»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
timotimo worst case i'd create a throw-away scalar and find its .VAR.type or .VAR.of or what it's called 00:00
00:00 cpage_ joined 00:05 Juerd joined
timotimo hmm 00:07
m: my Mu $foo := Metamodel::CoercionHOW.new_type(Str, Any); say $foo 00:09
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«(Str(Any))␤»
timotimo well, that looks good enough. may want to have that stashed away somewhere for re-use, though 00:10
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raydiak .u ▶ 01:24
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jberger Zoffix: o/ 01:54
01:54 BenGoldberg joined, BenGoldberg left
Zoffix Hey all. jberger is trying to calculate pi using monte carlo method. I tried to write it with .race, but it was slower than single-thread way. Now, I rewrote it with Promises, but it *still* doesn't offer any speed improvement on my 4-core box. Any idea why? Is my code wrong: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/ae7bcf0...917238ff1a 01:55
m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/ae7bcf0...917238ff1a
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«3.13798␤»
jberger for anyone interested in the actual math (not that its really that hard if you think about it) here is a link I found mathfaculty.fullerton.edu/mathews/n...pimod.html 01:56
01:57 cpage_ left
Zoffix Oh, HAHAHA. 01:58
jberger, try it out. I set my VM I'm running this on to use just one core :P
jberger hahahaha
Zoffix To that point, .race probably works too :P 01:59
01:59 pierre left 02:00 BenGoldberg joined
jberger yeah 02:02
it does
or at least I see the cores all spinning
02:03 cpage_ joined
Zoffix I think it's still buggy though. 02:03
m: sleep 1 for ^4 .race: :1batch; say now - INIT now;
jberger well we are going to hit the amount of good randomness in the computer at some point
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«1.008283␤»
Zoffix What about my code? Does it offer speed increase when you set CORES to 4 vs 1? I'm not seeing any difference when I run it on Windows 10 02:04
jberger yeah 02:06
Zoffix m: await ^4 .map: { start sleep 1}; say now - INIT now
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«1.0044573␤»
jberger I get 11.5s with my original
6.5 for yours (race)
just the one liners
Zoffix I meant this one: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/ae7bcf0...917238ff1a 02:07
jberger on TIMES=800_000
argh, you actually want me to download it .... :p
Zoffix Well, I can use camelia, I guess 02:08
m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/ae7bcf0...917238ff1a 02:09
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«3.139072␤15.3952821␤»
Zoffix m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/4e0b776...019736dbf7
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«3.1397␤17.11032489␤» 02:10
jberger no I'm running it now
mspo camelia needs , stats=true to give timings :)
jberger when I set CORES=1 I still see my cores jump up
Zoffix oh
jberger I think to be a real test CORES=1 shouldn't try to thread it 02:11
Zoffix: that one doesn't nearly scale though 02:12
an it doesn't actually utilize the cores well either
the race one does much better at showing up in htop
02:18 BenGoldberg left
Zoffix I found the problem. 02:18
m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/cd814df...935e71ad52
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«3.14372␤2.19685761␤»
Zoffix m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/be7b404...7e17b82910
camelia rakudo-moar be4e43: OUTPUT«3.14252␤1.6769645␤»
Zoffix The promises were returning a lazy list and it's only when I attempted to get at the results did all the calculations were happening.
