»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:00 zacts joined 00:02 rindolf left, edehont left
AlexDaniel tbrowder: hi 00:13
dalek c/signature-test-option: fbe8525 | Altai-man++ | / (18 files):
This commit adds new pod config option: 'signature', and adapts current type documentation to it's usage instead of brackets addition.
AlexDaniel tbrowder: I see there's “Perl_6” on the experimental page (with underscore) 00:14
tbrowder: I'm not sure why, but my guess is that you probably mistaken in to   which is displayed as a colored underscore in emacs 00:15
tbrowder:   being non-breaking space
sena_kun tbrowder, if you're using emacs, you can easily add non-breaking spaces with "C-x 8 space". Just number "8" and then normal space will do the trick. 00:16
AlexDaniel sena_kun: 「C-x 8」, right! I should probably use it more 00:18
tbrowder You both are correct. Can one of you correct that, please?
AlexDaniel sure
00:18 cognominal joined 00:19 wamba left
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I wonder how people work without emacs. Vim, probably. 00:19
00:19 pierre_ joined
dalek c: 6dd293b | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | doc/Language/experimental.pod6:
Change Perl_6 to Perl 6

Sometimes it's not too hard to confuse non-breaking space with an underscore in emacs, as both are displayed as an underscore (one being different color).
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I'm not sure if I'm with you on this. The thing is, I have solved so many problems that vim/emacs are trying to solve, but I did it on completely different levels (keyboard, layout, OS), so in my view if you do all that, then you don't really need emacs or vim. 00:23
00:23 canopus left
AlexDaniel for example, I don't need 「C-x 8 space」 because I can type it 00:23
sena_kun AlexDaniel, it can be. Anyway, not again this emacs/vim/anything flame. 00:24
AlexDaniel it is not a flame, it is just a different point of view :)
my point is that you can like your editor as much as you want, but you should always be open to other solutions to common problems. 00:26
Xliff I'm getting this error "Cannot unbox a type object" when attempting to pass a type object to a nativecall sub. 00:27
Isn't that allowed?
sena_kun AlexDaniel, more importangly, can you help me, please, with github.com/perl6/doc/pull/814? I'm worring about the CONTRIBUTING.md changes.
Xliff Rebuilding rakudo... just in case. 00:30
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I don't think that I am more native, but perhaps it would be better if it specified what kind of “body” it is talking about. Or maybe “don't do this” example can help? 00:31
sena_kun: but it is not that important really, people are more likely to look at other parts of the documentation to see what they should be doing
00:32 BrassLantern joined, canopus joined
dalek c: 3f64990 | (Tom Browder)++ | doc/Language/experimental.pod6:
use title case for title words for consistency
AlexDaniel sena_kun: oh!
sena_kun AlexDaniel, thanks. What's the matter?
00:33 golee joined 00:34 travis-ci joined
travis-ci Doc build passed. Altai-man 'This commit adds new pod config option: 'signature', and adapts current type documentation to it's usage instead of brackets addition. 00:35
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/150192383 github.com/perl6/doc/commit/fbe852570cef
00:35 travis-ci left, avenj left
AlexDaniel sena_kun: sorry, nothing :) 00:35
sena_kun: I was thinking about supporting multiline signatures, but I cannot really find any of these, so OK 00:36
sena_kun AlexDaniel, okay. I'm done for today anyway. If we have multiline signature, then I'll sooner or later rewrite it, since sucn signature won't compile. And we want to compile everything. (: 00:37
AlexDaniel sena_kun: actually, here: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/d....pod6#L177
00:38 avenj joined
AlexDaniel sena_kun: nvm I will leave a comment 00:38
sena_kun: good night!
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I haven't touched Str.pod6 yet.
