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Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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pierre_ Hi all, quick question, how can i verifiy the version of a module, in my perl6 code? 03:58
Module metas are in Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW 03:59
but i did not find anything about that class in the docs
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pierre_ It seems that one of the bug i reported a long time ago is fixed 04:21
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u-ou is there a good tutorial on effective use of roles? 06:40
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moritz u-ou: I'm not aware of one 07:02
if you find one, please let me know :-) 07:03
u-ou ok :p
moritz pierre_: I think you can use TheModule:ver<0.1>; or something like that
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Geth ecosystem: d735bea0b5 | (Martin Barth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
XML::XPath: meta -> meta6
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sammers hi all 07:50
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u-ou hi 07:52
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pierre_ moritz: yes, i can force inclusion of one version, but i wanted to include a module and then check what version it is 08:03
i ended up checking with zef 08:04
zef info Some::Module
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samcv stage 3 (or 4?), going to do the rest of the licenses by hand. have my robot print out to a file its 3 best guesses along with percent match, then i can choose the right one myself 08:27
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tyil nice 08:29
samcv 8 threads is a good number 08:30
ok done. cool. so 120
tyil samcv: I looked into nightly .deb builds for rakudo, can either use fpm or just write a small script for the specific task 08:33
can run either cronjobbed on one of my servers
08:33 TEttinger left
tyil might make an apt repo to make it even easier to use in travis 08:33
ufobat hi ) 08:35
tyil hi 08:36
Geth Swapped META.info → META6.json in 4 dists in github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/ace0b26929 08:39
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samcv nice it even picks out GPL-3.0+ vs GPL-3.0 08:42
for ones that are any later version. though i'm double checking that with ctrl +f to make double sure
08:44 xtreak left
samcv can put a plus after any license identifier, if it contains a clause that allows you to use newer versions if you choose. i guess in old SPDX revisions GPL-3.0+ was its own identifier, but obviously they decided that was silly, and let you apply it to any license identifier 08:48
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samcv wow no wonder the best match was 00.04 % for this license... 08:57
text just says: Pick your favourite OSI approved license :)
u-ou :| 08:58
samcv not sure what to put for license identifier
tyil I wonder what legal license that is under
samcv: just pick one
samcv uh. grep all the OSI approved liceese and then use OR semantics
GPL-3.0 OR ARtistic-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 OR ......
u-ou maybe contact them
samcv tell them uhm
tyil "can you pick a license already" 08:59
samcv yeah 09:00
just copy and paste exact text in a github issue :) 09:01
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samcv though it would be crazy if they put OR semantics and did all like 40 OSI approved ones 09:01
would be valid to the spec afaik
09:02 ufobat left
tyil if thats what they want, let them do it 09:02
might wanna advice them in the issue not to do it, though
samcv lol
tyil then you at least tried
samcv cause it's insane
but you COULD do it.
tyil you could also fork it by 9BST and just re-release it only under gpl 09:03
samcv goddamit
tyil !fw :V
no fw bot? :< 09:04
samcv yeah my bot's not in here
tyil oh
what a mediocre channel :'D
samcv there's plenty of other bots though
huggable, hug tyil
huggable hugs tyil
tyil tfw
been ages since I had a hug :(
now youre just tryna make me depressed 09:05
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samcv > use JSON::Fast; my %hash = from-json qx{curl 'raw.githubusercontent.com/sindreso...ll.json'}; %hash.keys.grep({%hash{$_}<osiApproved> eq 'True'}).join(' OR ') 09:12
well i did it
tyil :p
samcv gist.github.com/samcv/9649c99e1ada...4715a102b0 09:13
all OSI-approved
I should post that in the issue :) just for fun
tyil link to issue 09:14
samcv i haven't made it yet
tyil wow
samcv i wish i could write emails in markdown 09:21
tyil, here's the issue github.com/Juerd/p6-mqtt/issues/3
El_Che samcv: there is html if you like to be unpopular in tech mids :) 09:22
samcv yes i know but
grondilu samcv: what prevents you from using markdown in emails?