Doesn't explain why all 4 cores were spinning up though, before I made it eager 02:19
02:19 skink left
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ a puzzle for another day 02:19
02:20 BenGoldberg joined
jberger ah 02:21
well thanks anyway
and if you like the example you are welcome to post about it, it was why I asked you in the first place 02:22
or don't, either way
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Zoffix ugexe, ah, I was using unspace wrong. I was doing .foo \␤.bar and that extra space before the backslash was giving trouble (RE: stackoverflow.com/questions/3742354...x/37425772 ) 03:34
03:46 bjz joined 03:51 vendethiel left
dalek osystem: 0b6c611 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ | META.list:
Adding Algorithm::Tarjan to ecosystem

Provides a method for finding cycles in a directed graph. See hhtps://github.com/finanalyst/p6-Algorithm-Tarjan
04:01 finanalyst joined
finanalyst just tried adding a module to ecosystem 'Algorithm::Tarjan'. Not sure if I have done this correctly. 04:01
I may have added directly to the Meta list without going through the pull request process. 04:03
I'm still trying to figure out the git process
04:08 finanalyst left
Zoffix Looks fine to me. 04:11
04:13 kaare_ joined
diakopter .u :smile_cat: 04:22
yoleaux U+003A COLON [Po] (:)
U+005F LOW LINE [Pc] (_)
Zoffix .u 😿
yoleaux U+1F63F CRYING CAT FACE [So] (😿)
Zoffix .u cat face
yoleaux U+1F431 CAT FACE [So] (🐱)
diakopter heh
04:26 cpage_ joined 04:33 Cabanossi left 04:34 khw left 04:35 Cabanossi joined 04:43 CIAvash joined 04:56 jack_rabbit joined 05:01 wamba joined 05:11 AlexDaniel left 05:18 cpage_ left 05:23 mohae left 05:34 wamba left 05:35 bjz_ joined, cpage_ joined, xfix left 05:36 bjz left 05:37 xfix joined 05:39 ssotka joined 05:44 kurahaupo left 05:55 bjz joined 05:56 wamba joined, bjz_ left, jack_rabbit left 06:02 buharin joined 06:07 ssotka left 06:26 ssotka joined 06:34 wamba left 06:46 Ven joined 06:48 RabidGravy joined 07:00 buharin left, pierre joined 07:02 bjz_ joined 07:04 bjz left 07:06 jjido joined 07:15 jjido left
RabidGravy boom 07:21
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RabidGravy why *does* github call the generated LICENSE file that? I'd never thought about it before, but in english that is the verb rather than the noun 08:16
08:16 BenGoldberg left 08:19 BenGoldberg joined
huf no, license is also the noun 08:20
Juerd RabidGravy: US English uses the spelling 'license', sometimes 'licence', for both the noun and the verb, unlike advice/advise which is noun/verb in both UK and US English. 08:23
RabidGravy huf, only in certain dictionaries
Juerd But, why would having a verb in a file name be an issue? README is neither, but does have a verb. 08:24
huf RabidGravy: so? presumably whoever named the file was using one of those dictionaries 08:25
everyone gets to pick and choose :)
Juerd And sometimes it's called COPYING instead of LICENSE
dalek osystem: 1c0a6fb | palapitta++ | META.list:

to get movie info from omdb
osystem: 041e4df | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #211 from palapitta/patch-3

huf Juerd: but COP isnt a verb!
(it is...) 08:26
Juerd huf: Makes me wonder what ying is.
huf yin + yang finally combined
08:27 BenGoldberg left
Juerd That sounds slightly apocalyptical... 08:27
huf yep
the world *is* ending, it's just taking its sweet time about it 08:28
Juerd END { fork }
Oh, hm, the fork will end just as well
08:28 bjz_ left
Juerd Does Perl 6 has a way to restart your program? The ultimate 'goto 10'? 08:29
08:29 BenGoldberg joined
Juerd In Perl 5 I'd probably cheat with "exec $0" and hope both parts dwim. 08:29
RabidGravy I think Zoffix was playing with something like that
github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Bailad...oRestarter 08:31
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Juerd That's managed externally with kill 08:33
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finanalyst module question: I put a 32x32 png in library logotype, but the logo did not show up in the module directory. Is meta info needed? 09:27
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finanalyst s/library/directory/ 09:28
RabidGravy don't think so
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RabidGravy ah logo_32x32.png apparently 09:29
(having just examined one where it does show)
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ab6tract o/ #perl6 09:32
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ab6tract i'm happy to report some great progress has been made on the Sereal port! 09:32
i'd like to make it available both with a C backend and a PP one 09:34
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lizmat timotimo: thanks for the tip, but for some reason I get locally: 09:36
$ 6 'my Mu $foo := Metamodel::CoercionHOW.new_type(Str, Any); say $foo'
Method 'shortname' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::CoercionHOW'
in block <unit> at -e line 1
09:37 iH2O left
lizmat The same I get with: 09:37
$ 6 'my Mu $a = Str(Any); say $a'
Method 'shortname' not found for invocant of class 'Perl6::Metamodel::CoercionHOW'
in block <unit> at -e line 1
09:37 vendethiel left
lizmat it was that error that made me revert the patch 09:38
ab6tract but I'm running into some confusion around how to reference subroutines in one role that will later get defined in a different role 09:43
i thought stubbing them in role A and defining them in role B and mixing them in 'does A does B' order would resolve it, but at run-time the stubs still get run 09:44
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llfourn .tell nine hoelzro++ has been able to trigger the precomp bug on the first run through with the right dependency tree (in case you missed it) RT #128268 10:00
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=128268
yoleaux llfourn: I'll pass your message to nine.
