»â« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
lizmat re packages, you might want to check out nxadm.github.io/rakudo-pkg/ 00:00
00:01 astronavt joined, silug joined 00:06 astronavt left 00:13 rindolf left 00:18 nadim_ left 00:43 patrickz_ joined 00:45 Cabanossi left
Zoffix "2017 Perl 6 Advent Day 2 – Perl 6: Sigils, Variables, and Containers": perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...ontainers/ 00:45
00:46 patrickz left 00:47 Cabanossi joined 00:49 margeas left
lizmat Zoffix: weird line ending at "implies (NL) a type-constraint" 00:50
Zoffix Thanks. Fixed. 00:54
00:59 evalable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v evalable6
lizmat "$ = $ for $primes" ?? am I missing something ? 01:00
Zoffix: ^^^
Zoffix lizmat: dunno. Why do you think you're missing something? The idea is nqp::null for $primes
lizmat shouldn't that be "$_ = $_ for $primes" ? 01:02
01:02 astronavt joined
Zoffix lizmat: doesn't matter. The problematic bit is the `|$primes` iteration itself, not what the for loop does 01:02
I just don't know anything better than `$ = $` for a null operation that doesn't emit a warning 01:03
lizmat then maybe "Nil for #primes" ?
Zoffix m: Nil for <a b c>
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix How come that doesn't warn?
lizmat special cased afaik
Zoffix lizmat++ that is indeed better 01:04
TimToady yes, that is special-cased
01:05 comborico1611 left, comborico1611 joined
squashable6 πŸ• tbrowder++ wrote a comment on β€œFix table caption RT #126740”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1291...-348654459 01:05
synopsebot RT#126740 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126740 [POD] Pod::Block::Table node caption property is not populated properly
Zoffix Updated. 01:06
01:06 astronavt left 01:08 BenGoldberg joined
jnthn "It's easy to remember: it looks like a squished box" <3 01:08
I never noticed :D
Zoffix :)
Zoffix calls it a night 01:11
jnthn o/ 01:12
jnthn also, for that matter :)
01:23 troys is now known as troys_ 01:24 eliasr left 01:29 Cabanossi left 01:32 Cabanossi joined
timotimo m: my @stuff = (1, 2, (3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say flat @stuffΒ»<> 01:32
camelia (1 2 3 4 bar => 70 foo => 42)
timotimo m: my @stuff = (1, 2, (3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say (flat @stuffΒ»<>).perl 01:33
camelia (1, 2, 3, 4, :bar(70), :foo(42)).Seq
01:33 astronavt joined
timotimo Zoffix: it may be a good idea to recommend map alongside the hyper op and point out the difference with regards to nested structures? 01:33
01:50 wamba left 01:57 pilne joined
Zoffix timotimo: which differences? 02:02
timotimo m: my @stuff = (1, 2, (3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say (flat @stuff.map(*.<>)).perl 02:03
camelia (1, 2, 3, 4, :bar(70), :foo(42)).Seq
timotimo oh, huh.
i guess there wasn't one
m: my @stuff = (1, 2, $(3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say (flat @stuff.map(*.<>)).perl 02:04
camelia (1, 2, $(3, 4), :bar(70), :foo(42)).Seq
timotimo m: my @stuff = (1, 2, $(3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say (flat @stuffΒ»<>).perl
Zoffix m: my @stuff = (1, 2, $(3, 4)), %(:42foo, :70bar); say [].^lookup("AT-KEY").can: "nodal"
camelia (nodal)
(1, 2, $(3, 4), :bar(70), :foo(42)).Seq
timotimo okay, never mind me!