samcv it not rendering as markdown in my email client or others clients 09:23
grondilu markdown is designed to look good even without any rendering
samcv oh hey would have been way faster to DL if i hadn't dl'd the json with the full license text for every single spdx licesne lol. github.com/sindresorhus/spdx-licen.../spdx.json this one is much shorter
09:28 xtreak left
samcv m: 'GPL-1.0+ OR Artistic-1.0-Perl WITH Madeup-exception'.split(' OR ').perl.say 09:28
camelia ("GPL-1.0+", "Artistic-1.0-Perl WITH Madeup-exception").Seq
samcv nice that it's easy to just split it and get all the licenses, and still works even if they have excptions
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tyil samcv: you can write emails in markdown 09:45
its just a plaintext format after all
wether the email client renders it nicely is another question 09:46
added a +1 to the issue 09:48
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samcv nice 09:56
El_Che tyil: it's not just text, but formatter. Any "advanced" feature you use (e.g. url, list, etc) will look weird 09:58
tyil hmm?
El_Che This is [an example](example.com/ "Title") inline link. 10:00
tyil yes?
El_Che that is extremely weird for someone that does not parses markdown in his head
as in "regular people" :)
tyil where is this suddenly coming from tho
I'm aware how markdown works and looks like
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El_Che tyil: ignore me, I probably misunderstood 10:01
grondilu links are not the best indeed, but it's not too bad. Using tinyurl can also improve things
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tyil tinyurl is using cloudflare tho 10:02
grondilu any similar service then
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parv seems to me El_Che tried to explain the problem with markdown-in-email. for which i am thankful. 10:18
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parv time to go ... 10:36
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Juerd samcv: The license allows you to pick your favorite. I don't see why I should pick your favorite when you can do this yourself :) 11:58
As for tagging, if you wish to fully encode the LICENSE file, it would either require its own tag, or something to keep it up to date. The latter might not be worth the effort 12:00
tyil Juerd: you can pick the big list on the issue if you want 12:02
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tyil its just that there's no license field in your META yet, hence the opened issue 12:03
Juerd I'm considering picking a limited set for the tags 12:04
It doesn't necessarily have to encode all options, does it?
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tyil if you want to release it under all those licenses you should have them all in the license field in your META 12:06
I believe the standard nowadays is META6.json for that file as well, btw
Juerd Yes, I saw a PR for renaming the file 12:07
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Juerd This will have to wait until I'm with the Android phone that has my 2nd factor for logging in on github :) 12:07
That's also why I'm commenting here, instead of at the issue 12:08
tyil no hurry, its not the end of the world if its not updated within a day :p
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Juerd :) 12:09
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awwaiid Ulti: different person I assume, I don't recall doing any linting. I thought you tab-completed wrong :) 12:53
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[Coke] mst: anyone with your irc superpowers on the irc.perl.org server? 12:58
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tyil tfw on irc.perl.org, but no superpowers :( 13:01
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perigrin [Coke]: I have them ... but I wasn't awake when the last spammer went through 13:48
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poohman hello people, what is the minimum memory requirement to run moarvm 14:24
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timotimo running moarvm is rather cheap 14:26
jnthn To run what on MoarVM? :)
timotimo you can compile and run an empty program with nqp in 1.4 megabytes of ram
wait 14:27
jnthn 1.4? How'd you get that? :)
timotimo it's actually 14 megs
jnthn yeah, was gonna say :)
timotimo my eyes kind of failed to count the number of digits there
poohman I was trying to build perl6 in sailfishos directly on the device and got a bus error
timotimo bus error? did you compile moarvm with the right target architecture?
it could be an illegal instruction it executed
if you want to build perl6 it'll take like 1.5 gigs of ram 14:28
jnthn What CPU does the device have?
poohman arm
need to check the specifics
timotimo the exact revision is also interesting, i.e. what you'd get for "flags" in cat /proc/cpuinfo
jnthn Bus error is often things like unaligned access 14:29
timotimo oh, that's another possibility, yeah
you might get a better output when you look at "dmesg"
jnthn Though I know we've built on PPC and ARM on the past, which are both fussier on those things than x86/x64
timotimo aye
poohman there was a similar thread showing a problem when building it in raspberry pi 14:30
ilmari I audited the code for unaligned access (using UBSAN) a while back
timotimo if the moarvm binary was compiled on the sailfish os device itself, that ought to give you all the right things
ilmari it might have regressecd, though
jnthn But yeah, building Rakudo in a memory-constrained environment will be the tricky part; the CORE.setting step is hungry
poohman 2 gigs memory in the phone
don't know how much I had free 14:31
timotimo i wonder if the uncurse work will enable us to make the core setting use noticably less ram 14:32
poohman it happened after the build of moarvm I think
timotimo the core setting compilation
ilmari you may have to fiddle with build/probe.pm to adjust the unaligned access detection
poohman give me an hour - can give the exact error and when it happened
timotimo that'll be helpful, i imagine 14:33
jnthn Bus Error feels like a slightly odd way for out of memory to be communicated; often it's Killed (by some OOM killer) an explicit out of memory error; MoarVM's various malloc calls are all guarded against NULL return.