AlexDaniel, my current goal is to make all Type/* compilable, so sooner or later I'll solve this anyway. 00:39
AlexDaniel sena_kun++
00:41 lambd0x left 00:51 zacts left
dalek c: 8d9793b | (Tom Browder)++ | doc/Language/experimental.pod6:
correct spelling
00:55 sena_kun left 00:58 RabidGravy left
tbrowder AlexDaniel: ref emacs: I am still modding my init.el to handle unicode, and I need to add handling the non-breaking space to show it to me as something other than the underscore. That can and will be done. 01:00
b2gills .tell bronco_creek Windows has always accepted both kinds of slashes, it's only some programs that have a problem with forward slashes. 01:01
yoleaux b2gills: I'll pass your message to bronco_creek. 01:02
dalek c: 63b121d | (Tom Browder)++ | CONTRIBUTING.md:
remove spurious ellipsis
01:14 BrassLantern left 01:26 BenGoldberg joined 01:30 araujo__ joined 01:32 araujo__ left 01:33 araujo__ joined 01:34 araujo_ left 01:38 margeas left, sufrostico left 01:40 sufrostico joined 01:42 kalkin-_ joined, kalkin- left, freezerburnv_ left 01:45 ilbot3 left 01:47 ilbot3 joined 01:49 njmurphy left, araujo_ joined
AlexDaniel tbrowder: just change the face to make it more prominent 01:51
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awwaiid m: say <1/2> ; say < 1/2 > # hm! 01:53
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0.5␤1/2␤»
01:53 araujo__ left
awwaiid I didn't know that <1/2> was Rat notation 01:53
01:54 araujo_ left
awwaiid I like having Rat notation 01:54
01:54 araujo_ joined
AlexDaniel tbrowder: “escape-glyph” is the face in question 01:54
01:55 FROGGS left 01:56 araujo_ left
AlexDaniel tbrowder: also see “nobreak-space” face and “nobreak-char-display” variable 01:56
01:57 araujo_ joined
BenGoldberg m: < 1/2 >.perl.say 01:59
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«RatStr.new(0.5, "1/2")␤»
BenGoldberg m: <1/2>.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0.5␤»
awwaiid hmm.
BenGoldberg m: <1/2>.WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(Rat)␤»
AlexDaniel hmmm 02:00
BenGoldberg m: say <245850922/78256779> - pi 02:01
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0␤»
AlexDaniel awwaiid: may I ask why do you need Rat notation?
I mean, 1/2 is already a Rat
BenGoldberg m: pi.WHAT.say;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(Num)␤»
awwaiid reads about docs.perl6.org/language/glossary#Allomorph_
BenGoldberg m: say <245850922/78256779>.Num - pi 02:02
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0␤»
BenGoldberg m: say atan2( -1, 0 );
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«-1.5707963267949␤»
BenGoldberg m: say atan2( 1, 0 );
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«1.5707963267949␤»
BenGoldberg m: say atan2( 1, 0 )*2;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
BenGoldberg m: say atan2( 1, 0 )*2 - <245850922/78256779>; 02:03
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0␤»
BenGoldberg m: say (atan2( 1, 0 )*2 - <245850922/78256779>) * 1e100;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0␤»
AlexDaniel m: say <42>.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(IntStr)␤» 02:04
awwaiid AlexDaniel: I accidentally ran into it. But you have a good point that 1/2 is just as good. hmm.
I ran into when building a grammar that could parse fractions and was testing things iirc 02:05
AlexDaniel it looks like other languages need Rat notation, perl 6 doesn't :)
awwaiid AlexDaniel: I don't think I like <1/2> being different than < 1/2 > though. Actually -- I as I think about it I _don't_ like it because it makes < ... > feel overloaded
I was expecting <...> to reliably be quote-word context 02:06
02:06 freezerburnv_ joined
AlexDaniel by the way, python 3.6 will support underscores in numeric literals. How cool is that! ;) 02:06
or at least, that's what I heard
awwaiid it doesn't already? Ruby does 02:07
AlexDaniel almost every language does.