Zoffix It's nodal, so it don't descend :)
timotimo that makes sense, yeah
Zoffix But I didn't check if it were when I was writing the article, so timotimo++ for noticing :)
timotimo going to bed, too
02:05 joy joined
timotimo Zoffix++ Zoffix++ # two good posts 02:05
Zoffix \o/
timotimo hm. i guess i could have also contributed a post to the advent by using dragon speech recognition to circumvent my rsi 02:06
Zoffix That would've been quite a commitment :) Rest. 02:07
Zoffix &
02:16 Cabanossi left 02:17 Cabanossi joined 02:18 rp-- joined
comborico1611 Goodnight, everybody! 02:21
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Herby_ new advent of code problem up: adventofcode.com/2017/day/2 05:08
there are some fast people out there
teatime hrm, that seems awfully easy/straightforward 05:09
teatime wonders what he's missing
05:10 reportable6 left, reportable6 joined
Herby_ probably nothing. the first few problems are typically pretty simple 05:11
gives the commoners like me a chance :)
the difficulty does ramp up
teatime ah, it's only day 2 :) 05:12
Herby_ .tell Zoffix: ++ on Day 2 advent article 05:14
yoleaux Herby_: What kind of a name is "Zoffix:"?!
Herby_ .tell Zoffix ++ on Day 2 advent article
yoleaux Herby_: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
05:16 khw left
Zoffix Thanks. Glad you liked it. 05:16
yoleaux 05:14Z <Herby_> Zoffix: ++ on Day 2 advent article
05:37 wander joined
wander afternoon #perl6 05:38
yoleaux 1 Dec 2017 17:39Z <AlexDaniel> wander: OK rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...xn-1511996
wander ok
05:39 aborazmeh joined, aborazmeh left, aborazmeh joined
Herby_ I'm lacking sleep and caffeine but I'm confused with this 05:49
m: my $line = "86 440 233 83 393 420 228 491 159 13 110 135 97 238 92 396"; say $line.split(/\s/).max()
camelia 97
geekosaur it found the lexical max
not the numeric one
Herby_ doh 05:50
geekosaur you use split, it produces Strs
Herby_ what would be the clean way to do that, given a string?
simple for loop?
teatime m: my $line = "86 440 233 83 393 420 228 491 159 13 110 135 97 238 92 396"; say $line.split(/\s/)Β».Int.max()
camelia 491 05:51
geekosaur that yes
teatime is one possibility
Herby_ teatime: ++
teatime yay I answered a question correctly
Herby_ :)
05:51 kitsunenokenja left
wander m: my $line = "86 440 233 83 393 420 228 491 159 13 110 135 97 238 92 396"; say $line.words.max(*.Int) 05:53
camelia 491
teatime alas, that is nicer. 05:54
wander wrap-handle we have :-)
teatime I might be tempted to split on [^0-9], but I guess you can trust your input
wander yes, it depends
Herby_ well, I solved Advent of Code Day 2 Part 1! adventofcode.com/2017/day/2 pastebin.com/mWqypbEr 05:56
not high achievement but I got tripped by that lexical max :(
part 2 looks a tad trickier 05:58
05:59 philomath_ joined 06:00 philomath_ left 06:06 Xliff_ joined 06:09 notbenh left, notbenh joined 06:11 riatre joined 06:15 philomath_ joined
Herby_ Ok, part 2 completed. and I cleaned up part 1 06:27
If anyone has feedback on improvements, I'm all ears
06:31 philomath_ left, philomath_ joined 06:36 mcmillhj joined
wander Heyby_: line 21, is it `elsif`? how about $a == $b? 06:36
Herby_ I did make a (luckily) correct assumption that they would be unique numbers for each line 06:39
are you saying to add another elsif to check if $a == $b?
wander replace `elsif` with `if` 06:40
06:40 pedh joined, mcmillhj left
Herby_ ahhh 06:41
06:41 philomath_ left 06:49 pedh left 07:16 Todd joined
Todd HI all, A dumb question (but that never stopped me!) 07:16
Why does this work: $cmd = "/usr/bin/atop 1 1 > $GoodATop 2>&1"; $str = qqx{ $cmd };
but including the string on the qqx lie does not. Why do I need to use a variable? 07:17
symptom: /bin/sh: /usr/bin/atop 1 1 > /opt/Cimcor/CimTrak/CimTrakServer/logs/atop.txt: No such file or directory
$str = qqx{ "/usr/bin/atop 1 1 > $GoodATop 2>&1" }; doesn't work 07:18
teatime that's not getting shell quoted
or rather, I think it is, but you put it in "" which get passed to the shell :)
Todd Oh, so leave the quotes off?
teatime try: $str = qqx{ /usr/bin/atop 1 1 > $GoodATop 2>&1 }; 07:19
yeah. qqx{} is itself the quoting construct
Todd Bugger. Thank yoU!
worked perfectly Thank yoU! 07:20
teatime excellent.
