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Herby_ | given a file name, whats the best way to remove the extension from the name? | 00:20 | |
test.txt, script.pl | |||
i have a large amount of files, and they may have multiple '.' throughout the file names | 00:21 | ||
basically i'm trying to print out file names to a textfile, without the extensions on them | 00:23 | ||
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Alexdaniel | m: say ‘hello.tar.gz’.IO.extension(‘’, parts => ^999) | 00:31 | |
camelia | "hello".IO | ||
Alexdaniel | I really don't know | 00:32 | |
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Zoffix | m: 'foo.bar.ber'.split('.').head.say | 00:49 | |
camelia | foo | ||
Zoffix | Herby_: ^ | ||
Just use split | |||
Herby_ | nice! and grab everything except for the last element and join back to get the file name? | 00:50 | |
for your example i'd want: foo.bar | |||
Zoffix | Herby_: so you want to remove just the last part? | 00:51 | |
Herby_ | yep. if I have script.pl, story.txt, I'd want to print out: script, story | ||
but the file path might have multiple '.' in them | |||
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Zoffix | m: say ~.IO.extension: '' for <script.pl story.txt> | 00:52 | |
camelia | script story |
Herby_ | :) | ||
Zoffix | Herby_: there are extensive docs for .extension routine: docs.perl6.org/routine/extension#(..._extension | ||
It can handle the first case too, but it's way faster to just use split | |||
Herby_ | gotcha | ||
i was poking through the IO docs, figured there was a way but I didnt see it | 00:53 | ||
i'll give this a shot, thanks! | |||
Zoffix | m: say "foo.tar.gz".IO.extension: '', :parts(^Inf); | 00:54 | |
camelia | Can only use numeric, non-NaN Ranges as :parts in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Zoffix | boo... how in the world did that slip through like a gazillion tests | ||
m: say "foo.tar.gz".IO.extension: '', :parts(0..Inf); | |||
camelia | "foo".IO | ||
Zoffix | :| | ||
BenGoldberg | m: dd ^Inf; | 00:55 | |
camelia | (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... lazy list) | ||
BenGoldberg | m: (^Inf).perl.say; | 00:56 | |
camelia | 0..^Inf | ||
BenGoldberg | m: (0..Inf).perl.say; | ||
camelia | 0..Inf | ||
BenGoldberg | m: say "foo.tar.gz".IO.extension: '', :parts(0..^Inf); | ||
camelia | Can only use numeric, non-NaN Ranges as :parts in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
BenGoldberg | m: say "foo.tar.gz".IO.extension: '', :parts(0^..Inf); | ||
camelia | Can only use numeric, non-NaN Ranges as :parts in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Zoffix | m: dd (^Inf).minmax # <- reason | 00:58 | |
camelia | Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "Cannot return minmax on Range with excluded ends"), backtrace => Backtrace.new) | ||
Zoffix | LTA error too; it's only non-int ranges | 00:59 | |
raschipi | Shouldn't .minmax detect that the ends are ^Inf and just treat them the same as Inf? | ||
Zoffix | nope; it's not the max | 01:00 | |
raschipi | m: dd (0..Inf).minmax | 01:01 | |
camelia | (0, Inf) | ||
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raschipi | m: dd (0..^Inf).minmax | 01:01 | |
camelia | Failure.new(exception => X::AdHoc.new(payload => "Cannot return minmax on Range with excluded ends"), backtrace => Backtrace.new) | ||
raschipi | What's the difference between (0..Inf) and (^Inf)? | 01:02 | |
Zoffix | raschipi: the former includes Inf, the latter doesn't | 01:03 | |
^5 is the same as 0..^5 is the same as 0..4 | |||
raschipi | Right, but is there a difference when matching an Integer? | 01:04 | |
Zoffix | Matching how? | 01:05 | |
m: say 'foo.bar.ber.meow.moo'.IO.extension: '', :parts(0..^3) | 01:08 | ||
camelia | "foo.bar.ber.meow".IO | ||
Zoffix | m: say 'foo.bar.ber.meow.moo'.IO.extension: '', :parts(0..2) | ||
camelia | "foo.bar.ber".IO | ||
Zoffix | Another bug :( Zoffix-- | ||
raschipi | Since we know there won't be an infinite number of extensions, I don't see why this kink in the interface should be as it is, it should just work... | 01:10 | |
Zoffix | raschipi: I missed. Which kink? | 01:11 | |
raschipi | That ^Inf doesn't work. | ||
Zoffix | raschipi: ah, it's just a bug. Any value larger than 2⁶³-1 is treated as 2⁶³-1 | 01:12 | |
