»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
TimToady ZoffixLappy: obviously we're already to Step 3: Then they fight you. 00:14
ZoffixLappy :) 00:15
Xliff Next stop: "You Win!" 00:16
00:19 pierre_ joined
BenGoldberg m: for 1..2 { say $^x, $^y }; for 1..2 { say $^y, $^x }; 00:22
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«12␤21␤»
BenGoldberg While having placeholder arguments sorted alphabetically makes intuitive sense, istr them being documented as being used in order of appearance... that is, both of the above two ought to produce the same output. 00:25
ZoffixLappy If they're documented that way, it's an error that should be fixed. Perhaps, you're confusing regex captures? 00:29
m: 'foobar' ~~ /(foo(bar))/; say $0; say $1
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«「foobar」␤ 0 => 「bar」␤Nil␤»
ZoffixLappy :/ not the output I expected....
m: 'foobar' ~~ /(foo) (bar)/; say $0; say $1 00:30
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«「foo」␤「bar」␤»
ZoffixLappy Interesting...
BenGoldberg en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl_6_Progr..._Arguments 00:31
m: dd 'foobar' ~~ /(foo(bar))/; 00:32
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«Match.new(ast => Any, list => (Match.new(ast => Any, list => (Match.new(ast => Any, list => (), hash => Map.new(()), orig => "foobar", to => 6, from => 3),), hash => Map.new(()), orig => "foobar", to => 6, from => 0),), hash => Map.new(()), orig => "foobar…»
ZoffixLappy Fixed. Thanks. 00:34
00:34 wamba left 00:36 Ben_Goldberg joined, BenGoldberg left, Ben_Goldberg is now known as BenGoldberg
ugexe is there a way to get around another subroutine calling `exit()` other than &*EXIT? 00:39
&exit.wrap({ return; }); still exits
ZoffixLappy m: sub foo {exit}; &exit.wrap({ ; }); foo; say "Meow" 00:43
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«Meow␤»
ZoffixLappy Seems to work?
00:58 Actualeyes joined 01:03 tardisx left 01:09 ZoffixWin_ joined, ZoffixWin_ left, ZoffixWin_ joined 01:11 tardisx joined 01:22 Herby_ joined
Herby_ Evening, everyone! 01:22
hotel \o
ZoffixLappy \o 01:26
Herby_ o/
01:26 molaf joined
Herby_ ZoffixLappy: you're a blogging machine! 01:27
I'm learning quite a bit reading through them, hope you keep it up :)
hotel oh that's a good idea
make a blogging machine in p6
Herby_ when in doubt, blog it out
hotel someone made a shitpost generator in java for tumblr 01:28
ZoffixLappy Herby_, thanks. I'm doing it for quite selfish reasons of trying to learn the stuff myself :) This morning, I still had no solid idea of how to use the S/// operator and now I do :)
Herby_ hotel: I just looked it up, here's the tagline for it: "I am a JAVA program who's purpose is to churn out the worst posts imaginable" 01:33
thats great
hotel yep
Herby_ and the 5th post on that page: "I am the zodiac" 01:35
ZoffixLappy heh 01:36
hotel so like I said, why not make one in p6? :P
maybe that'll be my first project
Herby_ blog about the blog project. i'd read it
i don't have the chops for that yet
hotel I don't have any chops yet, still can't get rakudo to build right 01:37
though that's mostly my fault 01:38
>shiny tools have shiny problems< 01:40
dalek osystem: fcf6c5e | (Andy Weidenbaum)++ | META.list:
Add module TXN::Parser
osystem: b119fb8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #201 from atweiden/txn-parser

Add module TXN::Parser: github.com/atweiden/txn-parser
01:48 pierre_ left 01:55 colomon joined 01:56 AlexDaniel joined 01:57 pierre_ joined
AlexDaniel this is so awesome essenmitsosse.de/pixel/?showcase=tr...mp;slide=4 02:02
reminds me of perl a bit :)
m: use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class Int { method foo { say self } }; int.foo 02:05
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«(int)␤»
ZoffixLappy AlexDaniel, heh... I hope it's not this part that reminds you of Perl: i.imgur.com/jp9yT6v.jpg 02:10
Pretty cool though... Other than the crash.... 02:11
AlexDaniel ZoffixLappy: no, it does not remind me that your browser is broken :)1 02:12
ZoffixLappy lol
02:14 Herby_ left 02:15 winger_ joined 02:18 kid51 left 02:24 noganex joined 02:29 pierre_ left 02:33 hotel_california joined
dalek c: 7ad327f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod:
Fix heading levels
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MadcapJake m: PROCESS::<&EXIT> = -> $_ { Nil }; exit 04:39
camelia ( no output )
MadcapJake ugexe: ^^
04:40 hotel is now known as hotel|netteiru
jdv79 ZoffixWin_: are you an educator or well versed presenter? 04:40
nice posts lately. 04:41
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finanalyst hi. Is there any good way to test code containing 'warn'? 05:52
yoleaux 22 Feb 2016 20:37Z <ab6tract> finanalyst: your 'Intro to Sixy Perl' pastebin is awesome! you should consider publishing it somewhere more permanent!
