»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:06 itaipu left
dalek osystem: b427f5f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list:
Add CoreHackers::Sourcery

Show source locations of core methods and subs: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-CoreHa...s-Sourcery
Zoffix New blog post "Perl 6 Core Hacking: Where's Da Sauce, Boss?": perl6.party/post/Perl-6-Core-Hackin...Sauce-Boss 00:08
harmil_wk, ^ the module and post might be of interest to you.
00:11 kurahaupo left 00:12 margeas left 00:20 canopus left
awwaiid The ICFP Contest has begun! icfpc2016.blogspot.jp/ 00:22
00:24 sufrostico left 00:27 canopus joined 00:33 Actualeyes joined 00:34 freezerburnv_ joined 00:38 freezerburnv left 00:47 Rawriful left 00:59 sena_kun left 01:05 itaipu joined 01:07 BenGoldberg left 01:10 BenGoldberg joined 01:16 labster left 01:26 AlexDaniel joined 01:33 bjz left
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: i just tried to install Inline::Perl5, but got '/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl' 01:35
01:42 labster joined 01:43 kalkin- left, kalkin-_ joined
AlexDaniel ↑ fixed ;) 01:44
01:48 BenGoldberg left, BenGoldberg joined 01:50 cibs left 01:52 cibs joined 01:57 ShimmerFairy joined 02:06 pierre_ left
Xliff m: $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s:g/a/b/; say $a; 02:22
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5$a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s:g/a/b/; say $a;␤»
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s:g/a/b/; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
02:27 cdg joined 02:30 noganex_ joined
Xliff m: $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/h; say $a; 02:30
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5$a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/h; say $a;␤»
Xliff m: $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/g; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5$a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/g; say $a;␤»
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/g; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unsupported use of /g; in Perl 6 please use :g␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s/a/b/g7⏏5; say $a;␤»
Xliff Hrm.
m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a = $a.subst(/a/, 'b'); say $a; 02:31
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«baa␤»
Zoffix m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a = $a.subst(/a/, 'b', :g); say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
Zoffix m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ s:g/a/b/; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
Xliff m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a.=subst(/a/, 'b', :g); say $a; 02:32
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
02:32 noganex left
Zoffix m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a = $a.trans('a' => 'b'); say $a; 02:33
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
Zoffix m: my $a = 'aaa'; $a ~~ tr/a/b/; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bbb␤»
02:33 wamba joined
skids m: my $b = 'aaa'; my $a = $b ~~ S:g/a/b; say $b; say $a; 02:34
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot use variable $a in declaration to initialize itself␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3a'; my $a = $b ~~ S:g/a/b; say $b; say $7⏏5a;␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ term␤»
skids m: my $b = 'aaa'; my $a = ($b ~~ S:g/a/b); say $b; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot use variable $a in declaration to initialize itself␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3; my $a = ($b ~~ S:g/a/b); say $b; say $7⏏5a;␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ term␤»
skids :/ 02:35
m: my $b = 'aaa'; my $a; $a = ($b ~~ S:g/a/b); say $b; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Malformed replacement part; couldn't find final /␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3a; $a = ($b ~~ S:g/a/b); say $b; say $a;7⏏5<EOL>␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤»
skids oh.
m: my $b = 'aaa'; my $a = $b ~~ S:g/a/b/; say $b; say $a;
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Smartmatch with S/// is not useful. You can use given instead: S/// given $foo␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3my $b = 'aaa'; my $a = $b ~~ 7⏏5S:g/a/b/; say $b; say $a;␤aaa␤False␤»
skids m: my $b = "aaa"; my $a = S:g/a/b/ given $b; say $b; say $a; 02:37
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«aaa␤bbb␤»
skids there we go.
