»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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Geth doc: Kaiepi++ created pull request #1941:
Document NativeCall explicitly-manage subroutine
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Geth ecosystem/mryan-new-module: e2de21b6ee | (Martin Ryan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Added Slang-AltTernary

Playing with Slangs by adding an alternative ternary operator
05:15 mcmillhj left
Geth ecosystem: mryan++ created pull request #394:
Added Slang-AltTernary
geekosaur alt-tern-ative? 05:20
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Geth doc: 50f17e4357 | (Ben Davies)++ | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
Document NativeCall explicitly-manage subroutine
doc: 1d3855e503 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
Merge pull request #1941 from Kaiepi/explicitly-manage

Document NativeCall explicitly-manage subroutine Thanks all!
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/nativecall
06:07 mcmillhj left 06:08 domidumont left 06:09 domidumont joined 06:15 espadrine left
mryan geekosaur: I guess you could put it that way 06:17
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mryan Is someone here able to help me with getting my module into the ecosystem? 06:36
06:37 mcmillhj left
El_Che I am on the train (so connection is spotty, but shoot) 06:38
moritz mryan: if you tell us where you're stuck, we can try 06:39
mryan I was trying to follow zoffix’s instructions here: github.com/zoffixznet/perl6.party/...hursday.md 06:40
I stupidly failed to put a source_url in META6.json, so travis told me: travis-ci.org/perl6/ecosystem/builds/368478241 06:41
So, I updated META6.json, pushed to github and now …. ??
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moritz now we merge the PR 06:46
Geth ecosystem: 2a28e0fbe5 | (Martin Ryan)++ (committed by Moritz Lenz) | META.list
Added Slang-AltTernary

Playing with Slangs by adding an alternative ternary operator
moritz unfortunately travis doesn't pick up on your changes because it's in different repo 06:47
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mryan ok.. so, there’s nothing I need to do? 06:58
moritz check in two hours or so if the module shows up on modules.perl6.org 06:59
07:01 mcmillhj left
mryan Many thanks. 07:03
moritz in fact, it shows up already 07:06
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mryan \o/ How do I classify it into the ‘slang’ category 07:14
moritz mryan: you can put tags somewhere in the META6.json 07:15
docs.perl6.org/language/modules.html search for "tags"
including the quotes
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buggable New CPAN upload: List-SomeUtils-0.0.2.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/List::SomeUt...:ELIZABETH 09:18
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jkramer How would I go about implementing this in Perl 6? open PAGER, "| $ENV{PAGER}"; say PAGER rand(10000) for(1..20) 10:10
I tried it like this but it doesn't work the same way. paste.pound-python.org/raw/YjOdQHt...Hkj4GsOuT/
That is, less should be run and display whatever I write to its pipe, then when quitting less the program should continue as normal. 10:11
I also tried Proc with :in(True) and writing to $p.in, but it seems like that is blocking completely until the Proc finished, so I can't even write to its pipe after starting it, is that correct? 10:12
Oh wait I think I got it 10:14
This seems to work: paste.pound-python.org/raw/jMvBRpA...y5RZVOs4t/ 10:15
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Geth doc: 928050cb09 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/modules-core.pod6
Adds information on Installation

And, along with it, some other `CompUnit` classes in the same source file. This would do with yet another 3-figures issues, closes #502
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules-core
10:24 jmerelo joined
jkramer m: say shell('cat', :in(True)).in.WHAT 10:25
camelia shell is disallowed in restricted setting
in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1
in sub shell at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 15
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jkramer Meh
Shouldn't that be an IO::Pipe? That line above says (Pipe), which I can't find docs for
jnthn .WHAT shows the short name; use .WHO to get the full one 10:26
AlexDaniel try this: my $p = Proc::Async.new: ‘less’, :w; start { sleep 2; await $p.put: ‘hello world’; $p.close-stdin }; react { whenever $p.start { say ‘pager closed’ } }
evalable6 hello world
pager closed
AlexDaniel oh lol evalable6
jkramer jnthn: Ah thanks, silly me 10:27
AlexDaniel I added “try this:” on purpose thinking it will not compile :D
try this: say 42 10:28
evalable6 42
AlexDaniel heh
10:28 brrt joined, mcmillhj joined
AlexDaniel jkramer: so, does that work? ↑ 10:31
jkramer AlexDaniel: Oh sorry I didn't try yours, I figured out a solution with Proc: paste.pound-python.org/raw/jMvBRpA...y5RZVOs4t/ 10:32