finanalyst i wrote to perl-users, but thought I would ask here too. 05:54
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TimToady finanalyst: warn throws a control exception that can be caught with a CONTROL block 06:35
06:35 hotel left
finanalyst TimToady: that I understand. But it is how to do this in a test snippet that I'm not sure about. Where does the CATCH block go 06:36
it would seem intuitive to me that there is a 'warns-ok' routine in TEST 06:37
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masak mornin', #perl6 06:47
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moritz \o masak, * 06:53
RabidGravy oink! 06:57
_nadim Morning all 06:58
07:02 jamesnek1 joined 07:04 cschwenz joined
cschwenz \o #perl6 :-) 07:04
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cschwenz in perl6, how do i get the computer to do nothing for 0.012 seconds? (i need to translate some perl5 code which has "select( undef, undef, undef, 0.012 );") 07:13
moritz cschwenz: sleep 0.012 07:14
07:15 zhmylove left
moritz I hope you're not worried that it only applies to the current thread, not the whole computer :-) 07:15
cschwenz \o/ perl6 has a sane sleep !
moritz: i'm very okay with it only applying to the current thread :-) 07:16
moritz m: sleep 0.012; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar 3cab7c: OUTPUT«0.013980␤»
RabidGravy or if you actually want to do something something in the future but could usefully be doing something in the meantime, see Promise.in($secs) 07:17
07:18 boegel joined
_nadim Do we have a module that given something that looks like a command line would parse it? The format of the command line itself is not known (user defined) 07:19
cschwenz isn't there a port of Getopt::Long?
RabidGravy I think so 07:20
_nadim There is, completely undocumented but i wrote "format of options are unknown"
RabidGravy modules.perl6.org/#q=getopt
07:21 tardisx left
_nadim I did that, Getopt:::Long is not documented, Getopt::Tiny makes the same mistake as P5 and the doc is, well, fuzzy, Getopt::Type doesn't fit the work. 07:21
I smell a Getopt::Whatever module coming 07:22
RabidGravy yes I think you need to read some code
and/or help make one of the existing modules do what you want 07:23
07:23 zhmylove joined
_nadim I read the codes, and if there is nothing available, Getopt::Whatever will come, but it would be a pitty to no use what already exists. 07:23
RabidGravy on the face of it, it doesn't seem that difficult 07:24
07:24 tardisx joined
_nadim No, a grammar and some actions. And not even that is necessary. 07:25
but I want to finish what I am doing not start another module in the middle of it. 07:27
RabidGravy life sucks like that
07:27 _28_ria joined
_nadim specially when the thing one is doing is a template to make starting new modules easier ;) 07:29
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ufobat god morning! 07:43
RabidGravy erp
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dalek osystem: 515bf6e | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Add App::ModuleSnap

See github.com/jonathanstowe/App-ModuleSnap
RabidGravy Xliff, ^
08:31 wamba joined
RabidGravy thus ensuring that the next one is my fiftieth 08:31
Any objections if I alter the doc.perl6.org/language/modules#Dist...ng_Modules to have META6.json rather than META.info? 08:33
reason being that the future PAUSE thingy requires that afaiu 08:34
also do both zef and panda support the specced "source" now? 08:36
08:39 leont left 08:43 Cabanossi left, ufobat left
_nadim jnthn: App-ModuleSnap++ 08:44
jnthn ...what? :) 08:45
08:46 jjido joined
_nadim hehe, the other jonathan :) 08:47
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RabidGravy easy mistake to make, he's the one with the beard 09:13
but jnthn++ just because
_nadim RabidGravy++ (now I know who you are ;) ) 09:20
09:24 zhmylove joined
RabidGravy :-O 09:25
stmuk_, you about? 09:26
09:26 domidumont left
cschwenz so, from doc.perl6.org/language/operators#Op...Precedence , what do "~&", "~<", and "~>" do? (the only mention of them i can find is in the linked operator precedence table) 09:27
psch cschwenz: bit-wise and, bitshift left, bitshift right, in order
oh no
Str-wise, not bit-wise
i don't know if the semantics are actually clear
hm, char wise maybe, actually? 09:28
moritz they make sense on buffers
but on Grapheme clusters?
