»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:06 vendethiel joined 00:07 vendethiel- left
liAealneDx TimToady: I type them directly 00:08
but your point is that we should only add unicode versions if they're mangled by software? 00:09
SmokeMachine every time I try to make the doc, it stops on processed "./doc/Type/X/IO/Dir.pod6 (cached)" on my mac... I tried that on docker, and its passing... 00:11
liAealneDx if texas ops are mangled*
TimToady my point is that all the other things we've added have additional rationale besides "it'd be cool", but ⁇‼ is not math, it's not autocorrection, it's not helping disambiguate different kinds of angles, so what is it doing for us? 00:14
TimToady doesn't even know whyt Unicode has ⁇ and ‼... 00:16
liAealneDx just like it has …
TimToady that is much more heavily used in normal text 00:17
and has the autocorrection argument
BenGoldberg What category of operator is the ternary ??!!, anyway? I don't think it's prefix, postfix, circumfix, postcircumfix...
00:17 shdb left
TimToady it's actually classified as a strange infix 00:18
00:18 Actualeyes left
SmokeMachine TimToady: is that what you think about the arrows too? 00:19
liAealneDx that for sure, I was simply saying that it's not new for them to add a normal halfwidth character for stuff that can be written with several characters
TimToady: but yes, I was a bit surprised with your previous answer about ⁇‼ :)
BenGoldberg If it could be overloaded, e.g., our macro duo-infix:<< ⁇ ‼ >>( $cond, $true_part, $false_part ) { .... }, then it could be put into an (optional) module, and we wouldn't be having this argument about it, since it wouldn't be part of core perl6. 00:20
liAealneDx BenGoldberg: I don't think you can easily add it yourself
BenGoldberg Why not?
And, maybe changing perl so that users can add their own multi-infix subs (and macros) is something to look into. 00:22
liAealneDx BenGoldberg: well… I guess adding something into token lambda may be possible, but I'm not sure how to achieve this pblock change: github.com/FCO/rakudo/commit/8d544...cde1fa46ff 00:23
00:23 Cabanossi left
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: -> can actually be autocorrected to → 00:23
and <-> also
libreoffice writer does this, but I'm not quite sure why would anybody have code in it… 00:24
ok, same thing with impress
so yeah, if somebody does a presentation and throws in his code there… that may happen, maybe
00:25 Cabanossi joined
BenGoldberg Some editors autocorrect :) into a unicode smiley. Which makes me feel sorry for anyone using a language which makes use of (: ... :) (not that I know of any, but still) 00:26
samcv ⁇ and ‼ could have been made for transcription purposes
00:26 bwisti left
samcv transcribing written text and not losing content. a lot of random things like ligatures were added for those reasons 00:27
so written text can be transcribed in unicode and not lose data
BenGoldberg Like "Out out‼ You demons of stupidity‼" ?
00:27 shdb joined
TimToady I don't think it's written text, but maybe somebody's legacy character encoding had it for some reason 00:27
samcv could be that too 00:28
liAealneDx m: say ‘‼’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
camelia True
liAealneDx o-ops…
samcv those are two reasons why something might be included
liAealneDx well now we know…
samcv liAealneDx, that doesn't mean anything
# is Emoji too
liAealneDx m: say ‘#’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
camelia True
liAealneDx okay, nm
IOninja TimToady: there hasn't been a release with ⁇/‼ yet. It's not too late to pull the plug on it :)
samcv heh
liAealneDx looks at his code 00:29
IOninja :D
BenGoldberg Someone could always shoot an emil to the unicode consortium.
samcv about what BenGoldberg
BenGoldberg Asking why ‼ was added‼ :)
samcv m: say '‼'.uniprop('Age')
camelia 1.1
samcv well. it's quite old
damn 00:30
liAealneDx ⁇ is newer I think
m: say '⁇'.uniprop('Age')
camelia 3.2
TimToady IOninja: I'm kinda suggesting that we might want to back it out for this release until we know more about those characters and whether anyone else in the whole world is ever going to use them
IOninja TimToady: sounds good.
TimToady and what they use them for, if so 00:31
BenGoldberg . o O ($cond ❓❓ $true ❗❗ $false)
samcv m: '⁇'.ord.base(16)
camelia ( no output )
samcv m: '⁇'.ord.base(16).say
camelia 2047
TimToady already feels a little bad about stealing the half-width corner quotes for "off-brand" use :) 00:32
samcv well there's no annotation in NamesList.txt
TimToady 'course, given how much violence we did to angle-bracket semantics, I suppose that's small potatoes...
SmokeMachine :( 00:33
liAealneDx somebody, somewhere, says “The "double exclamation mark" character ‼ was originally added to help with vertical East Asian and Mongolian text”
samcv TimToady, you mean 「 」 ? what's so bad about that
offbrand? you mean using with the wrong script?
TimToady I just mean overlaying them with Q semantics 00:35
if ⁇ and ‼ were added for vertical East Asian text, then they probably should have been considered square, that is double-wide, characters, and thus indistinguishable from ?? and !! in left-to-right monospace fonts, but obviously they got proportionalized at some point (and differently, in my font, which is part of why they're ugly, and I don't really like 'em aesthetically) 00:37
so really, they're looking more and more like a Unicode botch 00:38
which means we should probably steer clear of them for now
in the absence of any argument to the contrary, I think they fall mostly into the "you think that's cute today" category 00:39
00:39 kaare__ joined
TimToady anyway, if you want someone to blame, you can blame my vacation self for letting my brain fall out temporarily :) 00:40
IOninja :)
00:41 kaare_ left, mr-fooba_ left 00:47 espadrine left 00:50 girafe left
liAealneDx TimToady: while you're here, what's your opinion on “returns”? Anything changed? 00:52
TimToady: and what about “of”? 00:53
00:53 Cabanossi left 00:55 Cabanossi joined
TimToady if we ever want to move the language in the direction of functors, we want to keep the view that functors are mappings of input types to output types, and I'd like our signatures to reflect that, not divorce return values as an implementation detail because they don't happen to participate in dispatch 00:55
BenGoldberg m: sub foo(-->Str) { 42 }; 00:56
camelia ( no output )
BenGoldberg On a vaguely related note, what do you think of compile-time testing whether the return value of a sub is compatible with what that sub has been declared as returning? 00:58
m: sub foo(-->Str) { 42 }; say foo; 00:59
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected Str but got Int (42)
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
BenGoldberg would like that ^ error message at compile time, if possible.
geekosaur "patches gladly accepted", I think :p
BenGoldberg doesn't have the faintest idea how to implement that sort of functionality. 01:10
01:21 Actualeyes joined 01:36 eroux joined 01:37 grondilu_ left 01:46 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined 01:48 Todd joined
Todd Hi All! 01:48
yoleaux 14 Mar 2017 05:12Z <samcv> Todd: .basename is there there docs.perl6.org/routine/basename#(I...d_basename
samcv hi Todd added that other thing to the docs that you said wasn't there too
01:48 lukaramu_ left
Todd very sweet. Thank you! 01:49
question on date: I have this example:
perl6 -e 'my $Date=DateTime.now(formatter => { sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", .month, .day, .year, .hour, .minute, .second }); print "$Date\n"'
Is there one of those fancy .month words to turn the month into the name of the month (January, etc.)? 01:50
samcv i have no knowledge of such a thing 01:51
also those are different in different languages etc.
ok no there is not. i searched the whole source of rakudo and it does not exist 01:52
Todd Then a pre-salted array it will be! 01:53
Thank you for looking. Bye Bye
01:54 Todd left 02:03 agentzh left, agentzh joined 02:05 vcv left 02:07 Cabanossi left 02:10 Cabanossi joined 02:13 vcv joined
SmokeMachine what means <.[ - + ? ~ ^ ]>? 02:16
specifically the "."
geekosaur doesn't < > capture by default? 02:20
cf. <ws> (captures) vs. <.ws> (doesn't) 02:21
SmokeMachine geekosaur: but <[a..z]> captures? 02:23
geekosaur I would suspect, since that's what he . usually means 02:24
or it could be someone who made that assumption but it doesn't in that case
SmokeMachine make sense...
another question:
geekosaur m: if ('a . c' ~~ /<[ . ,]>/) { say $/.perl } 02:25
camelia Match.new(ast => Any, list => (), hash => Map.new(()), to => 3, orig => "a . c", from => 2)
SmokeMachine m: say [+] ( 1;10, 2;20, 3,30 ) # <- is that right?
camelia 6
02:25 Possum joined
geekosaur not actual capture, looks like 02:25
m: if ('a . c' ~~ /<.[ . ,]>/) { say $/.perl }
camelia Match.new(ast => Any, list => (), hash => Map.new(()), to => 3, orig => "a . c", from => 2)
SmokeMachine geekosaur: looks the same to me... 02:26
geekosaur that was my point, here it makes no difference but elsewhere it means don;'t capture 02:27
so "superstitious"
m: say [+] ( 1;10, 2;20, 3,30, 9 )
camelia 7
geekosaur that's what I thought :) it's adding the lengths of the sublists 02:28
SmokeMachine m: say [+] ( 1;10, 2;20, 3,30; 5; 5; 5; 5 ) # <- is that right?
camelia 26
SmokeMachine m: say [+] ( 1;10, 2;20, 3,30; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ) # <- is that right? 02:29
camelia 13
SmokeMachine should it do that?
geekosaur looks consistent to me, no idea if it is correct 02:30
not sure [+] is even meaningful in that context, but I will guess this is using a behavior we want in other contexts (treating a list as its length in numeric context was recently mentioned on one of the mailing lists) 02:31
"every DWIM has a WAT"
02:31 spebern left
SmokeMachine its using <arglist>+ % ';' 02:32
02:34 cdg left
SmokeMachine m: say [~] ( 1;10, 2;20, 3,30; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ) # <- is that right? 03:01
camelia 110 220 3 301 2 3 4 5 6 7
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: your whitespace is a bit confusing… 03:02
m: say [~] ( 1; 10,2; 20,3,30; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ) # <- is that right?
camelia 110 220 3 301 2 3 4 5 6 7
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: and yea, it is 03:04
SmokeMachine is there ant way to print something from inside of src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp to debug?