AlexDaniel huggable: pager :is: my $p = Proc::Async.new: ‘less’, :w; start { sleep 2; await $p.put: “hello world $_” for ^50; sleep 3; $p.close-stdin }; react { whenever $p.start { say ‘pager closed’ } }
huggable AlexDaniel, Added pager as my $p = Proc::Async.new: ‘less’, :w; start { sleep 2; await $p.put: “hello world $_” for ^50; sleep 3; $p.close-stdin }; react { whenever $p.start { say ‘pager closed’ } }
jkramer Although now I'm having different proglems :)
m: IO::Pipe.new.close
camelia IO::Pipe is disallowed in restricted setting
in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1
in method new at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 32
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
jkramer Argh
brrt say, what's the perl6 way to specify a character class 10:33
jkramer That tells me "Required named parameter 'on-close' not passed" but there's no such parameter here: docs.perl6.org/type/IO::Pipe#method_close
jnthn brrt: <[0..9A..Fa..f]>
AlexDaniel jkramer: please use `run` instead of `shell` at least
jkramer: otherwise you'll have shell injection through SHELL env variable
10:34 mcmillhj left
jnthn jkramer: Are you sure it's not IO::Pipe.new's constructor that's getting unhappy? 10:34
AlexDaniel not necessarily worse than being able to point it to any other executable, but still
jkramer AlexDaniel: Yeah I know, for now I'm just trying to make it work somehow :)
jnthn I'm pretty sure just creating an IO::Pipe instance directly won't do anything useful
jkramer jnthn: That was just to reproduce the problem, the original code that causes this is: dpaste.com/37ZEW0P.txt 10:35
Aaaaaah ok 10:37
brrt thanks jnthn
jkramer No wait. Well it should be $.close, not .close. But even with that fixed I'm getting the same error
Apparently it has nothing to do with the .close call after all. -_- 10:39
Geth doc: JJ self-assigned Rules for escaping characters in enumerated character classes could be clearer github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1146
751d7c273b | (Jonas Kramer)++ | doc/Type/Any.pod6
brrt I was kind-of sceptical of perl6 grammars; having actually used them in the last week or so, they are a wonderful feature
jkramer m: class Oi { method DESTROY { say "destroyed" } }; my $x = 123; { temp $x = Oi.new; say $x }; say $x;
camelia Oi.new
jkramer Doesn't temp $x not get destroyed when it leaves the scope/gets reset to its earlier value? 10:42
timotimo it does, but only when GC runs 10:43
Altreus isn't that what happened? ;s
oh, no "destroyed" I see
jkramer Hmm, is there a different method I can use that gets run when leaving the objects scope? 10:44
timotimo you can use a LEAVE phaser or a "will leave" trait
10:45 jmerelo left 10:50 MasterDuke left
jkramer The LEAVE phaser has to be in the block, not in the object right? 10:51
10:52 wamba left
jkramer "will leave" seems to be run as soon as the variable originally leaves its original scope 10:54
11:10 zakharyas left
timotimo that's right 11:11
we don't do reference counting - which would allow timely destruction - among other things because getting good performance in a multithreaded setting is extremely hard to do if you have to modify every object you touch every time you shuffle it around in memory 11:12
jkramer Hmm so there's no way to automatically close the handle as soon as it leaves the scope? 11:20
timotimo github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-Trait-IO 11:21
see if this helps your use case
jkramer That actually looks exactly like what I need :) 11:22
Oh wait, probably not. I guess that also closes the handle in the scope where it was created? 11:23
timotimo yes, just like a LEAVE phaser 11:24
if you need a different scope, you can always declare the variable in another place from where you assign to it
not sure how auto-close deals with leaving the scope when you didn't assign to the variable yet, though
masak there's only one way to find out! :D
jkramer Well what I actually want to do is this: paste.pound-python.org/raw/9OijmFE...tQU8D2yg7/ 11:28
But I guess it's not possible without having the user taking care of stuff themseves 11:29
timotimo i would recommend having your user pass a closure to your pager sub
11:29 Actualeyes left
timotimo then you can also set $*OUT for them 11:30
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jkramer Hmm year that would be an option 11:31
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synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Any
11:40 brrt left
timotimo or you could ask the user to give a supply, which you can use in a react block and close the process/handle when it finishes 11:42
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jkramer I'll figure something out tomorrow, my head is disfunctional today :( 12:08
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Herby_ o/ 13:31
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timotimo o/ 13:31
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Herby_ timotimo: how goes it? 13:35
timotimo eh, could be better. how about you?