psch m: say "foo" ~& "fou"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«foe␤»
psch m: say "foò" ~& "fou"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«fop␤»
psch .u snowman
yoleaux U+2603 SNOWMAN [So] (☃)
psch .u rocket
yoleaux U+1F680 ROCKET [So] (🚀)
psch m: say "🚀" +& "🚀" 09:29
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5🚀' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/R2_bby_Znw line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/R2_bby_Znw line 1␤␤»
psch m: say "🚀" ~& "🚀"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«🚀␤»
psch oh ffs :)
m: say "🚀" ~& "☃"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«☀␤»
cschwenz :-D
so they would appear to work on NFG characters? 09:30
moritz they appear to work, yes 09:31
psch m: say ("🚀".ord +& "☃".ord).chr # looks equivalent from here
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«☀␤»
RabidGravy yeah, bitwise is +< etc 09:32
m: say 2 +< 2
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«8␤»
jnthn It works at codepoint level, iirc
So it operates on each codepoint in an NFG synthetic
Which means you may or may not get another synthetic out :)
cschwenz jnthn++
psch .u combining
yoleaux U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT [Mn] (◌̀)
cschwenz that is what i was trying to ask about
psch m: say "🚀\c[COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT]" ~& "☃" 09:33
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«☂␤»
jnthn Whether it's useful for anything outside of ASCII cute tricks is another matter :)
oh interesting.... 09:35
I'm not sure it actually is doing what I thought it would be
moritz well, there is a use case for string bitwise ops
for example if you want to to find borders in a text table
you can start with chr(255) x 80, and ~& every line 09:36
and see what columns remain in the end
if your data is large enough, only separate columns have non-zero bytes in the end
09:37 domidumont joined
jnthn Cute :) 09:37
09:37 zhmylove left
moritz (or if you know the separator character in advance, you can see the string with that instead of the chr(255), and see which columsn remain the same) 09:38
jnthn: that's signed integer arithmetic in MVM_string_bitand, right? 09:40
09:41 zhmylove joined
moritz can this create the number of a not-yet-created grapheme cluster? 09:41
jnthn moritz: Yeah, that's what I fear might happen 09:42
It's not clear why it works this way
moritz m: say "नि" & "5"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«all(नि, 5)␤»
moritz m: say "नि" ~& "5"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«4␤»
moritz m: say "नि" ~& "\r\n"
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«नि␤»
RabidGravy can anyone else remember what the github alternative thingy that stmuk_ is using is? 09:43
some GitFoo
moritz RabidGravy: bitbucket? gitlab?