Todd This one worked too! 07:22
my $str = qqx{ cd /opt/Cimcor/CimTrak/CimTrakServer; ./CimTrakServer.exe -Diagnostics \"Level=255\" > $GoodCimDiagErr 2>&1 };
07:22 wamba joined
Todd Will wonder ever cease! 07:23
geekosaur I think the backslashes are unnecessary there
teatime do you even need to escape
geekosaur in a "" string theyd be needed but here the quotes are { }
so they unescape to "
also I can't imagine $str contains much useful after that since you send it all to a file 07:24
Todd ordinarily no, but the program required it for some reason.
It is ported from that "other" operating system, whose name I can not mention. 07:25
geekosaur qqx does because it's an expression. you probably wanted
teatime Todd: VMS?
geekosaur shell " cd /opt/Cimcor/CimTrak/CimTrakServer; ./CimTrakServer.exe -Diagnostics \"Level=255\" > $GoodCimDiagErr 2>&1 "
and here you do need the escapes 07:26
teatime well only because you chose to use " " ;)
geekosaur also note that, as with perl 5's ``, using qqx when you don;t need the output is kinda expensive
yes, I could have used Β« Β» or something instead 07:27
also, uh, good luck running that on VMS :p
directories don't work the same way, redirection requires something that looks more like JCL than Unix 07:28
teatime looks at geekosaur.
geekosaur (yes, I know. ironically that'd actually stand soem chance of working as is on modern windows)
teatime oh, the command line
geekosaur simple Bourne-shell-style redirections have worked in cmd.exe since windows nt 3.5 and win98 (win95 had a few more limitations but I think that one did work) 07:29
ok, modulo the slashes needing to be backslashes in cmd.exe 07:30
teatime heh
Todd This is Fedora 27. I need the quotes and backslash when run from the (bash) command line too. I was warned by the program's tech support. It also has to run in its own directory too. Weird, but .. 07:31
geekosaur oh, one of those programs. bad win port 07:32
in that case I would actually be surprised that the qqx one worked because perl would strip the backslashes before it went to the shell
Todd I asked this last time, but has anyone come up with a better perl 6 for win 32? I really do not want to use Perl 5. 07:33
geekosaur last I heard the win32 build reliably ran out of memory
while building 07:34
Todd I got the above to work trial and error. I had the 2>&1 redirect wrong and you guys helped me figure it out.
geekosaur might be fixable but I don't think we have anyone working on perl 6 who has a win32 setup
(like, I have a windows vm always running but it's 64 bit) 07:35
07:35 anant joined
Todd that is what I heard. Any way to build a win32 msi on a 64 bit system? 07:35
anant Does perl6 support nested classes?
teatime yes.
geekosaur (and insufficient memory to run a second concurrently, and I use the main one often enough that shutting it down kinda messes things up)
it would have to be a cross-build and I don't think that's currently supported 07:36
Todd bugger.
teatime ... did I just lie
geekosaur (windows has odd restrictions. best bet might be to try to get a wow32 build env; not sure how painful that is.)
