»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! Set by moritz on 22 December 2015. |
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Geth | doc: CurtTilmes++ created pull request #1293: Add section on Pod rendering to Text |
00:38 | |
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Geth | doc: 5ced9b13d0 | (Curt Tilmes)++ (committed by Zoffix Znet) | doc/Language/pod.pod6 Add section on Pod rendering to Text (#1293) * Add section on rendering Pod to Text * typo head => head2 |
02:07 | |
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samcv | this is not bad gist.github.com/samcv/5339208c44a4...8e02dd0cee | 02:10 | |
that md was generated from a script | 02:11 | ||
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Geth | Swapped META.info → META6.json in 2 dists in github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/005317e258 | 02:44 | |
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ugexe | github.com/ugexe/zef/issues/154#is...-298141904 # spdx expression grammar with a recursion problem :/ | 02:48 | |
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TreyHarris | alphah: samcv ranguard huggable DrForr ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ilmari ugexe u68fiuk6sf | 03:20 | |
argh, cat | |||
sorry | |||
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Geth | Swapped META.info → META6.json in 2 dists in github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/e1b91980d6 | 03:44 | |
ugexe | samcv: github.com/ugexe/zef/compare/reporter can generate these testers.p6c.org/reports/145801.html in addition to your ecosystem-tests, but its not in master | 03:56 | |
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TreyHarris | Design q: If you can write a typical object-construction passed-attribute sanity-check as a (simple) argument constraint, should you do the sanity-checking that way and not by throwing a custom exception in the BUILD/TWEAK body? Does your opinion change if most sanity checks can be done that way, but one argument can't? If not, should I throw an X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter myself, or throw a custom | 04:03 | |
exception for this single argument? | |||
Since if I get into the body, the failure was not in binding, seems like I should throw something else. But that makes it feel more like I shouldn't use argument constraints for this purpose at all | 04:05 | ||
it's an implementation detail that I sanitized my input in a way that made binding fail. (Can I customize the exception messages a named subset will throw?) | 04:07 | ||
skids | If we are talking about where clauses on a custom .new, I'd stop short of saying those should be "avoided", but they AFAIK they have speed penalties, and they definitely have side-affects on MMD if your .new may ever be multified. | 04:12 | |
Well, you can catch and throw something else I guess. | 04:13 | ||
TreyHarris | skids: I was talking where clauses or named subset parameters on BUILD, i.e. | 04:16 | |
m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar(x => 3).say | |||
camelia | Cannot coerce to Bar with named arguments in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar(x => 3).perl.say | ||
camelia | Cannot coerce to Bar with named arguments in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | oh, this works in v6.c | ||
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TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar(x => -3) | 04:17 | |
camelia | Cannot coerce to Bar with named arguments in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
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sena_kun | 04:18 | ||
yoleaux | 28 Apr 2017 23:54Z <samcv> sena_kun: new format for the module tests. json overview, and in a folder of the same name seperate log files for each module's installation run hack.p6c.org/~samcv/ecosystem-tests/ | ||
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TreyHarris | bisectable6: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar(x => 3).perl.say | 04:19 | |
bisectable6 | TreyHarris, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=5e74017) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well | ||
TreyHarris, Output on both points: «Cannot coerce to Bar with named arguments in block <unit> at /tmp/8j2PGqgXT3 line 1» | |||
TreyHarris | whuh? I just copy-pasted from the REPL | ||
skids | Why coerce and not .new? | ||
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TreyHarris | skids: oh, that was my mistake, in closing the lines up for camelia I removed the new- | 04:21 | |
m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => -3).perl.say | |||
camelia | Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$x'; expected Bar::Positive but got Int (-3) in submethod BUILD at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => 3).perl.say | 04:22 | |