I mean, it's a bug above. Normal behaviour is to use 2⁶³-1 as max | 01:13 | ||
Oh, you mean .minmax? | |||
Zoffix should probably go to bed :P | |||
raschipi | I see, thanks. But I think minmax should have a way to do this for other similar cases. | ||
Zoffix | You can use .min and .max + .excludes-min and .excludes-max to do the "^Inf is same as 0..Inf" semantics | 01:14 | |
raschipi | Right, thanks. | 01:15 | |
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Herby_ | Zoffix: that extension worked like a champ for me and I was able to speed up my script dramatically because of it | 01:37 | |
thanks :) | |||
Zoffix | cool | 01:38 | |
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pilne | confession: while learning perl5 past basic scripts and per -e stuff, i think i like ruby more, but perl6 still trumps everything else i've ever touched lol. | 02:51 | |
araraloren_ | ruby is better perl :) | 02:52 | |
pilne | that's what i enjoy about ruby, i can see where mattz got inspiration from perl, lisp, and smalltalk. | 02:56 | |
i just get irked that most the wind in the community is web, and most of that is rails, i'm not a webdev, and i'm not realllllly a rails fan when i do poke at that stuff. | |||
hobbs | I actually find ruby hard specifically because it does borrow so much from perl, but at the same time nothing is the same | 02:57 | |
my brain goes "you can't do that with the @ sign!" and shuts down | |||
pilne | i can survive, and enjoy the challenge of the code side and backend, but my interests are crypto, ai, roguelikes, game engines (logic stuff, not the display stuff). | 02:58 | |
heh | |||
i get something similar when i use python, except it is more like "wait, i can't just do that?" | |||
no offense to python, it has a lot of good things about it (i feel most languages do have their good, especially if you consider when and why developed). | 02:59 | ||
hobbs | that's what I mean, though, I'm more comfortable in python than ruby because at least python is wholeheartedly different :) | 03:00 | |
pilne | if i had a stronger perl backround i would probably be the same, but my strongest are python/ruby, followed somewhat distantly by js, haskell, clojure, and racket. | 03:01 | |
hobbs | yeah, gotcha | ||
pilne | and i know enough java and c++ to stay away when i can (: | ||
hobbs got paid to write perl for 10 years | |||
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araraloren_ | yeah, I dont' like python, when you want some common feature, python: "sorry, i can't do that", like `switch case` `do while` .etc | 03:02 | |
pilne | the funny thing is, i often looked to perlmongers and cpan when i got really stuck in those langages, for at least a conceptual direction to take python/ruby, because the community didn't really care about "a box" when it came to thinking about a problem, it just got done, period | ||
raschipi | My problem with ruby doesn't have anything to do with the language itself. Their maintenece practices are bad: "just get the last version of this gem, we don't provide any long term support". | ||
pilne | yeah, at least they are pretty hardcore about good testing. | 03:03 | |
cpan's methodology is fucking awesome | 03:04 | ||
raschipi | They got that right from Perl. | ||
pilne | yeah, perl makes anyone else's testing look like a lint | 03:05 | |
elses' | |||
it's just not nearly as thurough and easy to ascertain... | |||
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raschipi | Documentation too, Perl blows everyone else out too, because CPAN doesn't allow devs to write a front page, it just shows the docs. | 03:06 | |
pilne | so if you want to tell about the module, it better be doc'd. | ||
araraloren_ | Of course doc is important | 03:07 | |
raschipi | Compare that to ruby, where you get a very short description. | ||
pilne | i really like it, and i'm damn amazed at how far the community has pushed it, my brain and perl5 just are having a hard time meshing. | ||
araraloren_ | I dont' want check your code, and guess how to do.. | ||
pilne | comments are docs are a fallicy IMHO, comments are for a general idea of what is doing what, and anything that is "quirky" compared to idiomatic code. | 03:08 | |
