»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; 00:00
camelia ( no output )
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; class :: does Foo(sub {}) {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unable to parse expression in typename; couldn't find final ')' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 repr('CPointer') {}; class :: does Foo(7⏏5sub {}) {}␤»
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; class :: does Foo(my & = sub {}) {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unable to parse expression in typename; couldn't find final ')' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 repr('CPointer') {}; class :: does Foo(7⏏5my & = sub {}) {}␤»
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; class :: is Foo(sub {}) {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot resolve caller trait_mod:<is>(<anon|78520784>, Foo, Sub); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U $child, Mu:U $parent)␤ (Mu:U $child, :$DEPRECATED!)␤ (Mu:U $type, :$rw!)␤ (Mu:U $ty…»
grondilu wth
oh 00:01
m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; class :: is Foo[sub {}] {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot resolve caller trait_mod:<is>(<anon|59022496>, Foo, Array); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U $child, Mu:U $parent)␤ (Mu:U $child, :$DEPRECATED!)␤ (Mu:U $type, :$rw!)␤ (Mu:U $…»
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[Sub &native] { has &.native }; role Bar is repr('CPointer') {}; class :: does Foo[sub {}] {} 00:02
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'Foo'␤at <tmp>:1␤»
grondilu damn it
back to basic:
m: role Foo[Int $] {}; class :: does Foo[13] {}
camelia ( no output )
grondilu ok 00:03
m: role Foo[Sub &] {}; class :: does Foo[sub {}] {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'Foo'␤at <tmp>:1␤»
grondilu hum
m: say .WHAT given sub {}
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«(Sub)␤»
grondilu Can't I use a Sub as a parameter in a parametric role?
00:16 mtj_ left, mtj_ joined
grondilu m: role Foo[$] {} 00:18
m: say "hi"
camelia ( no output )
rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«hi␤»
grondilu wow that first one took its time
m: role Foo[$] {}
camelia ( no output )
grondilu actually not
m: role Foo[$] {}; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub {}] {} 00:19
camelia ( no output )
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { my $.f = $f; method f { $!f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub { say "hi!" }] {}.f 00:20
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Package 'Foo' already has a method 'f' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)␤at <tmp>:1␤»
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { my $.f = $f; method talk { $!f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub { say "hi!" }] {}.talk
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Attribute $!f not declared in role Foo␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3] { my $.f = $f; method talk { $!f() } }7⏏5; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub { say "hi␤ expecting any of:␤ horizontal whitespac…»
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { has $.f = $f; method talk { $!f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub { say "hi!" }] {}.talk 00:21
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«Cannot look up attributes in a type object␤ in method talk at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { method talk { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub { say "hi!" }] {}.talk
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«hi!␤»
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { method fork { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub fork() is native {}] {}.fork; say "hi" 00:22
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Can't use unknown trait 'is native' in a sub declaration.␤at <tmp>:1␤ expecting any of:␤ rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE␤ pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal␤ …»
grondilu m: role Foo[$f] { method fork { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub fork() is native() {}] {}.fork; say "hi"
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Can't use unknown trait 'is native' in a sub declaration.␤at <tmp>:1␤ expecting any of:␤ rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE␤ pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal␤ …»
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[$f] { method fork { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[my $ = sub fork() is native {}] {}.fork; say "hi"
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«hi␤hi␤»
grondilu nice
00:23 mtj_ left, mtj_ joined
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[$f] { method fork { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[sub fork() is native {}] {}.fork; say "hi" 00:24
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«hi␤hi␤»
grondilu m: use NativeCall; role Foo[$f] is repr('CPointer') { method fork { $f() } }; class :: does Foo[sub fork() is native {}] {}.fork; say "hi" 00:25
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«hi␤hi␤»
grondilu that looks a lot like what I was considering doing. Cool.
b2gills 「Sub &」 declares that it requires a Callable that returns a Sub 00:29
tbrowder ugexe: thanks 00:31
.tell ugexe thanks 00:32
yoleaux tbrowder: I'll pass your message to ugexe.