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: list stringify with spaces, and you just concat them all together
SmokeMachine im trying to understand this bug: 03:05
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: as for printing from Grammar.nqp, maybe you want --target=parse or --target=ast instead?
MasterDuke SmokeMachine: try note()
SmokeMachine m: say [+] ( ^10 .grep: *.is-prime )
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say [+] ( ^10 .7⏏5grep: *.is-prime )
liAealneDx ah 03:06
SmokeMachine liAealneDx, MasterDuke thanks!
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: ah, you have an error! Then --target won't help 03:07
geekosaur that strikes me as parser weird based on . handling, unrelated to reduction as such. iirc "^10 .grep" working there is taking advantage of an edge case that doesn't exist in that situation?
liAealneDx SmokeMachine: but --ll-exception probably will 03:08
geekosaur that is, working when typed by itself
03:08 Cabanossi left
SmokeMachine m: say sum ^10 .grep: *.is-prime 03:09
camelia 17
SmokeMachine geekosaur: ^ if it was not related to reduce, would it work? 03:10
03:10 Cabanossi joined
geekosaur I think the point is more that it's an edge case, and one not really reliable 03:11
'^10 .grep' is a hack to avoid parentheses, not intended behavior but taking advantage of an edge case
SmokeMachine geekosaur: with parentheses it does work... 03:12
geekosaur (because otherwise it parses as ^(10.grep: ...)
someone discovered that adding the space just happened to do the right thing in at least some cases
that does not make it an advertised feature
liAealneDx ehhh… ok…
geekosaur s/right/"expected"/
liAealneDx bisect: old=2015.07 say sum ^10 .grep: *.is-prime
bisectable6 liAealneDx, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.07 new=b19df9f). Old exit code: 1
liAealneDx, bisect log: gist.github.com/f7cf2c2b81089545d6...edf397f971 03:13
liAealneDx, (2015-11-14) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/6d...94b8b9b328
liAealneDx :o
geekosaur as a side effect of making . behave more like an infix operator instead of special syntax
SmokeMachine geekosaur: isn't the ^10 .grep the dotty:sym<.>? 03:14
liAealneDx bisect: old=2015.07 say ^10 .sum
bisectable6 liAealneDx, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.07 new=b19df9f). Old exit code: 1
03:14 eroux left
bisectable6 liAealneDx, bisect log: gist.github.com/4abb0c55d3e1a69662...ae797c4859 03:14
liAealneDx, (2015-11-14) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/6d...94b8b9b328
liAealneDx oh come on
geekosaur it took a parser hack to get that to be recognized, is what I recall
liAealneDx bisect: old=2015.07 say 5 .Int
bisectable6 liAealneDx, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.07 new=b19df9f). Old exit code: 1
liAealneDx, bisect log: gist.github.com/9276cc9c7912d65af4...ea840f0391
liAealneDx, (2015-09-26) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/cb...ceec2c74de
liAealneDx there we have it 03:15
geekosaur and I recall it being made under duress, in part because it would be susceptible to weird behavior at times
03:16 khw left
liAealneDx so it wasn't so much for omitting parens, but for making .= consistent-ish and to allow you to write method calls across many lines 03:16
geekosaur right, that. the omitting parens thing was found afterward as a convenient side effect 03:17
but it's going to screw up in cases like the reported "bug"
samcv what broke now liAealneDx
geekosaur m: say [+] ( ^10 .grep: *.is-prime )
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say [+] ( ^10 .7⏏5grep: *.is-prime )
liAealneDx samcv: nothing? All bots seem to be working? :)
samcv oh ok
no regressions or anything, sorry haven't read the scrollback 03:18
liAealneDx statisfiable6: libmoar
statisfiable6 liAealneDx, OK! Working on it…
liAealneDx samcv: we were just discussing the reasons why infix . was added, this is the commit that does it
statisfiable6 liAealneDx, gist.github.com/df58eb2b441d4c23e7...7b98c0d254 03:19
.oO( even statisfiable is working! Wow! )
03:20 xtreak joined
samcv hmm 03:20
m: 'string' .say
camelia string
samcv m: 'string' . say
camelia string
samcv interesting… never tried that before
liAealneDx samcv: it is kinda not that surprising given that you can do $x .= foo; 03:21
samcv yeah i guess so
liAealneDx if only it worked :) 03:22
m: say 42 . WHAT
camelia ===SORRY!===
Method call must either supply a name or have a child node that evaluates to the name
samcv well it seems to work sometimes
but it's broken for other things?
liAealneDx m: [+] (^10 .Int)
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3[+] (^10 .7⏏5Int)
liAealneDx m: say [+] ((^10).Int) 03:23
camelia 10
03:23 cibs left
samcv m: 'blah' . say 03:23
camelia blah
samcv m: ("(1,2,3,3)" ~ '.list' x 100).EVAL.say 03:24
camelia (1 2 3 3)
samcv m: ("(1,2,3,3)" ~ '.list' x 1000).EVAL.say
camelia (1 2 3 3)
samcv m: ("(1,2,3,3)" ~ '.list' x 1000000).EVAL.say
03:24 cibs joined
camelia (timeout) 03:24
samcv heh 03:25
BenGoldberg .WHAT isn't actually a method. 03:38
03:39 noganex_ joined
BenGoldberg It's a perl6 builtin which *looks* like a method call. 03:39
m: 42.^find_method('WHAT').say;
camelia (Mu)
BenGoldberg m: 42.^find_method('Str').say; 03:40
camelia Str
BenGoldberg m: dd $_ for 42.^find_method('WHAT');
camelia No such method 'map' for invocant of type 'Mu'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
BenGoldberg m: dd 42.^find_method('WHO'); 03:41
camelia Mu
BenGoldberg m: dd 42.^find_method('WHERE');
camelia Method WHERE = method WHERE (Mu $: *%_) { #`(Method|56877648) ... }
BenGoldberg s: 42, 'WHERE'
03:41 noganex left
samcv yeah i know that BenGoldberg 03:43
fake methods
WHAT is one of my favorite methods though
03:43 liAealneDx left
BenGoldberg Certainly my favorite fake method, too :) 03:44
m: say 42 . Str;
camelia 42
BenGoldberg m: say 42 . WHAT;
camelia ===SORRY!===
Method call must either supply a name or have a child node that evaluates to the name
BenGoldberg It's not really that strange that the fake methods don't perfectly resemble real methods. 03:45
bisectable6, help
bisectable6 BenGoldberg, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
BenGoldberg bisectable6: say 42 . WHAT
bisectable6 BenGoldberg, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=b19df9f) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
BenGoldberg, Output on both points: «===SORRY!===␤Method call must either supply a name or have a child node that evaluates to the name»
BenGoldberg bisectable6: say 42 . Str 03:46
bisectable6 BenGoldberg, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=b19df9f) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
BenGoldberg, Output on both points: «42»
BenGoldberg Hmm, longstanding behavior, but still a LTA error message.
03:46 Actualeyes left 03:53 Cabanossi left 03:55 Cabanossi joined
geekosaur I think there's a bug for it already 03:55
.WHAT is special
so alternative syntax doesn't work for it (it's in effect a macro wired into the grammar) 03:56
03:56 itaipu joined
geekosaur same with .HOW and the other uppercase ones (except for one that isn't for some reason), they are "macros" that turn into MOP lookups 03:57
03:57 wamba1 joined, BenGoldberg left
geekosaur you'd have to teach infix:sym<.> to support these specials, or find a way to hack the grammar to recognize them with infix:sym<.> 03:57
04:05 Cabanossi left 04:06 Cabanossi joined
SmokeMachine I think that's why that doesn't work: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/....nqp#L4314 04:08
But why that's "not allowed" inside a reduce? 04:09
04:11 mcmillhj joined
geekosaur github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/ef...b5150b52c5 04:12
...you tell me; I'm not sure what the commit message means 04:13
04:14 orevdiabl left, revdiablo joined
geekosaur actually, looking at this more closely, I suspect it was a thinko 04:17
infix:sym<.> was justified by the existence of metaops, so it got treated as a metaop
I suspect that line could just be removed 04:18
(the other change in that commit is still needed to disallow metaops)
but, that should probably be carefully tested 04:19
unless the metaops all somehow chain off the infix:<.> rule somehow
actually I think they *do* chain off that, and there's no way to distinguish . from a metaop involving . 04:22
04:22 faraco joined
geekosaur (such as .=) 04:23
SmokeMachine geekosaur: I'll try that tomorrow... 04:35
04:36 Actualeyes joined 04:38 mcmillhj left
SmokeMachine geekosaur: thanks 04:43
geekosaur I still suspect it won't work right because the metaops all use that same entry
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RabidGravy Boom! 07:15
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llfourn m: .say for qw<a < b > c > # looks like a bug 09:51
camelia a
09:51 mcmillhj joined
Ven m: .say for qw<<a < b > c >> 09:52
camelia a
Ven m: say <a < b > c>.perl
camelia Value of type List uselessly passed to val()
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
("a", "<b>", "c")
Ven ...interesting.
llfourn huh o.O
09:53 bjz_ left 09:56 mcmillhj left
moritz that looks bogus 09:57
samcv bisectable6, say <a < b > c>.perl 09:58
bisectable6 samcv, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=b19df9f) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
samcv, bisect log: gist.github.com/04d401ab7ebd19ce88...cfaa1b0a87 09:59
samcv, (2016-09-01) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/63...6892a7df4f
moritz this is not the commit you are looking for.
samcv it would make little sense
Ven the formatting of the error changed? hah
samcv bisectable6, help 10:00
bisectable6 samcv, Like this: bisectable6: old=2015.12 new=HEAD exit 1 if (^∞).grep({ last })[5] // 0 == 4 # See wiki for more examples: github.com/perl6/whateverable/wiki/Bisectable
samcv bisectable6, old=2016.05 say <a < b > c>.perl
bisectable6 samcv, Bisecting by output (old=2016.05 new=b19df9f) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
samcv, bisect log: gist.github.com/a56a939d3454ecec20...2b8e029d3c
samcv, (2016-09-01) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/63...6892a7df4f
10:00 bjz joined
samcv bisectable6, old=2016.10 say <a < b > c>.perl 10:01
bisectable6 samcv, On both starting points (old=2016.10 new=b19df9f) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
samcv, Output on both points: «Value of type List uselessly passed to val()␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/2w5E8yaLhu line 1␤("a", "<b>", "c")»
samcv ok maybe something around that time?
did that just add a newline difference to the messages?