camelia | Bar.new(y => 3) | ||
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TreyHarris | skids: you would recommend writing a new and not a BUILD? why? it seems like a simple input-sanity check shouldn't be a heavy-lift operation | 04:23 | |
skids | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod BUILD(:$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => -3).perl.say | 04:24 | |
camelia | Type check failed in assignment to $!y; expected Bar::Positive but got Int (-3) in submethod BUILD at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod TWEAK(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => 3).perl.say; Bar.new(x => -3).perl.say | ||
camelia | Bar.new(y => 3) Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$x'; expected Bar::Positive but got Int (-3) in submethod TWEAK at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
TreyHarris | even TWEAK works | ||
skids | Don't know which message I prefer, too tired. | ||
No I was just assuming you were using new. | |||
samcv | o/ sena_kun | ||
sena_kun | samcv, o/ | 04:25 | |
samcv | have a script i'll upload that generates this gist.github.com/samcv/5339208c44a4...8e02dd0cee | ||
well not automatically. but i'll probably work it into the other script | |||
skids | I suppose the binding message at least says the name of the parameter. | ||
anyway, sleep time. | 04:27 | ||
sena_kun | samcv, haven't you already done all the work? :o | ||
samcv | maybe. idk | ||
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samcv | it's not automated yet and idk where to put it yet | 04:27 | |
or how to keep track of issues | 04:28 | ||
but at least one point further i guess | |||
TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod TWEAK(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => 3).perl.say; try { CATCH { default { say .WHAT.perl }; Bar.new(x => -3).perl.say } | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Missing block at <tmp>:1 ------> 3WHAT.perl }; Bar.new(x => -3).perl.say }7⏏5<EOL> |
sena_kun | samcv, well, github.com/perl6/ecosystem/wiki/St...les-on-nom - this page was created, but haven't used since 2012(oh wow), so I think, we can use it now. | ||
samcv | hmm | 04:29 | |
and now the thing has stalled. i think. it's asking me for github password and username | |||
TreyHarris | m: class Bar { subset Positive of Int where * >= 0; has Positive $.y; submethod TWEAK(Positive :$x = 0) { $!y = $x } }; Bar.new(x => 3).perl.say; try { CATCH { default { say .WHAT.perl } }; Bar.new(x => -3) } | 04:30 | |
camelia | Bar.new(y => 3) X::TypeCheck::Binding::Parameter |
ugexe | exceeded your request limit? | ||
samcv | messed up my tty and now it's not responding anymore | 04:31 | |
TreyHarris | samcv: are you using an OAuth token, or ssh? | ||
samcv | this is a server. it doesn't have git setup on my account | ||
and it only happens for some module i'm not sure which | 04:32 | ||
ugexe | ah, a bad url usually | ||
samcv | but it should kill it. | ||
idk why it ruins everything | |||
TreyHarris | samcv: I don't understand. It's doing things on your behalf on github, how can it not have your account? | ||
samcv | the tty is mostly frozen | ||
it isn't doing anything on github | 04:33 | ||
different than the one i've been submiting PR with | |||
sena_kun | afk for 5 mins | ||
TreyHarris | But in general, ssh and password-based https gets throttled after many fewer requests than a token does. | ||
samcv | so this one only does client side things on git | ||
i have no setup. are you implying github is throttling clone's? | |||
or whatever? | |||
got to 528 modules or so | |||
i don't think so because if i start it again. it'll work | 04:34 | ||
ok good. `clear` fixed my tty | |||
TreyHarris | no; you said it's asking for your github username and password. No git-local operation can do that. | ||
samcv | it installs using zef | ||
this is the last text on the screen gist.github.com/samcv/8aaa3b37bd3a...c9c104d0b8 | 04:35 | ||
ugexe | its from `git clone github.com/xxx/xxx` | ||
samcv | though it was asking for github username and password | ||
isn't that only for pushing | 04:36 | ||
unless the module does something stupid? | |||
ugexe | not if the url is bad | ||
TreyHarris | oh. a clone is an operation that gets throttled by IP if you don't give credentials | ||
samcv | ah | ||
yeah, though i will restart it and it'll work fine. it used to stall at the beginning of the build after like 100, but then i randomized module install order | 04:37 | ||
so it's gotta be module | |||
TreyHarris | using any authenticated version will get you past that throttling threshold; using an OAuth token will get you even higher threshold. | ||