nested classes should work fine
Todd anyone know what the P5 equivalent of slurp and spurt is? 07:37
geekosaur but accesses might be funny
Todd When building Wine Staging, I have a "./configure --disable-win64" option. Nothing like that for Perl6? 07:39
geekosaur don't think there is a spurt. slurp is { my $o = select $fh; local $/ = undef; my $r = <$fh>; select $o; $r } assuming $fh is the filehandle (this can be simplified a bit in some circumstances)
anant I didn't an example of a nested class in docs.perl6.org/language/objects
geekosaur that tells wine to not build win64 emulation into it, not that it should build a win32 program
anant I didn't = I didn't see
Todd no sign of either over on perldoc.perl.org/index-functions.html#S
geekosaur it'll generate a 64-bit executable that only handles win32 emulation
m: class A { has $.a; class B { has $.b }}; my $x = A::B.new(b => 6); say 'alive' 07:40
camelia alive
geekosaur so it may depend on what you mean by nested 07:41
since it's mostly namespacing not e.g. need an A to make an A::B
heh. back in the old days FileHandle.pm had a slurp but it looks like current IO::Handle lacks it 07:45
07:45 aborazmeh left
geekosaur I recall it being somewhat discouraged 07:46
although there were two camps on the issue
anant Thanks geekosaur and teatime :)
teatime geekosaur++ 07:47
anant teatime++
geekosaur oh, if you wanted that nested class to only be accessible nside of class A, it's 'my class B { ... }' 07:51
07:53 darutoko joined
anant ok. Are nested classes discouraged in general? I searched many perl6 tutorials, but didn't see them mentioned. 07:53
buggable New CPAN upload: Inline-Go-0.0.4.tar.gz by AZAWAWI cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/A/AZ/...0.4.tar.gz
geekosaur not so much discouraged as of dubious use 07:54
07:55 Todd left
anant Hmm. Does Perl6 have a "Zen" guide like Python (www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/) 07:56
geekosaur nope.
anant It would be nice to have :) 07:57
I liked how the Python Zen said: Flat is better than nested.
geekosaur python is One Correct Way; perl is There Is More Than One Way To Do It
anant ah!
geekosaur which is why perl 6 mixes OO, FP, procedural, etc. and lets you mix and match according to need or convenience 07:58
I imagine some conventions will eventually be agreed on by the community, but p6 is young enough that there aren't many such yet 08:00
wander still so many things TODO 08:03
anant Hmm. 08:04
wander that is why i am somewhat anxious about our Advent Calendar Day1. feature `but` has several known bugs 08:05
but, perl6 makes code happy 08:06
08:06 rindolf joined
geekosaur well, it *was* about ruining christmas... :p 08:06
wander that is the most important to me, my thoughts could be expressed freely 08:07
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Geth mu: 972e9bc5ce | (Moritz Lenz)++ | misc/perl6advent-2017/schedule
Per 6 advent: commit to day 8
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AlexDaniel squashable6: status 10:51
squashable6 AlexDaniel, πŸ•πŸ• SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and β‰ˆ1 hour. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/db790f480c845f3b3e...c78e787ee0
AlexDaniel reportable6: 2017-12-01T07:33:00Z 2017-12-02T06:00:00Z 10:52
reportable6 AlexDaniel, OK, working on it! This may take up to 40 seconds
10:52 reportable6 left, reportable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v reportable6
AlexDaniel reportable6: 2017-12-01T07:33:00Z 2017-12-02T06:00:00Z 10:52
reportable6 AlexDaniel, OK, working on it! This may take up to 40 seconds
bartolin kupopo: yeah, unfortunately the jvm backend was badly broken when Rakudo Star 2017.10 was released. it should look a bit better (and actually be installable) on HEAD. there are major problems, still (e.g. 'make' does not work before 'make test', nativecall is broken). i added some details to your gist: gist.github.com/shicks/27df7cf0d86...50942d4c62 10:53
yoleaux 1 Dec 2017 23:56Z <lizmat> bartolin: is gist.github.com/shicks/27df7cf0d86...50942d4c62 something you'd expect from a "make install" ?