raschipi | Now that P6 is migrating to CPAN and getting cpan-testers support, I expect they will get awesome too. | 03:09 | |
hobbs | it's funny, POD is so unstructured compared to what many other languages have... and yet all of those structured documentation formats frequently leave you no good place to put information *other* than method docs, like rationales and tutorials and FAQs and references to similar tools and... :) | 03:10 | |
pilne | i think cpanimus and zef are the only module tools i've used that run tests when installing a module. | ||
hobbs | so the messiness leads to some nice things | ||
pilne | i tend to do better when trying to learn perl5 if i see the code as a conversation. | 03:11 | |
raschipi | I don't think POD are expected to be by-method exclusively even, exactly because it ends up as the CPAN front page. | ||
*is expected | 03:12 | ||
hobbs | raschipi: oh, definitely not :) | ||
POD's main inspiration is clearly man pages | |||
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raschipi | man pages is generally way more terse than what usually comes in POD | 03:12 | |
geekosaur | perl 5's main inspiration is common unix stuff including man pages | 03:13 | |
raschipi | The closer is GNU info, I think. | ||
hobbs | some man pages are, but looks at the common format... particularly utility manpages, not function ones | 03:14 | |
NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, whatever other stuff, SEE ALSO, BUGS... :) | |||
raschipi | The format is close, yes. Especially because it's made to be shown in the exact same way. | ||
hobbs | the GNU folks are off on a whole other tangent | ||
raschipi | I see. Yeah, just less terse. | 03:16 | |
It is also installed as the man page for the module, of course. | 03:19 | ||
hobbs | right | 03:20 | |
and probably it's all because the ur-POD was perldoc perl which is also man perl | |||
raschipi | Section 3pm of the manual. | 03:24 | |
m: "/usr/local/man/man3".IO.dir.grep(/\.3pm/) | 03:27 | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
raschipi | m: "/usr/local/man/man3".IO.dir.grep(/\.3pm/).say | ||
camelia | () | ||
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fatguy | how do i get exit status from qx ? | 04:08 | |
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moritz | use run(:out, $command) instead | 04:19 | |
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raschipi | he,'s back | 04:25 | |
fatguy: moritz said: use run(:out, $command) instead | 04:26 | ||
fatguy | moritz: i tested using run, but the exitcode seems not right | ||
ya raschipi | |||
i tried : my $date= run "date", "x", :out; say $date.exitcode # this return 0, echo $? return 1 because -x option is not valid | 04:28 | ||
zengargoyle_ | seeking p6 unicode wizards... how many diacritics vs latin chars in "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước" | ||
geekosaur | fatguy, you have to do something with $date.out first | 04:30 | |
otherwise the process and its pipe are still in limbo and there is no exitcode | |||
zengargoyle_ | that's apparently "antidisestablishmentarianism" in Vietnamese and the larger question is finding the word that uses latin alphabet + diacritics that has the most diacritics. :) | 04:31 | |
geekosaur | zengargoyle_, keep in mind that (a) unicode gets normalized (b) internal format is graphemes | ||
I think you have to get the .NFC form if you want to poke at diacritics, and then you have to beware that in NFC e.g. á is one codepoint | 04:32 | ||
zengargoyle_ | yes, i was thinking of the .NFD or whatever thing it is that blows them up to codepoints or such. | ||
geekosaur | I don't know if you can match just diacritics easily | ||
moritz | fatguy: you need to close .out before the exit code becomes available, at the very least | ||
raschipi | Can't help with your problem, words in Portuguese have at most two diacritics. | 04:33 | |
geekosaur | fatguy, note that $date.out is *not* the output. it is an IO::Handle attached to a pipe. and that pipe has to be closed before you can get the exit status. | 04:35 | |
zengargoyle_ | it's no big deal, just a question i saw on a question asking site where i thought OMG p6 should rock at this (if i can find a corpus or suitable text to check, which i imagine is probably the hardest part). | 04:36 | |