02:38 freezerburnv joined 02:39 kid51 left 02:41 freezerburnv_ left
MasterDuke m: my $b = "aaa"; (my $a = $b) ~~ s:g/a/b/; say $b; say $a; 02:41
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«aaa␤bbb␤»
MasterDuke skids: ^^^ is that the same thing you were trying to do? 02:42
skids I was just riffing off the previous stuff to demonstrate S///. 02:43
konobi ullo 02:45
MasterDuke anybody here used Inline::Perl5 much? 02:48
i have 'use Chart::Gnuplot:from<Perl5>;'
'my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot.new(<...>)' works 02:49
but then 'my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet.new(<...>)
gives "Could not find symbol '&DataSet'"
and i tried, 'use Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet:from<Perl5>;', but that just gave "Can't locate Chart/Gnuplot/DataSet.pm in @INC" 02:54
skids Hrm. I wonder if that's a generic problem with p5 files that contain multiple packages. 03:04
Unfortunately using "import" doesn't help.
03:06 pierre_ joined
skids Weird. If you ".say for ::Chart::Gnuplot::" DataSet is not there, but there's a class "Grepper" and that string does not appear inside rgrep Grepper /usr/share/perl5/Chart/. Or even all of /usr/share/perl5 03:09
03:12 cdg left, cdg joined
skids Something in Inline::Perl5 or rakudo is going off the rails wth that file. Grepper is an Any-iterable role that is somhow getting punned in there. 03:12
Unfortinately I really can't stay up to hunt that down. 03:13
03:13 khw left 03:17 cdg left
skids MasterDuke: maybe as a temporary workaround see if you can split DataSet code out to its own Gnuplot/DataSet.pm file. 03:19
MasterDuke skids: yeah, thought about that, will give it a try
weird about that Grepper thing though 03:20
skids my bet is a leftover GLR-induced buglet. 03:22
03:27 freezerburnv left 03:33 wamba left 03:39 kurahaupo joined 03:55 bob777 left 04:04 bob777 joined 04:05 skids left 04:06 BenGoldberg left 04:13 Actualeyes left 04:16 Actualeyes joined, golee joined
awwaiid ok, I apparently don't know how to do simple things 04:22
m: module Foo { sub hi { say "hi" } } ; Foo::hi
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«Could not find symbol '&hi'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
04:28 pierre_ left 04:29 avenj left 04:37 Cabanossi left 04:38 Cabanossi joined, mcmillhj joined 04:42 golee left 04:44 mcmillhj left, avenj joined, avenj left, avenj joined 04:46 kurahaupo left
llfourn awwaiid: you want "our sub hi" 04:48
awwaiid our! 04:49
by default they are 'my' ?
llfourn yes :)
04:52 pierre_ joined
awwaiid I'm trying to write a grammar where the first line has an integer count and then I read that number of lines for another rule 05:03
fancy wya to do that?
like rule { <count> <data>{$count} } 05:06
05:06 PapaChub left
llfourn m: say "aaa" ~~ /a ** {1 + 2}/ # seems to work 05:11
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«「aaa」␤»
llfourn awwaiid: ^^
awwaiid m: "3 a b c " ~~ / $<count>=\d+ <ws> [\w+ <ws>] ** {$count} / 05:12
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '$count' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3" ~~ / $<count>=\d+ <ws> [\w+ <ws>] ** {7⏏5$count} /␤»
awwaiid m: "3 a b c " ~~ / $<count>=\d+ <ws> [\w+ <ws>] ** {$/<count>} /
camelia ( no output )
awwaiid m: ("3 a b c " ~~ / $<count>=\d+ <ws> [\w+ <ws>] ** {$/<count>} /).say 05:13
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«「3 a b c 」␤ count => 「3」␤ ws => 「 」␤ ws => 「 」␤ ws => 「 」␤ ws => 「 」␤»
awwaiid hm!