ugexe | something in the ecosystem declared their source-url wrong | ||
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samcv | but it might be Ncurses? that's the last thing it starts to test? | 04:38 | |
ugexe | it fetched Ncurses, so no | ||
unless Ncurses messed up your tty? | |||
samcv | possible | 04:39 | |
i can check the json for the last module it built | |||
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samcv | file::compare is the last one to have any json data, so it must have hung before that point | 04:42 | |
ugexe | well it would happen during the fetch phase of some module or any of its dependencies | ||
samcv | wish i knew what it was doing at the time | ||
yeah | |||
i guess i'll make it output the json before testing completes then | 04:43 | ||
and put status as pending or something | |||
ugexe | i would first do a check for invalid urls in the ecosystem | 04:44 | |
for source-url | |||
samcv | hm | ||
yeah that could work too. but. it will be useful in the future to add it to my script as well | 04:45 | ||
also i have it supposed to kill things if they take too long | |||
but doesn't work in this case | |||
maybe shuold try and kill all git processses if it has to kill things | |||
sena_kun | and you can also add a simple `say "Next module is: $name"`, to be able to see the exact place of hang | 04:46 | |
samcv | well i want it to all be done by json sena_kun ideally | ||
and not have to look at a log file. | |||
except *permodule* | |||
ugexe | run with --debug | ||
i think that will expose it | |||
samcv | run zef with --debug? | ||
ugexe | it should be happening during the fetch phase, and those messages dont show without --verbose or --debug | 04:47 | |
samcv | ok i'll do that then ugexe | ||
sena_kun | I meant to catch a hang, but --debug option is better for sure. | 04:48 | |
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samcv | ok added those options, starting a new build now | 04:52 | |
yeah i understoon sena_kun. should put it in the json though, so will be helpful even if the output goes screwy due to Ncurses or something being tested | |||
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sena_kun | samcv, let's see then. With json and semi-automatical pretty modules list generation(it can be passed to the wiki page, I guess), my automatisation desires are satisfied. Is there something else I can do? | 04:54 | |
samcv | uhm | ||
yes. | 04:55 | ||
figure out how i can keep track of issues i guess | |||
so i have this on git now github.com/samcv/rakudo-appimage/b...ingmods.p6 | |||
has hardcoded files in atm, but should be good for testing. but we need some way to report issues and be able to find them. so idk. maybe we want to have them have a title with certain text? | 04:56 | ||
what do you think | |||
that will save a ton of work if it can automatically update the status of the ticket/pr | |||
sena_kun | also, I can give you an (almost) exact list of modules with missing dependencies(though some of them looks strange, for example, readline). | ||
*look | 04:57 | ||
samcv | sena_kun, what's the best way to find if they're missing dependencies? maybe we should use the conglomerate json file that's made up of all the meta's in the eco | ||
and make sure that they exist? hm | |||
show me a gist sena_kun | |||
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sena_kun | samcv, missing native dependencies, I meant. | 04:58 | |
samcv | oh | ||
sure show me it anyway | |||
sena_kun | and it can be found by grep|sort|uniq, so I'll be back quickly... | ||
samcv | ok :) | 04:59 | |
sena_kun, what's your github name? | 05:01 | ||
sena_kun | samcv, Altai-man. give me a sec... | 05:04 | |
samcv | ok | ||
sena_kun | samcv, gist.github.com/Altai-man/64a8523a...246a1e949a | 05:05 | |
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samcv | sena_kun, ok i invited you to the repo | 05:06 | |
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samcv | just feel free to add as much stuff as you want github.com/samcv/rakudo-appimage-m...stallation | 05:09 | |
sena_kun | samcv, okay. as I understand it, you want to automatically create issues about failing modules and gather fixed modules, but. if this build will be run everyday, then if module fixed, we can check it as "the module was nok, now it is ok", I am not sure that we really need to keep a watch over created issues(repo owner can easily close them after appropriate fixing). | 05:10 | |
samcv | we are not to the creation stage yet | ||
we are to automating updating status of existing tickets | |||
but eventually that would be cool. but taking it one step at a time :) | |||
atm need to find a way to use github's issue api to track the status, and identify them. so we can open a ticket, add something to the title or somewhere in the body idk yet (or maybe there's another way? idk) | 05:11 | ||
