Any)␤(Any)␤(Any)␤»
lucasb so... it seems there was consensus about the tau thing? :)
autarch m: (1,2,3).Supply.tap( -> $x { say $x } )
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤»
autarch m: (1,2,3).Supply.tap( -> $x { say $x } ).wait
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤Method 'wait' not found for invocant of class 'Tap'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/KqGHgHEH3p:1␤␤»
autarch m: my $s = (1,2,3).Supply; $s.tap( -> $x { say $x } ); $s.wait
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤»
lizmat lucasb: no, there wasn't, but I bit the bullet by hoping for forgiveness 19:46
autarch m: my $s = (1,2,3).Supply; $s.tap( -> $x { sleep 2; say $x } ); $s.wait
camelia rakudo-moar dd5bcd: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤»
autarch hmm, of course it works here :(
lucasb lizmat: I forgive you :)
just kidding :)
lizmat it felt right to me, forward looking to the use of tau in the world
autarch it doesn't seemt to be waiting here - gist.github.com/autarch/cfa68f65b36a8cd5cd0b - there's no progress bar output except the call to $prog.?message($msg)
jnthn autarch: .wait is a form of .tap 19:47
autarch If I replace .tap with .wait I get ... "Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2" 19:47
lizmat gives up on fixing the mess nom is in 19:48
jnthn autarch: What are you actually wanting to do? :)
.wait means "wait for the thing to complete and give me its final value"
yoleaux jnthn: Sorry, this command is admin-only.
autarch jnthn: run the $sub in up to N threads, one per thing in $items
and wait for that to complete before returning
lizmat autarch: what you want, is Supply.throttle(N, -> { ... } ) 19:50
autarch then what's Supply.schedule-on for?
lizmat autarch: that's for special things like GTK binding, running on the GTK scheduler 19:51
jnthn autarch: And get the items back in order?
autarch ah, ok
jnthn: don't want anything back at all
jnthn lizmat: I think schedule-on could work for this
autarch: Then what were you passing to .tap? :)
autarch jnthn: a subroutine that does some work
jnthn Ah
m: Supply.from-list(1, 2, 3, 4).schedule-on($*SCHEDULER).do({ say "work on $_ on $*THREAD.id()" }).wait; say 'done'; 19:52
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«work on 1 on 3␤work on 2 on 4␤work on 3 on 5␤work on 4 on 6␤done␤»
jnthn oh, but that may not be parallel enough 19:53
autarch yeah, the goal here is to parallelize an operation across N threads - there are no return values to care about
jnthn m: (1, 2, 3, 4).hyper.map({ say "work on $_ on $*THREAD.id()" }); 19:53
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: (1, 2, 3, 4).hyper.map({ say "work on $_ on $*THREAD.id()" }).sink 19:54
camelia ( no output )
ZoffixW Hey, what's "AUTOGEN"? I'm getting "Ambiguous call to 'AUTOGEN'"
jnthn Hm, that *should* work...
autarch but I want to be able to limit it to a certain (user-specified) number of threads
if there are 300 items it should not make 300 threads ;)
autarch ah, I see hyper takes a batch size 19:55
moritz_ you can always instantiate your own ThreadPoolScheduler with a differen max-threads
not necessary with .hyper, but in general if you use promises etc. and want to limit the number of threads 19:56
jnthn m: for ^10 .rotor(4) { await do for @$_ { start { say "$_ on $*THREAD.id" } } }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«0 on Thread<3>(<anon>).id␤1 on Thread<4>(<anon>).id␤2 on Thread<3>(<anon>).id␤3 on Thread<4>(<anon>).id␤4 on Thread<3>(<anon>).id␤5 on Thread<5>(<anon>).id␤6 on Thread<6>(<anon>).id␤7 on Thread<4>(<anon>).id␤»
jnthn There's another way
Supplies aren't really a great tool for this because their goal is to tame concurrency rather than introduce it :) 19:57
autarch I'm just trying what someone told me to do a week ago, I think ;)
lucasb Isn't reverting the revert commit helping in this case? Then the repo arrives back at arnsholt's change. From there, it can be decided how to revert (or not) that correctly.
moritz_ m: for ^10 .rotor(4) { await do for @$_ { start { say "$_ on $*THREAD.id()" } } } 19:58
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«0 on 3␤1 on 4␤2 on 3␤3 on 4␤4 on 3␤5 on 5␤6 on 4␤7 on 6␤»
autarch so here it is with .hyper - gist.github.com/autarch/af2ac13e76ec0d487615 - and it doesn't seem to actually run the sub passed to .map - if I remove the .hyper() bit it does run it 19:59
s_kilk Would anyone here have any use for the `perl6.rocks` domain? I registered it (in a drunken frenzy) a few weeks ago, and would be willing to transfer it to the perl6 community, if something useful could be done with it 20:00
ZoffixW s_kilk, how much does it cost? 20:01
s_kilk eh, I'll just hand it over, no interest in keeping it.
lizmat s_kilk++
s_kilk as long as it get's used for something cool 20:02
it could make for a great tutorial site
ZoffixW Anyone know why this line is giving me "Ambiguous call to 'AUTOGEN'; these signatures all match::(IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger $: *%_):(IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger $: *%_)" github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Cl...nt.pm6#L33 The line above works fine
jnthn It'd be great if somebody made a Perl 6 geology library and put its site there :P
ZoffixW This is the only object in @!plugins and its .msg methods: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Cl...ger.pm6#L6
autarch moritz_: your solution seems to do what I want 20:03
RabidGravy lizmat, if you also revert the second (right) commit of the merge, fix the merge faults with "git checkout --ours <file>" then rebase to your last revision then you should have something you can work with
autarch except for not actually doing anything ...? I need to investigate further 20:04
RabidGravy skipping the merge errors of course in the rebase
lizmat RabidGravy: at this moment, my confidence level at fixing this is zero, so I'm leaving it to someone else to fix
I feel I would only make things worse 20:05
bartolin_ lizmat: do you have an opinion about integration/advent2014-day05.t (from roast)? AFAIU the test file fails (it's only run as stress test) because it uses the old Supply API. should we remove the test file or should it be updated to the new API?
lizmat pls update to new API
hankache ZoffixW: any luck with camelia on #perlfr?
bartolin_ oki doki (but 'll have to understand Supply and friends first :-) 20:06
jnthn autarch: I put hyper and race in partially while working out how we'd do them as part of the GLR, never quite finished them (though they'd have done fine for your case), and was silly enough to not write tests to make sure we didn't bust what did work. :(
ZoffixW hankache, try to find one of the people who have access to the server with her and ask them to see why the irc.perl.org version died. I don't have access to it, so I've no idea what happened
hankache Zoffiw
ZoffixW: thanks mate. 20:07
jnthn I suspect it'll be something silly...