So I'm suspecting it may be something else (even if there is a memory issue too)
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poohman2 ATTENTION: no --prefix supplied, building and installing to /home/nemo/source/rakudo/install 14:52
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poohman2 then it says make ***[gen/moar/stage1/nqpmo.moarvm] Bus error 14:55
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pmurias why when searching for 'try' docs.perl6.org shows 'infix gt' first? 15:22
sena_kun pmurias, fuzzing matching. Our docs search engine needs a lot of love. 15:23
timotimo poohman2: is that a call to Configure.pl that's giving you that? 15:28
if so, does it have a --gen-moar or something?
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sena_kun m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> <praise> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise { " $<name> is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:48
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in regex praise at <tmp> line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in regex praise at <tmp> line 1
sena_kun this grammar is impossible and bad-designed, obviously, should I put everything that uses my named capture in a single regex? 15:49
15:49 AlexDaniel left
jnthn That or pass it to <praise> as a parameter 15:49
sena_kun jnthn, how can I pass it as a parameter? 15:50
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jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> <praise($<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { " $name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:50
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in regex praise at <tmp> line 1
Use of Nil in string context
in regex praise at <tmp> line 1
jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { " $name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good."
camelia Nil
jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:51
camelia Nil
jnthn Hmmm
m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { { say ~$name } "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good."
camelia I am Jack.
I am Jack. Jack is good.
jnthn o.O 15:52
15:52 esh joined
jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise(~$<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { { say $name } "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:52
camelia I am Jack.
I am Jack. Jack is good.
jnthn Ohhh! 15:53
m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name><name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good."
camelia Nil
jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name><name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { { say $name } "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:54
camelia 「Jack」
「Jack. Jack is good」
15:54 esh left
jnthn Odd, so why's it not match... 15:54
m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name><name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { { say "$name is good." } "$name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good." 15:55
camelia Jack is good.
Jack. Jack is good is good.
jnthn Oh, because nothing eats the space between the sentences :-)
m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name><name>)> }; regex name {"I am " $<name>=(.+?) \.}; regex praise($name) { " $name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good."
camelia 「I am Jack. Jack is good.」
name => 「I am Jack.」
name => 「Jack」
praise => 「 Jack is good.」
jnthn There we go 15:56
sena_kun ah, thanks a lot
jnthn m: say grammar { regex TOP { <name> {} <praise($<name>)> }; regex name {"I am " <( $<name>=(.+?) )> \.}; regex praise($name) { " $name is good." } }.parse: "I am Jack. Jack is good."
camelia 「I am Jack. Jack is good.」
name => 「Jack」
name => 「Jack」
praise => 「 Jack is good.」
jnthn That's a bit cleaner
Depending on whether it doesn't fail to capture other stuff you need 15:57
sena_kun well, I am bad with regex/rule/token differentiation(docs say about rule/token difference only), so I am trying to get the working result by trial-and-error method now. :) 15:58
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sena_kun what does `{}` after `<name>` means in this context? 15:59
timotimo it will force named captures to have their value appear in them
jnthn Aye, which in turn is because we only produce or update $/ in a certain set of syntactic cases 16:00
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sena_kun ah, okay, let's try to integrate it with my code... 16:00
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jnthn Have fun :) 16:01
jnthn wanders off to cook
ugexe or create a rule for every possible name and use regex TOP { <name> {} <::($<name>)> } !
sena_kun this black magic is a bit too strong for me now 16:02
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ugexe let the darkness consume you 16:08
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TreyHarris emacs users: right now to create a .t or extensiosless file, if I'm starting in shell I "echo 'use v6.c;' > t/00-whatever.t; emacsclient -n !$", if I'm starting in emacs I just visit the file (which starts cperl-mode for .t and fundamental-mode for extensionless empty files), stick the "use v6.c;" in, save, and revert-buffer to have it re-autodetect and switch to perl6-mode. Aside from the obvious of making an 16:31
alias and/or emacs macro or elisp function, is there a cleverer way to create new Perl 6 files opening in perl6-mode?