and have the list automatically populate with the issue | 05:12 | ||
without needing to copy and paste the issue/pr | |||
but feel free to add any ideas to that page i linked you to | |||
sena_kun | okay, so the current problem is to create an issue(without double-posting) for every failing module repo, right? | 05:15 | |
samcv | that would be the end point | ||
sena_kun | hmmm. The steps "update" and "create" is reversed in my mind. | ||
samcv | for now trying to have it automatically check if an issue we've opened has closed/is still open etc | ||
yeah | |||
sena_kun | you meant existing tickets opened by hands? | 05:16 | |
samcv | for now yes | ||
but feel free to figure out how to open issues as well (well i know you *can* open issues, but a prerequisite for that is not duplicating them... which means identifying if a ticket is already there) | 05:17 | ||
or also identify if a ticket is already open on the project for example. so. it all goes together. but opening tickets is what we should do after we've already gotten issue identification down | 05:18 | ||
unless nobody cares about making duplicate issues and annoying people :X | |||
for now could be as simple as putting [all-module-test] in the issue title or something and grepping for that. | 05:19 | ||
ugexe | <!--- jobtype=checkfoo --> in the issue, then check all issues for the identifier | ||
samcv | but that's under engineered for sure | ||
what identifier? | |||
oh | 05:20 | ||
you mean literally a comment | |||
sena_kun | hmm, okay. I'll google some ways of indentifying, but some static title like `[Tests are failing]` seems quite good for me. | ||
ugexe | yeah, in the issue body | ||
sena_kun | or comment, right. | ||
samcv | hmm true | ||
but yeah. that's the next stage :) | |||
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samcv | sena_kun, do you have the `hub` program? | 05:21 | |
it lets you do some things with github api from the command line. may be useful. though may be more sophisticated ways to do it for sure. | |||
like using their api and curl or whatever and processing the json for the issue. but yeah | 05:22 | ||
sena_kun | samcv, nope, but I can install it easily. | ||
samcv | api.github.com/repos/rakudo/rakudo gives you json like for this is, info about the repo itself | ||
yeah. it's cool. not *needed* for this. but i used it for making PR | 05:23 | ||
probably easier to use github's api to process issue's though. than having to process text and not json, and dealing with parsing | |||
sena_kun | I thought about using perl6 module for this task(is our git wrappers ready? let's see). | 05:24 | |
samcv | curl '-H' 'Authorization: token MYTOKENHERE' 'api.github.com/rate_limit' < for example that's how to use oauth tokens. if you read about that | ||
yeah i'm not sure. that would be nice as well | |||
one for checking issues especially would be useful for this case | |||
sena_kun | of course, raw github html parsing is not an option. :) | ||
samcv | issues and PR | ||
hahaha | |||
that would kill me | |||
sena_kun | okay, a script that uses api to look into the repo and checks it for a certain title/comment labeled issue. | 05:26 | |
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samcv | yep :) be back in an hour or so | 06:05 | |
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poohman | Hello all, when I pipe into Perl6 from Bash variable should I use? $0? Can someone help me with an example | 07:04 | |
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samcv | poohman, pipe into perl6? or use command line args? | 07:17 | |
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poohman | im trying something like this | 07:17 | |
samcv | command line args are in @*ARGS array | ||
poohman | oh ok | 07:18 | |
let me try once | |||
I tried earlier - find ~/ -name zef| perl6 -ne {'say $0'} | 07:19 | ||
bear with me - noob here | 07:20 | ||
find ~/ -name zef|perl6 -ne {'say @*ARGS'} | 07:21 | ||
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poohman | shows empty arrays | 07:21 | |
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parv | just updated rakudo to 5e74017. make build dies during Configuration phase | 07:41 | |
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poohman | samcv: find ~/ -name zef|xargs perl6 test1.p6 works | 07:43 | |
cant I directly pipe it in like in AWK?? | |||
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poohman | find ~/ -name zef|xargs perl6 -e {'say @*ARGS'} works | 07:46 | |
but not with -ne | |||
samcv : thanks | |||
shadowpaste | "parv" at pasted "rakudo updated to 5e74017d; make build dies while updating MoatVM" (12 lines) at fpaste.scsys.co.uk/559070 | 07:50 | |
parv | well, MoarVM update dives into the moat of despair | 07:53 | |