00:33 mcmillhj joined 00:38 BenGoldberg joined, mcmillhj left 00:40 nbrown joined 00:41 nbrown left 00:43 nbrown joined
grondilu m: role Foo[Sub &] {}; class :: does Foo[sub (--> Sub) { sub {} }] {} 00:43
camelia ( no output )
grondilu b2gills: you're right
m: role Foo[&] {}; class :: does Foo[sub {}] {} 00:44
camelia ( no output )
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r_i_d is there a built-in way to check if a variable is an element in a given array? 03:09
right now i iterate over the array with a for-loop and trigger a duplicate flag accordingly -- is there a better way? 03:10
03:11 cuonglm joined
cuonglm jnthn: Is there any design doc about NFG implementation in MoarVM? 03:12
harmil r_i_d: you can use a Set, but if you are doing this just once, it's more efficient to just scan the list
cuonglm I read your article www.jnthn.net/papers/2015-spw-nfg.pdf 03:13
r_i_d okay, thanks
ugexe m: my @arr = <a b c d>; say "a" ~~ @arr.any; say "z" ~~ @arr.any
yoleaux 00:32Z <tbrowder> ugexe: thanks
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«True␤False␤»
r_i_d oh, that's nice. 03:14
ugexe m: my @arr = <a b c d>; say @arr.contains("a"); say @arr.contains("z")
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«True␤False␤»
r_i_d perfect. 03:16
harmil I didn't even know there was a contains. That's handy. I assume it just scans the array? 03:18
r_i_d Larry thought of everything, aparently.
geraud m: my @a = <a b c d e>; say "d" ∈ @a;
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«True␤»
ugexe m: say "abc".contains("a"); say "abc".contains("z")
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«True␤False␤»
03:19 mcmillhj joined
ugexe `cd rakudo && git grep "method contains"` will generally make it easy to find where and how something is implemented 03:21
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avuserow m: class Foo {has $!x; method x {return Proxy.new(FETCH => sub ($) {$!x}, STORE => sub ($, $v) {note "got here"; $!x = $v;})}}; my $f = Foo.new; $f.x = 1; say $f.x; my @attrs = Foo.^attributes(:local)[0].set_value($f, 2); say $f.x; note "pre-3"; $f.x = 3; say $f.x; 06:09
camelia rakudo-moar d43ea0: OUTPUT«got here␤1␤2␤pre-3␤got here␤Cannot assign to an immutable value␤ in sub at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
avuserow looks like set_value and Proxies interact poorly?
06:09 mcmillhj left
avuserow anyway I don't need to use a Proxy per se, I just want to update one attribute whenever another is set... not sure what good ways there are for that 06:10
nine harmil: do _not_ use .contains! That checks if the given value is a substring. On lists it will check if the value is a substring of the stringified list. So it'll find "1" in (10, 11, 12). 06:19
ugexe: ^^^
06:19 mcmillhj joined
nine lizmat++ noticed this and already suggested a fix, but for now that's unfortunately how it is. 06:20
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jnthn .tell cuonglm No design doc, though the key data structures are described somewhat in the .h files; of note see github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ings/nfg.h and github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ormalize.h 08:49
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to cuonglm.
