»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
timotimo masak: when i pass repeatedly, the AI doesn't win, it just keeps making two immediately neighbouring towers higher and higher :D 00:00
00:02 kurahaupo left 00:04 labster left 00:07 mcmillhj joined
timotimo Use of uninitialized value $github-user of type Any in string context. / in code at /home/timo/perl6/install/share/perl6/site/sources/08A003E9585BF4F4FEBD6559AE70DDC410B29DDC (META6::bin) 00:08
i'm so good at this %)
00:09 gdonald left 00:11 mcmillhj left 00:19 grondilu left 00:25 mcmillhj joined
timotimo Sub object coerced to string (please use .gist or .perl to do that) 00:28
in any dump_children at /home/timo/perl6/install/share/nqp/lib/QASTNode.moarvm line 1
00:30 mcmillhj left
timotimo No such source rod 'left to right left to middle right to middle left to right middle to left middle to right left to right left to middle right to middle right to left middle to left right to middle left to right left to middle right to middle' 00:32
00:35 Actualeyes left
geekosaur hanoying? 00:36
00:36 skids joined
timotimo yup 00:37
List $source = $(((("left", "to", "right"), ("left", "to", "middle"), ("right", "to", "middle")), ("left", "to", "right"), (("middle", "to", "left"), ("middle", "to", "right"), ("left", "to", "right"))), ("left", "to", "middle"), ((("right", "to", "middle"), ("right", "to", "left"), ("middle", "to", "left")), ("right", "to", "middle"), (("left", "to", "right"), ("left", "to", "middle"), ("right", "to",
List $target = $(((("middle", "to", "left"), ("middle", "to", "right"), ("left", "to", "right")), ("middle", "to", "left"), (("right", "to", "middle"), ("right", "to", "left"), ("middle", "to", "left"))), ("middle", "to", "right"), ((("left", "to", "right"), ("left", "to", "middle"), ("right", "to", "middle")), ("left", "to", "right"), (("middle", "to", "left"), ("middle", "to", "right"), ("left", "to",
that is not a rod that is on the stack!
i should go to bed 00:40
i can continue this tomorrow
00:46 perlawhirl left, perlawhirl joined 00:56 mcmillhj joined, mr-fooba_ left
samcv what am i seeing here 00:57
Geth specs: 63686a0042 | (Samantha McVey)++ | S22-package-format.pod
Update META info for the license section

Use the SPDX license identifier under license, which is the most widely used license tags meant for interoperability.
If the license does not have an identifier, then it is recommended to add a URL to the license under the support key.
specs: 07a57f3cae | (Samantha McVey)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S22-package-format.pod
Merge pull request #120 from samcv/package

Update META info for the license section
01:02 Cabanossi left 01:04 Cabanossi joined 01:06 gdonald joined 01:32 awwaiid joined
Geth specs: dce35d18d5 | (Samantha McVey)++ | S22-package-format.pod
META6.json describe how to denote no license or no assertion
samcv very good. covered all the likely cases now :) 01:38
01:46 Cabanossi left 01:49 Cabanossi joined 02:08 baest left, noganex_ joined
samcv hehe 02:09
bag(emulates(10), test-depends(301), version(813), name(813), api(4), description(813), excludes(9), resources(145), build-depends(195), supersedes(9), production(10), support(211), source-uri, licence(4), author(285), source-url(779), superseded-by(9), resource(13), tags(149), license(108), auth(155), perl(739), provides(803), meta6(54), history, repo-type(31), authors(411), owner(9), authority(8), depends(771), source-type(69)) 02:10
so we have 4 modules with misspelled license (they spelled it as licence)
and 108 of our modules have licenses plus uh. whatever those 4 that misspelled them..
02:11 noganex left
TimToady well, that's the british spelling, they spell 'defence' differently as well 02:16
and a couple other three things...
Geth ecosystem: e6a2236f61 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
02:24 baest joined
samcv ok my json is fixed 02:25
02:47 baest left 02:51 baest joined
samcv yay i can't use the meta6 bin because 03:01
Failed to parse „~/.gitconfig“.