02:07 FROGGS joined
awwaiid I need to get Inline::Python going a bit better. I hooked up travis last weekend at least. All The Libraries!!! 02:08
(are belong to us)
AlexDaniel awwaiid: actually, I'm not sure if it is a bug or not
it probably is
awwaiid that they are different, or that <1/2> _ever_ is automatically a Rat / RatStr? 02:09
AlexDaniel that < 25/2 > is RatStr
I don't know, maybe it was done on purpose, but why? 02:10
awwaiid no idea
AlexDaniel m: say <0.5>.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«RatStr.new(0.5, "0.5")␤»
AlexDaniel m: say < 1/2 >.perl 02:11
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«RatStr.new(0.5, "1/2")␤»
AlexDaniel m: say <1/2>.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0.5␤»
awwaiid sick and wrong
ooo! we should deparse it
02:12 pierre_ left
AlexDaniel m: say <42>.perl 02:13
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«IntStr.new(42, "42")␤»
AlexDaniel m: say < 42 >.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«IntStr.new(42, "42")␤»
AlexDaniel submits rakudobug 02:14
BenGoldberg m: 3587785776203/44485467702853 02:15
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "/" in expression "3587785776203/44485467702853" in sink context (line 1)␤»
BenGoldberg m: say 3587785776203/44485467702853
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«0.080650737453591␤»
BenGoldberg m: say 3587785776203/1783366216531 02:16
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«2.01180539529450␤»
tbrowder AlexDaniel: thanks! 02:20
02:20 kid511 left 02:22 sufrostico left
TimToady is not a bug 02:25
awwaiid What's the concept? 02:26
(or link to doc works too of course)
TimToady we need a literal notation for rats and complex, and <> is it
awwaiid how about the space vs no-space differene? 02:27
AlexDaniel m: say <42e2i>.perl
TimToady we don't need an extra literal notation for ints or nums, so we don't bother to treat <> special
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«ComplexStr.new(<0+4200i>, "42e2i")␤»
AlexDaniel m: say < 42e2i >.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«ComplexStr.new(<0+4200i>, "42e2i")␤»
TimToady m: say <42e2+3i>.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«<4200+3i>␤»
awwaiid Right -- so 1/2 is an operation that results in a Rat, whereas <1/2> is a Rat literal.
(compiler optimization excepted) 02:28
TimToady yes, and while you can get away with (1/2), it only works by constant folding
awwaiid cool
TimToady and bare 1/2 is a problem if you have a surrounding operator that is tighter than /
02:28 noganex joined
TimToady so we just stole <> for those literals, but only when there's no space 02:29
sure, it's a little inconsistent, but there are reasons
AlexDaniel m: say <42e2+3i>.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«<4200+3i>␤»
AlexDaniel m: say < 42e2+3i >.perl
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«ComplexStr.new(<4200+3i>, "42e2+3i")␤»
AlexDaniel I see
TimToady generally, you wouldn't write that 02:30
it's just a degenerate case of qw
AlexDaniel throws away a fully written bug report
TimToady or more generally, of val()
awwaiid m: say <1/2>.WHAT ; say < 1/2 >.WHAT ; say "1/2".WHAT ; say qw< 1/2 >.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(Rat)␤(RatStr)␤(Str)␤(Str)␤»
TimToady anyway, it's working as designed, even if you think the designer is an idiot :) 02:31
awwaiid not at all -- just want to understand. In this case :)
02:31 noganex_ left
awwaiid (kidding. TimToady++ # awesomesauce) 02:32
AlexDaniel TimToady: it kinda makes sense. “kinda” because it is very confusing at first and now I will be thinking “wait, what am I going to get here?” whenever I use <>, as there's no simple rule.
TimToady you think <> is inconsistent here, try inside regex :) 02:33
awwaiid so the rule is <> bumping right up against a slashy fraction is a Rat. What's with the RatStr?
best of both worlds I guess
TimToady allomorphism is for when someone is forced to use a textual representation, and needs a bit of dwimmery
awwaiid interesting 02:34
TimToady when someone is asked for a number at a prompt, you'd like to be able to treat it like a number
likewise, your program is forced to be a textual representation
BenGoldberg m: num $x = 0; ++$x; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3num7⏏5 $x = 0; ++$x; say $x;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ st…»
BenGoldberg m: my num $x = 0; ++$x; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native number: P6opaque, Int␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
TimToady so literals are a bit allomorphic, especially inside <> with multiple vlaues
BenGoldberg m: my num $x = 0e0; ++$x; say $x;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«1␤»
BenGoldberg m: my num $x = 0.5e0; ++$x; say $x; 02:35
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«1.5␤»
AlexDaniel .tell gfldex see irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2016-08-06#i_12976146 and the discussion that follows. Perhaps you'll have an idea on how we can improve the docs to make it less WATy 02:36
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to gfldex.