IOninja Why does it look bogus?
Ven samcv: seems like it yes
samcv bisectable6, old=2016.05 say <a < b > c>.perl.chomp 10:02
bisectable6 samcv, Bisecting by output (old=2016.05 new=b19df9f) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
samcv, bisect log: gist.github.com/d7e19aac6d2a585dc7...7a8d7b1913
samcv, (2016-09-01) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/63...6892a7df4f
10:02 lizmat left 10:03 lizmat joined
samcv ok so i think it's been there at least since end of 2015 10:03
IOninja llfourn: your ticket is a dupe of 130205 10:06
samcv also should those < > be their own items in the resulting list?
m: say qw/a < b > c/.perl
camelia ("a", "<", "b", ">", "c")
samcv m: say qw<a < b > c>.perl
camelia ("a", "<b>", "c")
10:08 mcmillhj joined
Ven m: say <a 1 b>[1].perl; say qw<a 1 b>[1].perl; 10:08
camelia IntStr.new(1, "1")
Ven okay, so qw doesn't use `val`, hence there's no error message
10:09 parv left
IOninja rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130205 10:10
10:10 donaldh joined
llfourn IOninja: rgr that. I tried searching for "qw" and "word quote" but no dice :P 10:11
IOninja Yeah, took me a bit to find that ticket too.
And I *knew* it was there :)
llfourn heh :)
10:11 parv joined, parvx joined 10:12 mcmillhj left 10:13 n1ce joined 10:14 pullphinger joined 10:21 liAealneDx joined 10:30 salva left 10:31 salva joined, Cabanossi left, mcmillhj joined 10:34 Cabanossi joined 10:36 mcmillhj left
IOninja samcv: use .^name instead 10:45
10:45 notbenh left
IOninja ooops 10:45
Was scrolled up :}
samcv oh ok
and which one is that refering to?
for routine names?
IOninja samcv │ WHAT is one of my favorite methods though
and it not working with spaces around .
m: say 42 . ^name
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 42 .7⏏5 ^name
IOninja BAh
Nevermind then, I guess :)
Stupid Perl 5. 10:46
samcv :)
10:46 mcmillhj joined
Ven :P 10:46
.oO( there's a slang for that! )
10:47 notbenh joined
IOninja SmokeMachine: ASTs have .DUMP method too, so you can note($some-ast.DUMP); them. It'll produce same output as --target=parse but just for that AST 10:48
10:51 geekosaur left, geekosaur joined, mcmillhj left
samcv you can call DUMP on Mu even 10:52
that's cool about AST's though :) perl 6 is great
Ven m: quasi { 1 }.DUMP.say 10:59
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Use of macros is experimental; please 'use experimental :macros'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3quasi7⏏5 { 1 }.DUMP.say
Ven m: use experimental :macros; quasi { 1 }.DUMP.say
m: say 1
..did I kill camelia? 11:00
camelia (timeout)Use of uninitialized value <element> of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Use of uninitialized value <element> of type A…
Ven ah I triggered an infinite loop.
11:02 Cabanossi left 11:03 mcmillhj joined, Cabanossi joined 11:04 sena_kun joined 11:08 mcmillhj left
DrForr Is there by chance a variant on the for @x -> $a,$b that restocks $a with @x[1] and $b with @x[2] after the first iteration, rather than @x[2] and @x[3]? 11:11
11:11 domidumont left
Ven DrForr: I'm not sure what you mean? restocks? 11:12
shifts index by one?
DrForr Heh, I knew I was going to have a problem explaining that. Yes, shifts by one woudl be a better way to put it.
I know it's trivial to do with a variable and a bit of logic, but I thought that there might be an adverb modifier.
Basically have $a be the current iteration, $b be the next. 11:13
jnthn DrForr: Could .rotor help?
Ven that also *could* sound like a reduce()?
DrForr I'll look. 11:14
I'm thinking about how to "cleanly" look one token ahead while walking the array, because I want to modify $a if $b ~~ Perl6::Balanced::Enter. 11:15
Ven ah, so no, not reduce
11:16 rurban left
DrForr Hrm, not quite, but it does give me a better way to show what I'm after. 11:17
say ('a'..'h').magic(...).join('|'); => <a b|b c|c d|d e>...
Ven m: say ('a'..'h').comb(2) 11:19
camelia (a b c d e f g h)
Ven m: say ('a'..'h').comb(2).join('|')
camelia a |b |c |d |e |f |g |h
Ven m: say ('a'..'h').combinations(2).join('|')
camelia a b|a c|a d|a e|a f|a g|a h|b c|b d|b e|b f|b g|b h|c d|c e|c f|c g|c h|d e|d f|d g|d h|e f|e g|e h|f g|f h|g h
Ven ah, of course not.
DrForr I'll look through the rest fo the List documentation, I suppose. 11:21
Ven m: my @a = 'a'..'h'; @a[1..*].map({my $idx++;@a[$idx-1], @a[$idx]}).join('|');
camelia ( no output )
Ven m: my @a = 'a'..'h'; @a[1..*].map({my $idx++;@a[$idx-1], @a[$idx]}).join('|').say;
camelia a b|a b|a b|a b|a b|a b|a b
Ven m: my @a = 'a'..'h'; @a[1..*].map({state $idx++;@a[$idx-1], @a[$idx]}).join('|').say;
camelia a b|b c|c d|d e|e f|f g|g h
Ven DrForr: something like this?
DrForr Yes. 11:22
lizmat DrForr: so why doesn't rotor do what you want ?
11:22 mcmillhj joined
DrForr Oh, wait, I didn't read clearly. rotor(2 => -1) # I think does what I need. 11:23
Ven m: say ('a'..'h').rotor(2 => -1).join: '|'
camelia a b|b c|c d|d e|e f|f g|g h
Ven I really need to take a look at rotor to understand what it does.
lizmat m: my @a = <a b c d e f g h>; dd @a.rotor(2 => -1).map: -> $a, $b = "foo" { "$a|$b" } 11:24
camelia ("a b|b c", "c d|d e", "e f|f g", "g h|foo").Seq
Ven ah, okay. hey, that's pretty cool. 2 => -1 takes 2, then takes a step back to continue
DrForr Well, probably needs the :partial modifier as well. 11:25
Ven I don't think you can have a partial one?
with 2 => -1, at least.
DrForr Oh, yeah, with 2, not possible.
lizmat m: my @a = <a b c d e f g h>; dd @a.rotor(2 => -1).map: -> ($a, $b) { "$a|$b" } 11:26
camelia ("a|b", "b|c", "c|d", "d|e", "e|f", "f|g", "g|h").Seq
DrForr Also getting nostalgic again - background moise this week has been glass blowing videos.
lizmat: Yeah, that's what I just did.
Ven lizmat++ for perl6 goodness :).
11:27 mcmillhj left
DrForr lizmat++ Ven++ jnthn++ # multumeşc 11:28
*noise 11:31
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Ven IOninja: your twitter is really amazing, so many gems. I always throw your screenshots around and they sure pique people's interest 11:41
11:41 aborazmeh left
DrForr I just use them to troll :) 11:41
11:43 liAealneDx left
Ven yes, that works as well. :D 11:44
11:51 xtreak left
DrForr Especially with the ZOMG I CANT SEARCH FOR THAT ON MY KEYBOARD crowd. 11:51
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tbrowder o/ hallo #perl6 11:59
DrForr \o
12:00 salv0 joined
Ven \o 12:00
tbrowder i'm having a 'pick' problem i need help with
SHODAN clarify 12:01
12:01 labster left
tbrowder give me some time to show it here and i hope you can see what i'm doing wrong 12:01
m: sub foo(UInt $a){say $a}; my @b = 2..20; my @c = @b; for @b -> $b { my $d = pick @c; foo $d} 12:04
camelia Type check failed in binding to '$a'; expected Int but got List ($( ))
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tbrowder that's my problem. i have tried various ways to fix it but no luck. 12:05
i need an int or cool from a range 12:06
imean i need a random int from a range
i think i could use rand but i thought pick woul be more p6ish 12:08
CIAvash m: sub foo(UInt $a){say $a}; my @b = 2..20; my @c = @b; for @b -> $b { my $d = @c.pick; foo $d}
camelia 15
tbrowder aha! so the routine 'pick' is not very friendly, eh? thanks, CIAvash! 12:10
IOninja s: &pick 12:11
SourceBaby IOninja, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/47a2...ny.pm#L494
12:11 mcmillhj joined
IOninja It is pretty friendly if you consult the documentation :) 12:11
IOninja tacks on `Numeric` constraint on pick count 12:12
tbrowder not really, the docs are quite confusing for the sub to me.