03:01 Cabanossi left
samcv :( 03:01
won't even start.... ugh
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u-ou How do you do a runtime-mixin of an already created object? Is it just $s = $s but role? 04:05
TimToady that will clone $s 04:06
04:06 g0d355__ joined
TimToady use '$s does role' for modification in place 04:06
u-ou ahhh
04:15 rindolf left, TimToady left 04:16 wamba joined 04:17 TimToady joined 04:21 mcmillhj joined 04:25 mcmillhj left 04:32 skids left 04:45 Actualeyes joined 04:57 kurahaupo joined 05:01 Cabanossi left 05:02 Cabanossi joined 05:03 mcmillhj joined 05:11 mcmillhj left 05:18 BenGoldberg left 05:25 gdonald left 05:26 gdonald joined 05:30 mcmillhj joined 05:31 bolangi left 05:32 jroth joined 05:33 jroth is now known as bolangi 05:35 mcmillhj left 05:37 CIAvash joined 05:38 xtreak joined 05:40 lowbro joined, lowbro left, lowbro joined 05:45 wamba left 05:46 Cabanossi left, nadim joined 05:47 Cabanossi joined 05:51 RabidGravy joined 06:02 mcmillhj joined 06:06 mcmillhj left
Woodi hallo #perl6 :) 06:09
some days ago I read that Prolog requires first class backtracking. we have it in v6 ? also I learned logic programming is superset of functional programming... but not saying I understand all of this :) 06:11
06:13 gdonald left, gdonald joined
TimToady backtracking is pretty easy; it's unification that's hard 06:15
06:16 Cabanossi left 06:18 Cabanossi joined
TimToady the hardest part of logical programming, though, is managing your lexicon such that words always mean the same thing everywhere, which they usually don't in real life :) 06:21
06:22 MasterDuke_ left
TimToady funny how real life actually means "complex"... 06:23
but the opposite of "imaginary"...
06:24 wamba joined 06:32 darutoko joined 06:43 domidumont joined 06:47 mr-foobar joined, domidumont left 06:48 domidumont joined
El_Che TimToady: hehe 06:48
yoleaux 18 Apr 2017 19:52Z <Zoffix> El_Che: you're good for packages. 2017.04.2 is out
El_Che will start
06:48 nadim left 06:50 domidumont left 06:51 domidumont joined
mst TimToady: without continuations it's non-trivial to push backtracking down into the runtime though 06:52
of course the WAM doesn't really do it that way anyway
Woodi: first class backtracking at the VM level is pretty rare, and not at all a requirement to implement prolog 06:56
Woodi: hence why there's more than one implementation of prolog in perl5
Woodi: also, please call perl6 perl6, not 'v6'
06:56 sunnavy left 06:57 sunnavy joined, llfourn left
u-ou yay my perl6 thing works 06:58
samcv whew. just finished PR to META6 module and the META6::Test modules 06:59
once accepted META6::Test will be able to check license names against the full list of standardized names, and if it's not correct, tell the user to fix it, or if license isn't on the list, if you set a 07:00
URL for the license text then it will also be able to pass
and if you put NONE or NOASSERTION it will give a little warning to remind you that's nonideal 07:01
github.com/jonathanstowe/Test-META/pull/21 can we call it the Licensining? or uh. idk something catchier 07:02
07:04 llfourn joined 07:05 labster joined
gfldex samcv: it's JSON, no license should be null, not "NONE" 07:06
samcv what?
null does not convey any actual afirmative information thuogh
whether there is none or if it's just an empty field 07:07
though we could depart from SPDX on that i guess? hm
or take NONE or null as both being no license?
gfldex null indicates the absence of a value. "NONE" may very well be an acronym. 07:08
samcv abcense of a value is different from no license in the affirmative though 07:09
just how NOASSERTION means that there could be a license but the creator of the meta file does not know and makes no assertion
because no license and no assertion are distinct things
if anything License being null would be closer to NOASSERTION 07:10
07:10 nadim joined 07:12 Actualeyes left
gfldex samcv: I disagree, NOASSERTION would be indicated by not having the field in the JSON file 07:13
not sure if META6.pm6 is handleing that properly tho
samcv i we could define NOASSERTION is no license key and that license: null means NONE and they are equivilant. that would be okay with me i guess. 07:14
as long as there is a way to distinguish between those two. that is the important part. and that they are defined
i still don't like license: null.... but regardless. it still is fine to have it mean SOMETHING which is better than meaning nothing i think 07:15
gfldex aye
samcv thanks for bringing that up gfldex
gfldex besides, if there is no license it's rather pointless to put it into the ecosystem to start with 07:16
samcv well. most modules have no license....
gfldex as nobody knows if the module can be used at all
07:16 parv joined
samcv so 07:16
hopefully we can make issues with all of those modules to add a license. but it's a big undertaking
when only about 10% of them have one in the META 07:17
gfldex they don't got a license because it was never enforced
samcv well yes
gfldex I may be able to automate that problem away
samcv with travis?