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TEttinger jnthn: is that grapheme normalization stuff? guessing by names 09:08
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jnthn TEttinger: Yes :) 09:10
(Was answering a question from the backlog :))
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melezhik Good day gentlemen 10:16
how I can create a perl6 class with a "nested" name? Like class Foo::Bar::Baz 10:17
looks like simple having "class Foo::Bar::Baz {}" does not work
jnthn m: class Foo::Bar::Baz { method m { 'bacon' } }; say Foo::Bar::Baz.m 10:22
camelia rakudo-moar f2df2c: OUTPUT«bacon␤»
jnthn Seems to work fine, so I suspect you're running into some other problem :) 10:23
melezhik jnthn: will double check thanks! 10:24
ok, I see the root now. Had to add class Name / file path into META.info , so t/ succeed when run panda --force install . 10:26
10:27 kaare_ joined
melezhik anybody knows the reference to Perl6 Test ? all I find is perl6maven.com/how-to-test-perl6-modules but it is not enough for me ... 10:28
DrForr docs.perl6.org/language/testing 10:30
melezhik DrForr: thanks
looks good :)
10:30 leont left
melezhik how can have panda installer to show verbose test output when run my tests with `panda install .` 10:31
looks like --verbose don't work
10:31 mcmillhj joined 10:32 labster left
DrForr "Doesn't work" isn't as helpful as "I would have expected... but didn't see it." 10:33
melezhik ok. "panda --force --verbose install ." give me a panda help info, instead of running tests 10:34
"panda --force install ." runs my tests and makes install 10:35
10:36 mcmillhj left
DrForr I'll have to install locally to confirm. 10:36
nine melezhik: add --verbose to your ~/.proverc 10:37
melezhik DrForr: github.com/melezhik/outhentix
head ~/.proverc 10:38
--verbose 10:39
DrForr 'panda --force --verbose install .' appears to be failing correctly as '.' isn't a list of modules, but a directory. If you're used to that from Perl 5 tools, keep in mind this is perl 6 :)
melezhik but still have a none verbose output from "panda --force install ."
10:39 salva left
nine DrForr: but "panda install ." can actually be used to install an unpacked dist from a directory 10:40
melezhik DrForr: ok, let me say in other words. I have unit tests under t/ and I want to run them and see verbose output ...
how can I do this?
prove --exec perl6 -r t ? 10:41
nine melezhik: I usually run tests with prove -e 'perl6 -Ilib' -v t
melezhik yes, prove --exec perl6 -r t works
tbrowder melezhik: I'm having better luck with zef. 10:42
melezhik I just expected that pand would respect --verbose
ok. for now, "prove" is fine for me
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tbrowder ugexe: do you know how to get info or verbose output from Build.pm? I'm using zef and only get info messages using --debug, nothing with --info (default) or --verbose. 11:01
dalek osystem: cae96fc | (Sam Gillespie)++ | META.list:
Adding Numeric::Pack to ecosystem.
osystem: 4f525ef | azawawi++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #245 from samgwise/patch-2

Adding Numeric::Pack to ecosystem.
11:10 rindolf joined
avar shorter oneliner for this in perl6: perl -le"print substr(hex(substr(shift,0,2)),-1)" $(hostname -f | md5sum) ? 11:10
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avar for "Pick N% of hosts depending on their hostname" 11:11
11:15 leont left
avar best I can think of: 11:15
perl6 -e 'exit :16(@*ARGS[0].substr(0,2)) % 10 == 0 ?? 0 !! 1' $(hostname|md5sum)
11:18 xinming joined
avar substr not needed due to native bigint: 11:20
perl6 -e 'exit :16(@*ARGS[0]) % 10 == 0 ?? 0 !! 1' $(hostname|md5sum)
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MasterDuke avar: perl6 -e 'exit :16(@*ARGS[0]) %% 10 ?? 0 !! 1' $(hostname|md5sum) 11:29
11:29 bioduds joined
bioduds im having trouble installing perl6 11:29
DrForr What kind of trouble? 11:30
bioduds i have it installed but a very old version
11:30 bjz left
bioduds ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling hello.pl Can't use unknown trait 'is required' in an attribute declaration. 11:30
11:30 mcmillhj left
El_Che that reads like Moo/Moose 11:30
bioduds and i dont seem to be able to update it 11:31
no matter what I do
I can't get it to work
El_Che bioduds: have you tried rakudobrew? 11:33
bioduds yes
tried a couple of times
El_Che how did you install the version you have?