IOninja tbrowder: `multi sub pick($count, *@list --> Seq:D)` <--- where's your $count? 12:13
tbrowder i get the same problem with pick 1
but returning the seq is part of the problem 12:14
IOninja Ah 12:15
12:15 mcmillhj left
tbrowder got to go now but later i'll show more variants i tried. i think part of my problem is really understanding diffs between lists, ranges, arrays... 12:16
CIAvash m: sub foo(UInt $a){say $a}; my @b = 2..20; my @c = @b; for @b -> $b { my $d = pick(1, @c).head; foo $d} 12:17
12:17 Cabanossi left
camelia 19
tbrowder subtle diffs
IOninja tbrowder: I think in this case the problem is the special-casing of `.pick` without a count to return the item instead of the Seq.
Which isn't available in sub form.
|pick 1, @c; is shorter :)
tbrowder ok, that makes sense but i think the docs may be wrong then 12:18
thanks, will be back later, bye
12:19 Cabanossi joined
Geth doc: 050f4b7e71 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/List.pod6
Clarify pick

Note that only in method form can count be omitted to produce a single item instead of a Seq
12:24 eroux left 12:29 bjz left
IOninja `IOninja tacks on `Numeric` constraint on pick count` 12:29
12:30 lukaramu joined
IOninja Never mind. There are too many tests blocking it. Would also need a Whatever and Str candidates; not sure if anything else is testing for it too 12:30
sena_kun is there a way to mark a module as deprecated or something like that? Or bold text in the README is my way?
12:30 mcmillhj joined
IOninja sub EXPORT is DEPRECTATED("don't use this") {} # maybe? 12:33
12:33 kaare__ left
IOninja Oh wait 12:33
sena_kun hmm, let's try...
IOninja sub EXPORT is DEPRECTATED("The thing people should be using instead") {} # maybe?
12:34 gdonald left, gdonald joined
sena_kun Yes, surely. But I thought more about modules.perl6 site. Well, nevermind, I don't know what I want anyway. 12:34
IOninja sena_kun: stick "DEPRECATED" as the first word in "description" in META file; that'll show up on the site 12:35
12:35 mcmillhj left
IOninja or... 12:35
sena_kun ah, cool. thanks, IOninja
12:35 wamba left, domidumont joined
IOninja sub 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 { say "don't use me, bruh" }; 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 12:35
m: sub 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 { say "don't use me, bruh" }; 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 12:36
camelia don't use me, bruh
IOninja hah
DrForr . o ( Susan? Is that you? )
12:40 bjz joined, wamba joined 12:41 domidumont left 12:42 domidumont joined, eroux joined 12:50 mcmillhj joined 12:51 Sound joined 12:53 eroux left
IOninja m: sub 𝕲𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙𝖆-𝖈𝖔𝖉𝖊-𝖞𝖔 { say "𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖇𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑" }; 𝕲𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙𝖆-𝖈𝖔𝖉𝖊-𝖞𝖔 12:54
camelia 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖇𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑
sjn haha
that's horrible! :D 12:55
12:56 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
IOninja m: sub TOᴎ-ꙄI-TI-Oᴎ { say "TOᴎ-ꙄI-TI-Oᴎ".flip }; TOᴎ-ꙄI-TI-Oᴎ 12:58
camelia ᴎO-IT-IꙄ-ᴎOT
IOninja m: sub ₙₒ-ᵢₜ-ᵢₛ-ₙₒₜ { quietly say "no it is not"}; ₙₒ-ᵢₜ-ᵢₛ-ₙₒₜ 12:59
camelia no it is not
12:59 eroux joined 13:03 pullphinger joined 13:05 cdg joined 13:07 kurahaupo joined
IOninja m: use MONKEY; augment class Any { BEGIN { for Any.^methods: :all { try Any.^add_method: .name.ords».&[+](119711)».chr.join, $_ } } }; class 𝐅𝐎𝐎 { has $.𝐁𝐀𝐑; method 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄 { say "$!𝐁𝐀𝐑!" } }; 𝐅𝐎𝐎.𝐍𝐄𝐖(:42𝐁𝐀𝐑).𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄 13:09
camelia 42!
IOninja ehehe
13:09 Khisanth left 13:11 aborazmeh left
IOninja 𝐅𝐎𝐎 is a valid module name innit? 13:11
IOninja contemplates an ecosystem test....
Oh, I already did it with the ווו module. Never mind :) 13:12
El_Che IOninja: Intervention time. You need to get off the urf8 stuff for some time ;) 13:14
IOninja El_Che: way ahead of you. 13:15
DrForr :encode(wtf-8)
IOninja It's now time to donne the surgical gloves and blow ⁇‼ out of existence :)
El_Che IOninja: it's because we care
13:17 geekosaur left 13:18 geekosaur joined 13:22 Khisanth joined
Geth doc: 3bdf5329ed | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/unicode_texas.pod6
Remove ⁇‼

See rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131002
IOninja One thing I can say in favour of ⁇ is they're very easy to grep for :) 13:27
13:27 pullphinger left
jnthn Ah, it wasn't just me how saw ?? looking weird 13:29
Uh, ⁇
Or was in ‼
13:29 sammers left
IOninja They look decent enough on my current font. One thing I noticed is Twitter turns ‼ into a big red emoji 13:30
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jnthn Ah, rihgt, it was Twitter 13:35
13:38 bjz left, lukaramu left
sena_kun DrForr, ping? 13:38
DrForr is ponged.
SmokeMachine :( 13:40
IOninja SmokeMachine: chin up :)
Writing code that gets thrown away is a part of life. 13:41
sena_kun DrForr, hi. I'm having some issues with Perl6::Parser. I've installed the module and copied implementation of Tidy+the example of usage(the gist is gist.github.com/Altai-man/44f1a408...20622a48). But it gives me "Cannot resolve caller iterator(Perl6::Parser: Str);" error. Is there something I don't understand? 13:42
IOninja SmokeMachine: you still learned something about core grammar and that will stay with you, even if the code got removed.
DrForr Looking now.
13:42 sammers joined
SmokeMachine I tried to remove the <!{ $*IN_REDUCE }> from the infix:sym<.>... it seems to make the [+] (^10 .grep: *.is-prime) work... but it "broke" 3 tests... 13:42
IOninja: thats true!
the 3 tests was: t/spec/S03-metaops/reduce.rakudo.moar t/spec/S17-supply/supplier-preserving.t t/spec/integration/weird-errors.rakudo.moar 13:43
but the t/spec/S17-supply/supplier-preserving.t I ran alone and just passed...
I don't know how to run the other 2... 13:44
IOninja t/fudgeandrun t/spec/S03-metaops/reduce.t
t/fudgeandrun t/spec/integration/weird-errors.t
SmokeMachine IOninja: thanks
MasterDuke t/spec/S17-supply/supplier-preserving.t does flap for me too
SmokeMachine the reduce is really broken: is [.⏏[0]].gist, '[42]', ". infix is not attem 13:46
DrForr sena_kun: I get redeclaration of Perl6::Tidy when I test...
13:47 sammers left
DrForr (I'm running it from ~ because I have a few versions locally.) 13:48
13:49 wamba left
sena_kun Well, the exact name can be changed since I'm writing a small linter, I just ran into this error and wanted to make sure that at least your example code is working for me. 13:50
DrForr Prodding at the code to see why you're gettign that error. 13:53
13:53 wamba joined
DrForr Ah, Perl6::Tidy is in my @INC already. Try renaming Perl6::Tidy to::Tidier? 13:53
Though it shouldn't be there in the first place, grep'ing to see where it's being used. 13:54
sena_kun Renamed, still the same error: "Cannot resolve caller iterator(Perl6::Parser: Str); none of these signatures match: (Mu $: *%_), ($: *%_) in method tidy". 13:55
13:56 ggoebel left
DrForr I may not have the modules fully in sync. Let me push what I have just in case. 13:56
Pushed. 13:58
sena_kun I'm doing reinstall now... 13:59
14:01 sammers joined
DrForr Your git script triggers a bug in the parser, so be careful with what it outputs. 14:01
sena_kun Did you mean gist? 14:02
DrForr A touch embarrassing but I'm guessing it's because of the 'unit module' token, which I do have a test for, but not text after it...
Yes, your gist, sorry.
IOninja hmm... 14:05
Looks like huggable is losing its factoids
huggable: shrug 14:06
huggable IOninja, nothing found
IOninja huggable: camelia
huggable IOninja, Camelia updates every 20m at 8, 28, and 48 minutes of the hour
IOninja what the...
IOninjahuggable: camelia
huggableIOninja, nothing found
14:06 liAealneDx joined
IOninja OK, scratch that... Looks like huggable doesn't always succeed in fetching factoids :/ 14:06
liAealneDx .seen Skarsnik
yoleaux I saw Skarsnik 7 Dec 2016 13:27Z in #perl6: <Skarsnik> and I will probably use a libxml2 binding for gptrixie because 20 sec is annoying when debugging stuff x)
14:07 liAealneDx is now known as AlexDaniel
DrForr sena_kun: I'd probably grab something fron t/corpus/rosetta-*.t to have non-trivial amounts of code to tidy. 14:07
IOninja huggable: dunno
huggable IOninja, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IOninja Oh, it was a dunno not shrug... never mind :}
Oh and my first camelia didn't work because of trailing space. false alarm then I guess :) 14:08
AlexDaniel huggable: shrug :is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
huggable AlexDaniel, Added shrug as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14:10 skids joined
IOninja m: say 1 ⁇ 2 ‼ 3 14:11
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 17⏏5 ⁇ 2 ‼ 3
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
sena_kun DrForr, my test file is rosettacode.org/wiki/Bacon_cipher#Perl_6 snippet, if you meant that. But still the same error...
IOninja The deed's done. Anyone's interested in alternate ternary can comment on ticket rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131002
sena_kun DrForr, is it probably better to open an issue, perhaps? 14:12
DrForr sena_kun: I'd suggest removing the lib/.precomp directory.