gfldex githubs api is rather nice
samcv oh? to notify?
that would be nice
gfldex but first, $dayjob 07:18
samcv though it's useful now that i have META6::Test being able to check validity of license type things. may eventually want to just cause an error when no license is there. but it doesn't have to happen overnigtht. we're working toward licenses and that's the important part
nice talking to you gfldex
07:18 jian joined
gfldex yw 07:19
jian HELP
gfldex WHAT?
no wait, I can answer that myself
m: "HELP".WHAT.say 07:20
camelia (Str)
samcv hi jian
jian hi.
samcv please let me try and help
ZofBot, HELP
jian I don't actually know what it is 07:21
samcv oh :(
gfldex can you provide some details of your undescribable problem please? 07:22
jian that is human or what ? 07:23
gfldex humans are an undescribable problem indeed :) 07:24
samcv humans are homo sapiens and are sentient beings who populate this channel in addition to the IRC bots here
see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human
07:24 jeek left
moritz humans are meat bags. There, I described the problem for you. 07:24
samcv en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC_bot
AFAIK those are the only two things in this channel 07:25
gfldex the IRC bots are smarter tho
u-ou I'm not sure what the difference is
but I think I'm a bot
just sayin'
mst moritz: this is where I turn up with an emu, right? 07:26
07:26 Actualeyes joined, jeek joined
moritz mst: an emu_lator? :-) 07:28
mst I was going for a flightless biped joke, but you do you
jian maybe I should go =-= 07:29
samcv no!
don't go
07:30 zakharyas joined
jian but I don't know how 07:30
close the tab is ok? 07:31
samcv no
i want to help!
jian help what 07:32
samcv <jian> HELP 07:33
help you
you need help
gfldex samcv: don't be so selflessly selfish!
samcv i will help
jian ok
just tell me
waht is it 07:34
samcv ask your question again please
jian or what's this
moritz an IRC channel!
jian IRC? 07:35
moritz that was easy. Next customer!
samcv this in an IRC channel. this is the #perl6 room where we talk about the perl6 programming languages
moritz jian: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
gfldex I wonder if I should use subparse in Git::Config. 07:36
jian maybe I know something :-) 07:37
gfldex samcv: PR welcome (read: I'm not good with grammars.) github.com/gfldex/perl6-git-config...Config.pm6
07:38 dakkar joined 07:39 abraxxa joined
samcv what do i do with this 07:40
yeah it doesn't even work if i delete my .gitconfig 07:41
so idk how to make this thing work
not sure why META bin needs it tho :\ 07:42
why does it care about my git config
gfldex samcv: try meta6 --create-cfg-dir
samcv: it needs your github username and your e-mail to generate README.md 07:43
and a few other things
parv gfldex: why is there a specific need for anything GitHub when the module name is more generic? 07:44
gfldex samcv: at some point it will ask nicely for your github PW and do anything for you. :) 07:45
parv: you can skip the github part but if you don't any new module will be pushed automatically.
parv "github" part should be easily switchable 07:46
gfldex i wanted to add automatic travis support too but failed due to travis wonky api
and so we read: "meta6 --new-module --name=<Module::Name::Here> --force --skip-git --skip-github"
meta6.cfg needs to learn a new trick it seams 07:47
gfldex takes notes
07:48 wamba left, ufobat joined 07:49 jian left
samcv gfldex, anything? :-D 07:50
gfldex the goal is to telepathically sense the general intend of the programmer and do anything automatically indeed 07:51
the same is true for Perl 6 I believe
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gfldex self.dayjob() 07:56
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samcv u: end 08:17
unicodable6 samcv, U+02FA MODIFIER LETTER END HIGH TONE [Sk] (˺)
samcv, 363 characters in total: gist.github.com/a2197e703ec67db1f7...1251c2aabe
08:18 eyck left 08:19 eyck joined 08:23 eyck left 08:27 Actualeyes left 08:29 rindolf joined 08:31 jonas1 joined
u-ou roles! 08:36
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u-ou hi 08:50
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Geth ecosystem: 72de400aaa | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
.info -> .json
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timotimo masak: fixing Adventure::Engine and Crypt is a fascinating experience in "how have lists changed in the last years" 12:01
also, if you %foo.push(%foo.invert), be ready to see some duplicates, because invert is lazily being iterated and is updating as the hash gets stuff pushed into it, lol.