ZoffixW Damn, I've been hitting these annoying bugs that I can't reproduce on small test cases :/
hankache ZoffixW: who should I ask?
jnthn Embarassing I'm all like "I was stupid enough to write no tests" the evening before I teach a TDD class :P
psch m: role R { multi method f() { False }; multi method f(R) { say "from R" } }; class C does R { multi method f() { True }; multi method f(C $:) { say "from C" } }; C.new.f
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'f'; these signatures all match:␤:(C $: *%_)␤:(C $: *%_)␤:(C $: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/HfmWjKo25h:1␤␤»
psch ZoffixW: ^^^ that's your latest golfed, isn't it?
well, similar
ZoffixW hankache, nine and maybe moritz; but nine said they were busy ATM 20:08
psch the signature for C.f isn't quite comparable :S
hankache ZoffixW: ok thanks
moritz_ investigates
ZoffixW moritz_, I've added two extra channels for the bot to join, asked the bot to pull and then restart, and it never came back 20:09
psch doesn't really grok role/multi interactions particularly well...
Skarsnik role and mutli seem buggy x=
psch Skarsnik: i think it's mostly not completely clear how it should behave 20:10
Skarsnik: at least that's how i feel about it... :)
moritz_ Can't locate JSON.pm in @INC
jnthn It's clear enough once you remember that the design of roles is "works like you declared the thing in the class" :) 20:11
dalek kudo/nom: 9a6b714 | lizmat++ | src/core/Thread.pm:
Give Thread a better understandable .gist
jnthn Given that, you'd expect ambiguity :)
ZoffixW psch++ thanks. Commenting out the methods in my role fixed the issue 20:12
Skarsnik m: role R { method foo() { ... } }; class A does R { multi foo(Int) {say "Int"}; multi foo() {say "A"}};
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'foo' must be implemented by A because it is required by a role␤»
ZoffixW I think going with multies was a mistake
Skarsnik m: role R { method foo() { ... } }; class A does R { multi method foo(Int) {say "Int"}; multi method foo() {say "A"}};
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'foo' must be implemented by A because it is required by a role␤»
psch m: role R { method foo() { ... } }; class A does R { proto method foo(|) {*}; multi foo(Int) {say "Int"}; multi foo() {say "A"}};
camelia ( no output )
Skarsnik so yeah, role and multi does not work x) 20:13
moritz_ hankache, ZoffixW: camelia should be back on irc.perl.org
psch jnthn: yeah, i guess everything else is just trying to be too clever i suppose
Skarsnik: it does, you just have to supply an explicit proto
hankache moritz_ ZoffixW thanks a lot
Skarsnik the proto sound like a bad workaround x)
psch Skarsnik: why workaround?
ZoffixW moritz_, it is, but running "m:" just says "<p6eval> rakudo-moar : OUTPUT«No such file or directory»" 20:14
jnthn Skarsnik: Just because you don't have a clue how it works doesn't mean it doesn't work :/
Skarsnik because why would I need another keyword?
ZoffixW moritz_, "rakudo-moar : OUTPUT«(timeout)Can't exec "./rakudo-m-inst/bin/perl6-m": No such file or directory at lib/EvalbotExecuter.pm line 194.␤cat: /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst/revision: No such file or directory␤»"
moritz_ m: say 42
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«42␤»
Skarsnik m: role R { multi method foo() { ... }; multi method foo(Str $a) {say $a}}; class A does R { multi method foo(Int) {say "Int"}; multi method foo() {say "A"}}; 20:15
camelia ( no output )
moritz_ ZoffixW: :(
hankache moritz_ it is not working there :(
autarch hmm, I'm starting to think I don't understand Perl 6 well enough to write the advent calendar article I'm supposed to write :(
ZoffixW autarch, do it! :)
autarch ZoffixW: uh, how does that help?
Skarsnik m: role R { multi method foo() { ... }; multi method foo(Str $a) {say $a}}; class A does R { multi method foo(Int) {say "Int"}; multi method foo() {say "A"}}; my $a = A.new; $a.foo("Hello"); $a.foo(); 20:16
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Hello␤Ambiguous call to 'foo'; these signatures all match:␤:(A $: *%_)␤:(A $: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/jHxrNQi_gN:1␤␤»
hankache moritz_ say 123 will return rakudo-moar : OUTPUT«No such file or directory»
moritz_ hankache: yes
ZoffixW What's weird is *I* get this /msg from it: <p6eval> rakudo-moar : OUTPUT«(timeout)Can't exec "./rakudo-m-inst/bin/perl6-m": No such file or directory at lib/EvalbotExecuter.pm line 194.␤cat: /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst/revision: No such file or directory␤#perlfr <hankache> rakudo-moar: say 123␤»
Skarsnik wait, there is nothing ambiquous here 20:17
ZoffixW Skarsnik, sure is foo() in the role and foo() in the class
psch Skarsnik: there is. the stub from the role and the no-parameters candidate from the class have the same signature
moritz_ Skarsnik: I don't think stubbing a multi method works the way you seem to expect it to work 20:18
ChoHag If a recipient is a thing that receives, what's a thing that sends? 20:18
ZoffixW ChoHag, sender
Skarsnik err, what are you saying? the { ... } is just to tell the class to have a foo method defined, why it should be called in the role? 20:19
moritz_ Skarsnik: I think stubbing works only on the routine/proto level, not on the multi level
ZoffixW Skarsnik, roles add stuff. You can't have the same method in the role and in the class
moritz_ Skarsnik: because comparing signatures is Turing complete 20:20
(in the general case)
ZoffixW Skarsnik, so it doesn't really make sense to stub. What is it stubbing?
moritz_ maybe we should compile-time error on stubbed multis
ZoffixW I think stubs work, but not with Roles 20:21
I changed mine to class and it works fine
psch stubbing a multi in a role is weird
Skarsnik I still don't get it. why without mutli stub does what it supposed to do? force the class to have the method
ZoffixW Does it? 20:21
Skarsnik yes
ZoffixW weird
m: role Foo { method x { ... } }; class Bar does Foo { method z { say "42" } }; Bar.new.z 20:22
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Method 'x' must be implemented by Bar because it is required by a role␤»
Skarsnik so etheir the whole signature is not check (only the name) or it's really not clear how this work
psch Skarsnik: the latter, i think :)
ZoffixW m: role Foo { method x { ... } }; class Bar does Foo { method x { say "42" } }; Bar.new.x
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«42␤»
ZoffixW m: role Foo { multi method x { ... } }; class Bar does Foo { method x { say "42" } }; Bar.new.x 20:23
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot have a multi candidate for 'x' when an only method is also in the package 'Bar'␤»
ZoffixW m: role Foo { multi method x { ... } }; class Bar does Foo { multi method x { say "42" } }; Bar.new.x
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'x'; these signatures all match:␤:(Bar $: *%_)␤:(Bar $: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/a_IvSPdhLc:1␤␤»
moritz_ ZoffixW, hankache: my bad, I activated camelia on the wrong server :-)
ZoffixW :D
stmuk m: say $*W.perl 20:24
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Failure.new(exception => X::Dynamic::NotFound.new(name => "\$*W"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)␤»
ZoffixW moritz_++ thanks. It works now
moritz_ stmuk: $*W is compile-time only
m: BEGING { say $*W.^name }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/OWg79VDN1L␤Undeclared name:␤ BEGING used at line 1␤␤»
moritz_ m: BEGIN { say $*W.^name }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Perl6::World␤»
psch m: say "{ 236 / 2 } failing test files on r-j" 20:25
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«118 failing test files on r-j␤»
stmuk ah
psch dividing by two is hard :P
stmuk m: BEGIN { say $*W.perl }
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/nYYY06nTWq␤An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN␤at /tmp/nYYY06nTWq:1␤Exception details:␤ 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling ␤ Method 'perl' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Wo…»
stmuk m: BEGIN { say $*W.^methods } 20:26
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/YoaYyZfTvO␤An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN␤at /tmp/YoaYyZfTvO:1␤Exception details:␤ 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling ␤ Method 'gist' not found for invocant of class 'NQPRoutin…»
stmuk W=World?