sena_kun TreyHarris, if you don't work with perl, you can set perl6-mode to be automatically enabled for any .t files, is it not an option, I guess? 16:34
TreyHarris sena_kun: no, I work with Perl 5 too, more than Perl 6 if I'm on a job since I haven't gotten any of my work sites to let me use it yet :-) 16:35
sena_kun TreyHarris, well, then I cannot help you. Of course, you can record a macro(like "open a file with some name + .t, then write use v6 inside") and convert it to elisp then. some polishing work(for a custom filename, for example) should be done though. 16:37
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TreyHarris sena_kun: yes. there are a lot of templating and skeleton tools for Emacs, but the one I use (YAS--yet another snippet) is only made for inserting into existing files, not file creation. 16:39
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sena_kun TreyHarris, you can use elmacro package to record something and quickly convert it to elisp for a further work, I guess. 16:41
rogbro Error when trying to use mi6. When using the command "$ mi6 new A::B", I get the following error message "===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/pascal/.rakudobrew/moar-nom/install/share/perl6/site/resources/19DFC05B99EC4E218A1A8D9A1B966919724DE593
Two terms in a row
at /home/pascal/.rakudobrew/moar-nom/install/share/perl6/site/resources/19DFC05B99EC4E218A1A8D9A1B966919724DE593:1
------> @⏏ perl6 %~dpn0 %*
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
statement modifier loop". Any idea where it can come from ?
TreyHarris rogbro: yes, I commented in mi6 github with a workaround, check issues.
I can dig the link up if you give me a moment 16:42
rogbro: github.com/skaji/mi6/issues/14 16:43
But the issue's been closed, so did you install mi6 last week but only try to use it now?
16:44 rogbro left
TreyHarris n/m then :-) 16:45
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TreyHarris rogbro: did you see my answer, or were you split? 16:49
rogbro TreyHarris, oops sorry did not see it 16:50
TreyHarris rogbro: github.com/skaji/mi6/issues/14 16:51
But the issue's been closed, so did you install mi6 last week but only try to use it now?
that workaround should fix it though. (Assuming you're not actually running on Windows, that is...) 16:52
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geekosaur (but if they were on Windows then it would have worked) 16:54
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TreyHarris geekosaur: *should* have. I don't know PowerShell (though I'm starting to think learning it is my best hope for trying to understand Windows at all) so wouldn't know a valid thing from its rendering in Forth. 17:05
rogbro_ TreyHarris: I tried to uninstall and reinstall, but the issue is the same. zef still installs mi6.bat, which seems not consistent with what is on github. I had to clean manually .zef/store and reinstall. And now it works. Thank you ! 17:11
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TreyHarris rogbro: yw. perhaps skaji hasn't rebuilt the package yet. 17:13
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TreyHarris sena_kun and any other emacsers who may be curious: I asked on #emacs and consensus was the best solution was to write an interactive thet opens a buffer with perl6-mode explicitly named (easy) and then use auto-insert-mode to hook a function that, when perl6-mode is opened on an empty file, inserts the use v6 or shebang+use v6 as necessary 17:15
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raschipi Powershell isn't at the same level as bash, it does the same as a scriting language combined with a remote configuration management system. 17:16
rogbro quit
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TreyHarris I was unaware of auto-insert-mode, so this was one of those, "oh, that exists, okay, problem solved" things that so common with VMS 17:17
I meant Emacs
that is a REALLY funny Freudian slip if you're old enough to get it
raschipi: right, which is why I hink it would teach me about Windows in a way that learning bash doesn't really teach you about Unix 17:18
raschipi You'll have to also learn .net 17:19
TreyHarris hides 17:20
raschipi Sometimes the way to do something in Powershell is to write a C# applet and then call it from Powershell.