reportable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/7535fa27421221ed95...8ed234dd79
AlexDaniel wander: ↑ progress so far :)
bartolin AlexDaniel++ 10:54
AlexDaniel buggable: tag MOLD 10:55
buggable AlexDaniel, There are 191 tickets tagged with MOLD; See fail.rakudo.party/t/MOLD for details
wander AlexDaniel++ 10:58
hahainternet .min and .max on an array of strings gives back nonsense results 10:59
Β».Numeric solves it, but I wouldn't expect them to give back such weird outputs 11:00
AlexDaniel hahainternet: why so
hahainternet the strings don't get coerced into the numbers they represent though, i am far too perl6 ignorant to discover why
AlexDaniel m: say <abcdoeu sthiozeu uloeuhal>.max
camelia uloeuhal
AlexDaniel m: say <abcdoeu sthiozeu zzozzzt uloeuhal>.max
camelia zzozzzt
AlexDaniel m: say <abcdoeu sthiozeu zzozzzt uloeuhal>.min
camelia abcdoeu
hahainternet AlexDaniel: i understand
but this kinda violates the whole cool interoperability of strings/numbers in perl doesn't it? 11:01
AlexDaniel I don't think so. You gave it a list of strings, and then asked for the max element
hahainternet i actually gave it just a list, never specifying strings 11:02
(semantics i know, but from a programmer's perspective it's important)
geekosaur you have it a list of things that don't look like numbers
hahainternet they certainly do look like numbers
geekosaur if they look like numbers then you get IntStr-s
if they don't then you get Str-s
AlexDaniel what's the code we're talking about?
geekosaur (this means you can actually get a mixture)
hahainternet AlexDaniel: it's just for AOC #2, for 'file'.IO.lines -> $l { my @n = $l.split(/\t/); } 11:03
presumably that produces some sort of hard String type
that won't coerce in a cool way 11:04
AlexDaniel well, you took a string and split it, so you got strings back
geekosaur ^
hahainternet ok, how would i recover the cool behaviour?
geekosaur we discussed thsi earlier, actually, split is a Str operation, it will always give you Strs
AlexDaniel hahainternet: $l.split(/\t/)Β».Cool ? :) 11:05
geekosaur $l.split(/\t/)>>.Int (or that)
AlexDaniel that doesn't work :(
hahainternet AlexDaniel: doesn't appear to exist?
geekosaur: doing Β».Numeric, so that's fine
AlexDaniel .IntStr doesn't work too
hahainternet anyhow not a major complaint, but it felt a bit wart-y 11:06
AlexDaniel lizmat: any reason why we don't have Str.IntStr ?
geekosaur too much magic has its own problems
"every DWIM has a WAT"
hahainternet geekosaur: speak for your own wizardry ;)
geekosaur you say that now...
hahainternet no i know what you're saying 11:07
but it should be up to the programmer to opt in or out to the wizardry they want
and i got opt-outed by default :)
geekosaur because it's easy to opt back in with the hyperop
hahainternet geekosaur: right but it isn't, that only coerces, it doesn't restore the cool behaviour i mentioend
i mean my problem is solved, so ty
geekosaur and you have more control, which matters quite a lot in many cases
geekosaur keeps being reminded of nancy typing 11:08
AlexDaniel hahainternet: but you can also think about performance. That is, should it actually look into every single element returned from .split, and check if it's a number or not?
hahainternet AlexDaniel: if it's an IntStr sure? :)
geekosaur (which was p5's "cool" behavior gone wrong plus a NaN parsing issue)
hahainternet i don't mean the existing case should be changed
i would just like Β».Cool or Β».IntStr as you gave as an example 11:09
AlexDaniel hahainternet: not sure I understand, how would it know if it's an IntStr? :)
hahainternet AlexDaniel: methods are dispatched on types? i'm not suggesting .split or anything do the coercion 11:10
11:10 Aaronepower joined
geekosaur you seem to think a type is determined solely by looking at it. do you really want everything that touches it to have to compute its current type first 11:11
hahainternet geekosaur: where do i think that? I just would like a way to coerce them
11:09.07 < hahainternet> i would just like Β».Cool or Β».IntStr as you gave as an example
lizmat AlexDaniel: I don't see a reason not to have Str.IntStr 11:13
but I would make it slightly more involved than just IntStr.new(self.Int,self), because with that, any error in converting to Int becomes multi-level, and thus complicated 11:15
m: dd "foo".Int
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::Str::Numeric.new(source => "foo", pos => 0, reason => "base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.'"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
lizmat as Str.Int returns a Failure, that will explode when trying to bind
so if self.Int returns a Failure, you should throw that immediately, I think
wander m: my $x = IntStr.new(12, "42"); say $x + 4; say $x; 11:16
camelia 16
wander the evil way :)
AlexDaniel m: my $x = IntStr.new(12, "I'm not a Str, get off my lawn!"); say $x + 4; say $x; 11:21
camelia 16
I'm not a Str, get off my lawn!