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parv | trying again after removing nqp/MoarVM/ ... | 08:00 | |
shadowpaste | "parv" at pasted "FreeBSD 11, rakudo r5e74017d: fails t/04-nativecall/02-simple-args.t" (22 lines) at fpaste.scsys.co.uk/559071 | 08:07 | |
sena_kun | how can I calculate is file modifying DateTime is older than now for 1 day? I know I can subtract it to Duration and then calculate seconds in a day, then compare, but it is not an elegant way to deal with things. | ||
ah, stop, I can just do .day and then compare. | 08:09 | ||
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sena_kun | samcv, can I add new stuff to your repo freely? | 08:11 | |
parv | i wonder if Apple clang -O3 exception would apply to FreeBSD clang 4.0.0 | 08:15 | |
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parv | sent the bug report: perl #131237 | 08:42 | |
synopsebot6 | Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=131237 | ||
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u-ou | moo | 08:47 | |
samcv | yes sena_kun | 08:48 | |
also make sure to follow clone instructions in the README sena_kun or you'll be dling like a GB | 08:49 | ||
of appimage builds for a month XD | |||
git clone --single-branch | |||
sena_kun | sure | ||
I've already clonned it | |||
samcv | single branch or the whole thing? | ||
sena_kun | single branch | ||
samcv | good :) | ||
sena_kun | I'm on 3g. :) | 08:50 | |
I wrote a script for checking that can be extended(to create issues, etc). Just pushed it. | |||
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samcv | sweet :) | 08:50 | |
sena_kun | samcv, github.com/samcv/rakudo-appimage-m...checker.p6 - here it is. | 08:51 | |
And the bad news is that we cannot access wiki pages from api to update it. :/ | |||
samcv | hm | ||
oh you can clone the wiki maybe? | 08:52 | ||
sena_kun | there is a way if we store wiki in another repo, but I do not like that workaround, to be honest. | ||
samcv | see answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/240241...github-api | ||
sena_kun | yep, I've seen it, google is my friend. :) | 08:53 | |
samcv | kk :) | ||
but. if i clone that repo | |||
i get files | |||
that are the same files in the wiki | 08:54 | ||
and i just pushed to it | |||
hm. are you able to clone and push to it sena_kun ? | |||
sena_kun | samcv, let's try... | 08:55 | |
samcv | .o(suspects there are secret git repository url's to issues, that nobody can use) | 08:56 | |
wish they'd let you check that out or whatever. but then anybody could leave github. and they would be unhappy | |||
sena_kun | what is exact link you used to clone? | ||
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sena_kun | ah, nm | 08:57 | |
yes, I've cloned the wiki | |||
samcv | ne [email@hidden.address] | ||
timotimo | huh, .wiki.git is a thing? | ||
samcv | apparently | 08:58 | |
timotimo | cool | ||
samcv | i'll be back in like 30 mins then take a look at your script sena_kun before i go to sleep | 08:59 | |
have a headache | |||
sena_kun | samcv, push is successful, I will look into page updation work later. Sure, take your time and have a nice sleep! | 09:00 | |
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Geth | Inline-Perl5/master: 4 commits pushed by (Brock Wilcox)++, (Stefan Seifert)++ | 09:17 | |
rub_ixCube | hello, I just recently installed perl6 and I was wondering how I added `/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/bin` and `/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/share/site/bin` to PATH? | 09:18 | |
timotimo | hi | 09:19 | |
to be honest, i don't know what the exact proper way is, but i think what you ought to do is open the file .profile in your home directory and see if there's already a line containing "PATH" in it | 09:20 | ||
if so, you can add those two lines in there with the path separator, which is usually a : between them | |||
rub_ixCube | oh ok Ill Try! | 09:21 | |
timotimo | if not, write something like "export PATH=/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/bin:/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/share/site/bin:$PATH" in there | ||
rub_ixCube | so like this? `export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH":"/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/bin":"/opt/rakudo-star-2017.01/share/perl6/site/bin"` | 09:23 | |
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nine | rub_ixCube: looks good | 09:23 | |
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timotimo | oh, i never tried having "" in there | 09:24 | |
but if there's already something there and it's using that, it must be good | 09:25 | ||
rub_ixCube | doesn't work ;( | ||