llfourn looks good :)
awwaiid wonders if rules can take a parameter 05:14
llfourn they can :)
05:14 M-Illandan left, tadzik left, Matthew[m] left
AlexDaniel m: ("3 a b c " ~~ / $<count>=\d+ <.ws> [\w+ <.ws>] ** {$/<count>} /).say 05:16
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«「3 a b c 」␤ count => 「3」␤»
05:22 pierre_ left 05:36 _28_ria left 05:53 golee joined 05:55 golee left 05:57 tadzik joined 05:59 MilkmanDan left
llfourn m: my $a = "bar"; (with $a { $_ }) = "foo"; say $a # works 06:00
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«foo␤»
llfourn m: my $a = "bar"; ($_ with $a) = "foo"; say $a # doesn't
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«Cannot modify an immutable Str␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
llfourn anyone know if this is itended?
intended* 06:01
06:04 golee joined
llfourn goes to RT 06:06
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ufobat good morning :) 07:31
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ufobat what is this: Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 7 08:36
getexpayload needs a VMException
in any at /home/martin/.rakudobrew/moar-2016.07.1/install/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm line 1
08:37 pierre_ joined
timotimo is your everything up to date? 08:39
ufobat This is Rakudo version 2016.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2016.07
i think so
timotimo OK, could have been your moar and rakudo weren't compiled for the same version of things 08:40
well, can you golf it? :)
ufobat i tried to golf my segfault from yesterday 08:41
so far its not a tiny piece of code :/ gist.github.com/ufobat/fedd964bb83...0bd9296e20
timotimo ah, i seem to recall you said something about supplies and such 08:42
ufobat i am starting 8 times per sec: nc -w 1 localhost 3000 &
timotimo there's been stability fixes for async stuff recently 08:43
ufobat if i start 30 netcats per sec it seems that my code deadlocks. at least nothing is happening anymore
timotimo you should perhaps grab latest versions out of git for moar, nqp, and rakudo
ufobat hm okay :)
i will do so after my vacation in sweden :-) 08:44
timotimo oh
aha, it stopped for me 08:45
ufobat for more then 8 connections in parallel?
timotimo for some reason it went up to Thread<19>
if you could give me a command that'll do the 8 connections in parallel, that'd be nice %) 08:46
because how do i even loops in fish
08:46 Actualeyes left
timotimo i ran them pretty much serially 08:46
ufobat while true; do; sleep 1, nc -w 1 localhost 3000 &; nc -w 1 localhost 3000 &; nc -w 1 localhost 3000 &; ......; done
-w 1 is a timeout of 1 sec, so the number of nc == number of parallel connections 08:47
timotimo it's like the threads don't get unblocked 08:48
08:48 Actualeyes joined
timotimo there's a terrible mistake in your code! 08:48
ufobat whats wrong?
timotimo it should read "$*THREAD closing client connection ", not "$*THREAD closing cient connection " 08:49
i never get any of those outputs, btw
i think LAST may not be the right phaser there?
ufobat hmm 08:50
when i connect with a broser to localhost 3000 and push relaod quite a while i get a
timotimo hm, doc says LAST is right, and QUIT is also a thing you should have
ufobat i get a closing client connection, and somethings i get a idk "can't close a closed connection" 08:51
timotimo well, browsers will also do keepalive unless you tell them not to
that complicates things, definitely
ufobat Thread<19>(<anon>) closing cient connection IO::Socket::Async.new 08:52
Unhandled exception: cannot close a closed socket
and thry catch dosnt catch it :(
timotimo could be you aren't (or can't be) in the right dynamic scope to catch that exception 08:53
i.e. could be rakudo core code tries to do that and doesn't handle "cannot close closed code"
can you use --ll-exception to get more details?
08:55 trnh joined, trnh left, trnh joined
ufobat doesn't work 08:55
i dont get any details
timotimo hm, OK
oh, that close thing is inside your try/catch 08:56
so what if you don't $conn.close?