BenGoldberg wonders what would break if ++ on a num increased by the smallest amount which results a value greater that the initial num. 02:37
geekosaur everyone expecting $x = 0.5; $x++; to do what it does *everywhere* 02:40
also, I defy you to provide a simple, comprehensible explanation of the resulting behavior on floating point numbers (remember that said increase will scale depending on the magnitude of the original value) 02:42
AlexDaniel m: my $x = 9e16; my $y = $x; $x++; say $x == $y # ;) 02:43
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«True␤»
geekosaur yes, but that's at least consistent with floating point everywhere else
BenGoldberg How about at least provide .smallest-greater and .largest-smaller methods? 02:44
TimToady and what would you do with it? 02:45
BenGoldberg TBH, I'm not sure ;)
TimToady adding 1 tends to have more real-world application, I suspect
BenGoldberg Probably 02:46
m: say first { !(0+"1e-$_") }, ^Inf; 02:47
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«324␤»
02:47 araujo__ joined
BenGoldberg m: my $x = 0; my $y = $x + 1e-323; say $x <=> $y; 02:47
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Less␤»
BenGoldberg m: my $x = 0; my $y = $x + 1e-323; say $x <=> $y but NotByMuch; 02:48
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Operators '<=>' and 'but' are non-associative and require parentheses␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 = 0; my $y = $x + 1e-323; say $x <=> $y7⏏5 but NotByMuch;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ …»
BenGoldberg m: my $x = 0; my $y = $x + 1e-323; say (($x <=> $y) but (role NotByMuch {}));
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Less␤»
02:49 araujo__ left, araujo__ joined
TimToady m: my $x = 10; my $y = $x + 1e-323; say $x <=> $y; 02:50
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Same␤»
02:50 araujo_ left
BenGoldberg m: <2646693125139304345/842468587426513207> - <139755218526789/44485467702853> 02:51
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "-" in expression "<2646693125139304345/842468587426513207> - <139755218526789/44485467702853>" in sink context (line 1)␤»
BenGoldberg m: say <2646693125139304345/842468587426513207> - <139755218526789/44485467702853>
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«-1.61109530172737e-28␤»
02:51 araujo__ left
BenGoldberg m: say <2646693125139304345/842468587426513207> - pi.Rat 02:51
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«-2.66764189062422e-07␤»
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mspo m: my m: my Numeric $x = 0.5; say ++$x; 02:54
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Type 'm' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my m7⏏5: my Numeric $x = 0.5; say ++$x;␤Malformed my␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my7⏏5 m: my Numeric $x = 0.5; say ++$x;␤␤»
mspo m: my Numeric $x = 0.5; say ++$x;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«1.5␤»
BenGoldberg If I've got a Rat which supposedly approximates pi to 37 decimal digits, and rakudo's builtin pi (converted to a Rat) differs by 2e-7, then does that mean our conversion from Num to Rat is deficient, or does it mean our builtin pi is deficient? 02:55
TimToady in that range, Rat has more precision than Num 02:56
assuming 64-bit Num 02:57
02:57 araujo__ joined
BenGoldberg m: say log( 1e-323, 2 ); 02:58
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«-1073␤»
BenGoldberg The wikipedia page on 64 bit doubles mentions that subnormals can be as small as 5 x 10 ** -324, so that's about right. 03:00
m: log( 2**52, 10 ); 03:02
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for <tmp>:␤Useless use of "log( 2**52, 10 )" in expression "log( 2**52, 10 )" in sink context (line 1)␤»
BenGoldberg m: log( 2**52, 10 ).say;
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«15.653559774527␤»
BenGoldberg Would programmers be upset if perl6's builtin pi were a Rat instead of a Num? 03:04
m: pi.nude.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Method 'nude' not found for invocant of class 'Num'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
BenGoldberg m: pi.Rat.nude.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(355, 113)␤»
geekosaur practically, it's a rational anyway
TimToady there's not a lot of point, since almost any calculations involving pi will degrade to Num quickly 03:05
BenGoldberg m: say pi.Rat.Num - pi
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«2.66764189404967e-07␤»
TimToady Rats are really only useful when doing addition/subtraction with limited denominators
which is a lot of calculation, but not typically when you're multiplying by pi
geekosaur also iirc at one point the Rat implementation of pi was a hairier Rat, but that just made all Rat computations using it painful 03:07
(hairier but more precise)
although the counterargument there is that if you're doing Rat math involving pi, you're already doing it wrong >.> 03:09
or else need something more specific to whatever non-floating approximation you are using anyway
BenGoldberg thinks he's got an idea...