Skarsnik m: say tau / 2 eq pi;
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW m: say tau / 2 == pi; 20:26
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW Oh wait, the tau bikeshed ended? :D
But I still have some popcorn left over! :D
Skarsnik it's probably because tau must be pi * 2? x) 20:27
ZoffixW That's how it's defined, yes 20:27
m: say pi*2 == tau;
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW m: say (pi*2).nude
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«Method 'nude' not found for invocant of class 'Num'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/07dKswAe_Z:1␤␤»
ZoffixW -_-
m: role Foo { multi method x { ... } }; class Bar is Foo { multi method x { say "42" } }; Bar.new.x 20:29
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«42␤»
ZoffixW weird, eh?
Juerd m: tau.Rat.nude.say 20:30
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«(710 113)␤»
cxreg is this a known issue or a me problem? while panda building DBIish I get Cannot find method 'find_symbol'
ZoffixW m: pi.Rat.nude.say
camelia rakudo-moar 0ec5ad: OUTPUT«(355 113)␤»
dalek kudo-star-daily: 82f553e | coke++ | log/ (2 files):
today (automated commit)
kudo-star-daily: 57a91eb | coke++ | log/ (2 files):
today (automated commit)
rl6-roast-data: c355b2f | coke++ | / (9 files):
today (automated commit)
ZoffixW cxreg, I saw that mentioned last night
[Coke] just finds out about ribasushi's tilt.com campaign.
cxreg ZoffixW: maybe something that affects only new installs? o.o 20:31
ZoffixW *shrug*
stmuk there was an interesting audio podcast interview with ribasushi on FLOSS Weekly
Skarsnik cxreg, yep travis build failt with the same error 20:32
ZoffixW Hm, the whole story kinda made me depressed.
cxreg Skarsnik: ok thanks
hankache moritz_ thank you very much. it is working flawlessly
hankache m: say pi.Rat.nude 20:41
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«(355 113)␤»
hankache m: say 355/113
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.141593␤»
hankache m: say pi
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
hankache isn't it weird? ^^
autarch m: for (1..10).rotor(5) -> $chunk { $chunk.values.map { .say } } 20:42
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/NOKeuex4vL␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/NOKeuex4vL:1␤------> 3).rotor(5) -> $chunk { $chunk.values.map7⏏5 { .say } }␤ expecting any of:␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ s…»
autarch m: for (1..10).rotor(5) -> $chunk { $chunk.values.map: { .say } }
camelia ( no output )
autarch that seems like a bug
m: for (1..10).rotor(5) -> $chunk { .say for $chunk.values }
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤5␤6␤7␤8␤9␤10␤»
hankache I would have expected that both return the same result
autarch cause if that works shouldn't the .map also work?
ZoffixW m: say (355/113).Rat 20:43
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.141593␤»
ZoffixW m: say (pi).Rat
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.141593␤»
Juerd hankache:
m: say sprintf "%.14f", pi.Rat
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.14159292035398␤»
Juerd hankache: The digits are there, but not in the stringification.
m: say sprintf "%.14f", pi 20:44
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
ZoffixW m: say (355/113).WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«(Rat)␤»
ugexe sure, but you're being lazy
ZoffixW m: say (355/113).perl
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«<355/113>␤»
ugexe m: for (1..10).rotor(5) -> $chunk { eager $chunk.values.map: { .say } }
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤5␤6␤7␤8␤9␤10␤»
Juerd And yea, it's different... Don't know if it's a bug or a feature.
hankache m: say pi.Rat ~~ (355/113)
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«True␤»
hankache m: say pi.Rat == (355/113).Rat 20:45
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«True␤»
autarch ugexe: ah, I see
ZoffixW m: say (355/113).perl, (pi).perl
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«<355/113>3.14159265358979e0␤»
hankache I see
thanks Juerd
timotimo m: say (355e0 / 113e0).perl 20:49
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.14159292035398e0␤»
ZoffixW hax 20:50
hankache but in github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...um.pm#L238 20:52
my constant pi = 3.14159_26535_89793_238e0;
ChoHag How can you find a common ancestor of two nodes in a tree structure?
I know how I could do it, but there are bound to be more efficient algorithms.
hankache m: say pi.Rat.perl 20:53
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«<355/113>␤»
hankache m: say 355/113.perl 20:54
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«3.141593␤»
timotimo ChoHag: there's a trick of going up one from A, then one from B, then one from A again and from B again etc
so you'll ever only take 2x as long as the difference in length to the common ancestor is
ChoHag That's basically what I was going to do.
timotimo for everything else, you're going to have to have a bit of precomputed info to give you hints
ChoHag Until one of the lines reaches a node already reached on another.
timotimo aye 20:55
autarch jnthn: so are hyper and race just totally broken right now? 20:58
from my ad hoc testing it seems like they are, but I can't really be sure 20:59
jnthn autarch: Looks like...I'll hopefully get a proper look at them in the next day or two
ZoffixW m: say now; sleep 2 for ^4 .hyper(batch => 1); say now;
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«Instant:1449435627.944545␤Instant:1449435627.957176␤»
ZoffixW :(
jnthn should get some rest 21:00
timotimo good rest, jnthn!
and happy teaching :)
ZoffixW That's a good plan!
timotimo m: say "foobar".contains("ob")
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixW neat
jnthn Thanks, 'night o/ 21:02
ZoffixW night 21:03
[Coke] 11 days or so until the original 2015.12 scheduled release date. 21:04
ZoffixW [Coke], is that the "Christmas" release? 21:05
dalek ecs: 4c608a8 | skids++ | S17-concurrency.pod:
Sync design docs to Supply/Supplier split
[Coke] Trying to track down this abort trap on os x. ran perl6-valgrind-m, which itself died with:
./perl6-valgrind-m: line 11: 24053 Segmentation fault: 11
Skarsnik will be the 18
[Coke] was the 17th. 21:06
Skarsnik Yes 17, I can't count x)
[Coke] if time permits, I'll cut the release on the 25th.
timotimo [Coke]: that's probably the line that tries to exec perl6? 21:07
timotimo oh 21:08
fprintf can be interrupted in between characters? 21:09
nadim Good evening 21:10
ugexe m: my %x = :a(1), :b(2); my %z = :b(500), :c(600); %x .= append(%z); say %x.perl # cool that this works
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«{:a(1), :b($[2, 500]), :c(600)}␤»
timotimo hello nadim 21:11
nadim is everyone having a good day in P6 land?
timotimo: hi :)
timotimo ugexe: troll people with :1a, :2b, :500b, :600c syntax!