Also yes, the Bacon Cipher does work. 14:14
perlpilot is a little sad to see the unicode ?? !! go away
IOninja is a little happy 14:15
They felt a bit off. Ever since I first tweeted them and saw ‼ rendered as a weird emoji :)
DrForr IOninja: There's an opportunity to play with fonts in what sena_kun just mentioned for RosettaCode :)
El_Che In all honesty, I think that utf8 support may no longer seen bu some as a "wow" but as a sign of a toy language. 14:16
IOninja El_Che: that too.
perlpilot El_Che: that is the most bizarre thing I've read in a long time.
IOninja Don't sound bizzare to me. 14:17
El_Che akin the perl golfing that hunted perl 5
IOninja Some of the tweet replies I got are kinda of that: people see all these additions as people fucking around instead of producing something that can be used to Do Business™ 14:18
perlpilot It's a good thing we're optimizing for a 100-year language :-)
DrForr sena_kun: Go for it. I'm not sure that I can repeat it because I haven't actually installed the module from zef/panda, I need to build another VM or something in order to test installations.
IOninja but...
perlpilot IOninja: we're just ahead of the curve. They'll get there in 20 years or so. 14:19
sena_kun DrForr, I've removed lib/.precomp in the directory of my module, but it's still the same. :/ Thanks for your time, I'll fill an issue right now.
IOninja m: say "Two steps forward, one step back [to sanity] isn't that bad" if 2 ≤ 5
camelia Two steps forward, one step back [to sanity] isn't that bad
IOninja hehe
perlpilot: what are you basing that on? 14:20
DrForr Re: the Unicode stuff I'd agree that quite a bit of the reactions are deriding Unicode because it's not SRS BZNS. I usually figure "If I wanted a boring business logic language I'd use Java."
lucs Aww, poor COBOL.
IOninja prefers to stay clear of delusional pep-talk "We're ahead of everyone!" "We're the best" "Perl 6 is the best glue language in the world!"
perlpilot IOninja: right now it's just a feeling I have. So ... unicorns and rainbows :-) 14:21
DrForr sena_kun: I'll create a VM tonight and install stuff to see if I'm doing something wrong during setup.
sena_kun DrForr, thanks! 14:22
El_Che perlpilot: perl6 is certainly one of the nicest languages I've coded in, but getting smug about it is out of place. We don't even have an scalable webserver for REST services.
DrForr It's entirely possible, I have a *lot* of what should be internal classes specified in the Perl6::Parser;;Factory file, and that could be playing silly buggers. 14:23
El_Che DrForr: I hope to test your code soon. Exited about it 14:24
DrForr I'm probably going to add brace styles to the tidier after the weekend - I'm headed to Copenhagen.
El_Che: Nod - There are still some things that are limiting the parser, but I've added some fallback stuff that tries to capture any terms the code doesn't catch in a single "token" that will get separated once someone sends in a bug report :) 14:27
14:27 ggoebel joined
El_Che DrForr: as a speaker? 14:28
DrForr Copenhagen? Mais oui.
El_Che I am doing some coding to help me with my dissertation, let's see how atom supports perl6 nowadays. I tend to stick with vim + my syntastic hack 14:31
DrForr sena_kun: Just saw the email for the GH issue. 14:33
sena_kun DrForr, is something should be edited or added? 14:34
IOninja huggable: atom ide 14:35
huggable IOninja, github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-IDE
IOninja DrForr: it supports it well ^
DrForr Looks okay to me; like I said I think it's an install issue.
14:36 cdg left
DrForr IOninja: Yeah, but then I either have to use that mouse thingie or learn another set of bindings. 14:36
14:36 cdg joined
DrForr (yeah, I know it's got quite a bit of Perl 6 support, I need to try it out, or more to the point add a plugin to guage response. 14:37
IOninja From what I heard, vim ain't so peachy. Billion of shortcuts instead of swirl of a mouse.
DrForr Been using it on and off for ~20 years. 14:38
IOninja yikes
I've used it for about the same number of seconds before deciding it wasn't for me :P 14:39
El_Che I may be getting a mac from work (to do some tests). I am curious how perl 6 is supported there.
DrForr Couldn't figure out how to quit, I'm guessing.
14:39 mxco86 left
El_Che I use LInux at home, at work we get WIndows machines (on which I installed Linux and use remote desktop for windows apps) 14:40
[Coke] I've been using vi since... 1989? was the only option that worked on the mainframe and UNIX 14:41
DrForr One of the important bits is that vi/vim runs on every OS out there, with the possible exception of Mac. (yes, I know about OS X, I was referring to pre-OS X.)
And Windows.
IOninja DrForr: the very first time I used it, yes, I couldn't figure out how to quit. But the one conscious effort to see whether it lives up to its hype lasted 20 seconds with a resounding answer: no
14:42 eroux left
DrForr De gustibus non es dispudantum. 14:42
DrEeevil IOninja: mouse? point and grunt is so slow and clumsy
AlexDaniel perlpilot: I think if you want to convince somebody that ⁇‼ chars should be supported, I'm the easiest target
perlpilot: but so far I'm not convinced
DrEeevil especially when you can communicate in meaningful ways instead
[Coke] finds this gem in wikipedia: 14:43
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is believed to be the last site to use MTS in a production environment. RPI retired MTS in June 1999.[6]
AlexDaniel I was fine with them being added, was a bit sad to see them go, I can't find good reasons for them to be added in the first place
IOninja DrEeevil: uhuh, much easier to press 1000 key combinations to get what you want :) 14:44
DrEeevil IOninja: like you did now to communicate with me 14:45
why treat your computer like a deaf-mute? ;)
IOninja DrEeevil: I don't see what typing text in a straight line has to do with text EDITING, but for the record, I am using the mouse to switch between IRC window and other tasks 😘 14:46
AlexDaniel the argument that twitter renders ‼ as emoji is not a reason though, if at some point it decides to render * as emoji it's not a reason to drop * everywhere
14:46 curan left
AlexDaniel but again, as I said, it's not about why we shouldn't add ⁇‼, it's other way round 14:47
IOninja AlexDaniel: it's a reason enough as it indicates the ?? and !! don't make a good pair.
DrForr It renders Perl 5 code as emoji too, so that's not a valid excuse.
AlexDaniel IOninja: nope
IOninja AlexDaniel: and what incantation you ran yesterday... it showed thgat !! is an emoji, innit?
AlexDaniel IOninja: ↓
m: say ‘*’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
camelia True
AlexDaniel m: say ‘#’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
camelia True
IOninja jrj
AlexDaniel m: say ‘8’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
IOninja heh
camelia True
IOninja fair enough 14:48
m: say ‘ ’.uniprop(‘Emoji’)
camelia False
AlexDaniel u: { .uniprop-bool(‘Emoji’) }
unicodable6 AlexDaniel, U+0023 NUMBER SIGN [Po] (#)
AlexDaniel, U+002A ASTERISK [Po] (*)
AlexDaniel, 1126 characters in total: gist.github.com/5d23121cce1eae73f4...2145ccda80
DrEeevil IOninja: I'm not using mouse for switching. that'd be exhausting :)
14:49 cdg_ joined
IOninja goes to find something more productive than arguing over characters... 14:50
Uuuu! A wall with paint on it :)
IOninja &
AlexDaniel IOninja: nobody is arguing :) 14:51
14:51 cdg left
AlexDaniel … but keep shitty reasons against some chars for the next time when we have reasons to add them, so far we don't :P 14:51
“MoarVM panic: Internal error: zeroed target thread ID in work pass” :( 14:53
14:54 rurban left
IOninja AlexDaniel: dismissing someone's reasons for voting against the addition is arguing 14:54
It only means you don't have any reasons for your point ;) 14:55
.oO( what point )
IOninja exactly 14:57
14:58 mr-foobar left, mr-fooba_ joined 15:02 CQ left
IOninja "…for the next time when we have reasons to add them.." 15:07
What next time?
15:08 mr-foobar joined, mr-fooba_ left
IOninja *This* is the time. If all the parties with interest in adding Unicode ternary rescind their desire to do so, I'll gladly close the ticket. 15:08
AlexDaniel IOninja: meaning that somebody comes and says, for example “all text editors turn ?? into ⁇”, or something like this. 15:09
IOninja: yes, no reason to keep it open
IOninja closes it 15:11
El_Che An other disavantage of the non-gnu argument parsing of MAIN: it looses shell expansion: program --dir=~/tmp/foo arg1 arg2 <-- ~/tmp/foo is a literal ~ 15:16
lucs Do we have a bot to evaluate P5 code here?
El_Che "program --dir ~/tmp/foo" would make a lot more sense
lucs ('here' could be freenode I suppose) 15:17
El_Che IOninja, AlexDaniel: do you expect people to program in MS Word?
AlexDaniel El_Che: no, why?
El_Che lucs. There is one in #perl
"for example “all text editors turn ?? into ⁇”" 15:18
IOninja lucs: /msg perlbot eval say "hi"
AlexDaniel El_Che: ah. Yeah, well it seems that this was one of the considerations for unicode ops in the past
IOninja El_Che: why Word?
lucs Ah, 'eval' is what I was missing
AlexDaniel El_Che: e.g. you have wordpress or facebook or whatever that changes '' to ‘’ and ... to … and so on
IOninja El_Che: type up a slide in Power Point -> User copies from your slides -> code still works.
AlexDaniel El_Che: or if you're making a presentation… well ↑ 15:19
El_Che mm 15:21
15:22 gdonald left 15:23 gdonald joined
SmokeMachine m: say 0 ?? " 1 !! 2 " 15:23
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say 0 ?? " 1 !! 2 "7⏏5<EOL>
DrForr One editor mangling Unicode isn't a reason for other editor users to suffer...
El_Che I do have a "Copy Pasting from stackoverflow" on this laptop (twitter.com/nxadm/status/841777323221389313), but then again, mm
AlexDaniel DrForr: suffer what? 15:24
El_Che AlexDaniel: unprintable chars?
SmokeMachine The Unicode version didn't include this LTA error...
El_Che (enlighten me on what LTA stands for?)