timotimo | this will only take effect for new terminals you open, and other programs usually have to wait for a newly logged-in desktop-environment to give the new values to the programs | ||
rub_ixCube | i know, i do it in a new terminal every time | 09:26 | |
nine | What does echo $PATH give you? | ||
timotimo | you're checking by running "echo $PATH"? | ||
rub_ixCube | or do all the terminals have to be closed? | ||
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rub_ixCube | my PATH arguments are not there... | 09:27 | |
timotimo | only newly opened terminals will have it, but you can "source ~/.profile" in your existing terminals to get the values | ||
nine | rub_ixCube: you could try to log out/log in. I'm not sure when exactly .profile will be sourced. I usually put my settings in .bashrc | 09:28 | |
rub_ixCube | oh Ill Try There then, (not .bashrc though, .zshrc) | ||
works now :) | 09:29 | ||
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moritz | \o | 09:42 | |
jnthn, masak: this looks like a copy&paste artifact: github.com/jnthn/json-path/blob/ma...NSE.txt#L1 | 09:43 | ||
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timotimo | hack.p6c.org/~timo/forestfire_callgraph.svg | 10:57 | |
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sena_kun | timotimo, looks cool. What is it? inb4: forestfire callgraph. | 11:16 | |
MasterDuke_ | timotimo: cool, i've wanted something like that for a while | ||
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MasterDuke_ | i'm going to blame the early hour and lack of coffee yet on taking forever to realize TSTRAP.nqp is actually BOOTSTRAP.nqp | 11:22 | |
DrForr | I think something might have broken trailing backslashes in a recent update - "2 for 1\\n" was previously valid code even with nothing after the continuation backslash, my test case now seems to lock up. | 11:41 | |
Actually it seems to be an error now, ignore my previous statement. | 11:42 | ||
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Geth | ecosystem: 1c57cc54b1 | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | META.list Rename META for Net::AMQP |
12:31 | |
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Geth | doc: 9a63dc4d19 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 [io grant] Document IO::Path.cleanup |
13:35 | |
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Geth | doc: 40740060b8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Path.pod6 Fix .gist output in example |
14:00 | |
doc: CurtTilmes++ created pull request #1294: Added a note about run/shell exceptions due to non-zero exits |
14:03 | ||
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timotimo | hack.p6c.org/~timo/forestfire_callgraph_2.svg - what do y'all think? | 14:18 | |
moritz | nice | 14:21 | |
can you sort it vertically by time spent? | |||
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grondilu | TIL Microsoft Edge is terrible at displaying SVG | 14:29 | |
MasterDuke_ | would it make it too busy to split the progress bar box and have an exclusive time progress bar below? | 14:32 | |
Geth | doc: 2387ce3518 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files [io grant] Re-write IO::Handle.close docs |
14:39 | |
timotimo | MasterDuke_: i would have rather put an exclusive time box in the name-of-function-box instead | 14:43 | |
MasterDuke_ | yeah, that'd be good too | 14:44 | |
timotimo | then i'll need to inner-join on the calls table *again* :D | ||
to get the children this time | |||
Geth | doc: 79a5fce84a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/phasers.pod6 Add note that LEAVE phasers do get run even when routine param binding fails |
14:45 | |
MasterDuke_ | luckily they are fast queries on tables this small | 14:46 | |
timotimo | right | ||
hm. i might actually need a subquery here | |||
Geth | Swapped META.info → META6.json in 1 dists in github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/5c6f4ad301 | 14:48 | |
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timotimo | can't get it to not syntax error | 14:57 | |
Geth | doc: 0def0d131a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Type/IO/Handle.pod6 [io grant] Amend IO::Handle.close docs - Be explicit written data may be lost if handle isn't closed, since GC isn't guaranteed to be run. - This isn't the case ATM since we don't seem to be buffering stuff, but we might do eventually. |
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timotimo | hack.p6c.org/~timo/forestfire_callgraph_3.svg now also has the contribution of each node in the node itself | 15:17 | |
i.e. the bar inside a node will give 100% when summed with the bars coming out of that node | |||
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timotimo | F5 for straighter lines and entry counts | 15:34 | |