RabidGravy gitlab
cheers, just changing the wording of the modules.pod to make it clear that github is per example rather than an absolute requirement 09:44
moritz m: say "नि" ~> 1
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«infix:«~>» not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/3CjJH3GbMW line 1␤␤»
moritz m: say "नि" ~< 1 09:45
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«infix:«~<» not yet implemented. Sorry. ␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/rBvD9tOSOA line 1␤␤»
moritz not sorry at all
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stmuk_ RabidGravy: gitlab 09:54
RabidGravy and that works fine for modules doesn't it (before I commit this)
stmuk_ it pretty much resembles github and you can login with gh creds 09:55
RabidGravy cool
stmuk_ yes some features aren't visible on modules.perl6.org butapart from that that works fine
09:56 domidumont left
RabidGravy excellent 09:57
is it worth explaining *why* you probably want to use META6.json rather META.info in the modules doc? I'm torn 09:58
stmuk_ colour syntax in vim
RabidGravy :)
I think I'll leave it, not much point describing forward compatibility when it's not quite clear what the end state will be 10:00
10:01 zhmylove left 10:04 zhmylove joined 10:05 domidumont joined
dalek c: 28989a3 | RabidGravy++ | doc/Language/modules.pod:
A few small changes:

   * prefer META6.json to META.info
   * more explanation on 'provides'
   * make it clear that other repos than github may work
10:08 Actualeyes left
RabidGravy what next? 10:17
psch full SysEx support for Audio::PortMIDI? :P 10:19
10:19 maybekoo2 left
RabidGravy I thought you were sending me a patch for that ;-p 10:19
psch yeah, i might eventually :) 10:20
RabidGravy lots of things that I could fix up in my existing modules, also some 5 to 10 modules that I haven't finished yet
cschwenz error message feature request: when perl6 cannot find a matching signature, perl6 prints all of the signatures it found for a multi-method; will we please add the signature it was trying to find? 10:21
RabidGravy it does doesn't it?
psch m: multi f($) { }; multi f($, $) { }; f 1, 2, 3
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/qtM5TzAf4I␤Calling f(Int, Int, Int) will never work with any of these multi signatures:␤ ($) ␤ ($,)␤at /tmp/qtM5TzAf4I:1␤------> 3multi f($) { }; multi f($, $) { }; 7⏏5f 1, 2, 3␤»
RabidGravy yeah
psch cschwenz: it does. at the very beginning :)
ah, we still have a bug with disappearing anon positionals there :/ 10:22
RabidGravy it's different for multi methods
psch m: say :($, $).perl
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«:($, $)␤»
psch m: say :($, $).gist
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«($,)␤»
RabidGravy eugh
cschwenz so, i am seeing "Cannot call AUTOGEN( […] ); non of these signatures match: […]" are you saying the "[…] AUTOGEN( […] ) […]" is the signature it was trying to find? 10:23
RabidGravy ah that old AUTOGEN thingy
cschwenz do i need to update/upgrade perl6?
psch doesn't know about any AUTOGEN thingies
RabidGravy if you add "proto method <name> (|c) { * }" you will get the right name 10:24
psch, under some circumstances it doesn't create the proto name right so it just leaves it as "AUTOGEN" 10:25
I've never figured out quite what those circumstances are sufficiently to RT IT
psch o.o
that sounds a bit bad
cschwenz: can you golf the code that gives you that error? 10:26
in case it stays around when golfed this might be an angle to try and figure out what's actually happening 10:27
cschwenz psch: probably
10:27 Actualeyes joined
RabidGravy it's something in the area of more than one multi with a certain number of candidates 10:28
cschwenz so, with that solved, next question… if i have multi-methods which take a single positional value, and said value has a default, why does "$obj.foo()" not do what i mean and use the default? (instead it complains about not finding a signature match) 10:29
psch m: class A { multi method f($ = "foo") { say "ok" }; }; A.f
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«ok␤»
psch there most be more to that issue :) 10:30
RabidGravy I think I've encountered that one before too, can't remember the circumstances
10:30 zhmylove left
RabidGravy but yeah a golfed example of that one would be good 10:31
cschwenz p6: class Foo { multi method bar( Int $baz = 1 ) { say "Int $baz"; }; multi method bar( Rat $baz = Rat.new(1, 1) ) { say "Rat $baz"; }; }; my $obj = Foo.new(); $obj.bar(); 10:32