AlexDaniel unprintable chars? what⁇
El_Che: Less Than Awesome
El_Che AlexDaniel: :) 15:25
DrForr Well, let me rephrase.
El_Che AlexDaniel: I agree with nine that Perl 6 has a lot of potential for sysadmin tasks (in matter of fact, my first perl 6 program in production does certificate validation and reminds people to renew). 15:26
AlexDaniel: that means people opening the code remotely
AlexDaniel \o/
El_Che: and their tools are configured poorly and cannot render some utf8?
El_Che AlexDaniel: exactly 15:27
AlexDaniel: local vim: top of the art with a zillion of plugins and config
AlexDaniel: remote? Who knows
AlexDaniel you don't have to use unicode ops for that code, it's your choice
nobody is forcing you :) 15:28
but… I'd suggest to configure your tools a little bit… it's kind of 2015 already…
El_Che AlexDaniel: that's why I mean. But lazy coders with copy paste stuff in that code :)
AlexDaniel oh wait, 2017 :P
El_Che anyway, maybe it's not a problem
15:28 pmurias joined
El_Che AlexDaniel: I have managed Solaris for a long time (last time was 3 years ago though). Don't talk me about 201\d :) 15:29
15:31 donaldh left, itaipu_ left 15:33 mr-foobar left 15:34 AlexDaniel left 15:42 itaipu joined, Dunearhp left
El_Che so far, atom seems to do the job. Good work (sam and cptmindjack I think?° 15:42
15:42 protium left
IOninja samcv and MadcapJake 15:42
And awwaiid
15:45 protium joined
IOninja tries to do a pre-release all-ecosystem module testing for the first time... 15:45
15:45 Dunearhp joined
.oO( maybe I should make a clean VM to run this stuff on... )
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ugexe smoke.perl6.org/report # this was an old attempt at that 16:19
16:19 andrzejku joined
IOninja That one's powered by panda submissions innit? 16:21
timotimo nah
that's testers.perl6.org
IOninja Ah
ugexe zef used to submit reports to testers too 16:22
16:22 cdg joined
timotimo i didn't know that 16:22
ugexe when i switched to having a bunch of different fetchers I didn't feel like figuring out how to make http posts with all the adapters too so I removed it ""temporarily""
16:23 cibs joined
timotimo oh, is a different test reporter required for each fetcher? 16:25
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b2gills .ask TimToady I wonder if we can take a measured approach to removing ‘returns’. We just remove it from all tests in ROAST (from the main branch only) and have it be a non-standard addition to the language that Rakudo has. 16:29
yoleaux b2gills: I'll pass your message to TimToady.
IOninja So for all intents and purposes we'd NOT remove it, except we'd have to document it weirdly and warn users not to use it because it's not standard Perl 6? 16:31
ugexe its more that some fetchers could do an http post and thus implement that functionality trivially (although some can't). I suppose if I implement it for wget and curl that covers most cases though
IOninja Feels like a lot of work for no good benefit.
b2gills We'd punt the final decision to actually deprecate and remove it until there was a second Perl 6 implementation 16:33
timotimo ugexe: oh, OK, that's what "fetcher" means here 16:34
IOninja b2gills: but for what benefit? We may as well punt it until we start implementing whatever TimToady wants implemented that requires us to use `-->` instead of `returns`. And what I see happening with this approach: (a) more people use `returns` so more people need to upgrade when it gets nixed; and (b) we waste human-hours bringing `returns` to support all the return values `-->` supports that `returns` 16:35
currently doesn't.
El_Che lol, normalizing texts and I just met the utf8 '...' thingy in a text 16:36
IOninja b2gills: right now the removal won't happen until 6.e that's years away. I think that's plenty of time.
El_Che (not related, but it made me laugh though)
timotimo you meant …?
El_Che timotimo: please tell me you copy pasted that :)
timotimo no, i have it on my keyboard layout
IOninja If we know we gonna remove it, may as well follow that ripping-the-band-aid approach. 16:37
SmokeMachine that's why [+] (^20 .grep: *is-prime) isn't working: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128985 16:40
16:40 kaare__ joined, khw joined 16:41 eroux joined 16:42 cale2 joined
cale2 m: sub thing($stuff → Str) { "here is $stuff" }; say thing("stuff"); 16:42
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub thing($stuff7⏏5 → Str) { "here is $stuff" }; say thing(
expecting any of:
cale2 m: sub thing($stuff ⟶ Str) { "here is $stuff" }; say thing("stuff"); 16:43
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub thing($stuff7⏏5 ⟶ Str) { "here is $stuff" }; say thing(
expecting any of:
IOninja cale2: do you ever have commits that have "Cale" as author? I have that popping up in rakudo's contributors list... was wondering if it's you.
cale2 IOninja: Yeah, I think my name would prob show up as that
m: sub thing($stuff --> Str) { "here is $stuff" }; say thing("stuff"); 16:44
camelia here is stuff
IOninja cale2: you can add yourself to CREDITS file if you want a different name: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/CREDITS
cale2 "-->" feels a bit antiquated when there are unicode alternatives
IOninja heh
March is clearly the month of Unicode :) 16:45
unicodable6 cale2, U+27F6 LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW [Sm] (⟶)
cale2, 9 characters in total: gist.github.com/2b800c1b95346348e6...9fa6f403e5
16:45 kaare__ left
IOninja The → was proposed for -> just a day ago. And ⟶ S renders OVER the "S" on my box. 16:45
buggable: tags 16:46
buggable IOninja, Total: 1551; BUG: 1051; UNTAGGED: 343; LTA: 155; NYI: 93; RFC: 60; CONC: 58; JVM: 57; REGEX: 50; UNI: 31; PERF: 27; SEGV: 27; NATIVECALL: 22; TESTNEEDED: 22; @LARRY: 20; POD: 20; IO: 18; TODO: 18; REGRESSION: 14; PRECOMP: 12; BUILD: 11; OO: 11; TESTCOMMITTED: 11; OPTIMIZER: 9; STAR: 7; BOOTSTRAP: 5; WEIRD: 5; GLR: 4; MATH: 4; OSX: 4; REPL: 4; SPESH: 3; WINDOWS: 3; RT: 2; BELL: 1;
IOninja 's counter-proposal to unicode stuff :P
sena_kun +1 16:47
SmokeMachine m: say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } # <- is this the real answer?
camelia (0)
SmokeMachine or it should answer (0 6 28 496) ?
cale2 It's fairly simple to just add these unicode aliases, no? Those people added the unicode comparitors by just editing one file
IOninja cale2: Yes. Exactly. And it's hard to fix bugs. So we have lots of hand wanting to add all sorts of unicode stuff, but no one wants to fix bugs. 16:48
SmokeMachine cale2: I have something like that too (github.com/FCO/rakudo/commit/8d544...de1fa46ff) not -->, but -> and <->
cale2 next thing you know, we're going to be making pairs like `this ⇒ 4`
IOninja m: say ^1000 .grep: -> $n {(sum ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n } 16:49
camelia (0 6 28 496)
IOninja SmokeMachine: the 0 6… looks to be the right one
cale2 The long versions of all these arrows are clearer to me ⟷
u: LONG ARROW 16:50
unicodable6 cale2, U+21B8 NORTH WEST ARROW TO LONG BAR [So] (↸)
cale2, U+27F5 LONG LEFTWARDS ARROW [Sm] (⟵)
cale2, 21 characters in total: gist.github.com/4b9e179c80c92bb7d3...7756d5504f
SmokeMachine IOninja: we have a test (the only one that is breaking with my change) that expects (0)... should I change it?
IOninja cale2: I don't know if you follow the channel but your proposal comes mere hours after another Unicode op was thrown out from Perl 6 and people weren't even that keep to argue for its re-adding.
SmokeMachine: which test is it?
cale2 Was it thrown out because of bugs?
SmokeMachine IOninja: grep -B1 "No SEGV/crash on reduction in grep using %%" t/spec/integration/weird-errors.rakudo.moar
IOninja cale2: that was one of the reasons yes, but the main reason as I interpreted it was "stop adding crap no one ever gonna use" 16:51
cale2 Would the solution be adding tests at the same time that you add the operator alias?
SmokeMachine (I was using ⁇‼...) :( (ok... ill stop!)
cale2 The tricky thing is that the unicode _can_ be "aliased" by using a font that automatically converts it to unicode
16:52 cdg_ joined
cale2 but it's still ascii under the surface 16:52
Personally, the only situation I could see myself using unicode is if I'm done with a project and I want to prettify it. 16:53
IOninja m: say ((^1000).grep: -> $n {([+] ^$n .grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n })
camelia (0)
perlpilot cale2: Those that want the fancy unicode ops should first start by creating a module that does it.
IOninja m: say ((^1000).grep: -> $n {([+] (^$n).grep: -> $m {$m and $n %% $m}) == $n })
camelia (0 6 28 496)
perlpilot (if we can't put it in a module, then mayhap that problem needs to be solved first ;)
IOninja SmokeMachine: yeah, it's a buggy test. Please update it.
SmokeMachine IOninja: ok! thanks! 16:54
16:54 cdg left
cale2 perlpilot: yeah, good idea 16:56
SmokeMachine now I think all the tests are passing! 16:58
17:01 wamba joined
SmokeMachine IOninja: do you think this is ok? github.com/FCO/rakudo/commit/e1ebb...2fc54bca61 17:01
IOninja SmokeMachine: no idea 17:02
17:02 cibs left
IOninja TIL HTTP::UserAgent has :simple; mode... 17:03
17:04 cibs joined 17:05 Sound joined 17:12 mr-foobar joined
pmurias b2gills: just removing 'return' in v6.d seems much cleaner, than having a "non-standard" edition that the second implementation would be forced to add if people use it 17:17
* returns
IOninja We're not removing it in 6.d but deprecating it.