ZoffixW isn't having a good day
Well, maybe I am.
ZoffixW chugs another beer 21:12
nadim Nothing a good night sleep can't fix I hope
or beer
ZoffixW Just kinda annoyed that my 4 days off were wrecked by noise neighbours.
&noisy 21:13
timotimo m: $*OUT.print "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/DCUyyqSQ3d␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/DCUyyqSQ3d:1␤------> 3$*OUT.print7⏏5 "hello"␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifie…»
ZoffixW m: $*OUT.print: "hello"
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«hello»
timotimo this TTIAR could try to figure out it has a method call before it and suggest $*OUT.print: "foo" instead
nadim ZoffixW: party with them! 21:14
ZoffixW nadim, they're a family of idiots with 3 fat children (and 4th on the way). I'm a semi-intelligent, semi-alcoholic loner... It just ain't gonna work :)
timotimo watches a bunch of dots appear on his terminal 21:15
Skarsnik ZoffixW, I read 3 fat chicken x) 21:16
ZoffixW lol
cognominal eat them :)
ugexe have you tried ordering 50 pizzas to their door?
nadim ZoffixW: move to Sweden, the more north the better, nobosy will even talk to you ;) 21:17
ZoffixW nadim, that sounds so peaceful :)
TEttinger anonymous delivery of bulk high fructose corn syrup in convenient hamster-feeding-style tubes?
more noise, then suddenly less 21:18
nadim ZoffixW: depends for how long ;)
Well, I do have a little question, has someone decided about namespaces for modules or it is the same wild west as on CPAN? 21:19
Skarsnik same wild west
ZoffixW nadim, Wild West
psch well, only 16 of the 118 failing test files on r-j fail when ran with < make $file >... i suppose that's somewhat good
Skarsnik but yeah, should probably put some pointer like in the module writing guide? x)
ZoffixW actually wilder. CPAN used to have some sort of "module registration" in the past. We're starting from wildness from the start
nadim brings out the old guns that make more smoke than harm from his chest
ZoffixW I really don't see much point in proper namespaces TBH 21:20
Skarsnik Net::IRC or IRC?
ZoffixW Skarsnik, just IRC... why is there Net:: ?
nadim the point id for people looking for modules, not for maniacs that need all in the right place
ZoffixW That's a good example actually... I had module names with 78 characters in them in P5
Skarsnik because that was the name of the IRC module on p5 21:21
ZoffixW nadim, but if I want IRC, I'll search for "IRC", not for "net"
RabidGravy there is tags in the META6 spec someday something can use it
ZoffixW And I won't be browsing the entire Net:: namespace in hopes I find something
nadim then you will find Net::IRC
ZoffixW RabidGravy, or that too
nadim stmuk: are you awake? 21:22
hankache why does the "Modules" link at the bottom of Perl6.org point to perl6.org/whatever?
Skarsnik I have a module in writing, I don't know how to name it x) I could use Discord since it's about the Discord App x) 21:23
nadim I am almost done with my first module, I need to give it a name soon, or I'll continue hacking in the miserable structure I have now
Skarsnik: most often those went into App::Whatnot::YourStuff 21:24
RabidGravy need 32 modules still before christmas ;-) so get with the naming
Skarsnik lol
masak nine: by the way, 007 isn't currently broken or anything. it was an easy revert to get 007 back to passing. 21:25
nine: I'm currently trying to partially apply the commit in various ways to see if I can narrow down what causes things to fail.
Skarsnik I can't make it my mind for name/class name like the main class is Discord::App but the rest is Discord::Guild Discord::User... so how to name this x)
dalek href="https://perl6.org:">perl6.org: ff30cac | (Zoffix Znet)++ | includes/footer:
Link "Modules" in footer to eco site instead of /whatever (hankache++)
ZoffixW Skarsnik, Discord::App => Discord.pm6 ?
nadim Data::Dump was nice as a to category but stmuk sat his module square on it, now we all have to make under modules that stop him to add anything :) 21:28
there's a Data::Dump::Perl6, I am adding Data::Dump::Tree 21:29
nadim ZoffixW: yes, Bleah
Skarsnik There is a Data::Dump too? x) 21:30
[Coke] ask .timtoady if it's late enough to update our HEAD revision to v6.c
lizmat nadim: in Perl 6 namespace collissions are not an issue
[Coke] .ask timtoady if it's late enough to update our HEAD revision to v6.c
yoleaux [Coke]: I'll pass your message to timtoady.
nadim nice to hear
ZoffixW Despite the silliness, it's actually my most-used module and the only one I have bound to a keyboard shortcut :) metacpan.org/pod/Acme::Dump::And::Dumper
Skarsnik I should write my dumb module idea I had for perl5: Acme::WTF, that trow random WTF? OMG!! in front of die message
ZoffixW Skarsnik, do it :) 21:31
ZoffixW lizmat, I'm curious how ambiguities would be resolved. If I have "use Foo::Bar" in my code and there are Foo::Bar by two authors, which one wins? 21:31
nadim yeah! as if it wasn't enough with the half zillion new error message we, poor newbies, have to learn
lizmat if you have both installed, the use statement will fail at compile time
ZoffixW Ah, lizmat++ thanks 21:32
nadim that's not what I would call "not an issue"!
ZoffixW It what I'd call "break software X by installing a new module for software Y" :)
lizmat nadim: it will be a Perl6 best practice to be as specific as possible in your -use- statements 21:33
ZoffixW Time will tell I spose
lizmat nadim: because it will free you from upgrade worries
nadim I am sure it will be fine :) where's the documentation? ;)
hankache documentation who? 21:34
ZoffixW Well, after 2 days of blood and sweat, I finally have an IRC bot that parses messages and respond to server's PING and thus says alive \o/ 21:35
Skarsnik lol
hankache ZoffixW++
Skarsnik nice :)
timotimo PING is the hardest part
ZoffixW heh 21:35
Well, it was, kinda. PING responder is a Plugin. So making PING work, means any other plugin can work now too :) 21:36
ZoffixW will be showing off Perl 6 at the Freenode's new year party, so that's what I'm making 21:37
a New Years bot
RabidGravy :) 21:38
timotimo the analysis tool that combines "log of lines hit" with a source file to generate an annotated html file of the original source ... is quite slow 21:39
Skarsnik wtf hurd, why you stop booting :(
timotimo to be fair, only about 1/8 of the lines would actually be interesting, so it has to do a lot of work skipping stuff 21:40
adn just as i say that, it's done! 21:41
ZoffixW :P
hankache good night #perl6
lizmat hankache: good night 21:42
RabidGravy toodlepip
dalek ast: 2324965 | usev6++ | integration/advent2014-day05.t:
Bring tests in line with new Supply API

cmp. Rakudo commit a8231f14b2 and
autarch so I'm thinking that maybe I should write an article about Perl 6 pod instead of supplies, is anyone else planning to write about that?