os package?
bioduds i installed by running sudo apt-get install rakudo 11:34
11:34 pierre_ joined
bioduds im on ubuntu 14.04 11:34
moritz try uninstalling it, and building from source instead
bioduds I did
El_Che sudo apt-get remove --purge rakudo
bioduds let me do it again 11:35
El_Che then just follow the rakudo instructions, that should work
DrForr Right, so you got the versionfrom the repository, which isn't up-to-date. Have you tried removing the package that you installed, and building via rakudobrew?
bioduds i actually only removed it not purged
El_Che (as there is no rakudo on the system)
(removed should be ok, purge is because I am a digitally clean type :) )
11:35 Actualeyes left
bioduds let me try 11:35
i would like to make a suggestion to the top cat p6 guys if i may and if they see this. The best installing way is Meteor 11:36
curl install.meteor.com/ | sh 11:37
perhaps this may be done with Perl6
DrForr Well-volunteered, grab the file, change it to download rakudobrew and post a link in the channel? 11:38
11:38 mcmillhj joined
bioduds ok, so I did sudo apt-get remove --purge rakudo 11:39
moritz you can also use the docker container: github.com/perl6/docker
bioduds now Im to follow which line?
this here? perl6.org/downloads/
11:41 MilkmanDan left
DrForr bioduds: Are you Eduardo Capanema? If so, welcome! 11:42
bioduds yep, I am. thanks DrForr 11:43
DrForr (and even if you're not, still, welcome!)
bioduds I have one successful installation on my local machine
ubuntu 16.04
11:43 bjz joined, mcmillhj left
bioduds but on my AWS server ubuntu14.04 it is not working 11:43
i believe 16.04 repo apt is correct and 14.04 is not 11:44
and once you put bad p6 version there is no way to upgrade it
11:46 mr-fooba_ left
DrForr Well, the version from Ubuntu 16.04 is certainly going to be more recent. Like any other project, you can either wait for the next version to become available as a package, or go out and install it yourself. 11:47
El_Che bioduds: read your post! 11:48
bioduds: damn straight to the point :)
DrForr Installing from packages is more convenient, certainly, but means that you have to wait until someone else packages the latest version, or you can go out and get the latest yourself.
El_Che bioduds: I build often from source for my docker setup and it's pretty straightfwd (but it takes a long time to finish) 11:49
pkgs is something we indeed need to provide
bioduds im trying again
11:50 Actualeyes joined
El_Che ls 11:50
bioduds my point is if perl6 is aimed at beginners, installation must be made reaaaaaly easy
i purged current p6 version 11:51
now i downloaded rakudobrew
moritz then help making it easy
bioduds and im running the script
DrForr No argument there. But doing that takes time and effort, effort that people have channeled into making the software actually work.
bioduds I am helping, I am trying to point out the easiest way I know 11:52
which is Meteor shell script after curl
DrForr Right. Feel free to rewrite it to use rakudobrew and submit it here.
perlbrew has almost exactly the same setup, you might want to look at that first. 11:53
moritz bioduds: thing is, throwing "hey everybody, please do what I want" rarely works for open source projects, even if you offer a valid perspective
bioduds moritz, i am not throwing do what i want 11:54
not at all
I am suggesting
very different
moritz bioduds: the difference is just in wording, not in action
bioduds Im not demanding a thing moritz
it is merely a suggestion 11:55
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El_Che ok, let's get past this. bioduds, is rakudobrew running? 11:55
moritz bioduds: and it's received. And I'm merely suggesting that you actually implement your suggestion, because that has the best chances of success
bioduds no not running
11:55 smls left
bioduds Command failed (status 512): make Failed running /usr/bin/perl Configure.pl --backends=moar --gen-moar --git-reference="/home/ubuntu/.rakudobrew/bin/../git_reference" --make-install at /home/ubuntu/.rakudobrew/bin/rakudobrew line 58. main::run('/usr/bin/perl Configure.pl --backends=moar --gen-moar --git-r...') called at /home/ubuntu/.rakudobrew/bin/rakudobrew line 386 main::build_impl('moar', undef, '') called at /home/ubuntu/.raku 11:55
DrForr And your suggestion is noted. Feel free to modify install.perlbrew.pl's script and submit it.