Herby_ trying to wake up, haven't had any coffee yet
timotimo: other than perl 6, what other languages do you enjoy working with? 13:37
are you a p5 guy by trade?
unclechu hey guys, is any compilation to javascript available for today? is there some tutorial?
timotimo i used to be a pythonista before i came over directly to perl6 13:38
knowing perl6 well tends to ruin your enjoyment of other languages :D
13:38 lizmat left
timotimo unclechu: there's perlito6 which has very limited language support, and there's the rakudo-js project that's getting better and better all the time; i think it's mostly tested with nodejs rather than in-browser code, though? 13:39
Juerd timotimo: How was your journey into timtowtdi land? 13:43
timotimo wondrous
i went from "lol perl executable line noise silly language for prehistoric coders" to "holy crap this perl 6 stuff is gold" in a manner of days 13:44
Juerd Perl 5 is pretty good too, but Perl 6 is so much fancier. 13:45
timotimo yeah, i haven't touched perl 5 yet
from the "how to get from perl 5 to perl 6" documents i don't think i actually want to touch perl 5 any time soon :P
Juerd I come from Perl 5, and still write Perl 5 for production purposes because Perl 6 doesn't fit my needs yet, but I'm patiently waiting until that happens :) 13:46
timotimo i hope you'll be able to give us regular reports on what is holding you back
Juerd Perl 5 and Python are on par, so if you know one and don't have to work with the other, it'd be a waste of time.
Memory use and sheer performance, basically. In every single one of the projects where I get to choose the language, those are vital. 13:48
araraloren And even better we can use Perl5 module in Perl6 :)
Juerd timotimo: I've taken a completely passive approach to Perl 6 because I lack time and skills to improve things myself, but I keep running my own canary to see the progress :) 13:50
Its been at 5.7 seconds for a long time though. It'll scoot ahead when someone starts working on regex performance :D
13:51 mryan left
Juerd The Perl 5 equivalent is at 0.3 seconds 13:51
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timotimo can you make public the regexes and test data you have? 13:53
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sharksoft does anybody know if there's a P6 interface to the GSL laying around somewhere? 13:54
araraloren I think we don't have one 13:57
sharksoft, instead, I recommend you using Inline::Perl5 13:58
Juerd timotimo: It is already. It's t/regex.t in github.com/Juerd/p6-mqtt
timotimo ah, mqtt
Juerd regex.t doesn't do any network stuff 13:59
timotimo that's the one that takes 5.7 seconds?