ab6tract there is always the EVAL option, but i was hoping for something less dirty 10:04
lizmat timotimo: ah, missed a commit :-) 10:14
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masak good afternoon, #perl6 10:26
Ven o/ masak
10:27 cibs left
lizmat masak o/ 10:29
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timotimo Zoffix: currently, invocation requires two mallocs; one for the lexical environment, one for the space where all the register contents go. malloc will serialize access with locking. if you have an invocation-heavy thing inside your race (things not very well inlined, calls that are in there to make race work, ...) it'll spend most of its time spinning trying to acquire that lock 10:44
ab6tract ive decided to make the backend distinction an environment setting, so i can punt it all to compile time and use needs/import :D 10:45
10:47 edehont joined 11:03 BenGoldberg joined
Zoffix timotimo, invocation is what? method calls? 11:11
lizmat anything with () or a method call (which is () under the hood) 11:13
timotimo Zoffix: anything that creates a call frame, really 11:14
if things go bad, even a pair of curlies inside a code body can cause an invocation to happen
it's something jnthn is very much looking into making faster right now
Zoffix :S that makes .race kinda not very racy, considering most of the things would have () in them :/
At least it explains why I had 2x speed increase when I was using 4x the cores.
timotimo of course. that resource contention is going to go away 11:15
11:15 kid51 joined 11:17 iH2O joined
Zoffix Ah, palapitta reminds me of a young me. Ill-designed, untested code released for fun rather than utility. 11:27
Considering their first module was an implementation of the weather API I'm discussing in my workshop, I guess I'm at least partially responsible 😿 11:28
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masak remind me -- does Perl 6 have something like Python's math.hypot ? 11:40
math.hypot(x, y) gives back math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
Zoffix use NativeCall ... :P 11:41
BenGoldberg I don't think there is one. 11:42
11:43 jjido joined
Zoffix m: use NativeCall; sub hypot(num64, num64 --> num64) is native {}; say hypot 3e0, 4e0 11:43
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5␤»
Zoffix m: sub hypot {sqrt $^a²+$^b²}(3, 4).say 11:45
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5␤»
dogbert17 (x+yi).abs # perhaps 11:49
11:50 BenGoldberg left, Zoffix is now known as anonymous
dogbert17 m: say (3+4i).abs 11:50
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5␤»
masak heh :)
anonymous :o what sorcery is that
11:50 anonymous is now known as Zoffix
masak the magic of complex arithmetic 11:50
Zoffix m: say (25+666i).abs 11:51
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«666.469054045272␤»
masak "abs($real)" can be seen as "the distance from 0 to the number $real"
Zoffix m: sub hypot {sqrt $^a²+$^b²}(25, 666).say
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«666.469054045272␤»
Zoffix m: say 3+4i
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«3+4i␤»
masak this notion can be extended to the complex numbers, which pulls in the Pythagorean Theroem as a side effect
Zoffix: you're familiar with complex numbers? 11:52
Zoffix only that i is sqrt(-1)
masak heh :)
it is, yes
m: sqrt(-1 + 0i)
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/oHWXGCvXH4:␤Useless use of "sqrt(-1 + 0i)" in expression "sqrt(-1 + 0i)" in sink context (line 1)␤»
masak m: say sqrt(-1 + 0i)
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«0+1i␤»
dogbert17 a recent addition to the docs: doc.perl6.org/type/Complex#method_abs 11:53
masak Zoffix: I think the best way to think about the complex numbers is that they "fix" the fundamental theorem of algebra 11:54
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masak Zoffix: with only the real numbers, a degree-2 polynomial can have *up to* 2 roots, a degree-5 polynomial can have *up to* 5 roots, etc 11:54
Zoffix: with the complex numbers, a degree-N polynomial has *exactly* N roots 11:55
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masak which, needless to say, is very neat and pretty 11:55
Zoffix Oh, coolk
masak and when you put it like that, it's a minor miracle that setting `i := sqrt(-1)` fixes all that 11:56
it fixes it for *all* the polynomials. all the possible ones.