bioduds: That's cut off. Please post your full install log as a github gist or something like that, where we can see it. 11:56
El_Che bioduds:
How to get Rakudo Perl 6
The recommended way to use Rakudo is by downloading Rakudo Star – a useful and usable production distribution of Perl 6. Rakudo Star includes both the Rakudo compiler and some commonly used libraries.
OS_Windows_8 .msi Rakudo Star
11:56 El_Che left, pierre_ left, El_Che joined
bioduds how do i do that? 11:57
tbrowder jnthn: where is specification for the META6 file?
El_Che sorry for the flooding. Damns copy paste. I hope my leaving the channel stopped the flooding
bioduds post as a github gist?
El_Che bioduds: sudo apt-get instal build-essential git
jnthn tbrowder: No idea, sorry; I don't really work on that side of things. :) 11:58
El_Che bioduds: maybe you're missing a depency for building rakudo
jnthn tbrowder: S11 or S22 at a guess though
DrForr Whatever pastebin you prefer. The point is that we could only see part of the log. pastebin.ca, snit.ch, any pastebin will do.
bioduds well, happened twice
once in a digital ocean ubuntu 1404
and now on AWS ubuntu 14.04
DrForr bioduds: Yes, and if you don't install the dependency it'll keep breaking.
tbrowder thanks, but how did you develop yr meta6 test? 11:59
bioduds sorry?
not following you tbrowder
DrForr tbrowder: He's talking to someone else.
bioduds oh, sorry 12:00
tbrowder sorry, question was for jnthn
12:00 smls_ is now known as smls
bioduds any ideas how should i proceed? 12:00
jnthn tbrowder: Um...I don't think I did, are you confusing me with then other Jonathan? :)
(Who goes as RabidGravy here :)) 12:01
DrForr bioduds: Yes, put your full install log somewhere that we can see it.
tbrowder probably, sorry!
jnthn :)
DrForr bioduds: Otherwise we're going to have to guess at what's going on, and that takes more time and patience than most of us have.
jnthn You wouldn't be the first one ;)
bioduds ok
12:01 pierre_ joined
bioduds i installed build-essential git 12:02
can you tell exactly how to put log on?
im doing rakudobrew build moar 12:03
El_Che bioduds: paste.ubuntu.com/ <-- copy the code there, paste the url here
by code I mean error
DrForr bioduds: Go to the site El_Che mentioned, paste the log there, share the link with us here.
That way we can see what failed and can try to help.
bioduds doing it 12:04
12:05 eliasr joined
bioduds posted 12:06
tbrowder ref META6 test: i did find the reference right where it should be expected: Jonathan Stowe has the reference to S22 toward the end of the README--i just hadn't read far enough: "RTFM, tbrowder!" 12:08
12:08 SpaceMario joined
moritz bioduds: looks like too little RAM. How much do you have available? 12:08
SpaceMario m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/dc09594...29756bb11c
camelia rakudo-moar f2df2c: OUTPUT«False␤»
bioduds not much
DrForr Stage parse : MVM_platform_alloc_pages failed: 12 # I'm guessing you're RAM-limited.
bioduds its a free tier in amazon
SpaceMario Are <ws> tokens not available for use in regular regexes?