Juerd Yep
The function that converts an mqtt pattern into a regex can probably be made faster by doing that in a different way, but I'd consider using nqp or ugly index/substr scanning a form of cheating because I'd never bother with that in other code either 14:00
github.com/Juerd/p6-mqtt/blob/mast...pm#L15-L38 # definitely not the fastest implementation :)
timotimo have you tried EVAL instead of /<$regex>/? 14:09
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timotimo that seems slower somehow 14:13
ah, my moar was unoptimized 14:14
4.9s instead of 5.6s; not as much as i had hoped 14:16
the profiler is extraordinarily unhappy with this code :| 14:22
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mspo is anyone working on istrumenting traces for moarvm via eBPF? 14:25
I think they would be similar to being DTrace friendly
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moritz maybe ask in #moarvm? 14:33
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gtodd is big-oh notation uhh something developers do all the time - like in heir sleep? 15:48
moritz I do a rough Big-o estimtion of code as I'm writing it 15:50
gtodd I mean I get the idea of "decomposing" an algorithm into some kind of simpler notation for assessing its efficiency but it sometimes seems like something computer science degrees like to do for other reasons
sort of like lawyers tossing out a bit of Latin :-D 15:51
moritz when I'm writing nested loops, I ask myself how big the input lists are, and like, for two nested loops, if they are likely to be larger than 100 or so, I might start to worry 15:52
when the levels are thre, I worry earlier
gtodd moritz: ok ... so I just think of it as a way of imagining/estimating different algorithmic approaches to some problem ... I mostly get it wrong but things work out anyway :)
moritz etc
gtodd ok 15:53
I mean O(k) 15:54
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ufobat_ i am about to release github.com/ufobat/p6-I18N-LangTags on cpan, updating the POD is my last todo, i think. I am looking for some feedback :) 15:55
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Herby_ ufobat_: I'm not too familiar with the topic but the library looks great from the point of a layman :) 16:05
Only bit of feedback I have is to toss in an Installation blurb, for those new to perl 6
ufobat_ Herby_, you mean how to install the module should be part of the POD / README.md ? 16:08
lizmat ufobat_: I created a PR :-)
Herby_ ufobat_: yep!
ufobat_ lizmat, that was manwars job ;-p but thank you! 16:09
Herby_, i dont know, most modules dont contain information about the installation, i think. what do you think about that jmerelo 16:10
Herby_ ufobat_: i was just thinking a simple: zef install I18N::LangTags 16:11
a lot of the older modules still have installation instructions using pandas
ufobat_ it woudn't hurt, right? :-)
Herby_ for rookies like me, explicit usually beats implicit :) 16:13
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jmerelo ufobat_: sorry, lost me here. What's the context? 17:03
If you are talking about describing CompUnit::Repository::Installation I just pushed this small description this morning docs.perl6.org/language/modules-co...classes%29 17:05
CompUnit (rakudo classes) is also now in the index
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Herby_ jmerelo: the context was regarding feedback to put a "how to install this module" blurb in his README.md 17:28
something along the lines of: zef install <module-name> 17:29
I suggested that because there are some older p6 modules floating about with installation instructions for pandas, and I figured it would avoid confusion for newcomers
My first p6 module is just about ready to upload and be added to the ecosystem 17:36
is there a good set of instructions aimed at beginners to accomplish this? 17:37
a google search sends me to this page, which basically states this method will be deprecated: docs.perl6.org/language/modules#Up...ule_to_p6c
i'm a dummy, disregard the above... 17:38
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jmerelo Herby_: no, it's not going to be deprecated. That should have been fixed. It's basically doing a PR to add your module to the list. It undergoes some checks, we accept the PR, and that's it. 17:49
Just give it a go, I'll give you a hand in the PR review if needed.
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Herby_ jmerelo: sounds good, thanks! 17:51
jmerelo Herby_: Zoffix had removed some false information on deprecation, but apparently not all. I'll remove that. Thanks for letting me know. 17:52
Geth doc: 4ba024e9ae | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Removed deprecation notice for p6c
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
jmerelo Herby_: I also added something like that the other day. Let me check... 17:57
Yep, here docs.perl6.org/language/modules#Lo...g_modules.
Herby_: that was done in the last few days, so if you looked before that it wasn't there... 17:58
Herby_: let me know if it's OK or more is needed.
Herby_ jmerelo: will do
jmerelo Herby_: thanks :-) 18:00
ufobat_ jmerelo, do you considder linking to docs.perl6.org/language/modules#Lo...g_modules. better then adding a small "do a zef install my::Module" to the readme.md of a module? 18:05
ufobat_ is having a sushi overdose :D
jmerelo ufobat_: no, of course not. But there was no such thing on the modules doc, so I just added it.
ufobat_: anyway, it's the module's author call. It's her repository and module, after all :-) 18:07
El_Che jmerelo: the modules that are needed to test doc, you you always need to last version, or is the version released at rakudo monthly release date ok? 18:08
jmerelo El_Che: the second.
El_Che do you have a list of the needed modules handy?
jmerelo El_Che: they are in the META6.json file 18:09
El_Che of what?
jmerelo El_Che: of perl6/doc
El_Che thx 18:10
Geth doc: Grinnz++ created pull request #1942:
Fix modules link
18:12 Ven`` joined
Geth doc: 3e2c12e2d8 | (Dan Book)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Fix modules link
doc: bc912a3843 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/modules.pod6
Merge pull request #1942 from Grinnz/patch-1

Fix modules link That was one dumb error (mine). Thanks for fixing it!