11:56 kid51 left
Zoffix Ohhh, k, now I get why (3+4i).abs works :D 11:56
masak what made it click? :) 11:57
Zoffix hehe, neat :D dogbert17++
11:57 ab6tract left
dogbert17 glad to be able to help 11:57
Zoffix I was thinking of it as "3" plus some other number. What made it click is realizing it's 3 with 4 on the imaginary plane and then you can see the distance to it would by a hypotenuse of a right triangle
masak I'm not a huge fan of abusing complex numbers as mere Cartesian coordinates 11:58
Zoffix That's what made it click :)
11:59 kid51 joined
dogbert17 .seen lizamt 12:00
yoleaux I haven't seen lizamt around.
dogbert17 .seen lizmat
yoleaux I saw lizmat 11:13Z in #perl6: <lizmat> anything with () or a method call (which is () under the hood)
lizmat is still here 12:01
but about to get some fresh air
dogbert17 lizmat: I have some draft documentation for Hash.keyof. is it in touch with reality? gist.github.com/dogbert17/447575b4...0bb754fadd
masak lizmat: go go go! fresh air is important! :) 12:02
lizmat say %h1.keyof; # (Any) # Str(Any) ??
jnthn m: say Str(Any)
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«(Str(Any))␤»
jnthn lizmat: I fixed ^^ last night... :)
lizmat yeah, noticed this moarn
jnthn :) 12:03
pochi m: sub foo() returns Str, Int { return "hello", 42 }
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/hn3Banv5ec␤Missing block␤at /tmp/hn3Banv5ec:1␤------> 3sub foo() returns Str7⏏5, Int { return "hello", 42 }␤ expecting any of:␤ new name to be defined␤»
pochi is there a way to specify a mixed return type? 12:04
jnthn pochi: One way is to declare a `subset StrOrInt where Str | Int;` and then use it as the return type
psch m: sub f { return "hello", 42 }; f().WHAT.say 12:05
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
psch pochi: you don't seem to be returning something mixed?
lizmat pochi: in p6 you only ever return one thing
and if it has comma's in it, it's a List
pochi hm, ok, but can I put constraints on the contents of List then?
lizmat I think that's specced, but not implemented yet 12:06
llfourn a junction?
lizmat really afk&
12:06 AlexDaniel joined
llfourn m: sub foo() returns Str|Int { return "hello", 42 }; foo(); 12:06
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/V63DQbH1yr␤Missing block␤at /tmp/V63DQbH1yr:1␤------> 3sub foo() returns Str7⏏5|Int { return "hello", 42 }; foo();␤ expecting any of:␤ new name to be defined␤»
jnthn Oh, you want to pattern match what's in a list...
pochi yes
llfourn m: sub foo() returns :(Str,Int) { return "hello", 42 }; foo(); 12:07
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/cdu_zP1NBF␤Malformed trait␤at /tmp/cdu_zP1NBF:1␤------> 3sub foo() returns7⏏5 :(Str,Int) { return "hello", 42 }; foo(␤»
llfourn m: sub foo() returns List where { $_ ~~ :(Str,Int) } { return "hello", 42 }; foo();
dogbert17 lizmat++ thx for the feedback
jnthn m: subset IS where :(Int, Str); sub foo() returns IS { (4.2, 'hi') }; say foo
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Type check failed for return value; expected IS but got List ($(4.2, "hi"))␤ in sub foo at /tmp/MTaWmxTvNo line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/MTaWmxTvNo line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: subset IS where :(Int, Str); sub foo() returns IS { (4, 'hi') }; say foo
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«(4 hi)␤»
llfourn is my last message flashing for anyone else? 12:08
pochi it's flashing :-)
Zoffix No, but I see a null char
jnthn llfourn: No, white text on grey background for me :)
llfourn o.o
pochi what the 'where :()' syntax? 12:09
jnthn :(...) is a signature literal
pochi ah
thank you :-)
jnthn And subest Foo where <conditon here>; is a refinement type
Zoffix FWIW, I opened a ticket a few days about vis-a-vis returning Int|Str and ther like: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128262
12:09 CIAvash left
jnthn Zoffix: Yeah, confusing error... :) 12:09
Compiler's trying to be helpful and ends up being the opposite. :) 12:10
m: sub foo() returns Itn { }
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/DbnqYz0xve␤Invalid typename 'Itn'. Did you mean 'Int'?␤at /tmp/DbnqYz0xve:1␤------> 3sub foo() returns Itn7⏏5 { }␤»
jnthn m: sub foo() returns Int|Str { }
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/nZq9Zg2VRW␤Missing block␤at /tmp/nZq9Zg2VRW:1␤------> 3sub foo() returns Int7⏏5|Str { }␤ expecting any of:␤ new name to be defined␤»
jnthn Oh, it wasn't that one? 12:11
Zoffix m: sub foo(--> Int|Str) { }
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/hicSjxwiOM␤Type 'Int' is not declared. Did you mean 'int'?␤at /tmp/hicSjxwiOM:1␤------> 3sub foo(--> Int7⏏5|Str) { }␤»
jnthn Oh, with -->
Yeah, agree that wants some atention
llfourn m: sub (Int|Str $var) { }; # I also try and do this sometimes
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No compile-time value for Str␤»