cmdlet they call them, I think, not applet
TreyHarris Well, I've had to learn C# because it's the easiest way a.t.m. to do VR programming. But I've managed to avoid .net thus far. 17:21
(C# actually isn't a bad language. It's better than C++11 for sure--I haven't re-learned C++ since then.) 17:22
17:23 esh left
raschipi I agree it's not a bad language, it just doesn't target any of the environments I'm interested in. 17:23
timotimo are you sure there's no powershell for linux? :) 17:24
raschipi Well, it's tied to .net anyway. And .net isn't integrated into linux yet. 17:25
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raschipi Everything that's useful in powershell for windows wasn't rewritten for linux yet. 17:26
timotimo mhm
TreyHarris github.com/Pash-Project/Pash
17:27 esh joined
TreyHarris reimplementation of PowerShell for Mono, may or may not still be in active development looks like. 17:27
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DrForr Pushed a very very *VERY* rough cut of Six::Zilla (perl6-Six-Zilla) to github. 18:32
18:35 Cabanossi left
DrForr El_Che: Around? 18:37
18:37 setty1 left 18:38 Cabanossi joined
El_Che yes 18:38
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DrForr --> over there (privmsg) 18:40
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alphah m: class N {has $.name; has $.location}; class U {has %.h = <x 1 y 2 z 3>; has N @.n}; 18:42
camelia ( no output )
alphah how to initialize @.n with instances of N, from %.h values (name, location) 18:43
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DrForr That just looks like the Z operator? 18:44
timotimo not more like %.h.kv? 18:45
with the opposite of .flat? :)
DrForr Oh, correct, I'm an idiot.
18:46 zakharyas left
alphah Not fully understood but I'm testing this now to get better idea 18:47
timotimo you can refer to other attributes in the initializers for your attributes, no? 18:48
DrForr m: %x=<x 1 y 2>; say "$k,$v" for %x.kv -> $k,$v;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '%x' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3<BOL>7⏏5%x=<x 1 y 2>; say "$k,$v" for %x.kv -> $
DrForr m: my %x=<x 1 y 2>; say "$k,$v" for %x.kv -> $k,$v;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$k' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my %x=<x 1 y 2>; say "7⏏5$k,$v" for %x.kv -> $k,$v;
DrForr Something cose...
alphah timotimo: yes 18:49
timotimo right, you also want to pick the kv apart and put it back as name and location
alphah got it, trying that now
timotimo i have something 18:50
class N { has $.name; has $.location }; class U { has %.h = <x 1 y 2 z 3>; has @.n = %!h.kv.map({ N.new(:name($^name.Str), :location($^location.Str)) }) }; U.new().perl.say
m: class N { has $.name; has $.location }; class U { has %.h = <x 1 y 2 z 3>; has @.n = %!h.kv.map({ N.new(:name($^name.Str), :location($^location.Str)) }) }; U.new().perl.say
camelia U.new(h => {:x(IntStr.new(1, "1")), :y(IntStr.new(2, "2")), :z(IntStr.new(3, "3"))}, n => [N.new(name => "1", location => "x"), N.new(name => "3", location => "z"), N.new(name => "2", location => "y")])
alphah timotimo: Thats exactly what I needed, Thanks you!! 18:54
timotimo :)
don't forget that if you have a submethod BUILD in your class, it'll override all the = foo in your class 18:55
but you can have a submethod TWEAK instead which doesn't have that problem
samcv good noon
tweak is convenient
alphah hmm, did not know that, luckily I dont have submethid BUILD (yet)
roger that
timotimo samcv: convenient and so ridiculously easy to implement!
sena_kun samcv, o/
samcv from a language creatosr perspective or for users? or both? 18:56
timotimo implementor's perspective
the patch that put it in was copy-paste of a few lines of code
samcv nice
18:59 nadim joined
nadim evening P6, delayed flight means some time to write some code, ahhhhh well, a simple question, if I have %h = < a b c d > but I also want an element like 'an e' in it, IE witha space in a string,how to do it? I know I can flatten the list and add an element but something even cleaner. 19:01
timotimo you can use " " inside << >> 19:02
m: say <<foo bar baz "an e" loop>>.perl.say
camelia ("foo", "bar", "baz", "an e", "loop")
geekosaur right, you basically can't do it with the < > syntax, it's a shorthand and not an especially flexible one 19:03
timotimo m: say <foo bar baz an\ e loop>.perl 19:04
camelia ("foo", "bar", "baz", "an\\", "e", "loop")
timotimo also not this way
nadim timotimo++ I saw it somewhere, thus my question, but there is so mucih goody in P6 one needs to stop doing anything else to learn everything about it (and you guys keep adding stuff!)