geekosaur | (that isn;t really ideal but then the ideal requires you have a separate thread processing the output vs. waiting for the command to complete) | ||
zengargoyle_, you probably want to ask samcv about this | |||
samcv | hello | ||
let me read the scrollback | 04:37 | ||
zengargoyle_ | hehe, summoning is always fun. :) | ||
fatguy | moritz: thanks, i able to get it with $date.out.close.exitcode | ||
geekosaur: noted sir ! | 04:38 | ||
samcv | ok. NFD will break it down into base characters + extend mark characters at least *if* it exists as a decomposible form. sometimes there is no decomposition. but for latin diacritics usually | ||
but yes NFD should do what you want | |||
m: "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước".NFD.say | |||
camelia | NFD:0x<0075 031b 0323 002d 0070 0068 0061 0309 006e 002d 0111 006f 0302 0301 0069 002d 0076 0069 0065 0323 0302 0063 002d 0074 0061 0301 0063 0068 002d 006e 0068 0061 0300 002d 0074 0068 006f 031b 0300 002d 0072 0061 002d 006b 0068 006f 0309 0069 002d 00… | ||
samcv | :D | 04:39 | |
goes from 45-> 61 codepoints if you use the Norm Form decomposition | |||
zengargoyle_ | how do i do the matching for latin? i tried to grep those for * < 127 and it didn't seem to work out. | 04:40 | |
samcv | m: "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước".NFD.list.grep({.uniprop('GCB') eq 'Other' }).say | 04:41 | |
camelia | (117 45 112 104 97 110 45 273 111 105 45 118 105 101 99 45 116 97 99 104 45 110 104 97 45 116 104 111 45 114 97 45 107 104 111 105 45 110 104 97 45 110 117 111 99) | ||
samcv | ok those are all the "normal" characters | ||
m: "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước".NFD.list.grep({.uniprop('GCB') eq 'Other' }).chrs.say | |||
camelia | u-phan-đoi-viec-tach-nha-tho-ra-khoi-nha-nuoc | ||
zengargoyle_ | nm think i may have thinko'd on my test. | ||
samcv | well normal as far as they are base characters | 04:42 | |
though if you used emoji doing that would miss emoji base characters but. i think that's beside what you're doing | |||
thinko'd? | |||
zengargoyle_ | samcv++ thanks for the insight. | 04:43 | |
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zengargoyle_ | typo'd, thinko'd | 04:43 | |
raschipi | Then count what changed to know how many had diacritics. | ||
u: đ | |||
samcv | yep | ||
unicodable6 | raschipi, U+0111 LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE [Ll] (đ) | ||
zengargoyle_ | i had my .grep after a .elems and missied it. :P | ||
samcv | or are you counting diacrititcs or nuumber of characters which have diacritics on them | 04:44 | |
characters can have multiple diacritics | |||
or is that irrelevant for our uses | |||
zengargoyle_, using GCB will be better than sorting <127 as you can see | |||
otherwise you'd lose that fancy d | |||
zengargoyle_ | Many languages add diacritics or special characters to the Latin alphabet. What word—a real word, not a made-up one—contains the most such characters? | ||
samcv | đ | ||
and đ doesnt't decompose | |||
so i guess you could count that one manually | 04:45 | ||
zengargoyle_ | the question isn't really that specific at the moment... | ||
samcv | :P | ||
but i see if you're only looking at vietnames | |||
raschipi | 'đ' is to 'd' what 't' is to 'l' | ||
zengargoyle_ | the vietnamese was just the first answer sombody posted. i don't even know if it's a correct example yet. :) | 04:46 | |
samcv | m: my $s = "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước"; my $s1 = $s.NFD.list.grep({.uniprop('GCB') eq 'Other' }); $s.NFD.elems - $s1.elems + $s1.grep({$_ > 127}).elems.say | 04:47 | |
camelia | WARNINGS for <tmp>: Useless use of "+" in expression "- $s1.elems + $s1.grep({$_ > 127}).elems.say" in sink context (line 1) 1 |
samcv | m: my $s = "ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước"; my $s1 = $s.NFD.list.grep({.uniprop('GCB') eq 'Other' }); say $s.NFD.elems - $s1.elems + $s1.grep({$_ > 127}).elems | ||
camelia | 17 | ||
samcv | there you go :) | 04:48 | |
that also accounts for things that do not decompose | |||
GCB=Other that don't decompose that is | |||
zengargoyle_ | sweet. | 04:49 | |
samcv | i feel proud now heh | ||