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/modules
Herby_ dir 18:16
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ufobat_ jmerelo, aye :-) 18:22
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El_Che oh jmerelo is gone 18:55
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comborico1611 m: my $dashes = "+ ", "- " x 4, "+"; $dashes; 19:22
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $dashes in sink context (line 1)
Useless use of constant string "+" in sink context (lines 1, 1)
Useless use of "x" in expression "\"- \" x 4" in sink context (line 1)
comborico1611 Anyways. I'm wondering why REPL only prints + when $dashes entered. 19:23
19:23 zakharyas joined
geekosaur I think those warnings told you 19:25
$dashes got the "+ ", the rest dropped out
El_Che mmy $dashes = "+ " ~ "- " x 4, "+"; $dashes; 19:26
m: my $dashes = "+ " ~ "- " x 4, "+"; $dashes;
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of $dashes in sink context (line 1)
Useless use of constant string "+" in sink context (lines 1, 1)
El_Che m: my $dashes = "+ " ~ "- " x 4, "+"; say $dashes;
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
+ - - - -
Useless use of constant string "+" in sink context (lines 1, 1)
comborico1611 For some reason I didn't get an error in my REPL. Some typo or something I don't understand. 19:27
geekosaur you are trying to assign three things to one variable. two of them go nowhere 19:34
my <listthing> = <listthing>
timotimo the repl prints the result of the whole statement; your statement parenthesizes to be equivalent to (my $dashes = "+"), "- " x 4, "+" 19:35
so when the repl prints it, you get the content of dashes, followed by four dashes and finally a +
comborico1611 timotimo: I see!
So would parens be the solution to wrap them all under $dashes? 19:36
Eh. I'll figure it out. 19:37
Thanks for the responses!
~ the book told me : -( 19:41
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bazzaar o/ perl6 19:50
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Herby_ \o 19:52
bazzaar I've taken an objective look at the new rakudo.org website, I like it very much, however I have a list of modifications that I feel could improve it. I'm wondering how best to convey this feedback. 19:55
moritz start by not labeling your opinion "objective" :-) 19:56
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bazzaar moritz: well it was objective for me, I wasn't trying to cast any aspertions by that 19:57
MasterDuke bazzaar: probably opening an issue here github.com/perl6/rakudo.org 19:58
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bazzaar MasterDuke: thanks for the link, I will do that. As with a lot of these visual types of things, I was thinking a conversation might be the easiest way. 20:01
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El_Che "well it was objective for me" is a contradiction in terminis :) 20:03
bazzaar: if you want to discuss it with the webdev, zoffix is often around 20:04
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El_Che bazzaar: otherwise you could comment on the ticket of the migration 20:04
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El_Che bazzaar: actually, if you type Zoffix 3 times in a row he shows up 20:05
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bazzaar El_Che: thanks for the advice (and for the genie-like command :-)) 20:07
El_Che there you go :)
Zoffix bazzaar: what was it? 20:09
bazzaar: "objective" means something that isn't influenced by your tastes and opinions. I think you meant "subjective" :)
El_Che I think he rather meant "dettached" 20:10
bazzaar Zoffix: I just worked through the pages of the rakudo.org and have some suggestions
I'm a slow typer, guys
Zoffix typist :)
Sure, go ahead with your suggestions. 20:11
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bazzaar ok, ok :-) 20:11
El_Che bazzaar: I am watching rakudo tests on travis. I am sure you're faster :)
bazzaar haha
phdphil p6: "Aab"
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant string "Aab" in sink context (line 1)
phdphil p6: "Aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/
camelia ( no output )
bazzaar Zoffix: here? 20:12
phdphil p6: ?"Aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/
camelia ( no output )
phdphil p6: ?"aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/
Zoffix bazzaar: I guess
camelia ( no output )
phdphil p6: ?("aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/)
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "?" in expression "?(\"aab\"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\\d/)" in sink context (line 1)
Zoffix phdphil: you need a `put` or `say` or something that emits some output
phdphil p6: say ?("aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/) 20:13
camelia True
phdphil p6: say ?("Aab"~~m:i/(.).*$0|\d/)