Geth ecosystem: scmorrison++ created pull request #322:
AWS::Pricing META.info > META6.json
12:09 xtreak joined 12:10 xtreak left 12:11 kurahaupo left 12:12 zakharyas joined
Geth ecosystem: c143a14304 | (Sam Morrison)++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | META.list
AWS::Pricing META.info > META6.json (#322)
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japh__ I'm getting "Cannot find method 'setlang' on object of type Perl6::HookGrammar" when I run perl6-debug-m (Rakudo 2017.04.2, MoarVM version 2017.04). I saw some references to this #perl6-dev on 2/28 and #perl6 on 3/21, but nothing that's a clear solution 12:35
12:36 mcmillhj left
japh__ I was getting the same set of errors under Rakudo 2017.03, so upgraded MoarVM, NQP and Rakudo to the latest tagged releases, but still no luck 12:39
jnthn I think timotimo++ was taking a look at it quite recently 12:40
nadim hi all, do we have something like Devel::Size? 12:44
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timotimo japh__ there is a trivial fix for that error but then you get a debugger that fails at everything anyway 13:04
13:04 wamba joined
timotimo nadim, would that give you thelayout of your classes in memor or something? 13:04
i wanted something like pahole forp6opaque in the past 13:05
oh gotta go
jnthn I think the closest we have is the heap analyzer 13:07
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beginner which is the best IDE for perl6 13:59
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El_Che beginner: atom, vim, emac (non of which are IDE's, I know) 14:03
14:06 AlexDaniel joined
moritz isn't it ironic that, being immaterial, atom doesn't actually contain atoms? 14:13
while most things that contain atoms don't have atom in the name
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timotimo moritz: atomoritz? 14:46
SmokeMachine m: my @a = :1a, :2b, :3a, :4a; say [⊎] @a 14:51
camelia bag(b(2), a(8))
SmokeMachine m: my @a = :1a, :2b, :3a, :4a; say Bag.new ⊎ @a 14:52
camelia bag(b(2), a(8))
14:55 bjz_ left 14:56 eroux left
nadim timotimo: Data::Dump::Tree can give the layout, it can show the "perl address" but it can't show how much memory each element uses. In the P5 version I used Devel::Size to get that information. I wonder if there is some equivalent functionality in P6. 14:59
timotimo it can not give the kind of layout i'm talking about 15:00
El_Che aaaagh. Now that I build 9 different rakudo packages I hit travis' 50 minute limit
15:04 cdg left 15:06 iyra joined
iyra does anyone have knowledge of the SCGI module? I'm trying to use the example in the readme here (first under 'Usage') github.com/supernovus/SCGI 15:07
however I'm getting "Nothing given for new socket to connect or bind to" when I try to use it, seems to be caused by connect method, here: github.com/supernovus/SCGI/blob/ma...GI.pm6#L22 15:08
skids m: say Bag.new ⊎ :e_with_oatmea
camelia bag(e_with_oatmea)
15:10 nadim left
timotimo iyra: how does your code look? did you SCGI.new with a :port? 15:13
iyra yes, I used my $scgi = SCGI.new( :port(8118) ); 15:14
15:14 kurahaupo joined
iyra however I tried with my $scgi = SCGI.new( :host<localhost>, :port(8118) ); and I get the same error 15:14
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timotimo interesting 15:17
ugh, scgi doesn't have any tests 15:18
iyra using IO::Socket::INET.new in general seems to work, though (using the first example in the docs for it) docs.perl6.org/type/IO::Socket::INET 15:20
i can't think why it's not working with scgi though 15:21
timotimo it could just have bitrotted 15:22
iyra hmmm 15:23
timotimo just running one of the examples gives me errors 15:24
15:25 eroux joined
timotimo oh 15:25
iyra here's the code and full error that i got: fh.tl/CO 15:26
timotimo i know what's wrong 15:27
it's passing :listen(1), which upsets it
it must be just :listen or :listen(True)
iyra what would be the best way to make that modification locally on my computer? 15:28
I'm not familiar with perl modules :)
timotimo hold on
i'd like to know why the code had \ in these weird places to begin with 15:29
ah, it uses psgi, let's see. 15:30
ok, i think my fix is ifne 15:31
you have zef, right? 15:33
iyra yes
timotimo zef can install from git links, so try this: 15:34
zef install github.com/timo/SCGI.git
might need --force because i didn't change the version, actually
iyra do I have to remove the original scgi?