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samcv | was fun to solve | 04:49 | |
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raschipi | I remember there was a function that stripped diacritica, but can't remember the name now... | 04:51 | |
samcv | and that should count the number of diacritics themselves as opposed to the number of characters which have diacritics (which you'd be counting if you did $s.chars.grep({$_> 127}).elems | ||
raschipi, in perl6? | |||
raschipi | Yeah | ||
samcv | or do you mean ignoremark regex or something | ||
though that doesn't strip them, but allows you to match them | 04:52 | ||
raschipi | You gave it a charachter with a diacritic and it applied that diacritic to some other character. | ||
samcv | ugh that reminds me. how ignoremark and ignorecase together doesn't always work. eek working on that scares me thinking | ||
oh | |||
raschipi | Or if you gave it a charachter without a diacritic, it took them away. | ||
samcv | i think i remember something | ||
i forget what it is though but it sounds familiar | |||
raschipi | That way it can be done without messing with bytes. | 04:53 | |
pilne | either zoffix's slides or the perl6intro list the "length of a unicode" functions, i recall there being three, but i can't remember their smeggin names atm, the high ABV is catching up quick | 04:54 | |
moritz | EastAsianWidth or something like that? | 04:55 | |
raschipi | samemark is the name | 04:57 | |
samcv | oo yep that's it | ||
raschipi | m: 'a'.samemark('ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước') | 04:58 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
raschipi | m: 'a'.samemark('ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước').say | ||
camelia | ạ̛ | ||
raschipi | Other way around | 04:59 | |
samcv | it's cool. not sure when i'd use it. but can't hurt having more exciting things :P | ||
i'm sure it will be really useful for someone somewhere. and save them loads of time | |||
raschipi | m: 'ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước'.samemark('a') | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
raschipi | m: 'ự-phản-đối-việc-tách-nhà-thờ-ra-khỏi-nhà-nước'.samemark('a').say | ||
camelia | u-phan-đoi-viec-tach-nha-tho-ra-khoi-nha-nuoc | ||
samcv | 'đ'.samemark('a').say | 05:00 | |
m: 'đ'.samemark('a').say | |||
camelia | đ | ||
samcv | yeah so if it can't decompose it just keeps it | ||
raschipi | People strip diacritics to filter expletives, for example. | ||
samcv | i wonder... how it works with Prepend characters. since i just added support to MVM recently for that. i bet it may break | ||
or it could work depending. | |||
before unicode 9.0, diacritics always came *after* the base character. | 05:01 | ||
with prepend marks. they throw that outh the window and come before | |||
in any case. should have something added to roast to test it even if it doesn't work atm | |||
raschipi | That will get the trolls going... | ||
samcv | prepend marks? | 05:02 | |
raschipi | Yeah. | ||
The unicode-haters. | |||
samcv | heh | ||
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raschipi | That think ASCII is good enough for them and everyone else in the world can keep the mess that are locale-specific encodings. | 05:03 | |
samcv | boring! | ||
raschipi | The other day there was one that said Perl6 should drop Unicode support. I said he should try to convince Larry to not be able to write Chinese and French on the same file. | 05:04 | |
samcv | i wonder if i should roll ignoremark and case insensitive regex into my grant | ||
i didn't plan to include it in there. but i think it would achieve many of the things my grant seeks to do | |||
raschipi | I think you must do it. | 05:05 | |
samcv | even if it takes me a little longer to complete | ||
yeah i agree | |||
pilne | unicode is the future, ignoring it is the ostrich solution | ||
samcv | dodo? | ||
raschipi | Ask for more money. | ||
samcv | i probably won't. i mean the money is mostly so i can 1. do some of the less fun parts of the unicode retrofit and 2. be able to hold off on getting a job for a while longer and keep working on perl 6 | 05:06 | |
since i do very much enjoy contributing | 05:07 | ||
parv | samcv++ thanks for your work. | 05:08 | |