17:18 jonadab joined
IOninja m: say 'foobarber' ~~ /[foo & bar ]/ 17:19
camelia Nil
IOninja I thought I saw a working `&` in regexes recently. Am I doing wrong? 17:20
I want to check the string matches both `foo` and `bar`
geekosaur I think that tests if the same chunk matches both 17:21
IOninja Ah
m: say 'foobarber' ~~ /. & \w/
camelia 「f」
IOninja oh well :)
b2gills m: say [+]( ^20 .grep: *is-prime )
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')'
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say [+]( ^20 .7⏏5grep: *is-prime )
b2gills m: say [+]( (^20).grep: *.is-prime ) 17:22
camelia 77
IOninja b2gills: there's a PR fixing that. If you are able to review it: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1039 17:24
17:27 cdg_ left 17:28 cdg joined, domidumont joined
b2gills That change is outside the area I've delved so far. So it may have far ranging impacts that I'm not aware of. 17:29
IOninja same here. 17:30
SmokeMachine b2gills: I had run the spec tests and thats passing...
Im going to run the stress tests too...
b2gills I don't have a commit for rakudo anyway 17:32
17:34 st_elmo left 17:35 cale2 left
Voldenet how do I implement a feed operator consumer? 17:38
IOninja how do I make sub EXPORT find the routines in my module? 17:40
b2gills m: 1,2,3,4 ==> say()
camelia (1 2 3 4)
IOninja If I stick it inside the module, it whines at me that it must be outside, but if I stick it outside, it can't find the symbols
Or actually, in the second case it dies with "Cannot find method 'package_at_key': no method cache and no .^find_method" 17:41
17:41 itaipu joined
IOninja Code: gist.github.com/zoffixznet/e565ee3...047461b1e2 17:41
Voldenet m: sub x { @_ }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> say() 17:42
camelia (2 4 6 8 10)
Voldenet m: sub x { @_ }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say()
camelia [2 4 6 8 10]
Voldenet Hm, that's not exactly the same output
IOninja because @_ is an array 17:43
m: sub x { @_.List }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say()
camelia (2 4 6 8 10)
Voldenet m: sub x { take $_ }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say() 17:44
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in sub x at <tmp> line 1
in any at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Voldenet close enough
m: sub x { take }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say()
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in sub x at <tmp> line 1
in any at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
IOninja m: sub x { $^v.take }; 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say() 17:45
camelia take without gather
in sub x at <tmp> line 1
in any at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
IOninja m: sub x { $^v.take }; say gather { 1..5 ==> map { .Int * 2 } ==> x() ==> say() }
camelia (2 4 6 8 10)
((2 4 6 8 10))
Voldenet what's $^v in the context, is there some 'perlvar' for perl6? 17:46
IOninja Voldenet: make an implied signature: docs.perl6.org/language/variables#...entry-%24^ 17:47
timotimo there is a 5-to-6 for perlvar, i believe
IOninja That's not relevant since this isn't a magic var.
Voldenet ah, the magic is in twigils
IOninja m: sub { dd [$^b, $^a, $:e, $:d] }( 'a', 'b', :d, :e) 17:48
camelia ["b", "a", Bool::True, Bool::True]
IOninja m: sub { dd [$^b, $^a, $:e, $:d] }( 'a', 'b', :d<d>, :e<e>)
camelia ["b", "a", "e", "d"]
El_Che timotimo: like this? lanoc.org/images/reviews/2014/cust.../title.jpg 17:54
b2gills note that { $^z, $^a, $a } is largely equivalent to -> $a, $z { $z, $a, $a } 17:55
17:57 imcsk8 joined 18:01 wamba left 18:06 bstahlman joined
bstahlman Getting a weird bug when I try to run given/when example from wiki books. 18:06
Specifically, when I try to convert a Bool to a String within a given/when, I get the following error: 18:07
Cannot call Str(Bool: ); none of these signatures match:
IOninja m: Bool.Str
camelia Cannot resolve caller Str(Bool: ); none of these signatures match:
(Bool:D $: *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
IOninja heh
tis a bug 18:08
well, bugglet
bstahlman Ah. Ok. I noticed it works fine outside the block.
IOninja s: False, 'Str'
SourceBaby IOninja, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/e135...Bool.pm#L5
IOninja bstahlman: well, it works fine on an instance of Bool, but not on the type objectt
bstahlman: link to that example? 18:09
bstahlman en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl_6_Progr...Structures
lucs Am I doing something wrong, or is the $count argument ignored in todo('NYI', $count) in Test?
bstahlman The Given / When example.
SmokeMachine www.irccloud.com/pastebin/NAY7BI5z/
IOninja m: use Test; &todo.signature.say
camelia (;; Mu | is raw)
IOninja m: use Test; &todo.candidates».signature.say 18:10
camelia (($reason, $count = 1))
IOninja lucs: it's not ignored
lucs I'm doing something wrong then :)
(or it's buggy?)
IOninja lucs: I've not seen the code, so I can't tell! :) 18:11
lucs I'll show you my code...
IOninja And I highly doubt it's buggy, since we use Test for spectest runs
lucs Yeah, I agree.
IOninja bstahlman: a yeah, I see it in the last line. It's a bug in Rakudo that... I hope I can fix shortly :) 18:12
bstahlman IOninja: Thanks. 18:13
lucs Oh, maybe I'm just misunderstanding 'todo'.
Yeah, that's it. Sorry. 18:15
IOninja cool
lucs (I think I wanted 'skip'.)
IOninja todo('NYI', 2); ok 0, 'this is a todo'; ok 0, 'this is also a todo'; ok 1, 'this isnt'
lucs: note that you'll still have to manually avoid executing skipped tests.
bstahlman IOninja: So how would I match a variable that's set to True within a given/when? I'm getting errors or unexpected results with the approaches I've tried.
IOninja if 42 { ok 1; ok 2; ok 3; } else { skip 'cannot test stuff ATM', 3 } 18:16
lucs Aha.
bstahlman E.g., True { ... } warns me that I probably want something like ":so" or "*.so".
IOninja bstahlman: first, they are separate constructs: given just aliases the stuff to $_ and when smartmatches against $_; you don't have to use them together. 18:17
bstahlman: and the way to do it is: when :so { say "tis true" }; when :not { say "tis not true" }
That syntax calls .so and .not methods respectively
m: $_ = 42; when :so { say "tis true" }; when :not { say "tis not true" }
camelia tis true
IOninja m: $_ = 0; when :so { say "tis true" }; when :not { say "tis not true" } 18:18
camelia tis not true
bstahlman IOninja: I tried the :so approach and it didn't work until I removed an earlier when that matched on Int.
IOninja bstahlman: Umm.. well, this would evaluate whether the thing is true; it won't check if it's a Bool
18:18 cdg left
bstahlman Is the literal True I was setting the topic to perhaps being coerced to an Int by the "when Int"? 18:18
IOninja bstahlman: block form of `when` shortcurcuits.
bstahlman: and Bool is an Int, so that's why 18:19
IOninja takes another look at that wiki example
yeah, the last case won't ever match
Well, Unless you make your own Bool that isn't an enum :P
bstahlman IOninja: Ah. I guess I wasn't thinking of the Bool as being close to int under the hood the way it is in C for instance. 18:20
IOninja m: given class Bool {} { when Int { say "Int" }; when Bool { say "Bool!" } }
camelia Bool!
IOninja ehehe
m: given True { when Int { say "Int" }; when Bool { say "Bool!" } }
camelia Int
bstahlman IOninja: Thanks for the help. Just starting to play around with p6. I can see I have a lot to learn... ;-) 18:21
IOninja edits the wiki example to test for Bool first
ehehe, my first fix has compilation failures \o/ 18:25
But it wasn't just Str I tried to fix but many other methods
[Coke] wonders how to search for "<w:tc>" using XML::Query 18:26
IOninja [Coke]: can grant report be posted on perl6.party, if I'm still having trouble logging in to blogs.perl.org when the time comes? 18:28
[Coke] of course.
IOninja cool
[Coke] I still haven't published a TPF link to your last one, my bad. Transition is not going smoothly at TPF due to my work sitch. 18:29
18:30 cibs left 18:31 bstahlman left
[Coke] is timothy totten here? 18:31
18:32 cibs joined
timotimo is that supernovus? 18:33
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[Coke] gives up and drops back to the p5 lib 18:41
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[Coke] nine: iwbni :from<perl5> gave a hint that I should be using :from<Perl5> 18:45
IOninja I think there's a ticket for that. 18:47
Or least I remember someone offering me as an LHF fix
lucs "iwbni"? 18:48
perlpilot lucs: it would be nice if
lucs Ah. I was thinking "I won't be needing it" :)
There's a list of those acronyms somewhere, right? 18:49
geekosaur s99 supposedly 18:50
18:50 wamba joined, robertle joined
lucs I seem to remember having seen them somewhere under docs.perl6.org, but I can't find them anymore. 18:50
IOninja docs.perl6.org/language/glossary 18:51
lucs Aha, thanks.
Aw, I should just have searched for it in the search field :/ 18:53
AlexDaniel huggable: glossary
huggable AlexDaniel, nothing found
AlexDaniel huggable: glossary :is: docs.perl6.org/language/glossary 18:54
huggable AlexDaniel, Added glossary as docs.perl6.org/language/glossary
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IOninja m: quietly dd Bool.Str 19:06
camelia ""
IOninja bug's fixed
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Voldenet hm 19:35
m: say is-prime(2**32 + 1)
camelia False
Voldenet m: say is-prime(2**16 + 1)
camelia True
raschipi Should it say "true"?