AlexDaniel Comments needed: github.com/perl6/doc/pull/632 09:00
ufobat if i dont close it, echo on the cli works fine with nc localhost 3000 09:02
but i dont see the http get request as a reply in my browser..
then the only thing thats happening is the "deadlock" when i use 20 or more connections in parallel 09:03
timotimo on my end, the event loop for responses never terminates
hm, or ... maybe it does?
time to move the stuff onto its own workspace, so i have more than just half a single monitor for all of it 09:06
ah, i was misreading the handle_conn the entire time 09:07
oh my, all the nc processes are still running 09:09
09:10 kid51 joined
timotimo well, all i can say is your code looks, at first glance, as if it shouldn't be blocking threads 09:11
however, it seems like there's an await inside of REACT 09:13
and that's where all those threads are blocked
ufobat how come your netcats didnt terminate?
timotimo dunno
but also killall isn't enough, i have to killall -KILL 09:14
ufobat hmm
timotimo oh
ufobat thanks for your help timotimo :) but now its time for vacation :)
timotimo duh
react does block the thread for you
because of course it does 09:15
that's what you use react for
instead of supply
so instead of that i suppose you'd want to keep supplies you've created around in some list and make sure they get handled properly when they terminate, and such
REACT is quite literally SUPPLY + await 09:16
and await doesn't free up the thread for the threadpool yet; that's a 6.d feature
ufobat AH !
i see
timotimo if i liked coffee, now would be the right time to start drinking it 09:17
09:17 rindolf joined
ufobat so then i assume everything would work fine, which means that golfing the segfault didnt work :/ 09:17
timotimo ah, probably. i'll try the supply-instead-of-react-thing and see if i can get it to segv 09:18
09:18 xinming_ joined
ufobat but i think i am understanding async programming a bit better now :-) thanks timotimo :) 09:18
timotimo yay
i haven't done much with supply or react at all, so it was a good exercise for me
ufobat if you're interested how my segfault is reproduced: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128839 09:19
timotimo well, now i have only 3 threads active
09:20 e163 joined
timotimo but as i said, it could just be that recent stability fixes by jnthn would prevent this segfault entirely 09:21
09:21 xinming left, e163 left
ufobat would you how me how you handle the supplies now? 09:23
timotimo i just replaced react with supply inside the $p_reply.then, and added a .then({ $_.tap({ say "dummy" }); @supplies.push($_) }) 09:25
i'm not sure if that's thread-safe, actually
just pushing it
would be better to feed it into a channel
09:27 kid511 joined 09:28 kid51 left 09:30 jkramer left
ufobat mhmm 09:31
timotimo i'm only keeping them around in a variable so it isn't considered garbage, but i think that's unnecessary anyway
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Ulti you get LAST and QUIT on a whenever block is there any reason for no FIRST? 09:56
09:59 TEttinger left
literal isn't there? 10:01
Ulti nope 10:02
10:02 Actualeyes left
Ulti or at least it doesn't appear to actually execute 10:02
no error at all it just doesn't work
literal m: for 1..3 { FIRST { print "bar" }; print "foo" } 10:03
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«barfoofoofoo»
timotimo that's not a whenever block :)
literal yeah, FIRST is a loop phaser 10:04
you might want ENTER
timotimo but ENTER fires on every enter
whenevers are loop-like
dalek ateverable: 998ae02 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | Bisectable.p6:
Perl 6 rewrite of bisectable

Everything looks fine. It does segfault sometimes, but it is most likely not our fault.
10:05 triholyghost left 10:15 NEveD joined 10:16 danaj left 10:17 pierre_ left 10:18 lambd0x joined
lambd0x Hi everyone! 10:18
RabidGravy erp 10:19
lambd0x How can I search for a key in an array of hashes?