Would a method pi(Rat:U, $precision) make sense? 03:10
03:20 khw left
TimToady I don't think we need to build a pi spigot into p6 03:20
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k1lldash9 curious, are there advantages to say vs print "this\n" ? 05:33
does it implicitly set carriage return and that is essentially it? that's all
thanks! :)
ahh, nevermind, I found the answer, sorry! ha 05:35
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andrzejku hi 05:35
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smls m: say (1.1 .. 10.1).grep(3 < *.Int < 7) 06:08
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤QAST::Block with cuid 1 has not appeared␤»
smls ^^ ? 06:09
06:12 itaipu joined
TimToady m: say (1.1 ... 10.1).grep(3 < * < 7) 06:18
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1)␤»
TimToady m: say (1.1 ... 10.1).grep(3 < * + 0 < 7) 06:19
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤QAST::Block with cuid 1 has not appeared␤»
TimToady doesn't like WhateverCode there, I guess
smls So, Whatever can curry with chaining comparison ops but WhateverCode can't?
TimToady would seem not
smls will RT 06:20
TimToady: Btw, the reason I was asking why we don't have a .product to go along with .sum, is that the { [*] |$_ } is the thing that stands out the most as line noise in rosettacode.org/wiki/Sum_and_Produc...zle#Perl_6 06:22
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ufobat good morning :) 06:27
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smls TimToady: Your grammar-based solution to rosettacode.org/wiki/Amb#Perl_6 doesn't work anymore in the latest Rakudo... :( 07:54
It simply *stops* after reaching the end of the first branch, and doesn't backtrack, so it prints no solution. 07:56
Strangely enough, it works if the <{...}> regex EVAL interpolations are replaced with the regex code they produce.
Did something change about the <{...}> feature that would prevent backtracking over it?
Here's the code with some cleanup and debug statements added, to show the problem: gist.github.com/smls/407f65d275810...2148f2312a 08:00
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tbrowder ufobat: good morning! 09:35
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dogbert17 silence reigns 10:35
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dalek c: eb847e3 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6:
Added docs for List.antipairs
smls Why is .antipairs needed if it does the same thing as .pairs.invert ? 10:44
timotimo hoh, it is? 10:47
10:47 andrzejku left, wamba left
timotimo m: { :1a, :2b, :3c, :4d }.antipairs.perl.say 10:47
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(1 => "a", 4 => "d", 3 => "c", 2 => "b").Seq␤»
timotimo m: { :1a, :2b, :3c, :4d }.pairs.invert.perl.say
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(1 => "a", 4 => "d", 3 => "c", 2 => "b").Seq␤»
dogbert17 timotimo: there's something fishy here, there is an implementation of 'invert' in List.pm, but it soes not seem to work 10:49
m: say (1,2,3).invert # ?? 10:50
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Method 'value' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
timotimo um, that's quite weird
to have .invert on list do what antipairs does on a hash, but only if the list is a list of pairs
10:50 wamba joined
dogbert17 the code is a one-liner: self.map({ nqp::decont(.value) »=>» .key }).flat 10:50
timotimo right 10:51
i find that ... weird
also, why would it have »=>» there? unless there's more than one key per thing? 10:52
dogbert17 timotimo: it could be I guess, in other places invert drills down into lists
docs.perl6.org/type/Map#method_invert 10:53
I wonder if there is a :kv missing from List.invert 10:54
smls ah.
timotimo could be, yeah
dogbert17 where's lizmat when we need her :) 10:56
lizmat I'm here
.oO( you rang? )
I'm not sure why we have List.invert either.... I don't think I touched it in any opt work
dogbert17 can you backlog ~15 lines please :) 10:57
lizmat Hash.invert is *not* the same as Hash.antipairs
dalek osystem: 2373470 | RabidGravy++ | META.list:
Add Doublephone

See github.com/jonathanstowe/Doublephone
dogbert17 lizmat: agreed 10:58
RabidGravy I'm back!
dogbert17 m: say (1,2,3).invert # ??
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Method 'value' not found for invocant of class 'Int'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat RabidGravy++
dogbert17: lemme check
dogbert17 o/ RabidGravy
RabidGravy (but schwern made me do that one)
dogbert17 have you managed to stop Brexit ?