samcv | you're very welcome | ||
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zengargoyle_ | yay samcv++ again for good measure. :) | 05:28 | |
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TEttinger | huh, I'm curious what all that vietnamese text was up there | 06:39 | |
supporting vietnamese is a win-nguyen | |||
moritz | oh hai. Here's my Perl 6 book decision tree as an image: github.com/moritz/perl6book-web/bl...ree/v1.png | 06:43 | |
feedback welcome | |||
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TEttinger | might want a "start here," though it is pretty clear | 06:43 | |
moritz | (or improvements; the libreoffice source file sits right next to it in the same directory) | 06:44 | |
TEttinger | which did you write? | 06:45 | |
moritz | if you can't tell from the chart, that's good :-) | ||
Fundamentals | |||
TEttinger | oh, that was my guess | ||
practical is something of a weasel word, in wikipedia parlance | 06:46 | ||
moritz | what would you use instead? | ||
TEttinger | it's just none of the others had qualifiers | ||
other than "structured" | 06:47 | ||
I think it's fair | |||
you aren't writing wikipedia, you're writing a book :) | |||
moritz | I wouldn't want to add "constructed examples" to "Perl 6 at a Glance" though :) | ||
TEttinger | practical examples in what fields? | 06:48 | |
scripts for handling sysadmin tasks? | |||
complex text parsing and handling? | 06:49 | ||
moritz | different fields: sysadmin, data visualization, Unicode research, parsing | ||
TEttinger | I'm not sure how practical unicode research is, since as samcv was saying they can change the rug while you're standing on it, as with prepend marks | ||
they being unicode consortium | 06:50 | ||
but if it's like census data where there's a ton of languages at play, sure | |||
moritz | Unicode research as in "how do I find (about) character XY?" | 06:51 | |
parv | moritz, both of "Do you know other ..." & "primary goal" rhombii look to be perfectly good starting places but the arrow connecting the two is unidirectional | 06:58 | |
s/rhombii/rhombi/ | 06:59 | ||
moritz | parv: do you think there should be an explicit staring point? | 07:10 | |
parv | moritz, depends on how formal you want to be. i don't have enough formal comp sc background & have used perl 5 for 10+ years | 07:12 | |
moritz | raw.githubusercontent.com/moritz/p...ree/v1.png now with an obvious start marker | 07:15 | |
parv | "Do you know .." could point to "No, learn comp sc" and "No, learn perl 6". "primary goal" could be another starting place, and pointing to "learn comp sc" & "learn perl " | 07:16 | |
ok, that works too | 07:17 | ||
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parv | moritz, is (would) there (be) a reference book? or, would that be too early due to changes in rakudo? | 07:21 | |
raschipi | parv: There are rumors that TIMTOWDY is working on a reference book. | 07:23 | |
parv | "perl 6 at a glance" does it list classes, methods; regex building, etc? | 07:24 | |
moritz | parv: the closest we come to reference material is doc.perl6.org | ||
parv | raschipi, oh sweet. | ||
moritz | raschipi: more like "programming perl 6" | ||
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parv | thanks moritz. | 07:24 | |
moritz | I don't see much value in a reference in book format | 07:25 | |
sammers | hi all | ||
moritz | which print several hundred pages of built-in class and method documentation when it's so much easier to search and look up in electronic form? | ||
hi sammers | |||
s/which/why/ | |||
araraloren_ | hi | 07:26 | |
araraloren_ is now known as araraloren
raschipi | o/ | 07:26 | |
parv | ho | ||
sammers | question about the ==> feed behavior, in comparison to the . chaining behavior... | 07:29 | |
m: sub foo($a, $b) { "We have: $a" }; "This should be a".&foo("this should be b").say; | |||
camelia | We have: This should be a | ||
sammers | chaining assigns the Str to $a, then the Str pass via &foo assigns it to $b | 07:30 | |
m: sub foo($a, $b) { "We have: $a" }; "This should be a" ==> foo("this should be b") ==> say(); | |||
camelia | We have: this should be b | ||
sammers | but the ==> feed operator ignores the piped Str | 07:31 | |