camelia False
phdphil At last
20:13 vcv left
phdphil Failing to understand why those two have different results, in a case-insensitive match? 20:13
bazzaar ok, home page : insert "Rakudo Perl6" after the japanese symbol in the menu bar, that way it's in the heading of each page 20:14
home page: Remove the word "Compiler"
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bazzaar how am I doing? 20:15
Zoffix poorly
bazzaar ok, if I may I'll carry on 20:16
El_Che he has a point
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El_Che it's not because it's a comiler that it has to be in the title 20:16
geekosaur phdphil, because $0 means "match the exact same string", not "try to figure out what regex it would represent and match that"
Zoffix I saw no arguments for those proposals. Why do those things? 20:17
bazzaar menu bar: change Posts to News, Files to Download, Bugs to Feedback, People to Community
I'm only trying to help 20:18
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phdphil @geekosaur: How then to do a case insensitive match for something like A...a? Or is the only option to normalise case first? 20:19
bazzaar Posts (News) page: change Posts to News in page body
Zoffix phdphil: looks like a bug; at least Perl 5 matches as you expect it to. I filed a bug; maybe moritz++ would know better what's going on: R#1749
synopsebot R#1749 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1749 [regex] :i is ignored when matching capture
[Coke] p6: say ?("Aab"~~m:i/(.).*{lc $0}\d/) 20:20
camelia False
phdphil Thank you, much appreciated
[Coke] p6: say ?("Aab"~~m:i/(.).*{uc $0}\d/)
camelia False
timotimo [Coke]: { } doesn't do any matching on its "return value", it only runs code
bazzaar: i think zoffix will want not only a suggestion, but also a rationale for a proposed change 20:21
japhb bazzaar: Don't forget to explain *why* you think these are important changes.
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bazzaar Posts (News) page: in the release announcement docs, the first paragraph has a link that takes the reader to the old files page, maybe change the link 20:21
Zoffix bazzaar: write those down in an Issue github.com/perl6/rakudo.org/issues/new and explain why you want those changes. "Remove compiler": well, ok, why should it be removed when it's exactly that? For menu items, as I recall, longer versions made the nav too wide on smallers screens. 20:22
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bazzaar Zoffix : ok I'll do that, my rationale is purely to make it as user-friendly and internally consistent as possible, whilst pushing Rakudo Star to the fore. 20:25
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phdphil p6: say log(1000,10) 20:32
camelia 2.9999999999999996
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El_Che bazzaar: thx for the input. I think an issue is the way to go so other people can comment 20:34
bazzaar El_Che: thanks to everyone for their input, I can see that a collaborative way is best, it's just I don't have much experience with that. I am just about to create the ticket. 20:37
El_Che bazzaar: no, thank you. It's the way forward 20:39
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Zoffix phdphil: filed that one as R#1750 It's just doing log_e(1000)/log_e(10) and probably can be improved, as I don't see that precision noise in C/Perl 5. 20:49
synopsebot R#1750 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1750 [math] &log10(x) is just a log_e(x)/log_e(10)
Zoffix phdphil: if you spot any more such things, just file a new Issue: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/new I don't think this channel is monitored by devs 24/7, so some of the stuff you find might get missed. 20:50
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Zoffix Oh, I filed the log10. I guess log(1000, 10) is meant to produce that answer :P 20:53
yeah 20:54
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phdphil @Zoffix: Cheers! 21:03
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pmurias unclechu: I'm working on the js backend, it passes a lot of tests on node.js but it's not really usable for running inside the browser just yet 21:07
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pmurias unclechu: I plan on switching to making it usable for playing around with very soon (that includes a tutorial) 21:08
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timotimo <3 21:09
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bazzaar hi, for anyone who was following the rakudo.org discussion earlier, I posted this issue github.com/perl6/rakudo.org/issues/7 22:11
El_Che \o/ 22:12
Herby_ bazzaar++
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Zoffix (FWIW, I'm gonna sit bazzaar's issue out; if anyone else wants to take care of it) 22:33
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