RabidGravy not me 21:43
autarch I actually understand POD well enough to write about it, I think ;) 21:43
ZoffixW autarch, that sounds like a good idea. P6 pod is still a mystery, at least to me :)
Skarsnik For me too x)
autarch I guess the only question is how much of it is still in flux at the moment
autarch there was some talk of tweaking how the compiler deals with it a few weeks back 21:43
ZoffixW still waits for anyone to do anything about GitHub P6 pod: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/167
autarch but I _think_ it was more along the lines of "let's change a few things", not "let's change everything" 21:44
psch autarch: "the difference between what's proposed in S26 and what's tested in roast/S26-*" is what i'd guess is still in flux
well, plus potential tickets on RT... 21:45
autarch psch: I think there's a fair bit of stuff in S26 that does work but isn't tested
and also some things that are very obviously bugs which I've reported
dalek kudo/nom: 1b0ede7 | lizmat++ | src/core/Supply.pm:
Fix indenting
kudo/nom: a1dc336 | lizmat++ | src/core/Supply.pm:
Make sure done is passed on from original Supplier
psch autarch: hm, right, coverage is probably less than it could (or should) be :/
timotimo ugh, the html isn't cool at all
ZoffixW: can i interest you in helping me do html stuff? :) 21:48
Skarsnik m: Core.say "ehllo";
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/gT4r3BTaS4␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/gT4r3BTaS4:1␤------> 3Core.say7⏏5 "ehllo";␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier…»
RabidGravy m: Core.say: "ehllo"; 21:49
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/0qc394lwzB␤Undeclared name:␤ Core used at line 1. Did you mean 'Code'?␤␤»
timotimo i have a div with style="whitespace: pre-wrap" ... that's supposed to keep whitespace from the source around :\
Skarsnik m: IO.say "ehllo"; 21:50
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/51RQICT0DO␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/51RQICT0DO:1␤------> 3IO.say7⏏5 "ehllo";␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤…»
Skarsnik m: IO.say("ehllo");
camelia rakudo-moar 9a6b71: OUTPUT«Cannot call say(IO: Str); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu $: *%_)␤ in any at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp:1693␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/0zg9cj3TiQ:1␤␤»
Skarsnik m: Mu.say("ehllo"); 21:51
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«Cannot call say(Mu: Str); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu $: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/dodZEwjDef:1␤␤»
psch grml
so i was wondering just now why camelia isn't current on j:
and it's because i forgot bumping the NQP_REVISION once again /o\
well, assuming she would be up to date if it can build 21:52
which it can, and she's on a commit that's not even particularly old
soo, yeah, i'll bump that i guess
Skarsnik m: Execption.die("Hello");
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/Jw1yaupu7u␤Undeclared name:␤ Execption used at line 1. Did you mean 'Exception'?␤␤»
Skarsnik m: Exception.die("Hello");
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/fBvBLp2yaV:1␤␤»
ZoffixW timotimo, I have an X-amount of beers in my so.. 21:53
ZoffixW squints
dalek kudo/nom: fdc6bd9 | peschwa++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION:
Bump NQP_REVISION for nqp-j lockfh fix.
ZoffixW timotimo, right, supposed to.
Skarsnik *trie to figure how call the die/say routine from 'core'*
timotimo huh. the script wasn't terribly slow. i was just running it on the file that was the result before i sorted and uniq'd it! 21:54
psch m: sub say { put "nope" }; &CORE::say("yope")
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«yope␤»
psch m: sub say($) { put "nope" }; &CORE::say("yope"); say
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Argument to "say" seems to be malformed␤at /tmp/xXCH1TC6HS:1␤------> 3 { put "nope" }; &CORE::say("yope"); say7⏏5<EOL>␤Other potential difficulties:␤ Unsupported use of bare "say"; in Perl 6 please use .say if you mean…»
psch m: sub say($) { put "nope" }; &CORE::say("yope"); say "foo"
camelia rakudo-moar a1dc33: OUTPUT«yope␤nope␤»
psch Skarsnik: ^^^
timotimo which has 12925636 lines
Skarsnik Oh thx
ZoffixW huh? Somehow META.info highlighter in Atom knows which fields are valid and which ain't
Skarsnik lol nice 21:55
ZoffixW suspects MadcapJack is being awesome on that one
timotimo, what was the html help?
timotimo i've got a <div> with whitespace: pre-wrap and a bunch of <span> in there to give me a bit of styling. but initial whitespace disappears :( 21:56
Skarsnik timotimo, you should push people to work on the qt profiler stuff x) (I would if I did not have already a lot of stuff to do :() 21:57
ZoffixW timotimo, use "pre" instead of "pre-wrap" ? 21:58
timotimo can try, but that didn't work before when i tried 21:59
i can upload that html thing
flussence pre-wrap should work there...
ZoffixW Doesn't work in my browser
ZoffixW Oh wait.. it works :S 22:00
timotimo, <style>*{white-space: pre-wrap}</style> works, to be more exact
timotimo, default value for it is "normal", not "inherit" so I'm guessing your spans aren't getting pre-wrapped 22:01
timotimo well, i set span to have that, too
ZoffixW 8shrug*
timotimo you'll has a .html file soon 22:02
it's only 3.6 MB, so it'll be up very soon ... not!
ZoffixW :S
timotimo t.h8.lv/core_setting_report.html
ZoffixW twitter.com/xbs/status/626781529054834688
timotimo huh 22:03
timotimo "unknown property name: whitespace" 22:03
ZoffixW timotimo, it's white-space
timotimo oh?!
ZoffixW :D
That file froze my browser :( 22:04
timotimo only 35k lines, dood 22:04
try refreshing 22:05
it's a bit smaller now
ZoffixW nah
timotimo perhaps i want to put in javascript to generate the line nubers, so it doesn't have to be in the source file?
lizmat .tell arnsholt I've given up on fixing the merge/revert mess that killed %?RESOURCES
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to arnsholt.
lizmat .tell nine I've given up on fixing the merge/revert mess that killed %?RESOURCES
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to nine.