Voldenet nope :D
raschipi It's possible for it to be wrong, it uses an stochastic method. 19:36
IOninja m: say is-prime 31337 19:38
camelia True
IOninja :}
19:38 hankache joined, eroux left 19:40 bwisti left
Voldenet m: say is-prime((2**64 + 1)/274177) 19:40
camelia True
Voldenet magic
okay, it can't handle big primes well :> 19:44
or rather: takes too long to tell 19:45
19:47 domidumont left
Geth ecosystem: f02989c1f2 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list

No-nonsense, simple HTTPS client with JSON decoder
IOninja github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-WWW/
19:51 ggoebel joined 19:52 lizmat joined
raschipi Of course it takestoo long to tell, cryptography is based on this property, even. 19:59
Well, you're not tryint to factor it.
20:08 LeCamarade joined 20:14 TEttinger joined
SmokeMachine how can I close (or ask someone to close) the #130998? 20:16
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130998
20:17 cdg joined 20:18 raschipi left
IOninja SmokeMachine: it still needs a test for it. I know the test you fixed tests it indirectly but better to have a proper test (or just add this ticket number in the comment together with the other ticket number in that test) 20:20
Basically if it breaks again people could spot that the issue should be fixed instead of assuming the test is buggy 20:21
Ohhh wait no
The test wasn't crashing before so we *do* need a new test :) 20:22
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Geth modules.perl6.org: d41ce20b19 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6.pm
Fix up route placeholders so JSON API works

  ... and more stuff can be searched for
21:07 robertle left
Geth modules.perl6.org: 9569281898 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6.pm
Stop Perl 5's whining about comments in qw//
modules.perl6.org: 1f69912d63 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6/Controller/Root.pm
uppercase the tag before searching for it

so the JSON API works for any casing
21:10 Rawriful joined
SmokeMachine IOninja: ok, so Ill create the new test... 21:14
IOninja: any suggestion of where?
21:14 domidumont left
IOninja SmokeMachine: S13-overloading/metaoperators.t looks a good place 21:16
SmokeMachine IOninja: thanks!
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Geth modules.perl6.org: 05f6136e7f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/ModulesPerl6/DbBuilder/Dist/Source.pm
Swap '/' in tags to spaces

our web app routes need the '/' kept for routing, so remove these when building up the db
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AlexDaniel IOninja++ # everything 21:43
lizmat AlexDaniel: yeah, good point :-) IOninja++ 21:44
AlexDaniel e: say [+] ( ^20 .grep: *.is-prime ) 21:45
evalable6 77
AlexDaniel e: say [+] ( (^20).grep: *.is-prime )
evalable6 77
SmokeMachine \o/
AlexDaniel :O
so not only it doesn't print “Confused”, but it also works now? :O
AlexDaniel looks at the fix 21:46
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: Yes! it works... with only 1 line fix... :)
AlexDaniel I'm just thinking… what did we break? :)
21:47 mcmillhj joined
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: good question... but the tests say nothing... 21:47
AlexDaniel good sign, sure, but I wouldn't trust that fully…
“$*IN_REDUCE := 0; # attempting to parse an [op] construct” OK, the fix looks right 21:48
at least, if it was meant for [op] only, not what's after it 21:49
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: yes... that was what I thought...
21:50 girafe left
SmokeMachine (Im liking to play with that! :)) 21:51
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AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: the word “play” is not entirely appropriate, given that there's some responsibility involved… but yes, resolved tickets are great! 21:53
21:54 spebern left
AlexDaniel in any case, I'll probably see any fallout once I start searching for regressions again 21:55
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SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I call play everything I like to do... even my day job I call it "play"... but Im sorry if it doesn't make sense in english... the meaning was: I am liking to do it 22:03
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: sure, that's great :)
geekosaur it's a (good) attitude
whne you can swing it, at least...
...assuming you don't mean as in game theory of course... 22:04
SmokeMachine and, of course, it's my MMORPG! :P 22:05
22:05 cdg joined
SmokeMachine geekosaur: :) 22:06
AlexDaniel huggable: MMORPG :is: strangelyconsistent.org/blog/perl-6-is-my-mmorpg 22:08
huggable AlexDaniel, Added MMORPG as strangelyconsistent.org/blog/perl-6-is-my-mmorpg
22:09 ufobat joined 22:10 mcmillhj joined
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []"); 22:16
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5can we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
22:16 Cabanossi left 22:17 mcmillhj left, bjz left
geekosaur heh 22:18
22:19 Cabanossi joined
SmokeMachine m: [+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime) 22:19
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of [+] in sink context
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5[+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime)
SmokeMachine m: [+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime) == 77
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of [+] in sink context
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5[+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime) == 77
SmokeMachine m: say [+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime) == 77
camelia 0
SmokeMachine m: say ([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime)) === 77
camelia True
SmokeMachine m: say ([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime)), 77, "bla" 22:21
camelia 7777bla
SmokeMachine m: use Test; say([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5can we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
SmokeMachine m: use Test; say([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5can we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
SmokeMachine m: use Test; say([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "an we use &infix:<.> as argument for []"); 22:22
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5an we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
SmokeMachine whats wrong with that?
m: say([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "an we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5an we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
SmokeMachine m: say([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "test");
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5test' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
geekosaur the , 77, "test" is gobbled as more parameters to the reduction 22:23
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is(([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime)), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia ok 1 - can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []
geekosaur or the listop in general
22:24 dct joined
SmokeMachine thats a LTA... 22:26
22:26 bjz joined
AlexDaniel why? 22:27
geekosaur is this one of those situations where a space changes the meaning? 22:28
m: say([+](^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "test");
camelia 7777test
jnthn Yes
geekosaur thought so
SmokeMachine there is no '.' where its pointing...
geekosaur "valuid digits or '.'" 22:29
"t" is not a valid digit, nor is it '.'
SmokeMachine m: Int("an we use &infix:<.> as argument for []")
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5an we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
22:29 mcmillhj joined
jnthn Reductions parse just like sub calls, so [+] ... is listop syntax and [+]() is function call syntax 22:30
SmokeMachine without the () the [] is trying to use the string...
geekosaur and this is a bit of an ugly corner case, but a less commonly hit one than the perl 5 version while trying to avoid forcing you to parenthesize every list
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is(([+](^20 .grep: *.is-prime)), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia ok 1 - can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []
geekosaur (perl 5 took the opposite interpretation, leading to people being surprised by the behavior of e.g. `print (3), 5`)
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is(([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime)), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia ok 1 - can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is([+] (^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []"); 22:31
camelia Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5can we use \&infix:<.> as argument for []' (indicated by ⏏)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1…
SmokeMachine m: use Test; is([+](^20 .grep: *.is-prime), 77, "can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []");
camelia ok 1 - can we use &infix:<.> as argument for []
SmokeMachine without the space between the ] and the ( it works...
geekosaur yes, that is what I was pointing to, and I just explained why
SmokeMachine geekosaur: yes! thanks! 22:32
awwaiid My entry for the company NCAA bracket, gist.github.com/awwaiid/32ef1d2110...39546ae055
geekosaur it is annoying, but I find being forced to parenthesize more annoying --- and the perl 5 behavior, when I trip over it, often seems psychotic
I can live with the perl 6 behavior, especially since I always thought the gnu c coding convention of function (params) instead of function(params) to be stupid and misleading 22:33
timotimo but if you want function (params) you can just "use Slang::Tuxic"
geekosaur but this might be TimToady and me showing our ages :p
22:34 mcmillhj left 22:37 Sgeo joined
SmokeMachine do you guys think thats enough? github.com/FCO/roast/commit/156f15...d44e01d5b2 22:37
IOninja: ^^
timotimo is that supposed to be [+] or [,]? 22:38
22:38 bjz left
SmokeMachine [+] 22:39
timotimo OK
oh, it's infix:<.> in there, not infix:<,>
i'm confused.
SmokeMachine yes, infix:<.> 22:41
m: say [+](^20 .grep: *.is-prime)
camelia 77
SmokeMachine m: say [,](^20 .grep: *.is-prime)
camelia (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
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timotimo oh, we call that infix:<.> 22:48
the thing that lets us put method calls after spaces without unspace
SmokeMachine timotimo: Im not sure if its how its called, but I mean that! 22:50
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SmokeMachine another question: is the → {} and ↔ {} still relevant? 23:08
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: unlike ⁇‼, these are at least auto-corrected by some software 23:09
also, -> is clearly an ascii art for → 23:10
SmokeMachine: I think we should take a little break from this
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I think it passes on rule 2 and 4...
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: but generally, → and ↔ is a much better candidate for addition than ⁇‼ 23:11
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: do you mean by break trying to insert unicode into the language?
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AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yes 23:12
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: ok...
AlexDaniel a week or two, or something like that… because this is getting onto my nerves to be honest :)
and not just me I'm pretty sure
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: did your nick get back randomly or did you "hardcoded" it? :) 23:13
AlexDaniel m: say 1 ÷ ‘AlexDaniel’.comb.permutations 23:14
camelia 0.00000028
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: but could happen... :P
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: ↑ highly unlikely :)
23:14 mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel this is not entirely correct because there are two ‘e’ and ‘l’ 23:15
m: say 1 ÷ (‘AlexDaniel’.comb.permutations ÷ 2 ÷ 2) 23:16
this I guess? Dunno…
camelia 0.0000011
23:19 mcmillhj left
samcv AlexDaniel, you got unscrambled! yay 23:20
AlexDaniel \o/
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AlexDaniel anybody using Gumbo here? 23:25
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timotimo i remember that name but i forgot what it actually is … 23:29
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AlexDaniel timotimo: it's a library (and also a perl 6 module) for parsing html 23:43
timotimo: and the issue I have is… MoarVM panic: Internal error: zeroed target thread ID in work pass
timotimo ah, that! 23:45
your memory is getting corrupted somehow
so ... valgrind maybe? 23:46
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AlexDaniel timotimo: maybe. golfy golf: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/ac7a4d4...9976dda67f 23:51
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timotimo does it also work if you only curl once? 23:52
AlexDaniel timotimo: yes, crashes either way 23:53
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timotimo good, that'd be a smaller golf 23:54
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