bioduds and same error occurred in digital ocean minimal vps slice 12:09
moritz bioduds: you need a bit more than 1GB
maybe 1.5
bioduds but my local machine is much better and worked
SpaceMario I'd say like 2
bioduds: get more swap. I successfully built on 1GB boxes with tons of swap 12:10
moritz m: say so 'a b' ~~ /a <ws> b/
camelia rakudo-moar f2df2c: OUTPUT«True␤»
moritz SpaceMario: ^^ seems to work
bioduds im not sure i can manage swap in vps
SpaceMario moritz: Hm, I wonder why my gist fails. I seem to have all the right bits in place gist.github.com/zoffixznet/dc09594...29756bb11c
moritz bioduds: or build on your local machine, and copy over the resulting files (but you need the same paths)
nine DrForr: PLEASE stop recommending rakudobrew to normal users. There's probably only 5 people in rakudobrew's actual target audience and I don't think any one of us is actually using it. 12:11
DrForr Okay, done, over with. 12:12
smls nine: Explain?
I'm using rakudobrew and have recommended it to some people.
SpaceMario m: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/1e0f8db...1072d98f6a
camelia rakudo-moar f2df2c: OUTPUT«True␤»
DrForr Then you get the privilege of being chided as well :) 12:13
SpaceMario (was doing .lc on input, but regex still had uppercase letters)
bioduds so, just for me to know, I need at least 2 Gb Ram to safely install perl6?
nine smls: rakudobrew is for when people need to manage _multiple_ different rakudo installations on the same machine. It's not a good way to safe a user from typing in 3 commands on the shell. It causes much more problems than it solves.
DrForr Or 1GB and sufficient swap, as somene else says. 12:14
SpaceMario bioduds: to build it, yeah, somewhere around that. And not RAM but memory, so swap will do in a pinch.
bioduds ok
nine smls: there have been lots and lots of reports of issues with module installation reported here and I actually stop reading once I see rakudobrew mentioned.
bioduds got it
DrForr Note to self: remove from slides :) 12:15
smls nine: Interesting. Why would modules care where $PATH and stuff is set to?
12:15 buggable left
SpaceMario uses rakudobrew 12:16
nine smls: the problems usually come from having a mix of outdated and current rakudoversions installed and are undebuggable as rakudobrew users usually don't even know where the stuff gets installed to
12:16 buggable joined
SpaceMario I just nuke everything when I upgrade :P 12:16
12:16 MilkmanDan joined
smls OK, so what is the best alternative for normal users? (Assuming their distro doesn't have a Rakudo package, or only an ancient one.) 12:16
nine SpaceMario: exactly! That's completely unnecessary. Perl 6 is designed so you never have to re-install modules when upgrading Perl 6.
SpaceMario :) 12:17
12:17 SpaceMario left
nine git clone [email@hidden.address] && cd rakudo && perl Configure.pl --gen-moar --make-install 12:18
smls ok
nine That ^^^ is all you need to do to install rakudo. Put that in a script, put that onto perl6.org and point people at curl rakudo.org/install-script | curl
| bash of course 12:19
12:19 Juerd joined
nine Upgrading that is just git pull && bash config.status && make install 12:19
bioduds yep, or better yet install.rakudo.org 12:20
DrForr bioduds: ^^^ There you go, first contribution!
bioduds im happy with that :)
I learned to program in Perl!
In 2006
you dont see many 'I began in Perl' guys out there and let me tell you one thing. It made me look at programming languages veeeery differently as I went out learning c, c++, java and stuff 12:22
and this is the reason Im very excited with Perl6
MasterDuke i have a perl6 directory in my home, i clone moar, nqp, and rakudo into there and then point them all at the same --prefix
it works well for testing changes to those three individual components 12:23
but having to clone a ton of modules and run everything with a giant -I list is kind of annoying
12:23 buggable left
MasterDuke but when i first used panda several months ago it didn't work very well (and i apologize, but i don't remember why) 12:24
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nine MasterDuke: if panda or zef give you trouble, please report that. Also until that is solved, you can install the cloned modules by: cd whatever-module ; perl6 ~/rakudo/tools/install-dist.pl . 12:25
MasterDuke nine: ah ha! i had no idea about install-dist.pl 12:26
12:29 mcmillhj joined
nine It is fairly unknown. But I do have plans to rename it to raccoon and have it installed alongside perl6 12:33
12:34 mcmillhj left
RabidGravy boo! 12:34
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Woodi is there some way to clone module code and install it "manually", without panda or zef ? 12:41
nine Woodi: what I just told MasterDuke?