first time working with them...sorry it's a dumb question :P 10:20
nine Something like @hashes.grep: { $_<yourkey>:exists }? 10:22
10:24 Actualeyes joined
Ulti literal yeah as timotimo says ENTER is every time something is called not the first time 10:26
10:27 movl left
AlexDaniel lambd0x: if you are going to do lots of such lookups, perhaps consider creating one big hash for that 10:28
m: my %a = <a 1 b 2 c 3>; my %b = <x 7 y 8 z 9>; %a.append(%b); say %a<y> # or something
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«8␤»
Zoffix m: my @hashes = %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>), %(<x 7 y 8 z 9>); say @hashes.map({.<y>:v}).grep: *.elems 10:34
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«(8)␤»
lambd0x nine: I'll try that... was unsure this would work with hashes since they do with arrays 10:35
Zoffix Kinda dissapointing this ain't working:
m: my @hashes = %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>), %(<x 7 y 8 z 9>); say @hashes».<y>:v
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«Unexpected named parameter 'v' passed␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lambd0x AlexDaniel: What is the best way of creating a list of hashes that might get big? 10:36
my @hash? my %hash? just their syntax differs or something else does too? 10:37
gregf_ i guess it should be O(1) - best case , or O(n) worst case?
10:38 AlexDaniel left
lambd0x I know their proper parameters in the @array case to use it as a @hash already...just am unsure how to use hash type :D 10:38
nine lambd0x: seems to me like you would benefit from describing your problem instead of asking about a tiny part of the solution?
lambd0x gregf_: better yes.
gregf_ my @hashes = %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>), %(<x 7 y 8 z 9>); @hashes.first: ->$h { $h<$key>:exists } 10:39
prolly ;) # not sure its valid :|
Zoffix gregf_, but this and nine's solutions just find the first hash with the key, not the actual value of the key. 10:40
lambd0x nine: My problem is that I come from C programming and I never worked before with hash type. Wanted to know how to proper work with them... :P
moritz m: my @hashes = %(<a 1 b 2 c 3>), %(<x 7 y 8 z 9>); say @hashes.first: ->$h { $h<x>:exists } 10:41
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«{x => 7, y => 8, z => 9}␤»
gregf_ Zoffix: yeah, your .elems sounds perfect
moritz gregf_: the only problem is $h<$key>, which needs to be $h{$key} or $h<literal_key>
gregf_ moritz: yep, you got it :) 10:42
nine lambd0x: ok....so something in between would be good :) What is your array of hashes supposed to solve? What do you use it for? What do you want to store in it?
lambd0x nine: ahahah 10:43
Ok I'm trying to understand how to store a indefinite series of integers in some way and report by the end of it what was the number of ocurrences of the last int...suposed a hash would be good key as a number and value as the amount of times each key appeared during exec. 10:45
But I was asking bits of questions for I wanted to figure out it on my own :). But didn't know really how to use hash type yet. :) 10:46
Zoffix labster, a Bag or BagHash would be a better choice
m: say bag "A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog".comb
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«bag(a(2), p, n, k, (8), l, r(2), c, g, q, b, j, x, e(2), m, i, y, v, w, u(2), A, z, d(2), f, o(4))␤»
lambd0x Zoffix: ahah, Bag stands for that exactly? 10:47
Zoffix docs.perl6.org/language/setbagmix
Don't think it stands for anything... well... other than real life bags maybe? :)
lambd0x I know, was refering to the argument type after the bag call... 10:49
Oh, well I have a lot to learn yet hahaah 10:50
10:50 labster left
lambd0x Thanks guys, will read about what you all just said and try again :) 10:51
10:52 kaare_ joined 10:56 rindolf left 11:01 kurahaupo joined
dalek line-Perl5: 62d7a43 | niner++ | / (3 files):
Try to make installation on Windows possible
line-Perl5: d65d956 | niner++ | META.info:
Version 0.8
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tbrowder another possible p6 marketing project: API support for backendless.com 11:56
12:00 pmurias joined
pmurias hi 12:00
tbrowder hi, pmurias 12:05
Woodi o/ 12:06
vcv \o
12:09 xfix left
unmatched} "Backendless Platform: The Platform is a productivity machine, a fine-tuned engine with well-integrated components designed to make you feel in empowered"... ahh, bless you marketing boardroom meetings that always produce non-descriptive nonsense. 12:12
tbrowder: so what is it? 12:15
DrForr Buzzword buzzkill?
unmatched} Seems to be. I've been on that website for 7 minutes already and still don't know wtf this is... well, other than a "fine-tuned engine" that they mention several times :) 12:16
DrForr Something to do with the new "serverless" stuff, I'm guessing? 12:17
12:17 rindolf joined
unmatched} Seems something to do with mobile apps. 12:18
unmatched} hits the "close" button on the browser window
12:19 xfix joined, wamba joined
llfourn m: say Array[Int] ~~ Array[Int]; say Array[Int] ~~ Positional[Numeric]; say Array[Int] ~~ Array[Numeric]; 12:22
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«True␤True␤False␤»
llfourn ^bug?