lizmat not too dissimilar from dualvar() in P5 :-) 11:28
handy for things like errno(), where the Str version contains the error message 11:29
11:31 poohman joined 11:33 stmuk left
squashable6 πŸ• W4anD0eR96++ opened issue β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1292 11:34
poohman hello all, I have a question regarding grammar tokens - if the * is for zero or more, why does the following token work and not the next 11:36
token frame {\s*<top_left>\r\n\s*<date_or_time>'</TD>'\r\n}
the above works
wander mainly about consistency, not have to be kebab-case
poohman token frame {\s*<top_left>\s*\r\n\s*<date_or_time>'</TD>'\r\n}
the only difference is the \s* before \r 11:37
geekosaur because * is greedy and \r and \n both match \s, so you have \s*\s* which is kinda asking for problems
wander what is the text?
geekosaur or put otherwise, you've given that regex *way* too much rope 11:38
wander m: say so "\r\n" ~~ /\s*/
camelia True
wander m: say so "\r\n" ~~ /\s*?\r\n/
camelia True
11:39 espadrine left
wander also note that it's 'token' 11:39
so backtracking is disable 11:40
geekosaur (I oversimplified that a bit; the reality is that it's got far too many ways to match --- and token is ratcheting, so once the first \s* commits to matching the \r\n, it can;t backtrack when it sees the literal ones
poohman ok
geekosaur so (a) since it can;t backtrack, it can't "unmatch" the \r and \n it committed to the first \s* and will fail when it hits them in the pattern (b) and if you make it non-ratcheting, it will be sloooooooooooooooow 11:41
squashable6 πŸ• AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/12...-348686524
πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• First contribution by lizmat++! β™₯ 11:42
poohman super - thanks 11:44
11:44 ZzZombo joined
squashable6 πŸ• tbrowder++ wrote a comment on β€œFix table caption RT #126740”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1291...-348686656 11:44
synopsebot RT#126740 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126740 [POD] Pod::Block::Table node caption property is not populated properly
squashable6 πŸ• lizmat++ wrote a comment on β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/12...-348686720 11:45
11:49 Aaronepower left 11:50 pdcawley joined 11:52 ctilmes joined
squashable6 πŸ• W4anD0eR96++ wrote a comment on β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/12...-348687536 12:01
AlexDaniel buggable: tag TESTNEEDED 12:07
buggable AlexDaniel, There are 49 tickets tagged with TESTNEEDED; See fail.rakudo.party/t/TESTNEEDED for details
12:11 ChoHag joined
squashable6 πŸ• W4anD0eR96++ wrote a comment on β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/12...-348688003 12:11
12:19 Aaronepower joined
pdcawley jamesnvc: I'm not sure that Emacs has a concept of a <menu> key by default. However, you can pick something (say Key_Menu or whatever) and then use `key-translation-map` to map from whatever emacs thinks it is initially, to `(kbd "<menu>")`, and you should be able to bind to `(kbd "<menu>")` rather than the weird name. 12:20
AlexDaniel pdcawley: that's great to know, but is it the right channel? :D 12:27
pdcawley Arse!
And, it turns out, I'm wrong. Emacs _does_ know about the menu key.