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'bar'; these signatures all match:␤:(Foo $: Int $baz = 1, *%_)␤:(Foo $: Rat $baz = { ... }, *%_)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/tmpfile line 1␤␤»
psch oh, that's easy. two candidates with one parameter with default are two candidates with 0 parameters
cschwenz hmm, that error message is different than the one i'm seeing
psch cschwenz: maybe you do have to upgrade your rakudo :)
cschwenz psch++ 10:33
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psch cschwenz: if it sticks around you might simply have golfed too much, too 10:33
...although i'm at a loss to guess what else could cause what you're describing 10:34
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tbrowder need help with env var PERL6LIB: rakudo (nom) seems not to recognize the colon path separator 10:49
...I set "export PERL6LIB=path1" and rakudo finds my module; I set "export PERL6LIB=path1:path2" and the module is not found; am I doing something stupid? 10:50
10:50 daniel-s joined
psch tbrowder: PERL6LIB expects specs seperated by comma 10:51
a spec doesn't have to be a path, either
which is why we don't use colon as a separator i guess, as it could be needed for a protocol
like url#git://github.com/someone/something.git 10:52
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tbrowder psch: oh! thanks, that works! next question then: how do I get the rakudo to search the paths in another rakudo install where the resources are specified differently? 10:54
psch i don't understand the question. you want one rakudo executable to include the (sha1'd) module sources from another? 10:55
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tbrowder psch: yes, or else tell me how to install them into the new rakudo build 10:56
psch tbrowder: RabidGravy++ recently published a module for exactly that 10:57
RabidGravy :)
robertle I have problems with understanding the very basics of modules as well: to get started I create a single module with a single sub with "is export" in it. I can use that module, and call the sub. great. but I am very confused about the namespacing: I seem to be only able to access exported stuff (which is ok), and the export puts it in the namespace of the loader. so the actual namespace of the sub does not
10:57 _28_ria left
robertle matter anymore. interestingly the "unit module xyz" at the top of my module does not need to match the path of it (also ok), so effectively the namespace does not matter at all! that can't be right, there must be more to it... 10:57
am I right in assuming that the "use" looks up by filename/path, so that does not have to match the namespace? 10:58
RabidGravy robertle, subs are "my" scoped by default, they aren't in a "namespace", if you want to refer to them with a full package name, qualify them with "our"
10:58 Actualeyes left
psch tbrowder: App::ModuleSnap, fyi 10:59
10:59 daniel-s left
RabidGravy but yes, the default behaviour of the repos is to derive the path from the module name supplied to "use" or "require" 10:59
of course a CompUnit::Repository could be made that does something else 11:00
robertle RabidGravy: right, so if I "need" then the contents of the file in question get loaded. if that's "our" then I can access it by namespace, if it is "my" then it's private to the namespace and inaccessible. if I use "use" instead, the loaded bits also are made availabel in the loading namespace, so no need to prefix anymore. that abut right? 11:01
RabidGravy for installed modules it is different again, as the name of the module isn't directly reflected in the installed module name
robertle, not quite
tbrowder psch: so how will App::ModuleSnap help me if I can't get it installed for the new rakudo? 11:02
robertle RabidGravy: right, the file vs namespace is a bit academic because you want them to match up anyway, everythign else is just plain confusing
psch tbrowder: i have no idea how it works, but i'd assume you install it for the old rakudo that already has the modules you need
11:02 Actualeyes joined
RabidGravy yes 11:02
psch tbrowder: RabidGravy probably appreciates any feedback re documentation or functionality :)
11:02 finanalyst left
RabidGravy it basically traverses the $*REPO.rep-chain, finding all the Distributions which aren't something it made or "CORE" and then writes out a META6.json with all those as dependencies 11:03
so in your other perl6 you do "panda install ." and voila
tbrowder psch: ah! okay, I'll give it a shot 11:04
I have to go now but will try it and report back--thanks!!