RabidGravy working on it 10:59
lizmat dogbert17: all I can say is that TimToady added/changed it early 2015
dogbert17 lizmat: maybe we'll have to wait for his comments on the matter then 11:00
lizmat is checking further
11:01 rindolf joined
dogbert17 RabidGravy: have you tried your musicstreaming stuff lately. perhaps it works better/faster now thanks to all recent opts? 11:01
lizmat feels to me that .invert on a List *is* the same as antipairs
dogbert17 lizmat: in which case it would be redundant 11:02
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lizmat well, I guess we want to keep supplying it so you can call .invert on anyhing 11:03
dogbert17 lizmat: in which case we have a bug :)
lizmat yeah
m: dd 42.antipairs
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«(42 => 0,).Seq␤»
lizmat m: dd 42.invert
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤Cannot resolve caller invert(Int); none of these signatures match:␤ in block <u…»
11:06 rpburkholder joined
lizmat tries some patches 11:06
dogbert17 * oO
lizmat hopes Apple will come out with a 32core MBP soon 11:08
11:09 itaipu joined
dogbert17 guess Apple will have something new besides iPhones in September 11:12
lizmat hmmmm I borked 2 spectests 11:14
dogbert17 uh oh 11:15
smls Having List.invert invert the pairs of a list of pairs, is not that different than other instances where Perl 6 treats lists of pairs specially... 11:16
lizmat apparently you can only List.invert if the List contains pairs
dogbert17: so In guess the right course of action would be to rakudobug it as a @LARRY bug 11:18
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dogbert17 lizmat: so the bug is that it only handles list of pairs? 11:20
lizmat well, I guess the bug is that the error is really LTA if the list does not consist of pairs *OR* it should call .pairs on itself first before inverting 11:21
(aka, be the same as .antipairs)
11:21 stmuk_ left
dogbert17 so a mail to [email@hidden.address] with [BUG] and @LARRY then? 11:22
in the subject that is 11:23
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lizmat dogbert17: yup 11:33
dogbert17: (sorry, was distracted)
dogbert17 lizmat: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128860 11:36
lizmat dogbert17++ 11:37
dogbert17 hooray, thx for the help 11:38
btw, what's the fastest way in Perl 6 to split a string into a list of single characters, comb? 11:39
lizmat yup, .comb 11:40
dogbert17 lizmat: thx, I was working on a Project Euler problem and got the impression that comb is rather slow. Is it a target for opts in the future? 11:41
lizmat I was just looking at it again
dogbert17 I'm specifically referring to the default case. i.e. "string".comb 11:42
MasterDuke bench: releases .comb for ^100000 11:44
11:44 pierre_ left
benchable MasterDuke: gist.github.com/ee0173e2863fb8b944...332eaefd62 11:45
dogbert17 MasterDuke: cool 11:46
MasterDuke looks like it did get twice as fast between 2016.06 and 2016.07
dogbert17 MasterDuke: indeed
lizmat yeah, but that was not because of changes to .comb itself 11:47
dogbert17 I was working on projecteuler.net/problem=112 in case you're interested
MasterDuke github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/efbfdaa 11:48
that's where benchable found the difference
dogbert17 those bots are nifty 11:49
MasterDuke projecteuler.net/problem=60 is what got me started committing to Rakudo 11:51
been stuck/working on that one for a long time now
dogbert17 That one I haven't solved :( 11:52
MasterDuke it's why i wrote github.com/MasterDuke17/List-Combinations 11:53
because the core combinations() was too slow 11:54
dogbert17 nice, I actually managed to solve 112, and comb definitely played a part, but the code took like 6 minutes to run on my machine 11:56
replacing comb with some % and div trickery reduced the time to approx one minute 11:57
MasterDuke nice. my Perl 5 solution takes 6 seconds 11:58
using a 'split //' 11:59
dogbert17 yeah, there's still some work to be done although some other problems which I solved earlier in the year have become much faster thx mainly to lizmat++ and jnthn++
12:02 holyghostoo left
MasterDuke yep, no arguments there 12:05
moritz m: say 300 / 6
camelia rakudo-moar 589061: OUTPUT«50␤»
moritz that's decent. The factor used to be around 100 or 200 for common tasks 12:06
dogbert17 moritz: speed is definitely improving
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RabidGravy boom! 13:38
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RabidGravy I was thinking about that metaphone thing and unicode, seeing as metaphone (and soundex) are pretty useless for anything other than ascii words 13:43
is there a reliable way of knowing for a given character whether it is based on a latin character (in the rakudo implementation)? 13:45
13:47 lucar joined
lucar Hi there 13:47
how does the perl6 repl compare with Common Lisp? 13:48
does it support interactive coding ?
DrForr As far as I know, yeah. It lets you type in code, read it, eval's it and prints it, just like CL. 13:49
lucar great
arnsholt The Perl 6 REPL isn't as functional as you'd get from something like SBCL