12:23 canopus left
llfourn m: say Positional[Int] ~~ Positional[Numeric] 12:23
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«True␤»
tbrowder I first heard about it this morning in a DZONE article about RESTful interfaces, etc. I looked briefly at the site and saw interesting things like free storage up to 20 Gb, free tier of restful dervices, etc. for developing mobile apps. They have several languages supported, no Perl of any kind, and no hint of the possibility of adding it. Just saying it's
worth investigating...
unmatched} m: say Positional[Numeric] ~~ Positional[Int] 12:24
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«False␤»
mst kinda firebase like
12:24 atta left
nine tbrowder: do you have any idea what the website is acutally offering? I'm in unmatched}'s camp with having no clue after reading the website. 12:25
tbrowder If we want to get p6 being used by the world, someone has to start providing hooks that will interest devs that want to make money.
nine: Not exactly, but there are people here who I am sure can see its promise. 12:26
mst oh gods please let's not go that route
llfourn isn't the point of restful interfaces that they are language agnostic?
mst tbrowder: you want to build stuff? build stuff 12:27
tbrowder: talk about it. show people shiny things.
tbrowder: unmatched} is doing more marketing for perl6 than any amount of your navel gazing "we should support X" discussion will achieve
if you think backendless is a good target, go build support for it
then write some nice blog posts
maybe explain it to unmatched} so he writes some nice blog posts too
unmatched} meh :) 12:28
12:28 pierre_ joined
mst but "someone has to start" just smacks of "I want somebody else to volunteer to do this thing" 12:28
and that ain't how -Ofun works
tbrowder mst: my only audience is here and just hope to spark some interest
mst tbrowder: so spark interest by writing something 12:29
not by telling other people how to spend their spare time
this sort of "somebody else should volunteer to do X because marketing" thing never goes anywhere useful;
12:29 canopus joined
tbrowder don't shoot the messenger, please 12:29
mst also, "because marketing" is a shitty motivation
I'm sorry, you said "someone has to start" on behalf of somebody else? 12:30
DrForr Shrug, you've mentioned it. It's not going to go very far until there's a decent ... RPC? web server is up and running, I'm guessing? 12:34
Woodi would realy like to see W3 forum done in Perl6... 12:37
about serverless: they are interesting ay of selling computation power :) probably that's why they do not sell C functions calls... 12:39
El_Che DrForr: I saw you on television today and you were wearing your best suit! 12:41
DrForr Uh? :)
El_Che DrForr: the oscon video's are on o'reilly's safari
DrForr Oh, I thought it was only for OSCON attendees. 12:42
El_Che DrForr: no, you can wait for your big royalty check once it hits the videostores :)
DrForr: it's available for safari subscribers 12:43
DrForr Neato.
El_Che DrForr: www.safaribooksonline.com/library/...491968321/ 12:44
Release Date: July 2016
DrForr Hrm, I have a free Safari account...
12:47 lichtkind_ joined, edwinsage joined
El_Che DrForr: is that an oscon perk? 12:47
DrForr Yep.