11:04 tbrowder left
RabidGravy because I seem to install a lot of modules for testing purposes I find myself with the need to completely eradicate everything once in a while and reinstall the modules 11:05
I've just discovered that "Flash Magic Eraser" is perfect for cleaning the white rubber parts of Converse All Stars, almost box fresh looking ;-) 11:08
11:09 kid51 joined
RabidGravy is there something other than github "organizations" that people use for organising e.g. a "special interest group"? I'm thinking of starting a "Perl6 Audio" thingy 11:11
psch haha 11:12
psch special interest group made me laugh :)
RabidGravy :)
psch i don't think they have anything like that on github though
i'd totally join an org for that though, even if it might be somewhat inappropriate as an org on github vOv 11:13
11:13 ufobat joined
RabidGravy well an "organisation" gives you all the github stuff, wiki, issues and a github.io site but yeah it's not so much about the code as collecting and promoting the stuff 11:14
ufobat ola! :D just in case someone cares! my notebook is alive again
RabidGravy and of course becoming an evil and secretive cabal
psch right, but a github-page would be a good start for promoting i think
11:15 wamba left
RabidGravy so yeah, create a github organisation and create the page 11:15
psch i mean, unless you have an appropriate domain lying around... :)
11:16 wamba joined
RabidGravy jeezus-knievel.com? 11:16
perlmonkeys.org? plastic-fernandez.com, its-going-to-be-fabulous.com all unused but not really suitable ;-) 11:17
psch its-going-to-be-fabulous.com is pretty close though
robertle RabidGravy: let me try again for "our" and "need" only. "our" stuff gets put in a namespace according to the enclosing "module". "need" loads a unit and therefore makes the namespaces within and what is "our" in them available. "my" stuff from the loaded unit is unavailable because it is lexically scoped, and the unit is the lexical scope. right? 11:18
RabidGravy yes, but "need" is a red herring here,
however you load it if the sub in a module isn't our scoped you can't access it at all outside the module 11:19
robertle RabidGravy: right, I said "need" only because "use" does something on top of it. let's check my "use" and "is export" understanding: "is export" or the more elaborate versions thereof takes whatever we are talking about and places it in a special namespace of the module. if you "use" a unit, everything from that special namespace makes it available in the loader. about right? if so: does use put into the t 11:22
RabidGravy m: module Foo { sub bar() { say "bar" }; our sub baz() { say "baz" };}; Foo::baz(); Foo::bar();
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«baz␤Could not find symbol '&bar'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JljyT__jh2 line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/JljyT__jh2 line 1␤␤»
robertle arget namespace or the target lexical scope?
psch "use" puts the used module into the current lexical scope, and imports all exported symbols into the current lexical scope 11:24
robertle RabidGravy: understood that part, but that's because bar() isn't part of the Foo namespace, just part of the lexical scope that happens to be created by the module/namespace block. rigt?
psch well, after (potentially compiling and) loading the source file
RabidGravy yes 11:25
11:25 zhmylove left
RabidGravy subroutines are lexically scoped by default 11:25
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psch m: say MY::.keys 11:26
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«($=pod !UNIT_MARKER EXPORT $_ $! ::?PACKAGE GLOBALish $¢ $=finish $/ $?PACKAGE)␤»
psch and lexical scope is a namespace too /o\
robertle ok, great! somewhat off topic, but is there a way to "use" from a different namespace and put in this *namespace* rather than this lexical scope? there is such a concept in UML, and it is thoroughly confusing and interestingly impossiblt to implement in C++ and java, which makes you wonder why it is in UML in the first place...
psch robertle: i think reexportation could cover that at least partially, but i don't know in how far that's implemented 11:27
RabidGravy yeah, there are export tricks available
robertle psch: interesting! I don't really have any use for it, just wondering...
psch m: module Foo { use Test :EXPORT }; import Foo; 11:28
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/g5NffKCkaG␤Error while importing from 'Test': no such tag 'EXPORT'␤at /tmp/g5NffKCkaG:1␤------> 3module Foo { use Test :EXPORT 7⏏5}; import Foo;␤»
psch that's the speculated syntax, but yeah...