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timotimo | moritz: i sort it by time now, here's how that looks like: hack.p6c.org/~timo/forestfire_callgraph_4.svg | 15:43 | |
i think i want to have the entries divided by the parent's entries | |||
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timotimo | well, maybe later | 15:51 | |
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Geth | Inline-Perl5: dfeea1b626 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 6 files Move the remaining roles into separate files |
16:05 | |
TreyHarris | I think my failure to understand this reflect a deep misunderstanding of whatevers: | ||
m: my @g = (<a b c>, 1..3).flat; say @g.map({.WHAT}) | |||
camelia | ((Str) (Str) (Str) (Int) (Int) (Int)) | ||
TreyHarris | m: my @g = (<a b c>, 1..3).flat; say @g.map(*.WHAT) | ||
camelia | Cannot resolve caller map(Array: Whatever); none of these signatures match: ($: Hash \h, *%_) (\SELF: █; :$label, :$item, *%_) (HyperIterable:D $: █; :$label, *%_) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
geekosaur | I think that's more because .WHAT is magic | ||
TreyHarris | m: my @g = (<a b c>, 1..3).flat; say @g.map(&WHAT) | 16:07 | |
camelia | ((Str) (Str) (Str) (Int) (Int) (Int)) | ||
geekosaur | basically .WHAT is actually a macro somewhere in the compiler, and here it's misexpanding and leading to odd calls | ||
(probably being invoked on the Whatever itself instead of waiting for the Whatever to be applied to a parameter) | 16:08 | ||
TreyHarris | okay... then my gut that this transformation of .map({ .method-on-item }) -> .map( *.method-on-item) should pretty much always work isn't invalid, it just has exceptions? | 16:09 | |
geekosaur | it;s unreliable when the method is secretly a MOP call (so any of the uppercase ones are potentially tricky) | ||
TreyHarris | do we create MOP calls we might think are simple method calls via any of the normal language features (roles, traits, etc.)? | 16:11 | |
geekosaur | I don't think so, just those special uppercase ones | 16:12 | |
also iirc .WHY and .HOW are safe (.HOW would pretty much have to be since the others expand to uses of it) | 16:14 | ||
Geth | Inline-Perl5: c1a8e24f81 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files Move remaining Inline::Perl5::Object setup code to that class' file |
16:16 | |
Inline-Perl5: 13a06fe3e4 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | lib/Inline/Perl5.pm6 Move Perl 5 code to the =finish section Confuses the syntax highlighter way less and reduces the init_callbacks methods' size considerably. |
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poohman | Hello, what is the difference between the following, | 17:07 | |
my $a= point.new(x=>0.2,y=>0.24,z=>0.55); | |||
my point $a.new(x=>0.2,y=>0.24,z=>0.55); | 17:08 | ||
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jnthn | Did you mean `my point $a .= new(...);` ? | 17:08 | |
geekosaur | I don't think that second one is legal. did you mean: ... that | ||
and the difference is the type of $a is Any in the first one, so you could assign a non-"point" to it later | 17:09 | ||
jnthn | I suspect the second one may be legal syntax, but it sure won't end up with a point object in $a :) | ||
poohman | the 2nd one didnt give an error | 17:10 | |
but it said that it cannot look up attributes in a type object | 17:11 | ||
jnthn | Yeah, it'll parse the same as (my point $a).new(x=>0.2,y=>0.24,z=>0.55) | 17:12 | |
So, $a contains the point type object; .new is called on that, but the result is never stored anywhere, so the object is discarded. | 17:13 | ||
And $a is left containing the point type object | |||
poohman | ah ok | ||
thanks | 17:14 | ||
jnthn | The correct way to write `my point $a = point.new(...)` without repeating point is the .= operator, which means "make a method call and assign the result" | ||
my point $a .= new(...); | |||
poohman | got it | ||
jnthn | .= is actually a bit more general | ||
You can use it to turn any immutable method into a mutating one | 17:15 | ||
m: my $a = "food"; say $a.uc; say $a; $a .= uc; say $a; | |||
camelia | FOOD food FOOD |
jnthn | There, `$a .= uc` is short for `$a = $a.uc` | ||
jnthn wanders off for dinner | 17:16 | ||
poohman | thanks | 17:17 | |
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poohman | Another question - right now I have overloaded the say method for a class but can use it only as $a.say to get the overloaded function | 17:22 | |
if I use it as say $a; | 17:23 | ||
i get the default method - can I overload it and still use it as say $a;?? | |||
Geth | ecosystem: fbe1641bad | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list Add Trait::IO to ecosystem Helper IO trait to auto-close filehandles on scope leave: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Trait-IO/ |
17:25 |