ZoffixW timotimo, I think doing so would make things worse
timotimo oh. perhaps. 22:06
ZoffixW One word: pagination 22:06
timotimo lizmat: t.h8.lv/core_setting_report.html - check it out! this is a coverage report of what the spec test suite hits in the core setting! it's probably also wrong in places and it has no idea about lines that spread over multiple lines!
flussence timotimo: if they're one line per span, I'm pretty sure you could make the numbers appear using pure css...
timotimo flussence: patches welcome :)
flussence already on it :) 22:07
lizmat timotimo: so red is not tested ? 22:07
timotimo gist.github.com/timo/47c79bb05d89ea5b19c5
ZoffixW timotimo, span:before { counter-increment: num; content: counter(num) ": "; }
timotimo lizmat: that's how i'd interpret it. but it seems weird in some places already :)
ZoffixW (untested)
flussence Zoffix++ got there first :) 22:08
lizmat timotimo: well, if any line in a sub is covered, surely the line with sub is as well ??
timotimo like: how the fucking hell does trait_mod:<is> with $parent only have the X::Inheritance::Unsupported line covered? 22:09
lizmat: i use the line number annotations we have in the .moar file which only gets generated wherever there's code and only for the start of a BB .. it can still be improved quite a bit
flussence lazy evaluation?
timotimo but i have no good way to figure out which lines are "dead"
dalek ecs: c76134b | PerlJam++ | S12-objects.pod:
minor word dup
timotimo but the } is "covered" 22:10
so maybe we just have an off-by-one.
lizmat timotimo: looks promising!
timotimo i can perhaps cause line numbers to be generated for the code that gets made for signature handling; that'd probably get most sub lines green 22:11
lizmat fwiw, comment lines don't have to be in this, right ?
timotimo yah, i *think* all lines are offset by a single line
flussence: so it actually works? what zoffix pasted? 22:12
cygx o/ 22:12
yoleaux 02:38Z <Zoffix> cygx: would be nice to mention in github.com/cygx/p6-nqp-eval why one would want to EVAL :lang<nqp>; as opposed to regular EVAL.... at least for outsiders like me to make sense of the module :)
flussence timotimo: if it doesn't, you could be lazier and s/span/li/ :) 22:13
cygx someone should fix the Day 7 advent post before it goes live
cygx the code examples display &amp;quot; instead of ' 22:13
ShimmerFairy: ^^
timotimo pff. li.
Skarsnik Damn, there is no croak? 22:14
flussence Skarsnik: &die gives a backtrace in p6, no need for croak any more 22:15
Skarsnik well croak was nice to blame the calling code 22:15
timotimo flussence, ZoffixW, now i get a whole bunch of 1: and no newlines ... 22:15
flussence Skarsnik: «sub () is hidden-from-backtrace» does that now too
timotimo: ow. 22:16
ZoffixW timotimo, ah, you need a counter-reset on the div for it to work. here: jsfiddle.net/tjazsn0e/
Skarsnik it's.... glorious 22:17
root@testperl6:~/piko/acme-wtf# perl6 -I lib -e 'use Acme::WTF; die "fuck it"'
WTF?! fuck it
in block <unit> at -e:1
ZoffixW heh 22:17
flussence ignore me and listen to zoffix, I've gotten kinda rusty at web stuff
(I really need to fix that)
ZoffixW Using <ol> and a bunch of <li>s makes more sense to me than a <div> with a bunch of <span>s FWIW :)
timotimo ZoffixW: i can change it, of course 22:18
timotimo and ... yeah ... very bad performance on that page 22:18
ZoffixW That should also cut down on the amount of markup :)
m: ('div' ~ 'span').chars - ('ol' ~ 'li').chars 22:19
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«WARNINGS:␤Useless use of "-" in expression ".chars - ('ol' ~ 'li').chars" in sink context (line 1)␤»
ZoffixW m: say ('div' ~ 'span').chars - ('ol' ~ 'li').chars
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«3␤»
timotimo wow.
flussence in the meantime, I've been trying to run `panda smoke`: a handful of modules deadlock on precomp after hitting some error or other during normal compilation, and when it gets to v5 panda itself just gets stuck in a busy loop.
ZoffixW Yeah, smoke smoked just 19 modules for me last time I tried and just sat there the entire night on some JSON module 22:20
timotimo ZoffixW: can you f5 on that page and show me why the whitespace gets lost again?
ZoffixW: JSON::Fast used to busy-loop some time ago because moarvm stopped throwing when eqat goes over the string length 22:21
flussence timotimo: s/whitespace/white-space/ 22:22
timotimo damn
that got reverted?
cygx flussence: note that v5 is busted right now
timotimo thank you :)
cygx flussence: I've started to do something about that in the unrot branch
it predates the merger of automatic precompilation, though 22:23
ZoffixW flussence++ # I looked at it and didn't even notice the "whitespace" issue :) 22:23
timotimo, you also have an opening <li> but a closing </span> :)
timotimo oops
ZoffixW timotimo, FWIW, you can omit </li> (it's optional), to save on some markup 22:24
timotimo newest version is up with the off-by-one work-arounded
ugh, that looks super shitty now
ZoffixW timotimo, and maybe change convered/uncovered to c/u for same reasons
timotimo ah, yeah
timotimo can you tell me how to make the list items fit snug again? 22:26
RabidGravy cygx, I think that nine's change to make Inline::Perl5 (and thus %?RESOURCE) work overlapped with amsholt's change which lizmat reverted thus gone boom
flussence I think removing the white-space: pre on <ol> should fix that
timotimo oh? 22:27
ZoffixW timotimo, are you able to generate a much smaller file? :) My browser locks up when I try to enable my web dev tools
timotimo ah, sorry
ZoffixW Or what flussence said :)
flussence as long as it's on <li>, it'll keep the indent
timotimo yeah, i can do that. gimme a sec.
looks better now, yeah
.oO( the great thing about chromium's engine is the browser UI remains perfectly responsive even when nothing inside it is :D )
timotimo :) 22:28
cygx RabidGravy: not Inline::Perl5, v5
not the same thing at all
RabidGravy ah okay, sorry only half reading 22:29
timotimo only 1.7 MB
OK, now how do i make the highlighting prettier? 22:30
Skarsnik use HightLight::Pretty?
timotimo i'm thinking it'd be nice to have a gradient to make it less intense to the left
also, how about some particle effects?
the mouse cursor should spew sparkly stars every time it moves between a red and a green line
Skarsnik xD
autarch seen moritz_
timotimo ideally, these "lines" would wobble when the mouse penetrates such a barrier
autarch c'mon, bot, y u no love me? 22:31
flussence .seen moritz_
yoleaux I saw moritz_ 20:24Z in #perl6: <moritz_> m: BEGIN { say $*W.^name }
autarch ah
timotimo also, when every line currently on the screen is green, all letters ought to dance a happy dance
cygx hm... - apparently, wordpress does not recognize HTML entities in [code] blocks...
autarch oh, I guess he's probably asleep
.tell moritz_ I need access to the advent calendar blog to post my article at some point
yoleaux autarch: I'll pass your message to moritz_.