RabidGravy well at it's simplest you can define a "sub EXPORT" in your compilation unit which returns a hash that is keyed on the names you want to export with *what* as the value 11:29
and some <hand wave> other thing with the EXPORT package 11:30
psch m: module Foo { use Test; }; import Foo; ok 1 11:31
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/ExKc1N3mzA␤Undeclared routine:␤ ok used at line 1␤␤»
psch hm, i don't get the test case we have for that
oh, we're not running it anyway :) 11:32
github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...e-export.t this one fyi
llfourn_ m: module Foo { use Test; BEGIN trait_mod:<is>(&ok,:export) }; import Foo; ok 1 # maybe?
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«ok 1 - ␤»
psch llfourn_: yeah, that i'd expect to work, but see the linked test. that's what was once thought to be the easy way to make it work 11:33
it's still in roast, but we're not running it
llfourn_ mmm 11:34
I wrote a module to do it fyi
11:35 wamba left
RabidGravy llfourn_++ # making stuff 11:37
11:37 daniel-s joined
llfourn_ RabidGravy++ xx 10 :) making stuff 11:37
11:39 Actualeyes left 11:44 tbrowder joined
RabidGravy but it's nearly may and no-one has made a mailling list manager yet 11:44
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tbrowder psch & RabidGravy: I realize now (I think) if I want to hack on rakudo I should create my own branch and let rakudobrew manage it on my own machine. That way there shouldn't be any major problems with standard module handling. Am I right? 11:48
RabidGravy psch, having done a cursory survey of the alternatives I'm thinking that a github organisation is easiest and makes collaboration easier and chuck a custom domain on it later
psch tbrowder: uhh, for actual hacking on rakudo itself i at most branch rakudo inside its own repo 11:49
tbrowder: and build with Configure.pl
RabidGravy tbrowder, I've always used rakudobrew for day to day stuff then what psch said for hacking on rakudo
tbrowder but the problem with that has been finding modules
..installed modules 11:50
psch i don't think i ever needed modules to hack on the compiler
i'd suggest golfing the code module code that is buggy and writing tests from that
RabidGravy yeah I see it as two different enterprises
llfourn tbrowder: I just do panda --prefix=/path/to/forked_rakudo/lib if I want to install a module on non-rakudobrew rakudo 11:51
RabidGravy and when I really do need to do it I just use one or more -I<path to module> on checkouts of the modules
couple of times fixing breakage in my own or other modules from change in rakudo I do that 11:52
11:52 jjido_ left 11:53 pierre_ left
RabidGravy or bisection of said breakage 11:53
tbrowder psch, RabidGravy, llfourn: okay, sounds good--thanks; bye
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literal if I want to loop over an arrayref stored in a hash, do I always need @() ? as in: for @(%hash<foo>) -> $bar { ... } 12:02
RabidGravy psch (or anyone else who might be interested) any thoughts on what one might call said Perl6 Audio organization? "Perl6 Audio Cabal", "Perl6 Noise Gang", "Butterflies on Acid"? 12:03
llfourn literal: |%hash<foo> is more idiomatic imo 12:04
psch Butterflies on Acid feels more like the first collab album published by the org tbh
RabidGravy indeed
literal llfourn: ah, of course
RabidGravy I'm going with the middle one
psch i do like Perl 6 Noise Gang yeah
note the space though
the synopses even said it has to be an unbreaking one
12:04 rba_ joined
psch ...i put that in a comment in a nqp-j java file once and then the build stopped working :P 12:05
grondilu wonders if we could not have %hash<foo>@ to mean @(%hash<foo>) 12:07
12:07 domidumont left
literal and is there a more straightforward way of getting all the matched strings of a group than this? @matches = $<mygroup>.map({~$_}) 12:07
_nadim jnthn: I pushed a pull request for Grammar::Tracer, the output should be like this with the patch imgur.com/YoFIvU4
llfourn in p5 there is $hash{foo}->@* now
(or *@..)
rba_ How to avoid passing getting an error when passing and Inf from a Num to an Int? e.g. > say Inf.Int 12:08
psch m: sub postfix:<@>(\c) { @(c) }; my %h = a => 1, b => 2; say %h@
camelia rakudo-moar 6cb231: OUTPUT«(a => 1 b => 2)␤»