Woodi nine: oops, -dist part hijacked my understanding of that :) thanx 12:43
RabidGravy nine, +1 on actually installing it, have no feelings about the name 12:46
there should be a caveat with the above that if the module in question requires some build action (such as compiling so helper library,) it probably won't work 12:47
El_Che nine: I am kind of surprised. I get that rakudobrew does too much. But the only alternative according to the doc (rakudo.org/how-to-get-rakudo/#Insta...g-Rakudo). Isn't rakudo a better solution than directly compiling the src for a regular use (who will install systemwide and won't be able to clean it up afterwards)? 12:49
nine RabidGravy: I actually hope we are gonna make some progress on the build front soon. I do want raccoon to be able to execute build steps. Primary use case being creating distro packages for Perl 6 modules. 12:52
RabidGravy totally up for that :) 12:53
nine El_Che: the steps listed as manual installation will _not_ install rakudo system wide. It will install into rakudo/install which can be removed easily. 12:54
El_Che: that's even easier than some hidden .rakudobrew directory.
12:56 Averna joined 12:57 nadim joined
nadim hi, quick question, eqv is still not implemented for matches, right? 13:01
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Woodi possibly it's problem with current *nix practicess of sharp distinction between system wide and ~user private only... 13:20
timotimo Woodi: yeah, we should teach our platforms (like rakudo or v8 or python) to look into every user's home directories for libraries when they aren'n in the system's repository 13:21
"huh, today 'import sys' generated 95 terabyte of traffic over samba and nfs shares."
i meant to say 'import syss' 13:22
typos are hard when you're trying to make them intentonially
Woodi timotimo: :) i will write some story when system update will finish :) 13:23
[Coke] wonders how quickly irclog adds sends to its own search index. 13:27
13:27 zakharyas joined
[Coke] stmuk_: you end with $COLON because you're also avoiding having a literal : in a file on disk, which isn't pleasant on some platforms (and we support people running the app out of a checkout) 13:29
[Coke] is sure there's a prettier way to solve this eventually, but this works.
13:31 wamba joined, MilkmanDan left, ufobat left
[Coke] nine: I'm using rakudobrew for my local development. 13:33
if we're not supposed to be recommending it, why do we even have it?
13:33 MilkmanDan joined
[Coke] .... and I caught up, seeing nine's objections later in backlog. 13:33
I don't think recommending "install from source" is a better option for most users. 13:34
13:34 mr-foobar joined, bjz_ left
nine [Coke]: the best option would probably we a small script that does pretty much those manual steps. 13:34
[Coke]: btw. even tadzik said that rakudobrew was actually more for developers :) 13:35
mst [Coke]: rakudobrew is for developers, just like using perlbrew isn't something you should ever suggest to newbies
[Coke] I respectfully disagree with him, building from source is for developers. :)
mst [Coke]: that's ... not the point
13:35 domidumont left
mst the point is rakudobrew has lots of extra moving parts designed to accommodate multiple rakduo installs 13:36
[Coke] in my mind, it would be (devs) -> source -> rakudobrew -> R * (non devs)
mst and also is rather inflexible and weird
similar to perlbrew
whereas if you just want *A* perl, then you use perl-build
what we need basically is a rakudo-build equivalent
[Coke] As a user of perl 5, I use perlbrew all the time. YMMV.
13:36 nebuchadnezzar left
mst if you're develop[ing against multiple perl5 installs it's useful 13:36
13:37 nebuchadnezzar joined, pmurias joined
mst for newbies, it's a bunch of complicated fragile stuff they won't understand 13:37
[Coke] has never heard of perl-build, and a google search is not enlightening.