El_Che nice
12:48 lichtkind__ left
perlpilot Zoffix++ nice post 12:55
moritz can anybody still log in on hack.p6c.org? 12:59
unmatched} moritz: nope. ssh hack.p6c.org just sits there 13:00
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moritz ok, rebooted 13:01
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RabidGravy I don't suppose any one knows Maurice Aubrey (CPAN author)? I want to blag the C part of his DoubleMetaphone module ;-) 13:02
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pmurias tbrowder: isn't backendless intended to replace the backend? 13:15
tbrowder: an as such Perl 6 API to it wouldn't be that usefull 13:16
tbrowder maybe, but I haven't looked into it deeper yet; I will sign up for a free account and see if a p6 interface is possible according to their policies 13:17
unmatched} tbrowder++ 13:19
tbrowder and I can't answer about the value, I just want p6 available wherever I see collections of language-specific APIs
13:21 parabolize joined
pmurias tbrowder: there is a REST API 13:23
having APIs to stuff is good. You never know where someone else will decide to store the data you need ;) 13:24
tbrowder BTW, on my TODO list is working on a p6 interface to the Lego robot (EV3). See the empty repo at github.com/tbrowder/ev3dev-lang-perl6. I'll be happy to give commit priv to anyone who wants to help. It will be some time before I can start on it. 13:25
pmurias: I saw that but I couldn't see low-level access to files and such which I think one needs for complete use of their system. The other langs seem to have that. 13:27
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literal m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.map({.key if .value == 2}); say $foo.grep({.value == 2}, :k); 13:30
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«(0 7 2)␤(1 2 3)␤»
literal so, how am I misunderstanding grep() here? :P
13:31 espadrine left
unmatched} literal: you're making the assumption that :k gives you the .key 13:32
literal oh, so it's just an index 13:33
unmatched} ":k Only return the index values of the matching elements in order." (from docs.perl6.org/routine/grep )
literal maybe it should have been called :i and :iv :P
unmatched} It comes from .kv 13:34
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perlawhirl hi perlers... it's been a while 13:36
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unmatched} m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.categorize(*.value){2} 13:36
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«[0 => 2 7 => 2 2 => 2]␤»
unmatched} m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.categorize(*.value){2}.keys
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«0..2␤»
unmatched} m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say eager $foo.categorize(*.value){2}.keys 13:37
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«(0 1 2)␤»
unmatched} oh
m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.categorize(*.value){2}».key
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«[0 7 2]␤»
unmatched} there we go
13:38 FROGGS joined
pmurias tbrowder: what do you mean by low level access to files? 13:38
tbrowder I meant access to files--I shouldn't have said "low level." 13:39
unmatched} m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.map({.key if .value == 2}); say $foo.grep(*.value == 2)».key; 13:40
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«(0 7 2)␤(0 7 2)␤»
unmatched} literal: ^ another way
literal unmatched}: ah, indeed
pmurias tbrowder: backendless.com/documentation/file...erview.htm
perlawhirl I was using Net::Telnet:from<Perl5> the other day. A Net::Telnet object has a .print method, but Perl 6's .print takes precedence. How can I call my object's .print method?
13:40 Rawriful joined 13:41 Rawriful left
unmatched} perlawhirl: I'd say that's a bug/limitation in Net::Telnet 13:41
El_Che moritz: I logging in
unmatched} perlawhirl: errr... in Inline::Perl5
m: class Foo{ method print { say "works fine" } }; Foo.new.print
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«works fine␤»
vcv m: my $foo = bag <0 0 2 2 4 5 7 7>; say $foo.grep(*.value == 2).Hash.keys
camelia rakudo-moar 552d9c: OUTPUT«(0 7 2)␤»
El_Che moritz: do you want me to check something?
13:42 Rawriful joined
jdv79 unmatched}: entertaining post. thanks! 13:42
perlawhirl hrm... yeah, maybe. luckily i could work around by using the .cmd method. the only difference is .cmd returns the output, .print does not... but was bringing it up partly so people are aware of that particlar limitation
13:43 ptolemarch joined
unmatched} perlawhirl: it's worth reporting it on the Inline::Perl5's repo 13:43
perlawhirl i wonder if Inline::Perl5 can check the local object's method first before falling back to perl 6 core methods
unmatched} buggable: Inline::Perl5
perlawhirl yeah will do