ZoffixW autarch, what's your username, I can give you it 22:32
timotimo oh, if you have code, someone in here had a tool (or rather: a how-to) to get prettified code into the shitty wordpress editor
autarch ZoffixW: autarch, preferably
timotimo: yes, there will be code
timotimo who was it again? 22:33
ZoffixW autarch, "WordPress.com username does not exist or invalid email address."... You can either /msg me your email address and after I add you WP will ask you to register an account, or you can do that first and give me the username you chose :)
flussence timotimo: there's an unencoded «postfix:<i>» on line 30047 that messes up the output
timotimo ah, that's what it is. 22:34
autarch ZoffixW: oh, this is wordpress.com - I'm houseabsolute there - some rotten rotter took my preferred nick before I could
timotimo i have a .subst("<", "&lt;") in there
ZoffixW timotimo, you sure there was someone? The only thing I know of is this method: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-12-02#i_11647545
timotimo oh, it needs to be :g
flussence needs a :g
timotimo that's the one
ZoffixW autarch, Invitation(s) sent.
autarch I thought you were just asking me what account name I wanted, not what I already had ;)
ZoffixW .tell moritz_ never mind, I sent autarch an invite
yoleaux ZoffixW: I'll pass your message to moritz_.
timotimo the next changes for this thingie will be in moarvm 22:35
timotimo getting more green lines 22:36
karim32 when iterating over a key-value structure, how do I get access to the 1st and 2nd element in "map"? I know about "_$" which is the 1st element. 22:38
autarch of course I'm greylisting wordpress.com :( 22:40
but it'll get here eventually
timotimo karim32: are you iterating over a hash? if so, are you using .pairs or .kv or something like that? 22:41
m: my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; %h.map({ say "$^a, $^b" }) 22:42
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«a 1, c 3␤Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/qzn9FcaITA:1␤␤»
timotimo ah, that gives you the Pair objects
m: my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; %h.map({ say "$_.key yay $_.value" })
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«a 1.key yay a 1.value␤c 3.key yay c 3.value␤b 2.key yay b 2.value␤»
timotimo m: my %h = :1a, :2b, :3c; %h.map({ say "$_.key() yay $_.value()" })
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«a yay 1␤c yay 3␤b yay 2␤»
karim32 tnx
timotimo yw
cygx ok, I went ahead and fixed the Day 7 posting 22:43
let's hope I didn't mess anything up
a history of my changes can be found at gist.github.com/cygx/0ac6aa9922627cc2c2ea
skids m: my @a = <a b c>; @a.kv.map({ "$^a $^b".say }); @a.kv.map(-> $a, $b { "$a $b".say }); # 2 different ways to make your map closure 2-arity 22:44
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«0 a␤1 b␤2 c␤0 a␤1 b␤2 c␤»
timotimo t.h8.lv/nqpcore_coverage_report.html <- ZoffixW, much smaller file
cygx .tell ShimmerFairy I had to do some emergency surgery on your Day7 posting as something went wrong with HTML-encoding the code samples; cf gist.github.com/cygx/0ac6aa9922627cc2c2ea for what I did in case I messed up somewhere 22:45
yoleaux cygx: I'll pass your message to ShimmerFairy.
ZoffixW cool
AlexDaniel hmmm a post about unicode 22:46
why does it use '' instead of ‘’? :)
or <<>> instead of «» 22:47
dalek osystem: 9fedcd8 | (Sylvain Colinet)++ | META.list:
A step toward 500 modules for X-MAS, github.com/Skarsnik/acme-wtf
Skarsnik oh
it was the real ecosystem, not my fork xD
masak .tell nine this may help a bit, too: gist.github.com/masak/32f236bca8f2857d82fc -- I spent some time building various combinations of parts of the commit that fails.
yoleaux masak: I'll pass your message to nine.
masak yoleaux: that's awfully kind of you. thanks. 22:49
cygx AlexDaniel: it does use « » in places
RabidGravy Skarsnik++ :)
cygx specifically, in the comparison of unicode and Texas variants
AlexDaniel cygx: ah right! Indeed!
ZoffixW heh 22:50
Skarsnik and forget to put Test::META in the depend ><
jdv79 ZoffixW: gh pod6 is likely not happening any time soon, right? 22:52
ugexe generally you would put authoring tests in /xt and not add modules used by those tests to your dependencies
dalek kudo/nom: 51bc6c3 | lizmat++ | src/core/asyncops.pm:
We lost Supply.await, it's .wait now
kudo/nom: 7ef08c8 | lizmat++ | src/core/Supply.pm:
We need a preserving Supplier
Skarsnik more people should use Test::META x)
ZoffixW jdv79, if only based on my not working on it and not being interested on working on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But GitHub did tell me that if anyone wants to make their code detect P6 pod properly they're open to it :)
ugexe the end user shouldnt have to test the meta file
you as the author should
ZoffixW jdv79, I think Step 1 would be making GitHub simply not choke on P6 pod and render it as raw file with line numbers 22:54
jdv79 sounds easy enough. get a newbie to do it:) 22:56
detecting should be simple. rendering it. meh.
geraud Is there anyone with tuits on CompUnit::Repository::Installation whose grey cells I could borrow for a while? 22:58
nadim I get "seq has already been iterated ..." how do I reset the iterator on it?
lizmat geraud: I'm afraid nine is offline, and my grey cells are about to get very mushy 22:59
Skarsnik jdv79, probably need a pod6tohtml that is not in perl6 x)
jdv79 nadim: its one shot. not possible
you have to prevent that before it happens
try .cache ?
nadim what would .cache do, I can check but it's faster if you tell me 23:00
jdv79 Skarsnik: pod6 require the compiler
Skarsnik well that pretty infortunate x)
jdv79 hence my comment
or the majority of the sentiment
it'll be "a while" 23:01
karim32 is using %h<key> syntax for referring to a key in hash more recommendable than %h{"key"} ?
Skarsnik it's better for the eyes :)
nadim is there a way to grep out elements of a list in-place? 23:02
jdv79 karim32: this is perl, you know
timotimo nadim: @foo .= grep is the closest you'll get, i'm afraid
nadim eg: not do $e = $e.grep: none(Int)
Skarsnik but I think if you write %h<key with whitespace> you get a list of value ?
timotimo otherwise you'd have to go a-splicn'
Skarsnik: yes
geraud lizmat: thanks. Sorry to be pushy, but just before they liquify completely, if you had to guess what CompUnit::Repository::Installation.files($file) does, what would be your best case? I'm still trying to parse the body of the method, but I'm miserably failing. Any pointer would help me trying to investigate why I can't build p6doc's index.
nadim timotimo: grep is what got me in the "seq has already been iterated ..." to start with 23:03
timotimo oh? 23:04
will you paste a bit of code for us?
lizmat geraud: it attempts to find the given file name in the <files> section of any installed distribution
is what my guess is
geraud lizmat: s/best case/best bet/. liquifying too.
psch m: my $a = [1,2,3,4]; $a = [$a.grep(* %% 2)]; say $a 23:05
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«[2 4]␤»
psch nadim: grep isn't the problem, the $ sigil is
nadim: it basically says "i know if i have to treat the stuff i put in or get as a List manually" 23:06
s/get/get out/
nadim ok
psch m: my @a = 1,2,3,4; @a .= grep( * %% 2 ); say @a # no trickery here
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«[2 4]␤»
nadim and if I have $a, how do I tranform it? @()? 23:07
psch nadim: did you see my first eval in the last few minutes?