AlexDaniel pdcawley: yeah, it defaults to M-x I think
12:29 kitsunenokenja joined, poohman left
pdcawley AlexDaniel: Keyboards are weird. 12:29
AlexDaniel just realized he has no menu key
(there's PrtSc on its place, wtf) 12:30
12:30 ChoHag left
AlexDaniel pdcawley: some keyboard *layouts* are weirder. I remapped my spacebar to AltGr :) 12:32
pdcawley AlexDaniel: Don't talk to me about weird layouts. I've got a KeyboardIO model 01, 64 keys in an an approximation of the Malt layout ('E' on the left thumb, ANIS/THOR on the home row. 12:33
AlexDaniel (or is it other way around? What I meant is that my spacebar is AltGr now) 12:34
pdcawley: oh, that one is cool. Have you seen X-Bows by the way? Another relatively similar keyboard, although it probably doesn't come with a crazy keyboard layout :) 12:35
pdcawley Nope. But I do have an original Maltron that I've cut down to a 64 key matrix, rewired and rebrained to do NKRO and other such stuff, and a Kinesis that I keep meaning to hack palm keys into (and possibly rebrain, but it's got more sophisticated hardware than the Maltron, which was entirely hand wired to begin with. 12:37
AlexDaniel maaaan… keyboardio should really come with perlΒ 6 manual or something :D 12:38
12:38 epony joined
pdcawley AlexDaniel: Yeah, I'm sure obra will be up for that. Right after he's managed to get enough enclosures out of his wood suppliers to ship everything after the first 1000 kickstarter orders. 12:39
AlexDaniel: Not. (And not just because I just spotted obra lurking in here) 12:40
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AlexDaniel obra: imgur.com/a/J06Ve 12:54
12:56 ChoHag joined
El_Che wow, man, those keyboard are expensive 13:04
(on the other hand, I spend €92 today on a mouse) 13:05
"jesse vincent" <-- p5's Jesse vincent? 13:07
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tyil Zoffix: poke 13:42
Zoffix: in the advent article, under the "The One And Only" heading, it has a sentence "Since scalars, as the same suggests, contain just one thing… ", should "same" not be "name" there?
13:42 pmurias joined
pmurias in roast we test tan(pi/2) 13:43
is-approx tan(my num $ = Ο€/2), (sin(Ο€/2) / cos(Ο€/2)) 13:44
is tan(pi/2) something we can expect sane values for
AlexDaniel pmurias: I dunno, but fwiw python returns something similar 13:47
13:47 cdg joined
AlexDaniel and ruby too 13:49
squashable6 πŸ• jnthn++ wrote a comment on β€œMOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method”: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/12...-348693494 13:53
πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• First contribution by jnthn++! β™₯
pmurias jnthn: how should I get more than 14 digits of a floating point number in NQP? 13:54
13:54 piojo joined
jnthn pmurias: No idea, I thought the "normal" stringification of a float would include all of the available precision? 13:55
If not, maybe we should check why not.
lunch, bbiab
13:55 rindolf left
pmurias jnthn: it's set to 14 13:56
err 15 13:58
a double has ~15.9 decimal digits of precision 13:59
13:59 rindolf joined
dogbert17 pmurias: I seems to remember there being a few RT's about that. Perhaps AlexDaniel has the RT numbers in his head :) 14:00
14:03 poohman joined
pmurias the problem I have is that when emitting floating point literals I get wrong numbers 14:04
AlexDaniel down to 179 MOLD tickets \o/
pmurias what are MOLD tickets? 14:05
AlexDaniel dogbert17: no idea. RT#127184 ? 14:06
synopsebot RT#127184 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127184 [BUG] One digit short to correctly stringify a double
AlexDaniel pmurias: tickets that were not updated in more than one year or so 14:07
squashable6: status 14:08
squashable6 AlexDaniel, πŸ•πŸ• SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in β‰ˆ21 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/15ec6884b94a7088aa...1c430be6a3
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: yes, and perhaps RT #127201 as well 14:14
synopsebot RT#127201 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127201 sprintf() float precision cannot go beyond 15[efg]
AlexDaniel break & 14:23