titsuki hi #perl6, I couldn't send a bug report to the RT system with email. Is there something trouble with the RT today ? 15:35
timotimo now i've bumped thev ersion
titsuki: it's supposed to work. only the ticket submission thing on the rt website has been disabled long ago because of spam 15:36
iyra: you do not, it should replace it
also, if you do it now, i actually did bump the version
titsuki timotimo: thx. I'll try it again. 15:37
iyra timotimo, that's strange, I'm still getting the same error, even after changing :listen(1) to just :listen 15:41
timotimo did zef install --force give any errors or something? 15:42
iyra no, it installed fine 15:47
I cloned the repo and made the change, then tried again with --force and zef didn't give any errors
15:48 sufrostico left
timotimo huh 15:49
can you put some very obvious thing in there, like a "say 'hello'" near the problematic code?
iyra i'll give it a go
timotimo if you want to make sure that code definitely gets used, just -I ../path/to/SCGI/lib/ 15:51
15:52 aindilis joined
iyra so I've found that even after doing zef install with my new git repo, it still uses the old sources 15:54
and using -I ../path/to/SCGI/lib/ doesn't seem to get it done either, it still references the old sources in my .rakudobrew directory
i checked by looking at the source file it was using
15:57 astj left
timotimo oh interesting 15:58
it could be it just grabs the META.info which has source-url pointing at the original repo
iyra oh, good point, i'll change that
in my fork, i changed the version number to 2.4, but zef install is still reporting that it's installing 2.3 github.com/iyra/SCGI/blob/master/META6.json 15:59
timotimo are you doing "zef install --force ."? 16:01
iyra no, I was using the my github URL; doing the command you just posted installed my new version, though 16:02
16:02 mcmillhj left
iyra oh, nice! it works 16:03
timotimo ah
iyra the :listen thing was the problem, not sure why it wasn't getting the new version from github though
thanks a lot for your help
timotimo you're quite welcome
i opened a pullrequest on SCGI, too
iyra thanks, would be nice to see it fixed 16:04
timotimo turns out there was an issue posted about this back in march
but it didn't look like anybody looked for the solution
i just now also fixed two other modules :)
Adventure::Engine and Game::Crypt
TimToady is there an easy way to do a pullrequest from the comfort of my command line, without going off to github and forking and all that?
timotimo TimToady: yup, get the "hub" program
masak: kindly look at your pull requests for Adventure::Engine and Game::Crypt :) 16:05
and yesterday i made Druid work again, too
since we're about to have a Rakudo Star release, it's a good time to be fixing ecosystem modules 16:06
i can't find the huge log samcv made where it shows what modules failed to install? 16:10
oh, is this it
masak: you think it might be time to throw the GGE out of the ecosystem? 16:11
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El_Che if someone here bumps agains the travis timeout my solution is here: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/blob/m...travis.yml 16:30
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TreyHarris TimToady: if you run into any issues just holler; I've set up hub and dealt with many issues on many different platforms for my companies' devs over the years 16:49
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timotimo m: say (1..10).map({ { :a($_) } }); # what is preventing the inner block from being parsed as a block? it has $_ in it … 16:51
camelia (a => 1 a => 2 a => 3 a => 4 a => 5 a => 6 a => 7 a => 8 a => 9 a => 10)
TreyHarris Erm, can't run mi6 anymore: gist.github.com/treyharris/bc343fe...98acc2da40
timotimo TreyHarris: huh, what happened to that file? it's got some powershell stuff in it? 16:52
TreyHarris I'm on ubuntu
16:52 abraxxa left
timotimo yeah but %~dpn0 is powershell 16:52
TreyHarris I installed it with zef, maybe retry w/panda? People have been telling me to use zef 16:53
timotimo no zef is right
that's literally all there is in the file 16:54
it's installing a windows launcher
TreyHarris the newest commits to zef are windows-related 16:55
timotimo 2 bin/ scripts [mi6 mi6.bat] installed to:
but only one of the two actually exist 16:56
my bet is that it accidentally installed mi6.bat over mi6 for some reason
TreyHarris nope, no they aren't, I don't know where I saw recent win-related commits
timotimo for the time being, just clone mi6 locall, and rm bin/mi6.bat, then zef install --force .