jnthn o.O 12:12
llfourn also I even try regex literals :P
12:12 bjz_ joined
jnthn Trouble with that one is that |foo is capture syntax inside a signature :) 12:12
12:13 bjz left
llfourn m: multi regex-dispatch(/fo+/) { }; multi regex-dispatch(/ba+/) {}; regex-dispatch("foo"); #something like 12:13
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/go3EVCCVwd␤Calling regex-dispatch(Str) will never work with any of these multi signatures:␤ (Int $ where { ... }) ␤ (Int $ where { ... })␤at /tmp/go3EVCCVwd:1␤------> 3) { }; multi regex-dispat…»
jnthn oh hah, I bet I can guess... It sees "(Int |Str" and declares a symbol Str that the capture will be bound in to. This in turn clobbers the Str symbol needed to produce the parse error that follows :P
llfourn ahh 12:14
psch m: sub f($a, ::($a) $b) { }; f(Int|Str, "foo") # /o\
camelia ( no output )
jnthn That's pretty amusing. But yeah, if it's not already RT'd please do; the current error helps nobody..
llfourn okie doke
my last RT (5 mins ago) didn't go so well. Lets see if I can get it done in one email this time. 12:15
12:16 jjido left
jnthn :) 12:18
lunch &
dogbert17 m: sub foo() returns IntStr { return IntStr.new(42, "hello") }; say foo().perl 12:19
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«IntStr.new(42, "hello")␤»
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dalek c: 32541e4 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Hash.pod:
Added docs for method keyof in class Hash. lizmat++, jnthn++
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dalek c: 49f7f34 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Type/Signature.pod:
get `where` into the index
c: 3948b65 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Type/Signature.pod:
get `where` into the index
12:59 BenGoldberg left 13:00 BenGoldberg joined 13:07 pierre joined 13:10 jjido left, pierre left 13:13 kaare_ left
grondilu m: say (my $).VAR.name; 13:16
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«$␤»
grondilu m: say class { has $.x }.VAR.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class '<anon|57888480>'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/IRkz3SpHWR line 1␤␤»
13:16 pierre joined
grondilu m: say class { has $.x }.x.VAR.name 13:16
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Cannot look up attributes in a type object␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/aqDkPFY7Nf line 1␤␤»
pochi $.x is a method that operates on $!x 13:19
psch m: say class { has $.x }.new(:2x)x.VAR.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5\$_' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/9lF534opPv line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/9lF534opPv line 1␤␤»
psch m: say class { has $.x }.new(:2x).x.VAR.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/egiKpG4qqE line 1␤␤»
13:20 BenGoldberg left
Zoffix m: say class { has $.x }.new(:2x).x.VAR.^name 13:20
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Int␤»
psch m: say class { has $.x }.new(:2x).x.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/jR7xM3jJzE line 1␤␤»
psch m: say class { has $.x }.new(:2x).x.VAR.VAR.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/XmYzWLUUwC line 1␤␤»
psch vOv
not even sure what's being looked for :)
jnthn m: say class { has $.x is rw }.new(:2x).x.name
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Method 'name' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/gjscsjLZXL line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: say class { has $.x is rw }.new(:2x).x.VAR.name 13:21
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«$!x␤»
jnthn Maybe that? :)
Zoffix :o
psch oh, right, no rw means no container there i suppose
jnthn Yeah, we take the thing out of its container
When no "is rw"
grondilu what's :2x? 13:23
m: say :2x
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Unexpected named parameter 'x' passed␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Ba1CO326bj line 1␤␤»
pochi :x(2)
psch m: say (:2x).WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«(Pair)␤»
psch m: say (:2x).perl
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«:x(2)␤»
grondilu oh, that's a thing? Ok.
jnthn Most often shows up as things like :1st
psch m: $_ = "foo foo"; s:2nd/foo/bar/; .say
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«foo bar␤»
Zoffix or :42days :)
Zoffix uses it for everything 13:24
grondilu can be useful for physical units and stuff
dalek c: fffe595 | (Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod:
link to definition of where
Zoffix If anyone has a penchant for long technical documents and has interest in the new IRC::Client, I welcome feedback for my new design: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Cl...01-main.md 13:27
AlexDaniel, ^ you had some interest in it awhile back.