timotimo :) 19:05
sena_kun samcv, hi! I am going to bed now, so a bit of, eeeh, how should I say it. Overall result, maybe. I have thought about ecosystem testing automitisation a bit. Something I had on mind is a script that can consume logs +/- some previous state and parse it into some intermediate representation of all modules(name, is-ok, missed dependency, etc), export it to github issue format(or something like that), also diffs between old state(if it is
present) and current will be cool too. Now I am parsing the log with a grammar, it takes about 2 minutes on my slow machine to parse it all, though the grammar is still incomplete. Looking forward for a cooperation on this weekend. :)
samcv heh
latest install log is here hack.p6c.org/~samcv/install_log_liv...4-2017.txt i'm naming them based on dates now. :) which is quite helpful 19:06
3.1MB :X
but. if you prefer. i could make the log a json file
with one log for each module attempted to be installed
or some other type of thing
19:07 xinming_ left
samcv hmm. or maybe a json with fail/pass for each of the modules.i might be able to do that. 19:07
probably more useful initially 19:08
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sena_kun samcv, well, it would be very helpful, because now I need to split the file manually by PASS/FAIL marks. It is just one line of code, though. 19:09
samcv what format of info would you like to include? maybe date and time of the test?
sena_kun { name: x, log: x, flag: ok|nok } is a minimum I would consider useful, perhaps. I don't have anything particular on my mind, but I have some hands that write (bad) perl 6 code, that's all. 19:10
samcv ok i think i'll have the log saved to a file, and be a reference to a specific file 19:11
so i don't slow down the build by regenning json
zengargoyle what's a way to do this that is back compatible with v6.c? : my Buf $b = do { my $f = 'empty.dat'.IO.open: :bin; $f.slurp }; 19:12
that works in current rakudo but not v6.c, and the thing that worked in v6.c doesn't work in current rakudo. 19:13
sena_kun well, then just .tell me about any results/design decisions so I could begin to work early after sleeping. thanks.
DrForr samcv: I should probably mention that I just put up a very bare-bones outline of a p6 version of Dist::Zilla up on my GH account as drforr/perl6-Six-Zilla.git it probably doesn't even compile, so treat it as working notes instead of application if you want to read through it. 19:14
19:14 mr-foobar left, labster joined
DrForr www.oreilly.com/ideas - ORA is looking for "programming recipes" in different languages, if someone has a good idea for one send it to [email@hidden.address] and I'll forward it to ORA so we can get some coverage. 19:17
zengargoyle ponders ... my Buf $b = do { use v6.c; my $f = 'empty.dat'.IO.open; $f.read($f.s) }; ... 19:18
samcv zengargoyle, what are you trying to do. just slurp a file and get a Buf? 19:19
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timotimo don't forget to also close your file handle 19:20
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zengargoyle samcv: pretty much. i think the IO changes going on are making the old way no longer work and the new way isn't present in the old. 19:21
timotimo: yeah, think i read that somewhere. 19:22
this if from Text-Fortune and is a blob of bytes that later gets unpacked. 19:23
timotimo what, we can't slurp(:bin)? 19:25
zengargoyle currently the $f.s throws a no such method .s on IO::Handle and $f.slurp throws no such method .slurp on IO.Handle (under v6c)
timotimo so try slurp($filename, :bin)?
zengargoyle t/01_empty.t ... Method 'slurp' not found for invocant of class 'IO::Handle'
in block <unit> at t/01_empty.t line 7
timotimo i think that has worked since a long time
zengargoyle no under v6.c :P 19:26
19:26 sena_kun left
zengargoyle thinks that's why id did the $f.read($f.s) way. 19:26
timotimo huh, damn 19:27
zengargoyle it's only in testing code, so i can probably work around it somehow. or bump revisions and have older version for v6.c and new version for current... but that seems painful. 19:29
it may be that thing i think i glossed over in the IO work related updates about IO::Handle vs IO::Path or some such. maybe the .s function has just moved out of Handle to Path or something. 19:33
timotimo i'm surprised you can't just .read(0) to get all data in the file 19:34
but that could also give you default_read_amount
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stmuk_ pl6anet.org/drop/rakudo-star-2017.04-RC1.tar.gz 19:45
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TreyHarris timotimo: v6.c IO::Handle has slurp-rest, no slurp 19:50
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timotimo right 19:52
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zengargoyle this works on both so far: my Buf $b = do { my $f = 'empty.dat'.IO; my $s = $f.s; $f.open(:bin).read($s); }; 19:53
i.e. no .s from an open handle.
zengargoyle at least tests work under current rakudo and v6.c now :P 19:54