some other languages that have this sort of piping assign the value piped to the function to the first parameter | 07:32 | ||
like the . chaining version | |||
araraloren | In perl6 it's last | ||
docs.perl6.org/routine/==%3E | |||
sammers | ah | 07:33 | |
ok, that works | |||
does anyone know what the decision was to use a different behavior between the two? | 07:35 | ||
araraloren | I dont' know, if there has a <== it would be work as you expect | 07:37 | |
And it has | |||
docs.perl6.org/routine/%3C== | |||
raschipi | sammers: Perl6 functions want the data to be manipulated to be on the last parameter, like shell commands | 07:39 | |
The dot uses a special first slot that functions know to treat differently. | 07:40 | ||
sammers | raschipi, that makes perfect sense | ||
araraloren | Oh, but that opereator not what you wanted. | ||
raschipi | multi sub comb(Str:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf) | 07:41 | |
multi method comb(Str:D $input:) | |||
The method version has : after Str $input | |||
That means it's a method that can be called in Str objects | 07:42 | ||
araraloren | Oh, that was compatible to method. | 07:43 | |
raschipi | So, the first thing to note is that when you use ==>, you're using a different version than when you use . | ||
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raschipi | ==> calls a suroutine that expects the data on the end, . calls a method that expects the data at the start. | 07:43 | |
That's why ==> puts the data at the end and . puts the data at the start. | 07:44 | ||
I think languages that put it at the start don't have multiple dispatch like this? | |||
araraloren | .& | 07:47 | |
sammers | something like elixir for example does the data at start after |> | ||
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raschipi | sammers: Did you knew about multidispatch? | 07:48 | |
sammers | yeah | ||
raschipi | So, the secret is that they call different versions. | 07:49 | |
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sammers | raschipi, thanks for explanation, makes sense | 07:57 | |
araraloren | seems like I misunderstand what you said, sorry :P | 08:00 | |
zengargoyle_ | .tell samcv diacritic counting went over well. now looking for good word lists. | ||
yoleaux | zengargoyle_: I'll pass your message to samcv. | ||
samcv | :-D | ||
yoleaux | 08:00Z <zengargoyle_> samcv: diacritic counting went over well. now looking for good word lists. | ||
samcv | i'm curious what you find! | 08:01 | |
and yes perl 6 is the best language to do this in :-D | |||
raschipi | Because of your work, samcv++ | ||
zengargoyle_ | and any p6 peeps who might speak a language with a lot of latin-ish characters and a bunch of funny diacritics who know about a /usr/share/words type of source material.... | 08:02 | |
curious minds want to know. :) | 08:03 | ||
raschipi | I got this link: docs.perl6.org/syntax/&?ROUTINE but it returns a 404 | ||
moritz | raschipi: which did you get that link from? | ||
ah, from the search box | 08:04 | ||
please open an issue: github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/C...rting-bugs | |||
samcv | thx raschipi | ||
that's interesting. we have other links with & and ? that are fine | 08:05 | ||
pls report :) | |||
araraloren | docs.perl6.org/routine/.& also 404 | ||
zengargoyle_ | a 22k list of common Vietnamese and a 60k of words from movie subtitles didn't come close to the person who knew 'antidisestablishmentarianism'. :P | 08:06 | |
parv | WTF? | 08:07 | |
lol | |||
zengargoyle_ would have probably majored in linguistics if i had known there was such a thing when i went of to college. | 08:09 | ||
raschipi | I don't know how to add a label on github issues. | 08:14 | |
github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1358 | |||
sammers: Have a look at this: docs.perl6.org/language/operators#...fix_.& | 08:21 | ||
sammers | raschipi, thanks, that was my first example | 08:22 | |
m: sub foo($a, $b) { "We have: $a" }; "This should be a".&foo("this should be b").say; | |||
camelia | We have: This should be a | ||
sammers | what does that mean? "Technically this is not an operator, but syntax special-cased in the compiler."? | 08:23 | |
raschipi | Do you think it should be the last argument in that case? |