13:27 aries_liuxueyang left
AlexDaniel yaaay 13:28
Zoffix: by the way, what's up with the memory leaks and stuff?
Zoffix: have you found any way to localize it?
Zoffix No, I chose to go with "ignore it for now and hope someone fixes it" route.
And they were before jnthn++'s frame work, so *shrug* they may not be there any more for all I know. 13:29
AlexDaniel because, you know… your module can be 100% gold but nobody is going to start using it because of such problems :(
Zoffix: OK I'll read that and let you know what I think 13:30
jnthn Were they before or after the big gen2 leak fix in Moar also? 13:31
That was likely to blame for a lot of leakage in longer-running things.
Zoffix I'm 85% they were in this version: This is Rakudo version 2016.04-117-g7db7b46 built on MoarVM version 2016.04
*85% sure 13:32
AlexDaniel Zoffix: “provide a programmatic interface to IRC” it sound like a bot, why not say that it is for creating bots? Or are you hoping that people will create IRC clients on top of that? 13:33
jnthn Zoffix: 7f2a6fa8416 was the fix in question
Zoffix: Which git describes itself as 2016.03-96-g7f2a6fa, so it's maybe not that
Zoffix AlexDaniel, they can if they want to. I might create one if I get bored enough :P 13:34
call it 6IRC 13:35
13:35 RabidGravy joined
Zoffix with a stylzed logo of half a butterfly seen behind IRC :P 13:35
jnthn Zoffix: If it still leaks, please do file a report though. I've spent quite some effort on fixing/building stuff that makes it easier to hunt leaks down. :)
13:35 BenGoldberg joined
Zoffix jnthn, k :) 13:35
timotimo is sitting outside on a little (actually, big) picnic blanket :3 13:36
jnthn timotimo: nice :)
Hope you don't have thunderstorms forecast to start imminently like here ;-)
AlexDaniel Zoffix: “A program may have multiple Client Objects, but each of them can be connected only to one IRC server.” why? 13:37
dalek osystem: 771c2a4 | yowcow++ | META.list:
add Digest::MurmurHash3
osystem: 08c8b73 | titsuki++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #212 from yowcow/add-digest-murmurhash3

Add Digest::MurmurHash3
timotimo AlexDaniel: because clients have state, like what channels they have been joined to, what flags they have, realname nickname, ... 13:38
Zoffix AlexDaniel, simpler to implement.
gfldex m: sub f(&c where :(Int, Str)) { say c(10, 'ten') }; sub g(Int $i, Str $s){ $s ~ $i }; f(&g);
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«Constraint type check failed for parameter '&c'␤ in sub f at /tmp/rkBIxNJdUa line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/rkBIxNJdUa line 1␤␤»
timotimo makes sense to have that per Client object
Zoffix AlexDaniel, also, you have nicks and usernames that likely are different on different servers
psch m: sub f(&c:(Int, Str)) { say c(10, 'ten') }; sub g(Int $i, Str $s){ $s ~ $i }; f(&g); 13:39
camelia rakudo-moar c5dfd7: OUTPUT«ten10␤»
AlexDaniel yeah but if I wanted to create a bot that will connect to multiple servers at the same time, things will become seriously hard for me
Zoffix Like what? 13:40
As in, what is a specific area of hardness? 13:41
start IRC::Client.new(:server<foo.net>).run; start IRC::Client.new(:server<bar.net>).run;
timotimo seriously hard seems like a really big overstatement here 13:42
AlexDaniel unnecessarily hard is probably a better way to describe it
Zoffix my $stuff-that-does-things = IRC::Client::Plugin::Whatever.new; start { IRC::Client.new(:server($_), :plugins($stuff-that-does-thigns)).run } for <foo.net bar.net>;
AlexDaniel Zoffix: then what? I want to have the same state between several servers, but as far as I can see each plugin is probably going to be on its own 13:43
e.g. if it's a factoid, for example
and also want no code duplication, because you know…
my proposed solution was to just add a server:channel to the list of channels to join, and that's it. You handle everything else 13:44
Zoffix AlexDaniel, in the example above, you have just one plugin object. If it's a factoid, it'd be using the same DB.
BenGoldberg This isn't python, people. It's allowable to have more than one solution to a problem. 13:45
Zoffix AlexDaniel, I don't see how such a solution would handle, say, using different nicks on different servers 13:46