nadim I see [ around the lot] 23:08
jferrero 2
psch nadim: right, because i assumed you have an Array at the start. if you don't (and don't want after) you can @() to get a List
m: my $a = [1,2,3,4]; $a = @($a.grep(* %% 2)); say $a.WHAT 23:09
camelia rakudo-moar fdc6bd: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
psch in this example maybe weird, 'cause we start with an Array and grep ourselves a List from that Array... vOv
i'm assuming consistency there might matter
nadim psch: thanks, even after a few days I still fin this a bit ... upsetting, I have no problems with a zillion references in reference but Lists, Sea, Hashes, Indexed Hashes, and whatnot make the whole thing unsigtly till it the patterns get burned in my brain 23:11
psch nadim: well, the easiest way around it is to be consistent with using the right sigil... 23:13
jdv79 [Coke]: first i'm hearing about ribasushi's thing as well. idk how i feel about it though. there's a lot to read...
geraud lizmat : thank you very much. Now, am I correct to assume that if :$name isn't provided, the method will blow up? 23:15
m: use nqp; my $name; say nqp::sha1($name);
camelia rakudo-moar 7ef08c: OUTPUT«Cannot unbox a type object␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/GDjiv8F3TA:1␤␤»
geraud like that?
nadim psch: absolutely, I'll refactor the whole thing tomorrow and see if I can wrap my head around that
lizmat geraud: looks like
geraud okay, now I'm going somewhere. 23:16
nadim psch: absolutely, I'll refactor the whole thing tomorrow and see if I can wrap my head around that
dalek osystem: deb7bea | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list:
Add IRC::Client to eco

See github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client
psch nadim: good luck :)
jdv79 plugins? do people still use that term? feels dated. 23:19
AlexDaniel jdv79: what's the new term? 23:20
jdv79 extension, addon, idk...
it just feels like i would avoid it. /me is just rambling...
module ^H
Skarsnik Zoffix, you forget to put a countdown for x-mas 500 modules!
ZoffixW Plugins is dated? 23:21
ZoffixW laughs
jdv79 are we going to get a rush of bs dists just o hit 500?
ZoffixW I don't care even if we do.
But I do plan of releasing another one shortly
RabidGravy but it would be cool
ZoffixW 2 more actually 23:22
Google::Time and IRC::Client::Plugin::HNY
Skarsnik I have 2 other planned x)
ZoffixW And maybe IRC::Client::Plugin::BotLink
(though I don't yet know how to make that one work in more than 1 channel)
RabidGravy 27 modules needed now :) 23:23
AlexDaniel ZoffixW: hmm what's the difference between IRC::Client and Net::IRC::Bot?
(and why are these in different namespaces?) 23:24
Skarsnik it has plugins? x)
AlexDaniel Net::IRC::Bot has plugins too
jdv79 I'm tempted to add some dup named dists just to what breaks 23:25
ZoffixW AlexDaniel, I looked at it and your comment kinda put me off using it for my New Years bot: github.com/TiMBuS/Net--IRC/issues/...-154736548
AlexDaniel well!… :)
RabidGravy they work differently, the authors have different ideas about the interface, stuff
ZoffixW AlexDaniel, and as I've recently mentioned above, I see no reason for IRC stuff to be in Net:: namespace.
Just more characters to type
RabidGravy it's too early to get thinged up about "namespaces" unless someone does something stupid at the top level 23:26
ZoffixW AlexDaniel, and I think a more real reason for IRC::Client is... I don't know Perl 6. I want to learn Perl 6. And IRC stuff seems like a good pathway to acquire experience, so hence my doing-it-from-scratch approach.
RabidGravy which is good 23:27
ZoffixW That's how I learned P5. And I think I can apply what I hated about POE::Component::IRC to my design of the core IRC stuff
ZoffixW & # commuting 23:28
AlexDaniel ZoffixW: hmm 「interval()」 thing kinda makes sense, I think. But is there any way to send stuff from another thread? 23:28
jdv79 well, i am seriously considering renaming and adding my URI module. might be too disruptive though. probably try that locally first.
AlexDaniel just in time!
jdv79 would have to finish it first though:(
AlexDaniel .tell ZoffixW basically I care about two things: 1) Can I do async stuff? and 2) If one of the plugins receives a message and interprets it in some way, is there any way for it to tell other plugins to ignore this message? Because when making a bot you can throw in a bunch of stuff, but you probably don't want your bot to answer twice for some message if both plugins trigger on it. That being said, sometimes you want it… 23:34
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to ZoffixW. 23:34
masak 'night, #perl6
jdv79 Even if someone throws up a dumb top level ns its much less an issue with auth
AlexDaniel .tell ZoffixW implement these and I will be a happy man
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to ZoffixW.
dalek kudo/nom: f24d2e0 | lizmat++ | src/core/Promise.pm:
Not sure it's wise to do junctions inside locks
timotimo lizmat: the optimizer should really have turned that into the same code you manually wrote 23:38
timotimo heads to sleep
gnite everyone!
lizmat good night, timotimo
zengargoyle hrm... if «use Module:auth<github:zengargoyle>;» is to be a thing, with a decent module-to-repo mapping... modules could be automagically found and installed on demand. 23:39
jdv79 timotimo: later 23:40
lizmat zengargoyle: yes, that's the idea
it's a pluggable design (to use an old meme)
AlexDaniel .tell ZoffixW maybe there has to be some sort of big dispatch thing with priorities and stuff, I don't know actually. But basically the reason I said that Net::IRC::Bot needs some reworking was because my plugins were conflicting and I was unable to find any non-ugly solution to this. One simple example: you want your bot to reply to “MyBot: !commands” message and at the same time you might want it to reply to any other message that was 23:41
not handled, e.g. “MyBot: hi bot” should answer with “Please don't talk to me!”
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to ZoffixW.
AlexDaniel dammit
.tell ZoffixW not handled, e.g. “MyBot: hi bot” should answer with “Please don't talk to me!”. That's just something to consider, maybe it will give you some ideas for better implementation. 23:42
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to ZoffixW.
jdv79 wonder if you could just model that with MMD and the like 23:43
.oO( maybe it would have been better if I wrote an email )
hmm why are we using .oO 23:45
AlexDaniel 🗭( maybe because this does not render that well ) 23:45
.u 🗯🗮 23:46
yoleaux No characters found
AlexDaniel .u 🗮 23:47
yoleaux No characters found
AlexDaniel yoleaux: you are old, aren't you?
.u 🗩
yoleaux No characters found
ugexe `no precompilation;` is not doing anything for me... the commit earlier today made it seem like it should work? 23:48
lizmat ugexe: perhaps we lost that in the merge mess :-( 23:51
p6_nb hi there. will there be windows binaries for 2015.11 rakudo? thanks in advance ... 23:53
lizmat p6_nb: I assume you mean for Rakudo Star ? 23:54
ugexe lizmat: the code is still there so its probably deeper than that
p6_nb lizmat: correct
lizmat all core devs are pretty busy or vast asleep... so I'm not sure 23:55
ugexe `RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 perl6 -e 'use Test;'` maybe Test isnt the best example, but it does the same for all modules in -Ilib when testing against them 23:56
lizmat in fact, I'm going to migrate from group 1 to group 2 myself now
so good night, #perl6!
ugexe `RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG=1 perl6 -e 'no precompilation; use Test;'` rather