16:56 beginner left
TreyHarris timotimo++ thanks 16:58
16:59 japh__ joined
timotimo i don't think you should ever have a bat in your bin/ 17:00
rakudo or zef or whoever makes a launcher for you if you're on windows
17:03 japh____ left, mcmillhj joined
TreyHarris does the bat file let an author on windows test directly before install time? I know nothing of windows except the see-through kind and the orbital kind 17:04
timotimo nah, you'd just perl6 -Ilib bin/mi6 in that case 17:05
oh man, having fought cmake today left me in a surpremely foul mood 17:06
TreyHarris timotimo: try dealing with an airline and aviation lawyers, I bet after that cmake would seem like a soothing hottub 17:07
timotimo i know i could always have it worse 17:08
trying to develop krita is a hundred times more annoying than contributing to pypy. and pypy has a one-hour compile cycle.
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skids bisect: role A { }; sub A ($) { 42 }; A(2).say # I thought this used to DWIM. 17:34
bisectable6 skids, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=d272667) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
skids, bisect log: gist.github.com/123c5b03ba5697fccf...aa416b1ad4
skids, (2016-05-12) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/33...d4efe221de
17:36 titsuki joined
skids commit: role A { }; sub A ($) { 42 }; A(2).say # I thought this used to DWIM. 17:41
committable6 skids, ¦role: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “all”?)»
17:41 ChoHag left, jonas1 left
jnthn Probably not since the SomeTypeName(...) syntax was taken for coersions 17:42
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skids Isnn't the way to implement coercions to define a sub though? 17:42
Oh, coercive types. 17:43
timotimo nah, subs for coercions is no longer a thing
skids Wait it was postcirumfix, then subs, now what?
17:53 sufrostico joined
timotimo postcircumfix is a sub 17:57
or .. was it built on top of a postcircumfix method?
skids I think it was a method.
timotimo now coercions are just methods named the target type
which has different problems than the multi sub had
but everything that was attempted was problematic
skids Yeah, noticing that. Somewhat LTA when you are trying to emulate an enum. 17:58
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TreyHarris Every time I see somebody use something like bisectable6 or committable6 I want to shout "this is sorcery, burn the witch!" 18:09
Though at Google I taught git to nooglers and when I got to the bisect section, I saw lots of mouths hanging open. So I guess it's just one of those things you either are used to or seem like pure magic. 18:12
moritz I'm kinda used to it, and still looks like pure magic to me :-) 18:13
speaking of like magic: I'm trying github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog right now, and I'm quite impressed so far 18:14
18:15 eroux left
moritz it found faked key material that we use in unit tests (for code that validates the format of the key material) 18:15
and remarkably few false positives
18:17 AlexDaniel joined
tony-o anyone familiar with a p6 module connecting to dynamodb? 18:18
yoleaux 23 Nov 2016 15:21Z <jnthn> tony-o: Rakudo 6bb8823 nails, best I can tell, the odd crashes I've been seeing in things using Proc::Async in chars mode.
tony-o jnthn++ 18:19
though i think we've chatted since nov :-)
timotimo perhaps in the other channel
[Coke] /win 6 18:22
18:22 ufobat left
timotimo we should have a bot that collects lines of /win N and draws a winning number at the end of each week 18:22
geekosaur .oO ( and the winner is: bal ) 18:26
El_Che new rakudo linux packages: github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas.../2017.04.2
timotimo cool 18:29
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RabidGravy Boom! 18:44
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timotimo how's it going, gravy sempai? 19:32
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samcv good ** 19:33
timotimo good HyperWhatever to you, too
19:33 gdonald joined
RabidGravy Harr, samcv - I'm just testing all of the ecosystem with your licence test 19:35
timotimo samcv: i sent out three pullrequests to fix three modules in the ecosystem today :) 19:36
samcv oh nice
RabidGravy also, rather than "meta-version" there is an already specced "meta6" 19:37
samcv RabidGravy, tell me what you find. probably gonna have almost 108 failures due to licenses. since some had "Artistic" when their project had Artistic 2.0, or put Artistic2 or Artistic 2 or they have the url to the license
yeah i saw that RabidGravy
interestigly thre are 3 different artistic 1.0 licenses on the spdx website |X confusing. at least there's only one Artistic-2.0 19:41
timotimo clearly Artistic-2.0 was made because there were too many different Artistic-1.0s 19:42
samcv was that why? i thought it was other reasons
timotimo i have no idea :) 19:43
samcv :)
timotimo i thought it was a funny reference
MasterDuke_ which xkcd is that? the standards one
timotimo that one, yes 19:44
wait, there are too many xkcds about standards
we should make a better xkcd
samcv not sure why there are multiple artistic 1.0 i mean. it is 1.0 it should be the same X|
19:44 labster joined
samcv also seems you can view the spdx spec in at least two formats that are the names of animals spdx.org/specifications 19:45